Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
21 :
22 : #include "pdfioutdev_gpl.hxx"
23 : #ifdef WNT
24 : # include <io.h>
25 : # include <fcntl.h> /*_O_BINARY*/
26 : #endif
27 :
28 6 : FILE* g_binary_out=stderr;
29 :
30 : static const char *ownerPassword = "\001";
31 : static const char *userPassword = "\001";
32 : static const char *outputFile = "\001";
33 :
34 6 : int main(int argc, char **argv)
35 : {
36 6 : int k = 0;
37 30 : while (k < argc)
38 : {
39 18 : if (!strcmp(argv[k], "-f"))
40 : {
41 0 : outputFile = argv[k+1];
42 0 : argc -= 2;
43 0 : for (int j = k; j < argc; ++j)
44 0 : argv[j] = argv[j+2];
45 : }
46 18 : else if (!strcmp(argv[k], "-opw"))
47 : {
48 0 : ownerPassword = argv[k+1];
49 0 : argc -= 2;
50 0 : for (int j = k; j < argc; ++j)
51 0 : argv[j] = argv[j+2];
52 : }
53 18 : else if (!strcmp(argv[k], "-upw"))
54 : {
55 0 : userPassword = argv[k+1];
56 0 : argc -= 2;
57 0 : for (int j = k; j < argc; ++j)
58 0 : argv[j] = argv[j+2];
59 : }
60 18 : ++k;
61 : }
62 :
63 6 : if( argc != 3 )
64 0 : return 1;
65 :
66 : // read config file
67 6 : globalParams = new GlobalParams();
68 6 : globalParams->setErrQuiet(gTrue);
69 : #if defined(_MSC_VER)
70 : globalParams->setupBaseFonts(NULL);
71 : #endif
72 :
73 : // try to read a possible open password form stdin
74 : char aPwBuf[129];
75 6 : aPwBuf[128] = 0;
76 6 : if( ! fgets( aPwBuf, sizeof(aPwBuf)-1, stdin ) )
77 0 : aPwBuf[0] = 0; // mark as empty
78 : else
79 : {
80 6 : for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(aPwBuf); i++ )
81 : {
82 6 : if( aPwBuf[i] == '\n' )
83 : {
84 6 : aPwBuf[i] = 0;
85 6 : break;
86 : }
87 : }
88 : }
89 :
90 : // PDFDoc takes over ownership for all strings below
91 6 : GooString* pFileName = new GooString(argv[1]);
92 6 : GooString* pErrFileName = new GooString(argv[2]);
93 :
94 : // check for password string(s)
95 6 : GooString* pOwnerPasswordStr( aPwBuf[0] != 0
96 0 : ? new GooString( aPwBuf )
97 6 : : (ownerPassword[0] != '\001'
98 0 : ? new GooString(ownerPassword)
99 12 : : (GooString *)NULL ) );
100 6 : GooString* pUserPasswordStr( userPassword[0] != '\001'
101 0 : ? new GooString(userPassword)
102 6 : : (GooString *)NULL );
103 6 : if( outputFile[0] != '\001' )
104 0 : g_binary_out = fopen(outputFile,"wb");
105 :
106 : #ifdef WNT
107 : // Win actually modifies output for O_TEXT file mode, so need to
108 : // revert to binary here
109 : _setmode( _fileno( g_binary_out ), _O_BINARY );
110 : #endif
111 :
112 : PDFDoc aDoc( pFileName,
113 : pOwnerPasswordStr,
114 6 : pUserPasswordStr );
115 :
116 : PDFDoc aErrDoc( pErrFileName,
117 : pOwnerPasswordStr,
118 12 : pUserPasswordStr );
119 :
120 :
121 : // Check various permissions.
122 6 : if ( !aDoc.isOk() )
123 : {
124 0 : pdfi::PDFOutDev* pOutDev( new pdfi::PDFOutDev(&aErrDoc) );
125 :
126 0 : const int nPages = aErrDoc.isOk() ? aErrDoc.getNumPages() : 0;
127 :
128 : // tell receiver early - needed for proper progress calculation
129 0 : pOutDev->setPageNum( nPages );
130 :
131 : // virtual resolution of the PDF OutputDev in dpi
132 : static const int PDFI_OUTDEV_RESOLUTION=7200;
133 :
134 : // do the conversion
135 0 : for( int i=1; i<=nPages; ++i )
136 : {
137 : aErrDoc.displayPage( pOutDev,
138 : i,
141 0 : 0, gTrue, gTrue, gTrue );
142 0 : aErrDoc.processLinks( pOutDev, i );
143 : }
144 : }
145 : else
146 : {
147 6 : boost::scoped_ptr<pdfi::PDFOutDev> pOutDev( new pdfi::PDFOutDev(&aDoc) );
148 :
149 : // tell receiver early - needed for proper progress calculation
150 6 : pOutDev->setPageNum( aDoc.getNumPages() );
151 :
152 : // virtual resolution of the PDF OutputDev in dpi
153 : static const int PDFI_OUTDEV_RESOLUTION=7200;
154 :
155 : // do the conversion
156 6 : const int nPages = aDoc.getNumPages();
157 12 : for( int i=1; i<=nPages; ++i )
158 : {
159 6 : aDoc.displayPage( pOutDev.get(),
160 : i,
163 6 : 0, gTrue, gTrue, gTrue );
164 6 : aDoc.processLinks( pOutDev.get(), i );
165 6 : }
166 : }
167 12 : return 0;
168 18 : }
169 :
170 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */