Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include <config_features.h>
21 :
22 : #include <svl/stritem.hxx>
23 : #include <svl/eitem.hxx>
24 : #include <svl/whiter.hxx>
25 : #include <vcl/layout.hxx>
26 : #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
27 : #include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>
28 : #include <svl/intitem.hxx>
29 : #include <svtools/sfxecode.hxx>
30 : #include <svtools/ehdl.hxx>
31 : #include <com/sun/star/frame/XLayoutManager.hpp>
32 : #include <com/sun/star/frame/ModuleManager.hpp>
33 : #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
34 : #include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp>
35 : #include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedMisc.hpp>
36 : #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainerQuery.hpp>
37 : #include <com/sun/star/frame/XStorable.hpp>
38 : #include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/clipboard/XClipboard.hpp>
39 : #include <com/sun/star/frame/theUICommandDescription.hpp>
40 : #include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
41 :
42 : #include <osl/file.hxx>
43 : #include <osl/mutex.hxx>
44 : #include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
45 : #include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
46 : #include <unotools/pathoptions.hxx>
47 : #include <svtools/miscopt.hxx>
48 : #include <svtools/soerr.hxx>
49 : #include <svtools/embedhlp.hxx>
50 :
51 : #include <basic/basmgr.hxx>
52 : #include <basic/sbuno.hxx>
53 : #include <framework/actiontriggerhelper.hxx>
54 : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
55 : #include <comphelper/sequenceashashmap.hxx>
56 : #include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
57 : #include <vcl/settings.hxx>
58 :
59 : #include <sfx2/app.hxx>
60 : #include "view.hrc"
61 : #include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
62 : #include "viewimp.hxx"
63 : #include <sfx2/sfxresid.hxx>
64 : #include <sfx2/request.hxx>
65 : #include <sfx2/templdlg.hxx>
66 : #include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
67 : #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
68 : #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
69 : #include "arrdecl.hxx"
70 : #include <sfx2/docfac.hxx>
71 : #include "sfxlocal.hrc"
72 : #include <sfx2/sfxbasecontroller.hxx>
73 : #include <sfx2/mailmodelapi.hxx>
74 : #include "bluthsndapi.hxx"
75 : #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
76 : #include <sfx2/event.hxx>
77 : #include <sfx2/fcontnr.hxx>
78 : #include <sfx2/ipclient.hxx>
79 : #include "workwin.hxx"
80 : #include <sfx2/objface.hxx>
81 : #include <sfx2/docfilt.hxx>
82 : #include "openuriexternally.hxx"
83 :
84 : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
85 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
86 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
87 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
88 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
89 : using namespace ::cppu;
90 :
91 : #define SfxViewShell
92 : #include "sfxslots.hxx"
93 :
94 :
95 :
96 : class SfxClipboardChangeListener : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1<
97 : datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener >
98 : {
99 : public:
100 : SfxClipboardChangeListener( SfxViewShell* pView, const uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier >& xClpbrdNtfr );
101 : virtual ~SfxClipboardChangeListener();
102 :
103 : // XEventListener
104 : virtual void SAL_CALL disposing( const lang::EventObject& rEventObject )
105 : throw ( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
106 :
107 : // XClipboardListener
108 : virtual void SAL_CALL changedContents( const datatransfer::clipboard::ClipboardEvent& rEventObject )
109 : throw ( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
110 :
111 10772 : void DisconnectViewShell() { m_pViewShell = NULL; }
112 : void ChangedContents();
113 :
114 : enum AsyncExecuteCmd
115 : {
118 : };
119 :
120 5210 : struct AsyncExecuteInfo
121 : {
122 5566 : AsyncExecuteInfo( AsyncExecuteCmd eCmd, uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener > xThis, SfxClipboardChangeListener* pListener ) :
123 5566 : m_eCmd( eCmd ), m_xThis( xThis ), m_pListener( pListener ) {}
124 :
125 : AsyncExecuteCmd m_eCmd;
126 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener > m_xThis;
127 : SfxClipboardChangeListener* m_pListener;
128 : };
129 :
130 : private:
131 : SfxViewShell* m_pViewShell;
132 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier > m_xClpbrdNtfr;
133 : uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > m_xCtrl;
134 :
135 : DECL_STATIC_LINK( SfxClipboardChangeListener, AsyncExecuteHdl_Impl, AsyncExecuteInfo* );
136 : };
137 :
138 5566 : SfxClipboardChangeListener::SfxClipboardChangeListener( SfxViewShell* pView, const uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier >& xClpbrdNtfr )
139 5566 : : m_pViewShell( 0 ), m_xClpbrdNtfr( xClpbrdNtfr )
140 : {
141 5566 : m_xCtrl = uno::Reference < lang::XComponent >( pView->GetController(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
142 5566 : if ( )
143 : {
144 5566 : m_xCtrl->addEventListener( uno::Reference < lang::XEventListener > ( static_cast < lang::XEventListener* >( this ) ) );
145 5566 : m_pViewShell = pView;
146 : }
147 5566 : if ( )
148 : {
149 1646 : m_xClpbrdNtfr->addClipboardListener( uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener >(
150 1646 : static_cast< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener* >( this )));
151 : }
152 5566 : }
153 :
154 10416 : SfxClipboardChangeListener::~SfxClipboardChangeListener()
155 : {
156 10416 : }
157 :
158 2 : void SfxClipboardChangeListener::ChangedContents()
159 : {
160 2 : const SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
161 2 : if( m_pViewShell )
162 : {
163 0 : SfxBindings& rBind = m_pViewShell->GetViewFrame()->GetBindings();
164 0 : rBind.Invalidate( SID_PASTE );
165 0 : rBind.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_SPECIAL );
166 0 : rBind.Invalidate( SID_CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ITEMS );
167 2 : }
168 2 : }
169 :
170 10420 : IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOINSTANCE( SfxClipboardChangeListener, AsyncExecuteHdl_Impl, AsyncExecuteInfo*, pAsyncExecuteInfo )
171 : {
172 5210 : if ( pAsyncExecuteInfo )
173 : {
174 5210 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener > xThis( pAsyncExecuteInfo->m_xThis );
175 5210 : if ( pAsyncExecuteInfo->m_pListener )
176 : {
177 5210 : if ( pAsyncExecuteInfo->m_eCmd == ASYNCEXECUTE_CMD_DISPOSING )
178 5208 : pAsyncExecuteInfo->m_pListener->DisconnectViewShell();
179 2 : else if ( pAsyncExecuteInfo->m_eCmd == ASYNCEXECUTE_CMD_CHANGEDCONTENTS )
180 2 : pAsyncExecuteInfo->m_pListener->ChangedContents();
181 5210 : }
182 : }
183 5210 : delete pAsyncExecuteInfo;
184 :
185 5210 : return 0;
186 : }
187 :
188 5564 : void SAL_CALL SfxClipboardChangeListener::disposing( const lang::EventObject& /*rEventObject*/ )
189 : throw ( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
190 : {
191 : // Either clipboard or ViewShell is going to be destroyed -> no interest in listening anymore
192 5564 : uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > xCtrl( m_xCtrl );
193 11128 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier > xNotify( m_xClpbrdNtfr );
194 :
195 11128 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener > xThis( static_cast< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener* >( this ));
196 5564 : if ( )
197 5564 : xCtrl->removeEventListener( uno::Reference < lang::XEventListener > ( static_cast < lang::XEventListener* >( this )));
198 5564 : if ( )
199 1644 : xNotify->removeClipboardListener( xThis );
200 :
201 : // Make asynchronous call to avoid locking SolarMutex which is the
202 : // root for many deadlocks, especially in conjunction with the "Windows"
203 : // based single thread apartment clipboard code!
204 5564 : AsyncExecuteInfo* pInfo = new AsyncExecuteInfo( ASYNCEXECUTE_CMD_DISPOSING, xThis, this );
205 11128 : Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( 0, SfxClipboardChangeListener, AsyncExecuteHdl_Impl ), pInfo );
206 5564 : }
207 :
208 2 : void SAL_CALL SfxClipboardChangeListener::changedContents( const datatransfer::clipboard::ClipboardEvent& )
209 : throw ( RuntimeException, std::exception )
210 : {
211 : // Make asynchronous call to avoid locking SolarMutex which is the
212 : // root for many deadlocks, especially in conjunction with the "Windows"
213 : // based single thread apartment clipboard code!
214 2 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener > xThis( static_cast< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener* >( this ));
215 2 : AsyncExecuteInfo* pInfo = new AsyncExecuteInfo( ASYNCEXECUTE_CMD_CHANGEDCONTENTS, xThis, this );
216 2 : Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( 0, SfxClipboardChangeListener, AsyncExecuteHdl_Impl ), pInfo );
217 2 : }
218 :
219 :
220 :
221 1562 : static OUString RetrieveLabelFromCommand(
222 : const OUString& rCommandURL,
223 : const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& rFrame )
224 : {
225 1562 : static css::uno::WeakReference< frame::XModuleManager2 > s_xModuleManager;
226 1562 : static css::uno::WeakReference< container::XNameAccess > s_xNameAccess;
227 :
228 1562 : OUString aLabel;
229 3124 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModuleManager2 > xModuleManager( s_xModuleManager );
230 3124 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xNameAccess( s_xNameAccess );
231 3124 : css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
232 :
233 : try
234 : {
235 1562 : if ( ! )
236 : {
237 54 : xModuleManager = css::frame::ModuleManager::create(xContext);
238 54 : s_xModuleManager = xModuleManager;
239 : }
240 :
241 1562 : OUString aModuleIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( rFrame );
242 :
243 1562 : if ( ! )
244 : {
245 108 : xNameAccess = css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess >(
246 : css::frame::theUICommandDescription::get(xContext),
247 54 : css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
248 54 : s_xNameAccess = xNameAccess;
249 : }
250 :
251 3124 : css::uno::Any a = xNameAccess->getByName( aModuleIdentifier );
252 3124 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xUICommands;
253 1562 : a >>= xUICommands;
254 :
255 3124 : OUString aStr;
256 3124 : css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aPropSeq;
257 :
258 1562 : a = xUICommands->getByName( rCommandURL );
259 1562 : if ( a >>= aPropSeq )
260 : {
261 1562 : for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aPropSeq.getLength(); i++ )
262 : {
263 1562 : if ( aPropSeq[i].Name == "Label" )
264 : {
265 1562 : aPropSeq[i].Value >>= aStr;
266 1562 : break;
267 : }
268 : }
269 1562 : aLabel = aStr;
270 1562 : }
271 : }
272 0 : catch (const css::uno::Exception&)
273 : {
274 : }
275 :
276 3124 : return aLabel;
277 : }
278 :
279 :
280 5524 : SfxViewShell_Impl::SfxViewShell_Impl(sal_uInt16 const nFlags)
281 : : aInterceptorContainer( aMutex )
282 : , m_bControllerSet(false)
283 : , m_nPrinterLocks(0)
284 5524 : , m_bCanPrint(SFX_VIEW_CAN_PRINT == (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_CAN_PRINT))
285 : , m_bHasPrintOptions(
287 : , m_bPlugInsActive(true)
288 5524 : , m_bIsShowView(SFX_VIEW_NO_SHOW != (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_NO_SHOW))
289 : , m_bGotOwnership(false)
290 : , m_bGotFrameOwnership(false)
291 : , m_nFamily(0xFFFF) // undefined, default set by TemplateDialog
292 22096 : , m_pController(0)
293 5524 : {}
294 :
295 5698 : SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(SfxViewShell,SfxShell,SfxResId(0))
296 :
297 303 : void SfxViewShell::InitInterface_Impl()
298 : {
299 303 : }
300 :
301 100114 : TYPEINIT2(SfxViewShell,SfxShell,SfxListener);
302 :
303 : /** search for a filter name dependent on type and module
304 : */
305 0 : static OUString impl_retrieveFilterNameFromTypeAndModule(
306 : const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XContainerQuery >& rContainerQuery,
307 : const OUString& rType,
308 : const OUString& rModuleIdentifier,
309 : const sal_Int32 nFlags )
310 : {
311 : // Retrieve filter from type
312 0 : css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > aQuery( 2 );
313 0 : aQuery[0].Name = "Type";
314 0 : aQuery[0].Value = css::uno::makeAny( rType );
315 0 : aQuery[1].Name = "DocumentService";
316 0 : aQuery[1].Value = css::uno::makeAny( rModuleIdentifier );
317 :
318 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XEnumeration > xEnumeration =
319 0 : rContainerQuery->createSubSetEnumerationByProperties( aQuery );
320 :
321 0 : OUString aFoundFilterName;
322 0 : while ( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() )
323 : {
324 0 : ::comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap aFilterPropsHM( xEnumeration->nextElement() );
325 : OUString aFilterName = aFilterPropsHM.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(
326 : OUString("Name"),
327 0 : OUString() );
328 :
329 : sal_Int32 nFilterFlags = aFilterPropsHM.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(
330 : OUString("Flags"),
331 0 : sal_Int32( 0 ) );
332 :
333 0 : if ( nFilterFlags & nFlags )
334 : {
335 0 : aFoundFilterName = aFilterName;
336 0 : break;
337 : }
338 0 : }
339 :
340 0 : return aFoundFilterName;
341 : }
342 :
343 :
344 : /** search for an internal typename, which map to the current app module
345 : and map also to a "family" of file formats as e.g. PDF/MS Doc/OOo Doc.
346 : */
347 : enum ETypeFamily
348 : {
349 : E_MS_DOC,
350 : E_OOO_DOC
351 : };
352 :
353 0 : OUString impl_searchFormatTypeForApp(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& xFrame ,
354 : ETypeFamily eTypeFamily)
355 : {
356 : try
357 : {
358 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > xContext (::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
359 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModuleManager2 > xModuleManager(css::frame::ModuleManager::create(xContext));
360 :
361 0 : OUString sModule = xModuleManager->identify(xFrame);
362 0 : OUString sType ;
363 :
364 0 : switch(eTypeFamily)
365 : {
366 : case E_MS_DOC:
367 : {
368 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
369 0 : sType = "writer_MS_Word_97";
370 : else
371 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
372 0 : sType = "calc_MS_Excel_97";
373 : else
374 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
375 0 : sType = "impress_MS_PowerPoint_97";
376 : else
377 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
378 0 : sType = "impress_MS_PowerPoint_97";
379 : }
380 0 : break;
381 :
382 : case E_OOO_DOC:
383 : {
384 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
385 0 : sType = "writer8";
386 : else
387 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
388 0 : sType = "calc8";
389 : else
390 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
391 0 : sType = "draw8";
392 : else
393 0 : if ( sModule == "" )
394 0 : sType = "impress8";
395 : }
396 0 : break;
397 : }
398 :
399 0 : return sType;
400 : }
401 0 : catch (const css::uno::RuntimeException&)
402 : {
403 0 : throw;
404 : }
405 0 : catch (const css::uno::Exception&)
406 : {
407 : }
408 :
409 0 : return OUString();
410 : }
411 :
412 :
413 :
414 20 : void SfxViewShell::IPClientGone_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient )
415 : {
416 20 : SfxInPlaceClientList* pClientList = GetIPClientList_Impl(true);
417 :
418 20 : for( SfxInPlaceClientList::iterator it = pClientList->begin(); it != pClientList->end(); ++it )
419 : {
420 20 : if ( *it == pIPClient )
421 : {
422 20 : pClientList->erase( it );
423 20 : break;
424 : }
425 : }
426 20 : }
427 :
428 :
429 :
430 :
431 :
432 0 : void SfxViewShell::ExecMisc_Impl( SfxRequest &rReq )
433 : {
434 0 : const sal_uInt16 nId = rReq.GetSlot();
435 0 : switch( nId )
436 : {
437 : case SID_STYLE_FAMILY :
438 : {
439 0 : SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pItem, SfxUInt16Item, nId, false);
440 0 : if (pItem)
441 : {
442 0 : pImp->m_nFamily = pItem->GetValue();
443 : }
444 0 : break;
445 : }
447 : {
448 : uno::Reference< frame::XFrame > xFrame(
449 0 : GetViewFrame()->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(),
450 0 : uno::UNO_QUERY);
451 :
452 0 : Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xFrame, UNO_QUERY );
453 0 : Reference< frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager;
454 0 : if ( )
455 : {
456 : try
457 : {
458 0 : Any aValue = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayoutManager");
459 0 : aValue >>= xLayoutManager;
460 0 : if ( )
461 : {
462 0 : OUString aTextResString( "private:resource/toolbar/textobjectbar" );
463 0 : uno::Reference< ui::XUIElement > xElement = xLayoutManager->getElement( aTextResString );
464 0 : if(!
465 : {
466 0 : OUString aFrameResString( "private:resource/toolbar/frameobjectbar" );
467 0 : xElement = xLayoutManager->getElement( aFrameResString );
468 : }
469 0 : if(!
470 : {
471 0 : OUString aOleResString( "private:resource/toolbar/oleobjectbar" );
472 0 : xElement = xLayoutManager->getElement( aOleResString );
473 : }
474 0 : if(
475 : {
476 0 : uno::Reference< awt::XWindow > xWin( xElement->getRealInterface(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
477 0 : vcl::Window* pWin = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWin );
478 0 : ToolBox* pTextToolbox = dynamic_cast< ToolBox* >( pWin );
479 0 : if( pTextToolbox )
480 : {
481 0 : sal_uInt16 nItemCount = pTextToolbox->GetItemCount();
482 0 : for( sal_uInt16 nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; ++nItem )
483 : {
484 0 : sal_uInt16 nItemId = pTextToolbox->GetItemId( nItem );
485 0 : const OUString& rCommand = pTextToolbox->GetItemCommand( nItemId );
486 0 : if (rCommand == ".uno:StyleApply")
487 : {
488 0 : vcl::Window* pItemWin = pTextToolbox->GetItemWindow( nItemId );
489 0 : if( pItemWin )
490 0 : pItemWin->GrabFocus();
491 0 : break;
492 : }
493 0 : }
494 0 : }
495 0 : }
496 0 : }
497 : }
498 0 : catch (const Exception&)
499 : {
500 : }
501 : }
502 0 : rReq.Done();
503 : }
504 0 : break;
505 : // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
506 :
510 : case SID_MAIL_SENDDOC:
512 : {
513 0 : SfxObjectShell* pDoc = GetObjectShell();
514 0 : if ( pDoc && pDoc->QueryHiddenInformation(
515 0 : WhenSaving, &GetViewFrame()->GetWindow() ) != RET_YES )
516 0 : break;
517 :
518 :
519 0 : SfxMailModel aModel;
520 0 : OUString aDocType;
521 :
522 0 : SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pMailSubject, SfxStringItem, SID_MAIL_SUBJECT, false );
523 0 : if ( pMailSubject )
524 0 : aModel.SetSubject( pMailSubject->GetValue() );
525 :
526 0 : SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pMailRecipient, SfxStringItem, SID_MAIL_RECIPIENT, false );
527 0 : if ( pMailRecipient )
528 : {
529 0 : OUString aRecipient( pMailRecipient->GetValue() );
530 0 : OUString aMailToStr("mailto:");
531 :
532 0 : if ( aRecipient.startsWith( aMailToStr ) )
533 0 : aRecipient = aRecipient.copy( aMailToStr.getLength() );
534 0 : aModel.AddAddress( aRecipient, SfxMailModel::ROLE_TO );
535 : }
536 0 : SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pMailDocType, SfxStringItem, SID_TYPE_NAME, false );
537 0 : if ( pMailDocType )
538 0 : aDocType = pMailDocType->GetValue();
539 :
540 0 : uno::Reference < frame::XFrame > xFrame( pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface() );
541 0 : SfxMailModel::SendMailResult eResult = SfxMailModel::SEND_MAIL_ERROR;
542 :
543 0 : if ( nId == SID_MAIL_SENDDOC )
544 0 : eResult = aModel.SaveAndSend( xFrame, OUString() );
545 0 : else if ( nId == SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASPDF )
546 0 : eResult = aModel.SaveAndSend( xFrame, OUString( "pdf_Portable_Document_Format" ));
547 0 : else if ( nId == SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASMS )
548 : {
549 0 : aDocType = impl_searchFormatTypeForApp(xFrame, E_MS_DOC);
550 0 : if (!aDocType.isEmpty())
551 0 : eResult = aModel.SaveAndSend( xFrame, aDocType );
552 : }
553 0 : else if ( nId == SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASOOO )
554 : {
555 0 : aDocType = impl_searchFormatTypeForApp(xFrame, E_OOO_DOC);
556 0 : if (!aDocType.isEmpty())
557 0 : eResult = aModel.SaveAndSend( xFrame, aDocType );
558 : }
559 :
560 0 : if ( eResult == SfxMailModel::SEND_MAIL_ERROR )
561 : {
562 0 : MessageDialog aBox( SfxGetpApp()->GetTopWindow(), SfxResId( STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL ), VCL_MESSAGE_INFO);
563 0 : aBox.Execute();
564 0 : rReq.Ignore();
565 : }
566 : else
567 0 : rReq.Done();
568 : }
569 0 : break;
570 :
572 : {
573 0 : SfxBluetoothModel aModel;
574 0 : SfxObjectShell* pDoc = GetObjectShell();
575 0 : if ( pDoc && pDoc->QueryHiddenInformation(
576 0 : WhenSaving, &GetViewFrame()->GetWindow() ) != RET_YES )
577 0 : break;
578 0 : uno::Reference < frame::XFrame > xFrame( pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface() );
579 0 : SfxMailModel::SendMailResult eResult = aModel.SaveAndSend( xFrame, OUString() );
580 0 : if( eResult == SfxMailModel::SEND_MAIL_ERROR )
581 : {
582 0 : MessageDialog aBox( SfxGetpApp()->GetTopWindow(), SfxResId( STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL ), VCL_MESSAGE_INFO);
583 0 : aBox.Execute();
584 0 : rReq.Ignore();
585 : }
586 : else
587 0 : rReq.Done();
588 : }
589 0 : break;
590 :
591 : // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
592 : case SID_WEBHTML:
593 : {
594 : static const char HTML_DOCUMENT_TYPE[] = "generic_HTML";
595 : static const char HTML_GRAPHIC_TYPE[] = "graphic_HTML";
596 0 : const sal_Int32 FILTERFLAG_EXPORT = 0x00000002;
597 :
598 0 : css::uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xSMGR(::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
599 0 : css::uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext(::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
600 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame( pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface() );
601 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > xModel;
602 :
603 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModuleManager2 > xModuleManager( css::frame::ModuleManager::create(xContext) );
604 :
605 0 : OUString aModule;
606 : try
607 : {
608 0 : aModule = xModuleManager->identify( xFrame );
609 : }
610 0 : catch (const css::uno::RuntimeException&)
611 : {
612 0 : throw;
613 : }
614 0 : catch (const css::uno::Exception&)
615 : {
616 : }
617 :
618 0 : if ( )
619 : {
620 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XController > xController = xFrame->getController();
621 0 : if ( )
622 0 : xModel = xController->getModel();
623 : }
624 :
625 : // We need at least a valid module name and model reference
626 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStorable > xStorable( xModel, css::uno::UNO_QUERY );
627 0 : if ( && )
628 : {
629 0 : OUString aFilterName;
630 0 : OUString aTypeName( HTML_DOCUMENT_TYPE );
631 0 : OUString aFileName;
632 0 : OUString aExtension( "htm" );
633 :
634 0 : OUString aLocation = xStorable->getLocation();
635 0 : INetURLObject aFileObj( aLocation );
636 :
637 0 : bool bPrivateProtocol = ( aFileObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_PRIV_SOFFICE );
638 0 : bool bHasLocation = !aLocation.isEmpty() && !bPrivateProtocol;
639 :
640 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XContainerQuery > xContainerQuery(
641 0 : xSMGR->createInstance( OUString(
642 0 : "" )),
643 0 : css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
644 :
645 : // Retrieve filter from type
646 0 : sal_Int32 nFilterFlags = FILTERFLAG_EXPORT;
647 0 : aFilterName = impl_retrieveFilterNameFromTypeAndModule( xContainerQuery, aTypeName, aModule, nFilterFlags );
648 0 : if ( aFilterName.isEmpty() )
649 : {
650 : // Draw/Impress uses a different type. 2nd chance try to use alternative type name
651 0 : aFilterName = impl_retrieveFilterNameFromTypeAndModule(
652 0 : xContainerQuery, OUString( HTML_GRAPHIC_TYPE ), aModule, nFilterFlags );
653 : }
654 :
655 : // No filter found => error
656 : // No type and no location => error
657 0 : if ( aFilterName.isEmpty() || aTypeName.isEmpty())
658 : {
659 0 : rReq.Done(false);
660 0 : return;
661 : }
662 :
663 : // Use provided save file name. If empty determine file name
664 0 : if ( !bHasLocation )
665 : {
666 : // Create a default file name with the correct extension
667 0 : const OUString aPreviewFileName( "webpreview" );
668 0 : aFileName = aPreviewFileName;
669 : }
670 : else
671 : {
672 : // Determine file name from model
673 0 : INetURLObject aFObj( xStorable->getLocation() );
674 0 : aFileName = aFObj.getName( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
675 : }
676 :
677 : OSL_ASSERT( !aFilterName.isEmpty() );
678 : OSL_ASSERT( !aFileName.isEmpty() );
679 :
680 : // Creates a temporary directory to store our predefined file into it.
681 0 : ::utl::TempFile aTempDir( NULL, true );
682 :
683 0 : INetURLObject aFilePathObj( aTempDir.GetURL() );
684 0 : aFilePathObj.insertName( aFileName );
685 0 : aFilePathObj.setExtension( aExtension );
686 :
687 0 : OUString aFileURL = aFilePathObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
688 :
689 0 : css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 );
690 0 : aArgs[0].Name = "FilterName";
691 0 : aArgs[0].Value = css::uno::makeAny( aFilterName );
692 :
693 : // Store document in the html format
694 : try
695 : {
696 0 : xStorable->storeToURL( aFileURL, aArgs );
697 : }
698 0 : catch (const io::IOException&)
699 : {
700 0 : rReq.Done(false);
701 0 : return;
702 : }
703 :
704 0 : rReq.Done(sfx2::openUriExternally(aFileURL, true));
705 0 : break;
706 : }
707 : else
708 : {
709 0 : rReq.Done(false);
710 0 : return;
711 0 : }
712 : }
713 :
714 : // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
716 : {
717 0 : SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pShowItem, SfxBoolItem, nId, false);
718 : bool const bActive = (pShowItem)
719 : ? pShowItem->GetValue()
720 0 : : !pImp->m_bPlugInsActive;
721 : // ggf. recorden
722 0 : if ( !rReq.IsAPI() )
723 0 : rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( nId, bActive ) );
724 :
725 : // Jetzt schon DONE aufrufen, da die Argumente evtl. einen Pool
726 : // benutzen, der demn"achst weg ist
727 0 : rReq.Done(true);
728 :
729 : // ausfuehren
730 0 : if (!pShowItem || (bActive != pImp->m_bPlugInsActive))
731 : {
732 0 : SfxFrame* pTopFrame = &GetFrame()->GetTopFrame();
733 0 : if ( pTopFrame != &GetFrame()->GetFrame() )
734 : {
735 : // FramesetDocument
736 0 : SfxViewShell *pShell = pTopFrame->GetCurrentViewFrame()->GetViewShell();
737 0 : if ( pShell->GetInterface()->GetSlot( nId ) )
738 0 : pShell->ExecuteSlot( rReq );
739 0 : break;
740 : }
741 :
742 0 : SfxFrameIterator aIter( *pTopFrame );
743 0 : while ( pTopFrame )
744 : {
745 0 : if ( pTopFrame->GetCurrentViewFrame() )
746 : {
747 0 : SfxViewShell *pView = pTopFrame->GetCurrentViewFrame()->GetViewShell();
748 0 : if ( pView )
749 : {
750 0 : pView->pImp->m_bPlugInsActive = bActive;
751 0 : Rectangle aVisArea = GetObjectShell()->GetVisArea();
752 0 : VisAreaChanged(aVisArea);
753 :
754 : // the plugins might need change in their state
755 0 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = pView->GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
756 0 : if ( pClients )
757 : {
758 0 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); n++)
759 : {
760 0 : SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient = pClients->at( n );
761 0 : if ( pIPClient )
762 0 : pView->CheckIPClient_Impl( pIPClient, aVisArea );
763 : }
764 : }
765 : }
766 : }
767 :
768 0 : if ( !pTopFrame->GetParentFrame() )
769 0 : pTopFrame = aIter.FirstFrame();
770 : else
771 0 : pTopFrame = aIter.NextFrame( *pTopFrame );
772 : }
773 : }
774 :
775 0 : break;
776 : }
777 : }
778 : }
779 :
780 :
781 :
782 12850 : void SfxViewShell::GetState_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet )
783 : {
784 :
785 12850 : SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet );
786 26204 : for ( sal_uInt16 nSID = aIter.FirstWhich(); nSID; nSID = aIter.NextWhich() )
787 : {
788 13354 : switch ( nSID )
789 : {
792 : case SID_MAIL_SENDDOC:
797 : rSet.DisableItem(nSID);
798 : break;
799 : #endif
800 : // Printer functions
801 : case SID_PRINTDOC:
804 : case SID_PRINTER_NAME:
805 : {
806 3122 : bool bEnabled = pImp->m_bCanPrint && !pImp->m_nPrinterLocks;
807 3122 : bEnabled = bEnabled && !Application::GetSettings().GetMiscSettings().GetDisablePrinting();
808 3122 : if ( bEnabled )
809 : {
810 3122 : SfxPrinter *pPrinter = GetPrinter(false);
811 :
812 3122 : if ( SID_PRINTDOCDIRECT == nSID )
813 : {
814 1562 : OUString aPrinterName;
815 1562 : if ( pPrinter != NULL )
816 90 : aPrinterName = pPrinter->GetName();
817 : else
818 1472 : aPrinterName = Printer::GetDefaultPrinterName();
819 1562 : if ( !aPrinterName.isEmpty() )
820 : {
821 1562 : uno::Reference < frame::XFrame > xFrame( pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface() );
822 :
823 3124 : OUStringBuffer aBuffer( 60 );
824 : aBuffer.append( RetrieveLabelFromCommand(
825 : OUString( ".uno:PrintDefault" ),
826 1562 : xFrame ));
827 1562 : aBuffer.append( " (" );
828 1562 : aBuffer.append( aPrinterName );
829 1562 : aBuffer.append(')');
830 :
831 3124 : rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_PRINTDOCDIRECT, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ) );
832 1562 : }
833 : }
834 3122 : bEnabled = !pPrinter || !pPrinter->IsPrinting();
835 : }
836 3122 : break;
837 : }
838 :
839 : // PlugIns running
841 : {
842 18 : rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_PLUGINS_ACTIVE, !pImp->m_bPlugInsActive) );
843 18 : break;
844 : }
845 : case SID_STYLE_FAMILY :
846 : {
847 8678 : rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_STYLE_FAMILY, pImp->m_nFamily ) );
848 8678 : break;
849 : }
850 : }
851 12850 : }
852 12850 : }
853 :
854 :
855 :
856 0 : void SfxViewShell::SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX,
857 : const Fraction &rZoomY )
858 : {
859 : DBG_ASSERT( GetWindow(), "no window" );
860 0 : MapMode aMap( GetWindow()->GetMapMode() );
861 0 : aMap.SetScaleX( rZoomX );
862 0 : aMap.SetScaleY( rZoomY );
863 0 : GetWindow()->SetMapMode( aMap );
864 0 : }
865 :
866 :
867 0 : ErrCode SfxViewShell::DoVerb(long /*nVerb*/)
868 :
869 : /* [Description]
870 :
871 : Virtual Method used to perform a Verb on a selected Object.
872 : Since this Object is just known by the derived classes, DoVerb
873 : must be overloaded.
874 : */
875 :
876 : {
877 0 : return ERRCODE_SO_NOVERBS;
878 : }
879 :
880 :
881 :
882 4 : void SfxViewShell::OutplaceActivated( bool bActive, SfxInPlaceClient* /*pClient*/ )
883 : {
884 4 : if ( !bActive )
885 2 : GetFrame()->GetFrame().Appear();
886 4 : }
887 :
888 :
889 :
890 2 : void SfxViewShell::InplaceActivating( SfxInPlaceClient* /*pClient*/ )
891 : {
892 : // TODO/LATER: painting of the bitmap can be stopped, it is required if CLIPCHILDREN problem #i25788# is not solved,
893 : // but may be the bug will not affect the real office vcl windows, then it is not required
894 2 : }
895 :
896 :
897 :
898 2 : void SfxViewShell::InplaceDeactivated( SfxInPlaceClient* /*pClient*/ )
899 : {
900 : // TODO/LATER: paint the replacement image in normal way if the painting was stopped
901 2 : }
902 :
903 :
904 :
905 2 : void SfxViewShell::UIActivating( SfxInPlaceClient* /*pClient*/ )
906 : {
907 2 : uno::Reference < frame::XFrame > xOwnFrame( pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface() );
908 4 : uno::Reference < frame::XFramesSupplier > xParentFrame( xOwnFrame->getCreator(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
909 2 : if ( )
910 2 : xParentFrame->setActiveFrame( xOwnFrame );
911 :
912 2 : pFrame->GetBindings().HidePopups(true);
913 4 : pFrame->GetDispatcher()->Update_Impl( true );
914 2 : }
915 :
916 :
917 :
918 2 : void SfxViewShell::UIDeactivated( SfxInPlaceClient* /*pClient*/ )
919 : {
920 2 : if ( !pFrame->GetFrame().IsClosing_Impl() || SfxViewFrame::Current() != pFrame )
921 0 : pFrame->GetDispatcher()->Update_Impl( true );
922 2 : pFrame->GetBindings().HidePopups(false);
923 :
924 2 : pFrame->GetBindings().InvalidateAll(true);
925 2 : }
926 :
927 :
928 :
929 1684 : SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::FindIPClient
930 : (
931 : const uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj,
932 : vcl::Window* pObjParentWin
933 : ) const
934 : {
935 1684 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
936 1684 : if ( !pClients )
937 1664 : return 0;
938 :
939 20 : if( !pObjParentWin )
940 0 : pObjParentWin = GetWindow();
941 24 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); n++)
942 : {
943 22 : SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient = (SfxInPlaceClient*) pClients->at( n );
944 22 : if ( pIPClient->GetObject() == xObj && pIPClient->GetEditWin() == pObjParentWin )
945 18 : return pIPClient;
946 : }
947 :
948 2 : return 0;
949 : }
950 :
951 :
952 :
953 41582 : SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::GetIPClient() const
954 : {
955 41582 : return GetUIActiveClient();
956 : }
957 :
958 :
959 :
960 20808 : SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::GetUIActiveIPClient_Impl() const
961 : {
962 : // this method is needed as long as SFX still manages the border space for ChildWindows (see SfxFrame::Resize)
963 20808 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
964 20808 : if ( !pClients )
965 20804 : return 0;
966 :
967 4 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); n++)
968 : {
969 4 : SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient = pClients->at( n );
970 4 : if ( pIPClient->IsUIActive() )
971 4 : return pIPClient;
972 : }
973 :
974 0 : return NULL;
975 : }
976 :
977 331891 : SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::GetUIActiveClient() const
978 : {
979 331891 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
980 331891 : if ( !pClients )
981 331143 : return 0;
982 :
983 1438 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); n++)
984 : {
985 830 : SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient = pClients->at( n );
986 830 : if ( pIPClient->IsObjectUIActive() )
987 140 : return pIPClient;
988 : }
989 :
990 608 : return NULL;
991 : }
992 :
993 :
994 :
995 5454 : void SfxViewShell::Activate( bool bMDI )
996 : {
997 5454 : if ( bMDI )
998 : {
999 5454 : SfxObjectShell *pSh = GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell();
1000 5454 : if ( pSh->GetModel().is() )
1001 5454 : pSh->GetModel()->setCurrentController( GetViewFrame()->GetFrame().GetController() );
1002 :
1003 5454 : SetCurrentDocument();
1004 : }
1005 5454 : }
1006 :
1007 :
1008 :
1009 5454 : void SfxViewShell::Deactivate(bool /*bMDI*/)
1010 : {
1011 5454 : }
1012 :
1013 :
1014 :
1015 0 : void SfxViewShell::AdjustPosSizePixel
1016 : (
1017 : const Point& /*rToolOffset*/,// Upper left corner Tools in Frame-Window
1018 : const Size& /*rSize*/ // All available sizes.
1019 : )
1020 :
1021 : {
1022 0 : }
1023 :
1024 :
1025 :
1026 0 : void SfxViewShell::Move()
1027 :
1028 : /* [Description]
1029 :
1030 : This virtual Method is called when the window displayed in the
1031 : SfxViewShell gets a StarView-Move() notification.
1032 :
1033 : This base implementation does not have to be called. .
1034 :
1035 : [Note]
1036 :
1037 : This Method can be used to cancel a selection, in order to catch the
1038 : mouse movement which is due to moving a window.
1039 :
1040 : For now the notification does not work In-Place.
1041 : */
1042 :
1043 : {
1044 0 : }
1045 :
1046 :
1047 :
1048 0 : void SfxViewShell::OuterResizePixel
1049 : (
1050 : const Point& /*rToolOffset*/,// Upper left corner Tools in Frame-Window
1051 : const Size& /*rSize*/ // All available sizes.
1052 : )
1053 :
1054 : /* [Description]
1055 :
1056 : This Method has to be overloaded to be able to react to the size-change of
1057 : the View. Thus the View is defined as the Edit window and also the
1058 : attached Tools are defined (for example the ruler).
1059 :
1060 : The Edit window must not be changed either in size or position.
1061 :
1062 : The Vis-Area of SfxObjectShell, its scale and position can be changed
1063 : here. The mainuse is to change the size of the Vis-Area.
1064 :
1065 : If the Border is changed due to the new calculation then this has to be set
1066 : by <SfxViewShell::SetBorderPixel(const SvBorder&)>. The Positioning of Tools
1067 : is only allowed after the calling of 'SetBorderPixel'.
1068 :
1069 : [Example]
1070 :
1071 : void AppViewSh::OuterViewResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSz )
1072 : {
1073 : // Calculate Tool position and size externally, do not set!
1074 : // (due to the following Border calculation)
1075 : Point aHLinPos...; Size aHLinSz...;
1076 : ...
1077 :
1078 : // Calculate and Set a Border of Tools which matches rSize.
1079 : SvBorder aBorder...
1080 : SetBorderPixel( aBorder ); // Allow Positioning from here on.
1081 :
1082 : // Arrange Tools
1083 : pHLin->SetPosSizePixel( aHLinPos, aHLinSz );
1084 : ...
1085 : }
1086 :
1087 : [Cross-reference]
1088 :
1089 : <SfxViewShell::InnerResizePixel(const Point&,const Size& rSize)>
1090 : */
1091 :
1092 : {
1093 0 : SetBorderPixel( SvBorder() );
1094 0 : }
1095 :
1096 :
1097 :
1098 0 : void SfxViewShell::InnerResizePixel
1099 : (
1100 : const Point& /*rToolOffset*/,// Upper left corner Tools in Frame-Window
1101 : const Size& /*rSize*/ // All available sizes.
1102 : )
1103 :
1104 : /* [Description]
1105 :
1106 : This Method has to be overloaded to be able to react to the size-change of
1107 : the Edit window.
1108 :
1109 : The Edit window must not be changed either in size or position.
1110 : Neither the Vis-Area of SfxObjectShell nor its scale or position are
1111 : allowed to be changed
1112 :
1113 : If the Border is changed due to the new calculation then is has to be set
1114 : by <SfxViewShell::SetBorderPixel(const SvBorder&)>.
1115 : The Positioning of Tools is only allowed after the calling of
1116 : 'SetBorderPixel'.
1117 :
1118 :
1119 : [Note]
1120 :
1121 : void AppViewSh::InnerViewResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSz )
1122 : {
1123 : // Calculate Tool position and size internally, do not set!
1124 : // (due to the following Border calculation)
1125 : Point aHLinPos...; Size aHLinSz...;
1126 : ...
1127 :
1128 : // Calculate and Set a Border of Tools which matches rSize.
1129 : SvBorder aBorder...
1130 : SetBorderPixel( aBorder ); // Allow Positioning from here on.
1131 :
1132 : // Arrange Tools
1133 : pHLin->SetPosSizePixel( aHLinPos, aHLinSz );
1134 : ...
1135 : }
1136 :
1137 : [Cross-reference]
1138 :
1139 : <SfxViewShell::OuterResizePixel(const Point&,const Size& rSize)>
1140 : */
1141 :
1142 : {
1143 0 : SetBorderPixel( SvBorder() );
1144 0 : }
1145 :
1146 :
1147 :
1148 14878 : void SfxViewShell::InvalidateBorder()
1149 : {
1150 : DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "SfxViewShell without SfxViewFrame" );
1151 :
1152 14878 : GetViewFrame()->InvalidateBorderImpl( this );
1153 14878 : if (pImp->
1154 : {
1155 14878 : pImp->m_pController->BorderWidthsChanged_Impl();
1156 : }
1157 14878 : }
1158 :
1159 :
1160 :
1161 25937 : void SfxViewShell::SetBorderPixel( const SvBorder &rBorder )
1162 : {
1163 : DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "SfxViewShell without SfxViewFrame" );
1164 :
1165 25937 : GetViewFrame()->SetBorderPixelImpl( this, rBorder );
1166 :
1167 : // notify related controller that border size is changed
1168 25937 : if (pImp->
1169 : {
1170 25391 : pImp->m_pController->BorderWidthsChanged_Impl();
1171 : }
1172 25937 : }
1173 :
1174 :
1175 :
1176 973 : const SvBorder& SfxViewShell::GetBorderPixel() const
1177 : {
1178 : DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "SfxViewShell without SfxViewFrame" );
1179 :
1180 973 : return GetViewFrame()->GetBorderPixelImpl( this );
1181 : }
1182 :
1183 :
1184 :
1185 11713 : void SfxViewShell::SetWindow
1186 : (
1187 : vcl::Window* pViewPort // For example Null pointer in the Destructor.
1188 : )
1189 :
1190 : /* [Description]
1191 :
1192 : With this method the SfxViewShell is set in the data window. This is
1193 : needed for the in-place container and for restoring the proper focus.
1194 :
1195 : Even in-place-active the conversion of the ViewPort Windows is forbidden.
1196 : */
1197 :
1198 : {
1199 11713 : if( pWindow == pViewPort )
1200 12402 : return;
1201 :
1202 : // Disconnect existing IP-Clients if possible
1203 11024 : DisconnectAllClients();
1204 :
1205 : //TODO: should we have a "ReconnectAllClients" method?
1206 11024 : DiscardClients_Impl();
1207 :
1208 : // Switch View-Port
1209 11024 : bool bHadFocus = pWindow && pWindow->HasChildPathFocus( true );
1210 11024 : pWindow = pViewPort;
1211 :
1212 11024 : if( pWindow )
1213 : {
1214 : // Disable automatic GUI mirroring (right-to-left) for document windows
1215 5544 : pWindow->EnableRTL( false );
1216 : }
1217 :
1218 11024 : if ( bHadFocus && pWindow )
1219 20 : pWindow->GrabFocus();
1221 : //Do we still need this Method?!
1222 : //SfxGetpApp()->GrabFocus( pWindow );
1223 : }
1224 :
1225 :
1226 :
1227 5524 : SfxViewShell::SfxViewShell
1228 : (
1229 : SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, /* <SfxViewFrame>, which will be
1230 : displayed in this View */
1231 : sal_uInt16 nFlags /* See <SfxViewShell-Flags> */
1232 : )
1233 :
1234 : : SfxShell(this)
1235 5524 : , pImp( new SfxViewShell_Impl(nFlags) )
1236 : , pIPClientList( 0 )
1237 : , pFrame(pViewFrame)
1238 : , pSubShell(0)
1239 : , pWindow(0)
1240 11048 : , bNoNewWindow( 0 != (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_NO_NEWWINDOW) )
1241 : {
1242 :
1243 5524 : if ( pViewFrame->GetParentViewFrame() )
1244 : {
1245 0 : pImp->m_bPlugInsActive = pViewFrame->GetParentViewFrame()
1246 0 : ->GetViewShell()->pImp->m_bPlugInsActive;
1247 : }
1248 5524 : SetMargin( pViewFrame->GetMargin_Impl() );
1249 :
1250 5524 : SetPool( &pViewFrame->GetObjectShell()->GetPool() );
1251 5524 : StartListening(*pViewFrame->GetObjectShell());
1252 :
1253 : // Insert into list
1254 5524 : SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rViewArr = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewShells_Impl();
1255 5524 : rViewArr.push_back(this);
1256 5524 : }
1257 :
1258 :
1259 :
1260 11044 : SfxViewShell::~SfxViewShell()
1261 : {
1262 :
1263 : // Remove from list
1264 5522 : const SfxViewShell *pThis = this;
1265 5522 : SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rViewArr = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewShells_Impl();
1266 5522 : SfxViewShellArr_Impl::iterator it = std::find( rViewArr.begin(), rViewArr.end(), pThis );
1267 5522 : rViewArr.erase( it );
1268 :
1269 5522 : if ( pImp-> )
1270 : {
1271 5522 : pImp->xClipboardListener->DisconnectViewShell();
1272 5522 : pImp->xClipboardListener = NULL;
1273 : }
1274 :
1275 5522 : if (pImp->
1276 : {
1277 5522 : pImp->m_pController->ReleaseShell_Impl();
1278 5522 : pImp->m_pController.clear();
1279 : }
1280 :
1281 5522 : DELETEZ( pImp );
1282 5522 : DELETEZ( pIPClientList );
1283 5522 : }
1284 :
1285 5524 : void SfxViewShell::Initialize()
1286 : {
1287 : // overloaded by the application.
1288 5524 : }
1289 :
1290 10798 : bool SfxViewShell::PrepareClose
1291 : (
1292 : bool bUI // TRUE: Allow Dialog and so on, FALSE: silent-mode
1293 : )
1294 : {
1295 10798 : SfxPrinter *pPrinter = GetPrinter();
1296 10798 : if ( pPrinter && pPrinter->IsPrinting() )
1297 : {
1298 0 : if ( bUI )
1299 : {
1300 0 : MessageDialog aInfoBox( &GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(), SfxResId( STR_CANT_CLOSE ), VCL_MESSAGE_INFO );
1301 0 : aInfoBox.Execute();
1302 : }
1303 :
1304 0 : return false;
1305 : }
1306 :
1307 10798 : if( GetViewFrame()->IsInModalMode() )
1308 0 : return false;
1309 :
1310 10798 : if( bUI && GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->IsLocked() )
1311 0 : return false;
1312 :
1313 10798 : return true;
1314 : }
1315 :
1316 :
1317 :
1318 122522 : SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::Current()
1319 : {
1320 122522 : SfxViewFrame *pCurrent = SfxViewFrame::Current();
1321 122522 : return pCurrent ? pCurrent->GetViewShell() : NULL;
1322 : }
1323 :
1324 :
1325 :
1326 5572 : SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::Get( const Reference< XController>& i_rController )
1327 : {
1328 5572 : if ( ! )
1329 5508 : return NULL;
1330 :
1331 160 : for ( SfxViewShell* pViewShell = SfxViewShell::GetFirst( NULL, false );
1332 : pViewShell;
1333 : pViewShell = SfxViewShell::GetNext( *pViewShell, NULL, false )
1334 : )
1335 : {
1336 160 : if ( pViewShell->GetController() == i_rController )
1337 64 : return pViewShell;
1338 : }
1339 0 : return NULL;
1340 : }
1341 :
1342 :
1343 :
1344 212 : SdrView* SfxViewShell::GetDrawView() const
1345 :
1346 : /* [Description]
1347 :
1348 : This virtual Method has to be overloded by the sub classes, to be able
1349 : make the Property-Editor available.
1350 :
1351 : The default implementation does always return zero.
1352 : */
1353 :
1354 : {
1355 212 : return 0;
1356 : }
1357 :
1358 :
1359 :
1360 0 : OUString SfxViewShell::GetSelectionText
1361 : (
1362 : bool /*bCompleteWords*/ /* FALSE (default)
1363 : Only the actual selected text is returned.
1364 :
1365 : TRUE
1366 : The selected text is expanded so that only
1367 : whole words are returned. As word separators
1368 : these are used: white spaces and punctuation
1369 : ".,;" and single and double quotes.
1370 : */
1371 : )
1372 :
1373 : /* [Description]
1374 :
1375 : This Method can be overloaded by the programmers to return a text that
1376 : is included in the current selection. This is for example used when
1377 : sending emails.
1378 :
1379 : When called with "CompleteWords == TRUE", it is for example sufficent
1380 : with having the Cursor positioned somewhere within an URL in-order
1381 : to have the entire URL returned.
1382 : */
1383 :
1384 : {
1385 0 : return OUString();
1386 : }
1387 :
1388 :
1389 :
1390 0 : bool SfxViewShell::HasSelection( bool ) const
1391 :
1392 : /* [Description]
1393 :
1394 : With this virtual Method can a for example a Dialog be queried, to
1395 : check if something is selected in the current view. If the Parameter
1396 : is <BOOL> TRUE then it is checked whether some text is selected.
1397 : */
1398 :
1399 : {
1400 0 : return false;
1401 : }
1402 :
1403 2358 : void SfxViewShell::AddSubShell( SfxShell& rShell )
1404 : {
1405 2358 : pImp->aArr.push_back(&rShell);
1406 2358 : SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher();
1407 2358 : if ( pDisp->IsActive(*this) )
1408 : {
1409 418 : pDisp->Push(rShell);
1410 418 : pDisp->Flush();
1411 : }
1412 2358 : }
1413 :
1414 2214 : void SfxViewShell::RemoveSubShell( SfxShell* pShell )
1415 : {
1416 2214 : SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher();
1417 2214 : if ( !pShell )
1418 : {
1419 988 : size_t nCount = pImp->aArr.size();
1420 988 : if ( pDisp->IsActive(*this) )
1421 : {
1422 268 : for(size_t n = nCount; n > 0; --n)
1423 38 : pDisp->Pop(*pImp->aArr[n - 1]);
1424 230 : pDisp->Flush();
1425 : }
1426 988 : pImp->aArr.clear();
1427 : }
1428 : else
1429 : {
1430 1226 : SfxShellArr_Impl::iterator i = std::find(pImp->aArr.begin(), pImp->aArr.end(), pShell);
1431 1226 : if(i != pImp->aArr.end())
1432 : {
1433 1226 : pImp->aArr.erase(i);
1434 1226 : if(pDisp->IsActive(*this))
1435 : {
1436 1014 : pDisp->RemoveShell_Impl(*pShell);
1437 1014 : pDisp->Flush();
1438 : }
1439 : }
1440 : }
1441 2214 : }
1442 :
1443 13706 : SfxShell* SfxViewShell::GetSubShell( sal_uInt16 nNo )
1444 : {
1445 13706 : sal_uInt16 nCount = pImp->aArr.size();
1446 13706 : if(nNo < nCount)
1447 10936 : return pImp->aArr[nCount - nNo - 1];
1448 2770 : return NULL;
1449 : }
1450 :
1451 11046 : void SfxViewShell::PushSubShells_Impl( bool bPush )
1452 : {
1453 11046 : SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher();
1454 11046 : if ( bPush )
1455 : {
1456 7252 : for(SfxShellArr_Impl::const_iterator i = pImp->aArr.begin(); i != pImp->aArr.end(); ++i)
1457 1728 : pDisp->Push(**i);
1458 : }
1459 5522 : else if(!pImp->aArr.empty())
1460 : {
1461 546 : SfxShell& rPopUntil = *pImp->aArr[0];
1462 546 : if ( pDisp->GetShellLevel( rPopUntil ) != USHRT_MAX )
1463 546 : pDisp->Pop( rPopUntil, SFX_SHELL_POP_UNTIL );
1464 : }
1465 :
1466 11046 : pDisp->Flush();
1467 11046 : }
1468 :
1469 :
1470 :
1471 0 : void SfxViewShell::WriteUserData( OUString&, bool )
1472 : {
1473 0 : }
1474 :
1475 :
1476 :
1477 0 : void SfxViewShell::ReadUserData(const OUString&, bool )
1478 : {
1479 0 : }
1480 :
1481 0 : void SfxViewShell::ReadUserDataSequence ( const uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue >&, bool )
1482 : {
1483 0 : }
1484 :
1485 34 : void SfxViewShell::WriteUserDataSequence ( uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue >&, bool )
1486 : {
1487 34 : }
1488 :
1489 :
1490 :
1491 : // returns the first shell of spec. type viewing the specified doc.
1492 :
1493 1677 : SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::GetFirst
1494 : (
1495 : const TypeId* pType,
1496 : bool bOnlyVisible
1497 : )
1498 : {
1499 : // search for a SfxViewShell of the specified type
1500 1677 : SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rShells = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewShells_Impl();
1501 1677 : SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rFrames = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewFrames_Impl();
1502 2102 : for ( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < rShells.size(); ++nPos )
1503 : {
1504 1692 : SfxViewShell *pShell = rShells[nPos];
1505 1692 : if ( pShell )
1506 : {
1507 : // sometimes dangling SfxViewShells exist that point to a dead SfxViewFrame
1508 : // these ViewShells shouldn't be accessible anymore
1509 : // a destroyed ViewFrame is not in the ViewFrame array anymore, so checking this array helps
1510 1727 : for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<rFrames.size(); ++n )
1511 : {
1512 1727 : SfxViewFrame *pFrame = rFrames[n];
1513 1727 : if ( pFrame == pShell->GetViewFrame() )
1514 : {
1515 : // only ViewShells with a valid ViewFrame will be returned
1516 1692 : if ( ( !bOnlyVisible || pFrame->IsVisible() ) && ( !pType || pShell->IsA(*pType) ) )
1517 1267 : return pShell;
1518 425 : break;
1519 : }
1520 : }
1521 : }
1522 : }
1523 :
1524 410 : return 0;
1525 : }
1526 :
1527 :
1528 : // returns the next shell of spec. type viewing the specified doc.
1529 :
1530 1059 : SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::GetNext
1531 : (
1532 : const SfxViewShell& rPrev,
1533 : const TypeId* pType,
1534 : bool bOnlyVisible
1535 : )
1536 : {
1537 1059 : SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rShells = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewShells_Impl();
1538 1059 : SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rFrames = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewFrames_Impl();
1539 : sal_uInt16 nPos;
1540 1277 : for ( nPos = 0; nPos < rShells.size(); ++nPos )
1541 1277 : if ( rShells[nPos] == &rPrev )
1542 1059 : break;
1543 :
1544 1105 : for ( ++nPos; nPos < rShells.size(); ++nPos )
1545 : {
1546 204 : SfxViewShell *pShell = rShells[nPos];
1547 204 : if ( pShell )
1548 : {
1549 : // sometimes dangling SfxViewShells exist that point to a dead SfxViewFrame
1550 : // these ViewShells shouldn't be accessible anymore
1551 : // a destroyed ViewFrame is not in the ViewFrame array anymore, so checking this array helps
1552 538 : for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<rFrames.size(); ++n )
1553 : {
1554 538 : SfxViewFrame *pFrame = rFrames[n];
1555 538 : if ( pFrame == pShell->GetViewFrame() )
1556 : {
1557 : // only ViewShells with a valid ViewFrame will be returned
1558 204 : if ( ( !bOnlyVisible || pFrame->IsVisible() ) && ( !pType || pShell->IsA(*pType) ) )
1559 158 : return pShell;
1560 46 : break;
1561 : }
1562 : }
1563 : }
1564 : }
1565 :
1566 901 : return 0;
1567 : }
1568 :
1569 :
1570 :
1571 292071 : void SfxViewShell::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC,
1572 : const SfxHint& rHint )
1573 : {
1574 292071 : const SfxEventHint* pEventHint = dynamic_cast<const SfxEventHint*>(&rHint);
1575 292071 : if ( pEventHint )
1576 : {
1577 39908 : switch ( pEventHint->GetEventId() )
1578 : {
1580 : {
1581 24 : if ( GetController().is() )
1582 : {
1583 : // avoid access to dangling ViewShells
1584 24 : SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rFrames = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewFrames_Impl();
1585 46 : for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<rFrames.size(); ++n )
1586 : {
1587 24 : SfxViewFrame *frame = rFrames[n];
1588 24 : if ( frame == GetViewFrame() && &rBC == GetObjectShell() )
1589 : {
1590 2 : SfxItemSet* pSet = GetObjectShell()->GetMedium()->GetItemSet();
1591 2 : SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pSet, pItem, SfxUnoAnyItem, SID_VIEW_DATA, false );
1592 2 : if ( pItem )
1593 : {
1594 0 : pImp->m_pController->restoreViewData( pItem->GetValue() );
1595 0 : pSet->ClearItem( SID_VIEW_DATA );
1596 : }
1597 :
1598 2 : break;
1599 : }
1600 : }
1601 : }
1602 :
1603 24 : break;
1604 : }
1605 : }
1606 : }
1607 292071 : }
1608 :
1609 :
1610 :
1611 0 : bool SfxViewShell::ExecKey_Impl(const KeyEvent& aKey)
1612 : {
1613 0 : if (!pImp->m_pAccExec.get())
1614 : {
1615 : pImp->m_pAccExec.reset(
1616 0 : ::svt::AcceleratorExecute::createAcceleratorHelper() );
1617 0 : pImp->m_pAccExec->init(::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(),
1618 0 : pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface());
1619 : }
1620 :
1621 0 : return pImp->m_pAccExec->execute(aKey.GetKeyCode());
1622 : }
1623 :
1624 :
1625 :
1626 0 : bool SfxViewShell::KeyInput( const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent )
1627 :
1628 : /* [Description]
1629 :
1630 : This Method executes the KeyEvent 'rKeyEvent' of the Keys (Accelerator)
1631 : configured either direct or indirect (for example by the Application)
1632 : in the SfxViewShell.
1633 :
1634 : [Return value]
1635 :
1636 : bool TRUE
1637 : The Key (Accelerator) is configured and the
1638 : the associated Handler was called
1639 :
1640 : FALSE
1641 : The Key (Accelerator) is not configured and
1642 : subsequently no Handler was called
1643 :
1644 : [Cross-reference]
1645 :
1646 : <SfxApplication::KeyInput(const KeyEvent&)>
1647 : */
1648 : {
1649 0 : return ExecKey_Impl(rKeyEvent);
1650 : }
1651 :
1652 0 : bool SfxViewShell::GlobalKeyInput_Impl( const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent )
1653 : {
1654 0 : return ExecKey_Impl(rKeyEvent);
1655 : }
1656 :
1657 :
1658 :
1659 8 : void SfxViewShell::ShowCursor( bool /*bOn*/ )
1660 :
1661 : /* [Description]
1662 :
1663 : This Method has to be overloaded by the subclasses so that SFx from
1664 : the Cursor can be switched on and off. This happes for example with
1665 : with the running <SfxProgress>.
1666 : */
1667 :
1668 : {
1669 8 : }
1670 :
1671 :
1672 :
1673 605 : void SfxViewShell::GotFocus() const
1674 :
1675 : /* [Description]
1676 :
1677 : This Method has to be called by the programmer, when the
1678 : Edit window has received the focus. This gives for example the SFx
1679 : the power to turn on the accelerator.
1680 :
1681 : [Note]
1682 :
1683 : <StarView> does sadly enough not provide the possibillity to attach
1684 : such "side-way" events.
1685 : */
1686 :
1687 : {
1688 605 : }
1689 :
1690 :
1691 2 : void SfxViewShell::ResetAllClients_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient *pIP )
1692 : {
1693 :
1694 2 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
1695 2 : if ( !pClients )
1696 2 : return;
1697 :
1698 4 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); n++ )
1699 : {
1700 2 : SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient = pClients->at( n );
1701 2 : if( pIPClient != pIP )
1702 0 : pIPClient->ResetObject();
1703 : }
1704 : }
1705 :
1706 :
1707 :
1708 17926 : void SfxViewShell::DisconnectAllClients()
1709 : {
1710 17926 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
1711 17926 : if ( !pClients )
1712 35816 : return;
1713 :
1714 72 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); )
1715 : // clients will remove themselves from the list
1716 0 : delete pClients->at( n );
1717 : }
1718 :
1719 :
1720 :
1721 0 : void SfxViewShell::QueryObjAreaPixel( Rectangle& ) const
1722 : {
1723 0 : }
1724 :
1725 :
1726 :
1727 26378 : void SfxViewShell::VisAreaChanged(const Rectangle& /*rVisArea*/)
1728 : {
1729 26378 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
1730 26378 : if ( !pClients )
1731 52744 : return;
1732 :
1733 26 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); n++)
1734 : {
1735 14 : SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient = pClients->at( n );
1736 14 : if ( pIPClient->IsObjectInPlaceActive() )
1737 : // client is active, notify client that the VisArea might have changed
1738 4 : pIPClient->VisAreaChanged();
1739 : }
1740 : }
1741 :
1742 :
1743 6 : void SfxViewShell::CheckIPClient_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient, const Rectangle& rVisArea )
1744 : {
1745 6 : if ( GetObjectShell()->IsInClose() )
1746 6 : return;
1747 :
1748 : bool bAlwaysActive =
1749 6 : ( ( pIPClient->GetObjectMiscStatus() & embed::EmbedMisc::EMBED_ACTIVATEIMMEDIATELY ) != 0 );
1750 : bool bActiveWhenVisible =
1751 18 : ( (( pIPClient->GetObjectMiscStatus() & embed::EmbedMisc::MS_EMBED_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE ) != 0 ) ||
1752 18 : svt::EmbeddedObjectRef::IsGLChart(pIPClient->GetObject()));
1753 :
1754 : // this method is called when either a client is created or the "Edit/Plugins" checkbox is checked
1755 6 : if ( !pIPClient->IsObjectInPlaceActive() && pImp->m_bPlugInsActive )
1756 : {
1757 : // object in client is currently not active
1758 : // check if the object wants to be activated always or when it becomes at least partially visible
1759 : // TODO/LATER: maybe we should use the scaled area instead of the ObjArea?!
1760 6 : if ( bAlwaysActive || (bActiveWhenVisible && rVisArea.IsOver(pIPClient->GetObjArea())) )
1761 : {
1762 : try
1763 : {
1764 0 : pIPClient->GetObject()->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::INPLACE_ACTIVE );
1765 : }
1766 0 : catch (const uno::Exception&)
1767 : {
1768 : }
1769 : }
1770 : }
1771 0 : else if (!pImp->m_bPlugInsActive)
1772 : {
1773 : // object in client is currently active and "Edit/Plugins" checkbox is selected
1774 : // check if the object wants to be activated always or when it becomes at least partially visible
1775 : // in this case selecting of the "Edit/Plugin" checkbox should let such objects deactivate
1776 0 : if ( bAlwaysActive || bActiveWhenVisible )
1777 0 : pIPClient->GetObject()->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING );
1778 : }
1779 : }
1780 :
1781 :
1782 22052 : void SfxViewShell::DiscardClients_Impl()
1783 :
1784 : /* [Description]
1785 :
1786 : The purpose of this Method is to prevent the saving of Objects when closing
1787 : the Document, if the user has chosen to close without saving.
1788 : */
1789 :
1790 : {
1791 22052 : SfxInPlaceClientList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(false);
1792 22052 : if ( !pClients )
1793 44050 : return;
1794 :
1795 128 : for ( size_t n = 0; n < pClients->size(); )
1796 20 : delete pClients->at( n );
1797 : }
1798 :
1799 :
1800 :
1801 981235 : SfxObjectShell* SfxViewShell::GetObjectShell()
1802 : {
1803 981235 : return pFrame ? pFrame->GetObjectShell() : NULL;
1804 : }
1805 :
1806 :
1807 :
1808 18383 : Reference< XModel > SfxViewShell::GetCurrentDocument() const
1809 : {
1810 18383 : Reference< XModel > xDocument;
1811 :
1812 18383 : const SfxObjectShell* pDocShell( const_cast< SfxViewShell* >( this )->GetObjectShell() );
1813 : OSL_ENSURE( pDocShell, "SfxViewFrame::GetCurrentDocument: no DocShell!?" );
1814 18383 : if ( pDocShell )
1815 18383 : xDocument = pDocShell->GetModel();
1816 18383 : return xDocument;
1817 : }
1818 :
1819 :
1820 :
1821 18383 : void SfxViewShell::SetCurrentDocument() const
1822 : {
1823 18383 : uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xDocument( GetCurrentDocument() );
1824 18383 : if ( )
1825 18383 : SfxObjectShell::SetCurrentComponent( xDocument );
1826 18383 : }
1827 :
1828 :
1829 :
1830 4706 : const Size& SfxViewShell::GetMargin() const
1831 : {
1832 4706 : return pImp->aMargin;
1833 : }
1834 :
1835 :
1836 :
1837 5524 : void SfxViewShell::SetMargin( const Size& rSize )
1838 : {
1839 : // the default margin was verified using !!
1840 5524 : Size aMargin = rSize;
1841 5524 : if ( aMargin.Width() == -1 )
1842 5524 : aMargin.Width() = DEFAULT_MARGIN_WIDTH;
1843 5524 : if ( aMargin.Height() == -1 )
1844 5524 : aMargin.Height() = DEFAULT_MARGIN_HEIGHT;
1845 :
1846 5524 : if ( aMargin != pImp->aMargin )
1847 : {
1848 5524 : pImp->aMargin = aMargin;
1849 5524 : MarginChanged();
1850 : }
1851 5524 : }
1852 :
1853 :
1854 :
1855 5524 : void SfxViewShell::MarginChanged()
1856 : {
1857 5524 : }
1858 :
1859 :
1860 :
1861 5524 : bool SfxViewShell::IsShowView_Impl() const
1862 : {
1863 5524 : return pImp->m_bIsShowView;
1864 : }
1865 :
1866 :
1867 :
1868 0 : SfxFrame* SfxViewShell::GetSmartSelf( SfxFrame* pSelf, SfxMedium& /*rMedium*/ )
1869 : {
1870 0 : return pSelf;
1871 : }
1872 :
1873 :
1874 :
1875 0 : void SfxViewShell::JumpToMark( const OUString& rMark )
1876 : {
1877 0 : SfxStringItem aMarkItem( SID_JUMPTOMARK, rMark );
1878 : GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(
1880 : SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON|SfxCallMode::RECORD,
1881 0 : &aMarkItem, 0L );
1882 0 : }
1883 :
1884 :
1885 :
1886 420781 : SfxInPlaceClientList* SfxViewShell::GetIPClientList_Impl( bool bCreate ) const
1887 : {
1888 420781 : if ( !pIPClientList && bCreate )
1889 18 : ( (SfxViewShell*) this )->pIPClientList = new SfxInPlaceClientList;
1890 420781 : return pIPClientList;
1891 : }
1892 :
1893 5566 : void SfxViewShell::SetController( SfxBaseController* pController )
1894 : {
1895 5566 : pImp->m_pController = pController;
1896 5566 : pImp->m_bControllerSet = true;
1897 :
1898 : // there should be no old listener, but if there is one, it should be disconnected
1899 5566 : if ( pImp-> )
1900 42 : pImp->xClipboardListener->DisconnectViewShell();
1901 :
1902 5566 : pImp->xClipboardListener = new SfxClipboardChangeListener( this, GetClipboardNotifier() );
1903 5566 : }
1904 :
1905 48862 : Reference < XController > SfxViewShell::GetController()
1906 : {
1907 48862 : return pImp->m_pController.get();
1908 : }
1909 :
1910 5524 : SfxBaseController* SfxViewShell::GetBaseController_Impl() const
1911 : {
1912 5524 : return pImp->m_pController.get();
1913 : }
1914 :
1915 0 : void SfxViewShell::AddContextMenuInterceptor_Impl( const uno::Reference< ui::XContextMenuInterceptor >& xInterceptor )
1916 : {
1917 0 : pImp->aInterceptorContainer.addInterface( xInterceptor );
1918 0 : }
1919 :
1920 0 : void SfxViewShell::RemoveContextMenuInterceptor_Impl( const uno::Reference< ui::XContextMenuInterceptor >& xInterceptor )
1921 : {
1922 0 : pImp->aInterceptorContainer.removeInterface( xInterceptor );
1923 0 : }
1924 :
1925 0 : void Change( Menu* pMenu, SfxViewShell* pView )
1926 : {
1927 0 : SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pView->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher();
1928 0 : sal_uInt16 nCount = pMenu->GetItemCount();
1929 0 : for ( sal_uInt16 nPos=0; nPos<nCount; ++nPos )
1930 : {
1931 0 : sal_uInt16 nId = pMenu->GetItemId(nPos);
1932 0 : OUString aCmd = pMenu->GetItemCommand(nId);
1933 0 : PopupMenu* pPopup = pMenu->GetPopupMenu(nId);
1934 0 : if ( pPopup )
1935 : {
1936 0 : Change( pPopup, pView );
1937 : }
1938 0 : else if ( nId < 5000 )
1939 : {
1940 0 : if ( aCmd.startsWith(".uno:") )
1941 : {
1942 0 : for (sal_uInt16 nIdx=0;;)
1943 : {
1944 0 : SfxShell *pShell=pDisp->GetShell(nIdx++);
1945 0 : if (pShell == NULL)
1946 0 : break;
1947 0 : const SfxInterface *pIFace = pShell->GetInterface();
1948 0 : const SfxSlot* pSlot = pIFace->GetSlot( aCmd );
1949 0 : if ( pSlot )
1950 : {
1951 0 : pMenu->InsertItem( pSlot->GetSlotId(), pMenu->GetItemText( nId ),
1952 0 : pMenu->GetItemBits( nId ), OString(), nPos );
1953 0 : pMenu->SetItemCommand( pSlot->GetSlotId(), aCmd );
1954 0 : pMenu->RemoveItem( nPos+1 );
1955 0 : break;
1956 : }
1957 0 : }
1958 : }
1959 : }
1960 0 : }
1961 0 : }
1962 :
1963 :
1964 0 : bool SfxViewShell::TryContextMenuInterception( Menu& rIn, const OUString& rMenuIdentifier, Menu*& rpOut, ui::ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent )
1965 : {
1966 0 : rpOut = NULL;
1967 0 : bool bModified = false;
1968 :
1969 : // create container from menu
1970 0 : aEvent.ActionTriggerContainer = ::framework::ActionTriggerHelper::CreateActionTriggerContainerFromMenu(
1971 0 : &rIn, &rMenuIdentifier );
1972 :
1973 : // get selection from controller
1974 0 : aEvent.Selection = uno::Reference < view::XSelectionSupplier > ( GetController(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
1975 :
1976 : // call interceptors
1977 0 : ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( pImp->aInterceptorContainer );
1978 0 : while( aIt.hasMoreElements() )
1979 : {
1980 : try
1981 : {
1982 : ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction eAction =
1983 0 : static_cast<ui::XContextMenuInterceptor*>(>notifyContextMenuExecute( aEvent );
1984 0 : switch ( eAction )
1985 : {
1986 : case ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_CANCELLED :
1987 : // interceptor does not want execution
1988 0 : return false;
1989 : case ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_EXECUTE_MODIFIED :
1990 : // interceptor wants his modified menu to be executed
1991 0 : bModified = true;
1992 0 : break;
1993 : case ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_CONTINUE_MODIFIED :
1994 : // interceptor has modified menu, but allows for calling other interceptors
1995 0 : bModified = true;
1996 0 : continue;
1997 : case ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_IGNORED :
1998 : // interceptor is indifferent
1999 0 : continue;
2000 : default:
2001 : OSL_FAIL("Wrong return value of ContextMenuInterceptor!");
2002 0 : continue;
2003 : }
2004 : }
2005 0 : catch (...)
2006 : {
2007 0 : aIt.remove();
2008 : }
2009 :
2010 0 : break;
2011 : }
2012 :
2013 0 : if ( bModified )
2014 : {
2015 : // container was modified, create a new window out of it
2016 0 : rpOut = new PopupMenu;
2017 0 : ::framework::ActionTriggerHelper::CreateMenuFromActionTriggerContainer( rpOut, aEvent.ActionTriggerContainer );
2018 :
2019 0 : Change( rpOut, this );
2020 : }
2021 :
2022 0 : return true;
2023 : }
2024 :
2025 0 : void SfxViewShell::TakeOwnership_Impl()
2026 : {
2027 : // currently there is only one reason to take Ownership: a hidden frame is printed
2028 : // so the ViewShell will check this on EndPrint (->prnmon.cxx)
2029 0 : pImp->m_bGotOwnership = true;
2030 0 : }
2031 :
2032 0 : void SfxViewShell::TakeFrameOwnership_Impl()
2033 : {
2034 : // currently there is only one reason to take Ownership: a hidden frame is printed
2035 : // so the ViewShell will check this on EndPrint (->prnmon.cxx)
2036 0 : pImp->m_bGotFrameOwnership = true;
2037 0 : }
2038 :
2039 0 : bool SfxViewShell::HandleNotifyEvent_Impl( NotifyEvent& rEvent )
2040 : {
2041 0 : if (pImp->
2042 0 : return pImp->m_pController->HandleEvent_Impl( rEvent );
2043 0 : return false;
2044 : }
2045 :
2046 0 : bool SfxViewShell::HasKeyListeners_Impl()
2047 : {
2048 0 : return (pImp->
2049 0 : && pImp->m_pController->HasKeyListeners_Impl();
2050 : }
2051 :
2052 0 : bool SfxViewShell::HasMouseClickListeners_Impl()
2053 : {
2054 0 : return (pImp->
2055 0 : && pImp->m_pController->HasMouseClickListeners_Impl();
2056 : }
2057 :
2058 0 : bool SfxViewShell::Escape()
2059 : {
2060 0 : return GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Execute( SID_TERMINATE_INPLACEACTIVATION );
2061 : }
2062 :
2063 0 : Reference< view::XRenderable > SfxViewShell::GetRenderable()
2064 : {
2065 0 : Reference< view::XRenderable >xRender;
2066 0 : SfxObjectShell* pObj = GetObjectShell();
2067 0 : if( pObj )
2068 : {
2069 0 : Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( pObj->GetModel() );
2070 0 : if( )
2071 0 : xRender = Reference< view::XRenderable >( xModel, UNO_QUERY );
2072 : }
2073 0 : return xRender;
2074 : }
2075 :
2076 5566 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier > SfxViewShell::GetClipboardNotifier()
2077 : {
2078 5566 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier > xClipboardNotifier;
2079 5566 : if ( GetViewFrame() )
2080 11132 : xClipboardNotifier = uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier >(
2081 11132 : GetViewFrame()->GetWindow().GetClipboard(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
2082 :
2083 5566 : return xClipboardNotifier;
2084 : }
2085 :
2086 1428 : void SfxViewShell::AddRemoveClipboardListener( const uno::Reference < datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener >& rClp, bool bAdd )
2087 : {
2088 : try
2089 : {
2090 1428 : if ( GetViewFrame() )
2091 : {
2092 1428 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > xClipboard( GetViewFrame()->GetWindow().GetClipboard() );
2093 1428 : if( )
2094 : {
2095 1428 : uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier > xClpbrdNtfr( xClipboard, uno::UNO_QUERY );
2096 1428 : if( )
2097 : {
2098 1428 : if( bAdd )
2099 714 : xClpbrdNtfr->addClipboardListener( rClp );
2100 : else
2101 714 : xClpbrdNtfr->removeClipboardListener( rClp );
2102 1428 : }
2103 1428 : }
2104 : }
2105 : }
2106 0 : catch (const uno::Exception&)
2107 : {
2108 : }
2109 2379 : }
2110 :
2111 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */