LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - starmath/qa/cppunit - test_nodetotextvisitors.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 439 439 100.0 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 30 30 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  */
       9             : 
      10             : #include <sal/config.h>
      11             : #include <test/bootstrapfixture.hxx>
      12             : 
      13             : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
      14             : #include <smdll.hxx>
      15             : 
      16             : #include <document.hxx>
      17             : #include <node.hxx>
      18             : #include <visitors.hxx>
      19             : #include <cursor.hxx>
      20             : 
      21             : typedef tools::SvRef<SmDocShell> SmDocShellRef;
      22             : 
      23             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      24             : 
      25             : namespace {
      26             : 
      27         102 : class Test : public test::BootstrapFixture {
      28             : 
      29             : public:
      30             :     // init
      31             :     virtual void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE;
      32             :     virtual void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE;
      33             : 
      34             :     // tests
      35             :     void SimpleUnaryOp();
      36             :     void SimpleBinaryOp();
      37             :     void SimpleRelationalOp();
      38             :     void SimpleSetOp();
      39             :     void SimpleFunctions();
      40             :     void SimpleOperators();
      41             :     void SimpleAttributes();
      42             :     void SimpleMisc();
      43             :     void SimpleBrackets();
      44             :     void SimpleFormats();
      45             :     void SimpleGreekChars();
      46             :     void SimpleSpecialChars();
      47             :     void testBinomInBinHor();
      48             :     void testBinVerInUnary();
      49             :     void testBinHorInSubSup();
      50             :     void testUnaryInMixedNumberAsNumerator();
      51             :     void testMiscEquivalent();
      52             : 
      53           4 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(Test);
      54           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleUnaryOp);
      55           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleBinaryOp);
      56           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleRelationalOp);
      57           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleSetOp);
      58           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleFunctions);
      59           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleOperators);
      60           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleAttributes);
      61           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleMisc);
      62           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleBrackets);
      63           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleFormats);
      64           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleGreekChars);
      65           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(SimpleSpecialChars);
      66           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(testBinomInBinHor);
      67           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(testBinVerInUnary);
      68           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(testBinHorInSubSup);
      69           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(testUnaryInMixedNumberAsNumerator);
      70           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(testMiscEquivalent);
      71           4 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
      72             : 
      73             : private:
      74             :     uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > m_context;
      75             :     SmDocShellRef xDocShRef;
      76             :     void parseandparseagain(const char *input, const char *test_name);
      77             :     void ParseAndCheck(const char *input, const char *expected, const char *test_name);
      78             :     void ParseAndCompare(const char *formula1, const char *formula2, const char *test_name);
      79             : };
      80             : 
      81          34 : void Test::setUp()
      82             : {
      83          34 :     BootstrapFixture::setUp();
      84             : 
      85          34 :     SmGlobals::ensure();
      86             : 
      87          34 :     xDocShRef = new SmDocShell(SFXOBJECTSHELL_STD_NORMAL);
      88          34 : }
      89             : 
      90          34 : void Test::tearDown()
      91             : {
      92          34 :     xDocShRef.Clear();
      93          34 :     BootstrapFixture::tearDown();
      94          34 : }
      95             : 
      96             : /*
      97             :  * Most of the formula commands in this file came from:
      98             :  *
      99             :  * which was licensed with a
     100             :  * Creative Common Attribution 3.0 license and written by:
     101             :  * Jeanweber, Weegreenblobbie, Jdpipe, TJFrazier, Ysangkok, B michaelsen, Spellbreaker
     102             :  */
     103             : 
     104           2 : void Test::SimpleUnaryOp()
     105             : {
     106           2 :     parseandparseagain("+1", "Positive (plus)");
     107           2 :     parseandparseagain("-2", "Negative (minus)");
     108           2 :     parseandparseagain("+-3", "Plus/minus");
     109           2 :     parseandparseagain("-+4", "Minus/plus");
     110           2 :     parseandparseagain("neg a", "Boolean 'not'");
     111           2 :     parseandparseagain("fact a", "Factorial");
     112           2 :     parseandparseagain(" - { 1 over 2 } ", "BinVer in Unary 1");
     113           2 :     ParseAndCheck(" - { 1 over 2 } ", " - { 1 over 2 } ", "BinVer in Unary 1");
     114           2 :     parseandparseagain(" { - { 1 over 2 } } ", "BinVer in Unary 2");
     115           2 :     parseandparseagain(" - 1 over 2 ", "Unary in BinVer as numerator 1");
     116           2 :     parseandparseagain(" { - 1 } over 2 ", "Unary in BinVer as numerator 2");
     117           2 :     parseandparseagain(" 1 over - 2 ", "Unary in BinVer as denominator 1");
     118           2 :     parseandparseagain(" 1 over { - 2 } ", "Unary in BinVer as denominator 2");
     119           2 :     parseandparseagain(" 2 { - 1 over 2 } ", "Mixed number with Unary in denominator 1");
     120           2 :     parseandparseagain(" 2 { - 1 } over 2 ", "Mixed number with Unary in denominator 2");
     121           2 :     parseandparseagain(" - 1 + 2 ", "Unary in BinHor");
     122           2 : }
     123             : 
     124           2 : void Test::SimpleBinaryOp()
     125             : {
     126           2 :     parseandparseagain("a + b", "Addition");
     127           2 :     parseandparseagain("a cdot b", "Dot product");
     128           2 :     parseandparseagain("a times b", "Cross product");
     129           2 :     parseandparseagain("a * b", "Multiplication (asterisk)");
     130           2 :     parseandparseagain("a and b", "Boolean 'and'");
     131           2 :     parseandparseagain("a - b", "Subtraction");
     132           2 :     parseandparseagain("a over b", "Division (as a fraction)");
     133           2 :     parseandparseagain("a div b", "Division (as an operator)");
     134           2 :     parseandparseagain("a / b", "Division (with a slash)");
     135           2 :     parseandparseagain("a or b", "Boolean 'or'");
     136           2 :     parseandparseagain("a circ b", "Concatenation");
     137           2 : }
     138             : 
     139           2 : void Test::SimpleRelationalOp()
     140             : {
     141           2 :     parseandparseagain("a = b", "Is equal");
     142           2 :     parseandparseagain("a <> b", "Is not equal");
     143           2 :     parseandparseagain("a approx 2", "Approximately");
     144           2 :     parseandparseagain("a divides b", "Divides");
     145           2 :     parseandparseagain("a ndivides b", "Does not divide");
     146           2 :     parseandparseagain("a < 2", "Less than");
     147           2 :     parseandparseagain("a > 2", "Greater than");
     148           2 :     parseandparseagain("a simeq b", "Similar to or equal");
     149           2 :     parseandparseagain("a parallel b", "Parallel");
     150           2 :     parseandparseagain("a ortho b", "Orthogonal to");
     151           2 :     parseandparseagain("a leslant b", "Less than or equal to");
     152           2 :     parseandparseagain("a geslant b", "Greater than or equal to");
     153           2 :     parseandparseagain("a sim b", "Similar to");
     154           2 :     parseandparseagain("a equiv b", "Congruent");
     155           2 :     parseandparseagain("a <= b", "Less than or equal to");
     156           2 :     parseandparseagain("a >= b", "Greater than or equal to");
     157           2 :     parseandparseagain("a prop b", "Proportional");
     158           2 :     parseandparseagain("a toward b", "Toward");
     159           2 :     parseandparseagain("a dlarrow b", "Arrow left");
     160           2 :     parseandparseagain("a dlrarrow b", "Double arrow left and right");
     161           2 :     parseandparseagain("drarrow b", "Arrow right");
     162           2 : }
     163             : 
     164           2 : void Test::SimpleSetOp()
     165             : {
     166           2 :     parseandparseagain("a in B", "Is in");
     167           2 :     parseandparseagain("a notin B", "Is not in");
     168           2 :     parseandparseagain("A owns b", "Owns");
     169           2 :     parseandparseagain("emptyset", "Empty set");
     170           2 :     parseandparseagain("A intersection B", "Intersection");
     171           2 :     parseandparseagain("A union B", "Union");
     172           2 :     parseandparseagain("A setminus B", "Difference");
     173           2 :     parseandparseagain("A slash B", "Quotient");
     174           2 :     parseandparseagain("aleph", "Aleph");
     175           2 :     parseandparseagain("A subset B", "Subset");
     176           2 :     parseandparseagain("A subseteq B", "Subset or equal to");
     177           2 :     parseandparseagain("A supset B", "Superset");
     178           2 :     parseandparseagain("A supseteq B", "Superset or equal to");
     179           2 :     parseandparseagain("A nsubset B", "Not subset");
     180           2 :     parseandparseagain("A nsubseteq B", "Not subset or equal");
     181           2 :     parseandparseagain("A nsupset B", "Not superset");
     182           2 :     parseandparseagain("A nsupseteq B", "Not superset or equal");
     183           2 :     parseandparseagain("setN", "Set of natural numbers");
     184           2 :     parseandparseagain("setZ", "Set of integers");
     185           2 :     parseandparseagain("setQ", "Set of rational numbers");
     186           2 :     parseandparseagain("setR", "Set of real numbers");
     187           2 :     parseandparseagain("setC", "Set of complex numbers");
     188           2 : }
     189             : 
     190           2 : void Test::SimpleFunctions()
     191             : {
     192           2 :     parseandparseagain("func e^{a}", "Exponential");
     193           2 :     parseandparseagain("ln(a)", "Natural logarithm");
     194           2 :     parseandparseagain("exp(a)", "Exponential function");
     195           2 :     parseandparseagain("log(a)", "Logarithm");
     196           2 :     parseandparseagain("a^{b}", "Power");
     197           2 :     parseandparseagain("sin(a)", "Sine");
     198           2 :     parseandparseagain("cos(a)", "Cosine");
     199           2 :     parseandparseagain("tan(a)", "Tangent");
     200           2 :     parseandparseagain("cot(a)", "Cotangent");
     201           2 :     parseandparseagain("sqrt{a}", "Square root");
     202           2 :     parseandparseagain("arcsin(a)", "Arcsine");
     203           2 :     parseandparseagain("arccos(a)", "Arccosine");
     204           2 :     parseandparseagain("arctan(a)", "Arctangent");
     205           2 :     parseandparseagain("arccot(a)", "Arc cotangent");
     206           2 :     parseandparseagain("nroot{a}{b}", "nth root");
     207           2 :     parseandparseagain("sinh(a)", "Hyperbolic sine");
     208           2 :     parseandparseagain("cosh(a)", "Hyperbolic cosine");
     209           2 :     parseandparseagain("tanh(a)", "Hyperbolic tangent");
     210           2 :     parseandparseagain("coth(a)", "Hyperbolic cotangent");
     211           2 :     parseandparseagain("abs{a}", "Absolute value");
     212           2 :     parseandparseagain("arsinh(a)", "Arc hyperbolic sine");
     213           2 :     parseandparseagain("arcosh(a)", "Arc hyperbolic cosine");
     214           2 :     parseandparseagain("artanh(a)", "Arc hyperbolic tangent");
     215           2 :     parseandparseagain("arcoth(a)", "Arc hyperbolic cotangent");
     216           2 : }
     217             : 
     218           2 : void Test::SimpleOperators()
     219             : {
     220           2 :     parseandparseagain("lim{a}", "Limit");
     221           2 :     parseandparseagain("sum{a}", "Sum");
     222           2 :     parseandparseagain("prod{a}", "Product");
     223           2 :     parseandparseagain("coprod{a}", "Coproduct");
     224             : //FIXME    parseandparseagain("int from {r_0} to {r_t} a", "Upper and lower bounds shown with integral (from & to)");
     225             : //FIXME    ParseAndCheck("int csup {r_0} csub {r_t} a", "int csup { r rsub 0 } csub { r rsub t } a ", "Upper and lower bounds shown with integral (csub & csup)");
     226             : //FIXME    ParseAndCheck("sum csup { size 8 { x - 1 } } csub { size 8 a } b ", "sum csup { size 8 { x - 1 } } csub { size 8 a } b ", "Sum with sized upper and lower bounds");
     227           2 :     parseandparseagain("int{a}", "Integral");
     228           2 :     parseandparseagain("iint{a}", "Double integral");
     229           2 :     parseandparseagain("iiint{a}", "Triple integral");
     230           2 :     parseandparseagain("sum from{3}b", "Lower bound shown with summation symbol");
     231           2 :     parseandparseagain("lint a", "Contour integral");
     232           2 :     parseandparseagain("llint a", "Double curved integral");
     233           2 :     parseandparseagain("lllint a", "Triple curved integral");
     234           2 :     parseandparseagain("prod from {i=1} to {n} {(i+1)}", "Product with range");
     235           2 :     ParseAndCheck("%Ux2135", "%Ux2135", "fdo#77831");
     236           2 : }
     237             : 
     238           2 : void Test::SimpleAttributes()
     239             : {
     240           2 :     parseandparseagain("acute a", "Acute accent");
     241           2 :     parseandparseagain("grave a", "Grave accent");
     242           2 :     parseandparseagain("check a", "Reverse circumflex");
     243           2 :     parseandparseagain("breve a", "Breve");
     244           2 :     parseandparseagain("circle a", "Circle");
     245           2 :     parseandparseagain("vec a", "Vector arrow");
     246           2 :     parseandparseagain("tilde a", "Tilde");
     247           2 :     parseandparseagain("hat a", "Circumflex");
     248           2 :     parseandparseagain("bar a", "Line above");
     249           2 :     parseandparseagain("dot a", "Dot");
     250           2 :     parseandparseagain("widevec abc", "Wide vector arrow");
     251           2 :     parseandparseagain("widetilde abc", "Wide tilde");
     252           2 :     parseandparseagain("widehat abc", "Wide circumflex");
     253           2 :     parseandparseagain("ddot a", "Double dot");
     254           2 :     parseandparseagain("overline abc", "Line over");
     255           2 :     parseandparseagain("underline abc", "Line under");
     256           2 :     parseandparseagain("overstrike abc", "Line through");
     257           2 :     parseandparseagain("dddot a", "Triple dot");
     258           2 :     parseandparseagain("phantom a", "Transparent (useful to get a placeholder of a given size)");
     259           2 :     parseandparseagain("bold a", "Bold font");
     260           2 :     parseandparseagain("ital a", "Italic font");
     261           2 :     parseandparseagain("nitalic a", "Roman (non-italic) font 1");
     262           2 :     parseandparseagain("\"a\"", "Roman (non-italic) font 2");
     263           2 :     parseandparseagain("size 16 qv", "Resize font");
     264           2 :     parseandparseagain("font sans qv", "Sans serif font");
     265           2 :     parseandparseagain("font serif qv", "Serif font");
     266           2 :     parseandparseagain("font fixed qv", "Fixed font");
     267           2 :     parseandparseagain("color cyan qv", "Cyan color");
     268           2 :     parseandparseagain("color yellow qv", "Yellow color");
     269           2 :     parseandparseagain("color white qv", "White color");
     270           2 :     parseandparseagain("color green qv", "Green color");
     271           2 :     parseandparseagain("color blue qv", "Blue color");
     272           2 :     parseandparseagain("color red qv", "Red color");
     273           2 :     parseandparseagain("color green X qv", "Green color changes back");
     274           2 :     parseandparseagain("color green {X qv}", "Green color, more than one item");
     275           2 : }
     276             : 
     277           2 : void Test::SimpleMisc()
     278             : {
     279           2 :     parseandparseagain("infinity", "Infinity");
     280           2 :     parseandparseagain("partial", "Partial");
     281           2 :     parseandparseagain("nabla", "Nabla");
     282           2 :     parseandparseagain("exists", "There exists");
     283           2 :     parseandparseagain("notexists", "There not exists");
     284           2 :     parseandparseagain("forall", "For all");
     285           2 :     parseandparseagain("hbar", "H bar");
     286           2 :     parseandparseagain("lambdabar", "Lambda bar");
     287           2 :     parseandparseagain("re", "Real part");
     288           2 :     parseandparseagain("im", "Imaginary part");
     289           2 :     parseandparseagain("wp", "Weierstrass p");
     290           2 :     parseandparseagain("leftarrow", "Left arrow");
     291           2 :     parseandparseagain("rightarrow", "Right arrow");
     292           2 :     parseandparseagain("uparrow", "Up arrow");
     293           2 :     parseandparseagain("downarrow", "Down arrow");
     294           2 :     parseandparseagain("dotslow", "Dots at bottom");
     295           2 :     parseandparseagain("dotsaxis", "Dots at middle");
     296           2 :     parseandparseagain("dotsvert", "Dots vertical");
     297           2 :     parseandparseagain("dotsup", "Dots diagonal upward");
     298           2 :     parseandparseagain("dotsdown", "Dots diagonal downward");
     299           2 : }
     300             : 
     301           2 : void Test::SimpleBrackets()
     302             : {
     303           2 :     parseandparseagain("(a)", "Round Brackets");
     304           2 :     parseandparseagain("[b]", "Square Brackets");
     305           2 :     parseandparseagain("ldbracket c rdbracket", "Double Square Brackets");
     306           2 :     parseandparseagain("lline a rline", "Single line or absolute");
     307           2 :     parseandparseagain("abs a", "Single line or absolute 2");
     308           2 :     parseandparseagain("ldline a rdline", "Double line");
     309           2 :     parseandparseagain("lbrace w rbrace", "Braces");
     310           2 :     parseandparseagain("left lbrace stack{0, n <> 0 # 1, n = 1} right none", "Single left brace");
     311           2 :     parseandparseagain("langle d rangle", "Angle Brackets");
     312           2 :     parseandparseagain("langle a mline b rangle", "Operator Brackets");
     313           2 :     parseandparseagain("{a}", "Group brackets (used for program control)");
     314           2 :     parseandparseagain("left ( stack{a # b # z} right )", "Round brackets scalable");
     315           2 :     parseandparseagain("left [ stack{x # y} right ]", "Square brackets scalable");
     316           2 :     parseandparseagain("left ldbracket c right rdbracket", "Double square brackets scalable");
     317           2 :     parseandparseagain("left lline a right rline", "Line scalable");
     318           2 :     parseandparseagain("left ldline d right rdline", "Double line scalable");
     319           2 :     parseandparseagain("left lbrace e right rbrace", "Brace scalable");
     320           2 :     parseandparseagain("left langle f right rangle", "Angle bracket scalable");
     321           2 :     parseandparseagain("left langle g mline h right rangle", "Operator brackets scalable");
     322           2 :     parseandparseagain("{a} overbrace b", "Over brace scalable");
     323           2 :     parseandparseagain("{b} underbrace a", "Under brace scalable");
     324           2 : }
     325             : 
     326           2 : void Test::SimpleFormats()
     327             : {
     328           2 :     parseandparseagain("a lsup{b}", "Left superscript");
     329           2 :     parseandparseagain("a csup{b}", "Center superscript");
     330           2 :     parseandparseagain("a^{b}", "Right superscript");
     331           2 :     parseandparseagain("a lsub{b}", "Left subscript");
     332           2 :     parseandparseagain("a csub{b}", "Center subscript");
     333           2 :     parseandparseagain("a_{b}", "Right subscript");
     334           2 :     parseandparseagain("stack { Hello world # alignl (a) }", "Align character to left");
     335           2 :     parseandparseagain("stack{Hello world # alignc(a)}", "Align character to center");
     336           2 :     parseandparseagain("stack { Hello world # alignr(a)}", "Align character to right");
     337           2 :     parseandparseagain("binom{a}{b}", "Vertical stack of 2");
     338           2 :     parseandparseagain("stack{a # b # z}", "Vertical stack, more than 2");
     339           2 :     parseandparseagain("matrix{a # b ## c # d}", "Matrix");
     340           2 :     parseandparseagain("matrix{a # \"=\" # alignl{b} ## {} # \"=\" # alignl{c+1}}", "Equations aligned at '=' (using 'matrix') ");
     341           2 :     parseandparseagain("stack{alignl{a} = b # alignl{phantom{a} = c+1}}", "Equations aligned at '=' (using 'phantom') ");
     342           2 :     parseandparseagain("asldkfjo newline sadkfj", "New line");
     343           2 :     parseandparseagain("stuff `stuff", "Small gap (grave)");
     344           2 :     parseandparseagain("stuff~stuff", "Large gap (tilde)");
     345           2 : }
     346             : 
     347           2 : void Test::SimpleGreekChars()
     348             : {
     349           2 :     parseandparseagain("%ALPHA", "Capital alpha");
     350           2 :     parseandparseagain("%BETA", "Capital beta");
     351           2 :     parseandparseagain("%CHI", "Capital chi");
     352           2 :     parseandparseagain("%DELTA", "Capital delta");
     353           2 :     parseandparseagain("%EPSILON", "Capital epsilon");
     354           2 :     parseandparseagain("%ETA", "Capital eta");
     355           2 :     parseandparseagain("%GAMMA", "Capital gamma");
     356           2 :     parseandparseagain("%IOTA", "Capital iota");
     357           2 :     parseandparseagain("%LAMBDA", "Capital lambda");
     358           2 :     parseandparseagain("%MU", "Capital mu");
     359           2 :     parseandparseagain("%NU", "Capital nu");
     360           2 :     parseandparseagain("%OMEGA", "Capital omega");
     361           2 :     parseandparseagain("%OMICRON", "Capital omicron");
     362           2 :     parseandparseagain("%PHI", "Capital phi");
     363           2 :     parseandparseagain("%PI", "Capital pi");
     364           2 :     parseandparseagain("%PSI", "Capital psi");
     365           2 :     parseandparseagain("%RHO", "Capital rho");
     366           2 :     parseandparseagain("%SIGMA", "Capital sigma");
     367           2 :     parseandparseagain("%TAU", "Capital tau");
     368           2 :     parseandparseagain("%THETA", "Capital theta");
     369           2 :     parseandparseagain("%UPSILON", "Capital upsilon");
     370           2 :     parseandparseagain("%XI", "Capital xi");
     371           2 :     parseandparseagain("%ZETA", "Capital zeta");
     372           2 :     parseandparseagain("%alpha", "lowercase alpha");
     373           2 :     parseandparseagain("%beta", "lowercase beta");
     374           2 :     parseandparseagain("%chi", "lowercase chi");
     375           2 :     parseandparseagain("%delta", "lowercase delta");
     376           2 :     parseandparseagain("%epsilon", "lowercase epsilon");
     377           2 :     parseandparseagain("%eta", "lowercase eta");
     378           2 :     parseandparseagain("%gamma", "lowercase gamma");
     379           2 :     parseandparseagain("%iota", "lowercase iota");
     380           2 :     parseandparseagain("%kappa", "lowercase kappa");
     381           2 :     parseandparseagain("%lambda", "lowercase lambda");
     382           2 :     parseandparseagain("%mu", "lowercase mu");
     383           2 :     parseandparseagain("%nu", "lowercase nu");
     384           2 :     parseandparseagain("%omega", "lowercase omega");
     385           2 :     parseandparseagain("%omicron", "lowercase omicron");
     386           2 :     parseandparseagain("%phi", "lowercase phi");
     387           2 :     parseandparseagain("%pi", "lowercase pi");
     388           2 :     parseandparseagain("%psi", "lowercase psi");
     389           2 :     parseandparseagain("%rho", "lowercase rho");
     390           2 :     parseandparseagain("%sigma", "lowercase sigma");
     391           2 :     parseandparseagain("%tau", "lowercase tau");
     392           2 :     parseandparseagain("%theta", "lowercase theta");
     393           2 :     parseandparseagain("%upsilon", "lowercase upsilon");
     394           2 :     parseandparseagain("%varepsilon", "Varepsilon");
     395           2 :     parseandparseagain("%varphi", "Varphi");
     396           2 :     parseandparseagain("%varpi", "Varpi");
     397           2 :     parseandparseagain("%varrho", "Varrho");
     398           2 :     parseandparseagain("%varsigma", "Varsigma");
     399           2 :     parseandparseagain("%vartheta", "Vartheta");
     400           2 :     parseandparseagain("%xi", "lowercase xi");
     401           2 :     parseandparseagain("%zeta", "lowercase zeta");
     402           2 : }
     403             : 
     404           2 : void Test::SimpleSpecialChars()
     405             : {
     406           2 :     parseandparseagain("%and", "And");
     407           2 :     parseandparseagain("%angle", "Angle");
     408           2 :     parseandparseagain("%element", "Element");
     409           2 :     parseandparseagain("%identical", "Identical");
     410           2 :     parseandparseagain("%infinite", "Infinite");
     411           2 :     parseandparseagain("%noelement", "No element");
     412           2 :     parseandparseagain("%notequal", "Not equal");
     413           2 :     parseandparseagain("%or", "Or");
     414           2 :     parseandparseagain("%perthousand", "Per thousand");
     415           2 :     parseandparseagain("%strictlygreaterthan", "Strictly greater than");
     416           2 :     parseandparseagain("%strictlylessthan", "Strictly less than");
     417           2 :     parseandparseagain("%tendto", "Tend to");
     418           2 : }
     419             : 
     420             : /* This test takes a formula command, parses it, converts the node to text,
     421             :  * parses it again, converts it to text again, and compares the values.
     422             :  * Doing this doesn't prove that it is correct, but it should prove that the
     423             :  * meaning of the original command is not being changed.
     424             :  */
     425         526 : void Test::parseandparseagain(const char *formula, const char *test_name)
     426             : {
     427        1052 :     OUString output1, output2;
     428             :     SmNode *pNode1, *pNode2;
     429             : 
     430             :     // parse 1
     431        1052 :     OUString input = OUString::createFromAscii(formula);
     432         526 :     pNode1 = SmParser().ParseExpression(input);
     433         526 :     pNode1->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     434         526 :     SmNodeToTextVisitor(pNode1, output1);
     435             : 
     436             :     // parse 2
     437         526 :     pNode2 = SmParser().ParseExpression(output1);
     438         526 :     pNode2->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     439         526 :     SmNodeToTextVisitor(pNode2, output2);
     440             : 
     441             :     // compare
     442        1052 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_name,
     443             :         output1,
     444         526 :         output2);
     445             : 
     446         526 :     delete pNode1;
     447        1052 :     delete pNode2;
     448         526 : }
     449             : 
     450           4 : void Test::ParseAndCheck(const char *formula, const char * expected, const char *test_name)
     451             : {
     452           4 :     OUString sOutput;
     453             :     SmNode *pNode;
     454             : 
     455             :     // parse
     456           8 :     OUString sInput = OUString::createFromAscii(formula);
     457           4 :     pNode = SmParser().ParseExpression(sInput);
     458           4 :     pNode->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     459           4 :     SmNodeToTextVisitor(pNode, sOutput);
     460             : 
     461             :     // compare
     462           8 :     OUString sExpected = OUString::createFromAscii(expected);
     463           8 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_name,
     464             :         sExpected,
     465           4 :         sOutput);
     466             : 
     467           8 :     delete pNode;
     468           4 : }
     469             : 
     470             : // Parse two formula commands and verify that they give the same output
     471          12 : void Test::ParseAndCompare(const char *formula1, const char *formula2, const char *test_name)
     472             : {
     473          24 :     OUString sOutput1, sOutput2;
     474             :     SmNode *pNode1, *pNode2;
     475             : 
     476             :     // parse formula1
     477          24 :     OUString sInput1 = OUString::createFromAscii(formula1);
     478          12 :     pNode1 = SmParser().ParseExpression(sInput1);
     479          12 :     pNode1->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     480          12 :     SmNodeToTextVisitor(pNode1, sOutput1);
     481             : 
     482             :     // parse formula2
     483          24 :     OUString sInput2 = OUString::createFromAscii(formula2);
     484          12 :     pNode2 = SmParser().ParseExpression(sInput2);
     485          12 :     pNode2->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     486          12 :     SmNodeToTextVisitor(pNode2, sOutput2);
     487             : 
     488          12 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(test_name, sOutput1, sOutput2);
     489             : 
     490          12 :     delete pNode1;
     491          24 :     delete pNode2;
     492          12 : }
     493             : 
     494           2 : void Test::testBinomInBinHor()
     495             : {
     496           4 :     OUString sInput, sExpected;
     497             :     SmNode* pTree;
     498             : 
     499             :     // set up a binom (table) node
     500           2 :     sInput += "binom a b + c";
     501           2 :     pTree = SmParser().Parse(sInput);
     502           2 :     pTree->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     503             : 
     504           4 :     SmCursor aCursor(pTree, xDocShRef);
     505           4 :     VirtualDevice aOutputDevice;
     506             : 
     507             :     // move forward (more than) enough places to be at the end
     508             :     int i;
     509          18 :     for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
     510          16 :         aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveRight);
     511             : 
     512             :     // tack +d on the end, which will put the binom into an SmBinHorNode
     513           2 :     aCursor.InsertElement(PlusElement);
     514           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("d");
     515             : 
     516           2 :     sExpected += " { { binom a b + c } + d } ";
     517           2 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Binom Node in BinHor Node", sExpected, xDocShRef->GetText());
     518             : 
     519           4 :     delete pTree;
     520           2 : }
     521             : 
     522           2 : void Test::testBinVerInUnary()
     523             : {
     524           4 :     OUString sInput, sExpected;
     525             :     SmNode* pTree;
     526             : 
     527             :     // set up a unary operator with operand
     528           2 :     sInput += "- 1";
     529           2 :     pTree = SmParser().Parse(sInput);
     530           2 :     pTree->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     531             : 
     532           4 :     SmCursor aCursor(pTree, xDocShRef);
     533           4 :     VirtualDevice aOutputDevice;
     534             : 
     535             :     // move forward (more than) enough places to be at the end
     536             :     int i;
     537           8 :     for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
     538           6 :         aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveRight);
     539             : 
     540             :     // select the operand
     541           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveLeft, false);
     542             :     // set up a fraction
     543           2 :     aCursor.InsertFraction();
     544           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveDown);
     545           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("2");
     546             : 
     547           2 :     sExpected += " - { 1 over 2 } ";
     548           2 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Binary Vertical in Unary Operator", sExpected, xDocShRef->GetText());
     549             : 
     550           4 :     delete pTree;
     551           2 : }
     552             : 
     553           2 : void Test::testBinHorInSubSup()
     554             : {
     555           2 :     OUString sInput;
     556             : 
     557             :     // set up a blank formula
     558           2 :     SmNode* pTree = SmParser().Parse(sInput);
     559           2 :     pTree->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     560             : 
     561           4 :     SmCursor aCursor(pTree, xDocShRef);
     562           4 :     VirtualDevice aOutputDevice;
     563             : 
     564             :     // Insert an RSup expression with a BinHor for the exponent
     565           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("a");
     566           2 :     aCursor.InsertSubSup(RSUP);
     567           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("b");
     568           2 :     aCursor.InsertElement(PlusElement);
     569           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("c");
     570             : 
     571             :     // Move to the end and add d to the expression
     572           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveRight);
     573           2 :     aCursor.InsertElement(PlusElement);
     574           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("d");
     575             : 
     576             : //FIXME    OUString sExpected = " { a rsup { b + c } + d } ";
     577             : //FIXME    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("BinHor in SubSup", sExpected, xDocShRef->GetText());
     578             : 
     579           4 :     delete pTree;
     580           2 : }
     581             : 
     582           2 : void Test::testUnaryInMixedNumberAsNumerator()
     583             : {
     584             :     // set up a unary operator
     585           2 :     OUString sInput = "- 1";
     586           2 :     SmNode* pTree = SmParser().Parse(sInput);
     587           2 :     pTree->Prepare(xDocShRef->GetFormat(), *xDocShRef);
     588             : 
     589           4 :     SmCursor aCursor(pTree, xDocShRef);
     590           4 :     VirtualDevice aOutputDevice;
     591             : 
     592             :     // move forward (more than) enough places to be at the end
     593           8 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
     594           6 :         aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveRight);
     595             : 
     596             :     // Select the whole Unary Horizontal Node
     597           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveLeft, false);
     598           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveLeft, false);
     599             : 
     600             :     // Set up a fraction
     601           2 :     aCursor.InsertFraction();
     602           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveDown);
     603           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("2");
     604             : 
     605             :     // Move left and turn this into a mixed number
     606             :     // (bad form, but this could happen right?)
     607           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveLeft);
     608           2 :     aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveLeft);
     609           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("2");
     610             : 
     611             :     // move forward (more than) enough places to be at the end
     612          18 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
     613          16 :         aCursor.Move(&aOutputDevice, MoveRight);
     614             : 
     615             :     // add 4 to the end
     616           2 :     aCursor.InsertElement(PlusElement);
     617           2 :     aCursor.InsertText("4");
     618             : 
     619           4 :     OUString sExpected = " { 2 { - 1 over 2 } + 4 } ";
     620           2 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Unary in mixed number as Numerator", sExpected, xDocShRef->GetText());
     621             : 
     622           4 :     delete pTree;
     623           2 : }
     624             : 
     625           2 : void Test::testMiscEquivalent()
     626             : {
     627             :     // fdo#55853
     628           2 :     ParseAndCompare("2x", "2 x", "Number times variable");
     629           2 :     ParseAndCompare("3x^2", "3 x^2", "Number times power");
     630             : 
     631             :     // i#11752 and fdo#55853
     632           2 :     ParseAndCompare("x_2n", "x_{2 n}", "Number times variable in subscript");
     633           2 :     ParseAndCompare("x^2n", "x^{2 n}", "Number times variable in supscript");
     634             : 
     635             :     // fdo#66081
     636           2 :     ParseAndCompare("{x}", "x", "Variable in brace");
     637           2 :     ParseAndCompare("{{x+{{y}}}}", "x+y", "Nested braces");
     638           2 : }
     639             : 
     640           2 : CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(Test);
     641             : 
     642           6 : }
     643             : 
     644             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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