LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - svx/source/form - fmvwimp.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 302 842 35.9 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 43 71 60.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : 
      21             : #include "fmdocumentclassification.hxx"
      22             : #include "fmobj.hxx"
      23             : #include "fmpgeimp.hxx"
      24             : #include "fmprop.hrc"
      25             : #include "svx/fmresids.hrc"
      26             : #include "fmservs.hxx"
      27             : #include "fmshimp.hxx"
      28             : #include "svx/fmtools.hxx"
      29             : #include "fmundo.hxx"
      30             : #include "fmvwimp.hxx"
      31             : #include "formcontrolfactory.hxx"
      32             : #include "svx/sdrpaintwindow.hxx"
      33             : #include "svx/svditer.hxx"
      34             : #include "svx/dataaccessdescriptor.hxx"
      35             : #include "svx/dialmgr.hxx"
      36             : #include "svx/fmglob.hxx"
      37             : #include "svx/fmmodel.hxx"
      38             : #include "svx/fmpage.hxx"
      39             : #include "svx/fmshell.hxx"
      40             : #include "svx/fmview.hxx"
      41             : #include "svx/sdrpagewindow.hxx"
      42             : #include "svx/svdogrp.hxx"
      43             : #include "svx/svdpagv.hxx"
      44             : #include "svx/xmlexchg.hxx"
      45             : 
      46             : #include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XExecutableDialog.hpp>
      47             : #include <com/sun/star/style/VerticalAlignment.hpp>
      48             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp>
      49             : #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRowSet.hpp>
      50             : #include <com/sun/star/form/XLoadable.hpp>
      51             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/VisualEffect.hpp>
      52             : #include <com/sun/star/util/XNumberFormatsSupplier.hpp>
      53             : #include <com/sun/star/util/XNumberFormats.hpp>
      54             : #include <com/sun/star/sdb/CommandType.hpp>
      55             : #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp>
      56             : #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/ColumnValue.hpp>
      57             : #include <com/sun/star/form/FormComponentType.hpp>
      58             : #include <com/sun/star/form/FormButtonType.hpp>
      59             : #include <com/sun/star/form/XReset.hpp>
      60             : #include <com/sun/star/form/binding/XBindableValue.hpp>
      61             : #include <com/sun/star/form/binding/XValueBinding.hpp>
      62             : #include <com/sun/star/form/runtime/FormController.hpp>
      63             : #include <com/sun/star/form/submission/XSubmissionSupplier.hpp>
      64             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/XTabControllerModel.hpp>
      65             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/XControlContainer.hpp>
      66             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/XTabController.hpp>
      67             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp>
      68             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/XControl.hpp>
      69             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/XUnoTunnel.hpp>
      70             : #include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XTablesSupplier.hpp>
      71             : #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XPreparedStatement.hpp>
      72             : #include <com/sun/star/sdb/XQueriesSupplier.hpp>
      73             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainer.hpp>
      74             : 
      75             : #include <comphelper/enumhelper.hxx>
      76             : #include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
      77             : #include <comphelper/namedvaluecollection.hxx>
      78             : #include <comphelper/numbers.hxx>
      79             : #include <comphelper/property.hxx>
      80             : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
      81             : #include <cppuhelper/exc_hlp.hxx>
      82             : #include <unotools/moduleoptions.hxx>
      83             : #include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
      84             : #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
      85             : #include <vcl/stdtext.hxx>
      86             : #include <osl/mutex.hxx>
      87             : 
      88             : #include <algorithm>
      89             : 
      90             : using namespace ::comphelper;
      91             : using namespace ::svx;
      92             : using namespace ::svxform;
      93             : 
      94             :     using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      95             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception;
      96             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException;
      97             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface;
      98             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
      99             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY;
     100             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW;
     101             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_SET_THROW;
     102             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Type;
     103             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
     104             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any;
     105             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny;
     106             :     using ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext;
     107             :     using ::com::sun::star::style::VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE;
     108             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::FormButtonType_SUBMIT;
     109             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::binding::XValueBinding;
     110             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::binding::XBindableValue;
     111             :     using ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent;
     112             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess;
     113             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController;
     114             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::XFormController;
     115             :     using ::com::sun::star::script::XEventAttacherManager;
     116             :     using ::com::sun::star::awt::XTabControllerModel;
     117             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XChild;
     118             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration;
     119             :     using ::com::sun::star::task::XInteractionHandler;
     120             :     using ::com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization;
     121             :     using ::com::sun::star::awt::XTabController;
     122             :     using ::com::sun::star::lang::XUnoTunnel;
     123             :     using ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlContainer;
     124             :     using ::com::sun::star::awt::XControl;
     125             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::XFormComponent;
     126             :     using ::com::sun::star::form::XForm;
     127             :     using ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException;
     128             :     using ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException;
     129             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XContainer;
     130             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent;
     131             :     using ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject;
     132             :     using ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue;
     133             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdb::SQLErrorEvent;
     134             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XRowSet;
     135             :     using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;
     136             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XElementAccess;
     137             :     using ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindow;
     138             :     using ::com::sun::star::awt::FocusEvent;
     139             :     using ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs::XExecutableDialog;
     140             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XDataSource;
     141             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer;
     142             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection;
     143             :     using ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess;
     144             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdb::SQLContext;
     145             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLWarning;
     146             :     using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException;
     147             :     using ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier;
     148             :     using ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormats;
     149             :     using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo;
     150             : 
     151             :     namespace FormComponentType = ::com::sun::star::form::FormComponentType;
     152             :     namespace CommandType = ::com::sun::star::sdb::CommandType;
     153             :     namespace DataType = ::com::sun::star::sdbc::DataType;
     154             : 
     155             : 
     156         640 : class FmXFormView::ObjectRemoveListener : public SfxListener
     157             : {
     158             :     FmXFormView* m_pParent;
     159             : public:
     160             :     ObjectRemoveListener( FmXFormView* pParent );
     161             :     virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     162             : };
     163             : 
     164             : 
     165             : 
     166         514 : FormViewPageWindowAdapter::FormViewPageWindowAdapter( const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& _rContext, const SdrPageWindow& _rWindow, FmXFormView* _pViewImpl )
     167             : :   m_xControlContainer( _rWindow.GetControlContainer() ),
     168             :     m_xContext( _rContext ),
     169             :     m_pViewImpl( _pViewImpl ),
     170         514 :     m_pWindow( dynamic_cast< vcl::Window* >( &_rWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice() ) )
     171             : {
     172             : 
     173             :     // create an XFormController for every form
     174         514 :     FmFormPage* pFormPage = dynamic_cast< FmFormPage* >( _rWindow.GetPageView().GetPage() );
     175             :     DBG_ASSERT( pFormPage, "FormViewPageWindowAdapter::FormViewPageWindowAdapter: no FmFormPage found!" );
     176         514 :     if ( pFormPage )
     177             :     {
     178             :         try
     179             :         {
     180         514 :             Reference< XIndexAccess > xForms( pFormPage->GetForms(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     181         492 :             sal_uInt32 nLength = xForms->getCount();
     182         640 :             for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
     183             :             {
     184         148 :                 Reference< XForm > xForm( xForms->getByIndex(i), UNO_QUERY );
     185         148 :                 if ( )
     186         148 :                     setController( xForm, NULL );
     187         640 :             }
     188             :         }
     189          22 :         catch (const Exception&)
     190             :         {
     191             :             DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     192             :         }
     193             :     }
     194         514 : }
     195             : 
     196        1028 : FormViewPageWindowAdapter::~FormViewPageWindowAdapter()
     197             : {
     198        1028 : }
     199             : 
     200             : 
     201         514 : void FormViewPageWindowAdapter::dispose()
     202             : {
     203        1986 :     for (   ::std::vector< Reference< XFormController > >::const_iterator i = m_aControllerList.begin();
     204        1324 :             i != m_aControllerList.end();
     205             :             ++i
     206             :         )
     207             :     {
     208             :         try
     209             :         {
     210         148 :             Reference< XFormController > xController( *i, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     211             : 
     212             :             // detaching the events
     213         296 :             Reference< XChild > xControllerModel( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY );
     214         148 :             if ( )
     215             :             {
     216         148 :                 Reference< XEventAttacherManager >  xEventManager( xControllerModel->getParent(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     217         296 :                 Reference< XInterface > xControllerNormalized( xController, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     218         296 :                 xEventManager->detach( i - m_aControllerList.begin(), xControllerNormalized );
     219             :             }
     220             : 
     221             :             // dispose the formcontroller
     222         296 :             xController->dispose();
     223             :         }
     224           0 :         catch (const Exception&)
     225             :         {
     226             :             DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     227             :         }
     228             :     }
     229             : 
     230         514 :     m_aControllerList.clear();
     231         514 : }
     232             : 
     233             : 
     234             : 
     235           0 : sal_Bool SAL_CALL FormViewPageWindowAdapter::hasElements(void) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     236             : {
     237           0 :     return getCount() != 0;
     238             : }
     239             : 
     240             : 
     241           0 : Type SAL_CALL  FormViewPageWindowAdapter::getElementType(void) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     242             : {
     243           0 :     return cppu::UnoType<XFormController>::get();
     244             : }
     245             : 
     246             : // XEnumerationAccess
     247             : 
     248           0 : Reference< XEnumeration >  SAL_CALL FormViewPageWindowAdapter::createEnumeration(void) throw( RuntimeException )
     249             : {
     250           0 :     return new ::comphelper::OEnumerationByIndex(this);
     251             : }
     252             : 
     253             : // XIndexAccess
     254             : 
     255           0 : sal_Int32 SAL_CALL FormViewPageWindowAdapter::getCount(void) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     256             : {
     257           0 :     return m_aControllerList.size();
     258             : }
     259             : 
     260             : 
     261           0 : Any SAL_CALL FormViewPageWindowAdapter::getByIndex(sal_Int32 nIndex) throw( IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception )
     262             : {
     263           0 :     if (nIndex < 0 ||
     264           0 :         nIndex >= getCount())
     265           0 :         throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
     266             : 
     267           0 :     Any aElement;
     268           0 :     aElement <<= m_aControllerList[nIndex];
     269           0 :     return aElement;
     270             : }
     271             : 
     272             : 
     273           2 : void SAL_CALL FormViewPageWindowAdapter::makeVisible( const Reference< XControl >& _Control ) throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
     274             : {
     275           2 :     SolarMutexGuard aSolarGuard;
     276             : 
     277           4 :     Reference< XWindow >  xWindow( _Control, UNO_QUERY );
     278           2 :     if ( && m_pViewImpl->getView() && m_pWindow )
     279             :     {
     280           2 :         awt::Rectangle aRect = xWindow->getPosSize();
     281           2 :         ::Rectangle aNewRect( aRect.X, aRect.Y, aRect.X + aRect.Width, aRect.Y + aRect.Height );
     282           2 :         aNewRect = m_pWindow->PixelToLogic( aNewRect );
     283           2 :         m_pViewImpl->getView()->MakeVisible( aNewRect, *m_pWindow );
     284           2 :     }
     285           2 : }
     286             : 
     287             : 
     288           0 : Reference< XFormController >  getControllerSearchChildren( const Reference< XIndexAccess > & xIndex, const Reference< XTabControllerModel > & xModel)
     289             : {
     290           0 :     if ( && xIndex->getCount())
     291             :     {
     292           0 :         Reference< XFormController >  xController;
     293             : 
     294           0 :         for (sal_Int32 n = xIndex->getCount(); n-- && !; )
     295             :         {
     296           0 :             xIndex->getByIndex(n) >>= xController;
     297           0 :             if ((XTabControllerModel*)xModel.get() == (XTabControllerModel*)xController->getModel().get())
     298           0 :                 return xController;
     299             :             else
     300             :             {
     301           0 :                 xController = getControllerSearchChildren(xController, xModel);
     302           0 :                 if ( )
     303           0 :                     return xController;
     304             :             }
     305           0 :         }
     306             :     }
     307           0 :     return Reference< XFormController > ();
     308             : }
     309             : 
     310             : // Search the according controller
     311             : 
     312          56 : Reference< XFormController >  FormViewPageWindowAdapter::getController( const Reference< XForm > & xForm ) const
     313             : {
     314          56 :     Reference< XTabControllerModel >  xModel(xForm, UNO_QUERY);
     315         168 :     for (::std::vector< Reference< XFormController > >::const_iterator i = m_aControllerList.begin();
     316         112 :          i != m_aControllerList.end(); ++i)
     317             :     {
     318          56 :         if ((XTabControllerModel*)(*i)->getModel().get() == (XTabControllerModel*)xModel.get())
     319         112 :             return *i;
     320             : 
     321             :         // the current-round controller isn't the right one. perhaps one of its children ?
     322           0 :         Reference< XFormController >  xChildSearch = getControllerSearchChildren(Reference< XIndexAccess > (*i, UNO_QUERY), xModel);
     323           0 :         if (
     324           0 :             return xChildSearch;
     325           0 :     }
     326           0 :     return Reference< XFormController > ();
     327             : }
     328             : 
     329             : 
     330         148 : void FormViewPageWindowAdapter::setController(const Reference< XForm > & xForm, const Reference< XFormController >& _rxParentController )
     331             : {
     332             :     DBG_ASSERT(, "FormViewPageWindowAdapter::setController: there should be a form!" );
     333         148 :     Reference< XIndexAccess >  xFormCps(xForm, UNO_QUERY);
     334         148 :     if (!
     335         148 :         return;
     336             : 
     337         296 :     Reference< XTabControllerModel >  xTabOrder(xForm, UNO_QUERY);
     338             : 
     339             :     // create a form controller
     340         296 :     Reference< XFormController > xController( FormController::create(m_xContext) );
     341             : 
     342         296 :     Reference< XInteractionHandler > xHandler;
     343         148 :     if ( )
     344           0 :         xHandler = _rxParentController->getInteractionHandler();
     345             :     else
     346             :     {
     347             :         // TODO: should we create a default handler? Not really necessary, since the
     348             :         // FormController itself has a default fallback
     349             :     }
     350         148 :     if ( )
     351           0 :         xController->setInteractionHandler( xHandler );
     352             : 
     353         148 :     xController->setContext( this );
     354             : 
     355         148 :     xController->setModel( xTabOrder );
     356         148 :     xController->setContainer( m_xControlContainer );
     357         148 :     xController->activateTabOrder();
     358         148 :     xController->addActivateListener( m_pViewImpl );
     359             : 
     360         148 :     if ( )
     361           0 :         _rxParentController->addChildController( xController );
     362             :     else
     363             :     {
     364         148 :         m_aControllerList.push_back(xController);
     365             : 
     366         148 :         xController->setParent( *this );
     367             : 
     368             :         // attaching the events
     369         148 :         Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xEventManager( xForm->getParent(), UNO_QUERY );
     370         148 :         xEventManager->attach(m_aControllerList.size() - 1, Reference<XInterface>( xController, UNO_QUERY ), makeAny(xController) );
     371             :     }
     372             : 
     373             :     // jetzt die Subforms durchgehen
     374         148 :     sal_uInt32 nLength = xFormCps->getCount();
     375         296 :     Reference< XForm >  xSubForm;
     376         350 :     for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
     377             :     {
     378         202 :         if ( xFormCps->getByIndex(i) >>= xSubForm )
     379           0 :             setController( xSubForm, xController );
     380         148 :     }
     381             : }
     382             : 
     383             : 
     384          54 : void FormViewPageWindowAdapter::updateTabOrder( const Reference< XForm >& _rxForm )
     385             : {
     386             :     OSL_PRECOND(, "FormViewPageWindowAdapter::updateTabOrder: illegal argument!" );
     387          54 :     if ( ! )
     388          54 :         return;
     389             : 
     390             :     try
     391             :     {
     392          54 :         Reference< XTabController > xTabCtrl( getController( _rxForm ).get() );
     393          54 :         if ( )
     394             :         {   // if there already is a TabController for this form, then delegate the "updateTabOrder" request
     395          54 :             xTabCtrl->activateTabOrder();
     396             :         }
     397             :         else
     398             :         {   // otherwise, create a TabController
     399             : 
     400             :             // if it's a sub form, then we must ensure there exist TabControllers
     401             :             // for all its ancestors, too
     402           0 :             Reference< XForm > xParentForm( _rxForm->getParent(), UNO_QUERY );
     403             :             // there is a parent form -> look for the respective controller
     404           0 :             Reference< XFormController > xParentController;
     405           0 :             if ( )
     406           0 :                 xParentController.set( getController( xParentForm ), UNO_QUERY );
     407             : 
     408           0 :             setController( _rxForm, xParentController );
     409          54 :         }
     410             :     }
     411           0 :     catch (const Exception&)
     412             :     {
     413             :         DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     414             :     }
     415             : }
     416             : 
     417             : 
     418        6460 : FmXFormView::FmXFormView(FmFormView* _pView )
     419             :     :m_pMarkedGrid(NULL)
     420             :     ,m_pView(_pView)
     421             :     ,m_nActivationEvent(0)
     422             :     ,m_nErrorMessageEvent( 0 )
     423             :     ,m_nAutoFocusEvent( 0 )
     424             :     ,m_nControlWizardEvent( 0 )
     425             :     ,m_pWatchStoredList( NULL )
     426             :     ,m_bFirstActivation( true )
     427        6460 :     ,m_isTabOrderUpdateSuspended( false )
     428             : {
     429        6460 : }
     430             : 
     431             : 
     432       12916 : void FmXFormView::cancelEvents()
     433             : {
     434       12916 :     if ( m_nActivationEvent )
     435             :     {
     436         220 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent( m_nActivationEvent );
     437         220 :         m_nActivationEvent = 0;
     438             :     }
     439             : 
     440       12916 :     if ( m_nErrorMessageEvent )
     441             :     {
     442           0 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent( m_nErrorMessageEvent );
     443           0 :         m_nErrorMessageEvent = 0;
     444             :     }
     445             : 
     446       12916 :     if ( m_nAutoFocusEvent )
     447             :     {
     448           0 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent( m_nAutoFocusEvent );
     449           0 :         m_nAutoFocusEvent = 0;
     450             :     }
     451             : 
     452       12916 :     if ( m_nControlWizardEvent )
     453             :     {
     454           0 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent( m_nControlWizardEvent );
     455           0 :         m_nControlWizardEvent = 0;
     456             :     }
     457       12916 : }
     458             : 
     459             : 
     460        6458 : void FmXFormView::notifyViewDying( )
     461             : {
     462             :     DBG_ASSERT( m_pView, "FmXFormView::notifyViewDying: my view already died!" );
     463        6458 :     m_pView = NULL;
     464        6458 :     cancelEvents();
     465        6458 : }
     466             : 
     467             : 
     468       19374 : FmXFormView::~FmXFormView()
     469             : {
     470             :     DBG_ASSERT( m_aPageWindowAdapters.empty(), "FmXFormView::~FmXFormView: Window list not empty!" );
     471        6458 :     if ( !m_aPageWindowAdapters.empty() )
     472             :     {
     473           0 :         for (   PageWindowAdapterList::const_iterator loop = m_aPageWindowAdapters.begin();
     474           0 :                 loop != m_aPageWindowAdapters.end();
     475             :                 ++loop
     476             :             )
     477             :         {
     478           0 :             (*loop)->dispose();
     479             :         }
     480             :     }
     481             : 
     482        6458 :     cancelEvents();
     483             : 
     484        6458 :     delete m_pWatchStoredList;
     485        6458 :     m_pWatchStoredList = NULL;
     486       12916 : }
     487             : 
     488             : //      EventListener
     489             : 
     490         148 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::disposing(const EventObject& Source) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     491             : {
     492         148 :     if ( && Source.Source == m_xWindow )
     493           0 :         removeGridWindowListening();
     494         148 : }
     495             : 
     496             : // XFormControllerListener
     497             : 
     498           2 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::formActivated(const EventObject& rEvent) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     499             : {
     500           2 :     if ( m_pView && m_pView->GetFormShell() && m_pView->GetFormShell()->GetImpl() )
     501           2 :         m_pView->GetFormShell()->GetImpl()->formActivated( rEvent );
     502           2 : }
     503             : 
     504             : 
     505           2 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::formDeactivated(const EventObject& rEvent) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     506             : {
     507           2 :     if ( m_pView && m_pView->GetFormShell() && m_pView->GetFormShell()->GetImpl() )
     508           2 :         m_pView->GetFormShell()->GetImpl()->formDeactivated( rEvent );
     509           2 : }
     510             : 
     511             : // XContainerListener
     512             : 
     513          88 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::elementInserted(const ContainerEvent& evt) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     514             : {
     515             :     try
     516             :     {
     517          88 :         Reference< XControlContainer > xControlContainer( evt.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     518         176 :         Reference< XControl > xControl( evt.Element, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     519         176 :         Reference< XFormComponent > xControlModel( xControl->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     520         176 :         Reference< XForm > xForm( xControlModel->getParent(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     521             : 
     522          80 :         if ( m_isTabOrderUpdateSuspended )
     523             :         {
     524             :             // remember the container and the control, so we can update the tab order on resumeTabOrderUpdate
     525          80 :             m_aNeedTabOrderUpdate[ xControlContainer ].insert( xForm );
     526             :         }
     527             :         else
     528             :         {
     529           0 :             PFormViewPageWindowAdapter pAdapter = findWindow( xControlContainer );
     530           0 :             if ( )
     531           0 :                 pAdapter->updateTabOrder( xForm );
     532          88 :         }
     533             :     }
     534           8 :     catch (const Exception&)
     535             :     {
     536             :         DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     537             :     }
     538          88 : }
     539             : 
     540             : 
     541           0 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::elementReplaced(const ContainerEvent& evt) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     542             : {
     543           0 :     elementInserted(evt);
     544           0 : }
     545             : 
     546             : 
     547           2 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::elementRemoved(const ContainerEvent& /*evt*/) throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     548             : {
     549           2 : }
     550             : 
     551             : 
     552        1036 : PFormViewPageWindowAdapter FmXFormView::findWindow( const Reference< XControlContainer >& _rxCC )  const
     553             : {
     554        3192 :     for (   PageWindowAdapterList::const_iterator i = m_aPageWindowAdapters.begin();
     555        2128 :             i != m_aPageWindowAdapters.end();
     556             :             ++i
     557             :         )
     558             :     {
     559         550 :         if ( _rxCC == (*i)->getControlContainer() )
     560         522 :             return *i;
     561             :     }
     562         514 :     return NULL;
     563             : }
     564             : 
     565             : 
     566         982 : void FmXFormView::addWindow(const SdrPageWindow& rWindow)
     567             : {
     568         982 :     FmFormPage* pFormPage = PTR_CAST( FmFormPage, rWindow.GetPageView().GetPage() );
     569         982 :     if ( !pFormPage )
     570         982 :         return;
     571             : 
     572         982 :     Reference< XControlContainer > xCC = rWindow.GetControlContainer();
     573        2946 :     if  (
     574        3928 :         &&  ( !findWindow( xCC ).is() )
     575             :         )
     576             :     {
     577         514 :         PFormViewPageWindowAdapter pAdapter = new FormViewPageWindowAdapter( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), rWindow, this );
     578         514 :         m_aPageWindowAdapters.push_back( pAdapter );
     579             : 
     580             :         // Am ControlContainer horchen um Aenderungen mitzbekommen
     581        1028 :         Reference< XContainer >  xContainer( xCC, UNO_QUERY );
     582         514 :         if ( )
     583        1028 :             xContainer->addContainerListener( this );
     584         982 :     }
     585             : }
     586             : 
     587             : 
     588        1806 : void FmXFormView::removeWindow( const Reference< XControlContainer >& _rxCC )
     589             : {
     590             :     // Wird gerufen, wenn
     591             :     // - in den Design-Modus geschaltet wird
     592             :     // - ein Window geloescht wird, waehrend man im Design-Modus ist
     593             :     // - der Control-Container fuer ein Window entfernt wird, waehrend
     594             :     //   der aktive Modus eingeschaltet ist.
     595             : 
     596        5478 :     for (   PageWindowAdapterList::iterator i = m_aPageWindowAdapters.begin();
     597        3652 :             i != m_aPageWindowAdapters.end();
     598             :             ++i
     599             :         )
     600             :     {
     601         534 :         if ( _rxCC != (*i)->getControlContainer() )
     602          20 :             continue;
     603             : 
     604         514 :         Reference< XContainer >  xContainer( _rxCC, UNO_QUERY );
     605         514 :         if ( )
     606         514 :             xContainer->removeContainerListener( this );
     607             : 
     608         514 :         (*i)->dispose();
     609         514 :         m_aPageWindowAdapters.erase( i );
     610         514 :         break;
     611         514 :     }
     612        1806 : }
     613             : 
     614             : 
     615           0 : void FmXFormView::displayAsyncErrorMessage( const SQLErrorEvent& _rEvent )
     616             : {
     617             :     DBG_ASSERT( 0 == m_nErrorMessageEvent, "FmXFormView::displayAsyncErrorMessage: not too fast, please!" );
     618             :         // This should not happen - usually, the PostUserEvent is faster than any possible user
     619             :         // interaction which could trigger a new error. If it happens, we need a queue for the events.
     620           0 :     m_aAsyncError = _rEvent;
     621           0 :     m_nErrorMessageEvent = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, FmXFormView, OnDelayedErrorMessage ) );
     622           0 : }
     623             : 
     624             : 
     625           0 : IMPL_LINK(FmXFormView, OnDelayedErrorMessage, void*, /*EMPTYTAG*/)
     626             : {
     627           0 :     m_nErrorMessageEvent = 0;
     628           0 :     displayException( m_aAsyncError );
     629           0 :     return 0L;
     630             : }
     631             : 
     632             : 
     633         318 : void FmXFormView::onFirstViewActivation( const FmFormModel* _pDocModel )
     634             : {
     635         318 :     if ( _pDocModel && _pDocModel->GetAutoControlFocus() )
     636           2 :         m_nAutoFocusEvent = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, FmXFormView, OnAutoFocus ) );
     637         318 : }
     638             : 
     639             : 
     640       15143 : void FmXFormView::suspendTabOrderUpdate()
     641             : {
     642             :     OSL_ENSURE( !m_isTabOrderUpdateSuspended, "FmXFormView::suspendTabOrderUpdate: nesting not allowed!" );
     643       15143 :     m_isTabOrderUpdateSuspended = true;
     644       15143 : }
     645             : 
     646             : 
     647       15143 : void FmXFormView::resumeTabOrderUpdate()
     648             : {
     649             :     OSL_ENSURE( m_isTabOrderUpdateSuspended, "FmXFormView::resumeTabOrderUpdate: not suspended!" );
     650       15143 :     m_isTabOrderUpdateSuspended = false;
     651             : 
     652             :     // update the tab orders for all components which were collected since the suspendTabOrderUpdate call.
     653       45591 :     for (   MapControlContainerToSetOfForms::const_iterator container = m_aNeedTabOrderUpdate.begin();
     654       30394 :             container != m_aNeedTabOrderUpdate.end();
     655             :             ++container
     656             :         )
     657             :     {
     658          54 :         PFormViewPageWindowAdapter pAdapter = findWindow( container->first );
     659          54 :         if ( ! )
     660           0 :             continue;
     661             : 
     662         324 :         for (   SetOfForms::const_iterator form = container->second.begin();
     663         216 :                 form != container->second.end();
     664             :                 ++form
     665             :             )
     666             :         {
     667          54 :             pAdapter->updateTabOrder( *form );
     668             :         }
     669          54 :     }
     670       15143 :     m_aNeedTabOrderUpdate.clear();
     671       15143 : }
     672             : 
     673             : 
     674        2792 : IMPL_LINK(FmXFormView, OnActivate, void*, /*EMPTYTAG*/)
     675             : {
     676        1396 :     m_nActivationEvent = 0;
     677             : 
     678        1396 :     if ( !m_pView )
     679             :     {
     680             :         OSL_FAIL( "FmXFormView::OnActivate: well .... seems we have a timing problem (the view already died)!" );
     681           0 :         return 0;
     682             :     }
     683             : 
     684             :     // setting the controller to activate
     685        1396 :     if (m_pView->GetFormShell() && m_pView->GetActualOutDev() && m_pView->GetActualOutDev()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW)
     686             :     {
     687         984 :         vcl::Window* pWindow = const_cast<vcl::Window*>(static_cast<const vcl::Window*>(m_pView->GetActualOutDev()));
     688         984 :         PFormViewPageWindowAdapter pAdapter = m_aPageWindowAdapters.empty() ? NULL : m_aPageWindowAdapters[0];
     689        3384 :         for (   PageWindowAdapterList::const_iterator i = m_aPageWindowAdapters.begin();
     690        2256 :                 i != m_aPageWindowAdapters.end();
     691             :                 ++i
     692             :             )
     693             :         {
     694         144 :             if ( pWindow == (*i)->getWindow() )
     695         126 :                 pAdapter =*i;
     696             :         }
     697             : 
     698         984 :         if ( pAdapter.get() )
     699             :         {
     700         684 :             for (   ::std::vector< Reference< XFormController > >::const_iterator i = pAdapter->GetList().begin();
     701         456 :                     i != pAdapter->GetList().end();
     702             :                     ++i
     703             :                 )
     704             :             {
     705         102 :                 const Reference< XFormController > & xController = *i;
     706         102 :                 if ( ! )
     707         102 :                     continue;
     708             : 
     709             :                 // only database forms are to be activated
     710         102 :                 Reference< XRowSet >  xForm(xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
     711         102 :                 if ( ! || !OStaticDataAccessTools().getRowSetConnection( xForm ).is() )
     712         102 :                     continue;
     713             : 
     714           0 :                 Reference< XPropertySet > xFormSet( xForm, UNO_QUERY );
     715           0 :                 if ( ! )
     716             :                 {
     717             :                     SAL_WARN( "svx.form", "FmXFormView::OnActivate: a form which does not have properties?" );
     718           0 :                     continue;
     719             :                 }
     720             : 
     721           0 :                 const OUString aSource = ::comphelper::getString( xFormSet->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_COMMAND ) );
     722           0 :                 if ( !aSource.isEmpty() )
     723             :                 {
     724           0 :                     FmXFormShell* pShImpl =  m_pView->GetFormShell()->GetImpl();
     725           0 :                     if ( pShImpl )
     726           0 :                         pShImpl->setActiveController( xController );
     727           0 :                     break;
     728             :                 }
     729           0 :             }
     730         984 :         }
     731             :     }
     732        1396 :     return 0;
     733             : }
     734             : 
     735             : 
     736        6923 : void FmXFormView::Activate(bool bSync)
     737             : {
     738        6923 :     if (m_nActivationEvent)
     739             :     {
     740         312 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent(m_nActivationEvent);
     741         312 :         m_nActivationEvent = 0;
     742             :     }
     743             : 
     744        6923 :     if (bSync)
     745             :     {
     746         116 :         LINK(this,FmXFormView,OnActivate).Call(NULL);
     747             :     }
     748             :     else
     749        6807 :         m_nActivationEvent = Application::PostUserEvent(LINK(this,FmXFormView,OnActivate));
     750        6923 : }
     751             : 
     752             : 
     753        6899 : void FmXFormView::Deactivate(bool bDeactivateController)
     754             : {
     755        6899 :     if (m_nActivationEvent)
     756             :     {
     757        4993 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent(m_nActivationEvent);
     758        4993 :         m_nActivationEvent = 0;
     759             :     }
     760             : 
     761        6899 :     FmXFormShell* pShImpl =  m_pView->GetFormShell() ? m_pView->GetFormShell()->GetImpl() : NULL;
     762        6899 :     if (pShImpl && bDeactivateController)
     763         184 :         pShImpl->setActiveController( NULL );
     764        6899 : }
     765             : 
     766             : 
     767       10996 : FmFormShell* FmXFormView::GetFormShell() const
     768             : {
     769       10996 :     return m_pView ? m_pView->GetFormShell() : NULL;
     770             : }
     771             : 
     772           0 : void FmXFormView::AutoFocus( bool _bSync )
     773             : {
     774           0 :     if (m_nAutoFocusEvent)
     775           0 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent(m_nAutoFocusEvent);
     776             : 
     777           0 :     if ( _bSync )
     778           0 :         OnAutoFocus( NULL );
     779             :     else
     780           0 :         m_nAutoFocusEvent = Application::PostUserEvent(LINK(this, FmXFormView, OnAutoFocus));
     781           0 : }
     782             : 
     783             : 
     784           2 : bool FmXFormView::isFocusable( const Reference< XControl >& i_rControl )
     785             : {
     786           2 :     if ( ! )
     787           0 :         return false;
     788             : 
     789             :     try
     790             :     {
     791           2 :         Reference< XPropertySet > xModelProps( i_rControl->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     792             : 
     793             :         // only enabled controls are allowed to participate
     794           2 :         bool bEnabled = false;
     795           2 :         OSL_VERIFY( xModelProps->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_ENABLED ) >>= bEnabled );
     796           2 :         if ( !bEnabled )
     797           0 :             return false;
     798             : 
     799             :         // check the class id of the control model
     800           2 :         sal_Int16 nClassId = FormComponentType::CONTROL;
     801           2 :         OSL_VERIFY( xModelProps->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_CLASSID ) >>= nClassId );
     802             : 
     803             :         // controls which are not focussable
     804           2 :         if  (   ( FormComponentType::CONTROL != nClassId )
     805           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::IMAGEBUTTON != nClassId )
     806           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::GROUPBOX != nClassId )
     807           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::FIXEDTEXT != nClassId )
     808           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::HIDDENCONTROL != nClassId )
     809           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::IMAGECONTROL != nClassId )
     810           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::SCROLLBAR != nClassId )
     811           2 :             &&  ( FormComponentType::SPINBUTTON!= nClassId )
     812             :             )
     813             :         {
     814           2 :             return true;
     815           0 :         }
     816             :     }
     817           0 :     catch (const Exception&)
     818             :     {
     819             :         DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     820             :     }
     821           0 :     return false;
     822             : }
     823             : 
     824             : 
     825           2 : static Reference< XControl > lcl_firstFocussableControl( const Sequence< Reference< XControl > >& _rControls )
     826             : {
     827           2 :     Reference< XControl > xReturn;
     828             : 
     829             :     // loop through all the controls
     830           2 :     const Reference< XControl >* pControls = _rControls.getConstArray();
     831           2 :     const Reference< XControl >* pControlsEnd = _rControls.getConstArray() + _rControls.getLength();
     832           2 :     for ( ; pControls != pControlsEnd; ++pControls )
     833             :     {
     834           2 :         if ( !pControls->is() )
     835           0 :             continue;
     836             : 
     837           2 :         if ( FmXFormView::isFocusable( *pControls ) )
     838             :         {
     839           2 :             xReturn = *pControls;
     840           2 :             break;
     841             :         }
     842             :     }
     843             : 
     844           2 :     if ( ! && _rControls.getLength() )
     845           0 :         xReturn = _rControls[0];
     846             : 
     847           2 :     return xReturn;
     848             : }
     849             : 
     850             : 
     851             : namespace
     852             : {
     853             : 
     854           0 :     void lcl_ensureControlsOfFormExist_nothrow( const SdrPage& _rPage, const SdrView& _rView, const vcl::Window& _rWindow, const Reference< XForm >& _rxForm )
     855             :     {
     856             :         try
     857             :         {
     858           0 :             Reference< XInterface > xNormalizedForm( _rxForm, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     859             : 
     860           0 :             SdrObjListIter aSdrObjectLoop( _rPage, IM_DEEPNOGROUPS );
     861           0 :             while ( aSdrObjectLoop.IsMore() )
     862             :             {
     863           0 :                 FmFormObj* pFormObject = FmFormObj::GetFormObject( aSdrObjectLoop.Next() );
     864           0 :                 if ( !pFormObject )
     865           0 :                     continue;
     866             : 
     867           0 :                 Reference< XChild > xModel( pFormObject->GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     868           0 :                 Reference< XInterface > xModelParent( xModel->getParent(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     869             : 
     870           0 :                 if ( xNormalizedForm.get() != xModelParent.get() )
     871           0 :                     continue;
     872             : 
     873           0 :                 pFormObject->GetUnoControl( _rView, _rWindow );
     874           0 :             }
     875             :         }
     876           0 :         catch (const Exception&)
     877             :         {
     878             :             DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     879             :         }
     880           0 :     }
     881             : }
     882             : 
     883             : 
     884           0 : Reference< XFormController > FmXFormView::getFormController( const Reference< XForm >& _rxForm, const OutputDevice& _rDevice ) const
     885             : {
     886           0 :     Reference< XFormController > xController;
     887             : 
     888           0 :     for (   PageWindowAdapterList::const_iterator pos = m_aPageWindowAdapters.begin();
     889           0 :             pos != m_aPageWindowAdapters.end();
     890             :             ++pos
     891             :         )
     892             :     {
     893           0 :         const PFormViewPageWindowAdapter pAdapter( *pos );
     894           0 :         if ( !pAdapter.get() )
     895             :         {
     896             :             SAL_WARN( "svx.form", "FmXFormView::getFormController: invalid page window adapter!" );
     897           0 :             continue;
     898             :         }
     899             : 
     900           0 :         if ( pAdapter->getWindow() != &_rDevice )
     901             :             // wrong device
     902           0 :             continue;
     903             : 
     904           0 :         xController = pAdapter->getController( _rxForm );
     905           0 :         if ( )
     906           0 :             break;
     907           0 :     }
     908           0 :     return xController;
     909             : }
     910             : 
     911             : 
     912           4 : IMPL_LINK(FmXFormView, OnAutoFocus, void*, /*EMPTYTAG*/)
     913             : {
     914           2 :     m_nAutoFocusEvent = 0;
     915             : 
     916             :     // go to the first form of our page, examine it's TabController, go to it's first (in terms of the tab order)
     917             :     // control, give it the focus
     918             : 
     919             :     do
     920             :     {
     921             : 
     922           2 :     SdrPageView *pPageView = m_pView ? m_pView->GetSdrPageView() : NULL;
     923           2 :     SdrPage *pSdrPage = pPageView ? pPageView->GetPage() : NULL;
     924             :     // get the forms collection of the page we belong to
     925           2 :     FmFormPage* pPage = PTR_CAST( FmFormPage, pSdrPage );
     926           2 :     Reference< XIndexAccess > xForms( pPage ? Reference< XIndexAccess >( pPage->GetForms(), UNO_QUERY ) : Reference< XIndexAccess >() );
     927             : 
     928           4 :     const PFormViewPageWindowAdapter pAdapter = m_aPageWindowAdapters.empty() ? NULL : m_aPageWindowAdapters[0];
     929           2 :     const vcl::Window* pWindow = pAdapter.get() ? pAdapter->getWindow() : NULL;
     930             : 
     931           2 :     ENSURE_OR_RETURN( && pWindow, "FmXFormView::OnAutoFocus: could not collect all essentials!", 0L );
     932             : 
     933             :     try
     934             :     {
     935             :         // go for the tab controller of the first form
     936           2 :         if ( !xForms->getCount() )
     937           0 :             break;
     938           2 :         Reference< XForm > xForm( xForms->getByIndex( 0 ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     939           4 :         Reference< XTabController > xTabController( pAdapter->getController( xForm ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     940             : 
     941             :         // go for the first control of the controller
     942           4 :         Sequence< Reference< XControl > > aControls( xTabController->getControls() );
     943           2 :         if ( aControls.getLength() == 0 )
     944             :         {
     945           0 :             Reference< XElementAccess > xFormElementAccess( xForm, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     946           0 :             if (xFormElementAccess->hasElements() && pPage && m_pView)
     947             :             {
     948             :                 // there are control models in the form, but no controls, yet.
     949             :                 // Well, since some time controls are created on demand only. In particular,
     950             :                 // they're normally created when they're first painted.
     951             :                 // Unfortunately, the FormController does not have any way to
     952             :                 // trigger the creation itself, so we must hack this ...
     953           0 :                 lcl_ensureControlsOfFormExist_nothrow( *pPage, *m_pView, *pWindow, xForm );
     954           0 :                 aControls = xTabController->getControls();
     955             :                 OSL_ENSURE( aControls.getLength(), "FmXFormView::OnAutoFocus: no controls at all!" );
     956           0 :             }
     957             :         }
     958             : 
     959             :         // set the focus to this first control
     960           4 :         Reference< XWindow > xControlWindow( lcl_firstFocussableControl( aControls ), UNO_QUERY );
     961           2 :         if ( ! )
     962           0 :             break;
     963             : 
     964           2 :         xControlWindow->setFocus();
     965             : 
     966             :         // ensure that the control is visible
     967             :         // 80210 - 12/07/00 - FS
     968           2 :         const vcl::Window* pCurrentWindow = m_pView ? dynamic_cast<const vcl::Window*>(m_pView->GetActualOutDev()) : NULL;
     969           2 :         if ( pCurrentWindow )
     970             :         {
     971           2 :             awt::Rectangle aRect = xControlWindow->getPosSize();
     972           2 :             ::Rectangle aNonUnoRect( aRect.X, aRect.Y, aRect.X + aRect.Width, aRect.Y + aRect.Height );
     973           2 :             m_pView->MakeVisible( pCurrentWindow->PixelToLogic( aNonUnoRect ), *const_cast< vcl::Window* >( pCurrentWindow ) );
     974           2 :         }
     975             :     }
     976           0 :     catch (const Exception&)
     977             :     {
     978             :         DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
     979           2 :     }
     980             : 
     981             :     }   // do
     982             :     while ( false );
     983             : 
     984           2 :     return 1L;
     985             : }
     986             : 
     987             : 
     988           0 : void FmXFormView::onCreatedFormObject( FmFormObj& _rFormObject )
     989             : {
     990           0 :     FmFormShell* pShell = m_pView ? m_pView->GetFormShell() : NULL;
     991           0 :     FmXFormShell* pShellImpl = pShell ? pShell->GetImpl() : NULL;
     992             :     OSL_ENSURE( pShellImpl, "FmXFormView::onCreatedFormObject: no form shell!" );
     993           0 :     if ( !pShellImpl )
     994           0 :         return;
     995             : 
     996             :     // it is valid that the form shell's forms collection is not initialized, yet
     997           0 :     pShellImpl->UpdateForms( true );
     998             : 
     999           0 :     m_xLastCreatedControlModel.set( _rFormObject.GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    1000           0 :     if ( ! )
    1001           0 :         return;
    1002             : 
    1003             :     // some initial property defaults
    1004           0 :     FormControlFactory aControlFactory;
    1005           0 :     aControlFactory.initializeControlModel( pShellImpl->getDocumentType(), _rFormObject );
    1006             : 
    1007           0 :     if ( !pShellImpl->GetWizardUsing() )
    1008           0 :         return;
    1009             : 
    1010             :     // #i31958# don't call wizards in XForms mode
    1011           0 :     if ( pShellImpl->isEnhancedForm() )
    1012           0 :         return;
    1013             : 
    1014             :     // #i46898# no wizards if there is no Base installed - currently, all wizards are
    1015             :     // database related
    1016           0 :     if ( !SvtModuleOptions().IsModuleInstalled( SvtModuleOptions::E_SDATABASE ) )
    1017           0 :         return;
    1018             : 
    1019           0 :     if ( m_nControlWizardEvent )
    1020           0 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent( m_nControlWizardEvent );
    1021           0 :     m_nControlWizardEvent = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, FmXFormView, OnStartControlWizard ) );
    1022             : }
    1023             : 
    1024           0 : void FmXFormView::breakCreateFormObject()
    1025             : {
    1026           0 :     if (m_nControlWizardEvent != 0)
    1027             :     {
    1028           0 :         Application::RemoveUserEvent(m_nControlWizardEvent);
    1029           0 :         m_nControlWizardEvent = 0;
    1030             :     }
    1031           0 :     m_xLastCreatedControlModel.clear();
    1032           0 : }
    1033             : 
    1034           0 : IMPL_LINK( FmXFormView, OnStartControlWizard, void*, /**/ )
    1035             : {
    1036           0 :     m_nControlWizardEvent = 0;
    1037             :     OSL_PRECOND(, "FmXFormView::OnStartControlWizard: illegal call!" );
    1038           0 :     if ( ! )
    1039           0 :         return 0L;
    1040             : 
    1041           0 :     sal_Int16 nClassId = FormComponentType::CONTROL;
    1042             :     try
    1043             :     {
    1044           0 :         OSL_VERIFY( m_xLastCreatedControlModel->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_CLASSID ) >>= nClassId );
    1045             :     }
    1046           0 :     catch (const Exception&)
    1047             :     {
    1048             :         DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
    1049             :     }
    1050             : 
    1051           0 :     const sal_Char* pWizardAsciiName = NULL;
    1052           0 :     switch ( nClassId )
    1053             :     {
    1054             :         case FormComponentType::GRIDCONTROL:
    1055           0 :             pWizardAsciiName = "";
    1056           0 :             break;
    1057             :         case FormComponentType::LISTBOX:
    1058             :         case FormComponentType::COMBOBOX:
    1059           0 :             pWizardAsciiName = "";
    1060           0 :             break;
    1061             :         case FormComponentType::GROUPBOX:
    1062           0 :             pWizardAsciiName = "";
    1063           0 :             break;
    1064             :     }
    1065             : 
    1066           0 :     if ( pWizardAsciiName )
    1067             :     {
    1068             :         // build the argument list
    1069           0 :         ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection aWizardArgs;
    1070           0 :         aWizardArgs.put( "ObjectModel", m_xLastCreatedControlModel );
    1071             : 
    1072             :         // create the wizard object
    1073           0 :         Reference< XExecutableDialog > xWizard;
    1074             :         try
    1075             :         {
    1076           0 :             Reference<XComponentContext> xContext = comphelper::getProcessComponentContext();
    1077           0 :             xWizard.set( xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( OUString::createFromAscii(pWizardAsciiName), aWizardArgs.getWrappedPropertyValues(), xContext ), UNO_QUERY);;
    1078             :         }
    1079           0 :         catch (const Exception&)
    1080             :         {
    1081             :             DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
    1082             :         }
    1083             : 
    1084           0 :         if ( ! )
    1085             :         {
    1086           0 :             ShowServiceNotAvailableError( NULL, OUString::createFromAscii(pWizardAsciiName), true );
    1087             :         }
    1088             :         else
    1089             :         {
    1090             :             // execute the wizard
    1091             :             try
    1092             :             {
    1093           0 :                 xWizard->execute();
    1094             :             }
    1095           0 :             catch (const Exception&)
    1096             :             {
    1097             :                 DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
    1098             :             }
    1099           0 :         }
    1100             :     }
    1101             : 
    1102           0 :     m_xLastCreatedControlModel.clear();
    1103           0 :     return 1L;
    1104             : }
    1105             : 
    1106             : 
    1107             : namespace
    1108             : {
    1109           0 :     void lcl_insertIntoFormComponentHierarchy_throw( const FmFormView& _rView, const SdrUnoObj& _rSdrObj,
    1110             :         const Reference< XDataSource >& _rxDataSource = NULL, const OUString& _rDataSourceName = OUString(),
    1111             :         const OUString& _rCommand = OUString(), const sal_Int32 _nCommandType = -1 )
    1112             :     {
    1113           0 :         FmFormPage& rPage = static_cast< FmFormPage& >( *_rView.GetSdrPageView()->GetPage() );
    1114             : 
    1115           0 :         Reference< XFormComponent > xFormComponent( _rSdrObj.GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    1116             :         Reference< XForm > xTargetForm(
    1117           0 :             rPage.GetImpl().findPlaceInFormComponentHierarchy( xFormComponent, _rxDataSource, _rDataSourceName, _rCommand, _nCommandType ),
    1118           0 :             UNO_SET_THROW );
    1119             : 
    1120           0 :         rPage.GetImpl().setUniqueName( xFormComponent, xTargetForm );
    1121             : 
    1122           0 :         Reference< XIndexContainer > xFormAsContainer( xTargetForm, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    1123           0 :         xFormAsContainer->insertByIndex( xFormAsContainer->getCount(), makeAny( xFormComponent ) );
    1124           0 :     }
    1125             : }
    1126             : 
    1127             : 
    1128           0 : SdrObject* FmXFormView::implCreateFieldControl( const ::svx::ODataAccessDescriptor& _rColumnDescriptor )
    1129             : {
    1130             :     // not if we're in design mode
    1131           0 :     if ( !m_pView->IsDesignMode() )
    1132           0 :         return NULL;
    1133             : 
    1134           0 :     OUString sCommand, sFieldName;
    1135           0 :     sal_Int32 nCommandType = CommandType::COMMAND;
    1136           0 :     SharedConnection xConnection;
    1137             : 
    1138           0 :     OUString sDataSource = _rColumnDescriptor.getDataSource();
    1139           0 :     _rColumnDescriptor[ daCommand ]     >>= sCommand;
    1140           0 :     _rColumnDescriptor[ daColumnName ]  >>= sFieldName;
    1141           0 :     _rColumnDescriptor[ daCommandType ] >>= nCommandType;
    1142             :     {
    1143           0 :         Reference< XConnection > xExternalConnection;
    1144           0 :         _rColumnDescriptor[ daConnection ]  >>= xExternalConnection;
    1145           0 :         xConnection.reset( xExternalConnection, SharedConnection::NoTakeOwnership );
    1146             :     }
    1147             : 
    1148           0 :     if  (   sCommand.isEmpty()
    1149           0 :         ||  sFieldName.isEmpty()
    1150           0 :         ||  (   sDataSource.isEmpty()
    1151           0 :             &&  !
    1152             :             )
    1153             :         )
    1154             :     {
    1155             :         OSL_FAIL( "FmXFormView::implCreateFieldControl: nonsense!" );
    1156             :     }
    1157             : 
    1158           0 :     Reference< XDataSource > xDataSource;
    1159           0 :     SQLErrorEvent aError;
    1160             :     try
    1161             :     {
    1162           0 :         if ( && ! && sDataSource.isEmpty() )
    1163             :         {
    1164           0 :             Reference< XChild > xChild( xConnection, UNO_QUERY );
    1165           0 :             if ( )
    1166           0 :                 xDataSource.set(xChild->getParent(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
    1167             :         }
    1168             : 
    1169             :         // obtain the data source
    1170           0 :         if ( ! )
    1171           0 :             xDataSource = OStaticDataAccessTools().getDataSource( sDataSource, comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
    1172             : 
    1173             :         // and the connection, if necessary
    1174           0 :         if ( ! )
    1175             :             xConnection.reset( OStaticDataAccessTools().getConnection_withFeedback(
    1176             :                 sDataSource,
    1177             :                 OUString(),
    1178             :                 OUString(),
    1179             :                 comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()
    1180           0 :             ) );
    1181             :     }
    1182           0 :     catch (const SQLException&)
    1183             :     {
    1184           0 :         aError.Reason = ::cppu::getCaughtException();
    1185             :     }
    1186           0 :     catch (const Exception& )
    1187             :     {
    1188             :         /* will be asserted below */
    1189             :     }
    1190           0 :     if (aError.Reason.hasValue())
    1191             :     {
    1192           0 :         displayAsyncErrorMessage( aError );
    1193           0 :         return NULL;
    1194             :     }
    1195             : 
    1196             :     // need a data source and a connection here
    1197           0 :     if (! || !
    1198             :     {
    1199             :         OSL_FAIL("FmXFormView::implCreateFieldControl : could not retrieve the data source or the connection!");
    1200           0 :         return NULL;
    1201             :     }
    1202             : 
    1203           0 :     OStaticDataAccessTools aDBATools;
    1204           0 :     Reference< XComponent > xKeepFieldsAlive;
    1205             :     // go
    1206             :     try
    1207             :     {
    1208             :         // determine the table/query field which we should create a control for
    1209           0 :         Reference< XPropertySet >   xField;
    1210             : 
    1211             :         Reference< XNameAccess >    xFields = aDBATools.getFieldsByCommandDescriptor(
    1212           0 :             xConnection, nCommandType, sCommand, xKeepFieldsAlive );
    1213             : 
    1214           0 :         if ( && xFields->hasByName(sFieldName))
    1215           0 :             xFields->getByName(sFieldName) >>= xField;
    1216           0 :         if ( ! )
    1217           0 :             return NULL;
    1218             : 
    1219           0 :         Reference< XNumberFormatsSupplier > xSupplier( aDBATools.getNumberFormats( xConnection, false ), UNO_SET_THROW );
    1220           0 :         Reference< XNumberFormats >  xNumberFormats( xSupplier->getNumberFormats(), UNO_SET_THROW );
    1221             : 
    1222           0 :         OUString sLabelPostfix;
    1223             : 
    1224             : 
    1225             :         // nur fuer Textgroesse
    1226           0 :         OutputDevice* pOutDev = NULL;
    1227           0 :         if (m_pView->GetActualOutDev() && m_pView->GetActualOutDev()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW)
    1228           0 :             pOutDev = const_cast<OutputDevice*>(m_pView->GetActualOutDev());
    1229             :         else
    1230             :         {// OutDev suchen
    1231           0 :             SdrPageView* pPageView = m_pView->GetSdrPageView();
    1232           0 :             if( pPageView && !pOutDev )
    1233             :             {
    1234             :                 // const SdrPageViewWinList& rWinList = pPageView->GetWinList();
    1235             :                 // const SdrPageViewWindows& rPageViewWindows = pPageView->GetPageViewWindows();
    1236             : 
    1237           0 :                 for( sal_uInt32 i = 0L; i < pPageView->PageWindowCount(); i++ )
    1238             :                 {
    1239           0 :                     const SdrPageWindow& rPageWindow = *pPageView->GetPageWindow(i);
    1240             : 
    1241           0 :                     if( rPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().OutputToWindow())
    1242             :                     {
    1243           0 :                         pOutDev = &rPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice();
    1244           0 :                         break;
    1245             :                     }
    1246             :                 }
    1247             :             }
    1248             :         }
    1249             : 
    1250           0 :         if ( !pOutDev )
    1251           0 :             return NULL;
    1252             : 
    1253           0 :         sal_Int32 nDataType = ::comphelper::getINT32(xField->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_FIELDTYPE));
    1254           0 :         if ((DataType::BINARY == nDataType) || (DataType::VARBINARY == nDataType))
    1255           0 :             return NULL;
    1256             : 
    1257             : 
    1258             :         // determine the control type by examining the data type of the bound column
    1259           0 :         sal_uInt16 nOBJID = 0;
    1260           0 :         bool bDateNTimeField = false;
    1261             : 
    1262           0 :         bool bIsCurrency = false;
    1263           0 :         if (::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_ISCURRENCY, xField))
    1264           0 :             bIsCurrency = ::comphelper::getBOOL(xField->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_ISCURRENCY));
    1265             : 
    1266           0 :         if (bIsCurrency)
    1267           0 :             nOBJID = OBJ_FM_CURRENCYFIELD;
    1268             :         else
    1269           0 :             switch (nDataType)
    1270             :             {
    1271             :                 case DataType::BLOB:
    1272             :                 case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
    1273           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_IMAGECONTROL;
    1274           0 :                     break;
    1275             :                 case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
    1276             :                 case DataType::CLOB:
    1277           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_EDIT;
    1278           0 :                     break;
    1279             :                 case DataType::BINARY:
    1280             :                 case DataType::VARBINARY:
    1281           0 :                     return NULL;
    1282             :                 case DataType::BIT:
    1283             :                 case DataType::BOOLEAN:
    1284           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_CHECKBOX;
    1285           0 :                     break;
    1286             :                 case DataType::TINYINT:
    1287             :                 case DataType::SMALLINT:
    1288             :                 case DataType::INTEGER:
    1289           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_NUMERICFIELD;
    1290           0 :                     break;
    1291             :                 case DataType::REAL:
    1292             :                 case DataType::DOUBLE:
    1293             :                 case DataType::NUMERIC:
    1294             :                 case DataType::DECIMAL:
    1295           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_FORMATTEDFIELD;
    1296           0 :                     break;
    1297             :                 case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
    1298           0 :                     bDateNTimeField = true;
    1299           0 :                     sLabelPostfix = SVX_RESSTR(RID_STR_POSTFIX_DATE);
    1300             :                     // DON'T break !
    1301             :                 case DataType::DATE:
    1302           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_DATEFIELD;
    1303           0 :                     break;
    1304             :                 case DataType::TIME:
    1305           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_TIMEFIELD;
    1306           0 :                     break;
    1307             :                 case DataType::CHAR:
    1308             :                 case DataType::VARCHAR:
    1309             :                 default:
    1310           0 :                     nOBJID = OBJ_FM_EDIT;
    1311           0 :                     break;
    1312             :             }
    1313           0 :         if (!nOBJID)
    1314           0 :             return NULL;
    1315             : 
    1316           0 :         SdrUnoObj* pLabel( NULL );
    1317           0 :         SdrUnoObj* pControl( NULL );
    1318           0 :         if  (   !createControlLabelPair( *pOutDev, 0, 0, xField, xNumberFormats, nOBJID, sLabelPostfix,
    1319           0 :                     pLabel, pControl, xDataSource, sDataSource, sCommand, nCommandType )
    1320             :             )
    1321             :         {
    1322           0 :             return NULL;
    1323             :         }
    1324             : 
    1325             : 
    1326             :         // group objects
    1327           0 :         bool bCheckbox = ( OBJ_FM_CHECKBOX == nOBJID );
    1328             :         OSL_ENSURE( !bCheckbox || !pLabel, "FmXFormView::implCreateFieldControl: why was there a label created for a check box?" );
    1329           0 :         if ( bCheckbox )
    1330           0 :             return pControl;
    1331             : 
    1332           0 :         SdrObjGroup* pGroup  = new SdrObjGroup();
    1333           0 :         SdrObjList* pObjList = pGroup->GetSubList();
    1334           0 :         pObjList->InsertObject( pLabel );
    1335           0 :         pObjList->InsertObject( pControl );
    1336             : 
    1337           0 :         if ( bDateNTimeField )
    1338             :         {   // so far we created a date field only, but we also need a time field
    1339           0 :             pLabel = pControl = NULL;
    1340           0 :             if  (   createControlLabelPair( *pOutDev, 0, 1000, xField, xNumberFormats, OBJ_FM_TIMEFIELD,
    1341           0 :                         SVX_RESSTR(RID_STR_POSTFIX_TIME), pLabel, pControl,
    1342           0 :                         xDataSource, sDataSource, sCommand, nCommandType )
    1343             :                 )
    1344             :             {
    1345           0 :                 pObjList->InsertObject( pLabel );
    1346           0 :                 pObjList->InsertObject( pControl );
    1347             :             }
    1348             :         }
    1349             : 
    1350           0 :         return pGroup; // und fertig
    1351             :     }
    1352           0 :     catch (const Exception&)
    1353             :     {
    1354             :         DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
    1355             :     }
    1356             : 
    1357             : 
    1358           0 :     return NULL;
    1359             : }
    1360             : 
    1361             : 
    1362           0 : SdrObject* FmXFormView::implCreateXFormsControl( const ::svx::OXFormsDescriptor &_rDesc )
    1363             : {
    1364             :     // not if we're in design mode
    1365           0 :     if ( !m_pView->IsDesignMode() )
    1366           0 :         return NULL;
    1367             : 
    1368           0 :     Reference< XComponent > xKeepFieldsAlive;
    1369             : 
    1370             :     // go
    1371             :     try
    1372             :     {
    1373             :         // determine the table/query field which we should create a control for
    1374           0 :         Reference< XNumberFormats > xNumberFormats;
    1375           0 :         OUString sLabelPostfix = _rDesc.szName;
    1376             : 
    1377             : 
    1378             :         // nur fuer Textgroesse
    1379           0 :         OutputDevice* pOutDev = NULL;
    1380           0 :         if (m_pView->GetActualOutDev() && m_pView->GetActualOutDev()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW)
    1381           0 :             pOutDev = const_cast<OutputDevice*>(m_pView->GetActualOutDev());
    1382             :         else
    1383             :         {// OutDev suchen
    1384           0 :             SdrPageView* pPageView = m_pView->GetSdrPageView();
    1385           0 :             if( pPageView && !pOutDev )
    1386             :             {
    1387             :                 // const SdrPageViewWinList& rWinList = pPageView->GetWinList();
    1388             :                 // const SdrPageViewWindows& rPageViewWindows = pPageView->GetPageViewWindows();
    1389             : 
    1390           0 :                 for( sal_uInt32 i = 0L; i < pPageView->PageWindowCount(); i++ )
    1391             :                 {
    1392           0 :                     const SdrPageWindow& rPageWindow = *pPageView->GetPageWindow(i);
    1393             : 
    1394           0 :                     if( rPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW)
    1395             :                     {
    1396           0 :                         pOutDev = &rPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice();
    1397           0 :                         break;
    1398             :                     }
    1399             :                 }
    1400             :             }
    1401             :         }
    1402             : 
    1403           0 :         if ( !pOutDev )
    1404           0 :             return NULL;
    1405             : 
    1406             : 
    1407             :         // The service name decides which control should be created
    1408           0 :         sal_uInt16 nOBJID = OBJ_FM_EDIT;
    1409           0 :         if(OUString(_rDesc.szServiceName).equals(FM_SUN_COMPONENT_NUMERICFIELD))
    1410           0 :             nOBJID = OBJ_FM_NUMERICFIELD;
    1411           0 :         if(OUString(_rDesc.szServiceName).equals(FM_SUN_COMPONENT_CHECKBOX))
    1412           0 :             nOBJID = OBJ_FM_CHECKBOX;
    1413           0 :         if(OUString(_rDesc.szServiceName).equals(FM_COMPONENT_COMMANDBUTTON))
    1414           0 :             nOBJID = OBJ_FM_BUTTON;
    1415             : 
    1416             :         typedef ::com::sun::star::form::submission::XSubmission XSubmission_t;
    1417           0 :         Reference< XSubmission_t > xSubmission(_rDesc.xPropSet, UNO_QUERY);
    1418             : 
    1419             :         // xform control or submission button?
    1420           0 :         if ( ! )
    1421             :         {
    1422           0 :             SdrUnoObj* pLabel( NULL );
    1423           0 :             SdrUnoObj* pControl( NULL );
    1424           0 :             if  (   !createControlLabelPair( *pOutDev, 0, 0, NULL, xNumberFormats, nOBJID, sLabelPostfix,
    1425           0 :                         pLabel, pControl )
    1426             :                 )
    1427             :             {
    1428           0 :                 return NULL;
    1429             :             }
    1430             : 
    1431             : 
    1432             :             // Now build the connection between the control and the data item.
    1433           0 :             Reference< XValueBinding > xValueBinding(_rDesc.xPropSet,UNO_QUERY);
    1434           0 :             Reference< XBindableValue > xBindableValue(pControl->GetUnoControlModel(),UNO_QUERY);
    1435             : 
    1436             :             DBG_ASSERT(, "FmXFormView::implCreateXFormsControl: control's not bindable!" );
    1437           0 :             if ( )
    1438           0 :                 xBindableValue->setValueBinding(xValueBinding);
    1439             : 
    1440           0 :             bool bCheckbox = ( OBJ_FM_CHECKBOX == nOBJID );
    1441             :             OSL_ENSURE( !bCheckbox || !pLabel, "FmXFormView::implCreateXFormsControl: why was there a label created for a check box?" );
    1442           0 :             if ( bCheckbox )
    1443           0 :                 return pControl;
    1444             : 
    1445             : 
    1446             :             // group objects
    1447           0 :             SdrObjGroup* pGroup  = new SdrObjGroup();
    1448           0 :             SdrObjList* pObjList = pGroup->GetSubList();
    1449           0 :             pObjList->InsertObject(pLabel);
    1450           0 :             pObjList->InsertObject(pControl);
    1451             : 
    1452           0 :             return pGroup;
    1453             :         }
    1454             :         else {
    1455             : 
    1456             :             // create a button control
    1457           0 :             const MapMode eTargetMode( pOutDev->GetMapMode() );
    1458           0 :             const MapMode eSourceMode(MAP_100TH_MM);
    1459           0 :             const sal_uInt16 nObjID = OBJ_FM_BUTTON;
    1460           0 :             ::Size controlSize(4000, 500);
    1461           0 :             FmFormObj *pControl = static_cast<FmFormObj*>(SdrObjFactory::MakeNewObject( FmFormInventor, nObjID, NULL, NULL ));
    1462           0 :             controlSize.Width() = Fraction(controlSize.Width(), 1) * eTargetMode.GetScaleX();
    1463           0 :             controlSize.Height() = Fraction(controlSize.Height(), 1) * eTargetMode.GetScaleY();
    1464           0 :             ::Point controlPos( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( ::Point( controlSize.Width(), 0 ), eSourceMode, eTargetMode ) );
    1465           0 :             ::Rectangle controlRect( controlPos, OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( controlSize, eSourceMode, eTargetMode ) );
    1466           0 :             pControl->SetLogicRect(controlRect);
    1467             : 
    1468             :             // set the button label
    1469           0 :             Reference< XPropertySet > xControlSet(pControl->GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY);
    1470           0 :             xControlSet->setPropertyValue(FM_PROP_LABEL, makeAny(OUString(_rDesc.szName)));
    1471             : 
    1472             :             // connect the submission with the submission supplier (aka the button)
    1473           0 :             xControlSet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_BUTTON_TYPE,
    1474           0 :                                            makeAny( FormButtonType_SUBMIT ) );
    1475             :             typedef ::com::sun::star::form::submission::XSubmissionSupplier XSubmissionSupplier_t;
    1476           0 :             Reference< XSubmissionSupplier_t > xSubmissionSupplier(pControl->GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY);
    1477           0 :             xSubmissionSupplier->setSubmission(xSubmission);
    1478             : 
    1479           0 :             return pControl;
    1480           0 :         }
    1481             :     }
    1482           0 :     catch (const Exception&)
    1483             :     {
    1484             :         OSL_FAIL("FmXFormView::implCreateXFormsControl: caught an exception while creating the control !");
    1485             :     }
    1486             : 
    1487             : 
    1488           0 :     return NULL;
    1489             : }
    1490             : 
    1491             : 
    1492           0 : bool FmXFormView::createControlLabelPair( OutputDevice& _rOutDev, sal_Int32 _nXOffsetMM, sal_Int32 _nYOffsetMM,
    1493             :         const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxField, const Reference< XNumberFormats >& _rxNumberFormats,
    1494             :         sal_uInt16 _nControlObjectID, const OUString& _rFieldPostfix,
    1495             :         SdrUnoObj*& _rpLabel, SdrUnoObj*& _rpControl,
    1496             :         const Reference< XDataSource >& _rxDataSource, const OUString& _rDataSourceName,
    1497             :         const OUString& _rCommand, const sal_Int32 _nCommandType )
    1498             : {
    1499           0 :     if  (   !createControlLabelPair( _rOutDev, _nXOffsetMM, _nYOffsetMM,
    1500             :                 _rxField, _rxNumberFormats, _nControlObjectID, _rFieldPostfix, FmFormInventor, OBJ_FM_FIXEDTEXT,
    1501           0 :                 NULL, NULL, NULL, _rpLabel, _rpControl )
    1502             :         )
    1503           0 :         return false;
    1504             : 
    1505             :     // insert the control model(s) into the form component hierarchy
    1506           0 :     if ( _rpLabel )
    1507           0 :         lcl_insertIntoFormComponentHierarchy_throw( *m_pView, *_rpLabel, _rxDataSource, _rDataSourceName, _rCommand, _nCommandType );
    1508           0 :     lcl_insertIntoFormComponentHierarchy_throw( *m_pView, *_rpControl, _rxDataSource, _rDataSourceName, _rCommand, _nCommandType );
    1509             : 
    1510             :     // some context-dependent initializations
    1511           0 :     FormControlFactory aControlFactory;
    1512           0 :     if ( _rpLabel )
    1513           0 :         aControlFactory.initializeControlModel( impl_getDocumentType(), *_rpLabel );
    1514           0 :     aControlFactory.initializeControlModel( impl_getDocumentType(), *_rpControl );
    1515             : 
    1516           0 :     return true;
    1517             : }
    1518             : 
    1519             : 
    1520           0 : bool FmXFormView::createControlLabelPair( OutputDevice& _rOutDev, sal_Int32 _nXOffsetMM, sal_Int32 _nYOffsetMM,
    1521             :     const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxField,
    1522             :     const Reference< XNumberFormats >& _rxNumberFormats, sal_uInt16 _nControlObjectID,
    1523             :     const OUString& _rFieldPostfix, sal_uInt32 _nInventor, sal_uInt16 _nLabelObjectID,
    1524             :     SdrPage* _pLabelPage, SdrPage* _pControlPage, SdrModel* _pModel, SdrUnoObj*& _rpLabel, SdrUnoObj*& _rpControl)
    1525             : {
    1526           0 :     sal_Int32 nDataType = 0;
    1527           0 :     OUString sFieldName;
    1528           0 :     Any aFieldName;
    1529           0 :     if ( )
    1530             :     {
    1531           0 :         nDataType = ::comphelper::getINT32(_rxField->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_FIELDTYPE));
    1532           0 :         aFieldName = Any(_rxField->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_NAME));
    1533           0 :         aFieldName >>= sFieldName;
    1534             :     }
    1535             : 
    1536             :     // calculate the positions, respecting the settings of the target device
    1537           0 :     ::Size aTextSize( _rOutDev.GetTextWidth(sFieldName + _rFieldPostfix), _rOutDev.GetTextHeight() );
    1538             : 
    1539           0 :     MapMode   eTargetMode( _rOutDev.GetMapMode() ),
    1540           0 :               eSourceMode( MAP_100TH_MM );
    1541             : 
    1542             :     // Textbreite ist mindestens 4cm
    1543             :     // Texthoehe immer halber cm
    1544           0 :     ::Size aDefTxtSize(4000, 500);
    1545           0 :     ::Size aDefSize(4000, 500);
    1546           0 :     ::Size aDefImageSize(4000, 4000);
    1547             : 
    1548           0 :     ::Size aRealSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(aTextSize, eTargetMode, eSourceMode);
    1549           0 :     aRealSize.Width() = std::max(aRealSize.Width(), aDefTxtSize.Width());
    1550           0 :     aRealSize.Height()= aDefSize.Height();
    1551             : 
    1552             :     // adjust to scaling of the target device (#53523#)
    1553           0 :     aRealSize.Width() = long(Fraction(aRealSize.Width(), 1) * eTargetMode.GetScaleX());
    1554           0 :     aRealSize.Height() = long(Fraction(aRealSize.Height(), 1) * eTargetMode.GetScaleY());
    1555             : 
    1556             :     // for boolean fields, we do not create a label, but just a checkbox
    1557           0 :     bool bNeedLabel = ( _nControlObjectID != OBJ_FM_CHECKBOX );
    1558             : 
    1559             :     // the label
    1560           0 :     ::std::unique_ptr< SdrUnoObj > pLabel;
    1561           0 :     Reference< XPropertySet > xLabelModel;
    1562           0 :     if ( bNeedLabel )
    1563             :     {
    1564             :         pLabel.reset( dynamic_cast< SdrUnoObj* >(
    1565           0 :             SdrObjFactory::MakeNewObject( _nInventor, _nLabelObjectID, _pLabelPage, _pModel ) ) );
    1566             :         OSL_ENSURE( pLabel.get(), "FmXFormView::createControlLabelPair: could not create the label!" );
    1567           0 :         if ( !pLabel.get() )
    1568           0 :             return false;
    1569             : 
    1570           0 :         xLabelModel.set( pLabel->GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    1571           0 :         if ( )
    1572             :         {
    1573           0 :             OUString sLabel;
    1574           0 :             if ( && _rxField->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName(FM_PROP_LABEL) )
    1575           0 :                 _rxField->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_LABEL) >>= sLabel;
    1576           0 :             if ( sLabel.isEmpty() )
    1577           0 :                 sLabel = sFieldName;
    1578             : 
    1579           0 :             xLabelModel->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_LABEL, makeAny( sLabel + _rFieldPostfix ) );
    1580           0 :             OUString sObjectLabel(SVX_RESSTR(RID_STR_OBJECT_LABEL).replaceAll("#object#", sFieldName));
    1581           0 :             xLabelModel->setPropertyValue(FM_PROP_NAME, makeAny(sObjectLabel));
    1582             :         }
    1583             : 
    1584           0 :         pLabel->SetLogicRect( ::Rectangle(
    1585           0 :             OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( ::Point( _nXOffsetMM, _nYOffsetMM ), eSourceMode, eTargetMode ),
    1586             :             OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aRealSize, eSourceMode, eTargetMode )
    1587           0 :         ) );
    1588             :     }
    1589             : 
    1590             :     // the control
    1591             :     ::std::unique_ptr< SdrUnoObj > pControl( dynamic_cast< SdrUnoObj* >(
    1592           0 :         SdrObjFactory::MakeNewObject( _nInventor, _nControlObjectID, _pControlPage, _pModel ) ) );
    1593             :     OSL_ENSURE( pControl.get(), "FmXFormView::createControlLabelPair: could not create the control!" );
    1594           0 :     if ( !pControl.get() )
    1595           0 :         return false;
    1596             : 
    1597           0 :     Reference< XPropertySet > xControlSet( pControl->GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    1598           0 :     if ( ! )
    1599           0 :         return false;
    1600             : 
    1601             :     // size of the control
    1602           0 :     ::Size aControlSize( aDefSize );
    1603           0 :     switch ( nDataType )
    1604             :     {
    1605             :     case DataType::BIT:
    1606             :     case DataType::BOOLEAN:
    1607           0 :         aControlSize = aDefSize;
    1608           0 :         break;
    1609             :     case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
    1610             :     case DataType::CLOB:
    1611             :     case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
    1612             :     case DataType::BLOB:
    1613           0 :         aControlSize = aDefImageSize;
    1614           0 :         break;
    1615             :     }
    1616             : 
    1617           0 :     if ( OBJ_FM_IMAGECONTROL == _nControlObjectID )
    1618           0 :         aControlSize = aDefImageSize;
    1619             : 
    1620           0 :     aControlSize.Width() = long(Fraction(aControlSize.Width(), 1) * eTargetMode.GetScaleX());
    1621           0 :     aControlSize.Height() = long(Fraction(aControlSize.Height(), 1) * eTargetMode.GetScaleY());
    1622             : 
    1623           0 :     pControl->SetLogicRect( ::Rectangle(
    1624           0 :         OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( ::Point( aRealSize.Width() + _nXOffsetMM, _nYOffsetMM ), eSourceMode, eTargetMode ),
    1625             :         OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aControlSize, eSourceMode, eTargetMode )
    1626           0 :     ) );
    1627             : 
    1628             :     // some initializations
    1629           0 :     Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xControlPropInfo = xControlSet->getPropertySetInfo();
    1630             : 
    1631           0 :     if ( aFieldName.hasValue() )
    1632             :     {
    1633           0 :         xControlSet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCE, aFieldName );
    1634           0 :         xControlSet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_NAME, aFieldName );
    1635           0 :         if ( !bNeedLabel )
    1636             :         {
    1637             :             // no dedicated label control => use the label property
    1638           0 :             if ( xControlPropInfo->hasPropertyByName( FM_PROP_LABEL ) )
    1639           0 :                 xControlSet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_LABEL, makeAny( sFieldName + _rFieldPostfix ) );
    1640             :             else
    1641             :                 OSL_FAIL( "FmXFormView::createControlLabelPair: can't set a label for the control!" );
    1642             :         }
    1643             :     }
    1644             : 
    1645           0 :     if ( (nDataType == DataType::LONGVARCHAR || nDataType == DataType::CLOB) && xControlPropInfo->hasPropertyByName( FM_PROP_MULTILINE ) )
    1646             :     {
    1647           0 :         xControlSet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_MULTILINE, makeAny( true ) );
    1648             :     }
    1649             : 
    1650             :     // announce the label to the control
    1651           0 :     if ( xControlPropInfo->hasPropertyByName( FM_PROP_CONTROLLABEL ) && )
    1652             :     {
    1653             :         try
    1654             :         {
    1655           0 :             xControlSet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_CONTROLLABEL, makeAny( xLabelModel ) );
    1656             :         }
    1657           0 :         catch (const Exception&)
    1658             :         {
    1659             :             DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION();
    1660             :         }
    1661             :     }
    1662             : 
    1663           0 :     if ( )
    1664             :     {
    1665           0 :         FormControlFactory aControlFactory;
    1666           0 :         aControlFactory.initializeFieldDependentProperties( _rxField, xControlSet, _rxNumberFormats );
    1667             :     }
    1668             : 
    1669           0 :     _rpLabel = pLabel.release();
    1670           0 :     _rpControl = pControl.release();
    1671           0 :     return true;
    1672             : }
    1673             : 
    1674             : 
    1675         320 : FmXFormView::ObjectRemoveListener::ObjectRemoveListener( FmXFormView* pParent )
    1676         320 :     :m_pParent( pParent )
    1677             : {
    1678         320 : }
    1679             : 
    1680             : 
    1681         594 : void FmXFormView::ObjectRemoveListener::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& /*rBC*/, const SfxHint& rHint )
    1682             : {
    1683         594 :     const SdrHint* pSdrHint = dynamic_cast<const SdrHint*>(&rHint);
    1684         594 :     if (pSdrHint && pSdrHint->GetKind() == HINT_OBJREMOVED)
    1685           0 :         m_pParent->ObjectRemovedInAliveMode(pSdrHint->GetObject());
    1686         594 : }
    1687             : 
    1688             : 
    1689           0 : void FmXFormView::ObjectRemovedInAliveMode( const SdrObject* pObject )
    1690             : {
    1691             :     // wenn das entfernte Objekt in meiner MarkList, die ich mir beim Umschalten in den Alive-Mode gemerkt habe, steht,
    1692             :     // muss ich es jetzt da rausnehmen, da ich sonst beim Zurueckschalten versuche, die Markierung wieder zu setzen
    1693             :     // (interesanterweise geht das nur bei gruppierten Objekten schief (beim Zugriff auf deren ObjList GPF), nicht bei einzelnen)
    1694             : 
    1695           0 :     const size_t nCount = m_aMark.GetMarkCount();
    1696           0 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
    1697             :     {
    1698           0 :         SdrMark* pMark = m_aMark.GetMark(i);
    1699           0 :         SdrObject* pCurrent = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj();
    1700           0 :         if (pObject == pCurrent)
    1701             :         {
    1702           0 :             m_aMark.DeleteMark(i);
    1703           0 :             return;
    1704             :         }
    1705             :         // ich brauche nicht in GroupObjects absteigen : wenn dort unten ein Objekt geloescht wird, dann bleibt der
    1706             :         // Zeiger auf das GroupObject, den ich habe, trotzdem weiter gueltig bleibt ...
    1707             :     }
    1708             : }
    1709             : 
    1710             : 
    1711        5178 : void FmXFormView::stopMarkListWatching()
    1712             : {
    1713        5178 :     if ( m_pWatchStoredList )
    1714             :     {
    1715           0 :         m_pWatchStoredList->EndListeningAll();
    1716           0 :         delete m_pWatchStoredList;
    1717           0 :         m_pWatchStoredList = NULL;
    1718             :     }
    1719        5178 : }
    1720             : 
    1721             : 
    1722         320 : void FmXFormView::startMarkListWatching()
    1723             : {
    1724         320 :     if ( !m_pWatchStoredList )
    1725             :     {
    1726         320 :         FmFormModel* pModel = GetFormShell() ? GetFormShell()->GetFormModel() : NULL;
    1727             :         DBG_ASSERT( pModel != NULL, "FmXFormView::startMarkListWatching: shell has no model!" );
    1728         320 :         if (pModel)
    1729             :         {
    1730         320 :             m_pWatchStoredList = new ObjectRemoveListener( this );
    1731         320 :             m_pWatchStoredList->StartListening( *static_cast< SfxBroadcaster* >( pModel ) );
    1732             :         }
    1733             :     }
    1734             :     else
    1735             :     {
    1736             :         OSL_FAIL( "FmXFormView::startMarkListWatching: already listening!" );
    1737             :     }
    1738         320 : }
    1739             : 
    1740             : 
    1741         320 : void FmXFormView::saveMarkList( bool _bSmartUnmark )
    1742             : {
    1743         320 :     if ( m_pView )
    1744             :     {
    1745         320 :         m_aMark = m_pView->GetMarkedObjectList();
    1746         320 :         if ( _bSmartUnmark )
    1747             :         {
    1748         320 :             const size_t nCount = m_aMark.GetMarkCount( );
    1749         320 :             for ( size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
    1750             :             {
    1751           0 :                 SdrMark*   pMark = m_aMark.GetMark(i);
    1752           0 :                 SdrObject* pObj  = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj();
    1753             : 
    1754           0 :                 if ( m_pView->IsObjMarked( pObj ) )
    1755             :                 {
    1756           0 :                     if ( pObj->IsGroupObject() )
    1757             :                     {
    1758           0 :                         SdrObjListIter aIter( *pObj->GetSubList() );
    1759           0 :                         bool bMixed = false;
    1760           0 :                         while ( aIter.IsMore() && !bMixed )
    1761           0 :                             bMixed = ( aIter.Next()->GetObjInventor() != FmFormInventor );
    1762             : 
    1763           0 :                         if ( !bMixed )
    1764             :                         {
    1765             :                             // all objects in the group are form objects
    1766           0 :                             m_pView->MarkObj( pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(), pMark->GetPageView(), true /* unmark! */ );
    1767           0 :                         }
    1768             :                     }
    1769             :                     else
    1770             :                     {
    1771           0 :                         if ( pObj->GetObjInventor() == FmFormInventor )
    1772             :                         {   // this is a form layer object
    1773           0 :                             m_pView->MarkObj( pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(), pMark->GetPageView(), true /* unmark! */ );
    1774             :                         }
    1775             :                     }
    1776             :                 }
    1777             :             }
    1778             :         }
    1779             :     }
    1780             :     else
    1781             :     {
    1782             :         OSL_FAIL( "FmXFormView::saveMarkList: invalid view!" );
    1783           0 :         m_aMark = SdrMarkList();
    1784             :     }
    1785         320 : }
    1786             : 
    1787             : 
    1788           0 : static bool lcl_hasObject( SdrObjListIter& rIter, SdrObject* pObj )
    1789             : {
    1790           0 :     bool bFound = false;
    1791           0 :     while (rIter.IsMore() && !bFound)
    1792           0 :         bFound = pObj == rIter.Next();
    1793             : 
    1794           0 :     rIter.Reset();
    1795           0 :     return bFound;
    1796             : }
    1797             : 
    1798             : 
    1799        5178 : void FmXFormView::restoreMarkList( SdrMarkList& _rRestoredMarkList )
    1800             : {
    1801        5178 :     if ( !m_pView )
    1802           0 :         return;
    1803             : 
    1804        5178 :     _rRestoredMarkList.Clear();
    1805             : 
    1806        5178 :     const SdrMarkList& rCurrentList = m_pView->GetMarkedObjectList();
    1807        5178 :     FmFormPage* pPage = GetFormShell() ? GetFormShell()->GetCurPage() : NULL;
    1808        5178 :     if (pPage)
    1809             :     {
    1810        5178 :         if (rCurrentList.GetMarkCount())
    1811             :         {   // there is a current mark ... hmm. Is it a subset of the mark we remembered in saveMarkList?
    1812           0 :             bool bMisMatch = false;
    1813             : 
    1814             :             // loop through all current marks
    1815           0 :             const size_t nCurrentCount = rCurrentList.GetMarkCount();
    1816           0 :             for ( size_t i=0; i<nCurrentCount && !bMisMatch; ++i )
    1817             :             {
    1818           0 :                 const SdrObject* pCurrentMarked = rCurrentList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj();
    1819             : 
    1820             :                 // loop through all saved marks, check for equality
    1821           0 :                 bool bFound = false;
    1822           0 :                 const size_t nSavedCount = m_aMark.GetMarkCount();
    1823           0 :                 for ( size_t j=0; j<nSavedCount && !bFound; ++j )
    1824             :                 {
    1825           0 :                     if ( m_aMark.GetMark( j )->GetMarkedSdrObj() == pCurrentMarked )
    1826           0 :                         bFound = true;
    1827             :                 }
    1828             : 
    1829             :                 // did not find a current mark in the saved marks
    1830           0 :                 if ( !bFound )
    1831           0 :                     bMisMatch = true;
    1832             :             }
    1833             : 
    1834           0 :             if ( bMisMatch )
    1835             :             {
    1836           0 :                 m_aMark.Clear();
    1837           0 :                 _rRestoredMarkList = rCurrentList;
    1838           0 :                 return;
    1839             :             }
    1840             :         }
    1841             :         // wichtig ist das auf die Objecte der markliste nicht zugegriffen wird
    1842             :         // da diese bereits zerstoert sein koennen
    1843        5178 :         SdrPageView* pCurPageView = m_pView->GetSdrPageView();
    1844        5178 :         SdrObjListIter aPageIter( *pPage );
    1845        5178 :         bool bFound = true;
    1846             : 
    1847             :         // gibt es noch alle Objecte
    1848        5178 :         const size_t nCount = m_aMark.GetMarkCount();
    1849        5178 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount && bFound; ++i)
    1850             :         {
    1851           0 :             SdrMark*   pMark = m_aMark.GetMark(i);
    1852           0 :             SdrObject* pObj  = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj();
    1853           0 :             if (pObj->IsGroupObject())
    1854             :             {
    1855           0 :                 SdrObjListIter aIter(*pObj->GetSubList());
    1856           0 :                 while (aIter.IsMore() && bFound)
    1857           0 :                     bFound = lcl_hasObject(aPageIter, aIter.Next());
    1858             :             }
    1859             :             else
    1860           0 :                 bFound = lcl_hasObject(aPageIter, pObj);
    1861             : 
    1862           0 :             bFound = bFound && pCurPageView == pMark->GetPageView();
    1863             :         }
    1864             : 
    1865        5178 :         if (bFound)
    1866             :         {
    1867             :             // Das LastObject auswerten
    1868        5178 :             if (nCount) // Objecte jetzt Markieren
    1869             :             {
    1870           0 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
    1871             :                 {
    1872           0 :                     SdrMark* pMark = m_aMark.GetMark(i);
    1873           0 :                     SdrObject* pObj = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj();
    1874           0 :                     if ( pObj->GetObjInventor() == FmFormInventor )
    1875           0 :                         if ( !m_pView->IsObjMarked( pObj ) )
    1876           0 :                             m_pView->MarkObj( pObj, pMark->GetPageView() );
    1877             :                 }
    1878             : 
    1879           0 :                 _rRestoredMarkList = m_aMark;
    1880             :             }
    1881             :         }
    1882        5178 :         m_aMark.Clear();
    1883             :     }
    1884             : }
    1885             : 
    1886           0 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::focusGained( const FocusEvent& /*e*/ ) throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1887             : {
    1888           0 :     if ( && m_pView )
    1889             :     {
    1890           0 :         m_pView->SetMoveOutside( true, FmFormView::ImplAccess() );
    1891             :     }
    1892           0 : }
    1893             : 
    1894           0 : void SAL_CALL FmXFormView::focusLost( const FocusEvent& /*e*/ ) throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1895             : {
    1896             :     // when switch the focus outside the office the mark didn't change
    1897             :     // so we can not remove us as focus listener
    1898           0 :     if ( && m_pView )
    1899             :     {
    1900           0 :         m_pView->SetMoveOutside( false, FmFormView::ImplAccess() );
    1901             :     }
    1902           0 : }
    1903             : 
    1904           0 : void FmXFormView::removeGridWindowListening()
    1905             : {
    1906           0 :     if ( )
    1907             :     {
    1908           0 :         m_xWindow->removeFocusListener(this);
    1909           0 :         if ( m_pView )
    1910             :         {
    1911           0 :             m_pView->SetMoveOutside( false, FmFormView::ImplAccess() );
    1912             :         }
    1913           0 :         m_xWindow = NULL;
    1914             :     }
    1915           0 : }
    1916             : 
    1917             : 
    1918           0 : DocumentType FmXFormView::impl_getDocumentType() const
    1919             : {
    1920           0 :     if ( GetFormShell() && GetFormShell()->GetImpl() )
    1921           0 :         return GetFormShell()->GetImpl()->getDocumentType();
    1922           0 :     return eUnknownDocumentType;
    1923         651 : }
    1924             : 
    1925             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10