Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include <sdr/contact/viewcontactofsdrpage.hxx>
21 : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontact.hxx>
22 : #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
23 : #include <svx/sdr/contact/displayinfo.hxx>
24 : #include <sdr/contact/viewobjectcontactofsdrpage.hxx>
25 : #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
26 : #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
27 : #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
28 : #include <svx/svdview.hxx>
29 : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
30 : #include <svx/sdr/contact/objectcontact.hxx>
31 : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/backgroundcolorprimitive2d.hxx>
32 : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polypolygonprimitive2d.hxx>
33 : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polygonprimitive2d.hxx>
34 : #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
35 : #include <svx/sdr/primitive2d/sdrattributecreator.hxx>
36 : #include <svx/sdr/primitive2d/sdrdecompositiontools.hxx>
37 : #include <vcl/lazydelete.hxx>
38 : #include <vcl/settings.hxx>
39 : #include <svx/svdstr.hrc>
40 : #include <svdglob.hxx>
41 : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/discreteshadowprimitive2d.hxx>
42 : #include <drawinglayer/attribute/sdrfillattribute.hxx>
43 :
44 : namespace sdr { namespace contact {
45 :
46 107118 : ViewContactOfPageSubObject::ViewContactOfPageSubObject(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
47 107118 : : mrParentViewContactOfSdrPage(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
48 : {
49 107118 : }
50 :
51 106689 : ViewContactOfPageSubObject::~ViewContactOfPageSubObject()
52 : {
53 106689 : }
54 :
55 0 : ViewContact* ViewContactOfPageSubObject::GetParentContact() const
56 : {
57 0 : return &mrParentViewContactOfSdrPage;
58 : }
59 :
60 122661 : const SdrPage& ViewContactOfPageSubObject::getPage() const
61 : {
62 122661 : return mrParentViewContactOfSdrPage.GetSdrPage();
63 : }
64 :
65 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfPageBackground::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
66 : {
67 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfPageBackground(rObjectContact, *this);
68 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
69 :
70 3513 : return *pRetval;
71 : }
72 :
73 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfPageBackground::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
74 : {
75 : // We have only the page information, not the view information. Use the
76 : // svtools::DOCCOLOR color for initialisation
77 623 : const svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig;
78 623 : const Color aInitColor(aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor);
79 1246 : const basegfx::BColor aRGBColor(aInitColor.getBColor());
80 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(
81 1246 : new drawinglayer::primitive2d::BackgroundColorPrimitive2D(aRGBColor));
82 :
83 1246 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence(&xReference, 1);
84 : }
85 :
86 9738 : ViewContactOfPageBackground::ViewContactOfPageBackground(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
87 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
88 : {
89 9738 : }
90 :
91 9699 : ViewContactOfPageBackground::~ViewContactOfPageBackground()
92 : {
93 9699 : }
94 :
95 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfPageShadow::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
96 : {
97 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfPageShadow(rObjectContact, *this);
98 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
99 :
100 3513 : return *pRetval;
101 : }
102 :
103 1702 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfPageShadow::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
104 : {
105 : static bool bUseOldPageShadow(false);
106 1702 : const SdrPage& rPage = getPage();
107 1702 : basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aPageMatrix;
108 1702 : aPageMatrix.set(0, 0, (double)rPage.GetWdt());
109 1702 : aPageMatrix.set(1, 1, (double)rPage.GetHgt());
110 :
111 1702 : if(bUseOldPageShadow)
112 : {
113 : // create page shadow polygon
114 0 : const double fPageBorderFactor(1.0 / 256.0);
115 0 : basegfx::B2DPolygon aPageShadowPolygon;
116 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(1.0, fPageBorderFactor));
117 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(1.0 + fPageBorderFactor, fPageBorderFactor));
118 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(1.0 + fPageBorderFactor, 1.0 + fPageBorderFactor));
119 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(fPageBorderFactor, 1.0 + fPageBorderFactor));
120 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(fPageBorderFactor, 1.0));
121 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(1.0, 1.0));
122 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.setClosed(true);
123 0 : aPageShadowPolygon.transform(aPageMatrix);
124 :
125 : // We have only the page information, not the view information. Use the
126 : // svtools::FONTCOLOR color for initialisation
127 0 : const svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig;
128 0 : const Color aShadowColor(aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor);
129 0 : const basegfx::BColor aRGBShadowColor(aShadowColor.getBColor());
130 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(
131 : new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D(
132 : basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aPageShadowPolygon),
133 0 : aRGBShadowColor));
134 :
135 0 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence(&xReference, 1);
136 : }
137 : else
138 : {
139 : static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< drawinglayer::primitive2d::DiscreteShadow > aDiscreteShadow(
140 : new drawinglayer::primitive2d::DiscreteShadow(
141 : BitmapEx(
142 : ResId(
144 1702 : *ImpGetResMgr()))));
145 :
146 1702 : if(aDiscreteShadow.get())
147 : {
148 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(
149 : new drawinglayer::primitive2d::DiscreteShadowPrimitive2D(
150 : aPageMatrix,
151 1702 : *aDiscreteShadow.get()));
152 :
153 1702 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence(&xReference, 1);
154 : }
155 :
156 0 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence();
157 1702 : }
158 : }
159 :
160 9738 : ViewContactOfPageShadow::ViewContactOfPageShadow(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
161 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
162 : {
163 9738 : }
164 :
165 9699 : ViewContactOfPageShadow::~ViewContactOfPageShadow()
166 : {
167 9699 : }
168 :
169 3101 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfMasterPage::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
170 : {
171 3101 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfMasterPage(rObjectContact, *this);
172 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
173 :
174 3101 : return *pRetval;
175 : }
176 :
177 559 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfMasterPage::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
178 : {
179 559 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence xRetval;
180 :
181 : // this class is used when the page is a MasterPage and is responsible to
182 : // create a visualisation for the MPBGO, if exists. This needs to be suppressed
183 : // when a SdrPage which uses a MasterPage creates it's output. Suppression
184 : // is done in the corresponding VOC since DisplayInfo data is needed
185 559 : const SdrPage& rPage = getPage();
186 :
187 559 : if(rPage.IsMasterPage())
188 : {
189 320 : if(0 == rPage.GetPageNum())
190 : {
191 : // #i98063#
192 : // filter MasterPage 0 since it's the HandoutPage. Thus, it's a
193 : // MasterPage, but has no MPBGO, so there is nothing to do here.
194 : }
195 : else
196 : {
197 320 : drawinglayer::attribute::SdrFillAttribute aFill;
198 :
199 : // #i110846# Suppress SdrPage FillStyle for MasterPages without StyleSheets,
200 : // else the PoolDefault (XFILL_COLOR and Blue8) will be used. Normally, all
201 : // MasterPages should have a StyleSheet excactly for this reason, but historically
202 : // e.g. the Notes MasterPage has no StyleSheet set (and there maybe others).
203 320 : if(rPage.getSdrPageProperties().GetStyleSheet())
204 : {
205 : // create page fill attributes with correct properties
206 640 : aFill = drawinglayer::primitive2d::createNewSdrFillAttribute(
207 640 : rPage.getSdrPageProperties().GetItemSet());
208 : }
209 :
210 320 : if(!aFill.isDefault())
211 : {
212 : // direct model data is the page size, get and use it
213 : const basegfx::B2DRange aInnerRange(
214 0 : rPage.GetLftBorder(), rPage.GetUppBorder(),
215 0 : rPage.GetWdt() - rPage.GetRgtBorder(), rPage.GetHgt() - rPage.GetLwrBorder());
216 0 : const basegfx::B2DPolygon aInnerPolgon(basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect(aInnerRange));
217 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(
218 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::createPolyPolygonFillPrimitive(
219 : basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aInnerPolgon),
220 : aFill,
221 0 : drawinglayer::attribute::FillGradientAttribute()));
222 :
223 0 : xRetval = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence(&xReference, 1);
224 320 : }
225 : }
226 : }
227 :
228 559 : return xRetval;
229 : }
230 :
231 9738 : ViewContactOfMasterPage::ViewContactOfMasterPage(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
232 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
233 : {
234 9738 : }
235 :
236 9699 : ViewContactOfMasterPage::~ViewContactOfMasterPage()
237 : {
238 9699 : }
239 :
240 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfPageFill::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
241 : {
242 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfPageFill(rObjectContact, *this);
243 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
244 :
245 3513 : return *pRetval;
246 : }
247 :
248 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfPageFill::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
249 : {
250 623 : const SdrPage& rPage = getPage();
251 623 : const basegfx::B2DRange aPageFillRange(0.0, 0.0, (double)rPage.GetWdt(), (double)rPage.GetHgt());
252 623 : const basegfx::B2DPolygon aPageFillPolygon(basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect(aPageFillRange));
253 :
254 : // We have only the page information, not the view information. Use the
255 : // svtools::DOCCOLOR color for initialisation
256 1246 : const svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig;
257 623 : const Color aPageFillColor(aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor);
258 :
259 : // create and add primitive
260 1246 : const basegfx::BColor aRGBColor(aPageFillColor.getBColor());
261 1246 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D(basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aPageFillPolygon), aRGBColor));
262 :
263 1246 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence(&xReference, 1);
264 : }
265 :
266 9738 : ViewContactOfPageFill::ViewContactOfPageFill(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
267 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
268 : {
269 9738 : }
270 :
271 9699 : ViewContactOfPageFill::~ViewContactOfPageFill()
272 : {
273 9699 : }
274 :
275 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
276 : {
277 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfOuterPageBorder(rObjectContact, *this);
278 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
279 :
280 3513 : return *pRetval;
281 : }
282 :
283 1941 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
284 : {
285 1941 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence xRetval;
286 1941 : const SdrPage& rPage = getPage();
287 1941 : const basegfx::B2DRange aPageBorderRange(0.0, 0.0, (double)rPage.GetWdt(), (double)rPage.GetHgt());
288 :
289 : // Changed to 0x949599 for renaissance, before svtools::FONTCOLOR was used.
290 : // Added old case as fallback for HighContrast.
291 3882 : basegfx::BColor aRGBBorderColor(0x94 / (double)0xff, 0x95 / (double)0xff, 0x99 / (double)0xff);
292 :
293 1941 : if(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode())
294 : {
295 0 : const svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig;
296 0 : const Color aBorderColor(aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor);
297 :
298 0 : aRGBBorderColor = aBorderColor.getBColor();
299 : }
300 :
301 1941 : if(rPage.getPageBorderOnlyLeftRight())
302 : {
303 : // #i93597# for Report Designer, the page border shall be only displayed right and left,
304 : // but not top and bottom. Create simplified geometry.
305 0 : basegfx::B2DPolygon aLeft, aRight;
306 :
307 0 : aLeft.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aPageBorderRange.getMinX(), aPageBorderRange.getMinY()));
308 0 : aLeft.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aPageBorderRange.getMinX(), aPageBorderRange.getMaxY()));
309 :
310 0 : aRight.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aPageBorderRange.getMaxX(), aPageBorderRange.getMinY()));
311 0 : aRight.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aPageBorderRange.getMaxX(), aPageBorderRange.getMaxY()));
312 :
313 0 : xRetval.realloc(2);
314 0 : xRetval[0] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(aLeft, aRGBBorderColor));
315 0 : xRetval[1] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(aRight, aRGBBorderColor));
316 : }
317 : else
318 : {
319 1941 : xRetval.realloc(1);
320 1941 : const basegfx::B2DPolygon aPageBorderPolygon(basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect(aPageBorderRange));
321 1941 : xRetval[0] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(aPageBorderPolygon, aRGBBorderColor));
322 : }
323 :
324 3882 : return xRetval;
325 : }
326 :
327 9738 : ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder::ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
328 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
329 : {
330 9738 : }
331 :
332 9699 : ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder::~ViewContactOfOuterPageBorder()
333 : {
334 9699 : }
335 :
336 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
337 : {
338 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfInnerPageBorder(rObjectContact, *this);
339 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
340 :
341 3513 : return *pRetval;
342 : }
343 :
344 1657 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
345 : {
346 1657 : const SdrPage& rPage = getPage();
347 : const basegfx::B2DRange aPageBorderRange(
348 3314 : (double)rPage.GetLftBorder(), (double)rPage.GetUppBorder(),
349 4971 : (double)(rPage.GetWdt() - rPage.GetRgtBorder()), (double)(rPage.GetHgt() - rPage.GetLwrBorder()));
350 1657 : const basegfx::B2DPolygon aPageBorderPolygon(basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect(aPageBorderRange));
351 :
352 : // We have only the page information, not the view information. Use the
353 : // svtools::FONTCOLOR or svtools::DOCBOUNDARIES color for initialisation
354 3314 : const svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig;
355 1657 : Color aBorderColor;
356 :
357 1657 : if(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode())
358 : {
359 0 : aBorderColor = aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor;
360 : }
361 : else
362 : {
363 1657 : aBorderColor = aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::DOCBOUNDARIES).nColor;
364 : }
365 :
366 : // create page outer border primitive
367 3314 : const basegfx::BColor aRGBBorderColor(aBorderColor.getBColor());
368 3314 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(aPageBorderPolygon, aRGBBorderColor));
369 :
370 3314 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence(&xReference, 1);
371 : }
372 :
373 9738 : ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder::ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
374 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
375 : {
376 9738 : }
377 :
378 9699 : ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder::~ViewContactOfInnerPageBorder()
379 : {
380 9699 : }
381 :
382 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
383 : {
384 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfPageHierarchy(rObjectContact, *this);
385 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
386 :
387 3513 : return *pRetval;
388 : }
389 :
390 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
391 : {
392 : // collect sub-hierarchy
393 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence xRetval;
394 623 : const sal_uInt32 nObjectCount(GetObjectCount());
395 :
396 : // collect all sub-primitives
397 4653 : for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nObjectCount; a++)
398 : {
399 4030 : const ViewContact& rCandidate(GetViewContact(a));
400 4030 : const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence aCandSeq(rCandidate.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
401 :
402 4030 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, aCandSeq);
403 4030 : }
404 :
405 623 : return xRetval;
406 : }
407 :
408 9738 : ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::ViewContactOfPageHierarchy(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
409 9738 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage)
410 : {
411 9738 : }
412 :
413 9699 : ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::~ViewContactOfPageHierarchy()
414 : {
415 9699 : }
416 :
417 61875 : sal_uInt32 ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::GetObjectCount() const
418 : {
419 61875 : return getPage().GetObjCount();
420 : }
421 :
422 51498 : ViewContact& ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::GetViewContact(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const
423 : {
424 51498 : SdrObject* pObj = getPage().GetObj(nIndex);
425 : assert(pObj && "ViewContactOfPageHierarchy::GetViewContact: Corrupt SdrObjList (!)");
426 51498 : return pObj->GetViewContact();
427 : }
428 :
429 7026 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfGrid::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
430 : {
431 7026 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfPageGrid(rObjectContact, *this);
432 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
433 :
434 7026 : return *pRetval;
435 : }
436 :
437 0 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfGrid::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
438 : {
439 : // We have only the page information, not the view information and thus no grid settings. Create empty
440 : // default. For the view-dependent implementation, see ViewObjectContactOfPageGrid::createPrimitive2DSequence
441 0 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence();
442 : }
443 :
444 19476 : ViewContactOfGrid::ViewContactOfGrid(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage, bool bFront)
445 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage),
446 19476 : mbFront(bFront)
447 : {
448 19476 : }
449 :
450 19398 : ViewContactOfGrid::~ViewContactOfGrid()
451 : {
452 19398 : }
453 :
454 7026 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfHelplines::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
455 : {
456 7026 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfPageHelplines(rObjectContact, *this);
457 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
458 :
459 7026 : return *pRetval;
460 : }
461 :
462 0 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfHelplines::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
463 : {
464 : // We have only the page information, not the view information and thus no helplines. Create empty
465 : // default. For the view-dependent implementation, see ViewObjectContactOfPageHelplines::createPrimitive2DSequence
466 0 : return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence();
467 : }
468 :
469 19476 : ViewContactOfHelplines::ViewContactOfHelplines(ViewContactOfSdrPage& rParentViewContactOfSdrPage, bool bFront)
470 : : ViewContactOfPageSubObject(rParentViewContactOfSdrPage),
471 19476 : mbFront(bFront)
472 : {
473 19476 : }
474 :
475 19398 : ViewContactOfHelplines::~ViewContactOfHelplines()
476 : {
477 19398 : }
478 :
479 : // Create a Object-Specific ViewObjectContact, set ViewContact and
480 : // ObjectContact. Always needs to return something.
481 3513 : ViewObjectContact& ViewContactOfSdrPage::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact(ObjectContact& rObjectContact)
482 : {
483 3513 : ViewObjectContact* pRetval = new ViewObjectContactOfSdrPage(rObjectContact, *this);
484 : DBG_ASSERT(pRetval, "ViewContact::CreateObjectSpecificViewObjectContact() failed (!)");
485 :
486 3513 : return *pRetval;
487 : }
488 :
489 9738 : ViewContactOfSdrPage::ViewContactOfSdrPage(SdrPage& rPage)
490 : : ViewContact(),
491 : mrPage(rPage),
492 : maViewContactOfPageBackground(*this),
493 : maViewContactOfPageShadow(*this),
494 : maViewContactOfPageFill(*this),
495 : maViewContactOfMasterPage(*this),
496 : maViewContactOfOuterPageBorder(*this),
497 : maViewContactOfInnerPageBorder(*this),
498 : maViewContactOfGridBack(*this, false),
499 : maViewContactOfHelplinesBack(*this, false),
500 : maViewContactOfPageHierarchy(*this),
501 : maViewContactOfGridFront(*this, true),
502 9738 : maViewContactOfHelplinesFront(*this, true)
503 : {
504 9738 : }
505 :
506 19398 : ViewContactOfSdrPage::~ViewContactOfSdrPage()
507 : {
508 19398 : }
509 :
510 : // Access to possible sub-hierarchy
511 139359 : sal_uInt32 ViewContactOfSdrPage::GetObjectCount() const
512 : {
513 : // Fixed count of content. It contains PageBackground (Wiese), PageShadow, PageFill,
514 : // then - depending on if the page has a MasterPage - either MasterPage Hierarchy
515 : // or MPBGO. Also OuterPageBorder, InnerPageBorder and two pairs of Grid and Helplines
516 : // (for front and back) which internally are visible or not depending on the current
517 : // front/back setting for those.
518 139359 : return 11;
519 : }
520 :
521 531465 : ViewContact& ViewContactOfSdrPage::GetViewContact(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const
522 : {
523 531465 : switch(nIndex)
524 : {
525 48315 : case 0: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfPageBackground;
526 48315 : case 1: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfPageShadow;
527 48315 : case 2: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfPageFill;
528 : case 3:
529 : {
530 48315 : const SdrPage& rPage = GetSdrPage();
531 :
532 48315 : if(rPage.TRG_HasMasterPage())
533 : {
534 1552 : return rPage.TRG_GetMasterPageDescriptorViewContact();
535 : }
536 : else
537 : {
538 46763 : return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfMasterPage;
539 : }
540 : }
541 48315 : case 4: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfOuterPageBorder;
542 48315 : case 5: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfInnerPageBorder;
543 48315 : case 6: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfGridBack;
544 48315 : case 7: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfHelplinesBack;
545 48315 : case 8: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfPageHierarchy;
546 48315 : case 9: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfGridFront;
547 48315 : default: return (ViewContact&)maViewContactOfHelplinesFront;
548 : }
549 : }
550 :
551 : // React on changes of the object of this ViewContact
552 36260 : void ViewContactOfSdrPage::ActionChanged()
553 : {
554 : // call parent
555 36260 : ViewContact::ActionChanged();
556 :
557 : // apply to local viewContacts, they all rely on page information. Exception
558 : // is the sub hierarchy; this will not be influenced by the change
559 36260 : maViewContactOfPageBackground.ActionChanged();
560 36260 : maViewContactOfPageShadow.ActionChanged();
561 36260 : maViewContactOfPageFill.ActionChanged();
562 :
563 36260 : const SdrPage& rPage = GetSdrPage();
564 :
565 36260 : if(rPage.TRG_HasMasterPage())
566 : {
567 7626 : rPage.TRG_GetMasterPageDescriptorViewContact().ActionChanged();
568 : }
569 28634 : else if(rPage.IsMasterPage())
570 : {
571 6438 : maViewContactOfMasterPage.ActionChanged();
572 : }
573 :
574 36260 : maViewContactOfOuterPageBorder.ActionChanged();
575 36260 : maViewContactOfInnerPageBorder.ActionChanged();
576 36260 : maViewContactOfGridBack.ActionChanged();
577 36260 : maViewContactOfHelplinesBack.ActionChanged();
578 36260 : maViewContactOfGridFront.ActionChanged();
579 36260 : maViewContactOfHelplinesFront.ActionChanged();
580 36260 : }
581 :
582 : // overload for acessing the SdrPage
583 0 : SdrPage* ViewContactOfSdrPage::TryToGetSdrPage() const
584 : {
585 0 : return &GetSdrPage();
586 : }
587 :
588 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence ViewContactOfSdrPage::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence() const
589 : {
590 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence xRetval;
591 :
592 : // collect all sub-sequences including sub hierarchy.
593 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfPageBackground.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
594 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfPageShadow.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
595 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfPageFill.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
596 :
597 623 : const SdrPage& rPage = GetSdrPage();
598 :
599 623 : if(rPage.TRG_HasMasterPage())
600 : {
601 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval,
602 106 : rPage.TRG_GetMasterPageDescriptorViewContact().getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
603 : }
604 517 : else if(rPage.IsMasterPage())
605 : {
606 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval,
607 124 : maViewContactOfMasterPage.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
608 : }
609 :
610 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfOuterPageBorder.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
611 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfInnerPageBorder.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
612 623 : drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfPageHierarchy.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
613 :
614 : // Only add front versions of grid and helplines since no visibility test is done,
615 : // so adding the back incarnations is not necessary. This makes the Front
616 : // visualisation the default when no visibility tests are done.
617 :
618 : // Since we have no view here, no grid and helpline definitions are available currently. The used
619 : // methods at ViewContactOfHelplines and ViewContactOfGrid return only empty sequences and
620 : // do not need to be called ATM. This may change later if grid or helpline info gets
621 : // model data (it should not). Keeping the lines commented to hold this hint.
622 :
623 : // drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfGridFront.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
624 : // drawinglayer::primitive2d::appendPrimitive2DSequenceToPrimitive2DSequence(xRetval, maViewContactOfHelplinesFront.getViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence());
625 :
626 623 : return xRetval;
627 : }
628 :
629 651 : }}
630 :
631 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */