LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - svx/source/unodraw - unoshape.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 1102 1661 66.3 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 116 142 81.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <cppuhelper/typeprovider.hxx>
      21             : #include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
      22             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/XBitmap.hpp>
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/Rectangle.hpp>
      24             : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/CircleKind.hpp>
      25             : #include <com/sun/star/embed/NoVisualAreaSizeException.hpp>
      26             : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
      27             : #include <svl/itemprop.hxx>
      28             : #include <vcl/fltcall.hxx>
      29             : #include <osl/mutex.hxx>
      30             : #include <editeng/unotext.hxx>
      31             : #include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
      32             : #include <svx/svdoole2.hxx>
      33             : #include "svx/shapepropertynotifier.hxx"
      34             : #include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
      35             : #include <comphelper/scopeguard.hxx>
      36             : #include <comphelper/servicehelper.hxx>
      37             : #include <comphelper/serviceinfohelper.hxx>
      38             : #include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
      39             : #include <vcl/gfxlink.hxx>
      40             : #include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
      41             : #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
      42             : #include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
      43             : #include "svx/svdopage.hxx"
      44             : #include "svx/xflbstit.hxx"
      45             : #include "svx/xflbmtit.hxx"
      46             : #include "svx/xlnstit.hxx"
      47             : #include "svx/xlnedit.hxx"
      48             : #include "svx/svdogrp.hxx"
      49             : #include "svx/scene3d.hxx"
      50             : #include "svx/svdmodel.hxx"
      51             : #include "svx/globl3d.hxx"
      52             : #include "svx/fmglob.hxx"
      53             : #include "svx/unopage.hxx"
      54             : #include "svx/view3d.hxx"
      55             : #include "svx/unoshape.hxx"
      56             : #include "svx/svxids.hrc"
      57             : #include "svx/unoshtxt.hxx"
      58             : #include "svx/svdpage.hxx"
      59             : #include "svx/unoshprp.hxx"
      60             : #include "svx/sxciaitm.hxx"
      61             : #include "svx/svdograf.hxx"
      62             : #include "svx/unoapi.hxx"
      63             : #include "svx/svdomeas.hxx"
      64             : #include "svx/svdpagv.hxx"
      65             : #include "svx/svdpool.hxx"
      66             : #include <tools/gen.hxx>
      67             : #include "svx/dialmgr.hxx"
      68             : #include "svx/dialogs.hrc"
      69             : #include "svx/svdocapt.hxx"
      70             : #include <svx/obj3d.hxx>
      71             : #include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
      72             : #include "svx/xflftrit.hxx"
      73             : #include "svx/xtable.hxx"
      74             : #include "svx/xbtmpit.hxx"
      75             : #include "svx/xflgrit.hxx"
      76             : #include "svx/xflhtit.hxx"
      77             : #include "svx/xlndsit.hxx"
      78             : #include "svdglob.hxx"
      79             : #include "svx/svdstr.hrc"
      80             : #include "svx/unomaster.hxx"
      81             : #include <editeng/outlobj.hxx>
      82             : #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
      83             : #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrixtools.hxx>
      84             : #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
      85             : #include <basegfx/tools/unotools.hxx>
      86             : #include "gluepts.hxx"
      87             : #include "shapeimpl.hxx"
      88             : #include <sal/log.hxx>
      89             : 
      90             : #include <vector>
      91             : 
      92             : #include "svx/lathe3d.hxx"
      93             : #include "svx/extrud3d.hxx"
      94             : 
      95             : #include <boost/bind.hpp>
      96             : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
      97             : #include <vcl/wmf.hxx>
      98             : 
      99             : using namespace ::osl;
     100             : using namespace ::cppu;
     101             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
     102             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
     103             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
     104             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
     105             : using ::svx::PropertyValueProvider;
     106             : using ::svx::IPropertyValueProvider;
     107             : 
     108             : class GDIMetaFile;
     109             : 
     110      127926 : struct SvxShapeImpl
     111             : {
     112             :     SvxShape&       mrAntiImpl;
     113             :     SfxItemSet*     mpItemSet;
     114             :     sal_uInt32      mnObjId;
     115             :     SvxShapeMaster* mpMaster;
     116             :     bool            mbHasSdrObjectOwnership;
     117             :     bool            mbDisposing;
     118             : 
     119             :     /** CL, OD 2005-07-19 #i52126# - this is initially 0 and set when
     120             :      *  a SvxShape::Create() call is executed. It is then set to the created
     121             :      *  SdrObject so a multiple call to SvxShape::Create() with same SdrObject
     122             :      *  is prohibited.
     123             :      */
     124             :     ::tools::WeakReference< SdrObject > mpCreatedObj;
     125             : 
     126             :     // for xComponent
     127             :     ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper   maDisposeListeners;
     128             :     ::svx::PropertyChangeNotifier       maPropertyNotifier;
     129             : 
     130      128386 :     SvxShapeImpl( SvxShape& _rAntiImpl, ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex )
     131             :         :mrAntiImpl( _rAntiImpl )
     132             :         ,mpItemSet( NULL )
     133             :         ,mnObjId( 0 )
     134             :         ,mpMaster( NULL )
     135             :         ,mbHasSdrObjectOwnership( false )
     136             :         ,mbDisposing( false )
     137             :         ,mpCreatedObj()
     138             :         ,maDisposeListeners( _rMutex )
     139      128386 :         ,maPropertyNotifier( _rAntiImpl, _rMutex )
     140             :     {
     141      128386 :     }
     142             : };
     143             : 
     144      255852 : class ShapePositionProvider : public PropertyValueProvider
     145             : {
     146             : public:
     147      128386 :     ShapePositionProvider( const SvxShapeImpl& _shapeImpl )
     148      128386 :         :PropertyValueProvider( _shapeImpl.mrAntiImpl, "Position" )
     149             :     {
     150      128386 :     }
     151             : 
     152             : protected:
     153           0 :     virtual void getCurrentValue( Any& _out_rCurrentValue ) const SAL_OVERRIDE
     154             :     {
     155           0 :         _out_rCurrentValue <<= static_cast< SvxShape& >( getContext() ).getPosition();
     156           0 :     }
     157             : };
     158             : 
     159             : 
     160      255852 : class ShapeSizeProvider : public PropertyValueProvider
     161             : {
     162             : public:
     163      128386 :     ShapeSizeProvider( const SvxShapeImpl& _shapeImpl )
     164      128386 :         :PropertyValueProvider( _shapeImpl.mrAntiImpl, "Size" )
     165             :     {
     166      128386 :     }
     167             : 
     168             : protected:
     169           0 :     virtual void getCurrentValue( Any& _out_rCurrentValue ) const SAL_OVERRIDE
     170             :     {
     171           0 :         _out_rCurrentValue <<= static_cast< SvxShape& >( getContext() ).getSize();
     172           0 :     }
     173             : };
     174             : 
     175           2 : SvxShape::SvxShape( SdrObject* pObject ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     176             : :   maSize(100,100)
     177           2 : ,   mpImpl( new SvxShapeImpl( *this, maMutex ) )
     178             : ,   mbIsMultiPropertyCall(false)
     179           2 : ,   mpPropSet(getSvxMapProvider().GetPropertySet(SVXMAP_SHAPE, SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool()))
     180           2 : ,   maPropMapEntries(getSvxMapProvider().GetMap(SVXMAP_SHAPE))
     181             : ,   mpObj(pObject)
     182             : ,   mpModel(NULL)
     183           8 : ,   mnLockCount(0)
     184             : {
     185           2 :     impl_construct();
     186           2 : }
     187             : 
     188             : 
     189      128384 : SvxShape::SvxShape( SdrObject* pObject, const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntries, const SvxItemPropertySet* pPropertySet ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     190             : :   maSize(100,100)
     191      128384 : ,   mpImpl( new SvxShapeImpl( *this, maMutex ) )
     192             : ,   mbIsMultiPropertyCall(false)
     193             : ,   mpPropSet(pPropertySet)
     194             : ,   maPropMapEntries(pEntries)
     195             : ,   mpObj(pObject)
     196             : ,   mpModel(NULL)
     197      256768 : ,   mnLockCount(0)
     198             : {
     199      128384 :     impl_construct();
     200      128384 : }
     201             : 
     202             : 
     203           0 : SvxShape::SvxShape() throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     204             : :   maSize(100,100)
     205           0 : ,   mpImpl( new SvxShapeImpl( *this, maMutex ) )
     206             : ,   mbIsMultiPropertyCall(false)
     207           0 : ,   mpPropSet(getSvxMapProvider().GetPropertySet(SVXMAP_SHAPE, SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool()))
     208           0 : ,   maPropMapEntries(getSvxMapProvider().GetMap(SVXMAP_SHAPE))
     209             : ,   mpObj(NULL)
     210             : ,   mpModel(NULL)
     211           0 : ,   mnLockCount(0)
     212             : {
     213           0 :     impl_construct();
     214           0 : }
     215             : 
     216             : 
     217      257822 : SvxShape::~SvxShape() throw()
     218             : {
     219      127926 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
     220             : 
     221             :     DBG_ASSERT( mnLockCount == 0, "Locked shape was disposed!" );
     222             : 
     223      127926 :     if ( mpModel )
     224      118058 :         EndListening( *mpModel );
     225             : 
     226      127926 :     if ( mpImpl->mpMaster )
     227       20914 :         mpImpl->mpMaster->dispose();
     228             : 
     229      127926 :     if ( )
     230      100427 :         mpObj->setUnoShape(NULL);
     231             : 
     232      127926 :     if( HasSdrObjectOwnership() && )
     233             :     {
     234        5448 :         mpImpl->mbHasSdrObjectOwnership = false;
     235        5448 :         SdrObject* pObject = mpObj.get();
     236        5448 :         SdrObject::Free( pObject );
     237             :     }
     238             : 
     239      127926 :     delete mpImpl, mpImpl = NULL;
     240             : 
     241      127926 :     EndListeningAll(); // call explictily within SolarMutexGuard
     242      129896 : }
     243             : 
     244             : 
     245             : 
     246        5448 : void SvxShape::TakeSdrObjectOwnership()
     247             : {
     248        5448 :     mpImpl->mbHasSdrObjectOwnership = true;
     249        5448 : }
     250             : 
     251             : 
     252             : 
     253      185184 : bool SvxShape::HasSdrObjectOwnership() const
     254             : {
     255      185184 :     if ( !mpImpl->mbHasSdrObjectOwnership )
     256      179736 :         return false;
     257             : 
     258             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "SvxShape::HasSdrObjectOwnership: have the ownership of an object which I don't know!" );
     259        5448 :     return;
     260             : }
     261             : 
     262             : 
     263             : 
     264      125974 : void SvxShape::setShapeKind( sal_uInt32 nKind )
     265             : {
     266      125974 :     mpImpl->mnObjId = nKind;
     267      125974 : }
     268             : 
     269             : 
     270             : 
     271       41828 : sal_uInt32 SvxShape::getShapeKind() const
     272             : {
     273       41828 :     return mpImpl->mnObjId;
     274             : }
     275             : 
     276             : 
     277             : 
     278       41828 : void SvxShape::setMaster( SvxShapeMaster* pMaster )
     279             : {
     280       41828 :     mpImpl->mpMaster = pMaster;
     281       41828 : }
     282             : 
     283             : 
     284             : 
     285     2077407 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::queryAggregation( const uno::Type& rType ) throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
     286             : {
     287     2077407 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
     288             :     {
     289      218036 :         uno::Any aAny;
     290      218036 :         if( mpImpl->mpMaster->queryAggregation( rType, aAny ) )
     291          98 :             return aAny;
     292             :     }
     293             : 
     294     2077309 :     return SvxShape_UnoImplHelper::queryAggregation(rType);
     295             : }
     296             : 
     297             : namespace
     298             : {
     299             :     class theSvxShapeUnoTunnelId : public rtl::Static< UnoTunnelIdInit, theSvxShapeUnoTunnelId > {};
     300             : }
     301             : 
     302      923128 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > & SvxShape::getUnoTunnelId() throw()
     303             : {
     304      923128 :     return theSvxShapeUnoTunnelId::get().getSeq();
     305             : }
     306             : 
     307             : 
     308      345384 : SvxShape* SvxShape::getImplementation( const uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >& xInt )
     309             : {
     310      345384 :     uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xUT( xInt, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
     311      345384 :     if( )
     312      317223 :         return reinterpret_cast<SvxShape*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(xUT->getSomething( SvxShape::getUnoTunnelId())));
     313             :     else
     314       28161 :         return NULL;
     315             : }
     316             : 
     317             : 
     318      485473 : sal_Int64 SAL_CALL SvxShape::getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) \
     319             : {
     320      485473 :     if( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == memcmp( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) )
     321             :     {
     322      435679 :         return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int64>(reinterpret_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(this));
     323             :     }
     324             :     else
     325             :     {
     326       49794 :         return 0;
     327             :     }
     328             : }
     329             : 
     330             : 
     331      393509 : ::svx::PropertyChangeNotifier& SvxShape::getShapePropertyChangeNotifier()
     332             : {
     333      393509 :     return mpImpl->maPropertyNotifier;
     334             : }
     335             : 
     336             : 
     337      128386 : void SvxShape::impl_construct()
     338             : {
     339             :     mpImpl->maPropertyNotifier.registerProvider( ::svx::eShapePosition,
     340      128386 :         ::svx::PPropertyValueProvider( new ShapePositionProvider( *mpImpl ) ) );
     341             :     mpImpl->maPropertyNotifier.registerProvider( ::svx::eShapeSize,
     342      128386 :         ::svx::PPropertyValueProvider( new ShapeSizeProvider( *mpImpl ) ) );
     343             : 
     344      128386 :     if ( )
     345       61610 :         impl_initFromSdrObject();
     346      128386 : }
     347             : 
     348             : 
     349      128878 : void SvxShape::impl_initFromSdrObject()
     350             : {
     351             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     352             :     OSL_PRECOND(, "SvxShape::impl_initFromSdrObject: not to be called without SdrObject!" );
     353      128878 :     if ( ! )
     354      128878 :         return;
     355             : 
     356      128878 :     osl_atomic_increment( &m_refCount );
     357             :     {
     358      128878 :         mpObj->setUnoShape(*this);
     359             :     }
     360      128878 :     osl_atomic_decrement( &m_refCount );
     361             : 
     362      128878 :     mpModel = mpObj->GetModel();
     363             : 
     364             :     // #i40944#
     365             :     // Do not simply return when no model but do the type corrections
     366             :     // following below.
     367      128878 :     if(mpModel)
     368             :     {
     369      122756 :         StartListening( *mpModel );
     370             :     }
     371             : 
     372      128878 :     const sal_uInt32 nInventor = mpObj->GetObjInventor();
     373             : 
     374             :     // is it one of ours (svx) ?
     375      128878 :     if( nInventor == SdrInventor || nInventor == E3dInventor || nInventor == FmFormInventor )
     376             :     {
     377      128878 :         if(nInventor == FmFormInventor)
     378             :         {
     379        1428 :             mpImpl->mnObjId = OBJ_UNO;
     380             :         }
     381             :         else
     382             :         {
     383      127450 :             mpImpl->mnObjId = mpObj->GetObjIdentifier();
     384      127450 :             if( nInventor == E3dInventor )
     385        5543 :                 mpImpl->mnObjId |= E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG;
     386             :         }
     387             : 
     388      128878 :         switch(mpImpl->mnObjId)
     389             :         {
     390             :         case OBJ_CCUT:          // Kreisabschnitt
     391             :         case OBJ_CARC:          // Kreisbogen
     392             :         case OBJ_SECT:          // Kreissektor
     393          70 :             mpImpl->mnObjId = OBJ_CIRC;
     394          70 :             break;
     395             : 
     396             :         case E3D_SCENE_ID | E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     397           0 :             mpImpl->mnObjId = E3D_POLYSCENE_ID | E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG;
     398           0 :             break;
     399             :         }
     400             :     }
     401             : }
     402             : 
     403             : 
     404       67268 : void SvxShape::Create( SdrObject* pNewObj, SvxDrawPage* /*pNewPage*/ )
     405             : {
     406             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     407             : 
     408             :     OSL_PRECOND( pNewObj, "SvxShape::Create: invalid new object!" );
     409       67268 :     if ( !pNewObj )
     410       67268 :         return;
     411             : 
     412       67268 :     SdrObject* pCreatedObj = mpImpl->mpCreatedObj.get();
     413             :     OSL_ENSURE( ( pCreatedObj == NULL ) || ( pCreatedObj == pNewObj ),
     414             :         "SvxShape::Create: the same shape used for two different objects?! Strange ..." );
     415             : 
     416             :     // Correct condition (#i52126#)
     417       67268 :     if ( pCreatedObj != pNewObj )
     418             :     {
     419             :         DBG_ASSERT( pNewObj->GetModel(), "no model for SdrObject?" );
     420             :         // Correct condition (#i52126#)
     421       67268 :         mpImpl->mpCreatedObj = pNewObj;
     422             : 
     423       67268 :         if( && mpObj->GetModel() )
     424             :         {
     425           0 :             EndListening( *mpObj->GetModel() );
     426             :         }
     427             : 
     428       67268 :         mpObj.reset( pNewObj );
     429             : 
     430             :         OSL_ENSURE( !mbIsMultiPropertyCall, "SvxShape::Create: hmm?" );
     431             :             // this was previously set in impl_initFromSdrObject, but I think it was superfluous
     432             :             // (it definitely was in the other context where it was called, but I strongly suppose
     433             :             // it was also superfluous when called from here)
     434       67268 :         impl_initFromSdrObject();
     435             : 
     436       67268 :         ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet( *mpPropSet );
     437             : 
     438             :         // save user call
     439       67268 :         SdrObjUserCall* pUser = mpObj->GetUserCall();
     440       67268 :         mpObj->SetUserCall(NULL);
     441             : 
     442       67268 :         setPosition( maPosition );
     443       67268 :         setSize( maSize );
     444             : 
     445             :         // restore user call after we set the initial size
     446       67268 :         mpObj->SetUserCall( pUser );
     447             : 
     448             :         // if this shape was already named, use this name
     449       67268 :         if( !maShapeName.isEmpty() )
     450             :         {
     451        1874 :             mpObj->SetName( maShapeName );
     452        1874 :             maShapeName = OUString();
     453             :         }
     454             :     }
     455             : }
     456             : 
     457             : 
     458             : 
     459         658 : void SvxShape::ChangeModel( SdrModel* pNewModel )
     460             : {
     461             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     462         658 :     if( && mpObj->GetModel() )
     463             :     {
     464           0 :         if( mpObj->GetModel() != pNewModel )
     465             :         {
     466           0 :             EndListening( *mpObj->GetModel() );
     467             :         }
     468             :     }
     469             : 
     470             :     // Always listen to new model (#i52126#)
     471         658 :     if( pNewModel )
     472             :     {
     473         658 :         StartListening( *pNewModel );
     474             :     }
     475             : 
     476             :     // HACK #i53696# ChangeModel should be virtual, but it isn't. can't change that for 2.0.1
     477         658 :     SvxShapeText* pShapeText = dynamic_cast< SvxShapeText* >( this );
     478         658 :     if( pShapeText )
     479             :     {
     480         658 :         SvxTextEditSource* pTextEditSource = dynamic_cast< SvxTextEditSource* >( pShapeText->GetEditSource() );
     481         658 :         if( pTextEditSource )
     482           0 :             pTextEditSource->ChangeModel( pNewModel );
     483             :     }
     484             : 
     485         658 :     mpModel = pNewModel;
     486             : 
     487         658 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
     488           6 :         mpImpl->mpMaster->modelChanged( pNewModel );
     489         658 : }
     490             : 
     491             : 
     492             : 
     493      197264 : void SvxShape::ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(Pair& rPoint) const throw()
     494             : {
     495             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     496      197264 :     if(mpModel)
     497             :     {
     498      197264 :         SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = mpModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(0);
     499      197264 :         if(eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM)
     500             :         {
     501       25106 :             switch(eMapUnit)
     502             :             {
     503             :                 case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP :
     504             :                 {
     505       25106 :                     rPoint.A() = MM_TO_TWIPS(rPoint.A());
     506       25106 :                     rPoint.B() = MM_TO_TWIPS(rPoint.B());
     507       25106 :                     break;
     508             :                 }
     509             :                 default:
     510             :                 {
     511             :                     OSL_FAIL("AW: Missing unit translation to PoolMetric!");
     512             :                 }
     513             :             }
     514             :         }
     515             :     }
     516      197264 : }
     517             : 
     518             : // Reintroduction of fix for issue i59051 (#i108851#)
     519           2 : void SvxShape::ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon) const throw()
     520             : {
     521             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     522           2 :     if(mpModel)
     523             :     {
     524           2 :         SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = mpModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(0);
     525           2 :         if(eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM)
     526             :         {
     527           0 :             switch(eMapUnit)
     528             :             {
     529             :                 case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP :
     530             :                 {
     531           0 :                     basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform;
     532           0 :                     const double fMMToTWIPS(72.0 / 127.0);
     533             : 
     534           0 :                     aTransform.scale(fMMToTWIPS, fMMToTWIPS);
     535           0 :                     rPolyPolygon.transform(aTransform);
     536           0 :                     break;
     537             :                 }
     538             :                 default:
     539             :                 {
     540             :                     OSL_FAIL("Missing unit translation to PoolMetric!");
     541             :                 }
     542             :             }
     543             :         }
     544             :     }
     545           2 : }
     546             : 
     547             : 
     548      111275 : void SvxShape::ForceMetricTo100th_mm(Pair& rPoint) const throw()
     549             : {
     550             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     551      111275 :     SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM;
     552      111275 :     if(mpModel)
     553             :     {
     554      111275 :         eMapUnit = mpModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(0);
     555      111275 :         if(eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM)
     556             :         {
     557       19882 :             switch(eMapUnit)
     558             :             {
     559             :                 case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP :
     560             :                 {
     561       19882 :                     rPoint.A() = TWIPS_TO_MM(rPoint.A());
     562       19882 :                     rPoint.B() = TWIPS_TO_MM(rPoint.B());
     563       19882 :                     break;
     564             :                 }
     565             :                 default:
     566             :                 {
     567             :                     OSL_FAIL("AW: Missing unit translation to 100th mm!");
     568             :                 }
     569             :             }
     570             :         }
     571             :     }
     572      111275 : }
     573             : 
     574             : // Reintroduction of fix for issue i59051 (#i108851#)
     575           2 : void SvxShape::ForceMetricTo100th_mm(basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon) const throw()
     576             : {
     577             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     578           2 :     SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM;
     579           2 :     if(mpModel)
     580             :     {
     581           2 :         eMapUnit = mpModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(0);
     582           2 :         if(eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM)
     583             :         {
     584           2 :             switch(eMapUnit)
     585             :             {
     586             :                 case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP :
     587             :                 {
     588           2 :                     basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform;
     589           2 :                     const double fTWIPSToMM(127.0 / 72.0);
     590           2 :                     aTransform.scale(fTWIPSToMM, fTWIPSToMM);
     591           2 :                     rPolyPolygon.transform(aTransform);
     592           2 :                     break;
     593             :                 }
     594             :                 default:
     595             :                 {
     596             :                     OSL_FAIL("Missing unit translation to 100th mm!");
     597             :                 }
     598             :             }
     599             :         }
     600             :     }
     601           2 : }
     602             : 
     603             : 
     604         380 : void SvxItemPropertySet_ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet(const SvxItemPropertySet& rPropSet,
     605             :   SfxItemSet& rSet, uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSet, const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap )
     606             : {
     607         380 :     if(rPropSet.AreThereOwnUsrAnys())
     608             :     {
     609         380 :         const SfxItemPropertyMap& rSrc = rPropSet.getPropertyMap();
     610         380 :         PropertyEntryVector_t aSrcPropVector = rSrc.getPropertyEntries();
     611         380 :         PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aSrcIt = aSrcPropVector.begin();
     612       64750 :         while(aSrcIt != aSrcPropVector.end())
     613             :         {
     614       63990 :             if(aSrcIt->nWID)
     615             :             {
     616       63054 :                 uno::Any* pUsrAny = rPropSet.GetUsrAnyForID(aSrcIt->nWID);
     617       63054 :                 if(pUsrAny)
     618             :                 {
     619             :                     // Aequivalenten Eintrag in pDst suchen
     620        1048 :                     const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( aSrcIt->sName );
     621        1048 :                     if(pEntry)
     622             :                     {
     623             :                         // entry found
     624        1048 :                         if(pEntry->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pEntry->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END)
     625             :                         {
     626             :                             // Special ID im PropertySet, kann nur direkt am
     627             :                             // Objekt gesetzt werden+
     628         220 :                             xSet->setPropertyValue( aSrcIt->sName, *pUsrAny);
     629             :                         }
     630             :                         else
     631             :                         {
     632         828 :                             if(SfxItemPool::IsWhich(pEntry->nWID))
     633         828 :                                 rSet.Put(rSet.GetPool()->GetDefaultItem(pEntry->nWID));
     634             :                             // setzen
     635         828 :                             SvxItemPropertySet_setPropertyValue(rPropSet, pEntry, *pUsrAny, rSet);
     636             :                         }
     637             :                     }
     638             :                 }
     639             :             }
     640             : 
     641             :             // next entry
     642       63990 :             ++aSrcIt;
     643             :         }
     644         380 :         const_cast< SvxItemPropertySet& >(rPropSet).ClearAllUsrAny();
     645             :     }
     646         380 : }
     647             : 
     648             : 
     649       67268 : void SvxShape::ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet(const SvxItemPropertySet& rPropSet)
     650             : {
     651             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     652       67268 :     if( && rPropSet.AreThereOwnUsrAnys() && mpModel)
     653             :     {
     654         380 :         SfxItemSet aSet( mpModel->GetItemPool(), SDRATTR_START, SDRATTR_END);
     655         760 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xShape( (OWeakObject*)this, UNO_QUERY );
     656         380 :         SvxItemPropertySet_ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet(rPropSet, aSet, xShape, &mpPropSet->getPropertyMap() );
     657             : 
     658         380 :         mpObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet);
     659             : 
     660         760 :         mpObj->ApplyNotPersistAttr( aSet );
     661             :     }
     662       67268 : }
     663             : 
     664         516 : uno::Any SvxShape::GetBitmap( bool bMetaFile /* = false */ ) const
     665             :     throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
     666             : {
     667             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
     668         516 :     uno::Any aAny;
     669             : 
     670         516 :     if( ! || mpModel == NULL || !mpObj->IsInserted() || NULL == mpObj->GetPage() )
     671           0 :         return aAny;
     672             : 
     673        1032 :     VirtualDevice aVDev;
     674         516 :     aVDev.SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM));
     675             : 
     676         516 :     SdrModel* pModel = mpObj->GetModel();
     677         516 :     SdrPage* pPage = mpObj->GetPage();
     678             : 
     679        1032 :     boost::scoped_ptr<E3dView> pView(new E3dView( pModel, &aVDev ));
     680         516 :     pView->hideMarkHandles();
     681         516 :     SdrPageView* pPageView = pView->ShowSdrPage(pPage);
     682             : 
     683         516 :     SdrObject *pTempObj = mpObj.get();
     684         516 :     pView->MarkObj(pTempObj,pPageView);
     685             : 
     686         516 :     Rectangle aRect(pTempObj->GetCurrentBoundRect());
     687         516 :     aRect.Justify();
     688         516 :     Size aSize(aRect.GetSize());
     689             : 
     690        1032 :     GDIMetaFile aMtf( pView->GetMarkedObjMetaFile() );
     691         516 :     if( bMetaFile )
     692             :     {
     693           0 :         SvMemoryStream aDestStrm( 65535, 65535 );
     694           0 :         ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( aMtf, aDestStrm, NULL, false );
     695             :         const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aSeq(
     696           0 :             static_cast< const sal_Int8* >(aDestStrm.GetData()),
     697           0 :             aDestStrm.GetEndOfData());
     698           0 :         aAny.setValue( &aSeq, ::getCppuType((const uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >*)0) );
     699             :     }
     700             :     else
     701             :     {
     702         516 :         Graphic aGraph(aMtf);
     703         516 :         aGraph.SetPrefSize(aSize);
     704         516 :         aGraph.SetPrefMapMode(MAP_100TH_MM);
     705             : 
     706        1032 :         Reference< awt::XBitmap > xBmp( aGraph.GetXGraphic(), UNO_QUERY );
     707        1032 :         aAny <<= xBmp;
     708             :     }
     709             : 
     710         516 :     pView->UnmarkAll();
     711             : 
     712         516 :     return aAny;
     713             : }
     714             : 
     715           0 : uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getTypes()
     716             :     throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
     717             : {
     718           0 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
     719             :     {
     720           0 :         return mpImpl->mpMaster->getTypes();
     721             :     }
     722             :     else
     723             :     {
     724           0 :         return _getTypes();
     725             :     }
     726             : }
     727             : 
     728             : 
     729             : 
     730           0 : uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SAL_CALL SvxShape::_getTypes()
     731             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException)
     732             : {
     733           0 :     switch( mpImpl->mnObjId )
     734             :     {
     735             :     // shapes without text
     736             :     case OBJ_PAGE:
     737             :     case OBJ_FRAME:
     738             :     case OBJ_OLE2_PLUGIN:
     739             :     case OBJ_OLE2_APPLET:
     740             :     case E3D_CUBEOBJ_ID|E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     741             :     case E3D_SPHEREOBJ_ID|E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     742             :     case E3D_LATHEOBJ_ID|E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     743             :     case E3D_EXTRUDEOBJ_ID|E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     744             :     case E3D_POLYGONOBJ_ID|E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     745             :     case OBJ_MEDIA:
     746             :         {
     747           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     748             : 
     749           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     750             :             {
     751             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     752           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     753             : 
     754             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     755           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     756             :                 {
     757           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 12 );
     758           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     759             : 
     760           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     761           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     762           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     763           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     764           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     765           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     766           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     767           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     768           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     769           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     770           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     771           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     772           0 :                 }
     773             :             }
     774           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
     775             :         }
     776             :     // group shape
     777             :     case OBJ_GRUP:
     778             :         {
     779           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     780             : 
     781           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     782             :             {
     783             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     784           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     785             : 
     786             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     787           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     788             :                 {
     789           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 14 );
     790           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     791             : 
     792           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     793           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     794           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     795           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     796           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     797           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     798           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     799           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     800           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     801           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     802           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     803           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     804           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShapes>::get();
     805           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShapeGroup>::get();
     806           0 :                 }
     807             :             }
     808           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
     809             :         }
     810             :     // connector shape
     811             :     case OBJ_EDGE:
     812             :         {
     813           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     814             : 
     815           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     816             :             {
     817             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     818           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     819             : 
     820             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     821           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     822             :                 {
     823           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 17 );
     824           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     825             : 
     826           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     827           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     828           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     829           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     830           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     831           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     832           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     833           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     834           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     835           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     836           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     837           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     838           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XConnectorShape>::get();
     839             :                     // from SvxUnoTextBase::getTypes()
     840           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextAppend>::get();
     841           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextCopy>::get();
     842           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XEnumerationAccess>::get();
     843           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextRangeMover>::get();
     844           0 :                 }
     845             :             }
     846           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
     847             :         }
     848             :     // control shape
     849             :     case OBJ_UNO:
     850             :         {
     851           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     852             : 
     853           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     854             :             {
     855             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     856           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     857             : 
     858             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     859           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     860             :                 {
     861           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 13 );
     862           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     863             : 
     864           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     865           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     866           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     867           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     868           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     869           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     870           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     871           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     872           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     873           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     874           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     875           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     876           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XControlShape>::get();
     877           0 :                 }
     878             :             }
     879           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
     880             :         }
     881             :     // 3d scene shape
     882             :     case E3D_POLYSCENE_ID|E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG:
     883             :         {
     884           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     885             : 
     886           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     887             :             {
     888             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     889           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     890             : 
     891             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     892           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     893             :                 {
     894           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 13 );
     895           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     896             : 
     897           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     898           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     899           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     900           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     901           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     902           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     903           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     904           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     905           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     906           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     907           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     908           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     909           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShapes>::get();
     910           0 :                 }
     911             :             }
     912           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
     913             :         }
     914             :     case OBJ_CUSTOMSHAPE:
     915             :         {
     916           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     917             : 
     918           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     919             :             {
     920             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     921           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     922             : 
     923             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     924           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     925             :                 {
     926           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 16 );
     927           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     928             : 
     929           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     930           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     931           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     932           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     933           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     934           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     935           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     936           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     937           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     938           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     939           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     940           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     941             :                     // from SvxUnoTextBase::getTypes()
     942           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XText>::get();
     943           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XEnumerationAccess>::get();
     944           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextRangeMover>::get();
     945           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XEnhancedCustomShapeDefaulter>::get();
     946           0 :                 }
     947             :             }
     948           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
     949             :         }
     950             :     // shapes with text
     951             :     case OBJ_RECT:
     952             :     case OBJ_CIRC:
     953             :     case OBJ_MEASURE:
     954             :     case OBJ_LINE:
     955             :     case OBJ_POLY:
     956             :     case OBJ_PLIN:
     957             :     case OBJ_PATHLINE:
     958             :     case OBJ_PATHFILL:
     959             :     case OBJ_FREELINE:
     960             :     case OBJ_FREEFILL:
     961             :     case OBJ_PATHPOLY:
     962             :     case OBJ_PATHPLIN:
     963             :     case OBJ_GRAF:
     964             :     case OBJ_TEXT:
     965             :     case OBJ_CAPTION:
     966             :     case OBJ_TABLE:
     967             :         case OBJ_OLE2: // #i118485# Moved to shapes with text
     968             :     default:
     969             :         {
     970           0 :             static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Type > aTypeSequence;
     971             : 
     972           0 :             if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     973             :             {
     974             :                 // Ready for multithreading; get global mutex for first call of this method only! see before
     975           0 :                 MutexGuard aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ;
     976             : 
     977             :                 // Control these pointer again ... it can be, that another instance will be faster then these!
     978           0 :                 if( aTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 )
     979             :                 {
     980           0 :                     aTypeSequence.realloc( 16 );
     981           0 :                     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypeSequence.getArray();
     982             : 
     983           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XShape>::get();
     984           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XComponent>::get();
     985           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get();
     986           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertySet>::get();
     987           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertyState>::get();
     988           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<beans::XMultiPropertyStates>::get();
     989           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<drawing::XGluePointsSupplier>::get();
     990           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XChild>::get();
     991           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XServiceInfo>::get();
     992           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XTypeProvider>::get();
     993           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<lang::XUnoTunnel>::get();
     994           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get();
     995             :                     // from SvxUnoTextBase::getTypes()
     996           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextAppend>::get();
     997           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextCopy>::get();
     998           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<container::XEnumerationAccess>::get();
     999           0 :                     *pTypes++ = cppu::UnoType<text::XTextRangeMover>::get();
    1000           0 :                 }
    1001             :             }
    1002           0 :             return aTypeSequence;
    1003             :         }
    1004             :     }
    1005             : }
    1006             : 
    1007             : 
    1008             : 
    1009           0 : uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getImplementationId()
    1010             :     throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1011             : {
    1012           0 :     return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
    1013             : }
    1014             : 
    1015     3381463 : void SvxShape::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) throw()
    1016             : {
    1017             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
    1018     3381463 :     if( ! )
    1019     3307835 :         return;
    1020             : 
    1021             :     // #i55919# HINT_OBJCHG is only interesting if it's for this object
    1022             : 
    1023     3348786 :     const SdrHint* pSdrHint = dynamic_cast<const SdrHint*>(&rHint);
    1024     9939437 :     if (!pSdrHint || ( /* (pSdrHint->GetKind() != HINT_OBJREMOVED)  && */
    1025     6692912 :         (pSdrHint->GetKind() != HINT_MODELCLEARED) &&
    1026             :         // #110094#-9 (pSdrHint->GetKind() != HINT_OBJLISTCLEAR) &&
    1027     5153917 :         ((pSdrHint->GetKind() != HINT_OBJCHG || pSdrHint->GetObject() != mpObj.get() ))))
    1028     3242481 :         return;
    1029             : 
    1030      106305 :     uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xSelf( mpObj->getWeakUnoShape() );
    1031      106305 :     if( ! )
    1032             :     {
    1033           0 :         mpObj.reset( NULL );
    1034           0 :         return;
    1035             :     }
    1036             : 
    1037      106305 :     bool bClearMe = false;
    1038             : 
    1039      106305 :     switch( pSdrHint->GetKind() )
    1040             :     {
    1041             :         case HINT_OBJCHG:
    1042             :         {
    1043      102877 :             updateShapeKind();
    1044      102877 :             break;
    1045             :         }
    1046             :         case HINT_MODELCLEARED:
    1047             :         {
    1048        3428 :             bClearMe = true;
    1049        3428 :             mpModel = NULL;
    1050        3428 :             break;
    1051             :         }
    1052             :         default:
    1053           0 :             break;
    1054             :     };
    1055             : 
    1056      106305 :     if( bClearMe )
    1057             :     {
    1058        3428 :         if( !HasSdrObjectOwnership() ) {
    1059        3428 :             if( )
    1060        3428 :                 mpObj->setUnoShape( NULL );
    1061        3428 :             mpObj.reset( NULL );
    1062             :         }
    1063        3428 :         if ( !mpImpl->mbDisposing )
    1064        3428 :             dispose();
    1065      106305 :     }
    1066             : }
    1067             : 
    1068             : // XShape
    1069             : 
    1070             : 
    1071             : // The "*LogicRectHack" functions also existed in sch, and those
    1072             : // duplicate symbols cause Bad Things To Happen (TM)  #i9462#.
    1073             : // Prefixing with 'svx' and marking static to make sure name collisions
    1074             : // do not occur.
    1075             : 
    1076      400592 : static bool svx_needLogicRectHack( SdrObject* pObj )
    1077             : {
    1078      400592 :     if( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor)
    1079             :     {
    1080      387201 :         switch(pObj->GetObjIdentifier())
    1081             :         {
    1082             :         case OBJ_GRUP:
    1083             :         case OBJ_LINE:
    1084             :         case OBJ_POLY:
    1085             :         case OBJ_PLIN:
    1086             :         case OBJ_PATHLINE:
    1087             :         case OBJ_PATHFILL:
    1088             :         case OBJ_FREELINE:
    1089             :         case OBJ_FREEFILL:
    1090             :         case OBJ_SPLNLINE:
    1091             :         case OBJ_SPLNFILL:
    1092             :         case OBJ_EDGE:
    1093             :         case OBJ_PATHPOLY:
    1094             :         case OBJ_PATHPLIN:
    1095             :         case OBJ_MEASURE:
    1096      157705 :             return true;
    1097             :         }
    1098             :     }
    1099      242887 :     return false;
    1100             : }
    1101             : 
    1102             : 
    1103             : 
    1104      299371 : static Rectangle svx_getLogicRectHack( SdrObject* pObj )
    1105             : {
    1106      299371 :     if(svx_needLogicRectHack(pObj))
    1107             :     {
    1108      102612 :         return pObj->GetSnapRect();
    1109             :     }
    1110             :     else
    1111             :     {
    1112      196759 :         return pObj->GetLogicRect();
    1113             :     }
    1114             : }
    1115             : 
    1116             : 
    1117             : 
    1118      101221 : static void svx_setLogicRectHack( SdrObject* pObj, const Rectangle& rRect )
    1119             : {
    1120      101221 :     if(svx_needLogicRectHack(pObj))
    1121             :     {
    1122       55093 :         pObj->SetSnapRect( rRect );
    1123             :     }
    1124             :     else
    1125             :     {
    1126       46128 :         pObj->SetLogicRect( rRect );
    1127             :     }
    1128      101221 : }
    1129             : 
    1130             : 
    1131             : 
    1132      105553 : awt::Point SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPosition() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1133             : {
    1134      105553 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1135             : 
    1136      105553 :     if( && mpModel)
    1137             :     {
    1138       46455 :         Rectangle aRect( svx_getLogicRectHack(mpObj.get()) );
    1139       46455 :         Point aPt( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top() );
    1140             : 
    1141             :         // Position is relativ to anchor, so recalc to absolut position
    1142       46455 :         if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    1143        3954 :             aPt -= mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    1144             : 
    1145       46455 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aPt);
    1146       46455 :         return ::com::sun::star::awt::Point( aPt.X(), aPt.Y() );
    1147             :     }
    1148             :     else
    1149             :     {
    1150       59098 :         return maPosition;
    1151      105553 :     }
    1152             : }
    1153             : 
    1154             : 
    1155      102029 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPosition( const awt::Point& Position ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1156             : {
    1157      102029 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1158             : 
    1159      102029 :     if( && mpModel )
    1160             :     {
    1161             :         // do NOT move 3D objects, this would change the homogen
    1162             :         // transformation matrix
    1163      100099 :         if(!mpObj->ISA(E3dCompoundObject))
    1164             :         {
    1165       96001 :             Rectangle aRect( svx_getLogicRectHack(mpObj.get()) );
    1166       96001 :             Point aLocalPos( Position.X, Position.Y );
    1167       96001 :             ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aLocalPos);
    1168             : 
    1169             :             // Position ist absolut, relativ zum Anker stellen
    1170       96001 :             if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    1171       13448 :                 aLocalPos += mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    1172             : 
    1173       96001 :             long nDX = aLocalPos.X() - aRect.Left();
    1174       96001 :             long nDY = aLocalPos.Y() - aRect.Top();
    1175             : 
    1176       96001 :             mpObj->Move( Size( nDX, nDY ) );
    1177       96001 :             mpModel->SetChanged();
    1178             :         }
    1179             :     }
    1180             : 
    1181      102029 :     maPosition = Position;
    1182      102029 : }
    1183             : 
    1184             : 
    1185      127064 : awt::Size SAL_CALL SvxShape::getSize() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1186             : {
    1187      127064 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1188             : 
    1189      127064 :     if( && mpModel)
    1190             :     {
    1191       61340 :         Rectangle aRect( svx_getLogicRectHack(mpObj.get()) );
    1192       61340 :         Size aObjSize( aRect.getWidth(), aRect.getHeight() );
    1193       61340 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aObjSize);
    1194       61340 :         return ::com::sun::star::awt::Size( aObjSize.getWidth(), aObjSize.getHeight() );
    1195             :     }
    1196             :     else
    1197       65724 :         return maSize;
    1198             : }
    1199             : 
    1200             : 
    1201      103417 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setSize( const awt::Size& rSize )
    1202             :     throw(beans::PropertyVetoException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1203             : {
    1204      103417 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1205             : 
    1206      103417 :     if( && mpModel)
    1207             :     {
    1208             :         // #i123539# optimization for 3D chart object generation: do not use UNO
    1209             :         // API commmands to get the range, this is too expensive since for 3D
    1210             :         // scenes it may recalculate the whole scene since in AOO this depends
    1211             :         // on the contained geometry (layouted to show all content)
    1212      101223 :         const bool b3DConstruction(dynamic_cast< E3dObject* >(mpObj.get()) && mpModel->isLocked());
    1213             :         Rectangle aRect(
    1214             :             b3DConstruction ?
    1215             :                 Rectangle(maPosition.X, maPosition.Y, maSize.Width, maSize.Height) :
    1216      101223 :                 svx_getLogicRectHack(mpObj.get()) );
    1217      101223 :         Size aLocalSize( rSize.Width, rSize.Height );
    1218      101223 :         ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aLocalSize);
    1219             : 
    1220      101223 :         if(mpObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && mpObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_MEASURE )
    1221             :         {
    1222           2 :             Fraction aWdt(aLocalSize.Width(),aRect.Right()-aRect.Left());
    1223           2 :             Fraction aHgt(aLocalSize.Height(),aRect.Bottom()-aRect.Top());
    1224           2 :             Point aPt = mpObj->GetSnapRect().TopLeft();
    1225           2 :             mpObj->Resize(aPt,aWdt,aHgt);
    1226             :         }
    1227             :         else
    1228             :         {
    1229             :             //aRect.SetSize(aLocalSize); // this call substract 1 //
    1230      101221 :             if ( !aLocalSize.Width() )
    1231             :             {
    1232       22725 :                 aRect.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
    1233             :             }
    1234             :             else
    1235       78496 :                 aRect.setWidth(aLocalSize.Width());
    1236      101221 :             if ( !aLocalSize.Height() )
    1237             :             {
    1238       22779 :                 aRect.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
    1239             :             }
    1240             :             else
    1241       78442 :                 aRect.setHeight(aLocalSize.Height());
    1242             : 
    1243      101221 :             svx_setLogicRectHack( mpObj.get(), aRect );
    1244             :         }
    1245             : 
    1246      101223 :         mpModel->SetChanged();
    1247             :     }
    1248      103417 :     maSize = rSize;
    1249      103417 : }
    1250             : 
    1251             : 
    1252             : 
    1253             : // XNamed
    1254         260 : OUString SAL_CALL SvxShape::getName(  ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1255             : {
    1256         260 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1257         260 :     if( )
    1258             :     {
    1259         260 :         return mpObj->GetName();
    1260             :     }
    1261             :     else
    1262             :     {
    1263           0 :         return maShapeName;
    1264         260 :     }
    1265             : }
    1266             : 
    1267             : 
    1268             : 
    1269        3404 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setName( const OUString& aName ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1270             : {
    1271        3404 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1272        3404 :     if( )
    1273             :     {
    1274        1530 :         mpObj->SetName( aName );
    1275             :     }
    1276             :     else
    1277             :     {
    1278        1874 :         maShapeName = aName;
    1279        3404 :     }
    1280        3404 : }
    1281             : 
    1282             : // XShapeDescriptor
    1283             : 
    1284             : 
    1285      145564 : OUString SAL_CALL SvxShape::getShapeType() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1286             : {
    1287      145564 :     if( !maShapeType.getLength() )
    1288      140770 :         return UHashMap::getNameFromId( mpImpl->mnObjId );
    1289             :     else
    1290        4794 :         return maShapeType;
    1291             : }
    1292             : 
    1293             : // XComponent
    1294             : 
    1295             : 
    1296        4428 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::dispose() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1297             : {
    1298        4428 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1299             : 
    1300        4428 :     if( mpImpl->mbDisposing )
    1301        4542 :         return; // caught a recursion
    1302             : 
    1303        4314 :     mpImpl->mbDisposing = true;
    1304             : 
    1305        8628 :     lang::EventObject aEvt;
    1306        4314 :     aEvt.Source = *(OWeakAggObject*) this;
    1307        4314 :     mpImpl->maDisposeListeners.disposeAndClear(aEvt);
    1308        4314 :     mpImpl->maPropertyNotifier.disposing();
    1309             : 
    1310        4314 :     if ( )
    1311             :     {
    1312           0 :         bool bFreeSdrObject = false;
    1313             : 
    1314           0 :         if ( mpObj->IsInserted() && mpObj->GetPage() )
    1315             :         {
    1316             :             OSL_ENSURE( HasSdrObjectOwnership(), "SvxShape::dispose: is the below code correct?" );
    1317             :                 // normally, we are allowed to free the SdrObject only if we have its ownership.
    1318             :                 // Why isn't this checked here?
    1319             : 
    1320           0 :             SdrPage* pPage = mpObj->GetPage();
    1321             :             // SdrObject aus der Page loeschen
    1322           0 :             const size_t nCount = pPage->GetObjCount();
    1323           0 :             for ( size_t nNum = 0; nNum < nCount; ++nNum )
    1324             :             {
    1325           0 :                 if ( pPage->GetObj( nNum ) == mpObj.get() )
    1326             :                 {
    1327           0 :                     OSL_VERIFY( pPage->RemoveObject( nNum ) == mpObj.get() );
    1328           0 :                     bFreeSdrObject = true;
    1329           0 :                     break;
    1330             :                 }
    1331             :             }
    1332             :         }
    1333             : 
    1334           0 :         mpObj->setUnoShape(NULL);
    1335             : 
    1336           0 :         if ( bFreeSdrObject )
    1337             :         {
    1338             :             // in case we have the ownership of the SdrObject, a Free
    1339             :             // would do nothing. So ensure the ownership is reset.
    1340           0 :             mpImpl->mbHasSdrObjectOwnership = false;
    1341           0 :             SdrObject* pObject = mpObj.get();
    1342           0 :             SdrObject::Free( pObject );
    1343             :         }
    1344             :     }
    1345             : 
    1346        4314 :     if( mpModel )
    1347             :     {
    1348         886 :         EndListening( *mpModel );
    1349         886 :         mpModel = NULL;
    1350        4314 :     }
    1351             : }
    1352             : 
    1353             : 
    1354             : 
    1355         232 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addEventListener( const Reference< lang::XEventListener >& xListener )
    1356             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1357             : {
    1358         232 :     mpImpl->maDisposeListeners.addInterface(xListener);
    1359         232 : }
    1360             : 
    1361             : 
    1362             : 
    1363         230 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removeEventListener( const Reference< lang::XEventListener >& aListener ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1364             : {
    1365         230 :    mpImpl->maDisposeListeners.removeInterface(aListener);
    1366         230 : }
    1367             : 
    1368             : // XPropertySet
    1369             : 
    1370             : 
    1371             : 
    1372             : Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL
    1373       88094 :     SvxShape::getPropertySetInfo() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1374             : {
    1375       88094 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    1376             :     {
    1377       21760 :         return mpImpl->mpMaster->getPropertySetInfo();
    1378             :     }
    1379             :     else
    1380             :     {
    1381       66334 :         return _getPropertySetInfo();
    1382             :     }
    1383             : }
    1384             : 
    1385             : Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL
    1386       66436 :     SvxShape::_getPropertySetInfo() throw(uno::RuntimeException)
    1387             : {
    1388       66436 :     return mpPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
    1389             : }
    1390             : 
    1391             : 
    1392             : 
    1393           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& _propertyName, const Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& _listener  ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1394             : {
    1395           0 :     ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maMutex );
    1396           0 :     mpImpl->maPropertyNotifier.addPropertyChangeListener( _propertyName, _listener );
    1397           0 : }
    1398             : 
    1399             : 
    1400             : 
    1401           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& _propertyName, const Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& _listener  ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1402             : {
    1403           0 :     ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maMutex );
    1404           0 :     mpImpl->maPropertyNotifier.removePropertyChangeListener( _propertyName, _listener );
    1405           0 : }
    1406             : 
    1407             : 
    1408             : 
    1409           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& , const Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >&  ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1410             : {
    1411             :     OSL_FAIL( "SvxShape::addVetoableChangeListener: don't have any vetoable properties, so why ...?" );
    1412           0 : }
    1413             : 
    1414             : 
    1415             : 
    1416           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& , const Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >&  ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1417             : {
    1418             :     OSL_FAIL( "SvxShape::removeVetoableChangeListener: don't have any vetoable properties, so why ...?" );
    1419           0 : }
    1420             : 
    1421             : 
    1422             : 
    1423        4297 : bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::SetFillAttribute( sal_Int32 nWID, const OUString& rName )
    1424             : {
    1425        4297 :     SfxItemSet aSet( mpModel->GetItemPool(),    (sal_uInt16)nWID, (sal_uInt16)nWID );
    1426             : 
    1427        4297 :     if( SetFillAttribute( nWID, rName, aSet, mpModel ) )
    1428             :     {
    1429             :         //mpObj->SetItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet);
    1430        3851 :         mpObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet);
    1431             : 
    1432        3851 :         return true;
    1433             :     }
    1434             :     else
    1435             :     {
    1436         446 :         return false;
    1437        4297 :     }
    1438             : }
    1439             : 
    1440             : 
    1441             : 
    1442        4297 : bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::SetFillAttribute( sal_Int32 nWID, const OUString& rName, SfxItemSet& rSet, SdrModel* pModel )
    1443             : {
    1444             :     // check if an item with the given name and which id is inside the models
    1445             :     // pool or the stylesheet pool, if found its puttet in the itemse
    1446        4297 :     if( !SetFillAttribute( nWID, rName, rSet ) )
    1447             :     {
    1448             :         // we did not find such item in one of the pools, so we check
    1449             :         // the property lists that are loaded for the model for items
    1450             :         // that support such.
    1451         446 :         OUString aStrName = SvxUnogetInternalNameForItem((sal_Int16)nWID, rName);
    1452             : 
    1453         446 :         switch( nWID )
    1454             :         {
    1455             :         case XATTR_FILLBITMAP:
    1456             :         {
    1457           0 :             XBitmapListRef pBitmapList = pModel->GetBitmapList();
    1458             : 
    1459           0 :             if( ! )
    1460           0 :                 return false;
    1461             : 
    1462           0 :             long nPos = pBitmapList->GetIndex(aStrName);
    1463           0 :             if( nPos == -1 )
    1464           0 :                 return false;
    1465             : 
    1466           0 :             XBitmapEntry* pEntry = pBitmapList->GetBitmap( nPos );
    1467           0 :             XFillBitmapItem aBmpItem;
    1468           0 :             aBmpItem.SetWhich( XATTR_FILLBITMAP );
    1469           0 :             aBmpItem.SetName( rName );
    1470           0 :             aBmpItem.SetGraphicObject(pEntry->GetGraphicObject());
    1471           0 :             rSet.Put( aBmpItem );
    1472           0 :             break;
    1473             :         }
    1474             :         case XATTR_FILLGRADIENT:
    1475             :         {
    1476           0 :             XGradientListRef pGradientList = pModel->GetGradientList();
    1477             : 
    1478           0 :             if( ! )
    1479           0 :                 return false;
    1480             : 
    1481           0 :             long nPos = pGradientList->GetIndex(aStrName);
    1482           0 :             if( nPos == -1 )
    1483           0 :                 return false;
    1484             : 
    1485           0 :             XGradientEntry* pEntry = pGradientList->GetGradient( nPos );
    1486           0 :             XFillGradientItem aGrdItem;
    1487           0 :             aGrdItem.SetWhich( XATTR_FILLGRADIENT );
    1488           0 :             aGrdItem.SetName( rName );
    1489           0 :             aGrdItem.SetGradientValue( pEntry->GetGradient() );
    1490           0 :             rSet.Put( aGrdItem );
    1491           0 :             break;
    1492             :         }
    1493             :         case XATTR_FILLHATCH:
    1494             :         {
    1495           0 :             XHatchListRef pHatchList = pModel->GetHatchList();
    1496             : 
    1497           0 :             if( ! )
    1498           0 :                 return false;
    1499             : 
    1500           0 :             long nPos = pHatchList->GetIndex(aStrName);
    1501           0 :             if( nPos == -1 )
    1502           0 :                 return false;
    1503             : 
    1504           0 :             XHatchEntry* pEntry = pHatchList->GetHatch( nPos );
    1505           0 :             XFillHatchItem aHatchItem;
    1506           0 :             aHatchItem.SetWhich( XATTR_FILLHATCH );
    1507           0 :             aHatchItem.SetName( rName );
    1508           0 :             aHatchItem.SetHatchValue( pEntry->GetHatch() );
    1509           0 :             rSet.Put( aHatchItem );
    1510           0 :             break;
    1511             :         }
    1512             :         case XATTR_LINEEND:
    1513             :         case XATTR_LINESTART:
    1514             :         {
    1515           0 :             XLineEndListRef pLineEndList = pModel->GetLineEndList();
    1516             : 
    1517           0 :             if( ! )
    1518           0 :                 return false;
    1519             : 
    1520           0 :             long nPos = pLineEndList->GetIndex(aStrName);
    1521           0 :             if( nPos == -1 )
    1522           0 :                 return false;
    1523             : 
    1524           0 :             XLineEndEntry* pEntry = pLineEndList->GetLineEnd( nPos );
    1525           0 :             if( XATTR_LINEEND == nWID )
    1526             :             {
    1527           0 :                 XLineEndItem aLEItem;
    1528           0 :                 aLEItem.SetWhich( XATTR_LINEEND );
    1529           0 :                 aLEItem.SetName( rName );
    1530           0 :                 aLEItem.SetLineEndValue( pEntry->GetLineEnd() );
    1531           0 :                 rSet.Put( aLEItem );
    1532             :             }
    1533             :             else
    1534             :             {
    1535           0 :                 XLineStartItem aLSItem;
    1536           0 :                 aLSItem.SetWhich( XATTR_LINESTART );
    1537           0 :                 aLSItem.SetName( rName );
    1538           0 :                 aLSItem.SetLineStartValue( pEntry->GetLineEnd() );
    1539           0 :                 rSet.Put( aLSItem );
    1540             :             }
    1541             : 
    1542           0 :             break;
    1543             :         }
    1544             :         case XATTR_LINEDASH:
    1545             :         {
    1546         446 :             XDashListRef pDashList = pModel->GetDashList();
    1547             : 
    1548         446 :             if( ! )
    1549           0 :                 return false;
    1550             : 
    1551         446 :             long nPos = pDashList->GetIndex(aStrName);
    1552         446 :             if( nPos == -1 )
    1553         446 :                 return false;
    1554             : 
    1555           0 :             XDashEntry* pEntry = pDashList->GetDash( nPos );
    1556           0 :             XLineDashItem aDashItem;
    1557           0 :             aDashItem.SetWhich( XATTR_LINEDASH );
    1558           0 :             aDashItem.SetName( rName );
    1559           0 :             aDashItem.SetDashValue( pEntry->GetDash() );
    1560           0 :             rSet.Put( aDashItem );
    1561           0 :             break;
    1562             :         }
    1563             :         default:
    1564           0 :             return false;
    1565           0 :         }
    1566             :     }
    1567             : 
    1568        3851 :     return true;
    1569             : }
    1570             : 
    1571             : 
    1572             : 
    1573        4443 : bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::SetFillAttribute( sal_Int32 nWID, const OUString& rName, SfxItemSet& rSet )
    1574             : {
    1575        4443 :     OUString aName = SvxUnogetInternalNameForItem((sal_Int16)nWID, rName);
    1576             : 
    1577        4443 :     if (aName.isEmpty())
    1578             :     {
    1579         715 :         switch( nWID )
    1580             :         {
    1581             :         case XATTR_LINEEND:
    1582             :         case XATTR_LINESTART:
    1583             :             {
    1584           8 :                 const OUString aEmpty;
    1585          16 :                 const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aEmptyPoly;
    1586           8 :                 if( nWID == XATTR_LINEEND )
    1587           4 :                     rSet.Put( XLineEndItem( aEmpty, aEmptyPoly ) );
    1588             :                 else
    1589           4 :                     rSet.Put( XLineStartItem( aEmpty, aEmptyPoly ) );
    1590             : 
    1591          16 :                 return true;
    1592             :             }
    1593             :         case XATTR_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE:
    1594             :             {
    1595             :                 // #85953# Set a disabled XFillFloatTransparenceItem
    1596         261 :                 rSet.Put(XFillFloatTransparenceItem());
    1597             : 
    1598         261 :                 return true;
    1599             :             }
    1600             :         }
    1601             : 
    1602         446 :         return false;
    1603             :     }
    1604             : 
    1605        3728 :     const SfxItemPool* pPool = rSet.GetPool();
    1606             : 
    1607        3728 :     const OUString aSearchName( aName );
    1608        3728 :     const sal_uInt32 nCount = pPool->GetItemCount2((sal_uInt16)nWID);
    1609             :     const NameOrIndex* pItem;
    1610             : 
    1611        9419 :     for( sal_uInt32 nSurrogate = 0; nSurrogate < nCount; nSurrogate++ )
    1612             :     {
    1613        9417 :         pItem = static_cast<const NameOrIndex*>(pPool->GetItem2((sal_uInt16)nWID, nSurrogate));
    1614        9417 :         if( pItem && ( pItem->GetName() == aSearchName ) )
    1615             :         {
    1616        3726 :             rSet.Put( *pItem );
    1617        3726 :             return true;
    1618             :         }
    1619             :     }
    1620             : 
    1621           2 :     return false;
    1622             : }
    1623             : 
    1624             : 
    1625             : 
    1626     1094669 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPropertyValue( const OUString& rPropertyName, const uno::Any& rVal )
    1627             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1628             : {
    1629     1094669 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    1630             :     {
    1631       59336 :         mpImpl->mpMaster->setPropertyValue( rPropertyName, rVal );
    1632             :     }
    1633             :     else
    1634             :     {
    1635     1035333 :         _setPropertyValue( rPropertyName, rVal );
    1636             :     }
    1637     1092608 : }
    1638             : 
    1639     1090179 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::_setPropertyValue( const OUString& rPropertyName, const uno::Any& rVal )
    1640             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1641             : {
    1642     1090179 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1643             : 
    1644     1090179 :     const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap = mpPropSet->getPropertyMapEntry(rPropertyName);
    1645             : 
    1646     1090179 :     if( && mpModel )
    1647             :     {
    1648     1089073 :         if( pMap == NULL )
    1649         364 :             throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    1650             : 
    1651     1088709 :         if( (pMap->nFlags & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY ) != 0 )
    1652             :             throw beans::PropertyVetoException(
    1653             :                 ( OUString(
    1654             :                         "Readonly property can't be set: " )
    1655           0 :                   + rPropertyName ),
    1656           0 :                 uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >( this ) );
    1657             : 
    1658     1088709 :         mpModel->SetChanged();
    1659             : 
    1660     1088709 :         if(!setPropertyValueImpl( rPropertyName, pMap, rVal ) )
    1661             :         {
    1662             :             DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID == SDRATTR_TEXTDIRECTION || pMap->nWID < SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST || pMap->nWID > SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST, "Not persist item not handled!" );
    1663             :             DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID < OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START || pMap->nWID > OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END, "Not item property not handled!" );
    1664             : 
    1665      961712 :             bool bIsNotPersist = pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST && pMap->nWID != SDRATTR_TEXTDIRECTION;
    1666             : 
    1667      961712 :             if( pMap->nWID == SDRATTR_ECKENRADIUS )
    1668             :             {
    1669          28 :                 sal_Int32 nCornerRadius = 0;
    1670          28 :                 if( !(rVal >>= nCornerRadius) || (nCornerRadius < 0) || (nCornerRadius > 5000000))
    1671           0 :                     throw IllegalArgumentException();
    1672             :             }
    1673             : 
    1674             :             SfxItemSet* pSet;
    1675      961712 :             if( mbIsMultiPropertyCall && !bIsNotPersist )
    1676             :             {
    1677     1828006 :                 if( mpImpl->mpItemSet == NULL )
    1678             :                 {
    1679       34535 :                     pSet = mpImpl->mpItemSet = mpObj->GetMergedItemSet().Clone();
    1680             :                 }
    1681             :                 else
    1682             :                 {
    1683      879468 :                     pSet = mpImpl->mpItemSet;
    1684             :                 }
    1685             :             }
    1686             :             else
    1687             :             {
    1688       47709 :                 pSet = new SfxItemSet( mpModel->GetItemPool(),  pMap->nWID, pMap->nWID);
    1689             :             }
    1690             : 
    1691      961712 :             if( pSet->GetItemState( pMap->nWID ) != SfxItemState::SET )
    1692      701704 :                 pSet->Put(mpObj->GetMergedItem(pMap->nWID));
    1693             : 
    1694      961712 :             if( !SvxUnoTextRangeBase::SetPropertyValueHelper( *pSet, pMap, rVal, *pSet ))
    1695             :             {
    1696      961712 :                 if( pSet->GetItemState( pMap->nWID ) != SfxItemState::SET )
    1697             :                 {
    1698           0 :                     if(bIsNotPersist)
    1699             :                     {
    1700             :                         // Not-Persistent Attribute, hole diese extra
    1701           0 :                         mpObj->TakeNotPersistAttr(*pSet, false);
    1702             :                     }
    1703             :                 }
    1704             : 
    1705      961712 :                 if( pSet->GetItemState( pMap->nWID ) != SfxItemState::SET )
    1706             :                 {
    1707             :                     // Default aus ItemPool holen
    1708           0 :                     if(SfxItemPool::IsWhich(pMap->nWID))
    1709           0 :                         pSet->Put(mpModel->GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem(pMap->nWID));
    1710             :                 }
    1711             : 
    1712      961712 :                 if( pSet->GetItemState( pMap->nWID ) == SfxItemState::SET )
    1713             :                 {
    1714      961712 :                     SvxItemPropertySet_setPropertyValue( *mpPropSet, pMap, rVal, *pSet );
    1715             :                 }
    1716             :             }
    1717             : 
    1718      961712 :             if(bIsNotPersist)
    1719             :             {
    1720             :                 // Not-Persist Attribute extra setzen
    1721           0 :                 mpObj->ApplyNotPersistAttr( *pSet );
    1722           0 :                 delete pSet;
    1723             :             }
    1724             :             else
    1725             :             {
    1726             :                 // if we have a XMultiProperty call then the item set
    1727             :                 // will be set in setPropertyValues later
    1728      961712 :                 if( !mbIsMultiPropertyCall )
    1729             :                 {
    1730       47709 :                     mpObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast( *pSet );
    1731             : 
    1732       47709 :                     delete pSet;
    1733             :                 }
    1734             :             }
    1735     2049830 :             return;
    1736             :         }
    1737             :     }
    1738             :     else
    1739             :     {
    1740             :         // since we have no actual sdr object right now
    1741             :         // remember all properties in a list. These
    1742             :         // properties will be set when the sdr object is
    1743             :         // created
    1744             : 
    1745        1106 :         if(pMap && pMap->nWID)
    1746             : // Fixme: We should throw a UnknownPropertyException here.
    1747             : //        But since this class is aggregated from classes
    1748             : //        that support additional properties that we don't
    1749             : //        know here we silently store *all* properties, even
    1750             : //        if they may be not supported after creation
    1751        1090 :             mpPropSet->setPropertyValue( pMap, rVal );
    1752      128467 :     }
    1753             : }
    1754             : 
    1755             : 
    1756             : 
    1757      154342 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName )
    1758             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1759             : {
    1760      154342 :     if ( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    1761       58784 :         return mpImpl->mpMaster->getPropertyValue( PropertyName );
    1762             :     else
    1763       95558 :         return _getPropertyValue( PropertyName );
    1764             : }
    1765             : 
    1766             : 
    1767             : 
    1768      149806 : uno::Any SvxShape::_getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName )
    1769             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
    1770             : {
    1771      149806 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    1772             : 
    1773      149806 :     const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap = mpPropSet->getPropertyMapEntry(PropertyName);
    1774             : 
    1775      149806 :     uno::Any aAny;
    1776      149806 :     if( && mpModel )
    1777             :     {
    1778      148518 :         if(pMap == NULL )
    1779        4478 :             throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    1780             : 
    1781      144040 :         if( !getPropertyValueImpl( PropertyName, pMap, aAny ) )
    1782             :         {
    1783             :             DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID == SDRATTR_TEXTDIRECTION || (pMap->nWID < SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST || pMap->nWID > SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST), "Not persist item not handled!" );
    1784             :             DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID < OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START || pMap->nWID > OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END, "Not item property not handled!" );
    1785             : 
    1786       91910 :             SfxItemSet aSet( mpModel->GetItemPool(),    pMap->nWID, pMap->nWID);
    1787       91910 :             aSet.Put(mpObj->GetMergedItem(pMap->nWID));
    1788             : 
    1789       91910 :             if(SvxUnoTextRangeBase::GetPropertyValueHelper(  aSet, pMap, aAny ))
    1790           0 :                 return aAny;
    1791             : 
    1792       91910 :             if(!aSet.Count())
    1793             :             {
    1794           0 :                 if(pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST)
    1795             :                 {
    1796             :                     // Not-Persistent Attribute, hole diese extra
    1797           0 :                     mpObj->TakeNotPersistAttr(aSet, false);
    1798             :                 }
    1799             :             }
    1800             : 
    1801       91910 :             if(!aSet.Count())
    1802             :             {
    1803             :                 // Default aus ItemPool holen
    1804           0 :                 if(SfxItemPool::IsWhich(pMap->nWID))
    1805           0 :                     aSet.Put(mpModel->GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem(pMap->nWID));
    1806             :             }
    1807             : 
    1808       91910 :             if(aSet.Count())
    1809       91910 :                 aAny = GetAnyForItem( aSet, pMap );
    1810             :         }
    1811             :     }
    1812             :     else
    1813             :     {
    1814             : 
    1815             : // Fixme: we should return default values for OWN_ATTR !
    1816             : 
    1817        1288 :         if(pMap && pMap->nWID)
    1818             : //      FixMe: see setPropertyValue
    1819         600 :             aAny = mpPropSet->getPropertyValue( pMap );
    1820             : 
    1821             :     }
    1822      149806 :     return aAny;
    1823             : }
    1824             : 
    1825             : 
    1826             : 
    1827             : // XMultiPropertySet
    1828       34723 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPropertyValues( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any >& aValues ) throw (::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1829             : {
    1830       34723 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aSolarGuard;
    1831             : 
    1832       34723 :     const sal_Int32 nCount = aPropertyNames.getLength();
    1833       34723 :     const OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray();
    1834             : 
    1835       34723 :     const uno::Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
    1836             : 
    1837             :     // make sure mbIsMultiPropertyCall and mpImpl->mpItemSet are
    1838             :     // reseted even when an exception is thrown
    1839       69446 :     const ::comphelper::ScopeGuard aGuard( boost::bind( &SvxShape::endSetPropertyValues, this ) );
    1840             : 
    1841       34723 :     mbIsMultiPropertyCall = true;
    1842             : 
    1843       34723 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    1844             :     {
    1845       46186 :         for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++, pNames++, pValues++ )
    1846             :         {
    1847             :             try
    1848             :             {
    1849       41478 :                 setPropertyValue( *pNames, *pValues );
    1850             :             }
    1851         308 :             catch( beans::UnknownPropertyException& e )
    1852             :             {
    1853             :                 (void)e;
    1854             :             }
    1855           4 :             catch( uno::Exception& ex )
    1856             :             {
    1857             :                 (void)ex;
    1858             :             }
    1859             :         }
    1860             :     }
    1861             :     else
    1862             :     {
    1863       30015 :         uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSet;
    1864       30015 :         queryInterface( cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get()) >>= xSet;
    1865             : 
    1866      929681 :         for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++, pNames++, pValues++ )
    1867             :         {
    1868             :             try
    1869             :             {
    1870      899666 :                 xSet->setPropertyValue( *pNames, *pValues );
    1871             :             }
    1872          40 :             catch( beans::UnknownPropertyException& e )
    1873             :             {
    1874             :                 (void)e;
    1875             :             }
    1876         446 :             catch( uno::Exception& ex )
    1877             :             {
    1878             :                 (void)ex;
    1879             :             }
    1880       30015 :         }
    1881             :     }
    1882             : 
    1883       34723 :     if( mpImpl->mpItemSet && )
    1884       69258 :         mpObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast( *mpImpl->mpItemSet );
    1885       34723 : }
    1886             : 
    1887             : 
    1888             : 
    1889       34723 : void SvxShape::endSetPropertyValues()
    1890             : {
    1891       34723 :     mbIsMultiPropertyCall = false;
    1892       34723 :     if( mpImpl->mpItemSet )
    1893             :     {
    1894       34535 :         delete mpImpl->mpItemSet;
    1895       34535 :         mpImpl->mpItemSet = 0;
    1896             :     }
    1897       34723 : }
    1898             : 
    1899             : 
    1900             : 
    1901         232 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyValues( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1902             : {
    1903         232 :     const sal_Int32 nCount = aPropertyNames.getLength();
    1904         232 :     const OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray();
    1905             : 
    1906         232 :     uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aRet( nCount );
    1907         232 :     uno::Any* pValue = aRet.getArray();;
    1908             : 
    1909         232 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    1910             :     {
    1911        1366 :         for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++, pValue++, pNames++ )
    1912             :         {
    1913             :             try
    1914             :             {
    1915        1192 :                 *pValue = getPropertyValue( *pNames );
    1916             :             }
    1917           0 :             catch( uno::Exception& )
    1918             :             {
    1919             :                 OSL_FAIL( "SvxShape::getPropertyValues, unknown property asked" );
    1920             :             }
    1921             :         }
    1922             :     }
    1923             :     else
    1924             :     {
    1925          58 :         uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSet;
    1926          58 :         queryInterface( cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get()) >>= xSet;
    1927             : 
    1928         756 :         for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++, pValue++, pNames++ )
    1929             :         {
    1930             :             try
    1931             :             {
    1932         698 :                 *pValue = xSet->getPropertyValue( *pNames );
    1933             :             }
    1934           0 :             catch( uno::Exception& )
    1935             :             {
    1936             :                 OSL_FAIL( "SvxShape::getPropertyValues, unknown property asked" );
    1937             :             }
    1938          58 :         }
    1939             :     }
    1940             : 
    1941         232 :     return aRet;
    1942             : }
    1943             : 
    1944           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addPropertiesChangeListener( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString >& , const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >&  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1945             : {
    1946           0 : }
    1947             : 
    1948           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removePropertiesChangeListener( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >&  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1949             : {
    1950           0 : }
    1951             : 
    1952           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::firePropertiesChangeEvent( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString >& , const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >&  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    1953             : {
    1954           0 : }
    1955             : 
    1956             : 
    1957             : 
    1958       91910 : uno::Any SvxShape::GetAnyForItem( SfxItemSet& aSet, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap ) const
    1959             : {
    1960             :     DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX();
    1961       91910 :     uno::Any aAny;
    1962             : 
    1963       91910 :     switch(pMap->nWID)
    1964             :     {
    1965             :     case SDRATTR_CIRCSTARTANGLE:
    1966             :     {
    1967           0 :         const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem=NULL;
    1968           0 :         if(aSet.GetItemState(SDRATTR_CIRCSTARTANGLE,false,&pPoolItem)==SfxItemState::SET)
    1969             :         {
    1970           0 :             sal_Int32 nAngle = static_cast<const SdrAngleItem*>(pPoolItem)->GetValue();
    1971           0 :             aAny <<= nAngle;
    1972             :         }
    1973           0 :         break;
    1974             :     }
    1975             : 
    1976             :     case SDRATTR_CIRCENDANGLE:
    1977             :     {
    1978           0 :         const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem=NULL;
    1979           0 :         if (aSet.GetItemState(SDRATTR_CIRCENDANGLE,false,&pPoolItem)==SfxItemState::SET)
    1980             :         {
    1981           0 :             sal_Int32 nAngle = static_cast<const SdrAngleItem*>(pPoolItem)->GetValue();
    1982           0 :             aAny <<= nAngle;
    1983             :         }
    1984           0 :         break;
    1985             :     }
    1986             : 
    1987             :     case SDRATTR_CIRCKIND:
    1988             :     {
    1989           8 :         if( mpObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor)
    1990             :         {
    1991             :             drawing::CircleKind eKind;
    1992           8 :             switch(mpObj->GetObjIdentifier())
    1993             :             {
    1994             :             case OBJ_CIRC:          // Kreis, Ellipse
    1995           8 :                 eKind = drawing::CircleKind_FULL;
    1996           8 :                 break;
    1997             :             case OBJ_CCUT:          // Kreisabschnitt
    1998           0 :                 eKind = drawing::CircleKind_CUT;
    1999           0 :                 break;
    2000             :             case OBJ_CARC:          // Kreisbogen
    2001           0 :                 eKind = drawing::CircleKind_ARC;
    2002           0 :                 break;
    2003             :             case OBJ_SECT:          // Kreissektor
    2004           0 :                 eKind = drawing::CircleKind_SECTION;
    2005           0 :                 break;
    2006             :             }
    2007           8 :             aAny <<= eKind;
    2008             :         }
    2009           8 :         break;
    2010             :     }
    2011             :     default:
    2012             :     {
    2013             :         // Hole Wert aus ItemSet
    2014       91902 :         aAny = SvxItemPropertySet_getPropertyValue( *mpPropSet, pMap, aSet );
    2015             : 
    2016       91902 :         if( pMap->aType != aAny.getValueType() )
    2017             :         {
    2018             :             // since the sfx uint16 item now exports a sal_Int32, we may have to fix this here
    2019        6750 :             if( ( pMap->aType == ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get()) && aAny.getValueType() == ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get() )
    2020             :             {
    2021        6750 :                 sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
    2022        6750 :                 aAny >>= nValue;
    2023        6750 :                 aAny <<= (sal_Int16)nValue;
    2024             :             }
    2025             :             else
    2026             :             {
    2027             :                 OSL_FAIL("SvxShape::GetAnyForItem() Returnvalue has wrong Type!" );
    2028             :             }
    2029             :         }
    2030             : 
    2031             :     }
    2032             :     }
    2033             : 
    2034       91910 :     return aAny;
    2035             : }
    2036             : 
    2037             : 
    2038             : 
    2039             : // XPropertyState
    2040       21866 : beans::PropertyState SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyState( const OUString& PropertyName )
    2041             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    2042             : {
    2043       21866 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    2044             :     {
    2045       16136 :         return mpImpl->mpMaster->getPropertyState( PropertyName );
    2046             :     }
    2047             :     else
    2048             :     {
    2049        5730 :         return _getPropertyState( PropertyName );
    2050             :     }
    2051             : }
    2052             : 
    2053       19106 : beans::PropertyState SAL_CALL SvxShape::_getPropertyState( const OUString& PropertyName )
    2054             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException)
    2055             : {
    2056       19106 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    2057             : 
    2058       19106 :     const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap = mpPropSet->getPropertyMapEntry(PropertyName);
    2059             : 
    2060       19106 :     if( ! || pMap == NULL )
    2061           0 :         throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    2062             : 
    2063             :     beans::PropertyState eState;
    2064       19106 :     if( !getPropertyStateImpl( pMap, eState ) )
    2065             :     {
    2066       18614 :         const SfxItemSet& rSet = mpObj->GetMergedItemSet();
    2067             : 
    2068       18614 :         switch( rSet.GetItemState( pMap->nWID, false ) )
    2069             :         {
    2070             :         case SfxItemState::READONLY:
    2071             :         case SfxItemState::SET:
    2072        2370 :             eState = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
    2073        2370 :             break;
    2074             :         case SfxItemState::DEFAULT:
    2075       16134 :             eState = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
    2076       16134 :             break;
    2077             :         default:
    2078         110 :             eState = beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE;
    2079         110 :             break;
    2080             :         }
    2081             : 
    2082             :         // if a item is set, this doesn't mean we want it :)
    2083       18614 :         if( ( beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE == eState ) )
    2084             :         {
    2085        2370 :             switch( pMap->nWID )
    2086             :             {
    2087             :             // the following items are disabled by changing the
    2088             :             // fill style or the line style. so there is no need
    2089             :             // to export items without names which should be empty
    2090             :             case XATTR_FILLBITMAP:
    2091             :             case XATTR_FILLGRADIENT:
    2092             :             case XATTR_FILLHATCH:
    2093             :             case XATTR_LINEDASH:
    2094             :                 {
    2095           0 :                     const NameOrIndex* pItem = static_cast<const NameOrIndex*>(rSet.GetItem((sal_uInt16)pMap->nWID));
    2096           0 :                     if( ( pItem == NULL ) || pItem->GetName().isEmpty() )
    2097           0 :                         eState = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
    2098             :                 }
    2099           0 :                 break;
    2100             : 
    2101             :             // #i36115#
    2102             :             // If e.g. the LineStart is on NONE and thus the string has length 0, it still
    2103             :             // may be a hard attribute covering the set LineStart of the parent (Style).
    2104             :             // #i37644#
    2105             :             // same is for fill float transparency
    2106             :             case XATTR_LINEEND:
    2107             :             case XATTR_LINESTART:
    2108             :             case XATTR_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE:
    2109             :                 {
    2110           4 :                     const NameOrIndex* pItem = static_cast<const NameOrIndex*>(rSet.GetItem((sal_uInt16)pMap->nWID));
    2111           4 :                     if ( pItem == NULL )
    2112           0 :                         eState = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
    2113             :                 }
    2114           4 :                 break;
    2115             :             }
    2116             :         }
    2117             :     }
    2118       19106 :     return eState;
    2119             : }
    2120             : 
    2121     1062694 : bool SvxShape::setPropertyValueImpl( const OUString&, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    2122             : {
    2123     1062694 :     switch( pProperty->nWID )
    2124             :     {
    2125             :     case OWN_ATTR_CAPTION_POINT:
    2126             :     {
    2127          32 :         awt::Point aPnt;
    2128          32 :         if( rValue >>= aPnt )
    2129             :         {
    2130          32 :             Point aVclPoint( aPnt.X, aPnt.Y );
    2131             : 
    2132             :             // #90763# position is relative to top left, make it absolute
    2133          32 :             basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewPolyPolygon;
    2134          64 :             basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewHomogenMatrix;
    2135          32 :             mpObj->TRGetBaseGeometry(aNewHomogenMatrix, aNewPolyPolygon);
    2136             : 
    2137          32 :             aVclPoint.X() += basegfx::fround(aNewHomogenMatrix.get(0, 2));
    2138          32 :             aVclPoint.Y() += basegfx::fround(aNewHomogenMatrix.get(1, 2));
    2139             : 
    2140             :             // #88657# metric of pool maybe twips (writer)
    2141          32 :             ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aVclPoint);
    2142             : 
    2143             :             // #88491# position relative to anchor
    2144          32 :             if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2145             :             {
    2146           0 :                 aVclPoint += mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    2147             :             }
    2148             : 
    2149          32 :             static_cast<SdrCaptionObj*>(mpObj.get())->SetTailPos(aVclPoint);
    2150             : 
    2151          64 :             return true;
    2152             :         }
    2153           0 :         break;
    2154             :     }
    2155             :     case OWN_ATTR_TRANSFORMATION:
    2156             :     {
    2157       28979 :         drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aMatrix;
    2158       28979 :         if(rValue >>= aMatrix)
    2159             :         {
    2160       27778 :             basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewPolyPolygon;
    2161       55556 :             basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewHomogenMatrix;
    2162             : 
    2163       27778 :             mpObj->TRGetBaseGeometry(aNewHomogenMatrix, aNewPolyPolygon);
    2164             : 
    2165       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(0, 0, aMatrix.Line1.Column1);
    2166       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(0, 1, aMatrix.Line1.Column2);
    2167       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(0, 2, aMatrix.Line1.Column3);
    2168       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(1, 0, aMatrix.Line2.Column1);
    2169       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(1, 1, aMatrix.Line2.Column2);
    2170       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(1, 2, aMatrix.Line2.Column3);
    2171       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(2, 0, aMatrix.Line3.Column1);
    2172       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(2, 1, aMatrix.Line3.Column2);
    2173       27778 :             aNewHomogenMatrix.set(2, 2, aMatrix.Line3.Column3);
    2174             : 
    2175       27778 :             mpObj->TRSetBaseGeometry(aNewHomogenMatrix, aNewPolyPolygon);
    2176       55556 :             return true;
    2177             :         }
    2178        1201 :         break;
    2179             :     }
    2180             : 
    2181             :     case OWN_ATTR_ZORDER:
    2182             :     {
    2183        6753 :         sal_Int32 nNewOrdNum = 0;
    2184        6753 :         if(rValue >>= nNewOrdNum)
    2185             :         {
    2186        6753 :             SdrObjList* pObjList = mpObj->GetObjList();
    2187        6753 :             if( pObjList )
    2188             :             {
    2189             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    2190             :                 SdrObject* pCheck =
    2191             : #endif
    2192        6753 :                             pObjList->SetObjectOrdNum( mpObj->GetOrdNum(), static_cast<size_t>(nNewOrdNum) );
    2193             :                 DBG_ASSERT( pCheck == mpObj.get(), "GetOrdNum() failed!" );
    2194             :             }
    2195        6753 :             return true;
    2196             :         }
    2197           0 :         break;
    2198             :     }
    2199             :     case OWN_ATTR_FRAMERECT:
    2200             :     {
    2201           0 :         awt::Rectangle aUnoRect;
    2202           0 :         if(rValue >>= aUnoRect)
    2203             :         {
    2204           0 :             Point aTopLeft( aUnoRect.X, aUnoRect.Y );
    2205           0 :             Size aObjSize( aUnoRect.Width, aUnoRect.Height );
    2206           0 :             ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aTopLeft);
    2207           0 :             ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aObjSize);
    2208           0 :             Rectangle aRect;
    2209           0 :             aRect.SetPos(aTopLeft);
    2210           0 :             aRect.SetSize(aObjSize);
    2211           0 :             mpObj->SetSnapRect(aRect);
    2212           0 :             return true;
    2213             :         }
    2214           0 :         break;
    2215             :     }
    2216             :     case OWN_ATTR_MIRRORED:
    2217             :     {
    2218             :         bool bMirror;
    2219          56 :         if(rValue >>= bMirror )
    2220             :         {
    2221          56 :             SdrGrafObj* pObj = dynamic_cast< SdrGrafObj* >( mpObj.get() );
    2222          56 :             if( pObj )
    2223          56 :                 pObj->SetMirrored(bMirror);
    2224          56 :             return true;
    2225             :         }
    2226           0 :         break;
    2227             :     }
    2228             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ:
    2229             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ:
    2230             :     case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD:
    2231             :     case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL:
    2232             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS:
    2233             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS:
    2234             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_POLYPOLYGONBEZIER:
    2235             :     {
    2236          30 :         SdrEdgeObj* pEdgeObj = dynamic_cast< SdrEdgeObj* >(mpObj.get());
    2237          30 :         if(pEdgeObj)
    2238             :         {
    2239          30 :             switch(pProperty->nWID)
    2240             :             {
    2241             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ:
    2242             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ:
    2243             :                 {
    2244          12 :                     Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape;
    2245          12 :                     if( rValue >>= xShape )
    2246             :                     {
    2247          12 :                         SdrObject* pNode = GetSdrObjectFromXShape( xShape );
    2248          12 :                         if( pNode )
    2249             :                         {
    2250          12 :                             pEdgeObj->ConnectToNode( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ, pNode );
    2251          12 :                             pEdgeObj->setGluePointIndex( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ, -1 );
    2252          12 :                             return true;
    2253             :                         }
    2254             :                     }
    2255           0 :                     break;
    2256             :                 }
    2257             : 
    2258             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS:
    2259             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS:
    2260             :                 {
    2261           4 :                     awt::Point aUnoPoint;
    2262           4 :                     if( rValue >>= aUnoPoint )
    2263             :                     {
    2264           4 :                         Point aPoint( aUnoPoint.X, aUnoPoint.Y );
    2265             : 
    2266             :                         // Reintroduction of fix for issue i59051 (#i108851#)
    2267             :                         // perform metric change before applying anchor position,
    2268             :                         // because the anchor position is in pool metric.
    2269           4 :                         ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric( aPoint );
    2270           4 :                         if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2271           0 :                             aPoint += mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    2272             : 
    2273           4 :                         pEdgeObj->SetTailPoint( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS, aPoint );
    2274           4 :                         return true;
    2275             :                     }
    2276           0 :                     break;
    2277             :                 }
    2278             : 
    2279             :             case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD:
    2280             :             case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL:
    2281             :                 {
    2282          12 :                     sal_Int32 nId = 0;
    2283          12 :                     if( rValue >>= nId )
    2284             :                     {
    2285          12 :                         pEdgeObj->setGluePointIndex( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD, nId );
    2286          12 :                         return true;
    2287             :                     }
    2288           0 :                     break;
    2289             :                 }
    2290             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_POLYPOLYGONBEZIER:
    2291             :                 {
    2292           2 :                     basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewPolyPolygon;
    2293             : 
    2294             :                     // #123616# be a little bit more flexible regardin gthe data type used
    2295           2 :                     if( rValue.getValueType() == ::getCppuType(( const drawing::PointSequenceSequence*)0))
    2296             :                     {
    2297             :                         // get polygpon data from PointSequenceSequence
    2298           0 :                         aNewPolyPolygon = basegfx::tools::UnoPointSequenceSequenceToB2DPolyPolygon(
    2299           0 :                             *(const drawing::PointSequenceSequence*)rValue.getValue());
    2300             :                     }
    2301           2 :                     else if( rValue.getValueType() == cppu::UnoType<drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords>::get())
    2302             :                     {
    2303             :                         // get polygpon data from PolyPolygonBezierCoords
    2304           4 :                         aNewPolyPolygon = basegfx::tools::UnoPolyPolygonBezierCoordsToB2DPolyPolygon(
    2305           4 :                             *(const drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords*)rValue.getValue());
    2306             :                     }
    2307             : 
    2308           2 :                     if(aNewPolyPolygon.count())
    2309             :                     {
    2310             :                         // Reintroduction of fix for issue i59051 (#i108851#)
    2311           2 :                         ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric( aNewPolyPolygon );
    2312           2 :                         if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2313             :                         {
    2314           0 :                             Point aPoint( mpObj->GetAnchorPos() );
    2315           0 :                             aNewPolyPolygon.transform(basegfx::tools::createTranslateB2DHomMatrix(aPoint.X(), aPoint.Y()));
    2316             :                         }
    2317           2 :                         pEdgeObj->SetEdgeTrackPath( aNewPolyPolygon );
    2318           2 :                         return true;
    2319           0 :                     }
    2320             :                 }
    2321             :             }
    2322             :         }
    2323           0 :         break;
    2324             :     }
    2325             :     case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS:
    2326             :     case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_END_POS:
    2327             :     {
    2328           4 :         SdrMeasureObj* pMeasureObj = dynamic_cast< SdrMeasureObj* >(mpObj.get());
    2329           4 :         awt::Point aUnoPoint;
    2330           4 :         if(pMeasureObj && ( rValue >>= aUnoPoint ) )
    2331             :         {
    2332           4 :             Point aPoint( aUnoPoint.X, aUnoPoint.Y );
    2333             : 
    2334             :             // Reintroduction of fix for issue #i59051# (#i108851#)
    2335           4 :             ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric( aPoint );
    2336           4 :             if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2337           4 :                 aPoint += mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    2338             : 
    2339           4 :             pMeasureObj->NbcSetPoint( aPoint, pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS ? 0L : 1L );
    2340           4 :             pMeasureObj->SetChanged();
    2341           4 :             pMeasureObj->BroadcastObjectChange();
    2342           4 :             return true;
    2343             :         }
    2344           0 :         break;
    2345             :     }
    2346             :     case OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE:
    2347             :         {
    2348             :             drawing::BitmapMode eMode;
    2349        9342 :             if(!(rValue >>= eMode) )
    2350             :             {
    2351           0 :                 sal_Int32 nMode = 0;
    2352           0 :                 if(!(rValue >>= nMode))
    2353           0 :                     break;
    2354             : 
    2355           0 :                 eMode = (drawing::BitmapMode)nMode;
    2356             :             }
    2357        9342 :             mpObj->SetMergedItem( XFillBmpStretchItem( eMode == drawing::BitmapMode_STRETCH ) );
    2358        9342 :             mpObj->SetMergedItem( XFillBmpTileItem( eMode == drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT ) );
    2359        9342 :             return true;
    2360             :         }
    2361             : 
    2362             :     case SDRATTR_LAYERID:
    2363             :     {
    2364          52 :         sal_Int16 nLayerId = sal_Int16();
    2365          52 :         if( rValue >>= nLayerId )
    2366             :         {
    2367          52 :             SdrLayer* pLayer = mpModel->GetLayerAdmin().GetLayerPerID((unsigned char)nLayerId);
    2368          52 :             if( pLayer )
    2369             :             {
    2370          52 :                 mpObj->SetLayer((unsigned char)nLayerId);
    2371          52 :                 return true;
    2372             :             }
    2373             :         }
    2374           0 :         break;
    2375             :     }
    2376             : 
    2377             :     case SDRATTR_LAYERNAME:
    2378             :     {
    2379        3178 :         OUString aLayerName;
    2380        3178 :         if( rValue >>= aLayerName )
    2381             :         {
    2382        3178 :             const SdrLayer* pLayer=mpModel->GetLayerAdmin().GetLayer(aLayerName, true);
    2383        3178 :             if( pLayer != NULL )
    2384             :             {
    2385        3132 :                 mpObj->SetLayer( pLayer->GetID() );
    2386        3132 :                 return true;
    2387             :             }
    2388             :         }
    2389          46 :         break;
    2390             :     }
    2391             :     case SDRATTR_ROTATEANGLE:
    2392             :     {
    2393        2076 :         sal_Int32 nAngle = 0;
    2394        2076 :         if( rValue >>= nAngle )
    2395             :         {
    2396        2076 :             Point aRef1(mpObj->GetSnapRect().Center());
    2397        2076 :             nAngle -= mpObj->GetRotateAngle();
    2398        2076 :             if (nAngle!=0)
    2399             :             {
    2400         190 :                 double nSin=sin(nAngle*nPi180);
    2401         190 :                 double nCos=cos(nAngle*nPi180);
    2402         190 :                 mpObj->Rotate(aRef1,nAngle,nSin,nCos);
    2403             :             }
    2404        2076 :             return true;
    2405             :         }
    2406             : 
    2407           0 :         break;
    2408             :     }
    2409             : 
    2410             :     case SDRATTR_SHEARANGLE:
    2411             :     {
    2412           0 :         sal_Int32 nShear = 0;
    2413           0 :         if( rValue >>= nShear )
    2414             :         {
    2415           0 :             nShear -= mpObj->GetShearAngle();
    2416           0 :             if(nShear != 0 )
    2417             :             {
    2418           0 :                 Point aRef1(mpObj->GetSnapRect().Center());
    2419           0 :                 double nTan=tan(nShear*nPi180);
    2420           0 :                 mpObj->Shear(aRef1,nShear,nTan,false);
    2421           0 :                 return true;
    2422             :             }
    2423             :         }
    2424             : 
    2425           0 :         break;
    2426             :     }
    2427             : 
    2428             :     case OWN_ATTR_INTEROPGRABBAG:
    2429             :     {
    2430       13620 :         mpObj->SetGrabBagItem(rValue);
    2431       13620 :         return true;
    2432             :     }
    2433             : 
    2434             :     case SDRATTR_OBJMOVEPROTECT:
    2435             :     {
    2436             :         bool bMoveProtect;
    2437         134 :         if( rValue >>= bMoveProtect )
    2438             :         {
    2439         134 :             mpObj->SetMoveProtect(bMoveProtect);
    2440         134 :             return true;
    2441             :         }
    2442           0 :         break;
    2443             :     }
    2444             :     case SDRATTR_OBJECTNAME:
    2445             :     {
    2446       28665 :         OUString aName;
    2447       28665 :         if( rValue >>= aName )
    2448             :         {
    2449       28665 :             mpObj->SetName( aName );
    2450       28665 :             return true;
    2451             :         }
    2452           0 :         break;
    2453             :     }
    2454             : 
    2455             :     // #i68101#
    2456             :     case OWN_ATTR_MISC_OBJ_TITLE:
    2457             :     {
    2458        1648 :         OUString aTitle;
    2459        1648 :         if( rValue >>= aTitle )
    2460             :         {
    2461        1648 :             mpObj->SetTitle( aTitle );
    2462        1648 :             return true;
    2463             :         }
    2464           0 :         break;
    2465             :     }
    2466             :     case OWN_ATTR_MISC_OBJ_DESCRIPTION:
    2467             :     {
    2468        1686 :         OUString aDescription;
    2469        1686 :         if( rValue >>= aDescription )
    2470             :         {
    2471        1686 :             mpObj->SetDescription( aDescription );
    2472        1686 :             return true;
    2473             :         }
    2474           0 :         break;
    2475             :     }
    2476             : 
    2477             :     case SDRATTR_OBJPRINTABLE:
    2478             :     {
    2479             :         bool bPrintable;
    2480           0 :         if( rValue >>= bPrintable )
    2481             :         {
    2482           0 :             mpObj->SetPrintable(bPrintable);
    2483           0 :             return true;
    2484             :         }
    2485           0 :         break;
    2486             :     }
    2487             :     case SDRATTR_OBJVISIBLE:
    2488             :     {
    2489             :         bool bVisible;
    2490           4 :         if( rValue >>= bVisible )
    2491             :         {
    2492           4 :             mpObj->SetVisible(bVisible);
    2493           4 :             return true;
    2494             :         }
    2495           0 :         break;
    2496             :     }
    2497             :     case SDRATTR_OBJSIZEPROTECT:
    2498             :     {
    2499             :         bool bResizeProtect;
    2500         134 :         if( rValue >>= bResizeProtect )
    2501             :         {
    2502         134 :             mpObj->SetResizeProtect(bResizeProtect);
    2503         134 :             return true;
    2504             :         }
    2505           0 :         break;
    2506             :     }
    2507             :     case OWN_ATTR_PAGE_NUMBER:
    2508             :     {
    2509         292 :         sal_Int32 nPageNum = 0;
    2510         292 :         if( (rValue >>= nPageNum) && ( nPageNum >= 0 ) && ( nPageNum <= 0xffff ) )
    2511             :         {
    2512         292 :             SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast< SdrPageObj* >(mpObj.get());
    2513         292 :             if( pPageObj )
    2514             :             {
    2515         258 :                 SdrModel* pModel = pPageObj->GetModel();
    2516         258 :                 SdrPage* pNewPage = 0L;
    2517         258 :                 const sal_uInt16 nDestinationPageNum((sal_uInt16)((nPageNum << 1L) - 1L));
    2518             : 
    2519         258 :                 if(pModel)
    2520             :                 {
    2521         258 :                     if(nDestinationPageNum < pModel->GetPageCount())
    2522             :                     {
    2523          68 :                         pNewPage = pModel->GetPage(nDestinationPageNum);
    2524             :                     }
    2525             :                 }
    2526             : 
    2527         258 :                 pPageObj->SetReferencedPage(pNewPage);
    2528             :             }
    2529             : 
    2530         292 :             return true;
    2531             :         }
    2532           0 :         break;
    2533             :     }
    2534             :     case XATTR_FILLBITMAP:
    2535             :     case XATTR_FILLGRADIENT:
    2536             :     case XATTR_FILLHATCH:
    2537             :     case XATTR_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE:
    2538             :     case XATTR_LINEEND:
    2539             :     case XATTR_LINESTART:
    2540             :     case XATTR_LINEDASH:
    2541             :     {
    2542        5037 :         if( pProperty->nMemberId == MID_NAME )
    2543             :         {
    2544        4297 :             OUString aApiName;
    2545        4297 :             if( rValue >>= aApiName )
    2546             :             {
    2547        4297 :                 if( SetFillAttribute( pProperty->nWID, aApiName ) )
    2548        3851 :                     return true;
    2549             :             }
    2550         446 :             break;
    2551             :         }
    2552             :         else
    2553             :         {
    2554         740 :             return false;
    2555             :         }
    2556             :     }
    2557             :     default:
    2558             :     {
    2559      960972 :         return false;
    2560             :     }
    2561             :     }
    2562        1693 :     throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    2563             : }
    2564             : 
    2565             : 
    2566             : 
    2567      138780 : bool SvxShape::getPropertyValueImpl( const OUString&, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    2568             : {
    2569      138780 :     switch( pProperty->nWID )
    2570             :     {
    2571             :     case OWN_ATTR_CAPTION_POINT:
    2572             :     {
    2573           4 :         Point aVclPoint = static_cast<SdrCaptionObj*>(mpObj.get())->GetTailPos();
    2574             : 
    2575             :         // #88491# make pos relative to anchor
    2576           4 :         if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2577             :         {
    2578           0 :             aVclPoint -= mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    2579             :         }
    2580             : 
    2581             :         // #88657# metric of pool maybe twips (writer)
    2582           4 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aVclPoint);
    2583             : 
    2584             :         // #90763# pos is absolute, make it relative to top left
    2585           4 :         basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewPolyPolygon;
    2586           8 :         basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewHomogenMatrix;
    2587           4 :         mpObj->TRGetBaseGeometry(aNewHomogenMatrix, aNewPolyPolygon);
    2588             : 
    2589           4 :         aVclPoint.X() -= basegfx::fround(aNewHomogenMatrix.get(0, 2));
    2590           4 :         aVclPoint.Y() -= basegfx::fround(aNewHomogenMatrix.get(1, 2));
    2591             : 
    2592           4 :         awt::Point aPnt( aVclPoint.X(), aVclPoint.Y() );
    2593           4 :         rValue <<= aPnt;
    2594           8 :         break;
    2595             :     }
    2596             : 
    2597             :     case OWN_ATTR_TRANSFORMATION:
    2598             :     {
    2599        1832 :         basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewPolyPolygon;
    2600        3664 :         basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewHomogenMatrix;
    2601        1832 :         mpObj->TRGetBaseGeometry(aNewHomogenMatrix, aNewPolyPolygon);
    2602        1832 :         drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aMatrix;
    2603             : 
    2604        1832 :         aMatrix.Line1.Column1 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(0, 0);
    2605        1832 :         aMatrix.Line1.Column2 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(0, 1);
    2606        1832 :         aMatrix.Line1.Column3 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(0, 2);
    2607        1832 :         aMatrix.Line2.Column1 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(1, 0);
    2608        1832 :         aMatrix.Line2.Column2 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(1, 1);
    2609        1832 :         aMatrix.Line2.Column3 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(1, 2);
    2610        1832 :         aMatrix.Line3.Column1 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(2, 0);
    2611        1832 :         aMatrix.Line3.Column2 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(2, 1);
    2612        1832 :         aMatrix.Line3.Column3 = aNewHomogenMatrix.get(2, 2);
    2613             : 
    2614        1832 :         rValue <<= aMatrix;
    2615             : 
    2616        3664 :         break;
    2617             :     }
    2618             : 
    2619             :     case OWN_ATTR_ZORDER:
    2620             :     {
    2621        2034 :         rValue <<= (sal_Int32)mpObj->GetOrdNum();
    2622        2034 :         break;
    2623             :     }
    2624             : 
    2625             :     case OWN_ATTR_BITMAP:
    2626             :     {
    2627         516 :         rValue = GetBitmap();
    2628         516 :         if(!rValue.hasValue())
    2629           0 :             throw uno::RuntimeException();
    2630             : 
    2631         516 :         break;
    2632             :     }
    2633             : 
    2634             :     case OWN_ATTR_ISFONTWORK:
    2635             :     {
    2636        1628 :         rValue <<= mpObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) && static_cast<SdrTextObj*>(mpObj.get())->IsFontwork();
    2637        1628 :         break;
    2638             :     }
    2639             : 
    2640             :     case OWN_ATTR_FRAMERECT:
    2641             :     {
    2642           0 :         Rectangle aRect( mpObj->GetSnapRect() );
    2643           0 :         Point aTopLeft( aRect.TopLeft() );
    2644           0 :         Size aObjSize( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() );
    2645           0 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aTopLeft);
    2646           0 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aObjSize);
    2647             :         ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle aUnoRect(
    2648           0 :             aTopLeft.X(), aTopLeft.Y(),
    2649           0 :             aObjSize.getWidth(), aObjSize.getHeight() );
    2650           0 :         rValue <<= aUnoRect;
    2651           0 :         break;
    2652             :     }
    2653             : 
    2654             :     case OWN_ATTR_BOUNDRECT:
    2655             :     {
    2656         476 :         Rectangle aRect( mpObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() );
    2657         476 :         Point aTopLeft( aRect.TopLeft() );
    2658         476 :         Size aObjSize( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() );
    2659         476 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aTopLeft);
    2660         476 :         ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aObjSize);
    2661             :         ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle aUnoRect(
    2662         952 :             aTopLeft.X(), aTopLeft.Y(),
    2663        1428 :             aObjSize.getWidth(), aObjSize.getHeight() );
    2664         476 :         rValue <<= aUnoRect;
    2665         476 :         break;
    2666             :     }
    2667             : 
    2668             :     case OWN_ATTR_LDNAME:
    2669             :     {
    2670           0 :         OUString aName( mpObj->GetName() );
    2671           0 :         rValue <<= aName;
    2672           0 :         break;
    2673             :     }
    2674             : 
    2675             :     case OWN_ATTR_LDBITMAP:
    2676             :     {
    2677             :         sal_uInt16 nId;
    2678           0 :         if( mpObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && mpObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OLE2 )
    2679             :         {
    2680           0 :             nId = RID_UNODRAW_OLE2;
    2681             :         }
    2682           0 :         else if( mpObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && mpObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_GRAF )
    2683             :         {
    2684           0 :             nId = RID_UNODRAW_GRAPHICS;
    2685             :         }
    2686             :         else
    2687             :         {
    2688           0 :             nId = RID_UNODRAW_OBJECTS;
    2689             :         }
    2690             : 
    2691           0 :         BitmapEx aBmp( SVX_RES(nId) );
    2692           0 :         Reference< awt::XBitmap > xBmp( VCLUnoHelper::CreateBitmap( aBmp ) );
    2693             : 
    2694           0 :         rValue <<= xBmp;
    2695           0 :         break;
    2696             :     }
    2697             : 
    2698             :     case OWN_ATTR_MIRRORED:
    2699             :     {
    2700          92 :         bool bMirror = false;
    2701          92 :         if( && mpObj->ISA(SdrGrafObj) )
    2702          92 :             bMirror = static_cast<SdrGrafObj*>(mpObj.get())->IsMirrored();
    2703             : 
    2704          92 :         rValue <<= bMirror;
    2705          92 :         break;
    2706             :     }
    2707             : 
    2708             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ:
    2709             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS:
    2710             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS:
    2711             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ:
    2712             :     case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD:
    2713             :     case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL:
    2714             :     case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_POLYPOLYGONBEZIER:
    2715             :     {
    2716         222 :         SdrEdgeObj* pEdgeObj = dynamic_cast<SdrEdgeObj*>(mpObj.get());
    2717         222 :         if(pEdgeObj)
    2718             :         {
    2719         222 :             switch(pProperty->nWID)
    2720             :             {
    2721             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ:
    2722             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ:
    2723             :                 {
    2724         112 :                     SdrObject* pNode = pEdgeObj->GetConnectedNode(pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ);
    2725         112 :                     if(pNode)
    2726             :                     {
    2727           4 :                         Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( GetXShapeForSdrObject( pNode ) );
    2728           4 :                         if(
    2729           4 :                             rValue <<= xShape;
    2730             : 
    2731             :                     }
    2732         112 :                     break;
    2733             :                 }
    2734             : 
    2735             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS:
    2736             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS:
    2737             :                 {
    2738         108 :                     Point aPoint( pEdgeObj->GetTailPoint( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS ) );
    2739         108 :                     if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2740         108 :                         aPoint -= mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    2741             : 
    2742         108 :                     ForceMetricTo100th_mm( aPoint );
    2743         108 :                     awt::Point aUnoPoint( aPoint.X(), aPoint.Y() );
    2744             : 
    2745         108 :                     rValue <<= aUnoPoint;
    2746         108 :                     break;
    2747             :                 }
    2748             :             case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD:
    2749             :             case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL:
    2750             :                 {
    2751           0 :                     rValue <<= (sal_Int32)pEdgeObj->getGluePointIndex( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD );
    2752           0 :                     break;
    2753             :                 }
    2754             :             case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_POLYPOLYGONBEZIER:
    2755             :                 {
    2756           2 :                     basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolyPoly( pEdgeObj->GetEdgeTrackPath() );
    2757           2 :                     if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2758             :                     {
    2759           2 :                         Point aPoint( mpObj->GetAnchorPos() );
    2760           2 :                         aPolyPoly.transform(basegfx::tools::createTranslateB2DHomMatrix(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y()));
    2761             :                     }
    2762             :                     // Reintroduction of fix for issue #i59051# (#i108851#)
    2763           2 :                     ForceMetricTo100th_mm( aPolyPoly );
    2764           4 :                     drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aRetval;
    2765           2 :                     basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonToPolyPolygonBezier( aPolyPoly, aRetval);
    2766           2 :                     rValue <<= aRetval;
    2767           4 :                     break;
    2768             :                 }
    2769             :             }
    2770             :         }
    2771         222 :         break;
    2772             :     }
    2773             : 
    2774             :     case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS:
    2775             :     case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_END_POS:
    2776             :     {
    2777           0 :         SdrMeasureObj* pMeasureObj = dynamic_cast<SdrMeasureObj*>(mpObj.get());
    2778           0 :         if(pMeasureObj)
    2779             :         {
    2780           0 :             Point aPoint( pMeasureObj->GetPoint( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS ? 0 : 1 ) );
    2781           0 :             if( mpModel->IsWriter() )
    2782           0 :                 aPoint -= mpObj->GetAnchorPos();
    2783             : 
    2784             :             // Reintroduction of fix for issue #i59051# (#i108851#)
    2785           0 :             ForceMetricTo100th_mm( aPoint );
    2786           0 :             awt::Point aUnoPoint( aPoint.X(), aPoint.Y() );
    2787             : 
    2788           0 :             rValue <<= aUnoPoint;
    2789           0 :             break;
    2790             :         }
    2791           0 :         break;
    2792             :     }
    2793             : 
    2794             :     case OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE:
    2795             :     {
    2796         540 :         const SfxItemSet& rObjItemSet = mpObj->GetMergedItemSet();
    2797             : 
    2798         540 :         const XFillBmpStretchItem* pStretchItem = static_cast<const XFillBmpStretchItem*>(&rObjItemSet.Get(XATTR_FILLBMP_STRETCH));
    2799         540 :         const XFillBmpTileItem* pTileItem = static_cast<const XFillBmpTileItem*>(&rObjItemSet.Get(XATTR_FILLBMP_TILE));
    2800             : 
    2801         540 :         if( pTileItem && pTileItem->GetValue() )
    2802             :         {
    2803         528 :             rValue <<= drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT;
    2804             :         }
    2805          12 :         else if( pStretchItem && pStretchItem->GetValue() )
    2806             :         {
    2807          12 :             rValue <<= drawing::BitmapMode_STRETCH;
    2808             :         }
    2809             :         else
    2810             :         {
    2811           0 :             rValue <<= drawing::BitmapMode_NO_REPEAT;
    2812             :         }
    2813         540 :         break;
    2814             :     }
    2815             :     case SDRATTR_LAYERID:
    2816         562 :         rValue <<= (sal_Int16)mpObj->GetLayer();
    2817         562 :         break;
    2818             : 
    2819             :     case SDRATTR_LAYERNAME:
    2820             :     {
    2821         668 :         SdrLayer* pLayer = mpModel->GetLayerAdmin().GetLayerPerID(mpObj->GetLayer());
    2822         668 :         if( pLayer )
    2823             :         {
    2824         668 :             OUString aName( pLayer->GetName() );
    2825         668 :             rValue <<= aName;
    2826             :         }
    2827         668 :         break;
    2828             :     }
    2829             : 
    2830             :     case SDRATTR_ROTATEANGLE:
    2831        3908 :         rValue <<= (sal_Int32)mpObj->GetRotateAngle();
    2832        3908 :         break;
    2833             : 
    2834             :     case SDRATTR_SHEARANGLE:
    2835           0 :         rValue <<= (sal_Int32)mpObj->GetShearAngle();
    2836           0 :         break;
    2837             : 
    2838             :     case OWN_ATTR_INTEROPGRABBAG:
    2839             :     {
    2840       25942 :         mpObj->GetGrabBagItem(rValue);
    2841       25942 :         break;
    2842             :     }
    2843             : 
    2844             :     case SDRATTR_OBJMOVEPROTECT:
    2845         626 :         rValue = uno::makeAny( mpObj->IsMoveProtect() );
    2846         626 :         break;
    2847             : 
    2848             :     case SDRATTR_OBJECTNAME:
    2849             :     {
    2850        2196 :         OUString aName( mpObj->GetName() );
    2851        2196 :         rValue <<= aName;
    2852        2196 :         break;
    2853             :     }
    2854             : 
    2855             :     // #i68101#
    2856             :     case OWN_ATTR_MISC_OBJ_TITLE:
    2857             :     {
    2858         144 :         OUString aTitle( mpObj->GetTitle() );
    2859         144 :         rValue <<= aTitle;
    2860         144 :         break;
    2861             :     }
    2862             : 
    2863             :     case OWN_ATTR_MISC_OBJ_DESCRIPTION:
    2864             :     {
    2865         264 :         OUString aDescription( mpObj->GetDescription() );
    2866         264 :         rValue <<= aDescription;
    2867         264 :         break;
    2868             :     }
    2869             : 
    2870             :     case SDRATTR_OBJPRINTABLE:
    2871        2266 :         rValue <<= mpObj->IsPrintable();
    2872        2266 :         break;
    2873             : 
    2874             :     case SDRATTR_OBJVISIBLE:
    2875        2266 :         rValue <<= mpObj->IsVisible();
    2876        2266 :         break;
    2877             : 
    2878             :     case SDRATTR_OBJSIZEPROTECT:
    2879         642 :         rValue <<= mpObj->IsResizeProtect();
    2880         642 :         break;
    2881             : 
    2882             :     case OWN_ATTR_PAGE_NUMBER:
    2883             :     {
    2884          42 :         SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast<SdrPageObj*>(mpObj.get());
    2885          42 :         if(pPageObj)
    2886             :         {
    2887          42 :             SdrPage* pPage = pPageObj->GetReferencedPage();
    2888          42 :             sal_Int32 nPageNumber = (pPage) ? pPage->GetPageNum() : 0L;
    2889          42 :             nPageNumber++;
    2890          42 :             nPageNumber >>= 1;
    2891          42 :             rValue <<= nPageNumber;
    2892             :         }
    2893          42 :         break;
    2894             :     }
    2895             : 
    2896             :     case OWN_ATTR_UINAME_SINGULAR:
    2897             :     {
    2898           0 :         rValue <<= mpObj->TakeObjNameSingul();
    2899           0 :         break;
    2900             :     }
    2901             : 
    2902             :     case OWN_ATTR_UINAME_PLURAL:
    2903             :     {
    2904           0 :         rValue <<= mpObj->TakeObjNamePlural();
    2905           0 :         break;
    2906             :     }
    2907             :     case OWN_ATTR_METAFILE:
    2908             :     {
    2909           0 :         SdrOle2Obj* pObj = dynamic_cast<SdrOle2Obj*>(mpObj.get());
    2910           0 :         if( pObj )
    2911             :         {
    2912           0 :             const Graphic* pGraphic = pObj->GetGraphic();
    2913           0 :             if( pGraphic )
    2914             :             {
    2915           0 :                 bool bIsWMF = false;
    2916           0 :                 if ( pGraphic->IsLink() )
    2917             :                 {
    2918           0 :                     GfxLink aLnk = pGraphic->GetLink();
    2919           0 :                     if ( aLnk.GetType() == GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_WMF )
    2920             :                     {
    2921           0 :                         bIsWMF = true;
    2922           0 :                         uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aSeq((sal_Int8*)aLnk.GetData(), (sal_Int32) aLnk.GetDataSize());
    2923           0 :                         rValue <<= aSeq;
    2924           0 :                     }
    2925             :                 }
    2926           0 :                 if ( !bIsWMF )
    2927             :                 {
    2928             :                     // #119735# just use GetGDIMetaFile, it will create a bufferd version of contained bitmap now automatically
    2929           0 :                     GDIMetaFile aMtf(pObj->GetGraphic()->GetGDIMetaFile());
    2930           0 :                     SvMemoryStream aDestStrm( 65535, 65535 );
    2931           0 :                     ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( aMtf, aDestStrm, NULL, false );
    2932             :                     const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aSeq(
    2933           0 :                         static_cast< const sal_Int8* >(aDestStrm.GetData()),
    2934           0 :                         aDestStrm.GetEndOfData());
    2935           0 :                     rValue <<= aSeq;
    2936             :                 }
    2937             :             }
    2938             :         }
    2939             :         else
    2940             :         {
    2941           0 :             rValue = GetBitmap( true );
    2942             :         }
    2943           0 :         break;
    2944             :     }
    2945             : 
    2946             : 
    2947             :     default:
    2948       91910 :         return false;
    2949             :     }
    2950       46870 :     return true;
    2951             : }
    2952             : 
    2953             : 
    2954             : 
    2955       19106 : bool SvxShape::getPropertyStateImpl( const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty, ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState& rState ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    2956             : {
    2957       19106 :     if( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE )
    2958             :     {
    2959         228 :         const SfxItemSet& rSet = mpObj->GetMergedItemSet();
    2960             : 
    2961         456 :         if( rSet.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLBMP_STRETCH, false ) == SfxItemState::SET ||
    2962         228 :             rSet.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLBMP_TILE, false ) == SfxItemState::SET )
    2963             :         {
    2964           0 :             rState = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
    2965             :         }
    2966             :         else
    2967             :         {
    2968         228 :             rState = beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE;
    2969             :         }
    2970             :     }
    2971       37740 :     else if((( pProperty->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pProperty->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END ) ||
    2972       26512 :        ( pProperty->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pProperty->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST )) && ( pProperty->nWID != SDRATTR_TEXTDIRECTION ) )
    2973             :     {
    2974         264 :         rState = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
    2975             :     }
    2976             :     else
    2977             :     {
    2978       18614 :         return false;
    2979             :     }
    2980             : 
    2981         492 :     return true;
    2982             : }
    2983             : 
    2984             : 
    2985             : 
    2986           0 : bool SvxShape::setPropertyToDefaultImpl( const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    2987             : {
    2988           0 :     if( pProperty->nWID == OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE )
    2989             :     {
    2990           0 :         mpObj->ClearMergedItem( XATTR_FILLBMP_STRETCH );
    2991           0 :         mpObj->ClearMergedItem( XATTR_FILLBMP_TILE );
    2992           0 :         return true;
    2993             :     }
    2994           0 :     else if((pProperty->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pProperty->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END ) ||
    2995           0 :        ( pProperty->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pProperty->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST ))
    2996             :     {
    2997           0 :         return true;
    2998             :     }
    2999             :     else
    3000             :     {
    3001           0 :         return false;
    3002             :     }
    3003             : }
    3004             : 
    3005             : 
    3006             : 
    3007         248 : uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyStates( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyName )
    3008             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3009             : {
    3010         248 :     const sal_Int32 nCount = aPropertyName.getLength();
    3011         248 :     const OUString* pNames = aPropertyName.getConstArray();
    3012             : 
    3013         248 :     uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > aRet( nCount );
    3014         248 :     beans::PropertyState* pState = aRet.getArray();
    3015             : 
    3016       16384 :     for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++ )
    3017       16136 :         pState[nIdx] = getPropertyState( pNames[nIdx] );
    3018             : 
    3019         248 :     return aRet;
    3020             : }
    3021             : 
    3022             : 
    3023             : 
    3024           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPropertyToDefault( const OUString& PropertyName )
    3025             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3026             : {
    3027           0 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    3028             :     {
    3029           0 :         mpImpl->mpMaster->setPropertyToDefault( PropertyName );
    3030             :     }
    3031             :     else
    3032             :     {
    3033           0 :         _setPropertyToDefault( PropertyName );
    3034             :     }
    3035           0 : }
    3036             : 
    3037           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::_setPropertyToDefault( const OUString& PropertyName )
    3038             :     throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException)
    3039             : {
    3040           0 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3041             : 
    3042           0 :     const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty = mpPropSet->getPropertyMapEntry(PropertyName);
    3043             : 
    3044           0 :     if( ! || mpModel == NULL || pProperty == NULL )
    3045           0 :         throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    3046             : 
    3047           0 :     if( !setPropertyToDefaultImpl( pProperty ) )
    3048             :     {
    3049           0 :         mpObj->ClearMergedItem( pProperty->nWID );
    3050             :     }
    3051             : 
    3052           0 :     mpModel->SetChanged();
    3053           0 : }
    3054             : 
    3055             : 
    3056             : 
    3057           0 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    3058             :     throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3059             : {
    3060           0 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    3061             :     {
    3062           0 :         return mpImpl->mpMaster->getPropertyDefault( aPropertyName );
    3063             :     }
    3064             :     else
    3065             :     {
    3066           0 :         return _getPropertyDefault( aPropertyName );
    3067             :     }
    3068             : }
    3069             : 
    3070           0 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::_getPropertyDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    3071             :     throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
    3072             : {
    3073           0 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3074             : 
    3075           0 :     const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap = mpPropSet->getPropertyMapEntry(aPropertyName);
    3076             : 
    3077           0 :     if( ! || pMap == NULL || mpModel == NULL )
    3078           0 :         throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    3079             : 
    3080           0 :     if(( pMap->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pMap->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END ) ||
    3081           0 :        ( pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST ))
    3082             :     {
    3083           0 :         return getPropertyValue( aPropertyName );
    3084             :     }
    3085             : 
    3086             :     // Default aus ItemPool holen
    3087           0 :     if(!SfxItemPool::IsWhich(pMap->nWID))
    3088           0 :         throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    3089             : 
    3090           0 :     SfxItemSet aSet( mpModel->GetItemPool(),    pMap->nWID, pMap->nWID);
    3091           0 :     aSet.Put(mpModel->GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem(pMap->nWID));
    3092             : 
    3093           0 :     return GetAnyForItem( aSet, pMap );
    3094             : }
    3095             : 
    3096             : // XMultiPropertyStates
    3097        3922 : void SvxShape::setAllPropertiesToDefault() throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3098             : {
    3099        3922 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3100             : 
    3101        3922 :     if( ! )
    3102           0 :         throw lang::DisposedException();
    3103        3922 :     mpObj->ClearMergedItem(); // nWhich == 0 => all
    3104             : 
    3105        3922 :     if(mpObj->ISA(SdrGrafObj))
    3106             :     {
    3107             :         // defaults for graphic objects have changed:
    3108          56 :         mpObj->SetMergedItem( XFillStyleItem( drawing::FillStyle_NONE ) );
    3109          56 :         mpObj->SetMergedItem( XLineStyleItem( XLINE_NONE ) );
    3110             :     }
    3111             : 
    3112             :     // #i68523# special handling for Svx3DCharacterModeItem, this is not saved
    3113             :     // but needs to be sal_True in svx, pool default (false) in sch. Since sch
    3114             :     // does not load lathe or extrude objects, it is possible to set the items
    3115             :     // here.
    3116             :     // For other solution possibilities, see task description.
    3117        3922 :     if(mpObj->ISA(E3dLatheObj) || mpObj->ISA(E3dExtrudeObj))
    3118             :     {
    3119           0 :         mpObj->SetMergedItem(Svx3DCharacterModeItem(true));
    3120             :     }
    3121             : 
    3122        3922 :     mpModel->SetChanged();
    3123        3922 : }
    3124             : 
    3125           0 : void SvxShape::setPropertiesToDefault(
    3126             :     const uno::Sequence<OUString>& aPropertyNames )
    3127             :     throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3128             : {
    3129           0 :     for ( sal_Int32 pos = 0; pos < aPropertyNames.getLength(); ++pos )
    3130           0 :         setPropertyToDefault( aPropertyNames[pos] );
    3131           0 : }
    3132             : 
    3133           0 : uno::Sequence<uno::Any> SvxShape::getPropertyDefaults(
    3134             :     const uno::Sequence<OUString>& aPropertyNames )
    3135             :     throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException,
    3136             :            uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3137             : {
    3138           0 :     ::std::vector<uno::Any> ret;
    3139           0 :     for ( sal_Int32 pos = 0; pos < aPropertyNames.getLength(); ++pos )
    3140           0 :         ret.push_back( getPropertyDefault( aPropertyNames[pos] ) );
    3141           0 :     return uno::Sequence<uno::Any>( &ret[0], ret.size() );
    3142             : }
    3143             : 
    3144             : 
    3145             : 
    3146             : 
    3147             : // XServiceInfo
    3148             : 
    3149           0 : OUString SAL_CALL SvxShape::getImplementationName()
    3150             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3151             : {
    3152           0 :     static OUString aServiceName("SvxShape");
    3153           0 :     return aServiceName;
    3154             : }
    3155             : 
    3156             : #define STAR_NAMESPACE ""
    3157             : 
    3158             : const char* sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties          = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.ParagraphProperties";
    3159             : const char* sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex   = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.ParagraphPropertiesComplex";
    3160             : const char* sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian     = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.ParagraphPropertiesAsian";
    3161             : const char* sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties          = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.CharacterProperties";
    3162             : const char* sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex   = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.CharacterPropertiesComplex";
    3163             : const char* sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian     = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.CharacterPropertiesAsian";
    3164             : 
    3165             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties             = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.FillProperties";
    3166             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties             = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.TextProperties";
    3167             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties             = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.LineProperties";
    3168             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorProperties        = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ConnectorProperties";
    3169             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureProperties          = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.MeasureProperties";
    3170             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties           = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ShadowProperties";
    3171             : 
    3172             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor         = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.RotationDescriptor";
    3173             : 
    3174             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_Text                       = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.Text";
    3175             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_GroupShape                 = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.GroupShape";
    3176             : 
    3177             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_CustomShapeProperties      = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.CustomShapeProperties";
    3178             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_CustomShape                    = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.CustomShape";
    3179             : 
    3180             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor      = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyPolygonDescriptor";
    3181             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor= STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor";
    3182             : 
    3183             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_LineShape                  = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.LineShape";
    3184             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_Shape                      = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.Shape";
    3185             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_RectangleShape             = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.RectangleShape";
    3186             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_EllipseShape               = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.EllipseShape";
    3187             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonShape           = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyPolygonShape";
    3188             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyLineShape              = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyLineShape";
    3189             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_OpenBezierShape            = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.OpenBezierShape";
    3190             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ClosedBezierShape          = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ClosedBezierShape";
    3191             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_TextShape                  = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.TextShape";
    3192             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_GraphicObjectShape         = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.GraphicObjectShape";
    3193             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_OLE2Shape                  = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.OLE2Shape";
    3194             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PageShape                  = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PageShape";
    3195             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_CaptionShape               = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.CaptionShape";
    3196             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureShape               = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.MeasureShape";
    3197             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_FrameShape                 = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.FrameShape";
    3198             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ControlShape               = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ControlShape";
    3199             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorShape             = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ConnectorShape";
    3200             : const char* sUNO_service_drawing_MediaShape                 = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.MediaShape";
    3201             : 
    3202             : 
    3203       36080 : uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getSupportedServiceNames()
    3204             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3205             : {
    3206       36080 :     if( mpImpl->mpMaster )
    3207             :     {
    3208        7832 :         return mpImpl->mpMaster->getSupportedServiceNames();
    3209             :     }
    3210             :     else
    3211             :     {
    3212       28248 :         return _getSupportedServiceNames();
    3213             :     }
    3214             : }
    3215             : 
    3216       36080 : uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SvxShape::_getSupportedServiceNames()
    3217             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException)
    3218             : {
    3219       36080 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3220             : 
    3221       36080 :     if( && mpObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor)
    3222             :     {
    3223       35864 :         const sal_uInt16 nIdent = mpObj->GetObjIdentifier();
    3224             : 
    3225       35864 :         switch(nIdent)
    3226             :         {
    3227             :         case OBJ_GRUP:
    3228             :             {
    3229             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3230        1230 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3231             :                 {
    3232          24 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_GroupServices;
    3233             : 
    3234             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_GroupServices, 2,
    3235             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_GroupShape,
    3236          24 :                               sUNO_service_drawing_Shape );
    3237             : 
    3238          24 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_GroupServices;
    3239             :                 }
    3240             : 
    3241        1230 :                 return *pSeq;
    3242             :             }
    3243             :         case OBJ_CUSTOMSHAPE:
    3244             :             {
    3245             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3246       26722 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3247             :                 {
    3248          32 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_CustomShapeServices;
    3249             : 
    3250             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_CustomShapeServices, 13,
    3251             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_CustomShape,
    3252             :                               sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3253             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_CustomShapeProperties,
    3254             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3255             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3256             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3257             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3258             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3259             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3260             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3261             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3262             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3263             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3264             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3265          32 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3266          32 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_CustomShapeServices;
    3267             :                 }
    3268       26722 :                 return *pSeq;
    3269             :             }
    3270             :         case OBJ_LINE:
    3271             :             {
    3272             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3273         656 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3274             :                 {
    3275          16 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_LineServices;
    3276             : 
    3277             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_LineServices,14,
    3278             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineShape,
    3279             : 
    3280             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3281             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3282             : 
    3283             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3284             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3285             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3286             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3287             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3288             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3289             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3290             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3291             : 
    3292             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor,
    3293             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3294          16 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3295             : 
    3296          16 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_LineServices;
    3297             :                 }
    3298         656 :                 return *pSeq;
    3299             :             }
    3300             : 
    3301             :         case OBJ_RECT:
    3302             :             {
    3303             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3304         694 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3305             :                 {
    3306          14 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_RectServices;
    3307             : 
    3308             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_RectServices,14,
    3309             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RectangleShape,
    3310             : 
    3311             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3312             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3313             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3314             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3315             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3316             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3317             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3318             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3319             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3320             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3321             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3322             : 
    3323             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3324          14 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3325          14 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_RectServices;
    3326             :                 }
    3327         694 :                 return *pSeq;
    3328             :             }
    3329             : 
    3330             :         case OBJ_CIRC:
    3331             :         case OBJ_SECT:
    3332             :         case OBJ_CARC:
    3333             :         case OBJ_CCUT:
    3334             :             {
    3335             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3336          12 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3337             :                 {
    3338           2 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_CircServices;
    3339             : 
    3340             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_CircServices,14,
    3341             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_EllipseShape,
    3342             : 
    3343             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3344             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3345             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3346             : 
    3347             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3348             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3349             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3350             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3351             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3352             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3353             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3354             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3355             : 
    3356             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3357           2 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3358             : 
    3359           2 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_CircServices;
    3360             :                 }
    3361             : 
    3362          12 :                 return *pSeq;
    3363             :             }
    3364             : 
    3365             :         case OBJ_PATHPLIN:
    3366             :         case OBJ_PLIN:
    3367             :             {
    3368             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3369          62 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3370             :                 {
    3371           4 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_PathServices;
    3372             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_PathServices,14,
    3373             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyLineShape,
    3374             : 
    3375             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3376             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3377             : 
    3378             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor,
    3379             : 
    3380             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3381             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3382             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3383             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3384             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3385             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3386             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3387             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3388             : 
    3389             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3390           4 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3391           4 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_PathServices;
    3392             :                 }
    3393          62 :                 return *pSeq;
    3394             :             }
    3395             : 
    3396             :         case OBJ_PATHPOLY:
    3397             :         case OBJ_POLY:
    3398             :             {
    3399             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3400         880 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3401             :                 {
    3402          10 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_PolyServices;
    3403             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_PolyServices,15,
    3404             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonShape,
    3405             : 
    3406             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3407             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3408             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3409             : 
    3410             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor,
    3411             : 
    3412             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3413             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3414             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3415             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3416             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3417             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3418             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3419             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3420             : 
    3421             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3422          10 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3423             : 
    3424          10 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_PolyServices;
    3425             :                 }
    3426         880 :                 return *pSeq;
    3427             :             }
    3428             : 
    3429             :         case OBJ_FREELINE:
    3430             :         case OBJ_PATHLINE:
    3431             :             {
    3432             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3433          92 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3434             :                 {
    3435           6 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_FreeLineServices;
    3436             : 
    3437             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_FreeLineServices,15,
    3438             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_OpenBezierShape,
    3439             : 
    3440             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3441             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3442             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3443             : 
    3444             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor,
    3445             : 
    3446             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3447             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3448             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3449             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3450             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3451             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3452             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3453             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3454             : 
    3455             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3456           6 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3457             : 
    3458           6 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_FreeLineServices;
    3459             :                 }
    3460             : 
    3461          92 :                 return *pSeq;
    3462             :             }
    3463             : 
    3464             :         case OBJ_FREEFILL:
    3465             :         case OBJ_PATHFILL:
    3466             :             {
    3467             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3468        1660 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3469             :                 {
    3470          10 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_FreeFillServices;
    3471             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_FreeFillServices,15,
    3472             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ClosedBezierShape,
    3473             : 
    3474             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3475             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3476             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3477             : 
    3478             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor,
    3479             : 
    3480             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3481             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3482             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3483             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3484             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3485             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3486             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3487             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3488             : 
    3489             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3490          10 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3491             : 
    3492          10 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_FreeFillServices;
    3493             :                 }
    3494        1660 :                 return *pSeq;
    3495             :             }
    3496             : 
    3497             :         case OBJ_OUTLINETEXT:
    3498             :         case OBJ_TITLETEXT:
    3499             :         case OBJ_TEXT:
    3500             :             {
    3501             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3502        1556 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3503             :                 {
    3504          10 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_TextServices;
    3505             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_TextServices,14,
    3506             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextShape,
    3507             : 
    3508             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3509             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3510             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3511             : 
    3512             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3513             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3514             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3515             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3516             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3517             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3518             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3519             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3520             : 
    3521             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3522          10 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3523             : 
    3524          10 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_TextServices;
    3525             :                 }
    3526        1556 :                 return *pSeq;
    3527             :             }
    3528             : 
    3529             :         case OBJ_GRAF:
    3530             :             {
    3531             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3532        1892 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3533             :                 {
    3534          26 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_GrafServices;
    3535             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_GrafServices, 12,
    3536             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_GraphicObjectShape,
    3537             : 
    3538             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3539             : 
    3540             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3541             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3542             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3543             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3544             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3545             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3546             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3547             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3548             : 
    3549             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3550          26 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3551             : 
    3552          26 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_GrafServices;
    3553             :                 }
    3554        1892 :                 return *pSeq;
    3555             :             }
    3556             : 
    3557             :         case OBJ_OLE2:
    3558             :             {
    3559             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3560         344 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3561             :                 {
    3562          12 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_Ole2Services;
    3563             : 
    3564             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_Ole2Services, 12,
    3565             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_OLE2Shape,
    3566             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3567             : 
    3568             :                             // #i118485# Added Text, Shadow and Rotation
    3569             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3570             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3571             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3572             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3573             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3574             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3575             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3576             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3577             : 
    3578             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3579          12 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3580             : 
    3581          12 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_Ole2Services;
    3582             :                 }
    3583         344 :                 return *pSeq;
    3584             :             }
    3585             : 
    3586             :         case OBJ_CAPTION:
    3587             :             {
    3588             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3589           4 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3590             :                 {
    3591           2 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_CaptionServices;
    3592             : 
    3593             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_CaptionServices,14,
    3594             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_CaptionShape,
    3595             : 
    3596             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3597             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties,
    3598             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3599             : 
    3600             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3601             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3602             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3603             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3604             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3605             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3606             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3607             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3608             : 
    3609             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3610           2 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3611             : 
    3612           2 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_CaptionServices;
    3613             :                 }
    3614             : 
    3615           4 :                 return *pSeq;
    3616             :             }
    3617             : 
    3618             :         case OBJ_PAGE:
    3619             :             {
    3620             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3621           0 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3622             :                 {
    3623           0 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_PageServices;
    3624             : 
    3625             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_PageServices, 2,
    3626             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PageShape,
    3627           0 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape );
    3628             : 
    3629           0 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_PageServices;
    3630             :                 }
    3631             : 
    3632           0 :                 return *pSeq;
    3633             :             }
    3634             : 
    3635             :         case OBJ_MEASURE:
    3636             :             {
    3637             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3638           0 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3639             :                 {
    3640           0 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_MeasureServices;
    3641             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_MeasureServices,15,
    3642             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureShape,
    3643             : 
    3644             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureProperties,
    3645             : 
    3646             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3647             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3648             : 
    3649             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3650             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3651             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3652             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3653             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3654             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3655             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3656             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3657             : 
    3658             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor,
    3659             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3660           0 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3661             : 
    3662           0 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_MeasureServices;
    3663             :                 }
    3664             : 
    3665           0 :                 return *pSeq;
    3666             :             }
    3667             : 
    3668             :         case OBJ_FRAME:
    3669             :             {
    3670             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3671           0 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3672             :                 {
    3673           0 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_FrameServices;
    3674             : 
    3675             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_FrameServices, 2,
    3676             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_FrameShape,
    3677           0 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape );
    3678             : 
    3679           0 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_FrameServices;
    3680             :                 }
    3681             : 
    3682           0 :                 return *pSeq;
    3683             :             }
    3684             : 
    3685             :         case OBJ_UNO:
    3686             :             {
    3687             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3688           0 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3689             :                 {
    3690           0 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_UnoServices;
    3691             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_UnoServices, 2,
    3692             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ControlShape,
    3693           0 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape );
    3694             : 
    3695           0 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_UnoServices;
    3696             :                 }
    3697           0 :                 return *pSeq;
    3698             :             }
    3699             : 
    3700             :         case OBJ_EDGE:
    3701             :             {
    3702             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3703           0 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3704             :                 {
    3705           0 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_EdgeServices;
    3706             : 
    3707             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_EdgeServices,15,
    3708             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorShape,
    3709             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorProperties,
    3710             : 
    3711             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape,
    3712             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties,
    3713             : 
    3714             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Text,
    3715             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties,
    3716             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties,
    3717             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesComplex,
    3718             :                             sUNO_service_style_ParagraphPropertiesAsian,
    3719             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties,
    3720             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesComplex,
    3721             :                             sUNO_service_style_CharacterPropertiesAsian,
    3722             : 
    3723             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor,
    3724             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties,
    3725           0 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor);
    3726             : 
    3727           0 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_EdgeServices;
    3728             :                 }
    3729           0 :                 return *pSeq;
    3730             :             }
    3731             :         case OBJ_MEDIA:
    3732             :             {
    3733             :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3734           0 :                 if( 0 == pSeq )
    3735             :                 {
    3736           0 :                         static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_MediaServices;
    3737             : 
    3738             :                         comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_MediaServices, 2,
    3739             :                             sUNO_service_drawing_MediaShape,
    3740           0 :                             sUNO_service_drawing_Shape);
    3741             : 
    3742           0 :                         pSeq = &SvxShape_MediaServices;
    3743             :                 }
    3744           0 :                 return *pSeq;
    3745             :             }
    3746             :         }
    3747             :     }
    3748         216 :     else if( && mpObj->GetObjInventor() == FmFormInventor)
    3749             :     {
    3750             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
    3751             :         const sal_uInt16 nIdent = mpObj->GetObjIdentifier();
    3752             :         OSL_ENSURE( nIdent == OBJ_UNO, "SvxShape::_getSupportedServiceNames: FmFormInventor, but no UNO object?" );
    3753             : #endif
    3754             :         static uno::Sequence< OUString > *pSeq = 0;
    3755           2 :         if( 0 == pSeq )
    3756             :         {
    3757           2 :                 static uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShape_UnoServices;
    3758             :                 comphelper::ServiceInfoHelper::addToSequence( SvxShape_UnoServices, 2,
    3759             :                     sUNO_service_drawing_ControlShape,
    3760           2 :                     sUNO_service_drawing_Shape );
    3761             : 
    3762           2 :                 pSeq = &SvxShape_UnoServices;
    3763             :         }
    3764           2 :         return *pSeq;
    3765             :     }
    3766             :     OSL_FAIL( "SvxShape::_getSupportedServiceNames: could not determine object type!" );
    3767         274 :     uno::Sequence< OUString > aSeq;
    3768         274 :     return aSeq;
    3769             : }
    3770             : 
    3771         150 : sal_Bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) throw ( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    3772             : {
    3773         150 :     return cppu::supportsService(this, ServiceName);
    3774             : }
    3775             : 
    3776             : // XGluePointsSupplier
    3777         132 : uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getGluePoints()
    3778             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3779             : {
    3780         132 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3781         132 :     uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > xGluePoints( mxGluePoints );
    3782             : 
    3783         132 :     if( && ! )
    3784             :     {
    3785         132 :         uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > xNew( SvxUnoGluePointAccess_createInstance( mpObj.get() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    3786         132 :         mxGluePoints = xGluePoints = xNew;
    3787             :     }
    3788             : 
    3789         132 :     return xGluePoints;
    3790             : }
    3791             : 
    3792             : 
    3793             : 
    3794             : // XChild
    3795         104 : uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getParent(  )
    3796             :     throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3797             : {
    3798         104 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3799             : 
    3800         104 :     if( && mpObj->GetObjList() )
    3801             :     {
    3802         104 :         SdrObjList* pObjList = mpObj->GetObjList();
    3803             : 
    3804         104 :         switch( pObjList->GetListKind() )
    3805             :         {
    3806             :         case SDROBJLIST_GROUPOBJ:
    3807          28 :             if( pObjList->GetOwnerObj()->ISA( SdrObjGroup ) )
    3808          28 :                 return PTR_CAST( SdrObjGroup, pObjList->GetOwnerObj())->getUnoShape();
    3809           0 :             else if( pObjList->GetOwnerObj()->ISA( E3dScene ) )
    3810           0 :                 return PTR_CAST( E3dScene, pObjList->GetOwnerObj())->getUnoShape();
    3811           0 :             break;
    3812             :         case SDROBJLIST_DRAWPAGE:
    3813             :         case SDROBJLIST_MASTERPAGE:
    3814          76 :             return PTR_CAST( SdrPage, pObjList )->getUnoPage();
    3815             :         default:
    3816             :             OSL_FAIL( "SvxShape::getParent(  ): unexpected SdrObjListKind" );
    3817           0 :             break;
    3818             :         }
    3819             :     }
    3820             : 
    3821           0 :     uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xParent;
    3822           0 :     return xParent;
    3823             : }
    3824             : 
    3825             : 
    3826             : 
    3827           0 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setParent( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& )
    3828             :     throw(lang::NoSupportException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3829             : {
    3830           0 :     throw lang::NoSupportException();
    3831             : }
    3832             : 
    3833             : 
    3834             : 
    3835             : /** called from the XActionLockable interface methods on initial locking */
    3836        1466 : void SvxShape::lock()
    3837             : {
    3838        1466 : }
    3839             : 
    3840             : 
    3841             : 
    3842             : /** called from the XActionLockable interface methods on final unlock */
    3843        1466 : void SvxShape::unlock()
    3844             : {
    3845        1466 : }
    3846             : 
    3847             : 
    3848             : 
    3849             : // XActionLockable
    3850       27182 : sal_Bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::isActionLocked(  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3851             : {
    3852       27182 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3853             : 
    3854       27182 :     return mnLockCount != 0;
    3855             : }
    3856             : 
    3857             : 
    3858             : 
    3859        9788 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addActionLock(  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3860             : {
    3861        9788 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3862             : 
    3863             :     DBG_ASSERT( mnLockCount < 0xffff, "lock overflow in SvxShape!" );
    3864        9788 :     mnLockCount++;
    3865             : 
    3866        9788 :     if( mnLockCount == 1 )
    3867        9788 :         lock();
    3868        9788 : }
    3869             : 
    3870             : 
    3871             : 
    3872        9788 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removeActionLock(  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3873             : {
    3874        9788 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3875             : 
    3876             :     DBG_ASSERT( mnLockCount > 0, "lock underflow in SvxShape!" );
    3877        9788 :     mnLockCount--;
    3878             : 
    3879        9788 :     if( mnLockCount == 0 )
    3880        9788 :         unlock();
    3881        9788 : }
    3882             : 
    3883             : 
    3884             : 
    3885        5534 : void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setActionLocks( sal_Int16 nLock ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    3886             : {
    3887        5534 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3888             : 
    3889        5534 :     if( (mnLockCount == 0) && (nLock != 0) )
    3890        5534 :         unlock();
    3891             : 
    3892        5534 :     if( (mnLockCount != 0) && (nLock == 0) )
    3893           0 :         lock();
    3894             : 
    3895        5534 :     mnLockCount = (sal_uInt16)nLock;
    3896        5534 : }
    3897             : 
    3898             : 
    3899             : 
    3900        7942 : sal_Int16 SAL_CALL SvxShape::resetActionLocks(  ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    3901             : {
    3902        7942 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    3903             : 
    3904        7942 :     if( mnLockCount != 0 )
    3905        5534 :         unlock();
    3906             : 
    3907        7942 :     sal_Int16 nOldLocks = (sal_Int16)mnLockCount;
    3908        7942 :     mnLockCount = 0;
    3909             : 
    3910        7942 :     return nOldLocks;
    3911             : }
    3912             : 
    3913             : 
    3914             : 
    3915             : /** since polygon shapes can change theire kind during editing, we have
    3916             :     to recheck it here.
    3917             :     Circle shapes also change theire kind, but theire all treated equal
    3918             :     so no update is necessary.
    3919             : */
    3920      102877 : void SvxShape::updateShapeKind()
    3921             : {
    3922      102877 :     switch( mpImpl->mnObjId )
    3923             :     {
    3924             :         case OBJ_LINE:
    3925             :         case OBJ_POLY:
    3926             :         case OBJ_PLIN:
    3927             :         case OBJ_PATHLINE:
    3928             :         case OBJ_PATHFILL:
    3929             :         case OBJ_FREELINE:
    3930             :         case OBJ_FREEFILL:
    3931             :         case OBJ_PATHPOLY:
    3932             :         case OBJ_PATHPLIN:
    3933             :         {
    3934       11971 :             const sal_uInt32 nId = mpObj->GetObjIdentifier();
    3935             : 
    3936       11971 :             if( nId != mpImpl->mnObjId )
    3937             :             {
    3938         616 :                 mpImpl->mnObjId = nId;
    3939             : 
    3940             :             }
    3941       11971 :             break;
    3942             :         }
    3943             :     }
    3944      102877 : }
    3945             : 
    3946       28118 : SvxShapeText::SvxShapeText( SdrObject* pObject ) throw ()
    3947       28118 : : SvxShape( pObject, getSvxMapProvider().GetMap(SVXMAP_TEXT), getSvxMapProvider().GetPropertySet(SVXMAP_TEXT, SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool()) ), SvxUnoTextBase( ImplGetSvxUnoOutlinerTextCursorSvxPropertySet() )
    3948             : {
    3949       28118 :     if( pObject && pObject->GetModel() )
    3950       12207 :         SetEditSource( new SvxTextEditSource( pObject, 0 ) );
    3951       28118 : }
    3952             : 
    3953             : 
    3954       58248 : SvxShapeText::SvxShapeText( SdrObject* pObject, const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pPropertyMap, const SvxItemPropertySet* pPropertySet ) throw ()
    3955       58248 : : SvxShape( pObject, pPropertyMap, pPropertySet ), SvxUnoTextBase( ImplGetSvxUnoOutlinerTextCursorSvxPropertySet() )
    3956             : {
    3957       58248 :     if( pObject && pObject->GetModel() )
    3958       30132 :         SetEditSource( new SvxTextEditSource( pObject, 0 ) );
    3959       58248 : }
    3960             : 
    3961             : 
    3962      113978 : SvxShapeText::~SvxShapeText() throw ()
    3963             : {
    3964             :     // check if only this instance is registered at the ranges
    3965             :     DBG_ASSERT( (NULL == GetEditSource()) || (GetEditSource()->getRanges().size()==1),
    3966             :         "svx::SvxShapeText::~SvxShapeText(), text shape with living text ranges destroyed!");
    3967      113978 : }
    3968             : 
    3969       40085 : void SvxShapeText::Create( SdrObject* pNewObj, SvxDrawPage* pNewPage )
    3970             : {
    3971       40085 :     if( pNewObj && (NULL == GetEditSource()))
    3972       40081 :         SetEditSource( new SvxTextEditSource( pNewObj, 0 ) );
    3973       40085 :     SvxShape::Create( pNewObj, pNewPage );
    3974       40085 : }
    3975             : 
    3976             : // XInterface
    3977             : 
    3978     1034494 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::queryInterface( const uno::Type & rType )
    3979             :     throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    3980             : {
    3981     1034494 :     return SvxShape::queryInterface( rType );
    3982             : }
    3983             : 
    3984             : 
    3985             : 
    3986     1404404 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::queryAggregation( const uno::Type & rType )
    3987             :     throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    3988             : {
    3989     1404404 :     uno::Any aAny( SvxShape::queryAggregation( rType ) );
    3990     1404404 :     if( aAny.hasValue() )
    3991     1340240 :         return aAny;
    3992             : 
    3993       64164 :     return SvxUnoTextBase::queryAggregation( rType );
    3994             : }
    3995             : 
    3996             : 
    3997             : 
    3998     4041893 : void SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::acquire() throw()
    3999             : {
    4000     4041893 :     SvxShape::acquire();
    4001     4041893 : }
    4002             : 
    4003             : 
    4004     4041591 : void SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::release() throw()
    4005             : {
    4006     4041591 :     SvxShape::release();
    4007     4041591 : }
    4008             : 
    4009             : // XServiceInfo
    4010             : 
    4011           0 : OUString SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getImplementationName() throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    4012             : {
    4013           0 :     static OUString aServiceName("SvxShapeText");
    4014           0 :     return aServiceName;
    4015             : }
    4016             : 
    4017             : 
    4018       34096 : uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getSupportedServiceNames() throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    4019             : {
    4020       34096 :     return SvxShape::getSupportedServiceNames();
    4021             : }
    4022             : 
    4023             : 
    4024        7682 : sal_Bool SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) throw ( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    4025             : {
    4026        7682 :     return cppu::supportsService(static_cast<SvxShape*>(this), ServiceName);
    4027             : }
    4028             : 
    4029             :     // XTypeProvider
    4030             : 
    4031           0 : uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getTypes()
    4032             :     throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    4033             : {
    4034           0 :     return SvxShape::getTypes();
    4035             : }
    4036             : 
    4037      319176 : sal_Int64 SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) \
    4038             : {
    4039      319176 :     const sal_Int64 nReturn = SvxShape::getSomething( rId );
    4040      319176 :     if( nReturn )
    4041      272656 :         return nReturn;
    4042             : 
    4043       46520 :     return SvxUnoTextBase::getSomething( rId );
    4044             : }
    4045             : 
    4046             : 
    4047           0 : uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getImplementationId()
    4048             :     throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    4049             : {
    4050           0 :     return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
    4051             : }
    4052             : 
    4053             : 
    4054             : 
    4055             : /** called from the XActionLockable interface methods on initial locking */
    4056        8322 : void SvxShapeText::lock()
    4057             : {
    4058        8322 :     SvxTextEditSource* pEditSource = static_cast<SvxTextEditSource*>(GetEditSource());
    4059        8322 :     if( pEditSource )
    4060        8322 :         pEditSource->lock();
    4061        8322 : }
    4062             : 
    4063             : 
    4064             : 
    4065             : /** called from the XActionLockable interface methods on final unlock */
    4066       19390 : void SvxShapeText::unlock()
    4067             : {
    4068       19390 :     SvxTextEditSource* pEditSource = static_cast<SvxTextEditSource*>(GetEditSource());
    4069       19390 :     if( pEditSource )
    4070       19390 :         pEditSource->unlock();
    4071       19390 : }
    4072             : 
    4073             : // ::com::sun::star::text::XTextRange
    4074           2 : uno::Reference< text::XTextRange > SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getStart() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4075             : {
    4076           2 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    4077           2 :     SvxTextForwarder* pForwarder = mpEditSource ? mpEditSource->GetTextForwarder() : NULL;
    4078           2 :     if( pForwarder )
    4079           2 :         ::GetSelection( maSelection, pForwarder );
    4080           2 :     return SvxUnoTextBase::getStart();
    4081             : 
    4082             : }
    4083             : 
    4084           4 : uno::Reference< text::XTextRange > SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getEnd() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4085             : {
    4086           4 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    4087           4 :     SvxTextForwarder* pForwarder = mpEditSource ? mpEditSource->GetTextForwarder() : NULL;
    4088           4 :     if( pForwarder )
    4089           4 :         ::GetSelection( maSelection, pForwarder );
    4090           4 :     return SvxUnoTextBase::getEnd();
    4091             : }
    4092             : 
    4093        3006 : OUString SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::getString() throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4094             : {
    4095        3006 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    4096        3006 :     SvxTextForwarder* pForwarder = mpEditSource ? mpEditSource->GetTextForwarder() : NULL;
    4097        3006 :     if( pForwarder )
    4098        3006 :         ::GetSelection( maSelection, pForwarder );
    4099        3006 :     return SvxUnoTextBase::getString();
    4100             : }
    4101             : 
    4102             : 
    4103       14393 : void SAL_CALL SvxShapeText::setString( const OUString& aString ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4104             : {
    4105       14393 :     ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    4106       14393 :     SvxTextForwarder* pForwarder = mpEditSource ? mpEditSource->GetTextForwarder() : NULL;
    4107       14393 :     if( pForwarder )
    4108       14393 :         ::GetSelection( maSelection, pForwarder );
    4109       14393 :     SvxUnoTextBase::setString( aString );
    4110       14393 : }
    4111             : 
    4112             : // overide these for special property handling in subcasses. Return true if property is handled
    4113     1021896 : bool SvxShapeText::setPropertyValueImpl( const OUString& rName, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4114             : {
    4115             :     // HACK-fix #99090#
    4116             :     // since SdrTextObj::SetVerticalWriting exchanges
    4118             :     // we have to set the textdirection here
    4119             : 
    4120     1021896 :     if( pProperty->nWID == SDRATTR_TEXTDIRECTION )
    4121             :     {
    4122         896 :         SdrTextObj* pTextObj = dynamic_cast< SdrTextObj* >( mpObj.get() );
    4123         896 :         if( pTextObj )
    4124             :         {
    4125             :             com::sun::star::text::WritingMode eMode;
    4126         896 :             if( rValue >>= eMode )
    4127             :             {
    4128         896 :                 pTextObj->SetVerticalWriting( eMode == com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_TB_RL );
    4129             :             }
    4130             :         }
    4131         896 :         return true;
    4132             :     }
    4133     1021000 :     return SvxShape::setPropertyValueImpl( rName, pProperty, rValue );
    4134             : }
    4135             : 
    4136       45542 : bool SvxShapeText::getPropertyValueImpl( const OUString& rName, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4137             : {
    4138       45542 :     if( pProperty->nWID == SDRATTR_TEXTDIRECTION )
    4139             :     {
    4140        1414 :         SdrTextObj* pTextObj = dynamic_cast< SdrTextObj* >( mpObj.get() );
    4141        1414 :         if( pTextObj && pTextObj->IsVerticalWriting() )
    4142           0 :             rValue <<= com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_TB_RL;
    4143             :         else
    4144        1414 :             rValue <<= com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_LR_TB;
    4145        1414 :         return true;
    4146             :     }
    4147             : 
    4148       44128 :     return SvxShape::getPropertyValueImpl( rName, pProperty, rValue );
    4149             : }
    4150             : 
    4151       19086 : bool SvxShapeText::getPropertyStateImpl( const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty, ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState& rState ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    4152             : {
    4153       19086 :     return SvxShape::getPropertyStateImpl( pProperty, rState );
    4154             : }
    4155             : 
    4156           0 : bool SvxShapeText::setPropertyToDefaultImpl( const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pProperty ) throw(::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    4157             : {
    4158           0 :     return SvxShape::setPropertyToDefaultImpl( pProperty );
    4159             : }
    4160             : 
    4161       14716 : SvxShapeRect::SvxShapeRect( SdrObject* pObj ) throw()
    4162       14716 : : SvxShapeText( pObj, getSvxMapProvider().GetMap(SVXMAP_SHAPE), getSvxMapProvider().GetPropertySet(SVXMAP_SHAPE, SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool()))
    4163             : {
    4164       14716 : }
    4165             : 
    4166       29428 : SvxShapeRect::~SvxShapeRect() throw()
    4167             : {
    4168       29428 : }
    4169             : 
    4170      129803 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::queryInterface( const uno::Type & rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4171             : {
    4172      129803 :     return SvxShapeText::queryInterface( rType );
    4173             : }
    4174             : 
    4175      135995 : uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::queryAggregation( const uno::Type & rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    4176             : {
    4177      135995 :     return SvxShapeText::queryAggregation( rType );
    4178             : }
    4179             : 
    4180      431490 : void SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::acquire() throw()
    4181             : {
    4182      431490 :     OWeakAggObject::acquire();
    4183      431490 : }
    4184             : 
    4185      431450 : void SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::release() throw()
    4186             : {
    4187      431450 :     OWeakAggObject::release();
    4188      431450 : }
    4189             : 
    4190             : // XServiceInfo
    4191             : 
    4192         694 : uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShapeRect::getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
    4193             : {
    4194         694 :     return SvxShape::getSupportedServiceNames();
    4195             : }
    4196             : 
    4197             : /** returns a StarOffice API wrapper for the given SdrObject */
    4198       17050 : uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > GetXShapeForSdrObject( SdrObject* pObj ) throw ()
    4199             : {
    4200       17050 :     uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( pObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    4201       17050 :     return xShape;
    4202             : }
    4203             : 
    4204             : /** returns the SdrObject from the given StarOffice API wrapper */
    4205       67749 : SdrObject* GetSdrObjectFromXShape( uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape ) throw()
    4206             : {
    4207       67749 :     SvxShape* pShape = SvxShape::getImplementation( xShape );
    4208       67749 :     return pShape ? pShape->GetSdrObject() : 0;
    4209             : }
    4210             : 
    4211             : 
    4212             : 
    4213         130 : SdrObject* SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& xInt )
    4214             : {
    4215         130 :     SvxShape* pSvxShape = SvxShape::getImplementation( xInt );
    4216         130 :     return pSvxShape ? pSvxShape->GetSdrObject() : 0;
    4217             : }
    4218             : 
    4219      108054 : uno::Any SvxItemPropertySet_getPropertyValue( const SvxItemPropertySet& rPropSet, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
    4220             : {
    4221      108054 :     if(!pMap || !pMap->nWID)
    4222           0 :         return uno::Any();
    4223             : 
    4224             :     // Check is for items that store either metric values if thei are positiv or percentage if thei are negativ.
    4225      108054 :     bool bDontConvertNegativeValues = ( pMap->nWID == XATTR_FILLBMP_SIZEX || pMap->nWID == XATTR_FILLBMP_SIZEY );
    4226      108054 :     return rPropSet.getPropertyValue( pMap, rSet, (pMap->nWID != SDRATTR_XMLATTRIBUTES), bDontConvertNegativeValues );
    4227             : }
    4228             : 
    4229     1025416 : void SvxItemPropertySet_setPropertyValue( const SvxItemPropertySet& rPropSet, const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pMap, const uno::Any& rVal, SfxItemSet& rSet )
    4230             : {
    4231     1025416 :     if(!pMap || !pMap->nWID)
    4232     1025416 :         return;
    4233             : 
    4234     1025416 :     bool bDontConvertNegativeValues = ( pMap->nWID == XATTR_FILLBMP_SIZEX || pMap->nWID == XATTR_FILLBMP_SIZEY );
    4235     1025416 :     rPropSet.setPropertyValue( pMap, rVal, rSet, bDontConvertNegativeValues );
    4236         651 : }
    4237             : 
    4238             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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