Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
21 :
22 : #include <tools/rtti.hxx>
23 : #include <swtypes.hxx>
24 : #include <swrect.hxx>
25 : #include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
26 :
27 : class SdrObject;
28 : class SwFrm;
29 : class SwLayoutFrm;
30 : class SwTxtFrm;
31 :
32 : class SwPageFrm;
33 : class SwObjPositioningInProgress;
34 :
35 : class SwFrmFmt;
36 : class SwFmtAnchor;
37 :
38 : /** wrapper class for the positioning of Writer fly frames and drawing objects
39 :
40 : Purpose of this class is to provide a unified interface for the positioning
41 : of Writer fly frames (derived classes of <SwFlyFrm>) and of drawing objects
42 : (derived classes of <SwDrawFrm>).
43 :
44 : @author OD
45 : */
46 : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwAnchoredObject
47 : {
48 : private:
49 : // drawing object representing the anchored object in the drawing layer
50 : SdrObject* mpDrawObj;
51 : // frame the object is anchored at
52 : SwFrm* mpAnchorFrm;
53 : // #i28701 - page frame the object is registered at
54 : // note: no page frame for as-character anchored objects
55 : SwPageFrm* mpPageFrm;
56 : // current relative position (relative to anchor position of anchor frame)
57 : Point maRelPos;
58 :
59 : // for to-character anchored objects:
60 : // Last known anchor character rectangle.
61 : // Used to decide, if invalidation has to been performed, if anchor position
62 : // has changed, and used to position object.
63 : SwRect maLastCharRect;
64 :
65 : // for to-character anchored objects:
66 : // Last known top of line, in which the anchor character is in.
67 : // Used to decide, if invalidation has to been performed, if anchor position
68 : // has changed, and used to position object.
69 : SwTwips mnLastTopOfLine;
70 :
71 : // for to-paragraph and to-character anchored objects:
72 : // Layout frame vertical position is orient at - typically its the upper
73 : // of the anchor frame, but it could also by the upper of a follow or
74 : // a following layout frame in the text flow.
75 : const SwLayoutFrm* mpVertPosOrientFrm;
76 :
77 : // i#i28701 boolean, indicating that the object
78 : // positioning algorithm is in progress.
79 : bool mbPositioningInProgress;
80 :
81 : // Booleans needed for the layout process.
82 : // Values only of relevance for to-paragraph and to-character anchored
83 : // floating screen object, for whose the 'straight-forward positioning
84 : // process are applied
85 : // Otherwise value of <mbConsiderForTextWrap> is treated as <true>,
86 : // value of <mbPositionLocked> is treated as <false> and
87 : // value of <mbRestartLayoutProcess> is treated as <false>.
88 : // i#35911 - add boolean <mbClearEnvironment>
89 : // Indicates that due to its position and wrapping style its layout
90 : // environment is cleared - all content is moved forward.
91 : // Treated as <false>, if not the 'straight-forward positioning process"
92 : // is applied.
93 : bool mbConsiderForTextWrap;
94 : bool mbPositionLocked;
95 : // boolean needed to keep position of
96 : // anchored object locked due to special object positioning for sections.
97 : bool mbKeepPositionLockedForSection;
98 :
99 : bool mbRestartLayoutProcess;
100 : bool mbClearedEnvironment;
101 :
102 : // i#i3317 - boolean, indicating that temporarly
103 : // the wrapping style influence of the anchored object has to be
104 : // considered during its positioning.
105 : // This boolean is used, if compatibility option 'Consider wrapping style
106 : // influence on object positioning' is OFF and a positioning loop is
107 : // detected in method <SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeAll()> or method
108 : // <SwAnchoredDrawObject::_MakeObjPosAnchoredAtPara()>.
109 : // The boolean is reset to <false>, when the layout process for a
110 : // page frame starts.
111 : bool mbTmpConsiderWrapInfluence;
112 :
113 : mutable SwRect maObjRectWithSpaces;
114 : mutable bool mbObjRectWithSpacesValid;
115 : mutable SwRect maLastObjRect;
116 :
117 : /** method to indicate, that positioning of anchored object is in progress
118 :
119 : note: method is implemented empty
120 :
121 : @author OD
122 : */
123 : friend class SwObjPositioningInProgress;
124 40022 : inline void SetPositioningInProgress( const bool _bPosInProgress )
125 : {
126 40022 : mbPositioningInProgress = _bPosInProgress;
127 40022 : }
128 :
129 : /** check anchor character rectangle
130 :
131 : helper method for method <CheckCharRectAndTopOfLine()>
132 : For to-character anchored Writer fly frames the member <maLastCharRect>
133 : is updated. This is checked for change and depending on the applied
134 : positioning, it's decided, if the Writer fly frame has to be invalidated.
135 : improvement - add second parameter <_rAnchorCharFrm>
136 :
137 : @author OD
138 :
139 : @param _rAnch
140 : input parameter - reference to anchor position
141 :
142 : @param _rAnchorCharFrm
143 : input parameter - reference to the text frame containing the anchor
144 : character.
145 : */
146 : void _CheckCharRect( const SwFmtAnchor& _rAnch,
147 : const SwTxtFrm& _rAnchorCharFrm );
148 :
149 : /** check top of line
150 :
151 : helper method for method <CheckCharRectAndTopOfLine()>
152 : For to-character anchored Writer fly frames the member <mnLastTopOfLine>
153 : is updated. This is checked for change and depending on the applied
154 : positioning, it's decided, if the Writer fly frame has to be invalidated.
155 :
156 : @author OD
157 :
158 : @param _rAnch
159 : input parameter - reference to anchor position
160 :
161 : @param _rAnchorCharFrm
162 : input parameter - reference to the text frame containing the anchor
163 : character.
164 : */
165 : void _CheckTopOfLine( const SwFmtAnchor& _rAnch,
166 : const SwTxtFrm& _rAnchorCharFrm );
167 :
168 : // method <sw_HideObj(..)> sets needed data structure values for the
169 : // object positioning
170 : friend bool sw_HideObj( const SwTxtFrm& _rFrm,
171 : const RndStdIds _eAnchorType,
172 : const sal_Int32 _nObjAnchorPos,
173 : SwAnchoredObject* _pAnchoredObj );
174 : protected:
175 : SwAnchoredObject();
176 :
177 : void SetVertPosOrientFrm( const SwLayoutFrm& _rVertPosOrientFrm );
178 :
179 : /** method to assure that anchored object is registered at the correct
180 : page frame
181 :
182 : @author OD
183 : */
184 : virtual void RegisterAtCorrectPage() = 0;
185 :
186 : /** method to indicate, that anchored object is attached to a anchor frame
187 :
188 : @author OD
189 : */
190 : virtual void ObjectAttachedToAnchorFrame();
191 :
192 : /** method to determine, if other anchored objects, also attached at
193 : to the anchor frame, have to consider its wrap influence.
194 :
195 : @author OD
196 : */
197 : bool ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOfOtherObjs() const;
198 :
199 : /** method to apply temporary consideration of wrapping style influence
200 : to the anchored objects, which are anchored at the same anchor frame
201 :
202 : @author OD
203 : */
204 : void SetTmpConsiderWrapInfluenceOfOtherObjs( const bool bTmpConsiderWrapInfluence );
205 :
206 : virtual bool _SetObjTop( const SwTwips _nTop) = 0;
207 : virtual bool _SetObjLeft( const SwTwips _nLeft) = 0;
208 :
209 : virtual const SwRect GetObjBoundRect() const = 0;
210 : public:
211 : TYPEINFO();
212 :
213 : virtual ~SwAnchoredObject();
214 :
215 : // accessors to member <mpDrawObj>
216 : void SetDrawObj( SdrObject& _rDrawObj );
217 7237128 : const SdrObject* GetDrawObj() const { return mpDrawObj;}
218 545969 : SdrObject* DrawObj() { return mpDrawObj;}
219 :
220 : // accessors to member <mpAnchorFrm>
221 1119403 : const SwFrm* GetAnchorFrm() const { return mpAnchorFrm;}
222 459896 : SwFrm* AnchorFrm() { return mpAnchorFrm;}
223 : void ChgAnchorFrm( SwFrm* _pNewAnchorFrm );
224 : /** determine anchor frame containing the anchor position
225 :
226 : the anchor frame, which is determined, is <mpAnchorFrm>
227 : for an at-page, at-frame or at-paragraph anchored object
228 : and the anchor character frame for an at-character and as-character
229 : anchored object.
230 :
231 : @author OD
232 : */
233 : SwFrm* GetAnchorFrmContainingAnchPos();
234 :
235 533154 : SwPageFrm* GetPageFrm() { return mpPageFrm;}
236 25883 : const SwPageFrm* GetPageFrm() const { return mpPageFrm;}
237 : void SetPageFrm( SwPageFrm* _pNewPageFrm );
238 :
239 : /** method to determine the page frame, on which the 'anchor' of
240 : the given anchored object is.
241 :
242 : Adjust meaning of method and thus its name: If the anchored object
243 : or its anchor isn't correctly inserted in the layout, no page frame
244 : can be found. Thus, the return type changed to be a pointer and can
245 : be NULL.
246 :
247 : @author OD
248 :
249 : @param _rAnchoredObj
250 : input parameter - anchored object, for which the page frame of its
251 : 'anchor' has to be determined.
252 :
253 : @return SwPageFrm&
254 : page frame, the 'anchor' of the given anchored object is on
255 : */
256 : SwPageFrm* FindPageFrmOfAnchor();
257 :
258 : /** get frame, which contains the anchor character, if the object
259 : is anchored at-character or as-character.
260 :
261 : @author OD
262 :
263 : @return SwTxtFrm*
264 : text frame containing the anchor character. It's NULL, if the object
265 : isn't anchored at-character resp. as-character.
266 : */
267 : SwTxtFrm* FindAnchorCharFrm();
268 :
269 : // accessors to data of position calculation:
270 : // frame vertical position is orient at
271 69771 : const SwLayoutFrm* GetVertPosOrientFrm() const
272 : {
273 69771 : return mpVertPosOrientFrm;
274 : }
275 : // method to clear member <mpVertPosOrientFrm>
276 : void ClearVertPosOrientFrm();
277 :
278 : /** check anchor character rectangle and top of line
279 :
280 : For to-character anchored Writer fly frames the members <maLastCharRect>
281 : and <maLastTopOfLine> are updated. These are checked for change and
282 : depending on the applied positioning, it's decided, if the Writer fly
283 : frame has to be invalidated.
284 :
285 : @author OD
286 :
287 : @param _bCheckForParaPorInf
288 : input parameter - boolean indicating, if check on paragraph portion
289 : information has to be done.
290 : */
291 : void CheckCharRectAndTopOfLine( const bool _bCheckForParaPorInf = true );
292 :
293 : // accessors to member <maLastCharRect>
294 3896 : const SwRect& GetLastCharRect() const { return maLastCharRect;}
295 : SwTwips GetRelCharX( const SwFrm* pFrm ) const;
296 : SwTwips GetRelCharY( const SwFrm* pFrm ) const;
297 : void AddLastCharY( long nDiff );
298 : void ResetLastCharRectHeight();
299 :
300 : // accessor to member <nmLastTopOfLine>
301 3804 : SwTwips GetLastTopOfLine() const { return mnLastTopOfLine;}
302 : void AddLastTopOfLineY( SwTwips _nDiff );
303 :
304 : /** reset members <maLastCharRect> and <mnLastTopOfLine>
305 :
306 : @author OD
307 : */
308 : void ClearCharRectAndTopOfLine();
309 :
310 : /** method to determine position for the object and set the position
311 : at the object
312 :
313 : @author OD
314 : */
315 : virtual void MakeObjPos() = 0;
316 :
317 : /** is positioning of anchored object in progress
318 :
319 : @author OD
320 : */
321 83337 : inline bool IsPositioningInProgress() const
322 : {
323 83337 : return mbPositioningInProgress;
324 : }
325 :
326 : /** method to determine, if invalidation of position is allowed
327 :
328 : @author OD
329 : */
330 : bool InvalidationOfPosAllowed() const;
331 :
332 : /** method to invalidate position of the anchored object
333 :
334 : @author OD
335 : */
336 : virtual void InvalidateObjPos() = 0;
337 :
338 : /** method to perform necessary invalidations for the positioning of
339 : objects, for whose the wrapping style influence has to be considered
340 : on the object positioning.
341 :
342 : @author OD
343 : */
344 : void InvalidateObjPosForConsiderWrapInfluence( const bool _bNotifyBackgrd );
345 :
346 : /** method to trigger notification of 'background'
347 :
348 : @author OD
349 : */
350 : virtual void NotifyBackground( SwPageFrm* _pPageFrm,
351 : const SwRect& _rRect,
352 : PrepareHint _eHint ) = 0;
353 :
354 : // accessors to the current relative position (relative to anchor
355 : // position of anchor frame)
356 19599 : const Point GetCurrRelPos() const { return maRelPos;}
357 : void SetCurrRelPos( Point _aRelPos );
358 :
359 : // accessors to the format
360 : virtual SwFrmFmt& GetFrmFmt() = 0;
361 : virtual const SwFrmFmt& GetFrmFmt() const = 0;
362 :
363 : // accessors to the object area and its position
364 : virtual const SwRect GetObjRect() const = 0;
365 :
366 : void SetObjTop( const SwTwips _nTop);
367 : void SetObjLeft( const SwTwips _nLeft);
368 :
369 : /** method update layout direction the layout direction, the anchored
370 : object is assigned to
371 :
372 : method has typically to be called, if the anchored object gets its
373 : anchor frame assigned and if the anchor frame changes its layout direction
374 :
375 : @author OD
376 : */
377 : virtual void UpdateLayoutDir();
378 :
379 : /** method to determine object area inclusive its spacing
380 :
381 : @author OD
382 : */
383 : const SwRect& GetObjRectWithSpaces() const;
384 :
385 21266 : inline void InvalidateObjRectWithSpaces() const
386 : {
387 21266 : mbObjRectWithSpacesValid = false;
388 21266 : }
389 :
390 : /** method to determine, if wrapping style influence of the anchored
391 : object has to be considered on the object positioning
392 :
393 : Note: result of this method also decides, if the boolean for the
394 : layout process are of relevance.
395 :
396 : @author OD
397 : */
398 : bool ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOnObjPos() const;
399 :
400 : // accessors to booleans for layout process
401 : bool ConsiderForTextWrap() const;
402 : void SetConsiderForTextWrap( const bool _bConsiderForTextWrap );
403 : bool PositionLocked() const;
404 1748 : inline void LockPosition()
405 : {
406 1748 : mbPositionLocked = true;
407 1748 : }
408 22958 : inline void UnlockPosition()
409 : {
410 22958 : if ( !mbKeepPositionLockedForSection )
411 : {
412 22956 : mbPositionLocked = false;
413 : }
414 22958 : }
415 :
416 8 : inline void SetKeepPosLocked( const bool _bKeepPosLocked )
417 : {
418 8 : mbKeepPositionLockedForSection = _bKeepPosLocked;
419 8 : }
420 :
421 : bool RestartLayoutProcess() const;
422 : void SetRestartLayoutProcess( const bool _bRestartLayoutProcess );
423 : // accessors for <mbClearedEnvironment>
424 : bool ClearedEnvironment() const;
425 : void SetClearedEnvironment( const bool _bClearedEnvironment );
426 :
427 : // reset booleans for layout process
428 27654 : inline void ResetLayoutProcessBools()
429 : {
430 27654 : mbPositioningInProgress = false;
431 27654 : mbConsiderForTextWrap = false;
432 27654 : mbPositionLocked = false;
433 27654 : mbKeepPositionLockedForSection = false;
434 27654 : mbRestartLayoutProcess = false;
435 27654 : mbClearedEnvironment = false;
436 27654 : mbTmpConsiderWrapInfluence = false;
437 27654 : }
438 :
439 : /** method to determine, if due to anchored object size and wrapping
440 : style, its layout environment is cleared.
441 :
442 : @author OD
443 : */
444 : bool HasClearedEnvironment() const;
445 :
446 : /** method to update anchored object in the <SwSortedObjs> lists
447 :
448 : Method is not proposed to be called during a layout process is
449 : running. It has been used on the change of the anchored object
450 : attributes, which belongs the sort criteria of <SwSortedObjs>.
451 : If document compatibility option 'Consider wrapping style influence
452 : on object positioning' is ON, additionally all anchored objects
453 : at the anchor frame and all following anchored objects on the page
454 : frame are invalidated.
455 :
456 : @author OD
457 : */
458 : void UpdateObjInSortedList();
459 :
460 : /** method to determine, if a format on the anchored object is possible
461 :
462 : A format isn't possible, if anchored object is in an invisible layer.
463 : Note: method is virtual to refine the conditions for the sub-classes.
464 :
465 : @author OD
466 : */
467 : virtual bool IsFormatPossible() const;
468 :
469 : // accessors to member <mbTmpConsiderWrapInfluence>
470 : void SetTmpConsiderWrapInfluence( const bool _bTmpConsiderWrapInfluence );
471 1094171 : bool IsTmpConsiderWrapInfluence() const { return mbTmpConsiderWrapInfluence;}
472 :
473 : /** method to determine, if the anchored object is overlapping with a
474 : previous column
475 :
476 : overlapping with a previous column means, that the object overlaps
477 : with a column, which is a previous one of the column its anchor
478 : frame is in.
479 : Only applied for at-paragraph and at-character anchored objects.
480 :
481 : @author OD
482 : */
483 : bool OverlapsPrevColumn() const;
484 :
485 : /** method to determine position of anchored object relative to
486 : anchor frame
487 :
488 : Usage: Needed layout information for WW8 export
489 :
490 : @author OD
491 :
492 : @return Point - determined relative position
493 : */
494 : Point GetRelPosToAnchorFrm() const;
495 :
496 : /** method to determine position of anchored object relative to
497 : page frame
498 :
499 : Usage: Needed layout information for WW8 export
500 :
501 : If <_bFollowTextFlow> is set and object is anchored inside table,
502 : the position relative to the table cell is determined. Output
503 : parameter <_obRelToTableCell> reflects this situation
504 :
505 : @author OD
506 :
507 : @param _bFollowTextFlow
508 : input parameter - boolean indicating, if the anchored object has to
509 : follow the text flow.
510 :
511 : @param _obRelToTableCell
512 : output parameter - boolean indicating, the determine position is
513 : relative to the table cell
514 :
515 : @return Point - determined relative position
516 : */
517 : Point GetRelPosToPageFrm( const bool _bFollowTextFlow,
518 : bool& _obRelToTableCell ) const;
519 :
520 : /** method to determine position of anchored object relative to
521 : anchor character
522 :
523 : Usage: Needed layout information for WW8 export
524 :
525 : @author OD
526 :
527 : @return Point - determined relative position
528 : */
529 : Point GetRelPosToChar() const;
530 :
531 : /** method to determine position of anchored object relative to
532 : top of line
533 :
534 : Usage: Needed layout information for WW8 export
535 :
536 : @author OD
537 :
538 : @return Point - determined relative position
539 : */
540 : Point GetRelPosToLine() const;
541 :
542 : /** Dump a bunch of useful data to an XML representation to ease
543 : layout understanding, debugging and testing.
544 : */
545 : virtual void dumpAsXml( xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter ) const;
546 :
547 : /** The element name to show in the XML dump.
548 : */
549 0 : virtual const char* getElementName( ) const { return "SwAnchoredObject"; }
550 : };
551 :
552 : /// Helper class for notify that positioning of an anchored object is in progress.
553 : class SwObjPositioningInProgress
554 : {
555 : private:
556 : SwAnchoredObject* mpAnchoredObj;
557 : // boolean indicating old state
558 : // of anchored object regarding positioning in progress in order to
559 : // consider nested usage of class <SwObjPositioningInProgress>
560 : bool mbOldObjPositioningInProgress;
561 :
562 : public:
563 : SwObjPositioningInProgress( SdrObject& _rSdrObj );
564 : SwObjPositioningInProgress( SwAnchoredObject& _rAnchoredObj );
565 : ~SwObjPositioningInProgress();
566 : };
567 :
568 : #endif
569 :
570 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */