LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/inc - doc.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 102 122 83.6 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 85 99 85.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : #ifndef INCLUDED_SW_INC_DOC_HXX
      20             : #define INCLUDED_SW_INC_DOC_HXX
      21             : 
      22             : // SwDoc interfaces
      23             : #include <IInterface.hxx>
      24             : #include <IDocumentMarkAccess.hxx>
      25             : #include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp>
      26             : #include <com/sun/star/embed/XStorage.hpp>
      27             : #include <vcl/timer.hxx>
      28             : #include <sal/macros.h>
      29             : #include "swdllapi.h"
      30             : #include <swtypes.hxx>
      31             : #include <swatrset.hxx>
      32             : #include <toxe.hxx>
      33             : #include <flyenum.hxx>
      34             : #include <flypos.hxx>
      35             : #include <itabenum.hxx>
      36             : #include <swdbdata.hxx>
      37             : #include <chcmprse.hxx>
      38             : #include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XSpellChecker1.hpp>
      39             : #include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XHyphenatedWord.hpp>
      40             : #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
      41             : #include <svl/style.hxx>
      42             : #include <editeng/numitem.hxx>
      43             : #include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XProofreadingIterator.hpp>
      44             : #include <com/sun/star/script/vba/XVBAEventProcessor.hpp>
      45             : #include <tox.hxx>
      46             : 
      47             : #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
      48             : 
      49             : #include <svtools/embedhlp.hxx>
      50             : #include <vector>
      51             : #include <set>
      52             : #include <memory>
      53             : 
      54             : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
      55             : #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
      56             : 
      57             : namespace editeng { class SvxBorderLine; }
      58             : 
      59             : class SvxForbiddenCharactersTable;
      60             : class SwExtTextInput;
      61             : class DateTime;
      62             : class EditFieldInfo;
      63             : class JobSetup;
      64             : class Color;
      65             : class Outliner;
      66             : class OutputDevice;
      67             : class Point;
      68             : class SbxArray;
      69             : class SwDrawModel;
      70             : class SdrObject;
      71             : class SdrUndoAction;
      72             : class VirtualDevice;
      73             : class SfxPrinter;
      74             : class SvNumberFormatter;
      75             : class SvxMacro;
      76             : class SvxMacroTableDtor;
      77             : class SwAutoCompleteWord;
      78             : class SwAutoCorrExceptWord;
      79             : class SwCalc;
      80             : class SwCellFrm;
      81             : class SwCharFmt;
      82             : class SwCharFmts;
      83             : class SwConditionTxtFmtColl;
      84             : class SwCrsrShell;
      85             : class SwCursor;
      86             : class SwDBNameInfField;
      87             : class SwDocShell;
      88             : class SwDocUpdtFld;
      89             : class SwDrawFrmFmt;
      90             : class SwDrawView;
      91             : class SwEditShell;
      92             : class SwFieldType;
      93             : class SwField;
      94             : class SwTxtFld;
      95             : class SwFldTypes;
      96             : class SwFlyFrmFmt;
      97             : class SwFmtsBase;
      98             : class SwFmt;
      99             : class SwFmtINetFmt;
     100             : class SwFmtRefMark;
     101             : class SwFrmFmt;
     102             : class SwFrmFmts;
     103             : class SwFtnIdxs;
     104             : class SwFtnInfo;
     105             : class SwEndNoteInfo;
     106             : class GraphicObject;
     107             : class SwGrfFmtColl;
     108             : class SwGrfFmtColls;
     109             : class SwLineNumberInfo;
     110             : class SwDBManager;
     111             : class SwNoTxtNode;
     112             : class SwNodeIndex;
     113             : class SwNodeRange;
     114             : class SwNodes;
     115             : class SwNumRule;
     116             : class SwNumRuleTbl;
     117             : class SwPageDesc;
     118             : class SwPagePreviewPrtData;
     119             : class SwRangeRedline;
     120             : class SwRedlineTbl;
     121             : class SwExtraRedlineTbl;
     122             : class SwRootFrm;
     123             : class SwRubyList;
     124             : class SwRubyListEntry;
     125             : class SwSectionFmt;
     126             : class SwSectionFmts;
     127             : class SwSectionData;
     128             : class SwSelBoxes;
     129             : class SwTOXBaseSection;
     130             : class SwTOXTypes;
     131             : class SwTabCols;
     132             : class SwTable;
     133             : class SwTableAutoFmt;
     134             : class SwTableBox;
     135             : class SwTableBoxFmt;
     136             : class SwTableFmt;
     137             : class SwTableLineFmt;
     138             : class SwTableNode;
     139             : class SwTextBlocks;
     140             : class SwTxtFmtColl;
     141             : class SwTxtFmtColls;
     142             : class SwURLStateChanged;
     143             : class SwUnoCrsr;
     144             : class SwUnoCrsrTbl;
     145             : class SwViewShell;
     146             : class _SetGetExpFld;
     147             : class SwDrawContact;
     148             : class SwLayouter;
     149             : class SdrView;
     150             : class SdrMarkList;
     151             : class SwAuthEntry;
     152             : class SwLayoutCache;
     153             : class IStyleAccess;
     154             : struct SwCallMouseEvent;
     155             : struct SwDocStat;
     156             : struct SwHash;
     157             : struct SwSortOptions;
     158             : struct SwDefTOXBase_Impl;
     159             : class SwPrintData;
     160             : class SwPrintUIOptions;
     161             : class SdrPageView;
     162             : struct SwConversionArgs;
     163             : class SwRewriter;
     164             : class SwMsgPoolItem;
     165             : class SwChartDataProvider;
     166             : class SwChartLockController_Helper;
     167             : class IGrammarContact;
     168             : class SwPrintData;
     169             : class SwRenderData;
     170             : class SwPageFrm;
     171             : class SwViewOption;
     172             : class SwList;
     173             : class IDocumentUndoRedo;
     174             : class IDocumentSettingAccess;
     175             : class IDocumentDeviceAccess;
     176             : class IDocumentDrawModelAccess;
     177             : class IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess;
     178             : class IDocumentTimerAccess;
     179             : class IDocumentLinksAdministration;
     180             : class IDocumentListItems;
     181             : class IDocumentListsAccess;
     182             : class IDocumentOutlineNodes;
     183             : class IDocumentContentOperations;
     184             : class IDocumentRedlineAccess;
     185             : class IDocumentStatistics;
     186             : class IDocumentState;
     187             : class IDocumentLayoutAccess;
     188             : class IDocumentStylePoolAccess;
     189             : class IDocumentExternalData;
     190             : class _SetGetExpFlds;
     191             : 
     192             : namespace sw { namespace mark {
     193             :     class MarkManager;
     194             : }}
     195             : namespace sw {
     196             :     class MetaFieldManager;
     197             :     class UndoManager;
     198             :     class IShellCursorSupplier;
     199             :     class DocumentSettingManager;
     200             :     class DocumentDeviceManager;
     201             :     class DocumentDrawModelManager;
     202             :     class DocumentChartDataProviderManager;
     203             :     class DocumentTimerManager;
     204             :     class DocumentLinksAdministrationManager;
     205             :     class DocumentListItemsManager;
     206             :     class DocumentListsManager;
     207             :     class DocumentOutlineNodesManager;
     208             :     class DocumentContentOperationsManager;
     209             :     class DocumentRedlineManager;
     210             :     class DocumentFieldsManager;
     211             :     class DocumentStatisticsManager;
     212             :     class DocumentStateManager;
     213             :     class DocumentLayoutManager;
     214             :     class DocumentStylePoolManager;
     215             :     class DocumentExternalDataManager;
     216             : }
     217             : 
     218             : namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
     219             : namespace i18n {
     220             :     struct ForbiddenCharacters;    //< comes from the I18N UNO interface
     221             : }
     222             : namespace uno {
     223             :     template < class > class Sequence;
     224             : }
     225             : namespace container {
     226             :     class XNameContainer; //< for getXForms()/isXForms()/initXForms() methods
     227             : }
     228             : }}}
     229             : 
     230             : namespace sfx2 {
     231             :     class SvLinkSource;
     232             :     class IXmlIdRegistry;
     233             :     class LinkManager;
     234             : }
     235             : 
     236             : // PageDescriptor-interface, Array because of inlines.
     237        5052 : class SwPageDescs : public std::vector<SwPageDesc*>
     238             : {
     239             : public:
     240             :     // the destructor will free all objects still in the vector
     241             :     ~SwPageDescs();
     242             : };
     243             : 
     244             : // forward declaration
     245             : void SetAllScriptItem( SfxItemSet& rSet, const SfxPoolItem& rItem );
     246             : 
     247             : // global function to start grammar checking in the document
     248             : void StartGrammarChecking( SwDoc &rDoc );
     249             : 
     250             : // Represents the model of a Writer document.
     251             : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDoc :
     252             :     public IInterface
     253             : {
     254             :     friend class ::sw::DocumentContentOperationsManager;
     255             : 
     256             :     friend void _InitCore();
     257             :     friend void _FinitCore();
     258             : 
     259             :     // private Member
     260             :     ::boost::scoped_ptr<SwNodes> m_pNodes;  //< document content (Nodes Array)
     261             :     SwAttrPool* mpAttrPool;             //< the attribute pool
     262             :     SwPageDescs maPageDescs;             //< PageDescriptors
     263             :     Link        maOle2Link;              //< OLE 2.0-notification
     264             :     /* @@@MAINTAINABILITY-HORROR@@@
     265             :        Timer should not be members of the model
     266             :     */
     267             :     Timer       maOLEModifiedTimer;      //< Timer for update modified OLE-Objecs
     268             :     SwDBData    maDBData;                //< database descriptor
     269             :     OUString    msTOIAutoMarkURL;        //< URL of table of index AutoMark file
     270             :     boost::ptr_vector< boost::nullable<OUString> > maPatternNms;          // Array for names of document-templates
     271             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer>
     272             :         mxXForms;                        //< container with XForms models
     273             :     mutable com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::linguistic2::XProofreadingIterator > m_xGCIterator;
     274             : 
     275             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::mark::MarkManager> mpMarkManager;
     276             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::MetaFieldManager > m_pMetaFieldManager;
     277             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentDrawModelManager > m_pDocumentDrawModelManager;
     278             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentRedlineManager > m_pDocumentRedlineManager;
     279             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentStateManager > m_pDocumentStateManager;
     280             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::UndoManager > m_pUndoManager;
     281             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentSettingManager > m_pDocumentSettingManager;
     282             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentChartDataProviderManager > m_pDocumentChartDataProviderManager;
     283             :     ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentDeviceManager > m_pDeviceAccess;
     284             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentTimerManager > m_pDocumentTimerManager;
     285             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentLinksAdministrationManager > m_pDocumentLinksAdministrationManager;
     286             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentListItemsManager > m_pDocumentListItemsManager;
     287             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentListsManager > m_pDocumentListsManager;
     288             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentOutlineNodesManager > m_pDocumentOutlineNodesManager;
     289             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentContentOperationsManager > m_pDocumentContentOperationsManager;
     290             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentFieldsManager > m_pDocumentFieldsManager;
     291             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentStatisticsManager > m_pDocumentStatisticsManager;
     292             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentLayoutManager > m_pDocumentLayoutManager;
     293             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentStylePoolManager > m_pDocumentStylePoolManager;
     294             :     const ::boost::scoped_ptr< ::sw::DocumentExternalDataManager > m_pDocumentExternalDataManager;
     295             : 
     296             :     // Pointer
     297             :     SwFrmFmt        *mpDfltFrmFmt;       //< Default formats.
     298             :     SwFrmFmt        *mpEmptyPageFmt;     //< Format for the default empty page
     299             :     SwFrmFmt        *mpColumnContFmt;    //< Format for column container
     300             :     SwCharFmt       *mpDfltCharFmt;
     301             :     SwTxtFmtColl    *mpDfltTxtFmtColl;   //< Defaultformatcollections
     302             :     SwGrfFmtColl    *mpDfltGrfFmtColl;
     303             : 
     304             :     SwFrmFmts       *mpFrmFmtTbl;        //< Format table
     305             :     SwCharFmts      *mpCharFmtTbl;
     306             :     SwFrmFmts       *mpSpzFrmFmtTbl;
     307             :     SwSectionFmts   *mpSectionFmtTbl;
     308             :     SwFrmFmts       *mpTblFrmFmtTbl;     //< For tables
     309             :     SwTxtFmtColls   *mpTxtFmtCollTbl;    //< FormatCollections
     310             :     SwGrfFmtColls   *mpGrfFmtCollTbl;
     311             : 
     312             :     SwTOXTypes      *mpTOXTypes;         //< Tables/indices
     313             :     SwDefTOXBase_Impl * mpDefTOXBases;   //< defaults of SwTOXBase's
     314             : 
     315             :     SwDBManager         *mpDBManager;            /**< Pointer to the DBManager for
     316             :                                          evaluation of DB-fields. */
     317             : 
     318             :     SwDoc           *mpGlossaryDoc;      //< Pointer to glossary-document.
     319             : 
     320             :     SwNumRule       *mpOutlineRule;
     321             :     SwFtnInfo       *mpFtnInfo;
     322             :     SwEndNoteInfo   *mpEndNoteInfo;
     323             :     SwLineNumberInfo*mpLineNumberInfo;
     324             :     SwFtnIdxs       *mpFtnIdxs;
     325             : 
     326             :     SwDocShell      *mpDocShell;         //< Ptr to SfxDocShell of Doc.
     327             :     SfxObjectShellLock mxTmpDocShell;    //< A temporary shell that is used to copy OLE-Nodes
     328             : 
     329             :     SwAutoCorrExceptWord *mpACEWord;     /**< For the automated takeover of
     330             :                                          auto-corrected words that are "re-corrected". */
     331             :     SwURLStateChanged *mpURLStateChgd;   //< SfxClient for changes in INetHistory
     332             :     SvNumberFormatter *mpNumberFormatter;//< NumFormatter for tables / fields
     333             : 
     334             :     mutable SwNumRuleTbl    *mpNumRuleTbl;   //< List of all named NumRules.
     335             : 
     336             :     // Hash map to find numrules by name
     337             :     mutable boost::unordered_map<OUString, SwNumRule *, OUStringHash> maNumRuleMap;
     338             : 
     339             :     SwUnoCrsrTbl    *mpUnoCrsrTbl;
     340             : 
     341             :     SwPagePreviewPrtData *mpPgPViewPrtData;  //< Indenting / spacing for printing of page view.
     342             :     SwPaM           *mpExtInputRing;
     343             : 
     344             :     IStyleAccess    *mpStyleAccess;  //< handling of automatic styles
     345             :     SwLayoutCache   *mpLayoutCache;  /**< Layout cache to read and save with the
     346             :                                      document for a faster formatting */
     347             : 
     348             :     IGrammarContact *mpGrammarContact;   //< for grammar checking in paragraphs during editing
     349             : 
     350             :     // table of forbidden characters of this document
     351             :     rtl::Reference<SvxForbiddenCharactersTable> mxForbiddenCharsTable;
     352             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::vba::XVBAEventProcessor > mxVbaEvents;
     353             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer> m_xTemplateToProjectCache;
     354             : 
     355             : private:
     356             :     ::std::unique_ptr< ::sfx2::IXmlIdRegistry > m_pXmlIdRegistry;
     357             : 
     358             :     // other
     359             : 
     360             :     sal_uInt16  mnUndoCnt;           //< Count of Undo Actions.
     361             :     sal_uInt16  mnUndoSttEnd;        //< != 0 -> within parentheses.
     362             : 
     363             :     sal_uInt32  mnRsid;              //< current session ID of the document
     364             :     sal_uInt32  mnRsidRoot;          //< session ID when the document was created
     365             : 
     366             :     sal_Int32   mReferenceCount;
     367             : 
     368             :     bool mbGlossDoc              : 1;    //< TRUE: glossary document.
     369             :     bool mbDtor                  : 1;    /**< TRUE: is in SwDoc DTOR.
     370             :                                                and unfortunately temorarily also in
     371             :                                                SwSwgReader::InLayout() when flawed
     372             :                                                frames need deletion. */
     373             :     bool mbCopyIsMove            : 1;    //< TRUE: Copy is a hidden Move.
     374             :     bool mbInReading             : 1;    //< TRUE: Document is in the process of being read.
     375             :     bool mbInMailMerge           : 1;    //< TRUE: Document is in the process of being written by mail merge.
     376             :     bool mbInXMLImport           : 1;    //< TRUE: During xml import, attribute portion building is not necessary.
     377             :     bool mbUpdateTOX             : 1;    //< TRUE: After loading document, update TOX.
     378             :     bool mbInLoadAsynchron       : 1;    //< TRUE: Document is in the process of being loaded asynchronously.
     379             :     bool mbIsAutoFmtRedline      : 1;    //< TRUE: Redlines are recorded by Autoformat.
     380             :     bool mbOLEPrtNotifyPending   : 1;    /**< TRUE: Printer has changed. At creation of
     381             :                                                 View
     382             :                                                 notification of OLE-Objects PrtOLENotify() is required. */
     383             :     bool mbAllOLENotify          : 1;    //< True: Notification of all objects is required.
     384             :     bool mbIsRedlineMove         : 1;    //< True: Redlines are moved into to / out of the section.
     385             :     bool mbInsOnlyTxtGlssry      : 1;    //< True: insert 'only text' glossary into doc
     386             :     bool mbContains_MSVBasic     : 1;    //< True: MS-VBasic exist is in our storage
     387             :     bool mbClipBoard             : 1;    //< TRUE: this document represents the clipboard
     388             :     bool mbColumnSelection       : 1;    /**< TRUE: this content has bee created by a column selection
     389             :                                                 (clipboard docs only) */
     390             :     bool mbIsPrepareSelAll       : 1;
     391             : 
     392             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     393             :     bool mbXMLExport : 1;                //< sal_True: during XML export
     394             : #endif
     395             : 
     396             :     // true: Document contains at least one anchored object, which is anchored AT_PAGE with a content position.
     397             :     //       Thus, certain adjustment needed during formatting for these kind of anchored objects.
     398             :     bool mbContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor : 1;
     399             : 
     400             :     static SwAutoCompleteWord *mpACmpltWords;  //< List of all words for AutoComplete
     401             : 
     402             :     // private methods
     403             :     SwFlyFrmFmt* _MakeFlySection( const SwPosition& rAnchPos,
     404             :                                 const SwCntntNode& rNode, RndStdIds eRequestId,
     405             :                                 const SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet,
     406             :                                 SwFrmFmt* = 0 );
     407             :     sal_Int8 SetFlyFrmAnchor( SwFrmFmt& rFlyFmt, SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bNewFrms );
     408             : 
     409             :     typedef SwFmt* (SwDoc:: *FNCopyFmt)( const OUString&, SwFmt*, bool, bool );
     410             :     SwFmt* CopyFmt( const SwFmt& rFmt, const SwFmtsBase& rFmtArr,
     411             :                         FNCopyFmt fnCopyFmt, const SwFmt& rDfltFmt );
     412             :     void CopyFmtArr( const SwFmtsBase& rSourceArr, SwFmtsBase& rDestArr,
     413             :                         FNCopyFmt fnCopyFmt, SwFmt& rDfltFmt );
     414             :     void CopyPageDescHeaderFooterImpl( bool bCpyHeader,
     415             :                                 const SwFrmFmt& rSrcFmt, SwFrmFmt& rDestFmt );
     416             :     SwFmt* FindFmtByName( const SwFmtsBase& rFmtArr, const OUString& rName ) const;
     417             : 
     418             :     // gcc: aFtnInfo::CopyCtor is private, therefore we too have to protect ourselves.
     419             :     SwDoc( const SwDoc &);
     420             : 
     421             :     // Database fields:
     422             :     void AddUsedDBToList( std::vector<OUString>& rDBNameList,
     423             :                           const std::vector<OUString>& rUsedDBNames );
     424             :     void AddUsedDBToList( std::vector<OUString>& rDBNameList, const OUString& rDBName );
     425             :     bool IsNameInArray( const std::vector<OUString>& rOldNames, const OUString& rName );
     426             :     void GetAllDBNames( std::vector<OUString>& rAllDBNames );
     427             :     OUString ReplaceUsedDBs( const std::vector<OUString>& rUsedDBNames,
     428             :                              const OUString& rNewName, const OUString& rFormula );
     429             :     std::vector<OUString>& FindUsedDBs( const std::vector<OUString>& rAllDBNames,
     430             :                                 const OUString& rFormula,
     431             :                                 std::vector<OUString>& rUsedDBNames );
     432             : 
     433             :     void _CreateNumberFormatter();
     434             : 
     435             :     bool _UnProtectTblCells( SwTable& rTbl );
     436             : 
     437             :     /** Create sub-documents according to the given collection.
     438             :      If no collection is given, take chapter style of the 1st level. */
     439             :     bool SplitDoc( sal_uInt16 eDocType, const OUString& rPath, bool bOutline,
     440             :                         const SwTxtFmtColl* pSplitColl, int nOutlineLevel = 0 );
     441             : 
     442             :     // Update charts of given table.
     443             :     void _UpdateCharts( const SwTable& rTbl, SwViewShell const & rVSh ) const;
     444             : 
     445             :     bool _SelectNextRubyChars( SwPaM& rPam, SwRubyListEntry& rRubyEntry,
     446             :                                 sal_uInt16 nMode );
     447             : 
     448             :     // CharTimer calls this method.
     449             :     void DoUpdateAllCharts();
     450             :     DECL_LINK( DoUpdateModifiedOLE, Timer * );
     451             : 
     452             : public:
     453             :     SwFmt *_MakeCharFmt(const OUString &, SwFmt *, bool, bool );
     454             :     SwFmt *_MakeFrmFmt(const OUString &, SwFmt *, bool, bool );
     455             : 
     456             : private:
     457             :     SwFmt *_MakeTxtFmtColl(const OUString &, SwFmt *, bool, bool );
     458             : 
     459             : private:
     460             :     bool mbReadOnly;
     461             :     OUString msDocAccTitle;
     462             : 
     463             :     void InitTOXTypes();
     464             : 
     465             : public:
     466             :     enum DocumentType {
     467             :         DOCTYPE_NATIVE,
     468             :         DOCTYPE_MSWORD              //This doc medul is come from Ms Word
     469             :         };
     470             :     DocumentType    meDocType;
     471           0 :     DocumentType    GetDocumentType(){ return meDocType; }
     472         186 :     void            SetDocumentType( DocumentType eDocType ) { meDocType = eDocType; }
     473             : 
     474             :     // Life cycle
     475             :     SwDoc();
     476             :     virtual ~SwDoc();
     477             : 
     478     2785809 :     bool IsInDtor() const { return mbDtor; }
     479             : 
     480             :     /* @@@MAINTAINABILITY-HORROR@@@
     481             :        Implementation details made public.
     482             :     */
     483     4434360 :     SwNodes      & GetNodes()       { return *m_pNodes; }
     484      401611 :     SwNodes const& GetNodes() const { return *m_pNodes; }
     485             : 
     486             :     // IInterface
     487             :     virtual sal_Int32 acquire() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     488             :     virtual sal_Int32 release() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     489             :     virtual sal_Int32 getReferenceCount() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     490             : 
     491             :     // IDocumentSettingAccess
     492             :     IDocumentSettingAccess const & getIDocumentSettingAccess() const; //The IDocumentSettingAccess interface
     493             :     IDocumentSettingAccess & getIDocumentSettingAccess();
     494             :     ::sw::DocumentSettingManager      & GetDocumentSettingManager(); //The implementation of the interface with some additional methods
     495             :     ::sw::DocumentSettingManager const& GetDocumentSettingManager() const;
     496             :     virtual sal_uInt32 getRsid() const;
     497             :     virtual void setRsid( sal_uInt32 nVal );
     498             :     virtual sal_uInt32 getRsidRoot() const;
     499             :     virtual void setRsidRoot( sal_uInt32 nVal );
     500             : 
     501             :     // IDocumentDeviceAccess
     502             :     IDocumentDeviceAccess const & getIDocumentDeviceAccess() const;
     503             :     IDocumentDeviceAccess & getIDocumentDeviceAccess();
     504             : 
     505             :     // IDocumentMarkAccess
     506             :     IDocumentMarkAccess* getIDocumentMarkAccess();
     507             :     const IDocumentMarkAccess* getIDocumentMarkAccess() const;
     508             : 
     509             :     // IDocumentRedlineAccess
     510             :     IDocumentRedlineAccess const& getIDocumentRedlineAccess() const;
     511             :     IDocumentRedlineAccess& getIDocumentRedlineAccess();
     512             : 
     513             :     ::sw::DocumentRedlineManager const& GetDocumentRedlineManager() const;
     514             :     ::sw::DocumentRedlineManager& GetDocumentRedlineManager();
     515             : 
     516             :     // IDocumentUndoRedo
     517             :     IDocumentUndoRedo      & GetIDocumentUndoRedo();
     518             :     IDocumentUndoRedo const& GetIDocumentUndoRedo() const;
     519             : 
     520             :     // IDocumentLinksAdministration
     521             :     IDocumentLinksAdministration const & getIDocumentLinksAdministration() const;
     522             :     IDocumentLinksAdministration & getIDocumentLinksAdministration();
     523             : 
     524             :     ::sw::DocumentLinksAdministrationManager const & GetDocumentLinksAdministrationManager() const;
     525             :     ::sw::DocumentLinksAdministrationManager & GetDocumentLinksAdministrationManager();
     526             : 
     527             :     // IDocumentFieldsAccess
     528             :     IDocumentFieldsAccess const & getIDocumentFieldsAccess() const;
     529             :     IDocumentFieldsAccess & getIDocumentFieldsAccess();
     530             : 
     531             :     ::sw::DocumentFieldsManager & GetDocumentFieldsManager();
     532             : 
     533             :     // IDocumentContentOperations
     534             :     IDocumentContentOperations const & getIDocumentContentOperations() const;
     535             :     IDocumentContentOperations & getIDocumentContentOperations();
     536             :     ::sw::DocumentContentOperationsManager const & GetDocumentContentOperationsManager() const;
     537             :     ::sw::DocumentContentOperationsManager & GetDocumentContentOperationsManager();
     538             : 
     539             :     virtual void SetModified(SwPaM &rPaM);
     540             :     virtual bool UpdateParRsid( SwTxtNode *pTxtNode, sal_uInt32 nVal = 0 );
     541             :     virtual bool UpdateRsid( const SwPaM &rRg, sal_Int32 nLen );
     542             : 
     543             :     // IDocumentStylePoolAccess
     544             :     IDocumentStylePoolAccess const & getIDocumentStylePoolAccess() const;
     545             :     IDocumentStylePoolAccess & getIDocumentStylePoolAccess();
     546             : 
     547             :     // SwLineNumberInfo
     548             :     virtual const SwLineNumberInfo& GetLineNumberInfo() const;
     549             :     virtual void SetLineNumberInfo(const SwLineNumberInfo& rInfo);
     550             : 
     551             :     // IDocumentStatistics
     552             :     IDocumentStatistics const & getIDocumentStatistics() const;
     553             :     IDocumentStatistics & getIDocumentStatistics();
     554             : 
     555             :     ::sw::DocumentStatisticsManager const & GetDocumentStatisticsManager() const;
     556             :     ::sw::DocumentStatisticsManager & GetDocumentStatisticsManager();
     557             : 
     558             :     // IDocumentState
     559             :     IDocumentState const & getIDocumentState() const;
     560             :     IDocumentState & getIDocumentState();
     561             : 
     562             :     // IDocumentDrawModelAccess
     563             :     DECL_LINK( AddDrawUndo, SdrUndoAction * );
     564             :     IDocumentDrawModelAccess const & getIDocumentDrawModelAccess() const;
     565             :     IDocumentDrawModelAccess & getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
     566             : 
     567             :     ::sw::DocumentDrawModelManager const & GetDocumentDrawModelManager() const;
     568             :     ::sw::DocumentDrawModelManager & GetDocumentDrawModelManager();
     569             : 
     570             :     // IDocumentLayoutAccess
     571             :     IDocumentLayoutAccess const & getIDocumentLayoutAccess() const;
     572             :     IDocumentLayoutAccess & getIDocumentLayoutAccess();
     573             : 
     574             :     ::sw::DocumentLayoutManager const & GetDocumentLayoutManager() const;
     575             :     ::sw::DocumentLayoutManager & GetDocumentLayoutManager();
     576             : 
     577             :     // IDocumentTimerAccess
     578             :     // Our own 'IdleTimer' calls the following method
     579             :     IDocumentTimerAccess const & getIDocumentTimerAccess() const;
     580             :     IDocumentTimerAccess & getIDocumentTimerAccess();
     581             : 
     582             :     // IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess
     583             :     IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess const & getIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess() const;
     584             :     IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess & getIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess();
     585             : 
     586             :     // IDocumentListItems
     587             :     IDocumentListItems const & getIDocumentListItems() const;
     588             :     IDocumentListItems & getIDocumentListItems();
     589             : 
     590             :     // IDocumentOutlineNodes
     591             :     IDocumentOutlineNodes const & getIDocumentOutlineNodes() const;
     592             :     IDocumentOutlineNodes & getIDocumentOutlineNodes();
     593             : 
     594             :     // IDocumentListsAccess
     595             :     IDocumentListsAccess const & getIDocumentListsAccess() const;
     596             :     IDocumentListsAccess & getIDocumentListsAccess();
     597             : 
     598             :     //IDocumentExternalData
     599             :     IDocumentExternalData const & getIDocumentExternalData() const;
     600             :     IDocumentExternalData & getIDocumentExternalData();
     601             : 
     602             :     //End of Interfaces
     603             : 
     604           0 :     virtual void setDocReadOnly( bool b) { mbReadOnly = b; }
     605          28 :     virtual bool getDocReadOnly() const { return mbReadOnly; }
     606         220 :     virtual void setDocAccTitle( const OUString& rTitle ) { msDocAccTitle = rTitle; }
     607          28 :     virtual const OUString getDocAccTitle() const { return msDocAccTitle; }
     608             : 
     609             :     // INextInterface here
     610             :     DECL_STATIC_LINK( SwDoc, BackgroundDone, SvxBrushItem *);
     611             :     DECL_LINK(CalcFieldValueHdl, EditFieldInfo*);
     612             : 
     613             :     // OLE ???
     614       28793 :     bool IsOLEPrtNotifyPending() const  { return mbOLEPrtNotifyPending; }
     615             :     inline void SetOLEPrtNotifyPending( bool bSet = true );
     616             :     void PrtOLENotify( bool bAll ); //All or only marked
     617             : 
     618             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     619             :     bool InXMLExport() const            { return mbXMLExport; }
     620             :     void SetXMLExport( bool bFlag )     { mbXMLExport = bFlag; }
     621             : #endif
     622             :     void SetSelAll( bool bSel )
     623             :     {
     624             :         mbIsPrepareSelAll = bSel;
     625             :     }
     626         209 :     bool IsPrepareSelAll() const { return mbIsPrepareSelAll; }
     627          18 :     void SetPrepareSelAll() { mbIsPrepareSelAll = true; }
     628             : 
     629         544 :     void SetContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor( const bool bFlag )
     630             :     {
     631         544 :         mbContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor = bFlag;
     632         544 :     }
     633       29728 :     bool DoesContainAtPageObjWithContentAnchor()
     634             :     {
     635       29728 :         return mbContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor;
     636             :     }
     637             : 
     638             :     /** Returns positions of all FlyFrames in the document.
     639             :      If a Pam-Pointer is passed the FlyFrames attached to paragraphes
     640             :      have to be surrounded completely by ::com::sun::star::awt::Selection.
     641             :      ( Start < Pos < End ) !!!
     642             :      (Required for Writers.) */
     643             :     SwPosFlyFrms GetAllFlyFmts( const SwPaM* = 0,
     644             :                         bool bDrawAlso = false,
     645             :                         bool bAsCharAlso = false ) const;
     646             : 
     647             :     // Because swrtf.cxx and define private public here now.
     648             :     SwFlyFrmFmt  *MakeFlyFrmFmt (const OUString &rFmtName, SwFrmFmt *pDerivedFrom);
     649             :     SwDrawFrmFmt *MakeDrawFrmFmt(const OUString &rFmtName, SwFrmFmt *pDerivedFrom);
     650             : 
     651             :     // From now on this interface has to be used for Flys.
     652             :     // pAnchorPos must be set, if they are not attached to pages AND
     653             :     // Anchor is not already set at valid CntntPos
     654             :     // in FlySet/FrmFmt.
     655             :     /* new parameter bCalledFromShell
     656             : 
     657             :        sal_True: An existing adjust item at pAnchorPos is propagated to
     658             :        the content node of the new fly section. That propagation only
     659             :        takes place if there is no adjust item in the paragraph style
     660             :        for the new fly section.
     661             : 
     662             :        sal_False: no propagation
     663             :     */
     664             :     SwFlyFrmFmt* MakeFlySection( RndStdIds eAnchorType,
     665             :                                  const SwPosition* pAnchorPos,
     666             :                                  const SfxItemSet* pSet = 0,
     667             :                                  SwFrmFmt *pParent = 0,
     668             :                                  bool bCalledFromShell = false );
     669             :     SwFlyFrmFmt* MakeFlyAndMove( const SwPaM& rPam, const SfxItemSet& rSet,
     670             :                                 const SwSelBoxes* pSelBoxes = 0,
     671             :                                 SwFrmFmt *pParent = 0 );
     672             : 
     673             :     //UUUU Helper that checks for unique items for DrawingLayer items of type NameOrIndex
     674             :     // and evtl. corrects that items to ensure unique names for that type. This call may
     675             :     // modify/correct entries inside of the given SfxItemSet, and it will apply a name to
     676             :     // the items in question (what is essential to make the named slots associated with
     677             :     // these items work for the UNO API and thus e.g. for ODF im/export)
     678             :     void CheckForUniqueItemForLineFillNameOrIndex(SfxItemSet& rSet);
     679             : 
     680             :     bool SetFlyFrmAttr( SwFrmFmt& rFlyFmt, SfxItemSet& rSet );
     681             : 
     682             :     bool SetFrmFmtToFly( SwFrmFmt& rFlyFmt, SwFrmFmt& rNewFmt,
     683             :                         SfxItemSet* pSet = 0, bool bKeepOrient = false );
     684             :     void SetFlyFrmTitle( SwFlyFrmFmt& rFlyFrmFmt,
     685             :                          const OUString& sNewTitle );
     686             :     void SetFlyFrmDescription( SwFlyFrmFmt& rFlyFrmFmt,
     687             :                                const OUString& sNewDescription );
     688             : 
     689             :     // Footnotes
     690             :     // Footnote information
     691       47372 :     const SwFtnInfo& GetFtnInfo() const         { return *mpFtnInfo; }
     692             :     void SetFtnInfo(const SwFtnInfo& rInfo);
     693        6070 :     const SwEndNoteInfo& GetEndNoteInfo() const { return *mpEndNoteInfo; }
     694             :     void SetEndNoteInfo(const SwEndNoteInfo& rInfo);
     695       98079 :           SwFtnIdxs& GetFtnIdxs()       { return *mpFtnIdxs; }
     696         552 :     const SwFtnIdxs& GetFtnIdxs() const { return *mpFtnIdxs; }
     697             :     // change footnotes in area
     698             :     bool SetCurFtn( const SwPaM& rPam, const OUString& rNumStr,
     699             :                     sal_uInt16 nNumber, bool bIsEndNote );
     700             : 
     701             :     /** Operations on the content of the document e.g.
     702             :         spell-checking/hyphenating/word-counting
     703             :     */
     704             :     ::com::sun::star::uno::Any
     705             :             Spell( SwPaM&, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
     706             :                             ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > &,
     707             :                    sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt, bool bGrammarCheck,
     708             :                    SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs = 0 ) const;
     709             : 
     710             :     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
     711             :         ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XHyphenatedWord >
     712             :             Hyphenate( SwPaM *pPam, const Point &rCrsrPos,
     713             :                          sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt );
     714             : 
     715             :     // count words in pam
     716             :     void CountWords( const SwPaM& rPaM, SwDocStat& rStat ) const;
     717             : 
     718             :     // Glossary Document
     719             :     void SetGlossDoc( bool bGlssDc = true ) { mbGlossDoc = bGlssDc; }
     720       10518 :     bool IsInsOnlyTextGlossary() const      { return mbInsOnlyTxtGlssry; }
     721             : 
     722             :     void Summary( SwDoc* pExtDoc, sal_uInt8 nLevel, sal_uInt8 nPara, bool bImpress );
     723             : 
     724             :     void ChangeAuthorityData(const SwAuthEntry* pNewData);
     725             : 
     726             :     bool IsInHeaderFooter( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) const;
     727             :     short GetTextDirection( const SwPosition& rPos,
     728             :                             const Point* pPt = 0 ) const;
     729             :     bool IsInVerticalText( const SwPosition& rPos,
     730             :                                const Point* pPt = 0 ) const;
     731             : 
     732             :     // Database  and DB-Manager
     733          20 :     void SetDBManager( SwDBManager* pNewMgr )     { mpDBManager = pNewMgr; }
     734        1676 :     SwDBManager* GetDBManager() const             { return mpDBManager; }
     735             :     void ChangeDBFields( const std::vector<OUString>& rOldNames,
     736             :                         const OUString& rNewName );
     737             :     void SetInitDBFields(bool b);
     738             : 
     739             :     // Find out which databases are used by fields.
     740             :     void GetAllUsedDB( std::vector<OUString>& rDBNameList,
     741             :                        const std::vector<OUString>* pAllDBNames = 0 );
     742             : 
     743             :     void ChgDBData( const SwDBData& rNewData );
     744             :     SwDBData GetDBData();
     745             :     const SwDBData& GetDBDesc();
     746             :     const SwDBData& _GetDBDesc() const { return maDBData; }
     747             : 
     748             :     // Some helper functions
     749             :     OUString GetUniqueGrfName() const;
     750             :     OUString GetUniqueOLEName() const;
     751             :     OUString GetUniqueFrameName() const;
     752             : 
     753             :     std::set<SwRootFrm*> GetAllLayouts();
     754             : 
     755             :     void SetFlyName( SwFlyFrmFmt& rFmt, const OUString& rName );
     756             :     const SwFlyFrmFmt* FindFlyByName( const OUString& rName, sal_Int8 nNdTyp = 0 ) const;
     757             : 
     758             :     void GetGrfNms( const SwFlyFrmFmt& rFmt, OUString* pGrfName, OUString* pFltName ) const;
     759             : 
     760             :     // Set a valid name for all Flys that have none (Called by Readers after reading).
     761             :     void SetAllUniqueFlyNames();
     762             : 
     763             :     /** Reset attributes. All TxtHints and (if completely selected) all hard-
     764             :      formated stuff (auto-formats) are removed.
     765             :      Introduce new optional parameter <bSendDataChangedEvents> in order to
     766             :      control, if the side effect "send data changed events" is triggered or not. */
     767             :     void ResetAttrs( const SwPaM &rRg,
     768             :                      bool bTxtAttr = true,
     769             :                      const std::set<sal_uInt16> &rAttrs = std::set<sal_uInt16>(),
     770             :                      const bool bSendDataChangedEvents = true );
     771             :     void RstTxtAttrs(const SwPaM &rRg, bool bInclRefToxMark = false );
     772             : 
     773             :     /** Set attribute in given format.1y
     774             :      *  If Undo is enabled, the old values is added to the Undo history. */
     775             :     void SetAttr( const SfxPoolItem&, SwFmt& );
     776             :     /** Set attribute in given format.1y
     777             :      *  If Undo is enabled, the old values is added to the Undo history. */
     778             :     void SetAttr( const SfxItemSet&, SwFmt& );
     779             : 
     780             :     // method to reset a certain attribute at the given format
     781             :     void ResetAttrAtFormat( const sal_uInt16 nWhichId,
     782             :                             SwFmt& rChangedFormat );
     783             : 
     784             :     /** Set attribute as new default attribute in current document.
     785             :      If Undo is activated, the old one is listed in Undo-History. */
     786             :     void SetDefault( const SfxPoolItem& );
     787             :     void SetDefault( const SfxItemSet& );
     788             : 
     789             :     // Query default attribute in this document.
     790             :     const SfxPoolItem& GetDefault( sal_uInt16 nFmtHint ) const;
     791             : 
     792             :     // Do not expand text attributes.
     793             :     bool DontExpandFmt( const SwPosition& rPos, bool bFlag = true );
     794             : 
     795             :     // Formats
     796           0 :     const SwFrmFmts* GetFrmFmts() const     { return mpFrmFmtTbl; }
     797       13115 :           SwFrmFmts* GetFrmFmts()           { return mpFrmFmtTbl; }
     798          18 :     const SwCharFmts* GetCharFmts() const   { return mpCharFmtTbl;}
     799      420961 :           SwCharFmts* GetCharFmts()         { return mpCharFmtTbl;}
     800             : 
     801             :     // LayoutFormats (frames, DrawObjects), sometimes const sometimes not
     802       66701 :     const SwFrmFmts* GetSpzFrmFmts() const   { return mpSpzFrmFmtTbl; }
     803      477236 :           SwFrmFmts* GetSpzFrmFmts()         { return mpSpzFrmFmtTbl; }
     804             : 
     805       13413 :     const SwFrmFmt *GetDfltFrmFmt() const   { return mpDfltFrmFmt; }
     806      120366 :           SwFrmFmt *GetDfltFrmFmt()         { return mpDfltFrmFmt; }
     807             :     const SwFrmFmt *GetEmptyPageFmt() const { return mpEmptyPageFmt; }
     808        7588 :           SwFrmFmt *GetEmptyPageFmt()       { return mpEmptyPageFmt; }
     809             :     const SwFrmFmt *GetColumnContFmt() const{ return mpColumnContFmt; }
     810          28 :           SwFrmFmt *GetColumnContFmt()      { return mpColumnContFmt; }
     811           8 :     const SwCharFmt *GetDfltCharFmt() const { return mpDfltCharFmt;}
     812     1090597 :           SwCharFmt *GetDfltCharFmt()       { return mpDfltCharFmt;}
     813             : 
     814             :     // @return the interface of the management of (auto)styles
     815      400230 :     IStyleAccess& GetIStyleAccess() { return *mpStyleAccess; }
     816             : 
     817             :     // Remove all language dependencies from all existing formats
     818             :     void RemoveAllFmtLanguageDependencies();
     819             : 
     820             :     SwFrmFmt  *MakeFrmFmt(const OUString &rFmtName, SwFrmFmt *pDerivedFrom,
     821             :                           bool bBroadcast = false, bool bAuto = true);
     822             :     void       DelFrmFmt( SwFrmFmt *pFmt, bool bBroadcast = false );
     823       11688 :     SwFrmFmt* FindFrmFmtByName( const OUString& rName ) const
     824       11688 :         {   return (SwFrmFmt*)FindFmtByName( (SwFmtsBase&)*mpFrmFmtTbl, rName ); }
     825             : 
     826             :     SwCharFmt *MakeCharFmt(const OUString &rFmtName, SwCharFmt *pDerivedFrom,
     827             :                            bool bBroadcast = false,
     828             :                            bool bAuto = true );
     829             :     void       DelCharFmt(sal_uInt16 nFmt, bool bBroadcast = false);
     830             :     void       DelCharFmt(SwCharFmt* pFmt, bool bBroadcast = false);
     831      341026 :     SwCharFmt* FindCharFmtByName( const OUString& rName ) const
     832      341026 :         {   return (SwCharFmt*)FindFmtByName( (SwFmtsBase&)*mpCharFmtTbl, rName ); }
     833             : 
     834             :     // Formatcollections (styles)
     835             :     // TXT
     836             :     const SwTxtFmtColl* GetDfltTxtFmtColl() const { return mpDfltTxtFmtColl; }
     837      706136 :     SwTxtFmtColl* GetDfltTxtFmtColl() { return mpDfltTxtFmtColl; }
     838           0 :     const SwTxtFmtColls *GetTxtFmtColls() const { return mpTxtFmtCollTbl; }
     839     5177490 :     SwTxtFmtColls *GetTxtFmtColls() { return mpTxtFmtCollTbl; }
     840             :     SwTxtFmtColl *MakeTxtFmtColl( const OUString &rFmtName,
     841             :                                   SwTxtFmtColl *pDerivedFrom,
     842             :                                   bool bBroadcast = false,
     843             :                                   bool bAuto = true );
     844             :     SwConditionTxtFmtColl* MakeCondTxtFmtColl( const OUString &rFmtName,
     845             :                                                SwTxtFmtColl *pDerivedFrom,
     846             :                                                bool bBroadcast = false);
     847             :     void DelTxtFmtColl(sal_uInt16 nFmt, bool bBroadcast = false);
     848             :     void DelTxtFmtColl( SwTxtFmtColl* pColl, bool bBroadcast = false );
     849             :     /** Add 4th optional parameter <bResetListAttrs>.
     850             :      'side effect' of <SetTxtFmtColl> with <bReset = true> is that the hard
     851             :      attributes of the affected text nodes are cleared, except the break
     852             :      attribute, the page description attribute and the list style attribute.
     853             :      The new parameter <bResetListAttrs> indicates, if the list attributes
     854             :      (list style, restart at and restart with) are cleared as well in case
     855             :      that <bReset = true> and the paragraph style has a list style attribute set. */
     856             :     bool SetTxtFmtColl(const SwPaM &rRg, SwTxtFmtColl *pFmt,
     857             :                        const bool bReset = true,
     858             :                        const bool bResetListAttrs = false);
     859     1036204 :     SwTxtFmtColl* FindTxtFmtCollByName( const OUString& rName ) const
     860     1036204 :         {   return (SwTxtFmtColl*)FindFmtByName( (SwFmtsBase&)*mpTxtFmtCollTbl, rName ); }
     861             : 
     862             :     void ChkCondColls();
     863             : 
     864             :     const SwGrfFmtColl* GetDfltGrfFmtColl() const   { return mpDfltGrfFmtColl; }
     865        1976 :     SwGrfFmtColl* GetDfltGrfFmtColl()  { return mpDfltGrfFmtColl; }
     866           0 :     const SwGrfFmtColls *GetGrfFmtColls() const     { return mpGrfFmtCollTbl; }
     867             :     SwGrfFmtColl *MakeGrfFmtColl(const OUString &rFmtName,
     868             :                                     SwGrfFmtColl *pDerivedFrom);
     869         278 :     SwGrfFmtColl* FindGrfFmtCollByName( const OUString& rName ) const
     870         278 :         {   return (SwGrfFmtColl*)FindFmtByName( (SwFmtsBase&)*mpGrfFmtCollTbl, rName ); }
     871             : 
     872             :     // Table formatting
     873             :     const SwFrmFmts* GetTblFrmFmts() const  { return mpTblFrmFmtTbl; }
     874       10773 :           SwFrmFmts* GetTblFrmFmts()        { return mpTblFrmFmtTbl; }
     875             :     sal_uInt16 GetTblFrmFmtCount( bool bUsed ) const;
     876             :     SwFrmFmt& GetTblFrmFmt(sal_uInt16 nFmt, bool bUsed ) const;
     877             :     SwTableFmt* MakeTblFrmFmt(const OUString &rFmtName, SwFrmFmt *pDerivedFrom);
     878             :     void        DelTblFrmFmt( SwTableFmt* pFmt );
     879             :     SwTableFmt* FindTblFmtByName( const OUString& rName, bool bAll = false ) const;
     880             : 
     881             :     /** Access to frames.
     882             :     Iterate over Flys - forr Basic-Collections. */
     883             :     sal_uInt16 GetFlyCount( FlyCntType eType = FLYCNTTYPE_ALL, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes = false ) const;
     884             :     SwFrmFmt* GetFlyNum(sal_uInt16 nIdx, FlyCntType eType = FLYCNTTYPE_ALL, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes = false );
     885             : 
     886             :     // Copy formats in own arrays and return them.
     887             :     SwFrmFmt  *CopyFrmFmt ( const SwFrmFmt& );
     888             :     SwCharFmt *CopyCharFmt( const SwCharFmt& );
     889             :     SwTxtFmtColl* CopyTxtColl( const SwTxtFmtColl& rColl );
     890             :     SwGrfFmtColl* CopyGrfColl( const SwGrfFmtColl& rColl );
     891             : 
     892             :     // Replace all styles with those from rSource.
     893             :     void ReplaceStyles( const SwDoc& rSource, bool bIncludePageStyles = true );
     894             : 
     895             :     // Replace all property defaults with those from rSource.
     896             :     void ReplaceDefaults( const SwDoc& rSource );
     897             : 
     898             :     // Replace all compatibility options with those from rSource.
     899             :     void ReplaceCompatibilityOptions( const SwDoc& rSource );
     900             : 
     901             :     /** Replace all user defined document properties with xSourceDocProps.
     902             : 
     903             :         Convenince function used by ReplaceDocumentProperties to skip some UNO calls.
     904             :      */
     905             :     void ReplaceUserDefinedDocumentProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XDocumentProperties > xSourceDocProps );
     906             : 
     907             :     /** Replace document properties with those from rSource.
     908             : 
     909             :         This includes the user defined document properties!
     910             :      */
     911             :     void ReplaceDocumentProperties(const SwDoc& rSource, bool mailMerge = false);
     912             : 
     913             :     // Query if style (paragraph- / character- / frame- / page-) is used.
     914             :     bool IsUsed( const SwModify& ) const;
     915             :     bool IsUsed( const SwNumRule& ) const;
     916             : 
     917             :     // Set name of newly loaded document template.
     918             :     sal_uInt16 SetDocPattern( const OUString& rPatternName );
     919             : 
     920             :     // @return name of document template. Can be 0!
     921           0 :     const OUString* GetDocPattern( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const
     922             :     {
     923           0 :         if(nPos >= maPatternNms.size())
     924           0 :             return NULL;
     925           0 :         if(boost::is_null(maPatternNms.begin() + nPos))
     926           0 :             return NULL;
     927           0 :         return &(maPatternNms[nPos]);
     928             :     }
     929             : 
     930             :     // Query / connect current document with glossary document.
     931             :     void SetGlossaryDoc( SwDoc* pDoc ) { mpGlossaryDoc = pDoc; }
     932             : 
     933             :     // travel over PaM Ring
     934             :     bool InsertGlossary( SwTextBlocks& rBlock, const OUString& rEntry,
     935             :                         SwPaM& rPaM, SwCrsrShell* pShell = 0);
     936             : 
     937             :     /** get the set of printable pages for the XRenderable API by
     938             :      evaluating the respective settings (see implementation) */
     939             :     void CalculatePagesForPrinting( const SwRootFrm& rLayout, SwRenderData &rData, const SwPrintUIOptions &rOptions, bool bIsPDFExport,
     940             :             sal_Int32 nDocPageCount );
     941             :     void UpdatePagesForPrintingWithPostItData( SwRenderData &rData, const SwPrintUIOptions &rOptions, bool bIsPDFExport,
     942             :             sal_Int32 nDocPageCount );
     943             :     void CalculatePagePairsForProspectPrinting( const SwRootFrm& rLayout, SwRenderData &rData, const SwPrintUIOptions &rOptions,
     944             :             sal_Int32 nDocPageCount );
     945             : 
     946             :     // PageDescriptor interface.
     947      202046 :     sal_uInt16 GetPageDescCnt() const { return maPageDescs.size(); }
     948        4002 :     const SwPageDesc& GetPageDesc( const sal_uInt16 i ) const { return *maPageDescs[i]; }
     949      339163 :     SwPageDesc& GetPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i ) { return *maPageDescs[i]; }
     950             :     SwPageDesc* FindPageDesc(const OUString& rName, sal_uInt16* pPos = NULL) const;
     951             : 
     952             :     /** Copy the complete PageDesc - beyond document and "deep"!
     953             :      Optionally copying of PoolFmtId, -HlpId can be prevented. */
     954             :     void CopyPageDesc( const SwPageDesc& rSrcDesc, SwPageDesc& rDstDesc,
     955             :                         bool bCopyPoolIds = true );
     956             : 
     957             :     /** Copy header (with contents) from SrcFmt to DestFmt
     958             :      (can also be copied into other document). */
     959       11246 :     void CopyHeader( const SwFrmFmt& rSrcFmt, SwFrmFmt& rDestFmt )
     960       11246 :         { CopyPageDescHeaderFooterImpl( true, rSrcFmt, rDestFmt ); }
     961             : 
     962             :     /** Copy footer (with contents) from SrcFmt to DestFmt.
     963             :      (can also be copied into other document). */
     964       10916 :     void CopyFooter( const SwFrmFmt& rSrcFmt, SwFrmFmt& rDestFmt )
     965       10916 :         { CopyPageDescHeaderFooterImpl( false, rSrcFmt, rDestFmt ); }
     966             : 
     967             :     // For Reader
     968             :     SwPageDesc * GetPageDesc( const OUString & rName );
     969             :     void ChgPageDesc( const OUString & rName, const SwPageDesc& );
     970             :     void ChgPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i, const SwPageDesc& );
     971             :     void DelPageDesc( const OUString & rName, bool bBroadcast = false);
     972             :     void DelPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i, bool bBroadcast = false );
     973             :     void PreDelPageDesc(SwPageDesc * pDel);
     974             :     SwPageDesc* MakePageDesc(const OUString &rName, const SwPageDesc* pCpy = 0,
     975             :                              bool bRegardLanguage = true,
     976             :                              bool bBroadcast = false);
     977             :     void BroadcastStyleOperation(const OUString& rName, SfxStyleFamily eFamily,
     978             :                                  sal_uInt16 nOp);
     979             : 
     980             :     /** The html import sometimes overwrites the
     981             :      page sizes set in the page descriptions. This function is used to
     982             :      correct this. */
     983             :     void CheckDefaultPageFmt();
     984             : 
     985             :     // Methods for tables/indices
     986             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurTOXMark( const SwPosition& rPos, SwTOXMarks& ) const;
     987             :     void DeleteTOXMark( const SwTOXMark* pTOXMark );
     988             :     const SwTOXMark& GotoTOXMark( const SwTOXMark& rCurTOXMark,
     989             :                                 SwTOXSearch eDir, bool bInReadOnly );
     990             : 
     991             :     // Insert/Renew table/indes
     992             :     const SwTOXBaseSection* InsertTableOf( const SwPosition& rPos,
     993             :                                             const SwTOXBase& rTOX,
     994             :                                             const SfxItemSet* pSet = 0,
     995             :                                             bool bExpand = false );
     996             :     const SwTOXBaseSection* InsertTableOf( sal_uLong nSttNd, sal_uLong nEndNd,
     997             :                                             const SwTOXBase& rTOX,
     998             :                                             const SfxItemSet* pSet = 0 );
     999             :     const SwTOXBase* GetCurTOX( const SwPosition& rPos ) const;
    1000             :     const SwAttrSet& GetTOXBaseAttrSet(const SwTOXBase& rTOX) const;
    1001             : 
    1002             :     bool DeleteTOX( const SwTOXBase& rTOXBase, bool bDelNodes = false );
    1003             :     OUString GetUniqueTOXBaseName( const SwTOXType& rType,
    1004             :                                    const OUString& sChkStr ) const;
    1005             : 
    1006             :     bool SetTOXBaseName(const SwTOXBase& rTOXBase, const OUString& rName);
    1007             :     void SetTOXBaseProtection(const SwTOXBase& rTOXBase, bool bProtect);
    1008             : 
    1009             :     // After reading file update all tables/indices
    1010           0 :     void SetUpdateTOX( bool bFlag = true )     { mbUpdateTOX = bFlag; }
    1011        4708 :     bool IsUpdateTOX() const                   { return mbUpdateTOX; }
    1012             : 
    1013          64 :     OUString        GetTOIAutoMarkURL() const {return msTOIAutoMarkURL;}
    1014           2 :     void            SetTOIAutoMarkURL(const OUString& rSet) {msTOIAutoMarkURL = rSet;}
    1015             :     void            ApplyAutoMark();
    1016             : 
    1017      130746 :     bool IsInReading() const                    { return mbInReading; }
    1018        8008 :     void SetInReading( bool bNew )              { mbInReading = bNew; }
    1019             : 
    1020          52 :     bool IsInMailMerge() const                  { return mbInMailMerge; }
    1021           8 :     void SetInMailMerge( bool bNew )            { mbInMailMerge = bNew; }
    1022             : 
    1023       40700 :     bool IsClipBoard() const                    { return mbClipBoard; }
    1024             :     // N.B.: must be called right after constructor! (@see GetXmlIdRegistry)
    1025           4 :     void SetClipBoard( bool bNew )              { mbClipBoard = bNew; }
    1026             : 
    1027          12 :     bool IsColumnSelection() const              { return mbColumnSelection; }
    1028           0 :     void SetColumnSelection( bool bNew )        { mbColumnSelection = bNew; }
    1029             : 
    1030      142722 :     bool IsInXMLImport() const { return mbInXMLImport; }
    1031        2060 :     void SetInXMLImport( bool bNew ) { mbInXMLImport = bNew; }
    1032             : 
    1033             :     // Manage types of tables/indices
    1034             :     sal_uInt16 GetTOXTypeCount( TOXTypes eTyp ) const;
    1035             :     const SwTOXType* GetTOXType( TOXTypes eTyp, sal_uInt16 nId ) const;
    1036             :     bool DeleteTOXType( TOXTypes eTyp, sal_uInt16 nId );
    1037             :     const SwTOXType* InsertTOXType( const SwTOXType& rTyp );
    1038           0 :     const SwTOXTypes& GetTOXTypes() const { return *mpTOXTypes; }
    1039             : 
    1040             :     const SwTOXBase*    GetDefaultTOXBase( TOXTypes eTyp, bool bCreate = false );
    1041             :     void                SetDefaultTOXBase(const SwTOXBase& rBase);
    1042             : 
    1043             :     // Key for management of index.
    1044             :     sal_uInt16 GetTOIKeys( SwTOIKeyType eTyp, std::vector<OUString>& rArr ) const;
    1045             : 
    1046             :     // Sort table text.
    1047             :     bool SortTbl(const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, const SwSortOptions&);
    1048             :     bool SortText(const SwPaM&, const SwSortOptions&);
    1049             : 
    1050             :     // Correct the SwPosition-Objects that are registered with the document
    1051             :     // e. g. Bookmarks or tables/indices.
    1052             :     // If bMoveCrsr is set move Crsr too.
    1053             : 
    1054             :     // Set everything in rOldNode on rNewPos + Offset.
    1055             :     void CorrAbs(
    1056             :         const SwNodeIndex& rOldNode,
    1057             :         const SwPosition& rNewPos,
    1058             :         const sal_Int32 nOffset = 0,
    1059             :         bool bMoveCrsr = false );
    1060             : 
    1061             :     // Set everything in the range of [rStartNode, rEndNode] to rNewPos.
    1062             :     void CorrAbs(
    1063             :         const SwNodeIndex& rStartNode,
    1064             :         const SwNodeIndex& rEndNode,
    1065             :         const SwPosition& rNewPos,
    1066             :         bool bMoveCrsr = false );
    1067             : 
    1068             :     // Set everything in this range from rRange to rNewPos.
    1069             :     void CorrAbs(
    1070             :         const SwPaM& rRange,
    1071             :         const SwPosition& rNewPos,
    1072             :         bool bMoveCrsr = false );
    1073             : 
    1074             :     // Set everything in rOldNode to relative Pos.
    1075             :     void CorrRel(
    1076             :         const SwNodeIndex& rOldNode,
    1077             :         const SwPosition& rNewPos,
    1078             :         const sal_Int32 nOffset = 0,
    1079             :         bool bMoveCrsr = false );
    1080             : 
    1081             :     // Query / set rules for Outline.
    1082      130122 :     inline SwNumRule* GetOutlineNumRule() const
    1083             :     {
    1084      130122 :         return mpOutlineRule;
    1085             :     }
    1086             :     void SetOutlineNumRule( const SwNumRule& rRule );
    1087             :     void PropagateOutlineRule();
    1088             : 
    1089             :     // Outline - promote / demote.
    1090             :     bool OutlineUpDown( const SwPaM& rPam, short nOffset = 1 );
    1091             : 
    1092             :     // Ountline - move up / move down.
    1093             :     bool MoveOutlinePara( const SwPaM& rPam, short nOffset = 1);
    1094             : 
    1095             :     bool GotoOutline( SwPosition& rPos, const OUString& rName ) const;
    1096             : 
    1097             :     /** Accept changes of outline styles for OUtlineRule.
    1098             :      re-use unused 3rd parameter
    1099             :      Optional parameter <bResetIndentAttrs> - default value false:
    1100             :       If <bResetIndentAttrs> equals true, the indent attributes "before text"
    1101             :       and "first line indent" are additionally reset at the provided PaM, if
    1102             :       the list style makes use of the new list level attributes.
    1103             :      Parameters <bCreateNewList> and <sContinuedListId>:
    1104             :       <bCreateNewList> indicates, if a new list is created by applying the given list style.
    1105             :       If <bCreateNewList> equals false, <sContinuedListId> may contain the
    1106             :       list Id of a list, which has to be continued by applying the given list style */
    1107             :     void SetNumRule( const SwPaM&,
    1108             :                      const SwNumRule&,
    1109             :                      const bool bCreateNewList,
    1110             :                      const OUString& sContinuedListId = OUString(),
    1111             :                      bool bSetItem = true,
    1112             :                      const bool bResetIndentAttrs = false );
    1113             :     void SetCounted( const SwPaM&, bool bCounted);
    1114             : 
    1115             :     void MakeUniqueNumRules(const SwPaM & rPaM);
    1116             : 
    1117             :     void SetNumRuleStart( const SwPosition& rPos, bool bFlag = true );
    1118             :     void SetNodeNumStart( const SwPosition& rPos, sal_uInt16 nStt );
    1119             : 
    1120             :     SwNumRule* GetNumRuleAtPos( const SwPosition& rPos ) const;
    1121             : 
    1122     1262430 :     const SwNumRuleTbl& GetNumRuleTbl() const { return *mpNumRuleTbl; }
    1123             : 
    1124             :     /**
    1125             :        Add numbering rule to document.
    1126             : 
    1127             :        @param pRule    rule to add
    1128             :     */
    1129             :     void AddNumRule(SwNumRule * pRule);
    1130             : 
    1131             :     // add optional parameter <eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode>
    1132             :     sal_uInt16 MakeNumRule( const OUString &rName,
    1133             :         const SwNumRule* pCpy = 0,
    1134             :         bool bBroadcast = false,
    1135             :         const SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode =
    1136             :             SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION );
    1137             :     sal_uInt16 FindNumRule( const OUString& rName ) const;
    1138             :     SwNumRule* FindNumRulePtr( const OUString& rName ) const;
    1139             : 
    1140             :     // Deletion only possible if Rule is not used!
    1141             :     bool RenameNumRule(const OUString & aOldName, const OUString & aNewName,
    1142             :                            bool bBroadcast = false);
    1143             :     bool DelNumRule( const OUString& rName, bool bBroadCast = false );
    1144             :     OUString GetUniqueNumRuleName( const OUString* pChkStr = 0, bool bAutoNum = true ) const;
    1145             : 
    1146             :     void UpdateNumRule();   // Update all invalids.
    1147             :     void ChgNumRuleFmts( const SwNumRule& rRule );
    1148             :     bool ReplaceNumRule( const SwPosition& rPos, const OUString& rOldRule,
    1149             :                         const OUString& rNewRule );
    1150             : 
    1151             :     // Goto next/previous on same level.
    1152             :     bool GotoNextNum( SwPosition&, bool bOverUpper = true,
    1153             :                         sal_uInt8* pUpper = 0, sal_uInt8* pLower = 0 );
    1154             :     bool GotoPrevNum( SwPosition&, bool bOverUpper = true,
    1155             :                         sal_uInt8* pUpper = 0, sal_uInt8* pLower = 0 );
    1156             : 
    1157             :     /** Searches for a text node with a numbering rule.
    1158             : 
    1159             :        add optional parameter <bInvestigateStartNode>
    1160             :        add output parameter <sListId>
    1161             : 
    1162             :        \param rPos         position to start search
    1163             :        \param bForward     - sal_True:  search forward
    1164             :                            - sal_False: search backward
    1165             :        \param bNum         - sal_True:  search for enumeration
    1166             :                            - sal_False: search for itemize
    1167             :        \param bOutline     - sal_True:  search for outline numbering rule
    1168             :                            - sal_False: search for non-outline numbering rule
    1169             :        \param nNonEmptyAllowed   number of non-empty paragraphs allowed between
    1170             :                                  rPos and found paragraph
    1171             : 
    1172             :         @param sListId
    1173             :         output parameter - in case a list style is found, <sListId> holds the
    1174             :         list id, to which the text node belongs, which applies the found list style.
    1175             : 
    1176             :         @param bInvestigateStartNode
    1177             :         input parameter - boolean, indicating, if start node, determined by given
    1178             :         start position has to be investigated or not.
    1179             :      */
    1180             :     const SwNumRule * SearchNumRule(const SwPosition & rPos,
    1181             :                                     const bool bForward,
    1182             :                                     const bool bNum,
    1183             :                                     const bool bOutline,
    1184             :                                     int nNonEmptyAllowed,
    1185             :                                     OUString& sListId,
    1186             :                                     const bool bInvestigateStartNode = false );
    1187             : 
    1188             :     // Paragraphs without numbering but with indents.
    1189             :     bool NoNum( const SwPaM& );
    1190             : 
    1191             :     // Delete, splitting of numbering list.
    1192             :     void DelNumRules( const SwPaM& );
    1193             : 
    1194             :     // Invalidates all numrules
    1195             :     void InvalidateNumRules();
    1196             : 
    1197             :     bool NumUpDown( const SwPaM&, bool bDown = true );
    1198             : 
    1199             :     /** Move selected paragraphes (not only numberings)
    1200             :      according to offsets. (if negative: go to doc start). */
    1201             :     bool MoveParagraph( const SwPaM&, long nOffset = 1, bool bIsOutlMv = false );
    1202             : 
    1203             :     bool NumOrNoNum( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx, bool bDel = false);
    1204             : 
    1205             :     void StopNumRuleAnimations( OutputDevice* );
    1206             : 
    1207             :     /** Insert new table at position @param rPos (will be inserted before Node!).
    1208             :      For AutoFormat at input: columns have to be set at predefined width.
    1209             :      The array holds the positions of the columns (not their widths).
    1210             :      new @param bCalledFromShell:
    1211             :        sal_True: called from shell -> propagate existing adjust item at
    1212             :        rPos to every new cell. A existing adjust item in the table
    1213             :        heading or table contents paragraph style prevent that
    1214             :        propagation.
    1215             :        sal_False: do not propagate
    1216             :     */
    1217             :     const SwTable* InsertTable( const SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTblOpts,  // HEADLINE_NO_BORDER
    1218             :                                 const SwPosition& rPos, sal_uInt16 nRows,
    1219             :                                 sal_uInt16 nCols, short eAdjust,
    1220             :                                 const SwTableAutoFmt* pTAFmt = 0,
    1221             :                                 const std::vector<sal_uInt16> *pColArr = 0,
    1222             :                                 bool bCalledFromShell = false,
    1223             :                                 bool bNewModel = true );
    1224             : 
    1225             :     // If index is in a table, return TableNode, else 0.
    1226             :                  SwTableNode* IsIdxInTbl( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx );
    1227             :     inline const SwTableNode* IsIdxInTbl( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) const;
    1228             : 
    1229             :     // Create a balanced table out of the selected range.
    1230             :     const SwTable* TextToTable( const SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTblOpts, // HEADLINE_NO_BORDER,
    1231             :                                 const SwPaM& rRange, sal_Unicode cCh,
    1232             :                                 short eAdjust,
    1233             :                                 const SwTableAutoFmt* = 0 );
    1234             : 
    1235             :     // text to table conversion - API support
    1236             :     const SwTable* TextToTable( const std::vector< std::vector<SwNodeRange> >& rTableNodes );
    1237             : 
    1238             :     bool TableToText( const SwTableNode* pTblNd, sal_Unicode cCh );
    1239             : 
    1240             :     // Create columns / rows in table.
    1241             :     bool InsertCol( const SwCursor& rCursor,
    1242             :                     sal_uInt16 nCnt = 1, bool bBehind = true );
    1243             :     bool InsertCol( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
    1244             :                     sal_uInt16 nCnt = 1, bool bBehind = true );
    1245             :     bool InsertRow( const SwCursor& rCursor,
    1246             :                     sal_uInt16 nCnt = 1, bool bBehind = true );
    1247             :     bool InsertRow( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
    1248             :                     sal_uInt16 nCnt = 1, bool bBehind = true );
    1249             : 
    1250             :     // Delete Columns/Rows in table.
    1251             :     bool DeleteRowCol( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, bool bColumn = false );
    1252             :     bool DeleteRow( const SwCursor& rCursor );
    1253             :     bool DeleteCol( const SwCursor& rCursor );
    1254             : 
    1255             :     // Split / concatenate boxes in table.
    1256             :     bool SplitTbl( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, bool bVert = true,
    1257             :                        sal_uInt16 nCnt = 1, bool bSameHeight = false );
    1258             : 
    1259             :     // @return enum TableMergeErr.
    1260             :     sal_uInt16 MergeTbl( SwPaM& rPam );
    1261             :     OUString GetUniqueTblName() const;
    1262             :     bool IsInsTblFormatNum() const;
    1263             :     bool IsInsTblChangeNumFormat() const;
    1264             :     bool IsInsTblAlignNum() const;
    1265             : 
    1266             :     // From FEShell (for Undo and BModified).
    1267             :     void GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rFill, const SwCursor* pCrsr,
    1268             :                     const SwCellFrm* pBoxFrm = 0 ) const;
    1269             :     void SetTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurRowOnly,
    1270             :                     const SwCursor* pCrsr, const SwCellFrm* pBoxFrm = 0 );
    1271             :     void GetTabRows( SwTabCols &rFill, const SwCursor* pCrsr,
    1272             :                     const SwCellFrm* pBoxFrm = 0 ) const;
    1273             :     void SetTabRows( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurColOnly, const SwCursor* pCrsr,
    1274             :                      const SwCellFrm* pBoxFrm = 0 );
    1275             : 
    1276             :     // Direct access for UNO.
    1277             :     void SetTabCols(SwTable& rTab, const SwTabCols &rNew, const SwTabCols &rOld,
    1278             :                                     const SwTableBox *pStart, bool bCurRowOnly);
    1279             : 
    1280             :     void SetRowsToRepeat( SwTable &rTable, sal_uInt16 nSet );
    1281             : 
    1282             :     // AutoFormat for table/table selection.
    1283             :     bool SetTableAutoFmt( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, const SwTableAutoFmt& rNew );
    1284             : 
    1285             :     // Query attributes.
    1286             :     bool GetTableAutoFmt( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, SwTableAutoFmt& rGet );
    1287             : 
    1288             :     void AppendUndoForInsertFromDB( const SwPaM& rPam, bool bIsTable );
    1289             : 
    1290             :     bool SetColRowWidthHeight( SwTableBox& rAktBox, sal_uInt16 eType,
    1291             :                                 SwTwips nAbsDiff, SwTwips nRelDiff );
    1292             :     SwTableBoxFmt* MakeTableBoxFmt();
    1293             :     SwTableLineFmt* MakeTableLineFmt();
    1294             : 
    1295             :     // Check if box has numerical valule. Change format of box if required.
    1296             :     void ChkBoxNumFmt( SwTableBox& rAktBox, bool bCallUpdate );
    1297             :     void SetTblBoxFormulaAttrs( SwTableBox& rBox, const SfxItemSet& rSet );
    1298             :     void ClearBoxNumAttrs( const SwNodeIndex& rNode );
    1299             :     void ClearLineNumAttrs( SwPosition & rPos );
    1300             : 
    1301             :     bool InsCopyOfTbl( SwPosition& rInsPos, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
    1302             :                         const SwTable* pCpyTbl = 0, bool bCpyName = false,
    1303             :                         bool bCorrPos = false );
    1304             : 
    1305             :     bool UnProtectCells( const OUString& rTblName );
    1306             :     bool UnProtectCells( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
    1307             :     bool UnProtectTbls( const SwPaM& rPam );
    1308             :     bool HasTblAnyProtection( const SwPosition* pPos,
    1309             :                               const OUString* pTblName = 0,
    1310             :                               bool* pFullTblProtection = 0 );
    1311             : 
    1312             :     // Split table at baseline position, i.e. create a new table.
    1313             :     bool SplitTable( const SwPosition& rPos, sal_uInt16 eMode = 0,
    1314             :                         bool bCalcNewSize = false );
    1315             : 
    1316             :     /** And vice versa: rPos must be in the table that remains. The flag indicates
    1317             :      whether the current table is merged with the one before or behind it. */
    1318             :     bool MergeTable( const SwPosition& rPos, bool bWithPrev = true,
    1319             :                         sal_uInt16 nMode = 0 );
    1320             : 
    1321             :     // Make charts of given table update.
    1322             :     void UpdateCharts( const OUString &rName ) const;
    1323             : 
    1324             :     // Update all charts, for that exists any table.
    1325           0 :     void UpdateAllCharts()          { DoUpdateAllCharts(); }
    1326             : 
    1327             :     // Table is renamed and refreshes charts.
    1328             :     void SetTableName( SwFrmFmt& rTblFmt, const OUString &rNewName );
    1329             : 
    1330             :     // @return the reference in document that is set for name.
    1331             :     const SwFmtRefMark* GetRefMark( const OUString& rName ) const;
    1332             : 
    1333             :     // @return RefMark via index - for UNO.
    1334             :     const SwFmtRefMark* GetRefMark( sal_uInt16 nIndex ) const;
    1335             : 
    1336             :     /** @return names of all references that are set in document.
    1337             :      If array pointer is 0 return only whether a RefMark is set in document. */
    1338             :     sal_uInt16 GetRefMarks( std::vector<OUString>* = 0 ) const;
    1339             : 
    1340             :     // Insert label. If a FlyFormat is created, return it.
    1341             :     SwFlyFrmFmt* InsertLabel( const SwLabelType eType, const OUString &rTxt, const OUString& rSeparator,
    1342             :                     const OUString& rNumberingSeparator,
    1343             :                     const bool bBefore, const sal_uInt16 nId, const sal_uLong nIdx,
    1344             :                     const OUString& rCharacterStyle,
    1345             :                     const bool bCpyBrd = true );
    1346             :     SwFlyFrmFmt* InsertDrawLabel(
    1347             :         const OUString &rTxt, const OUString& rSeparator, const OUString& rNumberSeparator,
    1348             :         const sal_uInt16 nId, const OUString& rCharacterStyle, SdrObject& rObj );
    1349             : 
    1350             :     // Query attribute pool.
    1351      510102 :     const SwAttrPool& GetAttrPool() const   { return *mpAttrPool; }
    1352     3001569 :           SwAttrPool& GetAttrPool()         { return *mpAttrPool; }
    1353             : 
    1354             :     // Search for an EditShell.
    1355             :     SwEditShell const * GetEditShell() const;
    1356             :     SwEditShell* GetEditShell();
    1357             :     ::sw::IShellCursorSupplier * GetIShellCursorSupplier();
    1358             : 
    1359             :     // OLE 2.0-notification.
    1360       46007 :     inline       void  SetOle2Link(const Link& rLink) {maOle2Link = rLink;}
    1361     3155564 :     inline const Link& GetOle2Link() const {return maOle2Link;}
    1362             : 
    1363             :     // insert section (the ODF kind of section, not the nodesarray kind)
    1364             :     SwSection * InsertSwSection(SwPaM const& rRange, SwSectionData &,
    1365             :             SwTOXBase const*const pTOXBase = 0,
    1366             :             SfxItemSet const*const pAttr = 0, bool const bUpdate = true);
    1367             :     sal_uInt16 IsInsRegionAvailable( const SwPaM& rRange,
    1368             :                                 const SwNode** ppSttNd = 0 ) const;
    1369             :     SwSection* GetCurrSection( const SwPosition& rPos ) const;
    1370        5276 :     SwSectionFmts& GetSections() { return *mpSectionFmtTbl; }
    1371           0 :     const SwSectionFmts& GetSections() const { return *mpSectionFmtTbl; }
    1372             :     SwSectionFmt *MakeSectionFmt( SwSectionFmt *pDerivedFrom );
    1373             :     void DelSectionFmt( SwSectionFmt *pFmt, bool bDelNodes = false );
    1374             :     void UpdateSection(sal_uInt16 const nSect, SwSectionData &,
    1375             :             SfxItemSet const*const = 0, bool const bPreventLinkUpdate = false);
    1376             :     OUString GetUniqueSectionName( const OUString* pChkStr = 0 ) const;
    1377             : 
    1378             :     /* @@@MAINTAINABILITY-HORROR@@@
    1379             :        The model should not have anything to do with a shell.
    1380             :        Unnecessary compile/link time dependency.
    1381             :     */
    1382             : 
    1383             :     // Pointer to SfxDocShell from Doc. Can be 0!!
    1384     2538806 :           SwDocShell* GetDocShell()         { return mpDocShell; }
    1385        1633 :     const SwDocShell* GetDocShell() const   { return mpDocShell; }
    1386             :     void SetDocShell( SwDocShell* pDSh );
    1387             : 
    1388             :     /** in case during copying of embedded object a new shell is created,
    1389             :      it should be set here and cleaned later */
    1390          12 :     void SetTmpDocShell( SfxObjectShellLock rLock )    { mxTmpDocShell = rLock; }
    1391           2 :     SfxObjectShellLock GetTmpDocShell()    { return mxTmpDocShell; }
    1392             : 
    1393             :     // For Autotexts? (text modules) They have only one SVPersist at their disposal.
    1394             :     SfxObjectShell* GetPersist() const;
    1395             : 
    1396             :     // Pointer to storage of SfxDocShells. Can be 0!!!
    1397             :     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > GetDocStorage();
    1398             : 
    1399             :     // Query / set flag indicating if document is loaded asynchronously at this moment.
    1400         546 :     bool IsInLoadAsynchron() const             { return mbInLoadAsynchron; }
    1401          22 :     void SetInLoadAsynchron( bool bFlag )       { mbInLoadAsynchron = bFlag; }
    1402             : 
    1403             :     bool SelectServerObj( const OUString& rStr, SwPaM*& rpPam,
    1404             :                             SwNodeRange*& rpRange ) const;
    1405             : 
    1406             :     // For Drag&Move: (e.g. allow "moving" of RefMarks)
    1407        1598 :     bool IsCopyIsMove() const              { return mbCopyIsMove; }
    1408           4 :     void SetCopyIsMove( bool bFlag )        { mbCopyIsMove = bFlag; }
    1409             : 
    1410             :     SwDrawContact* GroupSelection( SdrView& );
    1411             :     void UnGroupSelection( SdrView& );
    1412             :     bool DeleteSelection( SwDrawView& );
    1413             : 
    1414             :     // Invalidates OnlineSpell-WrongLists.
    1415             :     void SpellItAgainSam( bool bInvalid, bool bOnlyWrong, bool bSmartTags );
    1416             :     void InvalidateAutoCompleteFlag();
    1417             : 
    1418             :     void SetCalcFieldValueHdl(Outliner* pOutliner);
    1419             : 
    1420             :     // Query if URL was visited.
    1421             :     // Query via Doc, if only a Bookmark has been given.
    1422             :     // In this case the document name has to be set in front.
    1423             :     bool IsVisitedURL( const OUString& rURL );
    1424             : 
    1425             :     // Save current values for automatic registration of exceptions in Autocorrection.
    1426             :     void SetAutoCorrExceptWord( SwAutoCorrExceptWord* pNew );
    1427     1892300 :     SwAutoCorrExceptWord* GetAutoCorrExceptWord()       { return mpACEWord; }
    1428             :     void DeleteAutoCorrExceptWord();
    1429             : 
    1430             :     const SwFmtINetFmt* FindINetAttr( const OUString& rName ) const;
    1431             : 
    1432             :     // Call into intransparent Basic; expect possible Return String.
    1433             :     bool ExecMacro( const SvxMacro& rMacro, OUString* pRet = 0, SbxArray* pArgs = 0 );
    1434             : 
    1435             :     // Call into intransparent Basic / JavaScript.
    1436             :     sal_uInt16 CallEvent( sal_uInt16 nEvent, const SwCallMouseEvent& rCallEvent,
    1437             :                         bool bChkPtr = false, SbxArray* pArgs = 0,
    1438             :                         const Link* pCallBack = 0 );
    1439             : 
    1440             :     /** Adjust left margin via object bar (similar to adjustment of numerations).
    1441             :      One can either change the margin "by" adding or substracting a given
    1442             :      offset or set it "to" this position (bModulus = true). */
    1443             :     void MoveLeftMargin( const SwPaM& rPam, bool bRight = true,
    1444             :                         bool bModulus = true );
    1445             : 
    1446             :     // Query NumberFormatter.
    1447             :     inline       SvNumberFormatter* GetNumberFormatter( bool bCreate = true );
    1448             :     inline const SvNumberFormatter* GetNumberFormatter( bool bCreate = true ) const;
    1449             : 
    1450             :     bool HasInvisibleContent() const;
    1451             :     // delete invisible content, like hidden sections and paragraphs
    1452             :     bool RemoveInvisibleContent();
    1453             :     // restore the invisible content if it's available on the undo stack
    1454             :     bool RestoreInvisibleContent();
    1455             : 
    1456             :     bool ConvertFieldsToText();
    1457             : 
    1458             :     // Create sub-documents according to given collection.
    1459             :     // If no collection is given, use chapter styles for 1st level.
    1460             :     bool GenerateGlobalDoc( const OUString& rPath,
    1461             :                                 const SwTxtFmtColl* pSplitColl = 0 );
    1462             :     bool GenerateGlobalDoc( const OUString& rPath, int nOutlineLevel = 0 );
    1463             :     bool GenerateHTMLDoc( const OUString& rPath,
    1464             :                                 const SwTxtFmtColl* pSplitColl = 0 );
    1465             :     bool GenerateHTMLDoc( const OUString& rPath, int nOutlineLevel = 0 );
    1466             : 
    1467             :     //  Compare two documents.
    1468             :     long CompareDoc( const SwDoc& rDoc );
    1469             : 
    1470             :     // Merge two documents.
    1471             :     long MergeDoc( const SwDoc& rDoc );
    1472             : 
    1473        4443 :     bool IsAutoFmtRedline() const           { return mbIsAutoFmtRedline; }
    1474           0 :     void SetAutoFmtRedline( bool bFlag )    { mbIsAutoFmtRedline = bFlag; }
    1475             : 
    1476             :     // For AutoFormat: with Undo/Redlining.
    1477             :     void SetTxtFmtCollByAutoFmt( const SwPosition& rPos, sal_uInt16 nPoolId,
    1478             :                                 const SfxItemSet* pSet = 0 );
    1479             :     void SetFmtItemByAutoFmt( const SwPaM& rPam, const SfxItemSet& );
    1480             : 
    1481             :     // Only for SW-textbloxks! Does not pay any attention to layout!
    1482             :     void ClearDoc();        // Deletes all content!
    1483             : 
    1484             :     // Query /set data for PagePreview.
    1485           0 :     const SwPagePreviewPrtData* GetPreviewPrtData() const { return mpPgPViewPrtData; }
    1486             : 
    1487             :     // If pointer == 0 destroy pointer in document.
    1488             :     // Else copy object.
    1489             :     // Pointer is not transferred to ownership by document!
    1490             :     void SetPreviewPrtData( const SwPagePreviewPrtData* pData );
    1491             : 
    1492             :     /** update all modified OLE-Objects. The modification is called over the
    1493             :      StarOne - Interface */
    1494             :     void SetOLEObjModified();
    1495             : 
    1496             :     // Uno - Interfaces
    1497      403442 :     const SwUnoCrsrTbl& GetUnoCrsrTbl() const       { return *mpUnoCrsrTbl; }
    1498             :     SwUnoCrsr* CreateUnoCrsr( const SwPosition& rPos, bool bTblCrsr = false );
    1499             : 
    1500             :     // FeShell - Interfaces
    1501             :     // !!! These assume always an existing layout !!!
    1502             :     bool ChgAnchor( const SdrMarkList& _rMrkList,
    1503             :                         RndStdIds _eAnchorType,
    1504             :                         const bool _bSameOnly,
    1505             :                         const bool _bPosCorr );
    1506             : 
    1507             :     void SetRowHeight( const SwCursor& rCursor, const SwFmtFrmSize &rNew );
    1508             :     void GetRowHeight( const SwCursor& rCursor, SwFmtFrmSize *& rpSz ) const;
    1509             :     void SetRowSplit( const SwCursor& rCursor, const SwFmtRowSplit &rNew );
    1510             :     void GetRowSplit( const SwCursor& rCursor, SwFmtRowSplit *& rpSz ) const;
    1511             :     bool BalanceRowHeight( const SwCursor& rCursor, bool bTstOnly = true );
    1512             :     void SetRowBackground( const SwCursor& rCursor, const SvxBrushItem &rNew );
    1513             :     bool GetRowBackground( const SwCursor& rCursor, SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const;
    1514             :     void SetTabBorders( const SwCursor& rCursor, const SfxItemSet& rSet );
    1515             :     void SetTabLineStyle( const SwCursor& rCursor,
    1516             :                           const Color* pColor, bool bSetLine,
    1517             :                           const editeng::SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine );
    1518             :     void GetTabBorders( const SwCursor& rCursor, SfxItemSet& rSet ) const;
    1519             :     void SetBoxAttr( const SwCursor& rCursor, const SfxPoolItem &rNew );
    1520             :     /**
    1521             :     Retrieves a box attribute from the given cursor.
    1522             : 
    1523             :     @return Whether the property is set over the current box selection.
    1524             : 
    1525             :     @remarks A property is 'set' if it's set to the same value over all boxes in the current selection.
    1526             :     The property value is retrieved from the first box in the current selection. It is then compared to
    1527             :     the values of the same property over any other boxes in the selection; if any value is different from
    1528             :     that of the first box, the property is unset (and sal_False is returned).
    1529             :     */
    1530             :     bool GetBoxAttr( const SwCursor& rCursor, SfxPoolItem &rToFill ) const;
    1531             :     void SetBoxAlign( const SwCursor& rCursor, sal_uInt16 nAlign );
    1532             :     sal_uInt16 GetBoxAlign( const SwCursor& rCursor ) const;
    1533             :     void AdjustCellWidth( const SwCursor& rCursor, bool bBalance = false );
    1534             : 
    1535             :     int Chainable( const SwFrmFmt &rSource, const SwFrmFmt &rDest );
    1536             :     int Chain( SwFrmFmt &rSource, const SwFrmFmt &rDest );
    1537             :     void Unchain( SwFrmFmt &rFmt );
    1538             : 
    1539             :     // For Copy/Move from FrmShell.
    1540             :     SdrObject* CloneSdrObj( const SdrObject&, bool bMoveWithinDoc = false,
    1541             :                             bool bInsInPage = true );
    1542             : 
    1543             :     // FeShell - Interface end
    1544             : 
    1545             :     // Interface for TextInputData - for text input of Chinese and Japanese.
    1546             :     SwExtTextInput* CreateExtTextInput( const SwPaM& rPam );
    1547             :     void DeleteExtTextInput( SwExtTextInput* pDel );
    1548             :     SwExtTextInput* GetExtTextInput( const SwNode& rNd,
    1549             :                                 sal_Int32 nCntntPos = -1) const;
    1550             :     SwExtTextInput* GetExtTextInput() const;
    1551             : 
    1552             :     // Interface for access to AutoComplete-List.
    1553        2587 :     static SwAutoCompleteWord& GetAutoCompleteWords() { return *mpACmpltWords; }
    1554             : 
    1555         144 :     bool ContainsMSVBasic() const          { return mbContains_MSVBasic; }
    1556           2 :     void SetContainsMSVBasic( bool bFlag )  { mbContains_MSVBasic = bFlag; }
    1557             : 
    1558             :     // Interface for the list of Ruby - texts/attributes
    1559             :     sal_uInt16 FillRubyList( const SwPaM& rPam, SwRubyList& rList,
    1560             :                         sal_uInt16 nMode );
    1561             :     sal_uInt16 SetRubyList( const SwPaM& rPam, const SwRubyList& rList,
    1562             :                         sal_uInt16 nMode );
    1563             : 
    1564             :     void ReadLayoutCache( SvStream& rStream );
    1565             :     void WriteLayoutCache( SvStream& rStream );
    1566       15938 :     SwLayoutCache* GetLayoutCache() const { return mpLayoutCache; }
    1567             : 
    1568             :     /** Checks if any of the text node contains hidden characters.
    1569             :         Used for optimization. Changing the view option 'view hidden text'
    1570             :         has to trigger a reformatting only if some of the text is hidden.
    1571             :     */
    1572             :     bool ContainsHiddenChars() const;
    1573             : 
    1574      100888 :     IGrammarContact* getGrammarContact() const { return mpGrammarContact; }
    1575             : 
    1576             :     /** Marks/Unmarks a list level of a certain list
    1577             : 
    1578             :         levels of a certain lists are marked now
    1579             : 
    1580             :         @param sListId    list Id of the list whose level has to be marked/unmarked
    1581             :         @param nListLevel level to mark
    1582             :         @param bValue     - true  mark the level
    1583             :                           - false unmark the level
    1584             :     */
    1585             :     void MarkListLevel( const OUString& sListId,
    1586             :                         const int nListLevel,
    1587             :                         const bool bValue );
    1588             : 
    1589             :     /** Marks/Unmarks a list level of a certain list
    1590             : 
    1591             :         levels of a certain lists are marked now
    1592             : 
    1593             :         @param rList      list whose level has to be marked/unmarked
    1594             :         @param nListLevel level to mark
    1595             :         @param bValue     - true  mark the level
    1596             :                           - false unmark the level
    1597             :      */
    1598             :     void MarkListLevel( SwList& rList,
    1599             :                         const int nListLevel,
    1600             :                         const bool bValue );
    1601             : 
    1602             :     // Change a format undoable.
    1603             :     void ChgFmt(SwFmt & rFmt, const SfxItemSet & rSet);
    1604             : 
    1605             :     void RenameFmt(SwFmt & rFmt, const OUString & sNewName,
    1606             :                    bool bBroadcast = false);
    1607             : 
    1608             :     // Change a TOX undoable.
    1609             :     void ChgTOX(SwTOXBase & rTOX, const SwTOXBase & rNew);
    1610             : 
    1611             :     /**
    1612             :        Returns a textual description of a PaM.
    1613             : 
    1614             :        @param rPaM     the PaM to describe
    1615             : 
    1616             :        If rPaM only spans one paragraph the result is:
    1617             : 
    1618             :             '<text in the PaM>'
    1619             : 
    1620             :        <text in the PaM> is shortened to nUndoStringLength characters.
    1621             : 
    1622             :        If rPaM spans more than one paragraph the result is:
    1623             : 
    1624             :             paragraphs                               (STR_PARAGRAPHS)
    1625             : 
    1626             :        @return the textual description of rPaM
    1627             :      */
    1628             :     OUString GetPaMDescr(const SwPaM & rPaM) const;
    1629             : 
    1630             :     bool IsFirstOfNumRuleAtPos( const SwPosition & rPos );
    1631             : 
    1632             :     // access methods for XForms model(s)
    1633             : 
    1634             :     // access container for XForms model; will be NULL if !isXForms()
    1635             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer>
    1636         118 :         getXForms() const { return mxXForms;}
    1637             : 
    1638             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::linguistic2::XProofreadingIterator > GetGCIterator() const;
    1639             : 
    1640             :     // #i31958# is this an XForms document?
    1641             :     bool isXForms() const;
    1642             : 
    1643             :     // #i31958# initialize XForms models; turn this into an XForms document
    1644             :     void initXForms( bool bCreateDefaultModel );
    1645             : 
    1646             :     // #i113606# for disposing XForms
    1647             :     void disposeXForms( );
    1648             : 
    1649             :     //Update all the page masters
    1650             :     void SetDefaultPageMode(bool bSquaredPageMode);
    1651             :     bool IsSquaredPageMode() const;
    1652             : 
    1653             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::vba::XVBAEventProcessor > GetVbaEventProcessor();
    1654         134 :     void SetVBATemplateToProjectCache( com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& xCache ) { m_xTemplateToProjectCache = xCache; };
    1655         182 :         com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer > GetVBATemplateToProjectCache() { return m_xTemplateToProjectCache; };
    1656             :     ::sfx2::IXmlIdRegistry& GetXmlIdRegistry();
    1657             :     ::sw::MetaFieldManager & GetMetaFieldManager();
    1658             :     ::sw::UndoManager      & GetUndoManager();
    1659             :     ::sw::UndoManager const& GetUndoManager() const;
    1660             : 
    1661             :     SfxObjectShell* CreateCopy(bool bCallInitNew) const;
    1662             :     void AppendDoc(const SwDoc& rSource, sal_uInt16 nStartPageNumber,
    1663             :                  SwPageDesc* pTargetPageDesc, bool bDeletePrevious = false );
    1664             : 
    1665             :     /**
    1666             :      * Dumps the entire nodes structure to the given destination (file nodes.xml in the current directory by default)
    1667             :      * @since 3.5
    1668             :      */
    1669             :     void dumpAsXml( xmlTextWriterPtr writer = NULL ) const;
    1670             : 
    1671             :     std::vector<Color> GetDocColors();
    1672             : 
    1673             : private:
    1674             :     // Copies master header to left / first one, if necessary - used by ChgPageDesc().
    1675             :     void CopyMasterHeader(const SwPageDesc &rChged, const SwFmtHeader &rHead, SwPageDesc *pDesc, bool bLeft, bool bFirst);
    1676             :     // Copies master footer to left / first one, if necessary - used by ChgPageDesc().
    1677             :     void CopyMasterFooter(const SwPageDesc &rChged, const SwFmtFooter &rFoot, SwPageDesc *pDesc, bool bLeft, bool bFirst);
    1678             : 
    1679             : };
    1680             : 
    1681             : // This method is called in Dtor of SwDoc and deletes cache of ContourObjects.
    1682             : void ClrContourCache();
    1683             : 
    1684             : inline const SwTableNode* SwDoc::IsIdxInTbl( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) const
    1685             : {
    1686             :     return ((SwDoc*)this)->IsIdxInTbl( rIdx );
    1687             : }
    1688             : 
    1689        7194 : inline SvNumberFormatter* SwDoc::GetNumberFormatter( bool bCreate )
    1690             : {
    1691        7194 :     if( bCreate && !mpNumberFormatter )
    1692        4740 :         _CreateNumberFormatter();
    1693        7194 :     return mpNumberFormatter;
    1694             : }
    1695             : 
    1696           0 : inline const SvNumberFormatter* SwDoc::GetNumberFormatter( bool bCreate ) const
    1697             : {
    1698           0 :     return ((SwDoc*)this)->GetNumberFormatter( bCreate );
    1699             : }
    1700             : 
    1701          56 : inline void SwDoc::SetOLEPrtNotifyPending( bool bSet )
    1702             : {
    1703          56 :     mbOLEPrtNotifyPending = bSet;
    1704          56 :     if( !bSet )
    1705           2 :         mbAllOLENotify = false;
    1706          56 : }
    1707             : 
    1708             : // namespace <docfunc> for functions and procedures working on a Writer document.
    1709             : namespace docfunc
    1710             : {
    1711             :     /** method to check, if given Writer document contains at least one drawing object
    1712             : 
    1713             :         @author OD
    1714             : 
    1715             :         @param p_rDoc
    1716             :         input parameter - reference to the Writer document, which is investigated.
    1717             :     */
    1718             :     bool ExistsDrawObjs( SwDoc& p_rDoc );
    1719             : 
    1720             :     /** method to check, if given Writer document contains only drawing objects,
    1721             :         which are completely on its page.
    1722             : 
    1723             :         @author OD
    1724             : 
    1725             :         @param p_rDoc
    1726             :         input parameter - reference to the Writer document, which is investigated.
    1727             :     */
    1728             :     bool AllDrawObjsOnPage( SwDoc& p_rDoc );
    1729             : 
    1730             :     /** method to check, if the outline style has to written as a normal list style
    1731             : 
    1732             :         #i69627#
    1733             :         The outline style has to written as a normal list style, if a parent
    1734             :         paragraph style of one of the paragraph styles, which are assigned to
    1735             :         the list levels of the outline style, has a list style set or inherits
    1736             :         a list style from its parent paragraphs style.
    1737             :         This information is needed for the OpenDocument file format export.
    1738             : 
    1739             :         @author OD
    1740             : 
    1741             :         @param rDoc
    1742             :         input parameter - reference to the text document, which is investigated.
    1743             : 
    1744             :         @return boolean
    1745             :         indicating, if the outline style has to written as a normal list style
    1746             :     */
    1747             :     bool HasOutlineStyleToBeWrittenAsNormalListStyle( SwDoc& rDoc );
    1748             : }
    1749             : 
    1750             : bool sw_GetPostIts( IDocumentFieldsAccess* pIDFA, _SetGetExpFlds * pSrtLst );
    1751             : 
    1752             : #endif  //_DOC_HXX
    1753             : 
    1754             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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