Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include <DocumentDrawModelManager.hxx>
21 :
22 : #include <doc.hxx>
23 : #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
24 : #include <IDocumentSettingAccess.hxx>
25 : #include <IDocumentDeviceAccess.hxx>
26 : #include <IDocumentLinksAdministration.hxx>
27 : #include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
28 : #include <docsh.hxx>
29 : #include <swtypes.hxx>
30 : #include <swhints.hxx>
31 : #include <viewsh.hxx>
32 : #include <drawdoc.hxx>
33 : #include <rootfrm.hxx>
34 : #include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
35 : #include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
36 : #include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
37 : #include <svx/svdlayer.hxx>
38 : #include <svx/svdoutl.hxx>
39 : #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
40 : #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
41 : #include <svl/smplhint.hxx>
42 : #include <tools/link.hxx>
43 :
44 : class SdrOutliner;
45 : class XSpellChecker1;
46 :
47 : namespace sw
48 : {
49 :
50 5052 : DocumentDrawModelManager::DocumentDrawModelManager(SwDoc& i_rSwdoc)
51 : : m_rSwdoc(i_rSwdoc)
52 : , mpDrawModel(0)
53 : , mnHeaven(0)
54 : , mnHell(0)
55 : , mnControls(0)
56 : , mnInvisibleHeaven(0)
57 : , mnInvisibleHell(0)
58 5052 : , mnInvisibleControls(0)
59 : {
60 5052 : }
61 :
62 : // Is also called by the Sw3 Reader, if there was an error when reading the
63 : // drawing layer. If it is called by the Sw3 Reader the layer is rebuilt
64 : // from scratch.
65 5052 : void DocumentDrawModelManager::InitDrawModel()
66 : {
67 : // !! Attention: there is similar code in the Sw3 Reader (sw3imp.cxx) that
68 : // also has to be maintained!!
69 5052 : if ( mpDrawModel )
70 0 : ReleaseDrawModel();
71 :
72 : //UUUU
73 : // // Setup DrawPool and EditEnginePool. Ownership is ours and only gets passed
74 : // // to the Drawing.
75 : // // The pools are destroyed in the ReleaseDrawModel.
76 : // // for loading the drawing items. This must be loaded without RefCounts!
77 : // SfxItemPool *pSdrPool = new SdrItemPool( &GetAttrPool() );
78 : // // change DefaultItems for the SdrEdgeObj distance items to TWIPS.
79 : // if(pSdrPool)
80 : // {
81 : // const long nDefEdgeDist = ((500 * 72) / 127); // 1/100th mm in twips
82 : // pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(SdrEdgeNode1HorzDistItem(nDefEdgeDist));
83 : // pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(SdrEdgeNode1VertDistItem(nDefEdgeDist));
84 : // pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(SdrEdgeNode2HorzDistItem(nDefEdgeDist));
85 : // pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(SdrEdgeNode2VertDistItem(nDefEdgeDist));
86 : //
87 : // // #i33700#
88 : // // Set shadow distance defaults as PoolDefaultItems. Details see bug.
89 : // pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(makeSdrShadowXDistItem((300 * 72) / 127));
90 : // pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(makeSdrShadowYDistItem((300 * 72) / 127));
91 : // }
92 : // SfxItemPool *pEEgPool = EditEngine::CreatePool( false );
93 : // pSdrPool->SetSecondaryPool( pEEgPool );
94 : // if ( !GetAttrPool().GetFrozenIdRanges () )
95 : // GetAttrPool().FreezeIdRanges();
96 : // else
97 : // pSdrPool->FreezeIdRanges();
98 :
99 : // set FontHeight pool defaults without changing static SdrEngineDefaults
100 5052 : m_rSwdoc.GetAttrPool().SetPoolDefaultItem(SvxFontHeightItem( 240, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ));
101 :
102 : SAL_INFO( "sw.doc", "before create DrawDocument" );
103 : // The document owns the SwDrawModel. We always have two layers and one page.
104 5052 : mpDrawModel = new SwDrawModel( &m_rSwdoc );
105 :
106 5052 : mpDrawModel->EnableUndo( m_rSwdoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() );
107 :
108 5052 : OUString sLayerNm;
109 5052 : sLayerNm = "Hell";
110 5052 : mnHell = mpDrawModel->GetLayerAdmin().NewLayer( sLayerNm )->GetID();
111 :
112 5052 : sLayerNm = "Heaven";
113 5052 : mnHeaven = mpDrawModel->GetLayerAdmin().NewLayer( sLayerNm )->GetID();
114 :
115 5052 : sLayerNm = "Controls";
116 5052 : mnControls = mpDrawModel->GetLayerAdmin().NewLayer( sLayerNm )->GetID();
117 :
118 : // add invisible layers corresponding to the visible ones.
119 : {
120 5052 : sLayerNm = "InvisibleHell";
121 5052 : mnInvisibleHell = mpDrawModel->GetLayerAdmin().NewLayer( sLayerNm )->GetID();
122 :
123 5052 : sLayerNm = "InvisibleHeaven";
124 5052 : mnInvisibleHeaven = mpDrawModel->GetLayerAdmin().NewLayer( sLayerNm )->GetID();
125 :
126 5052 : sLayerNm = "InvisibleControls";
127 5052 : mnInvisibleControls = mpDrawModel->GetLayerAdmin().NewLayer( sLayerNm )->GetID();
128 : }
129 :
130 5052 : SdrPage* pMasterPage = mpDrawModel->AllocPage( false );
131 5052 : mpDrawModel->InsertPage( pMasterPage );
132 : SAL_INFO( "sw.doc", "after create DrawDocument" );
133 : SAL_INFO( "sw.doc", "before create Spellchecker/Hyphenator" );
134 5052 : SdrOutliner& rOutliner = mpDrawModel->GetDrawOutliner();
135 10104 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > xSpell = ::GetSpellChecker();
136 5052 : rOutliner.SetSpeller( xSpell );
137 10104 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::linguistic2::XHyphenator > xHyphenator( ::GetHyphenator() );
138 5052 : rOutliner.SetHyphenator( xHyphenator );
139 : SAL_INFO( "sw.doc", "after create Spellchecker/Hyphenator" );
140 5052 : m_rSwdoc.SetCalcFieldValueHdl(&rOutliner);
141 5052 : m_rSwdoc.SetCalcFieldValueHdl(&mpDrawModel->GetHitTestOutliner());
142 :
143 : // Set the LinkManager in the model so that linked graphics can be inserted.
144 : // The WinWord import needs it too.
145 5052 : mpDrawModel->SetLinkManager( & m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager() );
146 5052 : mpDrawModel->SetAddExtLeading( m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentSettingAccess().get(IDocumentSettingAccess::ADD_EXT_LEADING) );
147 :
148 5052 : OutputDevice* pRefDev = m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentDeviceAccess().getReferenceDevice( false );
149 5052 : if ( pRefDev )
150 0 : mpDrawModel->SetRefDevice( pRefDev );
151 :
152 5052 : mpDrawModel->SetNotifyUndoActionHdl( LINK( &m_rSwdoc, SwDoc, AddDrawUndo ));
153 5052 : if ( m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() )
154 : {
155 0 : SwViewShell* pViewSh = m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell();
156 0 : do
157 : {
158 0 : SwRootFrm* pRoot = pViewSh->GetLayout();
159 0 : if( pRoot && !pRoot->GetDrawPage() )
160 : {
161 : // Disable "multiple layout" for the moment:
162 : // use pMasterPage instead of a new created SdrPage
163 : // mpDrawModel->AllocPage( FALSE );
164 : // mpDrawModel->InsertPage( pDrawPage );
165 0 : SdrPage* pDrawPage = pMasterPage;
166 0 : pRoot->SetDrawPage( pDrawPage );
167 0 : pDrawPage->SetSize( pRoot->Frm().SSize() );
168 : }
169 0 : pViewSh = (SwViewShell*)pViewSh->GetNext();
170 0 : }while( pViewSh != m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() );
171 5052 : }
172 5052 : }
173 :
174 :
175 5045 : void DocumentDrawModelManager::ReleaseDrawModel()
176 : {
177 5045 : if ( mpDrawModel )
178 : {
179 : // !! Also maintain the code in the sw3io for inserting documents!!
180 :
181 5045 : delete mpDrawModel; mpDrawModel = 0;
182 : //UUUU
183 : // SfxItemPool *pSdrPool = GetAttrPool().GetSecondaryPool();
184 : //
185 : // OSL_ENSURE( pSdrPool, "missing pool" );
186 : // SfxItemPool *pEEgPool = pSdrPool->GetSecondaryPool();
187 : // OSL_ENSURE( !pEEgPool->GetSecondaryPool(), "I don't accept additional pools");
188 : // pSdrPool->Delete(); // First have the items destroyed,
189 : // // then destroy the chain!
190 : // GetAttrPool().SetSecondaryPool( 0 ); // This one's a must!
191 : // pSdrPool->SetSecondaryPool( 0 ); // That one's safer
192 : // SfxItemPool::Free(pSdrPool);
193 : // SfxItemPool::Free(pEEgPool);
194 : }
195 5045 : }
196 :
197 :
198 :
199 :
200 :
201 0 : const SwDrawModel* DocumentDrawModelManager::GetDrawModel() const
202 : {
203 0 : return mpDrawModel;
204 : }
205 :
206 1622405 : SwDrawModel* DocumentDrawModelManager::GetDrawModel()
207 : {
208 1622405 : return mpDrawModel;
209 : }
210 :
211 5052 : SwDrawModel* DocumentDrawModelManager::_MakeDrawModel()
212 : {
213 : OSL_ENSURE( !mpDrawModel, "_MakeDrawModel: Why?" );
214 5052 : InitDrawModel();
215 5052 : if ( m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() )
216 : {
217 0 : SwViewShell* pTmp = m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell();
218 0 : do
219 : {
220 0 : pTmp->MakeDrawView();
221 0 : pTmp = (SwViewShell*) pTmp->GetNext();
222 0 : } while ( pTmp != m_rSwdoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() );
223 :
224 : // Broadcast, so that the FormShell can be connected to the DrawView
225 0 : if( m_rSwdoc.GetDocShell() )
226 : {
228 0 : m_rSwdoc.GetDocShell()->Broadcast( aHnt );
229 : }
230 : }
231 5052 : return mpDrawModel;
232 : }
233 :
234 707431 : SwDrawModel* DocumentDrawModelManager::GetOrCreateDrawModel()
235 : {
236 707431 : return GetDrawModel() ? GetDrawModel() : _MakeDrawModel();
237 : }
238 :
239 1226445 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetHeavenId() const
240 : {
241 1226445 : return mnHeaven;
242 : }
243 :
244 418245 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetHellId() const
245 : {
246 418245 : return mnHell;
247 : }
248 :
249 214831 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetControlsId() const
250 : {
251 214831 : return mnControls;
252 : }
253 :
254 210496 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetInvisibleHeavenId() const
255 : {
256 210496 : return mnInvisibleHeaven;
257 : }
258 :
259 208636 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetInvisibleHellId() const
260 : {
261 208636 : return mnInvisibleHell;
262 : }
263 :
264 178976 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetInvisibleControlsId() const
265 : {
266 178976 : return mnInvisibleControls;
267 : }
268 :
269 5318 : void DocumentDrawModelManager::NotifyInvisibleLayers( SdrPageView& _rSdrPageView )
270 : {
271 5318 : OUString sLayerNm;
272 5318 : sLayerNm = "InvisibleHell";
273 5318 : _rSdrPageView.SetLayerVisible( sLayerNm, false );
274 :
275 5318 : sLayerNm = "InvisibleHeaven";
276 5318 : _rSdrPageView.SetLayerVisible( sLayerNm, false );
277 :
278 5318 : sLayerNm = "InvisibleControls";
279 5318 : _rSdrPageView.SetLayerVisible( sLayerNm, false );
280 5318 : }
281 :
282 1002619 : bool DocumentDrawModelManager::IsVisibleLayerId( const SdrLayerID& _nLayerId ) const
283 : {
284 : bool bRetVal;
285 :
286 2163070 : if ( _nLayerId == GetHeavenId() ||
287 1041434 : _nLayerId == GetHellId() ||
288 38815 : _nLayerId == GetControlsId() )
289 : {
290 976119 : bRetVal = true;
291 : }
292 64020 : else if ( _nLayerId == GetInvisibleHeavenId() ||
293 28152 : _nLayerId == GetInvisibleHellId() ||
294 1652 : _nLayerId == GetInvisibleControlsId() )
295 : {
296 26500 : bRetVal = false;
297 : }
298 : else
299 : {
300 : OSL_FAIL( "<SwDoc::IsVisibleLayerId(..)> - unknown layer ID." );
301 0 : bRetVal = false;
302 : }
303 :
304 1002619 : return bRetVal;
305 : }
306 :
307 0 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetVisibleLayerIdByInvisibleOne( const SdrLayerID& _nInvisibleLayerId )
308 : {
309 : SdrLayerID nVisibleLayerId;
310 :
311 0 : if ( _nInvisibleLayerId == GetInvisibleHeavenId() )
312 : {
313 0 : nVisibleLayerId = GetHeavenId();
314 : }
315 0 : else if ( _nInvisibleLayerId == GetInvisibleHellId() )
316 : {
317 0 : nVisibleLayerId = GetHellId();
318 : }
319 0 : else if ( _nInvisibleLayerId == GetInvisibleControlsId() )
320 : {
321 0 : nVisibleLayerId = GetControlsId();
322 : }
323 0 : else if ( _nInvisibleLayerId == GetHeavenId() ||
324 0 : _nInvisibleLayerId == GetHellId() ||
325 0 : _nInvisibleLayerId == GetControlsId() )
326 : {
327 : OSL_FAIL( "<SwDoc::GetVisibleLayerIdByInvisibleOne(..)> - given layer ID already an invisible one." );
328 0 : nVisibleLayerId = _nInvisibleLayerId;
329 : }
330 : else
331 : {
332 : OSL_FAIL( "<SwDoc::GetVisibleLayerIdByInvisibleOne(..)> - given layer ID is unknown." );
333 0 : nVisibleLayerId = _nInvisibleLayerId;
334 : }
335 :
336 0 : return nVisibleLayerId;
337 : }
338 :
339 46 : SdrLayerID DocumentDrawModelManager::GetInvisibleLayerIdByVisibleOne( const SdrLayerID& _nVisibleLayerId )
340 : {
341 : SdrLayerID nInvisibleLayerId;
342 :
343 46 : if ( _nVisibleLayerId == GetHeavenId() )
344 : {
345 46 : nInvisibleLayerId = GetInvisibleHeavenId();
346 : }
347 0 : else if ( _nVisibleLayerId == GetHellId() )
348 : {
349 0 : nInvisibleLayerId = GetInvisibleHellId();
350 : }
351 0 : else if ( _nVisibleLayerId == GetControlsId() )
352 : {
353 0 : nInvisibleLayerId = GetInvisibleControlsId();
354 : }
355 0 : else if ( _nVisibleLayerId == GetInvisibleHeavenId() ||
356 0 : _nVisibleLayerId == GetInvisibleHellId() ||
357 0 : _nVisibleLayerId == GetInvisibleControlsId() )
358 : {
359 : OSL_FAIL( "<SwDoc::GetInvisibleLayerIdByVisibleOne(..)> - given layer ID already an invisible one." );
360 0 : nInvisibleLayerId = _nVisibleLayerId;
361 : }
362 : else
363 : {
364 : OSL_FAIL( "<SwDoc::GetInvisibleLayerIdByVisibleOne(..)> - given layer ID is unknown." );
365 0 : nInvisibleLayerId = _nVisibleLayerId;
366 : }
367 :
368 46 : return nInvisibleLayerId;
369 : }
370 :
371 5083 : void DocumentDrawModelManager::DrawNotifyUndoHdl()
372 : {
373 5083 : mpDrawModel->SetNotifyUndoActionHdl( Link() );
374 5083 : }
375 :
376 270 : }
377 :
378 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */