LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/doc - doccomp.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 1 1230 0.1 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 2 105 1.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <hintids.hxx>
      21             : #include <vcl/vclenum.hxx>
      22             : #include <editeng/crossedoutitem.hxx>
      23             : #include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
      24             : #include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
      25             : #include <editeng/svxenum.hxx>
      26             : #include <editeng/udlnitem.hxx>
      27             : #include <swmodule.hxx>
      28             : #include <doc.hxx>
      29             : #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
      30             : #include <DocumentContentOperationsManager.hxx>
      31             : #include <IDocumentRedlineAccess.hxx>
      32             : #include <IDocumentState.hxx>
      33             : #include <docary.hxx>
      34             : #include <pam.hxx>
      35             : #include <ndtxt.hxx>
      36             : #include <redline.hxx>
      37             : #include <UndoRedline.hxx>
      38             : #include <section.hxx>
      39             : #include <tox.hxx>
      40             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      41             : 
      42             : #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp>
      43             : #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentProperties.hpp>
      44             : 
      45             : #include <vector>
      46             : 
      47             : #include <set>
      48             : #include <cctype>
      49             : 
      50             : #include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
      51             : 
      52             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      53             : 
      54             : using ::std::vector;
      55             : 
      56             : class CompareLine
      57             : {
      58             : public:
      59           0 :     CompareLine() {}
      60             :     virtual ~CompareLine();
      61             : 
      62             :     virtual sal_uLong GetHashValue() const = 0;
      63             :     virtual bool Compare( const CompareLine& rLine ) const = 0;
      64             : };
      65             : 
      66             : class CompareData
      67             : {
      68             :     size_t* pIndex;
      69             :     bool* pChangedFlag;
      70             : 
      71             : protected:
      72             :     vector< CompareLine* > aLines;
      73             :     sal_uLong nSttLineNum;
      74             : 
      75             :     // Truncate beginning and end and add all others to the LinesArray
      76             :     virtual void CheckRanges( CompareData& ) = 0;
      77             : 
      78             : public:
      79             :     CompareData();
      80             :     virtual ~CompareData();
      81             : 
      82             :     // Are there differences?
      83             :     bool HasDiffs( const CompareData& rData ) const;
      84             : 
      85             :     // Triggers the comparison and creation of two documents
      86             :     void CompareLines( CompareData& rData );
      87             :     // Display the differences - calls the methods ShowInsert and ShowDelete.
      88             :     // These are passed the start and end line number.
      89             :     // Displaying the actually content is to be handled by the subclass!
      90             :     sal_uLong ShowDiffs( const CompareData& rData );
      91             : 
      92             :     virtual void ShowInsert( sal_uLong nStt, sal_uLong nEnd );
      93             :     virtual void ShowDelete( const CompareData& rData, sal_uLong nStt,
      94             :                                 sal_uLong nEnd, sal_uLong nInsPos );
      95             :     virtual void CheckForChangesInLine( const CompareData& rData,
      96             :                                     sal_uLong& nStt, sal_uLong& nEnd,
      97             :                                     sal_uLong& nThisStt, sal_uLong& nThisEnd );
      98             : 
      99             :     // Set non-ambiguous index for a line. Same lines have the same index, even in the other CompareData!
     100             :     void SetIndex( size_t nLine, size_t nIndex );
     101           0 :     size_t GetIndex( size_t nLine ) const
     102           0 :         { return nLine < aLines.size() ? pIndex[ nLine ] : 0; }
     103             : 
     104             :     // Set/get of a line has changed
     105             :     void SetChanged( size_t nLine, bool bFlag = true );
     106           0 :     bool GetChanged( size_t nLine ) const
     107             :         {
     108           0 :             return (pChangedFlag && nLine < aLines.size())
     109           0 :                 && pChangedFlag[ nLine ];
     110             :         }
     111             : 
     112           0 :     size_t GetLineCount() const     { return aLines.size(); }
     113           0 :     const CompareLine* GetLine( size_t nLine ) const
     114           0 :             { return aLines[ nLine ]; }
     115           0 :     void InsertLine( CompareLine* pLine )
     116           0 :         { aLines.push_back( pLine ); }
     117             : };
     118             : 
     119             : class Hash
     120             : {
     121             :     struct _HashData
     122             :     {
     123             :         sal_uLong nNext, nHash;
     124             :         const CompareLine* pLine;
     125             : 
     126           0 :         _HashData()
     127           0 :             : nNext( 0 ), nHash( 0 ), pLine(0) {}
     128             :     };
     129             : 
     130             :     sal_uLong* pHashArr;
     131             :     _HashData* pDataArr;
     132             :     sal_uLong nCount, nPrime;
     133             : 
     134             : public:
     135             :     Hash( sal_uLong nSize );
     136             :     ~Hash();
     137             : 
     138             :     void CalcHashValue( CompareData& rData );
     139             : 
     140           0 :     sal_uLong GetCount() const { return nCount; }
     141             : };
     142             : 
     143             : class Compare
     144             : {
     145             : public:
     146             :     class MovedData
     147             :     {
     148             :         sal_uLong* pIndex;
     149             :         sal_uLong* pLineNum;
     150             :         sal_uLong nCount;
     151             : 
     152             :     public:
     153             :         MovedData( CompareData& rData, sal_Char* pDiscard );
     154             :         ~MovedData();
     155             : 
     156           0 :         sal_uLong GetIndex( sal_uLong n ) const { return pIndex[ n ]; }
     157           0 :         sal_uLong GetLineNum( sal_uLong n ) const { return pLineNum[ n ]; }
     158           0 :         sal_uLong GetCount() const { return nCount; }
     159             :     };
     160             : 
     161             : private:
     162             :     /// Look for the moved lines
     163             :     class CompareSequence
     164             :     {
     165             :         CompareData &rData1, &rData2;
     166             :         const MovedData &rMoved1, &rMoved2;
     167             :         long *pMemory, *pFDiag, *pBDiag;
     168             : 
     169             :         void Compare( sal_uLong nStt1, sal_uLong nEnd1, sal_uLong nStt2, sal_uLong nEnd2 );
     170             :         sal_uLong CheckDiag( sal_uLong nStt1, sal_uLong nEnd1,
     171             :                         sal_uLong nStt2, sal_uLong nEnd2, sal_uLong* pCost );
     172             :     public:
     173             :         CompareSequence( CompareData& rData1, CompareData& rData2,
     174             :                         const MovedData& rD1, const MovedData& rD2 );
     175             :         ~CompareSequence();
     176             :     };
     177             : 
     178             :     static void CountDifference( const CompareData& rData, sal_uLong* pCounts );
     179             :     static void SetDiscard( const CompareData& rData,
     180             :                             sal_Char* pDiscard, sal_uLong* pCounts );
     181             :     static void CheckDiscard( sal_uLong nLen, sal_Char* pDiscard );
     182             :     static void ShiftBoundaries( CompareData& rData1, CompareData& rData2 );
     183             : 
     184             : public:
     185             :     Compare( sal_uLong nDiff, CompareData& rData1, CompareData& rData2 );
     186             : };
     187             : 
     188           0 : class ArrayComparator
     189             : {
     190             : public:
     191             :     virtual bool Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const = 0;
     192             :     virtual int GetLen1() const = 0;
     193             :     virtual int GetLen2() const = 0;
     194           0 :     virtual ~ArrayComparator() {}
     195             : };
     196             : 
     197             : /// Consider two lines equal if similar enough (e.g. look like different
     198             : /// versions of the same paragraph)
     199           0 : class LineArrayComparator : public ArrayComparator
     200             : {
     201             : private:
     202             :     int nLen1, nLen2;
     203             :     const CompareData &rData1, &rData2;
     204             :     int nFirst1, nFirst2;
     205             : 
     206             : public:
     207             :     LineArrayComparator( const CompareData &rD1, const CompareData &rD2,
     208             :                             int nStt1, int nEnd1, int nStt2, int nEnd2 );
     209             : 
     210             :     virtual bool Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     211           0 :     virtual int GetLen1() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return nLen1; }
     212           0 :     virtual int GetLen2() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return nLen2; }
     213             : };
     214             : 
     215             : class WordArrayComparator : public ArrayComparator
     216             : {
     217             : private:
     218             :     const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd1, *pTxtNd2;
     219             :     int *pPos1, *pPos2;
     220             :     int nCnt1, nCnt2;           // number of words
     221             : 
     222             :     void CalcPositions( int *pPos, const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd, int &nCnt );
     223             : 
     224             : public:
     225             :     WordArrayComparator( const SwTxtNode *pNode1, const SwTxtNode *pNode2 );
     226             :     virtual ~WordArrayComparator();
     227             : 
     228             :     virtual bool Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     229           0 :     virtual int GetLen1() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return nCnt1; }
     230           0 :     virtual int GetLen2() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return nCnt2; }
     231             :     int GetCharSequence( const int *pWordLcs1, const int *pWordLcs2,
     232             :                         int *pSubseq1, int *pSubseq2, int nLcsLen );
     233             : };
     234             : 
     235           0 : class CharArrayComparator : public ArrayComparator
     236             : {
     237             : private:
     238             :     const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd1, *pTxtNd2;
     239             : 
     240             : public:
     241           0 :     CharArrayComparator( const SwTxtNode *pNode1, const SwTxtNode *pNode2 )
     242           0 :         : pTxtNd1( pNode1 ), pTxtNd2( pNode2 )
     243             :     {
     244           0 :     }
     245             : 
     246             :     virtual bool Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     247           0 :     virtual int GetLen1() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return pTxtNd1->GetTxt().getLength(); }
     248           0 :     virtual int GetLen2() const SAL_OVERRIDE { return pTxtNd2->GetTxt().getLength(); }
     249             : };
     250             : 
     251             : /// Options set in Tools->Options->Writer->Comparison
     252             : struct CmpOptionsContainer
     253             : {
     254             :     SvxCompareMode eCmpMode;
     255             :     int nIgnoreLen;
     256             :     bool bUseRsid;
     257             : } CmpOptions;
     258             : 
     259             : class CommonSubseq
     260             : {
     261             : private:
     262             :     int *pData;
     263             :     int nSize;
     264             : 
     265             : protected:
     266             :     ArrayComparator &rCmp;
     267             : 
     268           0 :     CommonSubseq( ArrayComparator &rComparator, int nMaxSize )
     269           0 :         : nSize( nMaxSize ), rCmp( rComparator )
     270             :     {
     271           0 :         pData = new int[ nSize ];
     272           0 :     }
     273             : 
     274           0 :     ~CommonSubseq()
     275             :     {
     276           0 :         delete[] pData;
     277           0 :     }
     278             : 
     279             :     int FindLCS( int *pLcs1 = 0, int *pLcs2 = 0, int nStt1 = 0,
     280             :                     int nEnd1 = 0, int nStt2 = 0, int nEnd2 = 0 );
     281             : 
     282             : public:
     283             :     int IgnoreIsolatedPieces( int *pLcs1, int *pLcs2, int nLen1, int nLen2,
     284             :                                 int nLcsLen, int nPieceLen );
     285             : };
     286             : 
     287             : /// Use Hirschberg's algorithm to find LCS in linear space
     288             : class LgstCommonSubseq: public CommonSubseq
     289             : {
     290             : private:
     291             :     static const int CUTOFF = 1<<20; // Stop recursion at this value
     292             : 
     293             :     int *pL1, *pL2;
     294             :     int *pBuff1, *pBuff2;
     295             : 
     296             :     void FindL( int *pL, int nStt1, int nEnd1, int nStt2, int nEnd2  );
     297             :     int HirschbergLCS( int *pLcs1, int *pLcs2, int nStt1, int nEnd1,
     298             :                                                 int nStt2, int nEnd2 );
     299             : 
     300             : public:
     301             :     LgstCommonSubseq( ArrayComparator &rComparator );
     302             :     ~LgstCommonSubseq();
     303             : 
     304             :     int Find( int *pSubseq1, int *pSubseq2 );
     305             : };
     306             : 
     307             : /// Find a common subsequence in linear time
     308           0 : class FastCommonSubseq: private CommonSubseq
     309             : {
     310             : private:
     311             :     static const int CUTOFF = 2056;
     312             : 
     313             :     int FindFastCS( int *pSeq1, int *pSeq2, int nStt1, int nEnd1,
     314             :                                              int nStt2, int nEnd2  );
     315             : 
     316             : public:
     317           0 :     FastCommonSubseq( ArrayComparator &rComparator )
     318           0 :         : CommonSubseq( rComparator, CUTOFF )
     319             :     {
     320           0 :     }
     321             : 
     322           0 :     int Find( int *pSubseq1, int *pSubseq2 )
     323             :     {
     324           0 :         return FindFastCS( pSubseq1, pSubseq2, 0, rCmp.GetLen1(),
     325           0 :                                                 0, rCmp.GetLen2() );
     326             :     }
     327             : };
     328             : 
     329           0 : CompareLine::~CompareLine() {}
     330             : 
     331           0 : CompareData::CompareData()
     332           0 :     : pIndex( 0 ), pChangedFlag( 0 ), nSttLineNum( 0 )
     333             : {
     334           0 : }
     335             : 
     336           0 : CompareData::~CompareData()
     337             : {
     338           0 :     delete[] pIndex;
     339           0 :     delete[] pChangedFlag;
     340           0 : }
     341             : 
     342           0 : void CompareData::SetIndex( size_t nLine, size_t nIndex )
     343             : {
     344           0 :     if( !pIndex )
     345             :     {
     346           0 :         pIndex = new size_t[ aLines.size() ];
     347           0 :         memset( pIndex, 0, aLines.size() * sizeof( size_t ) );
     348             :     }
     349           0 :     if( nLine < aLines.size() )
     350           0 :         pIndex[ nLine ] = nIndex;
     351           0 : }
     352             : 
     353           0 : void CompareData::SetChanged( size_t nLine, bool bFlag )
     354             : {
     355           0 :     if( !pChangedFlag )
     356             :     {
     357           0 :         pChangedFlag = new bool[ aLines.size() +1 ];
     358           0 :         memset( pChangedFlag, 0, (aLines.size() +1) * sizeof( bool ) );
     359             :     }
     360           0 :     if( nLine < aLines.size() )
     361           0 :         pChangedFlag[ nLine ] = bFlag;
     362           0 : }
     363             : 
     364           0 : void CompareData::CompareLines( CompareData& rData )
     365             : {
     366           0 :     CheckRanges( rData );
     367             : 
     368             :     sal_uLong nDifferent;
     369             :     {
     370           0 :         Hash aH( GetLineCount() + rData.GetLineCount() + 1 );
     371           0 :         aH.CalcHashValue( *this );
     372           0 :         aH.CalcHashValue( rData );
     373           0 :         nDifferent = aH.GetCount();
     374             :     }
     375             :     {
     376           0 :         Compare aComp( nDifferent, *this, rData );
     377             :     }
     378           0 : }
     379             : 
     380           0 : sal_uLong CompareData::ShowDiffs( const CompareData& rData )
     381             : {
     382           0 :     sal_uLong nLen1 = rData.GetLineCount(), nLen2 = GetLineCount();
     383           0 :     sal_uLong nStt1 = 0, nStt2 = 0;
     384           0 :     sal_uLong nCnt = 0;
     385             : 
     386           0 :     while( nStt1 < nLen1 || nStt2 < nLen2 )
     387             :     {
     388           0 :         if( rData.GetChanged( nStt1 ) || GetChanged( nStt2 ) )
     389             :         {
     390             :             // Find a region of different lines between two pairs of identical
     391             :             // lines.
     392           0 :             sal_uLong nSav1 = nStt1, nSav2 = nStt2;
     393           0 :             while( nStt1 < nLen1 && rData.GetChanged( nStt1 )) ++nStt1;
     394           0 :             while( nStt2 < nLen2 && GetChanged( nStt2 )) ++nStt2;
     395             : 
     396             :             // Check if there are changed lines (only slightly different) and
     397             :             // compare them in detail.
     398           0 :             CheckForChangesInLine( rData, nSav1, nStt1, nSav2, nStt2 );
     399             : 
     400           0 :             ++nCnt;
     401             :         }
     402           0 :         ++nStt1, ++nStt2;
     403             :     }
     404           0 :     return nCnt;
     405             : }
     406             : 
     407           0 : bool CompareData::HasDiffs( const CompareData& rData ) const
     408             : {
     409           0 :     bool bRet = false;
     410           0 :     sal_uLong nLen1 = rData.GetLineCount(), nLen2 = GetLineCount();
     411           0 :     sal_uLong nStt1 = 0, nStt2 = 0;
     412             : 
     413           0 :     while( nStt1 < nLen1 || nStt2 < nLen2 )
     414             :     {
     415           0 :         if( rData.GetChanged( nStt1 ) || GetChanged( nStt2 ) )
     416             :         {
     417           0 :             bRet = true;
     418           0 :             break;
     419             :         }
     420           0 :         ++nStt1, ++nStt2;
     421             :     }
     422           0 :     return bRet;
     423             : }
     424             : 
     425           0 : void CompareData::ShowInsert( sal_uLong, sal_uLong )
     426             : {
     427           0 : }
     428             : 
     429           0 : void CompareData::ShowDelete( const CompareData&, sal_uLong, sal_uLong, sal_uLong )
     430             : {
     431           0 : }
     432             : 
     433           0 : void CompareData::CheckForChangesInLine( const CompareData& ,
     434             :                                     sal_uLong&, sal_uLong&, sal_uLong&, sal_uLong& )
     435             : {
     436           0 : }
     437             : 
     438           0 : Hash::Hash( sal_uLong nSize )
     439           0 :     : nCount(1)
     440             : {
     441             : 
     442             : static const sal_uLong primes[] =
     443             : {
     444             :   509,
     445             :   1021,
     446             :   2039,
     447             :   4093,
     448             :   8191,
     449             :   16381,
     450             :   32749,
     451             :   65521,
     452             :   131071,
     453             :   262139,
     454             :   524287,
     455             :   1048573,
     456             :   2097143,
     457             :   4194301,
     458             :   8388593,
     459             :   16777213,
     460             :   33554393,
     461             :   67108859,         /* Preposterously large . . . */
     462             :   134217689,
     463             :   268435399,
     464             :   536870909,
     465             :   1073741789,
     466             :   2147483647,
     467             :   0
     468             : };
     469             :     int i;
     470             : 
     471           0 :     pDataArr = new _HashData[ nSize ];
     472           0 :     pDataArr[0].nNext = 0;
     473           0 :     pDataArr[0].nHash = 0,
     474           0 :     pDataArr[0].pLine = 0;
     475           0 :     nPrime = primes[0];
     476             : 
     477           0 :     for( i = 0; primes[i] < nSize / 3;  i++)
     478           0 :         if( !primes[i] )
     479             :         {
     480           0 :             pHashArr = 0;
     481           0 :             return;
     482             :         }
     483           0 :     nPrime = primes[ i ];
     484           0 :     pHashArr = new sal_uLong[ nPrime ];
     485           0 :     memset( pHashArr, 0, nPrime * sizeof( sal_uLong ) );
     486             : }
     487             : 
     488           0 : Hash::~Hash()
     489             : {
     490           0 :     delete[] pHashArr;
     491           0 :     delete[] pDataArr;
     492           0 : }
     493             : 
     494           0 : void Hash::CalcHashValue( CompareData& rData )
     495             : {
     496           0 :     if( pHashArr )
     497             :     {
     498           0 :         for( size_t n = 0; n < rData.GetLineCount(); ++n )
     499             :         {
     500           0 :             const CompareLine* pLine = rData.GetLine( n );
     501             :             OSL_ENSURE( pLine, "where is the line?" );
     502           0 :             sal_uLong nH = pLine->GetHashValue();
     503             : 
     504           0 :             sal_uLong* pFound = &pHashArr[ nH % nPrime ];
     505             :             size_t i;
     506           0 :             for( i = *pFound;  ;  i = pDataArr[i].nNext )
     507           0 :                 if( !i )
     508             :                 {
     509           0 :                     i = nCount++;
     510           0 :                     pDataArr[i].nNext = *pFound;
     511           0 :                     pDataArr[i].nHash = nH;
     512           0 :                     pDataArr[i].pLine = pLine;
     513           0 :                     *pFound = i;
     514           0 :                     break;
     515             :                 }
     516           0 :                 else if( pDataArr[i].nHash == nH &&
     517           0 :                         pDataArr[i].pLine->Compare( *pLine ))
     518           0 :                     break;
     519             : 
     520           0 :             rData.SetIndex( n, i );
     521           0 :         }
     522             :     }
     523           0 : }
     524             : 
     525           0 : Compare::Compare( sal_uLong nDiff, CompareData& rData1, CompareData& rData2 )
     526             : {
     527             :     MovedData *pMD1, *pMD2;
     528             :     // Look for the differing lines
     529             :     {
     530           0 :         sal_Char* pDiscard1 = new sal_Char[ rData1.GetLineCount() ];
     531           0 :         sal_Char* pDiscard2 = new sal_Char[ rData2.GetLineCount() ];
     532             : 
     533           0 :         sal_uLong* pCount1 = new sal_uLong[ nDiff ];
     534           0 :         sal_uLong* pCount2 = new sal_uLong[ nDiff ];
     535           0 :         memset( pCount1, 0, nDiff * sizeof( sal_uLong ));
     536           0 :         memset( pCount2, 0, nDiff * sizeof( sal_uLong ));
     537             : 
     538             :         // find indices in CompareData which have been assigned multiple times
     539           0 :         CountDifference( rData1, pCount1 );
     540           0 :         CountDifference( rData2, pCount2 );
     541             : 
     542             :         // All which occur only once now have either been inserted or deleted.
     543             :         // All which are also contained in the other one have been moved.
     544           0 :         SetDiscard( rData1, pDiscard1, pCount2 );
     545           0 :         SetDiscard( rData2, pDiscard2, pCount1 );
     546             : 
     547             :         // forget the arrays again
     548           0 :         delete [] pCount1; delete [] pCount2;
     549             : 
     550           0 :         CheckDiscard( rData1.GetLineCount(), pDiscard1 );
     551           0 :         CheckDiscard( rData2.GetLineCount(), pDiscard2 );
     552             : 
     553           0 :         pMD1 = new MovedData( rData1, pDiscard1 );
     554           0 :         pMD2 = new MovedData( rData2, pDiscard2 );
     555             : 
     556             :         // forget the arrays again
     557           0 :         delete [] pDiscard1; delete [] pDiscard2;
     558             :     }
     559             : 
     560             :     {
     561           0 :         CompareSequence aTmp( rData1, rData2, *pMD1, *pMD2 );
     562             :     }
     563             : 
     564           0 :     ShiftBoundaries( rData1, rData2 );
     565             : 
     566           0 :     delete pMD1;
     567           0 :     delete pMD2;
     568           0 : }
     569             : 
     570           0 : void Compare::CountDifference( const CompareData& rData, sal_uLong* pCounts )
     571             : {
     572           0 :     sal_uLong nLen = rData.GetLineCount();
     573           0 :     for( sal_uLong n = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
     574             :     {
     575           0 :         sal_uLong nIdx = rData.GetIndex( n );
     576           0 :         ++pCounts[ nIdx ];
     577             :     }
     578           0 : }
     579             : 
     580           0 : void Compare::SetDiscard( const CompareData& rData,
     581             :                             sal_Char* pDiscard, sal_uLong* pCounts )
     582             : {
     583           0 :     sal_uLong nLen = rData.GetLineCount();
     584             : 
     585             :     // calculate Max with respect to the line count
     586           0 :     sal_uInt16 nMax = 5;
     587             :     sal_uLong n;
     588             : 
     589           0 :     for( n = nLen / 64; ( n = n >> 2 ) > 0; )
     590           0 :         nMax <<= 1;
     591             : 
     592           0 :     for( n = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
     593             :     {
     594           0 :         sal_uLong nIdx = rData.GetIndex( n );
     595           0 :         if( nIdx )
     596             :         {
     597           0 :             nIdx = pCounts[ nIdx ];
     598           0 :             pDiscard[ n ] = !nIdx ? 1 : nIdx > nMax ? 2 : 0;
     599             :         }
     600             :         else
     601           0 :             pDiscard[ n ] = 0;
     602             :     }
     603           0 : }
     604             : 
     605           0 : void Compare::CheckDiscard( sal_uLong nLen, sal_Char* pDiscard )
     606             : {
     607           0 :     for( sal_uLong n = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
     608             :     {
     609           0 :         if( 2 == pDiscard[ n ] )
     610           0 :             pDiscard[n] = 0;
     611           0 :         else if( pDiscard[ n ] )
     612             :         {
     613             :             sal_uLong j;
     614             :             sal_uLong length;
     615           0 :             sal_uLong provisional = 0;
     616             : 
     617             :             /* Find end of this run of discardable lines.
     618             :                 Count how many are provisionally discardable.  */
     619           0 :             for (j = n; j < nLen; j++)
     620             :             {
     621           0 :                 if( !pDiscard[j] )
     622           0 :                     break;
     623           0 :                 if( 2 == pDiscard[j] )
     624           0 :                     ++provisional;
     625             :             }
     626             : 
     627             :             /* Cancel provisional discards at end, and shrink the run.  */
     628           0 :             while( j > n && 2 == pDiscard[j - 1] )
     629           0 :                 pDiscard[ --j ] = 0, --provisional;
     630             : 
     631             :             /* Now we have the length of a run of discardable lines
     632             :                whose first and last are not provisional.  */
     633           0 :             length = j - n;
     634             : 
     635             :             /* If 1/4 of the lines in the run are provisional,
     636             :                cancel discarding of all provisional lines in the run.  */
     637           0 :             if (provisional * 4 > length)
     638             :             {
     639           0 :                 while (j > n)
     640           0 :                     if (pDiscard[--j] == 2)
     641           0 :                         pDiscard[j] = 0;
     642             :             }
     643             :             else
     644             :             {
     645             :                 sal_uLong consec;
     646           0 :                 sal_uLong minimum = 1;
     647           0 :                 sal_uLong tem = length / 4;
     648             : 
     649             :                 /* MINIMUM is approximate square root of LENGTH/4.
     650             :                    A subrun of two or more provisionals can stand
     651             :                    when LENGTH is at least 16.
     652             :                    A subrun of 4 or more can stand when LENGTH >= 64.  */
     653           0 :                 while ((tem = tem >> 2) > 0)
     654           0 :                     minimum *= 2;
     655           0 :                 minimum++;
     656             : 
     657             :                 /* Cancel any subrun of MINIMUM or more provisionals
     658             :                    within the larger run.  */
     659           0 :                 for (j = 0, consec = 0; j < length; j++)
     660           0 :                     if (pDiscard[n + j] != 2)
     661           0 :                         consec = 0;
     662           0 :                     else if (minimum == ++consec)
     663             :                         /* Back up to start of subrun, to cancel it all.  */
     664           0 :                         j -= consec;
     665           0 :                     else if (minimum < consec)
     666           0 :                         pDiscard[n + j] = 0;
     667             : 
     668             :                 /* Scan from beginning of run
     669             :                    until we find 3 or more nonprovisionals in a row
     670             :                    or until the first nonprovisional at least 8 lines in.
     671             :                    Until that point, cancel any provisionals.  */
     672           0 :                 for (j = 0, consec = 0; j < length; j++)
     673             :                 {
     674           0 :                     if (j >= 8 && pDiscard[n + j] == 1)
     675           0 :                         break;
     676           0 :                     if (pDiscard[n + j] == 2)
     677           0 :                         consec = 0, pDiscard[n + j] = 0;
     678           0 :                     else if (pDiscard[n + j] == 0)
     679           0 :                         consec = 0;
     680             :                     else
     681           0 :                         consec++;
     682           0 :                     if (consec == 3)
     683           0 :                         break;
     684             :                 }
     685             : 
     686             :                 /* I advances to the last line of the run.  */
     687           0 :                 n += length - 1;
     688             : 
     689             :                 /* Same thing, from end.  */
     690           0 :                 for (j = 0, consec = 0; j < length; j++)
     691             :                 {
     692           0 :                     if (j >= 8 && pDiscard[n - j] == 1)
     693           0 :                         break;
     694           0 :                     if (pDiscard[n - j] == 2)
     695           0 :                         consec = 0, pDiscard[n - j] = 0;
     696           0 :                     else if (pDiscard[n - j] == 0)
     697           0 :                         consec = 0;
     698             :                     else
     699           0 :                         consec++;
     700           0 :                     if (consec == 3)
     701           0 :                         break;
     702             :                 }
     703             :             }
     704             :         }
     705             :     }
     706           0 : }
     707             : 
     708           0 : Compare::MovedData::MovedData( CompareData& rData, sal_Char* pDiscard )
     709           0 :     : pIndex( 0 ), pLineNum( 0 ), nCount( 0 )
     710             : {
     711           0 :     sal_uLong nLen = rData.GetLineCount();
     712             :     sal_uLong n;
     713             : 
     714           0 :     for( n = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
     715           0 :         if( pDiscard[ n ] )
     716           0 :             rData.SetChanged( n );
     717             :         else
     718           0 :             ++nCount;
     719             : 
     720           0 :     if( nCount )
     721             :     {
     722           0 :         pIndex = new sal_uLong[ nCount ];
     723           0 :         pLineNum = new sal_uLong[ nCount ];
     724             : 
     725           0 :         for( n = 0, nCount = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
     726           0 :             if( !pDiscard[ n ] )
     727             :             {
     728           0 :                 pIndex[ nCount ] = rData.GetIndex( n );
     729           0 :                 pLineNum[ nCount++ ] = n;
     730             :             }
     731             :     }
     732           0 : }
     733             : 
     734           0 : Compare::MovedData::~MovedData()
     735             : {
     736           0 :     delete [] pIndex;
     737           0 :     delete [] pLineNum;
     738           0 : }
     739             : 
     740             : /// Find the differing lines
     741           0 : Compare::CompareSequence::CompareSequence(
     742             :                             CompareData& rD1, CompareData& rD2,
     743             :                             const MovedData& rMD1, const MovedData& rMD2 )
     744           0 :     : rData1( rD1 ), rData2( rD2 ), rMoved1( rMD1 ), rMoved2( rMD2 )
     745             : {
     746           0 :     sal_uLong nSize = rMD1.GetCount() + rMD2.GetCount() + 3;
     747           0 :     pMemory = new long[ nSize * 2 ];
     748           0 :     pFDiag = pMemory + ( rMD2.GetCount() + 1 );
     749           0 :     pBDiag = pMemory + ( nSize + rMD2.GetCount() + 1 );
     750             : 
     751           0 :     Compare( 0, rMD1.GetCount(), 0, rMD2.GetCount() );
     752           0 : }
     753             : 
     754           0 : Compare::CompareSequence::~CompareSequence()
     755             : {
     756           0 :     delete [] pMemory;
     757           0 : }
     758             : 
     759           0 : void Compare::CompareSequence::Compare( sal_uLong nStt1, sal_uLong nEnd1,
     760             :                                         sal_uLong nStt2, sal_uLong nEnd2 )
     761             : {
     762             :     /* Slide down the bottom initial diagonal. */
     763           0 :     while( nStt1 < nEnd1 && nStt2 < nEnd2 &&
     764           0 :         rMoved1.GetIndex( nStt1 ) == rMoved2.GetIndex( nStt2 ))
     765           0 :         ++nStt1, ++nStt2;
     766             : 
     767             :     /* Slide up the top initial diagonal. */
     768           0 :     while( nEnd1 > nStt1 && nEnd2 > nStt2 &&
     769           0 :         rMoved1.GetIndex( nEnd1 - 1 ) == rMoved2.GetIndex( nEnd2 - 1 ))
     770           0 :         --nEnd1, --nEnd2;
     771             : 
     772             :     /* Handle simple cases. */
     773           0 :     if( nStt1 == nEnd1 )
     774           0 :         while( nStt2 < nEnd2 )
     775           0 :             rData2.SetChanged( rMoved2.GetLineNum( nStt2++ ));
     776             : 
     777           0 :     else if (nStt2 == nEnd2)
     778           0 :         while (nStt1 < nEnd1)
     779           0 :             rData1.SetChanged( rMoved1.GetLineNum( nStt1++ ));
     780             : 
     781             :     else
     782             :     {
     783             :         sal_uLong c, d, b;
     784             : 
     785             :         /* Find a point of correspondence in the middle of the files.  */
     786             : 
     787           0 :         d = CheckDiag( nStt1, nEnd1, nStt2, nEnd2, &c );
     788           0 :         b = pBDiag[ d ];
     789             : 
     790           0 :         if( 1 != c )
     791             :         {
     792             :             /* Use that point to split this problem into two subproblems.  */
     793           0 :             Compare( nStt1, b, nStt2, b - d );
     794             :             /* This used to use f instead of b,
     795             :                but that is incorrect!
     796             :                It is not necessarily the case that diagonal d
     797             :                has a snake from b to f.  */
     798           0 :             Compare( b, nEnd1, b - d, nEnd2 );
     799             :         }
     800             :     }
     801           0 : }
     802             : 
     803           0 : sal_uLong Compare::CompareSequence::CheckDiag( sal_uLong nStt1, sal_uLong nEnd1,
     804             :                                     sal_uLong nStt2, sal_uLong nEnd2, sal_uLong* pCost )
     805             : {
     806           0 :     const long dmin = nStt1 - nEnd2;    /* Minimum valid diagonal. */
     807           0 :     const long dmax = nEnd1 - nStt2;    /* Maximum valid diagonal. */
     808           0 :     const long fmid = nStt1 - nStt2;    /* Center diagonal of top-down search. */
     809           0 :     const long bmid = nEnd1 - nEnd2;    /* Center diagonal of bottom-up search. */
     810             : 
     811           0 :     long fmin = fmid, fmax = fmid;  /* Limits of top-down search. */
     812           0 :     long bmin = bmid, bmax = bmid;  /* Limits of bottom-up search. */
     813             : 
     814             :     long c;         /* Cost. */
     815           0 :     long odd = (fmid - bmid) & 1;   /* True if southeast corner is on an odd
     816             :                      diagonal with respect to the northwest. */
     817             : 
     818           0 :     pFDiag[fmid] = nStt1;
     819           0 :     pBDiag[bmid] = nEnd1;
     820             : 
     821           0 :     for (c = 1;; ++c)
     822             :     {
     823             :         long d;         /* Active diagonal. */
     824             : 
     825             :         /* Extend the top-down search by an edit step in each diagonal. */
     826           0 :         fmin > dmin ? pFDiag[--fmin - 1] = -1 : ++fmin;
     827           0 :         fmax < dmax ? pFDiag[++fmax + 1] = -1 : --fmax;
     828           0 :         for (d = fmax; d >= fmin; d -= 2)
     829             :         {
     830           0 :             long x, y, tlo = pFDiag[d - 1], thi = pFDiag[d + 1];
     831             : 
     832           0 :             if (tlo >= thi)
     833           0 :                 x = tlo + 1;
     834             :             else
     835           0 :                 x = thi;
     836           0 :             y = x - d;
     837           0 :             while( sal_uLong(x) < nEnd1 && sal_uLong(y) < nEnd2 &&
     838           0 :                 rMoved1.GetIndex( x ) == rMoved2.GetIndex( y ))
     839           0 :                 ++x, ++y;
     840           0 :             pFDiag[d] = x;
     841           0 :             if( odd && bmin <= d && d <= bmax && pBDiag[d] <= pFDiag[d] )
     842             :             {
     843           0 :                 *pCost = 2 * c - 1;
     844           0 :                 return d;
     845             :             }
     846             :         }
     847             : 
     848             :         /* Similar extend the bottom-up search. */
     849           0 :         bmin > dmin ? pBDiag[--bmin - 1] = INT_MAX : ++bmin;
     850           0 :         bmax < dmax ? pBDiag[++bmax + 1] = INT_MAX : --bmax;
     851           0 :         for (d = bmax; d >= bmin; d -= 2)
     852             :         {
     853           0 :             long x, y, tlo = pBDiag[d - 1], thi = pBDiag[d + 1];
     854             : 
     855           0 :             if (tlo < thi)
     856           0 :                 x = tlo;
     857             :             else
     858           0 :                 x = thi - 1;
     859           0 :             y = x - d;
     860           0 :             while( sal_uLong(x) > nStt1 && sal_uLong(y) > nStt2 &&
     861           0 :                 rMoved1.GetIndex( x - 1 ) == rMoved2.GetIndex( y - 1 ))
     862           0 :                 --x, --y;
     863           0 :             pBDiag[d] = x;
     864           0 :             if (!odd && fmin <= d && d <= fmax && pBDiag[d] <= pFDiag[d])
     865             :             {
     866           0 :                 *pCost = 2 * c;
     867           0 :                 return d;
     868             :             }
     869             :         }
     870           0 :     }
     871             : }
     872             : 
     873           0 : void Compare::ShiftBoundaries( CompareData& rData1, CompareData& rData2 )
     874             : {
     875           0 :     for( int iz = 0; iz < 2; ++iz )
     876             :     {
     877           0 :         CompareData* pData = &rData1;
     878           0 :         CompareData* pOtherData = &rData2;
     879             : 
     880           0 :         sal_uLong i = 0;
     881           0 :         sal_uLong j = 0;
     882           0 :         sal_uLong i_end = pData->GetLineCount();
     883           0 :         sal_uLong preceding = ULONG_MAX;
     884           0 :         sal_uLong other_preceding = ULONG_MAX;
     885             : 
     886             :         while (true)
     887             :         {
     888             :             sal_uLong start, other_start;
     889             : 
     890             :             /* Scan forwards to find beginning of another run of changes.
     891             :                Also keep track of the corresponding point in the other file.  */
     892             : 
     893           0 :             while( i < i_end && !pData->GetChanged( i ) )
     894             :             {
     895           0 :                 while( pOtherData->GetChanged( j++ ))
     896             :                     /* Non-corresponding lines in the other file
     897             :                        will count as the preceding batch of changes.  */
     898           0 :                     other_preceding = j;
     899           0 :                 i++;
     900             :             }
     901             : 
     902           0 :             if (i == i_end)
     903           0 :                 break;
     904             : 
     905           0 :             start = i;
     906           0 :             other_start = j;
     907             : 
     908             :             while (true)
     909             :             {
     910             :                 /* Now find the end of this run of changes.  */
     911             : 
     912           0 :                 while( pData->GetChanged( ++i ))
     913             :                     ;
     914             : 
     915             :                 /* If the first changed line matches the following unchanged one,
     916             :                    and this run does not follow right after a previous run,
     917             :                    and there are no lines deleted from the other file here,
     918             :                    then classify the first changed line as unchanged
     919             :                    and the following line as changed in its place.  */
     920             : 
     921             :                 /* You might ask, how could this run follow right after another?
     922             :                    Only because the previous run was shifted here.  */
     923             : 
     924           0 :                 if( i != i_end &&
     925           0 :                     pData->GetIndex( start ) == pData->GetIndex( i ) &&
     926           0 :                     !pOtherData->GetChanged( j ) &&
     927           0 :                     !( start == preceding || other_start == other_preceding ))
     928             :                 {
     929           0 :                     pData->SetChanged( start++, false );
     930           0 :                     pData->SetChanged(  i );
     931             :                     /* Since one line-that-matches is now before this run
     932             :                        instead of after, we must advance in the other file
     933             :                        to keep in sync.  */
     934           0 :                     ++j;
     935             :                 }
     936             :                 else
     937           0 :                     break;
     938             :             }
     939             : 
     940           0 :             preceding = i;
     941           0 :             other_preceding = j;
     942           0 :         }
     943             : 
     944           0 :         pData = &rData2;
     945           0 :         pOtherData = &rData1;
     946           0 :     }
     947           0 : }
     948             : 
     949             : class SwCompareLine : public CompareLine
     950             : {
     951             :     const SwNode& rNode;
     952             : public:
     953             :     SwCompareLine( const SwNode& rNd );
     954             :     virtual ~SwCompareLine();
     955             : 
     956             :     virtual sal_uLong GetHashValue() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     957             :     virtual bool Compare( const CompareLine& rLine ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     958             : 
     959             :     static sal_uLong GetTxtNodeHashValue( const SwTxtNode& rNd, sal_uLong nVal );
     960             :     static bool CompareNode( const SwNode& rDstNd, const SwNode& rSrcNd );
     961             :     static bool CompareTxtNd( const SwTxtNode& rDstNd,
     962             :                               const SwTxtNode& rSrcNd );
     963             : 
     964             :     bool ChangesInLine( const SwCompareLine& rLine,
     965             :                             SwPaM *& rpInsRing, SwPaM*& rpDelRing ) const;
     966             : 
     967           0 :     const SwNode& GetNode() const { return rNode; }
     968             : 
     969             :     const SwNode& GetEndNode() const;
     970             : 
     971             :     // for debugging
     972             :     OUString GetText() const;
     973             : };
     974             : 
     975             : class SwCompareData : public CompareData
     976             : {
     977             :     SwDoc& rDoc;
     978             :     SwPaM *pInsRing, *pDelRing;
     979             : 
     980             :     sal_uLong PrevIdx( const SwNode* pNd );
     981             :     sal_uLong NextIdx( const SwNode* pNd );
     982             : 
     983             :     virtual void CheckRanges( CompareData& ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     984             :     virtual void ShowInsert( sal_uLong nStt, sal_uLong nEnd ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     985             :     virtual void ShowDelete( const CompareData& rData, sal_uLong nStt,
     986             :                                 sal_uLong nEnd, sal_uLong nInsPos ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     987             : 
     988             :     virtual void CheckForChangesInLine( const CompareData& rData,
     989             :                                     sal_uLong& nStt, sal_uLong& nEnd,
     990             :                                     sal_uLong& nThisStt, sal_uLong& nThisEnd ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     991             : 
     992             : public:
     993           0 :     SwCompareData( SwDoc& rD ) : rDoc( rD ), pInsRing(0), pDelRing(0) {}
     994             :     virtual ~SwCompareData();
     995             : 
     996             :     void SetRedlinesToDoc( bool bUseDocInfo );
     997             : };
     998             : 
     999           0 : SwCompareLine::SwCompareLine( const SwNode& rNd )
    1000           0 :     : rNode( rNd )
    1001             : {
    1002           0 : }
    1003             : 
    1004           0 : SwCompareLine::~SwCompareLine()
    1005             : {
    1006           0 : }
    1007             : 
    1008           0 : sal_uLong SwCompareLine::GetHashValue() const
    1009             : {
    1010           0 :     sal_uLong nRet = 0;
    1011           0 :     switch( rNode.GetNodeType() )
    1012             :     {
    1013             :     case ND_TEXTNODE:
    1014           0 :         nRet = GetTxtNodeHashValue( (SwTxtNode&)rNode, nRet );
    1015           0 :         break;
    1016             : 
    1017             :     case ND_TABLENODE:
    1018             :         {
    1019           0 :             const SwNode* pEndNd = rNode.EndOfSectionNode();
    1020           0 :             SwNodeIndex aIdx( rNode );
    1021           0 :             while( &aIdx.GetNode() != pEndNd )
    1022             :             {
    1023           0 :                 if( aIdx.GetNode().IsTxtNode() )
    1024           0 :                     nRet = GetTxtNodeHashValue( (SwTxtNode&)aIdx.GetNode(), nRet );
    1025           0 :                 ++aIdx;
    1026           0 :             }
    1027             :         }
    1028           0 :         break;
    1029             : 
    1030             :     case ND_SECTIONNODE:
    1031             :         {
    1032           0 :             OUString sStr( GetText() );
    1033           0 :             for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < sStr.getLength(); ++n )
    1034           0 :                 ( nRet <<= 1 ) += sStr[ n ];
    1035             :         }
    1036           0 :         break;
    1037             : 
    1038             :     case ND_GRFNODE:
    1039             :     case ND_OLENODE:
    1040             :         // Fixed ID? Should never occur ...
    1041           0 :         break;
    1042             :     }
    1043           0 :     return nRet;
    1044             : }
    1045             : 
    1046           0 : const SwNode& SwCompareLine::GetEndNode() const
    1047             : {
    1048           0 :     const SwNode* pNd = &rNode;
    1049           0 :     switch( rNode.GetNodeType() )
    1050             :     {
    1051             :     case ND_TABLENODE:
    1052           0 :         pNd = rNode.EndOfSectionNode();
    1053           0 :         break;
    1054             : 
    1055             :     case ND_SECTIONNODE:
    1056             :         {
    1057           0 :             const SwSectionNode& rSNd = (SwSectionNode&)rNode;
    1058           0 :             const SwSection& rSect = rSNd.GetSection();
    1059           0 :             if( CONTENT_SECTION != rSect.GetType() || rSect.IsProtect() )
    1060           0 :                 pNd = rNode.EndOfSectionNode();
    1061             :         }
    1062           0 :         break;
    1063             :     }
    1064           0 :     return *pNd;
    1065             : }
    1066             : 
    1067           0 : bool SwCompareLine::Compare( const CompareLine& rLine ) const
    1068             : {
    1069           0 :     return CompareNode( rNode, ((SwCompareLine&)rLine).rNode );
    1070             : }
    1071             : 
    1072             : namespace
    1073             : {
    1074           0 :     static OUString SimpleTableToText(const SwNode &rNode)
    1075             :     {
    1076           0 :         OUStringBuffer sRet;
    1077           0 :         const SwNode* pEndNd = rNode.EndOfSectionNode();
    1078           0 :         SwNodeIndex aIdx( rNode );
    1079           0 :         while (&aIdx.GetNode() != pEndNd)
    1080             :         {
    1081           0 :             if (aIdx.GetNode().IsTxtNode())
    1082             :             {
    1083           0 :                 if (sRet.getLength())
    1084             :                 {
    1085           0 :                     sRet.append( '\n' );
    1086             :                 }
    1087           0 :                 sRet.append( aIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode()->GetExpandTxt() );
    1088             :             }
    1089           0 :             ++aIdx;
    1090             :         }
    1091           0 :         return sRet.makeStringAndClear();
    1092             :     }
    1093             : }
    1094             : 
    1095           0 : bool SwCompareLine::CompareNode( const SwNode& rDstNd, const SwNode& rSrcNd )
    1096             : {
    1097           0 :     if( rSrcNd.GetNodeType() != rDstNd.GetNodeType() )
    1098           0 :         return false;
    1099             : 
    1100           0 :     bool bRet = false;
    1101             : 
    1102           0 :     switch( rDstNd.GetNodeType() )
    1103             :     {
    1104             :     case ND_TEXTNODE:
    1105           0 :         bRet = CompareTxtNd( (SwTxtNode&)rDstNd, (SwTxtNode&)rSrcNd )
    1106           0 :             && ( !CmpOptions.bUseRsid || ((SwTxtNode&)rDstNd).CompareParRsid( (SwTxtNode&)rSrcNd ) );
    1107           0 :         break;
    1108             : 
    1109             :     case ND_TABLENODE:
    1110             :         {
    1111           0 :             const SwTableNode& rTSrcNd = (SwTableNode&)rSrcNd;
    1112           0 :             const SwTableNode& rTDstNd = (SwTableNode&)rDstNd;
    1113             : 
    1114           0 :             bRet = ( rTSrcNd.EndOfSectionIndex() - rTSrcNd.GetIndex() ) ==
    1115           0 :                    ( rTDstNd.EndOfSectionIndex() - rTDstNd.GetIndex() );
    1116             : 
    1117             :             // --> #i107826#: compare actual table content
    1118           0 :             if (bRet)
    1119             :             {
    1120           0 :                 bRet = (SimpleTableToText(rSrcNd) == SimpleTableToText(rDstNd));
    1121             :             }
    1122             :         }
    1123           0 :         break;
    1124             : 
    1125             :     case ND_SECTIONNODE:
    1126             :         {
    1127           0 :             const SwSectionNode& rSSrcNd = (SwSectionNode&)rSrcNd,
    1128           0 :                                & rSDstNd = (SwSectionNode&)rDstNd;
    1129           0 :             const SwSection& rSrcSect = rSSrcNd.GetSection(),
    1130           0 :                            & rDstSect = rSDstNd.GetSection();
    1131           0 :             SectionType eSrcSectType = rSrcSect.GetType(),
    1132           0 :                         eDstSectType = rDstSect.GetType();
    1133           0 :             switch( eSrcSectType )
    1134             :             {
    1135             :             case CONTENT_SECTION:
    1136           0 :                 bRet = CONTENT_SECTION == eDstSectType &&
    1137           0 :                         rSrcSect.IsProtect() == rDstSect.IsProtect();
    1138           0 :                 if( bRet && rSrcSect.IsProtect() )
    1139             :                 {
    1140             :                     // the only have they both the same size
    1141           0 :                     bRet = ( rSSrcNd.EndOfSectionIndex() - rSSrcNd.GetIndex() ) ==
    1142           0 :                               ( rSDstNd.EndOfSectionIndex() - rSDstNd.GetIndex() );
    1143             :                 }
    1144           0 :                 break;
    1145             : 
    1146             :             case TOX_HEADER_SECTION:
    1147             :             case TOX_CONTENT_SECTION:
    1148           0 :                 if( TOX_HEADER_SECTION == eDstSectType ||
    1149             :                     TOX_CONTENT_SECTION == eDstSectType )
    1150             :                 {
    1151             :                     // the same type of TOX?
    1152           0 :                     const SwTOXBase* pSrcTOX = rSrcSect.GetTOXBase();
    1153           0 :                     const SwTOXBase* pDstTOX = rDstSect.GetTOXBase();
    1154           0 :                     bRet =  pSrcTOX && pDstTOX
    1155           0 :                             && pSrcTOX->GetType() == pDstTOX->GetType()
    1156           0 :                             && pSrcTOX->GetTitle() == pDstTOX->GetTitle()
    1157           0 :                             && pSrcTOX->GetTypeName() == pDstTOX->GetTypeName()
    1158           0 :                             ;
    1159             :                 }
    1160           0 :                 break;
    1161             : 
    1162             :             case DDE_LINK_SECTION:
    1163             :             case FILE_LINK_SECTION:
    1164           0 :                 bRet = eSrcSectType == eDstSectType &&
    1165           0 :                         rSrcSect.GetLinkFileName() ==
    1166           0 :                         rDstSect.GetLinkFileName();
    1167           0 :                 break;
    1168             :             }
    1169             :         }
    1170           0 :         break;
    1171             : 
    1172             :     case ND_ENDNODE:
    1173           0 :         bRet = rSrcNd.StartOfSectionNode()->GetNodeType() ==
    1174           0 :                rDstNd.StartOfSectionNode()->GetNodeType();
    1175             : 
    1176             :         // --> #i107826#: compare actual table content
    1177           0 :         if (bRet && rSrcNd.StartOfSectionNode()->GetNodeType() == ND_TABLENODE)
    1178             :         {
    1179             :             bRet = CompareNode(
    1180           0 :                 *rSrcNd.StartOfSectionNode(), *rDstNd.StartOfSectionNode());
    1181             :         }
    1182             : 
    1183           0 :         break;
    1184             :     }
    1185           0 :     return bRet;
    1186             : }
    1187             : 
    1188           0 : OUString SwCompareLine::GetText() const
    1189             : {
    1190           0 :     OUString sRet;
    1191           0 :     switch( rNode.GetNodeType() )
    1192             :     {
    1193             :     case ND_TEXTNODE:
    1194           0 :         sRet = ((SwTxtNode&)rNode).GetExpandTxt();
    1195           0 :         break;
    1196             : 
    1197             :     case ND_TABLENODE:
    1198             :         {
    1199           0 :             sRet = "Tabelle: " + SimpleTableToText(rNode);
    1200             :         }
    1201           0 :         break;
    1202             : 
    1203             :     case ND_SECTIONNODE:
    1204             :         {
    1205           0 :             sRet = "Section - Node:";
    1206             : 
    1207           0 :             const SwSectionNode& rSNd = (SwSectionNode&)rNode;
    1208           0 :             const SwSection& rSect = rSNd.GetSection();
    1209           0 :             switch( rSect.GetType() )
    1210             :             {
    1211             :             case CONTENT_SECTION:
    1212           0 :                 if( rSect.IsProtect() )
    1213           0 :                     sRet += OUString::number(
    1214           0 :                             rSNd.EndOfSectionIndex() - rSNd.GetIndex() );
    1215           0 :                 break;
    1216             : 
    1217             :             case TOX_HEADER_SECTION:
    1218             :             case TOX_CONTENT_SECTION:
    1219             :                 {
    1220           0 :                     const SwTOXBase* pTOX = rSect.GetTOXBase();
    1221           0 :                     if( pTOX )
    1222           0 :                         sRet += pTOX->GetTitle() + pTOX->GetTypeName() +
    1223           0 :                             OUString::number(pTOX->GetType());
    1224             :                 }
    1225           0 :                 break;
    1226             : 
    1227             :             case DDE_LINK_SECTION:
    1228             :             case FILE_LINK_SECTION:
    1229           0 :                 sRet += rSect.GetLinkFileName();
    1230           0 :                 break;
    1231             :             }
    1232             :         }
    1233           0 :         break;
    1234             : 
    1235             :     case ND_GRFNODE:
    1236           0 :         sRet = "Grafik - Node:";
    1237           0 :         break;
    1238             :     case ND_OLENODE:
    1239           0 :         sRet = "OLE - Node:";
    1240           0 :         break;
    1241             :     }
    1242           0 :     return sRet;
    1243             : }
    1244             : 
    1245           0 : sal_uLong SwCompareLine::GetTxtNodeHashValue( const SwTxtNode& rNd, sal_uLong nVal )
    1246             : {
    1247           0 :     OUString sStr( rNd.GetExpandTxt() );
    1248           0 :     for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < sStr.getLength(); ++n )
    1249           0 :         ( nVal <<= 1 ) += sStr[ n ];
    1250           0 :     return nVal;
    1251             : }
    1252             : 
    1253           0 : bool SwCompareLine::CompareTxtNd( const SwTxtNode& rDstNd,
    1254             :                                   const SwTxtNode& rSrcNd )
    1255             : {
    1256           0 :     bool bRet = false;
    1257             :     // Very simple at first
    1258           0 :     if( rDstNd.GetTxt() == rSrcNd.GetTxt() )
    1259             :     {
    1260             :         // The text is the same, but are the "special attributes" (0xFF) also the same?
    1261           0 :         bRet = true;
    1262             :     }
    1263           0 :     return bRet;
    1264             : }
    1265             : 
    1266           0 : bool SwCompareLine::ChangesInLine( const SwCompareLine& rLine,
    1267             :                             SwPaM *& rpInsRing, SwPaM*& rpDelRing ) const
    1268             : {
    1269           0 :     bool bRet = false;
    1270             : 
    1271             :     // Only compare textnodes
    1272           0 :     if( ND_TEXTNODE == rNode.GetNodeType() &&
    1273           0 :         ND_TEXTNODE == rLine.GetNode().GetNodeType() )
    1274             :     {
    1275           0 :         SwTxtNode& rDstNd = *(SwTxtNode*)rNode.GetTxtNode();
    1276           0 :         const SwTxtNode& rSrcNd = *rLine.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
    1277           0 :         SwDoc* pDstDoc = rDstNd.GetDoc();
    1278             : 
    1279           0 :         int nLcsLen = 0;
    1280             : 
    1281           0 :         int nDstLen = rDstNd.GetTxt().getLength();
    1282           0 :         int nSrcLen = rSrcNd.GetTxt().getLength();
    1283             : 
    1284           0 :         int nMinLen = std::min( nDstLen , nSrcLen );
    1285           0 :         int nAvgLen = ( nDstLen + nSrcLen )/2;
    1286             : 
    1287           0 :         std::vector<int> aLcsDst( nMinLen + 1 );
    1288           0 :         std::vector<int> aLcsSrc( nMinLen + 1 );
    1289             : 
    1290           0 :         if( CmpOptions.eCmpMode == SVX_CMP_BY_WORD )
    1291             :         {
    1292           0 :             std::vector<int> aTmpLcsDst( nMinLen + 1 );
    1293           0 :             std::vector<int> aTmpLcsSrc( nMinLen + 1 );
    1294             : 
    1295           0 :             WordArrayComparator aCmp( &rDstNd, &rSrcNd );
    1296             : 
    1297           0 :             LgstCommonSubseq aSeq( aCmp );
    1298             : 
    1299           0 :             nLcsLen = aSeq.Find( &aTmpLcsDst[0], &aTmpLcsSrc[0] );
    1300             : 
    1301           0 :             if( CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen )
    1302             :             {
    1303           0 :                 nLcsLen = aSeq.IgnoreIsolatedPieces( &aTmpLcsDst[0], &aTmpLcsSrc[0],
    1304             :                                                 aCmp.GetLen1(), aCmp.GetLen2(),
    1305           0 :                                                 nLcsLen, CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen );
    1306             :             }
    1307             : 
    1308           0 :             nLcsLen = aCmp.GetCharSequence( &aTmpLcsDst[0], &aTmpLcsSrc[0],
    1309           0 :                                             &aLcsDst[0], &aLcsSrc[0], nLcsLen );
    1310             :         }
    1311             :         else
    1312             :         {
    1313           0 :             CharArrayComparator aCmp( &rDstNd, &rSrcNd );
    1314           0 :             LgstCommonSubseq aSeq( aCmp );
    1315             : 
    1316           0 :             nLcsLen = aSeq.Find( &aLcsDst[0], &aLcsSrc[0] );
    1317             : 
    1318           0 :             if( CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen )
    1319             :             {
    1320           0 :                 nLcsLen = aSeq.IgnoreIsolatedPieces( &aLcsDst[0], &aLcsSrc[0], nDstLen,
    1321             :                                                     nSrcLen, nLcsLen,
    1322           0 :                                                     CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen );
    1323           0 :             }
    1324             :         }
    1325             : 
    1326             :         // find the sum of the squares of the continuous substrings
    1327           0 :         int nSqSum = 0;
    1328           0 :         int nCnt = 1;
    1329           0 :         for( int i = 0; i < nLcsLen; i++ )
    1330             :         {
    1331           0 :             if( i != nLcsLen - 1 && aLcsDst[i] + 1 == aLcsDst[i + 1]
    1332           0 :                                 && aLcsSrc[i] + 1 == aLcsSrc[i + 1] )
    1333             :             {
    1334           0 :                 nCnt++;
    1335             :             }
    1336             :             else
    1337             :             {
    1338           0 :                 nSqSum += nCnt*nCnt;
    1339           0 :                 nCnt = 1;
    1340             :             }
    1341             :         }
    1342             : 
    1343             :         // Don't compare if there aren't enough similarities
    1344           0 :         if ( nAvgLen >= 8 && nSqSum*32 < nAvgLen*nAvgLen )
    1345             :         {
    1346           0 :             return false;
    1347             :         }
    1348             : 
    1349             :         // Show the differences
    1350           0 :         int nSkip = 0;
    1351           0 :         for( int i = 0; i <= nLcsLen; i++ )
    1352             :         {
    1353           0 :             int nDstFrom = i ? (aLcsDst[i - 1] + 1) : 0;
    1354           0 :             int nDstTo = ( i == nLcsLen ) ? nDstLen : aLcsDst[i];
    1355           0 :             int nSrcFrom = i ? (aLcsSrc[i - 1] + 1) : 0;
    1356           0 :             int nSrcTo = ( i == nLcsLen ) ? nSrcLen : aLcsSrc[i];
    1357             : 
    1358           0 :             SwPaM aPam( rDstNd, nDstTo + nSkip );
    1359             : 
    1360           0 :             if ( nDstFrom < nDstTo )
    1361             :             {
    1362           0 :                 SwPaM* pTmp = new SwPaM( *aPam.GetPoint(), rpInsRing );
    1363           0 :                 if( !rpInsRing )
    1364           0 :                     rpInsRing = pTmp;
    1365           0 :                 pTmp->SetMark();
    1366           0 :                 pTmp->GetMark()->nContent = nDstFrom + nSkip;
    1367             :             }
    1368             : 
    1369           0 :             if ( nSrcFrom < nSrcTo )
    1370             :             {
    1371           0 :                 bool bUndo = pDstDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo();
    1372           0 :                 pDstDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo( false );
    1373           0 :                 SwPaM aCpyPam( rSrcNd, nSrcFrom );
    1374           0 :                 aCpyPam.SetMark();
    1375           0 :                 aCpyPam.GetPoint()->nContent = nSrcTo;
    1376           0 :                 aCpyPam.GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().CopyRange( aCpyPam, *aPam.GetPoint(),
    1377           0 :                     false );
    1378           0 :                 pDstDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo( bUndo );
    1379             : 
    1380           0 :                 SwPaM* pTmp = new SwPaM( *aPam.GetPoint(), rpDelRing );
    1381           0 :                 if( !rpDelRing )
    1382           0 :                     rpDelRing = pTmp;
    1383             : 
    1384           0 :                 pTmp->SetMark();
    1385           0 :                 pTmp->GetMark()->nContent = nDstTo + nSkip;
    1386           0 :                 nSkip += nSrcTo - nSrcFrom;
    1387             : 
    1388           0 :                 if( rpInsRing )
    1389             :                 {
    1390           0 :                     SwPaM* pCorr = (SwPaM*)rpInsRing->GetPrev();
    1391           0 :                     if( *pCorr->GetPoint() == *pTmp->GetPoint() )
    1392           0 :                         *pCorr->GetPoint() = *pTmp->GetMark();
    1393           0 :                 }
    1394             :             }
    1395           0 :         }
    1396             : 
    1397           0 :         bRet = true;
    1398             :     }
    1399             : 
    1400           0 :     return bRet;
    1401             : }
    1402             : 
    1403           0 : SwCompareData::~SwCompareData()
    1404             : {
    1405           0 :     if( pDelRing )
    1406             :     {
    1407           0 :         while( pDelRing->GetNext() != pDelRing )
    1408           0 :             delete pDelRing->GetNext();
    1409           0 :         delete pDelRing;
    1410             :     }
    1411           0 :     if( pInsRing )
    1412             :     {
    1413           0 :         while( pInsRing->GetNext() != pInsRing )
    1414           0 :             delete pInsRing->GetNext();
    1415           0 :         delete pInsRing;
    1416             :     }
    1417           0 : }
    1418             : 
    1419           0 : sal_uLong SwCompareData::NextIdx( const SwNode* pNd )
    1420             : {
    1421           0 :     if( pNd->IsStartNode() )
    1422             :     {
    1423             :         const SwSectionNode* pSNd;
    1424           0 :         if( pNd->IsTableNode() ||
    1425           0 :             ( 0 != (pSNd = pNd->GetSectionNode() ) &&
    1426           0 :                 ( CONTENT_SECTION != pSNd->GetSection().GetType() ||
    1427           0 :                     pSNd->GetSection().IsProtect() ) ) )
    1428           0 :             pNd = pNd->EndOfSectionNode();
    1429             :     }
    1430           0 :     return pNd->GetIndex() + 1;
    1431             : }
    1432             : 
    1433           0 : sal_uLong SwCompareData::PrevIdx( const SwNode* pNd )
    1434             : {
    1435           0 :     if( pNd->IsEndNode() )
    1436             :     {
    1437             :         const SwSectionNode* pSNd;
    1438           0 :         if( pNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsTableNode() ||
    1439           0 :             ( 0 != (pSNd = pNd->StartOfSectionNode()->GetSectionNode() ) &&
    1440           0 :                 ( CONTENT_SECTION != pSNd->GetSection().GetType() ||
    1441           0 :                     pSNd->GetSection().IsProtect() ) ) )
    1442           0 :             pNd = pNd->StartOfSectionNode();
    1443             :     }
    1444           0 :     return pNd->GetIndex() - 1;
    1445             : }
    1446             : 
    1447           0 : void SwCompareData::CheckRanges( CompareData& rData )
    1448             : {
    1449           0 :     const SwNodes& rSrcNds = ((SwCompareData&)rData).rDoc.GetNodes();
    1450           0 :     const SwNodes& rDstNds = rDoc.GetNodes();
    1451             : 
    1452           0 :     const SwNode& rSrcEndNd = rSrcNds.GetEndOfContent();
    1453           0 :     const SwNode& rDstEndNd = rDstNds.GetEndOfContent();
    1454             : 
    1455           0 :     sal_uLong nSrcSttIdx = NextIdx( rSrcEndNd.StartOfSectionNode() );
    1456           0 :     sal_uLong nSrcEndIdx = rSrcEndNd.GetIndex();
    1457             : 
    1458           0 :     sal_uLong nDstSttIdx = NextIdx( rDstEndNd.StartOfSectionNode() );
    1459           0 :     sal_uLong nDstEndIdx = rDstEndNd.GetIndex();
    1460             : 
    1461           0 :     while( nSrcSttIdx < nSrcEndIdx && nDstSttIdx < nDstEndIdx )
    1462             :     {
    1463           0 :         const SwNode* pSrcNd = rSrcNds[ nSrcSttIdx ];
    1464           0 :         const SwNode* pDstNd = rDstNds[ nDstSttIdx ];
    1465           0 :         if( !SwCompareLine::CompareNode( *pSrcNd, *pDstNd ))
    1466           0 :             break;
    1467             : 
    1468           0 :         nSrcSttIdx = NextIdx( pSrcNd );
    1469           0 :         nDstSttIdx = NextIdx( pDstNd );
    1470             :     }
    1471             : 
    1472           0 :     nSrcEndIdx = PrevIdx( &rSrcEndNd );
    1473           0 :     nDstEndIdx = PrevIdx( &rDstEndNd );
    1474           0 :     while( nSrcSttIdx < nSrcEndIdx && nDstSttIdx < nDstEndIdx )
    1475             :     {
    1476           0 :         const SwNode* pSrcNd = rSrcNds[ nSrcEndIdx ];
    1477           0 :         const SwNode* pDstNd = rDstNds[ nDstEndIdx ];
    1478           0 :         if( !SwCompareLine::CompareNode( *pSrcNd, *pDstNd ))
    1479           0 :             break;
    1480             : 
    1481           0 :         nSrcEndIdx = PrevIdx( pSrcNd );
    1482           0 :         nDstEndIdx = PrevIdx( pDstNd );
    1483             :     }
    1484             : 
    1485           0 :     while( nSrcSttIdx <= nSrcEndIdx )
    1486             :     {
    1487           0 :         const SwNode* pNd = rSrcNds[ nSrcSttIdx ];
    1488           0 :         rData.InsertLine( new SwCompareLine( *pNd ) );
    1489           0 :         nSrcSttIdx = NextIdx( pNd );
    1490             :     }
    1491             : 
    1492           0 :     while( nDstSttIdx <= nDstEndIdx )
    1493             :     {
    1494           0 :         const SwNode* pNd = rDstNds[ nDstSttIdx ];
    1495           0 :         InsertLine( new SwCompareLine( *pNd ) );
    1496           0 :         nDstSttIdx = NextIdx( pNd );
    1497             :     }
    1498           0 : }
    1499             : 
    1500           0 : void SwCompareData::ShowInsert( sal_uLong nStt, sal_uLong nEnd )
    1501             : {
    1502           0 :     SwPaM* pTmp = new SwPaM( ((SwCompareLine*)GetLine( nStt ))->GetNode(), 0,
    1503           0 :                             ((SwCompareLine*)GetLine( nEnd-1 ))->GetEndNode(), 0,
    1504           0 :                              pInsRing );
    1505           0 :     if( !pInsRing )
    1506           0 :         pInsRing = pTmp;
    1507             : 
    1508             :     // #i65201#: These SwPaMs are calculated smaller than needed, see comment below
    1509           0 : }
    1510             : 
    1511           0 : void SwCompareData::ShowDelete(
    1512             :     const CompareData& rData,
    1513             :     sal_uLong nStt,
    1514             :     sal_uLong nEnd,
    1515             :     sal_uLong nInsPos )
    1516             : {
    1517             :     SwNodeRange aRg(
    1518           0 :         ((SwCompareLine*)rData.GetLine( nStt ))->GetNode(), 0,
    1519           0 :         ((SwCompareLine*)rData.GetLine( nEnd-1 ))->GetEndNode(), 1 );
    1520             : 
    1521           0 :     sal_uInt16 nOffset = 0;
    1522           0 :     const CompareLine* pLine = 0;
    1523           0 :     if( nInsPos >= 1 )
    1524             :     {
    1525           0 :         if( GetLineCount() == nInsPos )
    1526             :         {
    1527           0 :             pLine = GetLine( nInsPos-1 );
    1528           0 :             nOffset = 1;
    1529             :         }
    1530             :         else
    1531           0 :             pLine = GetLine( nInsPos );
    1532             :     }
    1533             : 
    1534             :     const SwNode* pLineNd;
    1535           0 :     if( pLine )
    1536             :     {
    1537           0 :         if( nOffset )
    1538           0 :             pLineNd = &((SwCompareLine*)pLine)->GetEndNode();
    1539             :         else
    1540           0 :             pLineNd = &((SwCompareLine*)pLine)->GetNode();
    1541             :     }
    1542             :     else
    1543             :     {
    1544           0 :         pLineNd = &rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfContent();
    1545           0 :         nOffset = 0;
    1546             :     }
    1547             : 
    1548           0 :     SwNodeIndex aInsPos( *pLineNd, nOffset );
    1549           0 :     SwNodeIndex aSavePos( aInsPos, -1 );
    1550             : 
    1551           0 :     ((SwCompareData&)rData).rDoc.GetDocumentContentOperationsManager().CopyWithFlyInFly( aRg, 0, aInsPos );
    1552           0 :     rDoc.getIDocumentState().SetModified();
    1553           0 :     ++aSavePos;
    1554             : 
    1555             :     // #i65201#: These SwPaMs are calculated when the (old) delete-redlines are hidden,
    1556             :     // they will be inserted when the delete-redlines are shown again.
    1557             :     // To avoid unwanted insertions of delete-redlines into these new redlines, what happens
    1558             :     // especially at the end of the document, I reduce the SwPaM by one node.
    1559             :     // Before the new redlines are inserted, they have to expand again.
    1560           0 :     SwPaM* pTmp = new SwPaM( aSavePos.GetNode(), aInsPos.GetNode(), 0, -1, pDelRing );
    1561           0 :     if( !pDelRing )
    1562           0 :         pDelRing = pTmp;
    1563             : 
    1564           0 :     if( pInsRing )
    1565             :     {
    1566           0 :         SwPaM* pCorr = (SwPaM*)pInsRing->GetPrev();
    1567           0 :         if( *pCorr->GetPoint() == *pTmp->GetPoint() )
    1568             :         {
    1569           0 :             SwNodeIndex aTmpPos( pTmp->GetMark()->nNode, -1 );
    1570           0 :             *pCorr->GetPoint() = SwPosition( aTmpPos );
    1571             :         }
    1572           0 :     }
    1573           0 : }
    1574             : 
    1575           0 : void SwCompareData::CheckForChangesInLine( const CompareData& rData,
    1576             :                                     sal_uLong& rStt, sal_uLong& rEnd,
    1577             :                                     sal_uLong& rThisStt, sal_uLong& rThisEnd )
    1578             : {
    1579             :     LineArrayComparator aCmp( (CompareData&)*this, rData, rThisStt, rThisEnd,
    1580           0 :                               rStt, rEnd );
    1581             : 
    1582           0 :     int nMinLen = std::min( aCmp.GetLen1(), aCmp.GetLen2() );
    1583           0 :     boost::scoped_array<int> pLcsDst(new int[ nMinLen ]);
    1584           0 :     boost::scoped_array<int> pLcsSrc(new int[ nMinLen ]);
    1585             : 
    1586           0 :     FastCommonSubseq subseq( aCmp );
    1587           0 :     int nLcsLen = subseq.Find( pLcsDst.get(), pLcsSrc.get() );
    1588           0 :     for (int i = 0; i <= nLcsLen; i++)
    1589             :     {
    1590             :         // Beginning of inserted lines (inclusive)
    1591           0 :         int nDstFrom = i ? pLcsDst[i - 1] + 1 : 0;
    1592             :         // End of inserted lines (exclusive)
    1593           0 :         int nDstTo = ( i == nLcsLen ) ? aCmp.GetLen1() : pLcsDst[i];
    1594             :         // Beginning of deleted lines (inclusive)
    1595           0 :         int nSrcFrom = i ? pLcsSrc[i - 1] + 1 : 0;
    1596             :         // End of deleted lines (exclusive)
    1597           0 :         int nSrcTo = ( i == nLcsLen ) ? aCmp.GetLen2() : pLcsSrc[i];
    1598             : 
    1599           0 :         if( i )
    1600             :         {
    1601           0 :             SwCompareLine* pDstLn = (SwCompareLine*)GetLine( rThisStt + nDstFrom - 1 );
    1602           0 :             SwCompareLine* pSrcLn = (SwCompareLine*)rData.GetLine( rStt + nSrcFrom - 1 );
    1603             : 
    1604             :             // Show differences in detail for lines that
    1605             :             // were matched as only slightly different
    1606           0 :             if( !pDstLn->ChangesInLine( *pSrcLn, pInsRing, pDelRing ) )
    1607             :             {
    1608           0 :                 ShowInsert( rThisStt + nDstFrom - 1, rThisStt + nDstFrom );
    1609           0 :                 ShowDelete( rData, rStt + nSrcFrom - 1, rStt + nSrcFrom,
    1610           0 :                                                     rThisStt + nDstFrom );
    1611             :             }
    1612             :         }
    1613             : 
    1614             :         // Lines missing from source are inserted
    1615           0 :         if( nDstFrom != nDstTo )
    1616             :         {
    1617           0 :             ShowInsert( rThisStt + nDstFrom, rThisStt + nDstTo );
    1618             :         }
    1619             : 
    1620             :         // Lines missing from destination are deleted
    1621           0 :         if( nSrcFrom != nSrcTo )
    1622             :         {
    1623           0 :             ShowDelete( rData, rStt + nSrcFrom, rStt + nSrcTo, rThisStt + nDstTo );
    1624             :         }
    1625           0 :     }
    1626           0 : }
    1627             : 
    1628           0 : void SwCompareData::SetRedlinesToDoc( bool bUseDocInfo )
    1629             : {
    1630           0 :     SwPaM* pTmp = pDelRing;
    1631             : 
    1632             :     // get the Author / TimeStamp from the "other" document info
    1633           0 :     sal_uInt16 nAuthor = rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineAuthor();
    1634           0 :     DateTime aTimeStamp( DateTime::SYSTEM );
    1635           0 :     SwDocShell *pDocShell(rDoc.GetDocShell());
    1636             :     OSL_ENSURE(pDocShell, "no SwDocShell");
    1637           0 :     if (pDocShell) {
    1638             :         uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xDPS(
    1639           0 :             pDocShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    1640             :         uno::Reference<document::XDocumentProperties> xDocProps(
    1641           0 :             xDPS->getDocumentProperties());
    1642             :         OSL_ENSURE(, "Doc has no DocumentProperties");
    1643             : 
    1644           0 :         if( bUseDocInfo && ) {
    1645           0 :             OUString aTmp( 1 == xDocProps->getEditingCycles()
    1646           0 :                                 ? xDocProps->getAuthor()
    1647           0 :                                 : xDocProps->getModifiedBy() );
    1648           0 :             util::DateTime uDT( 1 == xDocProps->getEditingCycles()
    1649           0 :                                 ? xDocProps->getCreationDate()
    1650           0 :                                 : xDocProps->getModificationDate() );
    1651           0 :             Date d(uDT.Day, uDT.Month, uDT.Year);
    1652           0 :             tools::Time t(uDT.Hours, uDT.Minutes, uDT.Seconds, uDT.NanoSeconds);
    1653           0 :             DateTime aDT(d,t);
    1654             : 
    1655           0 :             if( !aTmp.isEmpty() )
    1656             :             {
    1657           0 :                 nAuthor = rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().InsertRedlineAuthor( aTmp );
    1658           0 :                 aTimeStamp = aDT;
    1659           0 :             }
    1660           0 :         }
    1661             :     }
    1662             : 
    1663           0 :     if( pTmp )
    1664             :     {
    1665             :         SwRedlineData aRedlnData( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE, nAuthor, aTimeStamp,
    1666           0 :                                     OUString(), 0, 0 );
    1667           0 :         do {
    1668             :             // #i65201#: Expand again, see comment above.
    1669           0 :             if( pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent == 0 )
    1670             :             {
    1671           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode++;
    1672           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pTmp->GetCntntNode(), 0 );
    1673             :             }
    1674             :             // #i101009#
    1675             :             // prevent redlines that end on structural end node
    1676           0 :             if (& rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfContent() ==
    1677           0 :                 & pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode())
    1678             :             {
    1679           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode--;
    1680           0 :                 SwCntntNode *const pContentNode( pTmp->GetCntntNode() );
    1681           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pContentNode,
    1682           0 :                         (pContentNode) ? pContentNode->Len() : 0 );
    1683             :             }
    1684             : 
    1685           0 :             rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().DeleteRedline( *pTmp, false, USHRT_MAX );
    1686             : 
    1687           0 :             if (rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
    1688             :             {
    1689           0 :                 SwUndo *const pUndo(new SwUndoCompDoc( *pTmp, false )) ;
    1690           0 :                 rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(pUndo);
    1691             :             }
    1692           0 :             rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().AppendRedline( new SwRangeRedline( aRedlnData, *pTmp ), true );
    1693             : 
    1694           0 :         } while( pDelRing != ( pTmp = (SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
    1695             :     }
    1696             : 
    1697           0 :     pTmp = pInsRing;
    1698           0 :     if( pTmp )
    1699             :     {
    1700           0 :         do {
    1701           0 :             if( pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent == 0 )
    1702             :             {
    1703           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode++;
    1704           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pTmp->GetCntntNode(), 0 );
    1705             :             }
    1706             :             // #i101009#
    1707             :             // prevent redlines that end on structural end node
    1708           0 :             if (& rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfContent() ==
    1709           0 :                 & pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode())
    1710             :             {
    1711           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode--;
    1712           0 :                 SwCntntNode *const pContentNode( pTmp->GetCntntNode() );
    1713           0 :                 pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pContentNode,
    1714           0 :                         (pContentNode) ? pContentNode->Len() : 0 );
    1715             :             }
    1716           0 :         } while( pInsRing != ( pTmp = (SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
    1717             :         SwRedlineData aRedlnData( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT, nAuthor, aTimeStamp,
    1718           0 :                                     OUString(), 0, 0 );
    1719             : 
    1720             :         // combine consecutive
    1721           0 :         if( pTmp->GetNext() != pInsRing )
    1722             :         {
    1723             :             const SwCntntNode* pCNd;
    1724           0 :             do {
    1725           0 :                 SwPosition& rSttEnd = *pTmp->End(),
    1726           0 :                           & rEndStt = *((SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext())->Start();
    1727           0 :                 if( rSttEnd == rEndStt ||
    1728           0 :                     (!rEndStt.nContent.GetIndex() &&
    1729           0 :                     rEndStt.nNode.GetIndex() - 1 == rSttEnd.nNode.GetIndex() &&
    1730           0 :                     0 != ( pCNd = rSttEnd.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode() ) &&
    1731           0 :                     rSttEnd.nContent.GetIndex() == pCNd->Len()))
    1732             :                 {
    1733           0 :                     if( pTmp->GetNext() == pInsRing )
    1734             :                     {
    1735             :                         // are consecutive, so combine
    1736           0 :                         rEndStt = *pTmp->Start();
    1737           0 :                         delete pTmp;
    1738           0 :                         pTmp = pInsRing;
    1739             :                     }
    1740             :                     else
    1741             :                     {
    1742             :                         // are consecutive, so combine
    1743           0 :                         rSttEnd = *((SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext())->End();
    1744           0 :                         delete pTmp->GetNext();
    1745             :                     }
    1746             :                 }
    1747             :                 else
    1748           0 :                     pTmp = (SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext();
    1749           0 :             } while( pInsRing != pTmp );
    1750             :         }
    1751             : 
    1752           0 :         do {
    1753           0 :             if( rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().AppendRedline( new SwRangeRedline( aRedlnData, *pTmp ), true) &&
    1754           0 :                 rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
    1755             :             {
    1756           0 :                 SwUndo *const pUndo(new SwUndoCompDoc( *pTmp, true ));
    1757           0 :                 rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(pUndo);
    1758             :             }
    1759           0 :         } while( pInsRing != ( pTmp = (SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
    1760             :     }
    1761           0 : }
    1762             : 
    1763             : // Returns (the difference count?) if something is different
    1764           0 : long SwDoc::CompareDoc( const SwDoc& rDoc )
    1765             : {
    1766           0 :     if( &rDoc == this )
    1767           0 :         return 0;
    1768             : 
    1769           0 :     long nRet = 0;
    1770             : 
    1771             :     // Get comparison options
    1772           0 :     CmpOptions.eCmpMode = SW_MOD()->GetCompareMode();
    1773           0 :     if( CmpOptions.eCmpMode == SVX_CMP_AUTO )
    1774             :     {
    1775           0 :         if( getRsidRoot() == rDoc.getRsidRoot() )
    1776             :         {
    1777           0 :             CmpOptions.eCmpMode = SVX_CMP_BY_CHAR;
    1778           0 :             CmpOptions.bUseRsid = true;
    1779           0 :             CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen = 2;
    1780             :         }
    1781             :         else
    1782             :         {
    1783           0 :             CmpOptions.eCmpMode = SVX_CMP_BY_WORD;
    1784           0 :             CmpOptions.bUseRsid = false;
    1785           0 :             CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen = 3;
    1786             :         }
    1787             :     }
    1788             :     else
    1789             :     {
    1790           0 :         CmpOptions.bUseRsid = getRsidRoot() == rDoc.getRsidRoot() && SW_MOD()->IsUseRsid();
    1791           0 :         CmpOptions.nIgnoreLen = SW_MOD()->IsIgnorePieces() ? SW_MOD()->GetPieceLen() : 0;
    1792             :     }
    1793             : 
    1794           0 :     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(UNDO_EMPTY, NULL);
    1795           0 :     bool bDocWasModified = getIDocumentState().IsModified();
    1796           0 :     SwDoc& rSrcDoc = (SwDoc&)rDoc;
    1797           0 :     bool bSrcModified = rSrcDoc.getIDocumentState().IsModified();
    1798             : 
    1799           0 :     RedlineMode_t eSrcRedlMode = rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineMode();
    1800           0 :     rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode( nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT );
    1801           0 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode((RedlineMode_t)(nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_ON | nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT));
    1802             : 
    1803           0 :     SwCompareData aD0( rSrcDoc );
    1804           0 :     SwCompareData aD1( *this );
    1805             : 
    1806           0 :     aD1.CompareLines( aD0 );
    1807             : 
    1808           0 :     nRet = aD1.ShowDiffs( aD0 );
    1809             : 
    1810           0 :     if( nRet )
    1811             :     {
    1812           0 :       getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode((RedlineMode_t)(nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_ON |
    1813           0 :                        nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT | nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE));
    1814             : 
    1815           0 :         aD1.SetRedlinesToDoc( !bDocWasModified );
    1816           0 :         getIDocumentState().SetModified();
    1817             :     }
    1818             : 
    1819           0 :     rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode( eSrcRedlMode );
    1820           0 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode((RedlineMode_t)(nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT | nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE));
    1821             : 
    1822           0 :     if( !bSrcModified )
    1823           0 :         rSrcDoc.getIDocumentState().ResetModified();
    1824             : 
    1825           0 :     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(UNDO_EMPTY, NULL);
    1826             : 
    1827           0 :     return nRet;
    1828             : }
    1829             : 
    1830           0 : class _SaveMergeRedlines : public Ring
    1831             : {
    1832             :     const SwRangeRedline* pSrcRedl;
    1833             :     SwRangeRedline* pDestRedl;
    1834             : public:
    1835             :     _SaveMergeRedlines( const SwNode& rDstNd,
    1836             :                         const SwRangeRedline& rSrcRedl, Ring* pRing );
    1837             :     sal_uInt16 InsertRedline();
    1838             : };
    1839             : 
    1840           0 : _SaveMergeRedlines::_SaveMergeRedlines( const SwNode& rDstNd,
    1841             :                         const SwRangeRedline& rSrcRedl, Ring* pRing )
    1842           0 :     : Ring( pRing ), pSrcRedl( &rSrcRedl )
    1843             : {
    1844           0 :     SwPosition aPos( rDstNd );
    1845             : 
    1846           0 :     const SwPosition* pStt = rSrcRedl.Start();
    1847           0 :     if( rDstNd.IsCntntNode() )
    1848           0 :         aPos.nContent.Assign( ((SwCntntNode*)&rDstNd), pStt->nContent.GetIndex() );
    1849           0 :     pDestRedl = new SwRangeRedline( rSrcRedl.GetRedlineData(), aPos );
    1850             : 
    1851           0 :     if( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE == pDestRedl->GetType() )
    1852             :     {
    1853             :         // mark the area as deleted
    1854           0 :         const SwPosition* pEnd = pStt == rSrcRedl.GetPoint()
    1855           0 :                                             ? rSrcRedl.GetMark()
    1856           0 :                                             : rSrcRedl.GetPoint();
    1857             : 
    1858           0 :         pDestRedl->SetMark();
    1859           0 :         pDestRedl->GetPoint()->nNode += pEnd->nNode.GetIndex() -
    1860           0 :                                         pStt->nNode.GetIndex();
    1861           0 :         pDestRedl->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pDestRedl->GetCntntNode(),
    1862           0 :                                                 pEnd->nContent.GetIndex() );
    1863           0 :     }
    1864           0 : }
    1865             : 
    1866           0 : sal_uInt16 _SaveMergeRedlines::InsertRedline()
    1867             : {
    1868           0 :     sal_uInt16 nIns = 0;
    1869           0 :     SwDoc* pDoc = pDestRedl->GetDoc();
    1870             : 
    1871           0 :     if( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT == pDestRedl->GetType() )
    1872             :     {
    1873             :         // the part was inserted so copy it from the SourceDoc
    1874           0 :         ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
    1875             : 
    1876           0 :         SwNodeIndex aSaveNd( pDestRedl->GetPoint()->nNode, -1 );
    1877           0 :         const sal_Int32 nSaveCnt = pDestRedl->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();
    1878             : 
    1879           0 :         RedlineMode_t eOld = pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineMode();
    1880           0 :         pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode_intern((RedlineMode_t)(eOld | nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_IGNORE));
    1881             : 
    1882           0 :         pSrcRedl->GetDoc()->getIDocumentContentOperations().CopyRange(
    1883             :                 *const_cast<SwPaM*>(static_cast<const SwPaM*>(pSrcRedl)),
    1884           0 :                 *pDestRedl->GetPoint(), false );
    1885             : 
    1886           0 :         pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode_intern( eOld );
    1887             : 
    1888           0 :         pDestRedl->SetMark();
    1889           0 :         ++aSaveNd;
    1890           0 :         pDestRedl->GetMark()->nNode = aSaveNd;
    1891           0 :         pDestRedl->GetMark()->nContent.Assign( aSaveNd.GetNode().GetCntntNode(),
    1892           0 :                                                 nSaveCnt );
    1893             : 
    1894           0 :         if( GetPrev() != this )
    1895             :         {
    1896           0 :             SwPaM* pTmpPrev = ((_SaveMergeRedlines*)GetPrev())->pDestRedl;
    1897           0 :             if( pTmpPrev && *pTmpPrev->GetPoint() == *pDestRedl->GetPoint() )
    1898           0 :                 *pTmpPrev->GetPoint() = *pDestRedl->GetMark();
    1899           0 :         }
    1900             :     }
    1901             :     else
    1902             :     {
    1903             :         //JP 21.09.98: Bug 55909
    1904             :         // If there already is a deleted or inserted one at the same position, we have to split it!
    1905           0 :         SwPosition* pDStt = pDestRedl->GetMark(),
    1906           0 :                   * pDEnd = pDestRedl->GetPoint();
    1907           0 :         sal_uInt16 n = 0;
    1908             : 
    1909             :             // find the first redline for StartPos
    1910           0 :         if( !pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedline( *pDStt, &n ) && n )
    1911           0 :             --n;
    1912             : 
    1913           0 :         const SwRedlineTbl& rRedlineTbl = pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTbl();
    1914           0 :         for( ; n < rRedlineTbl.size(); ++n )
    1915             :         {
    1916           0 :             SwRangeRedline* pRedl = rRedlineTbl[ n ];
    1917           0 :             SwPosition* pRStt = pRedl->Start(),
    1918           0 :                       * pREnd = pRStt == pRedl->GetPoint() ? pRedl->GetMark()
    1919           0 :                                                            : pRedl->GetPoint();
    1920           0 :             if( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE == pRedl->GetType() ||
    1921           0 :                 nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT == pRedl->GetType() )
    1922             :             {
    1923           0 :                 SwComparePosition eCmpPos = ComparePosition( *pDStt, *pDEnd, *pRStt, *pREnd );
    1924           0 :                 switch( eCmpPos )
    1925             :                 {
    1926             :                 case POS_COLLIDE_START:
    1927             :                 case POS_BEHIND:
    1928           0 :                     break;
    1929             : 
    1930             :                 case POS_INSIDE:
    1931             :                 case POS_EQUAL:
    1932           0 :                     delete pDestRedl, pDestRedl = 0;
    1933             :                     // break; -> no break !!!!
    1934             : 
    1935             :                 case POS_COLLIDE_END:
    1936             :                 case POS_BEFORE:
    1937           0 :                     n = rRedlineTbl.size();
    1938           0 :                     break;
    1939             : 
    1940             :                 case POS_OUTSIDE:
    1941             :                     {
    1942             :                         SwRangeRedline* pCpyRedl = new SwRangeRedline(
    1943           0 :                             pDestRedl->GetRedlineData(), *pDStt );
    1944           0 :                         pCpyRedl->SetMark();
    1945           0 :                         *pCpyRedl->GetPoint() = *pRStt;
    1946             : 
    1947             :                         SwUndoCompDoc *const pUndo =
    1948           0 :                             (pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
    1949           0 :                                     ? new SwUndoCompDoc( *pCpyRedl ) : 0;
    1950             : 
    1951             :                         // now modify doc: append redline, undo (and count)
    1952           0 :                         pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().AppendRedline( pCpyRedl, true );
    1953           0 :                         if( pUndo )
    1954             :                         {
    1955           0 :                             pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(pUndo);
    1956             :                         }
    1957           0 :                         ++nIns;
    1958             : 
    1959           0 :                         *pDStt = *pREnd;
    1960             : 
    1961             :                         // we should start over now
    1962           0 :                         n = USHRT_MAX;
    1963             :                     }
    1964           0 :                     break;
    1965             : 
    1966             :                 case POS_OVERLAP_BEFORE:
    1967           0 :                     *pDEnd = *pRStt;
    1968           0 :                     break;
    1969             : 
    1970             :                 case POS_OVERLAP_BEHIND:
    1971           0 :                     *pDStt = *pREnd;
    1972           0 :                     break;
    1973             :                 }
    1974             :             }
    1975           0 :             else if( *pDEnd <= *pRStt )
    1976           0 :                 break;
    1977             :         }
    1978             : 
    1979             :     }
    1980             : 
    1981           0 :     if( pDestRedl )
    1982             :     {
    1983           0 :         SwUndoCompDoc *const pUndo = (pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
    1984           0 :             ? new SwUndoCompDoc( *pDestRedl ) : 0;
    1985             : 
    1986             :         // now modify doc: append redline, undo (and count)
    1987           0 :         bool bRedlineAccepted = pDoc->getIDocumentRedlineAccess().AppendRedline( pDestRedl, true );
    1988           0 :         if( pUndo )
    1989             :         {
    1990           0 :             pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( pUndo );
    1991             :         }
    1992           0 :         ++nIns;
    1993             : 
    1994             :         // if AppendRedline has deleted our redline, we may not keep a
    1995             :         // reference to it
    1996           0 :         if( ! bRedlineAccepted )
    1997           0 :             pDestRedl = NULL;
    1998             :     }
    1999           0 :     return nIns;
    2000             : }
    2001             : 
    2002             : /// Merge two documents
    2003           0 : long SwDoc::MergeDoc( const SwDoc& rDoc )
    2004             : {
    2005           0 :     if( &rDoc == this )
    2006           0 :         return 0;
    2007             : 
    2008           0 :     long nRet = 0;
    2009             : 
    2010           0 :     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(UNDO_EMPTY, NULL);
    2011             : 
    2012           0 :     SwDoc& rSrcDoc = (SwDoc&)rDoc;
    2013           0 :     bool bSrcModified = rSrcDoc.getIDocumentState().IsModified();
    2014             : 
    2015           0 :     RedlineMode_t eSrcRedlMode = rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineMode();
    2016           0 :     rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode( nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE );
    2017           0 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode( nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE );
    2018             : 
    2019           0 :     SwCompareData aD0( rSrcDoc );
    2020           0 :     SwCompareData aD1( *this );
    2021             : 
    2022           0 :     aD1.CompareLines( aD0 );
    2023             : 
    2024           0 :     if( !aD1.HasDiffs( aD0 ) )
    2025             :     {
    2026             :         // we want to get all redlines from the SourceDoc
    2027             : 
    2028             :         // look for all insert redlines from the SourceDoc and determine their position in the DestDoc
    2029           0 :         _SaveMergeRedlines* pRing = 0;
    2030           0 :         const SwRedlineTbl& rSrcRedlTbl = rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTbl();
    2031           0 :         sal_uLong nEndOfExtra = rSrcDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex();
    2032           0 :         sal_uLong nMyEndOfExtra = GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex();
    2033           0 :         for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < rSrcRedlTbl.size(); ++n )
    2034             :         {
    2035           0 :             const SwRangeRedline* pRedl = rSrcRedlTbl[ n ];
    2036           0 :             sal_uLong nNd = pRedl->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex();
    2037           0 :             RedlineType_t eType = pRedl->GetType();
    2038           0 :             if( nEndOfExtra < nNd &&
    2039           0 :                 ( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT == eType || nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE == eType ))
    2040             :             {
    2041           0 :                 const SwNode* pDstNd = GetNodes()[
    2042           0 :                                         nMyEndOfExtra + nNd - nEndOfExtra ];
    2043             : 
    2044             :                 // Found the position.
    2045             :                 // Then we also have to insert the redline to the line in the DestDoc.
    2046             :                 _SaveMergeRedlines* pTmp = new _SaveMergeRedlines(
    2047           0 :                                                     *pDstNd, *pRedl, pRing );
    2048           0 :                 if( !pRing )
    2049           0 :                     pRing = pTmp;
    2050             :             }
    2051             :         }
    2052             : 
    2053           0 :         if( pRing )
    2054             :         {
    2055             :           // Carry over all into DestDoc
    2056           0 :           rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode((RedlineMode_t)(nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT | nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE));
    2057             : 
    2058           0 :           getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode((RedlineMode_t)(
    2059             :                                       nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_ON |
    2060             :                                       nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT |
    2061           0 :                                       nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE));
    2062             : 
    2063           0 :             _SaveMergeRedlines* pTmp = pRing;
    2064             : 
    2065           0 :             do {
    2066           0 :                 nRet += pTmp->InsertRedline();
    2067           0 :             } while( pRing != ( pTmp = (_SaveMergeRedlines*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
    2068             : 
    2069           0 :             while( pRing != pRing->GetNext() )
    2070           0 :                 delete pRing->GetNext();
    2071           0 :             delete pRing;
    2072             :         }
    2073             :     }
    2074             : 
    2075           0 :     rSrcDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode( eSrcRedlMode );
    2076           0 :     if( !bSrcModified )
    2077           0 :         rSrcDoc.getIDocumentState().ResetModified();
    2078             : 
    2079           0 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineMode((RedlineMode_t)(nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_INSERT | nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_SHOW_DELETE));
    2080             : 
    2081           0 :     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(UNDO_EMPTY, NULL);
    2082             : 
    2083           0 :     return nRet;
    2084             : }
    2085             : 
    2086           0 : LineArrayComparator::LineArrayComparator( const CompareData &rD1,
    2087             :                                             const CompareData &rD2, int nStt1,
    2088             :                                             int nEnd1, int nStt2, int nEnd2 )
    2089           0 :     : rData1( rD1 ), rData2( rD2 ), nFirst1( nStt1 ), nFirst2( nStt2 )
    2090             : {
    2091           0 :     nLen1 = nEnd1 - nStt1;
    2092           0 :     nLen2 = nEnd2 - nStt2;
    2093           0 : }
    2094             : 
    2095           0 : bool LineArrayComparator::Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const
    2096             : {
    2097           0 :     if( nIdx1 < 0 || nIdx2 < 0 || nIdx1 >= nLen1 || nIdx2 >= nLen2 )
    2098             :     {
    2099             :         OSL_ENSURE( false, "Index out of range!" );
    2100           0 :         return false;
    2101             :     }
    2102             : 
    2103           0 :     const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd1 = ( ( SwCompareLine* )rData1.GetLine( nFirst1 + nIdx1 ) )->GetNode().GetTxtNode();
    2104           0 :     const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd2 = ( ( SwCompareLine* )rData2.GetLine( nFirst2 + nIdx2 ) )->GetNode().GetTxtNode();
    2105             : 
    2106           0 :     if( !pTxtNd1 || !pTxtNd2
    2107           0 :         || ( CmpOptions.bUseRsid && !pTxtNd1->CompareParRsid( *pTxtNd2 ) ) )
    2108             :     {
    2109           0 :         return false;
    2110             :     }
    2111             : 
    2112           0 :     const sal_Int32 nPar1Len = pTxtNd1->Len();
    2113           0 :     const sal_Int32 nPar2Len = pTxtNd2->Len();
    2114             : 
    2115           0 :     if( std::min( nPar1Len, nPar2Len ) * 3 < std::max( nPar1Len, nPar2Len ) )
    2116             :     {
    2117           0 :         return false;
    2118             :     }
    2119             : 
    2120           0 :     sal_Int32 nBorderLen = ( nPar1Len + nPar2Len )/16;
    2121             : 
    2122           0 :     if( nBorderLen < 3 )
    2123             :     {
    2124           0 :         nBorderLen = std::min<sal_Int32>( 3, std::min( nPar1Len, nPar2Len ) );
    2125             :     }
    2126             : 
    2127           0 :     std::set<unsigned> aHashes;
    2128           0 :     unsigned nHash = 0;
    2129           0 :     unsigned nMul = 251;
    2130           0 :     unsigned nPow = 1;
    2131             :     sal_Int32 i;
    2132             : 
    2133           0 :     for( i = 0; i < nBorderLen - 1; i++ )
    2134             :     {
    2135           0 :         nPow *= nMul;
    2136             :     }
    2137           0 :     for( i = 0; i < nBorderLen; i++ )
    2138             :     {
    2139           0 :         nHash = nHash*nMul + pTxtNd1->GetTxt()[i];
    2140             :     }
    2141           0 :     aHashes.insert( nHash );
    2142           0 :     for( ; i < nPar1Len; i++ )
    2143             :     {
    2144           0 :         nHash = nHash - nPow*pTxtNd1->GetTxt()[ i - nBorderLen ];
    2145           0 :         nHash = nHash*nMul + pTxtNd1->GetTxt()[ i ];
    2146             : 
    2147           0 :         aHashes.insert( nHash );
    2148             :     }
    2149             : 
    2150           0 :     nHash = 0;
    2151           0 :     for( i = 0; i < nBorderLen; i++ )
    2152             :     {
    2153           0 :         nHash = nHash*nMul + pTxtNd2->GetTxt()[ i ];
    2154             :     }
    2155             : 
    2156           0 :     if( aHashes.find( nHash ) != aHashes.end() )
    2157             :     {
    2158           0 :         return true;
    2159             :     }
    2160             : 
    2161           0 :     for( ; i < nPar2Len; i++ )
    2162             :     {
    2163           0 :         nHash = nHash - nPow*pTxtNd2->GetTxt()[ i - nBorderLen ];
    2164           0 :         nHash = nHash*nMul + pTxtNd2->GetTxt()[ i ];
    2165           0 :         if( aHashes.find( nHash ) != aHashes.end() )
    2166             :         {
    2167           0 :             return true;
    2168             :         }
    2169             :     }
    2170           0 :     return false;
    2171             : }
    2172             : 
    2173           0 : bool CharArrayComparator::Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const
    2174             : {
    2175           0 :     if( nIdx1 < 0 || nIdx2 < 0 || nIdx1 >= GetLen1() || nIdx2 >= GetLen2() )
    2176             :     {
    2177             :         OSL_ENSURE( false, "Index out of range!" );
    2178           0 :         return false;
    2179             :     }
    2180             : 
    2181           0 :     return ( !CmpOptions.bUseRsid
    2182           0 :             || pTxtNd1->CompareRsid(  *pTxtNd2, nIdx1 + 1, nIdx2 + 1 ) )
    2183           0 :             && pTxtNd1->GetTxt()[ nIdx1 ] == pTxtNd2->GetTxt()[ nIdx2 ];
    2184             : }
    2185             : 
    2186           0 : WordArrayComparator::WordArrayComparator( const SwTxtNode *pNode1,
    2187             :                                             const SwTxtNode *pNode2 )
    2188           0 :     : pTxtNd1( pNode1 ), pTxtNd2( pNode2 )
    2189             : {
    2190           0 :     pPos1 = new int[ pTxtNd1->GetTxt().getLength() + 1 ];
    2191           0 :     pPos2 = new int[ pTxtNd2->GetTxt().getLength() + 1 ];
    2192             : 
    2193           0 :     CalcPositions( pPos1, pTxtNd1, nCnt1 );
    2194           0 :     CalcPositions( pPos2, pTxtNd2, nCnt2 );
    2195           0 : }
    2196             : 
    2197           0 : WordArrayComparator::~WordArrayComparator()
    2198             : {
    2199           0 :     delete[] pPos1;
    2200           0 :     delete[] pPos2;
    2201           0 : }
    2202             : 
    2203           0 : bool WordArrayComparator::Compare( int nIdx1, int nIdx2 ) const
    2204             : {
    2205           0 :     int nLen = pPos1[ nIdx1 + 1 ] - pPos1[ nIdx1 ];
    2206           0 :     if( nLen != pPos2[ nIdx2 + 1 ] - pPos2[ nIdx2 ] )
    2207             :     {
    2208           0 :         return false;
    2209             :     }
    2210           0 :     for( int i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
    2211             :     {
    2212           0 :         if( pTxtNd1->GetTxt()[ pPos1[ nIdx1 ] + i ]
    2213           0 :             != pTxtNd2->GetTxt()[ pPos2[ nIdx2 ] + i ]
    2214           0 :             || ( CmpOptions.bUseRsid && !pTxtNd1->CompareRsid( *pTxtNd2,
    2215           0 :                                 pPos1[ nIdx1 ] + i, pPos2[ nIdx2 ] + i ) ) )
    2216             :         {
    2217           0 :             return false;
    2218             :         }
    2219             :     }
    2220           0 :     return true;
    2221             : }
    2222             : 
    2223           0 : int WordArrayComparator::GetCharSequence( const int *pWordLcs1,
    2224             :             const int *pWordLcs2, int *pSubseq1, int *pSubseq2, int nLcsLen )
    2225             : {
    2226           0 :     int nLen = 0;
    2227           0 :     for( int i = 0; i < nLcsLen; i++ )
    2228             :     {
    2229             :         // Check for hash collisions
    2230           0 :         if( pPos1[ pWordLcs1[i] + 1 ] - pPos1[ pWordLcs1[i] ]
    2231           0 :             != pPos2[ pWordLcs2[i] + 1 ] - pPos2[ pWordLcs2[i] ] )
    2232             :         {
    2233           0 :             continue;
    2234             :         }
    2235           0 :         for( int j = 0; j < pPos1[pWordLcs1[i]+1] - pPos1[pWordLcs1[i]]; j++)
    2236             :         {
    2237           0 :             pSubseq1[ nLen ] = pPos1[ pWordLcs1[i] ] + j;
    2238           0 :             pSubseq2[ nLen ] = pPos2[ pWordLcs2[i] ] + j;
    2239             : 
    2240           0 :             if( pTxtNd1->GetTxt()[ pPos1[ pWordLcs1[i] ] + j ]
    2241           0 :              != pTxtNd2->GetTxt()[ pPos2[ pWordLcs2[i] ] + j ] )
    2242             :             {
    2243           0 :                 nLen -= j;
    2244           0 :                 break;
    2245             :             }
    2246             : 
    2247           0 :             nLen++;
    2248             :         }
    2249             :     }
    2250           0 :     return nLen;
    2251             : }
    2252             : 
    2253           0 : void WordArrayComparator::CalcPositions( int *pPos, const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd,
    2254             :                                          int &nCnt )
    2255             : {
    2256           0 :     nCnt = -1;
    2257           0 :     for (int i = 0; i <= pTxtNd->GetTxt().getLength(); ++i)
    2258             :     {
    2259           0 :         if (i == 0 || i == pTxtNd->GetTxt().getLength()
    2260           0 :                     || !isalnum( pTxtNd->GetTxt()[ i - 1 ])
    2261           0 :                     || !isalnum( pTxtNd->GetTxt()[ i ]))
    2262             :         { // Begin new word
    2263           0 :             nCnt++;
    2264           0 :             pPos[ nCnt ] = i;
    2265             :         }
    2266             :     }
    2267           0 : }
    2268             : 
    2269           0 : int CommonSubseq::FindLCS( int *pLcs1, int *pLcs2, int nStt1, int nEnd1,
    2270             :                                                     int nStt2, int nEnd2 )
    2271             : {
    2272           0 :     int nLen1 = nEnd1 ? nEnd1 - nStt1 : rCmp.GetLen1();
    2273           0 :     int nLen2 = nEnd2 ? nEnd2 - nStt2 : rCmp.GetLen2();
    2274             : 
    2275             :     OSL_ASSERT( nLen1 >= 0 );
    2276             :     OSL_ASSERT( nLen2 >= 0 );
    2277             : 
    2278           0 :     int **pLcs = new int*[ nLen1 + 1 ];
    2279           0 :     pLcs[ 0 ] = pData;
    2280             : 
    2281           0 :     for( int i = 1; i < nLen1 + 1; i++ )
    2282           0 :         pLcs[ i ] = pLcs[ i - 1 ] + nLen2 + 1;
    2283             : 
    2284           0 :     for( int i = 0; i <= nLen1; i++ )
    2285           0 :         pLcs[i][0] = 0;
    2286             : 
    2287           0 :     for( int j = 0; j <= nLen2; j++ )
    2288           0 :         pLcs[0][j] = 0;
    2289             : 
    2290             :     // Find lcs
    2291           0 :     for( int i = 1; i <= nLen1; i++ )
    2292             :     {
    2293           0 :         for( int j = 1; j <= nLen2; j++ )
    2294             :         {
    2295           0 :             if( rCmp.Compare( nStt1 + i - 1, nStt2 + j - 1 ) )
    2296           0 :                 pLcs[i][j] = pLcs[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
    2297             :             else
    2298           0 :                 pLcs[i][j] = std::max( pLcs[i][j - 1], pLcs[i - 1][j] );
    2299             :         }
    2300             :     }
    2301             : 
    2302           0 :     int nLcsLen = pLcs[ nLen1 ][ nLen2 ];
    2303             : 
    2304             :     // Recover the lcs in the two sequences
    2305           0 :     if( pLcs1 && pLcs2 )
    2306             :     {
    2307           0 :         int nIdx1 = nLen1;
    2308           0 :         int nIdx2 = nLen2;
    2309           0 :         int nIdx = nLcsLen - 1;
    2310             : 
    2311           0 :         while( nIdx1 > 0 && nIdx2 > 0 )
    2312             :         {
    2313           0 :             if( pLcs[ nIdx1 ][ nIdx2 ] == pLcs[ nIdx1 - 1 ][ nIdx2 ] )
    2314           0 :                 nIdx1--;
    2315           0 :             else if( pLcs[ nIdx1 ][ nIdx2 ] == pLcs[ nIdx1 ][ nIdx2 - 1 ] )
    2316           0 :                 nIdx2--;
    2317             :             else
    2318             :             {
    2319           0 :                 nIdx1--, nIdx2--;
    2320           0 :                 pLcs1[ nIdx ] = nIdx1 + nStt1;
    2321           0 :                 pLcs2[ nIdx ] = nIdx2 + nStt2;
    2322           0 :                 nIdx--;
    2323             :             }
    2324             :         }
    2325             :     }
    2326             : 
    2327           0 :     delete[] pLcs;
    2328             : 
    2329           0 :     return nLcsLen;
    2330             : }
    2331             : 
    2332           0 : int CommonSubseq::IgnoreIsolatedPieces( int *pLcs1, int *pLcs2, int nLen1,
    2333             :                                         int nLen2, int nLcsLen, int nPieceLen )
    2334             : {
    2335           0 :     if( !nLcsLen )
    2336             :     {
    2337           0 :         return 0;
    2338             :     }
    2339             : 
    2340           0 :     int nNext = 0;
    2341             : 
    2342             :     // Don't ignore text at the beginning of the paragraphs
    2343           0 :     if( pLcs1[ 0 ] == 0 && pLcs2[ 0 ] == 0 )
    2344             :     {
    2345           0 :         while( nNext < nLcsLen - 1 && pLcs1[ nNext ] + 1 == pLcs1[ nNext + 1 ]
    2346           0 :                                 && pLcs2[ nNext ] + 1 == pLcs2[ nNext + 1 ] )
    2347             :         {
    2348           0 :             nNext++;
    2349             :         }
    2350           0 :         nNext++;
    2351             :     }
    2352             : 
    2353           0 :     int nCnt = 1;
    2354             : 
    2355           0 :     for( int i = nNext; i < nLcsLen; i++ )
    2356             :     {
    2357           0 :         if( i != nLcsLen - 1 && pLcs1[ i ] + 1 == pLcs1[ i + 1 ]
    2358           0 :                             && pLcs2[ i ] + 1 == pLcs2[ i + 1 ] )
    2359             :         {
    2360           0 :             nCnt++;
    2361             :         }
    2362             :         else
    2363             :         {
    2364           0 :             if( nCnt > nPieceLen
    2365             :                 // Don't ignore text at the end of the paragraphs
    2366           0 :                 || ( i == nLcsLen - 1
    2367           0 :                 && pLcs1[i] == nLen1 - 1 && pLcs2[i] == nLen2 - 1 ))
    2368             :             {
    2369           0 :                 for( int j = i + 1 - nCnt; j <= i; j++ )
    2370             :                 {
    2371           0 :                     pLcs2[ nNext ] = pLcs2[ j ];
    2372           0 :                     pLcs1[ nNext ] = pLcs1[ j ];
    2373           0 :                     nNext++;
    2374             :                 }
    2375             :             }
    2376           0 :             nCnt = 1;
    2377             :         }
    2378             :     }
    2379             : 
    2380           0 :     return nNext;
    2381             : }
    2382             : 
    2383           0 : LgstCommonSubseq::LgstCommonSubseq( ArrayComparator &rComparator )
    2384           0 :     : CommonSubseq( rComparator, CUTOFF )
    2385             : {
    2386           0 :     pBuff1 = new int[ rComparator.GetLen2() + 1 ];
    2387           0 :     pBuff2 = new int[ rComparator.GetLen2() + 1 ];
    2388             : 
    2389           0 :     pL1 = new int[ rComparator.GetLen2() + 1 ];
    2390           0 :     pL2 = new int[ rComparator.GetLen2() + 1 ];
    2391           0 : }
    2392             : 
    2393           0 : LgstCommonSubseq::~LgstCommonSubseq()
    2394             : {
    2395           0 :     delete[] pBuff1;
    2396           0 :     delete[] pBuff2;
    2397             : 
    2398           0 :     delete[] pL1;
    2399           0 :     delete[] pL2;
    2400           0 : }
    2401             : 
    2402           0 : void LgstCommonSubseq::FindL( int *pL, int nStt1, int nEnd1,
    2403             :                                         int nStt2, int nEnd2  )
    2404             : {
    2405           0 :     int nLen1 = nEnd1 ? nEnd1 - nStt1 : rCmp.GetLen1();
    2406           0 :     int nLen2 = nEnd2 ? nEnd2 - nStt2 : rCmp.GetLen2();
    2407             : 
    2408           0 :     int *currL = pBuff1;
    2409           0 :     int *prevL = pBuff2;
    2410             : 
    2411             :     // Avoid memory corruption
    2412           0 :     if( nLen2 > rCmp.GetLen2() )
    2413             :     {
    2414             :         assert( false );
    2415           0 :         return;
    2416             :     }
    2417             : 
    2418           0 :     memset( pBuff1, 0, sizeof( *pBuff1 ) * ( nLen2 + 1 ) );
    2419           0 :     memset( pBuff2, 0, sizeof( *pBuff2 ) * ( nLen2 + 1 ) );
    2420             : 
    2421             :     // Find lcs
    2422           0 :     for( int i = 1; i <= nLen1; i++ )
    2423             :     {
    2424           0 :         for( int j = 1; j <= nLen2; j++ )
    2425             :         {
    2426           0 :             if( rCmp.Compare( nStt1 + i - 1, nStt2 + j - 1 ) )
    2427           0 :                 currL[j] = prevL[j - 1] + 1;
    2428             :             else
    2429           0 :                 currL[j] = std::max( currL[j - 1], prevL[j] );
    2430             :         }
    2431           0 :         int *tmp = currL;
    2432           0 :         currL = prevL;
    2433           0 :         prevL = tmp;
    2434             :     }
    2435           0 :     memcpy( pL, prevL, ( nLen2 + 1 ) * sizeof( *prevL ) );
    2436             : }
    2437             : 
    2438           0 : int LgstCommonSubseq::HirschbergLCS( int *pLcs1, int *pLcs2, int nStt1,
    2439             :                                     int nEnd1, int nStt2, int nEnd2 )
    2440             : {
    2441             :     static int nLen1;
    2442             :     static int nLen2;
    2443           0 :     nLen1 = nEnd1 - nStt1;
    2444           0 :     nLen2 = nEnd2 - nStt2;
    2445             : 
    2446           0 :     if( ( nLen1 + 1 ) * ( nLen2 + 1 ) <= CUTOFF )
    2447             :     {
    2448           0 :         if( !nLen1 || !nLen2 )
    2449             :         {
    2450           0 :             return 0;
    2451             :         }
    2452           0 :         return FindLCS(pLcs1, pLcs2, nStt1, nEnd1, nStt2, nEnd2);
    2453             :     }
    2454             : 
    2455           0 :     int nMid = nLen1/2;
    2456             : 
    2457           0 :     FindL( pL1, nStt1, nStt1 + nMid, nStt2, nEnd2 );
    2458           0 :     FindL( pL2, nStt1 + nMid, nEnd1, nStt2, nEnd2 );
    2459             : 
    2460           0 :     int nMaxPos = 0;
    2461             :     static int nMaxVal;
    2462           0 :     nMaxVal = -1;
    2463             : 
    2464             :     static int i;
    2465           0 :     for( i = 0; i <= nLen2; i++ )
    2466             :     {
    2467           0 :         if( pL1[i] + ( pL2[nLen2] - pL2[i] ) > nMaxVal )
    2468             :         {
    2469           0 :             nMaxPos = i;
    2470           0 :             nMaxVal = pL1[i]+( pL2[nLen2] - pL2[i] );
    2471             :         }
    2472             :     }
    2473             : 
    2474             :     int nRet = HirschbergLCS( pLcs1, pLcs2, nStt1, nStt1 + nMid,
    2475           0 :                                             nStt2, nStt2 + nMaxPos );
    2476             :     nRet += HirschbergLCS( pLcs1 + nRet, pLcs2 + nRet, nStt1 + nMid, nEnd1,
    2477           0 :                                                     nStt2 + nMaxPos, nEnd2 );
    2478             : 
    2479           0 :     return nRet;
    2480             : }
    2481             : 
    2482           0 : int LgstCommonSubseq::Find( int *pSubseq1, int *pSubseq2 )
    2483             : {
    2484           0 :     int nStt = 0;
    2485           0 :     int nCutEnd = 0;
    2486           0 :     int nEnd1 = rCmp.GetLen1();
    2487           0 :     int nEnd2 = rCmp.GetLen2();
    2488             : 
    2489             :     // Check for corresponding lines in the beginning of the sequences
    2490           0 :     while( nStt < nEnd1 && nStt < nEnd2 && rCmp.Compare( nStt, nStt ) )
    2491             :     {
    2492           0 :         pSubseq1[ nStt ] = nStt;
    2493           0 :         pSubseq2[ nStt ] = nStt;
    2494           0 :         nStt++;
    2495             :     }
    2496             : 
    2497           0 :     pSubseq1 += nStt;
    2498           0 :     pSubseq2 += nStt;
    2499             : 
    2500             :     // Check for corresponding lines in the end of the sequences
    2501           0 :     while( nStt < nEnd1 && nStt < nEnd2
    2502           0 :                         && rCmp.Compare( nEnd1 - 1, nEnd2 - 1 ) )
    2503             :     {
    2504           0 :         nCutEnd++;
    2505           0 :         nEnd1--;
    2506           0 :         nEnd2--;
    2507             :     }
    2508             : 
    2509           0 :     int nLen = HirschbergLCS( pSubseq1, pSubseq2, nStt, nEnd1, nStt, nEnd2 );
    2510             : 
    2511           0 :     for( int i = 0; i < nCutEnd; i++ )
    2512             :     {
    2513           0 :         pSubseq1[ nLen + i ] = nEnd1 + i;
    2514           0 :         pSubseq2[ nLen + i ] = nEnd2 + i;
    2515             :     }
    2516             : 
    2517           0 :     return nStt + nLen + nCutEnd;
    2518             : }
    2519             : 
    2520           0 : int FastCommonSubseq::FindFastCS( int *pSeq1, int *pSeq2, int nStt1,
    2521             :                                     int nEnd1, int nStt2, int nEnd2  )
    2522             : {
    2523           0 :     int nCutBeg = 0;
    2524           0 :     int nCutEnd = 0;
    2525             : 
    2526             :     // Check for corresponding lines in the beginning of the sequences
    2527           0 :     while( nStt1 < nEnd1 && nStt2 < nEnd2 && rCmp.Compare( nStt1, nStt2 ) )
    2528             :     {
    2529           0 :         pSeq1[ nCutBeg ] = nStt1++;
    2530           0 :         pSeq2[ nCutBeg ] = nStt2++;
    2531           0 :         nCutBeg++;
    2532             :     }
    2533             : 
    2534           0 :     pSeq1 += nCutBeg;
    2535           0 :     pSeq2 += nCutBeg;
    2536             : 
    2537             :     // Check for corresponding lines in the end of the sequences
    2538           0 :     while( nStt1 < nEnd1 && nStt2 < nEnd2
    2539           0 :                         && rCmp.Compare( nEnd1 - 1, nEnd2 - 1 ) )
    2540             :     {
    2541           0 :         nCutEnd++;
    2542           0 :         nEnd1--;
    2543           0 :         nEnd2--;
    2544             :     }
    2545             : 
    2546           0 :     int nLen1 = nEnd1 - nStt1;
    2547           0 :     int nLen2 = nEnd2 - nStt2;
    2548             : 
    2549             :     // Return if a sequence is empty
    2550           0 :     if( nLen1 <= 0 || nLen2 <= 0 )
    2551             :     {
    2552           0 :         for( int i = 0; i < nCutEnd; i++ )
    2553             :         {
    2554           0 :             pSeq1[ i ] = nEnd1 + i;
    2555           0 :             pSeq2[ i ] = nEnd2 + i;
    2556             :         }
    2557           0 :         return nCutBeg + nCutEnd;
    2558             :     }
    2559             : 
    2560             :     // Cut to LCS for small values
    2561           0 :     if( nLen1 < 3 || nLen2 < 3 || ( nLen1 + 1 ) * ( nLen2 + 1 ) <= CUTOFF )
    2562             :     {
    2563           0 :         int nLcsLen = FindLCS( pSeq1, pSeq2, nStt1, nEnd1, nStt2, nEnd2);
    2564             : 
    2565           0 :         for( int i = 0; i < nCutEnd; i++ )
    2566             :         {
    2567           0 :             pSeq1[ nLcsLen + i ] = nEnd1 + i;
    2568           0 :             pSeq2[ nLcsLen + i ] = nEnd2 + i;
    2569             :         }
    2570           0 :         return nCutBeg + nLcsLen + nCutEnd;
    2571             :     }
    2572             : 
    2573           0 :     int nMid1 = nLen1/2;
    2574           0 :     int nMid2 = nLen2/2;
    2575             : 
    2576             :     int nRad;
    2577           0 :     int nPos1 = -1, nPos2 = -1;
    2578             : 
    2579             :     // Find a point of correspondence in the middle of the sequences
    2580           0 :     for( nRad = 0; nRad*nRad < std::min( nMid1, nMid2 ); nRad++ )
    2581             :     {
    2582             :         // Search to the left and to the right of the middle of the first sequence
    2583           0 :         for( int i = nMid1 - nRad; i <= nMid1 + nRad; i++ )
    2584             :         {
    2585           0 :             if( rCmp.Compare( nStt1 + i, nStt2 + nMid2 - nRad ) )
    2586             :             {
    2587           0 :                 nPos1 = nStt1 + i;
    2588           0 :                 nPos2 = nStt2 + nMid2 - nRad;
    2589           0 :                 break;
    2590             :             }
    2591           0 :             if( rCmp.Compare( nStt1 + i, nStt2 + nMid2 + nRad ) )
    2592             :             {
    2593           0 :                 nPos1 = nStt1 + i;
    2594           0 :                 nPos2 = nStt2 + nMid2 - nRad;
    2595           0 :                 break;
    2596             :             }
    2597             :         }
    2598             :         // Search to the left and to the right of the middle of the second sequence
    2599           0 :         for( int i = nMid2 - nRad; i <= nMid2 + nRad; i++ )
    2600             :         {
    2601           0 :             if( rCmp.Compare( nStt2 + nMid2 - nRad, nStt2 + i ) )
    2602             :             {
    2603           0 :                 nPos2 = nStt2 + i;
    2604           0 :                 nPos1 = nStt1 + nMid1 - nRad;
    2605           0 :                 break;
    2606             :             }
    2607           0 :             if( rCmp.Compare( nStt2 + nMid2 - nRad, nStt2 + i ) )
    2608             :             {
    2609           0 :                 nPos2 = nStt2 + i;
    2610           0 :                 nPos1 = nStt1 + nMid1 - nRad;
    2611           0 :                 break;
    2612             :             }
    2613             :         }
    2614             :     }
    2615             : 
    2616             :     // return if no point of correspondence found
    2617           0 :     if( nPos1 == -1 )
    2618             :     {
    2619           0 :         for( int i = 0; i < nCutEnd; i++ )
    2620             :         {
    2621           0 :             pSeq1[ i ] = nEnd1 + i;
    2622           0 :             pSeq2[ i ] = nEnd2 + i;
    2623             :         }
    2624           0 :         return nCutBeg + nCutEnd;
    2625             :     }
    2626             : 
    2627             :     // Run the same on the sequences to the left of the correspondence point
    2628           0 :     int nLen = FindFastCS( pSeq1, pSeq2, nStt1, nPos1, nStt2, nPos2 );
    2629             : 
    2630           0 :     pSeq1[ nLen ] = nPos1;
    2631           0 :     pSeq2[ nLen ] = nPos2;
    2632             : 
    2633             :     // Run the same on the sequences to the right of the correspondence point
    2634           0 :     nLen += FindFastCS( pSeq1 + nLen + 1, pSeq2 + nLen + 1,
    2635           0 :                          nPos1 + 1, nEnd1, nPos2 + 1, nEnd2 ) + 1;
    2636             : 
    2637           0 :     for( int i = 0; i < nCutEnd; i++ )
    2638             :     {
    2639           0 :         pSeq1[ nLen + i ] = nEnd1 + i;
    2640           0 :         pSeq2[ nLen + i ] = nEnd2 + i;
    2641             :     }
    2642             : 
    2643           0 :     return nLen + nCutBeg + nCutEnd;
    2644         270 : }
    2645             : 
    2646             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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