LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/doc - docnew.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 422 475 88.8 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 26 29 89.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <config_features.h>
      21             : 
      22             : #include <doc.hxx>
      23             : #include <dcontact.hxx>
      24             : #include <com/sun/star/document/PrinterIndependentLayout.hpp>
      25             : #include <com/sun/star/document/UpdateDocMode.hpp>
      26             : #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextDocument.hpp>
      27             : #include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/ProofreadingIterator.hpp>
      28             : #include <com/sun/star/text/XFlatParagraphIteratorProvider.hpp>
      29             : 
      30             : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
      31             : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
      32             : #include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
      33             : #include <rtl/random.h>
      34             : #include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
      35             : #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
      36             : #include <sfx2/frame.hxx>
      37             : #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
      38             : 
      39             : #include <svl/macitem.hxx>
      40             : #include <svx/svxids.hrc>
      41             : #include <svx/svdogrp.hxx>
      42             : #include <sfx2/linkmgr.hxx>
      43             : #include <editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx>
      44             : #include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
      45             : #include <unotools/lingucfg.hxx>
      46             : #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
      47             : #include <paratr.hxx>
      48             : #include <fchrfmt.hxx>
      49             : #include <fmtcntnt.hxx>
      50             : #include <fmtanchr.hxx>
      51             : #include <fmtfsize.hxx>
      52             : #include <fmtfordr.hxx>
      53             : #include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
      54             : #include <pvprtdat.hxx>
      55             : #include <rootfrm.hxx>
      56             : #include <layouter.hxx>
      57             : #include <pagedesc.hxx>
      58             : #include <ndtxt.hxx>
      59             : #include <printdata.hxx>
      60             : #include <docfld.hxx>
      61             : #include <ftninfo.hxx>
      62             : #include <ftnidx.hxx>
      63             : #include <docstat.hxx>
      64             : #include <charfmt.hxx>
      65             : #include <frmfmt.hxx>
      66             : #include <rolbck.hxx>
      67             : #include <poolfmt.hxx>
      68             : #include <dbmgr.hxx>
      69             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      70             : #include <acorrect.hxx>
      71             : #include <visiturl.hxx>
      72             : #include <docary.hxx>
      73             : #include <lineinfo.hxx>
      74             : #include <drawdoc.hxx>
      75             : #include <linkenum.hxx>
      76             : #include <fldupde.hxx>
      77             : #include <extinput.hxx>
      78             : #include <viewsh.hxx>
      79             : #include <doctxm.hxx>
      80             : #include <shellres.hxx>
      81             : #include <breakit.hxx>
      82             : #include <laycache.hxx>
      83             : #include <mvsave.hxx>
      84             : #include <istyleaccess.hxx>
      85             : #include <swstylemanager.hxx>
      86             : #include <IGrammarContact.hxx>
      87             : #include <tblsel.hxx>
      88             : #include <MarkManager.hxx>
      89             : #include <UndoManager.hxx>
      90             : #include <DocumentDeviceManager.hxx>
      91             : #include <DocumentSettingManager.hxx>
      92             : #include <DocumentDrawModelManager.hxx>
      93             : #include <DocumentChartDataProviderManager.hxx>
      94             : #include <DocumentTimerManager.hxx>
      95             : #include <DocumentLinksAdministrationManager.hxx>
      96             : #include <DocumentListItemsManager.hxx>
      97             : #include <DocumentListsManager.hxx>
      98             : #include <DocumentOutlineNodesManager.hxx>
      99             : #include <DocumentContentOperationsManager.hxx>
     100             : #include <DocumentRedlineManager.hxx>
     101             : #include <DocumentFieldsManager.hxx>
     102             : #include <DocumentStatisticsManager.hxx>
     103             : #include <DocumentStateManager.hxx>
     104             : #include <DocumentLayoutManager.hxx>
     105             : #include <DocumentStylePoolManager.hxx>
     106             : #include <DocumentExternalDataManager.hxx>
     107             : #include <unochart.hxx>
     108             : #include <fldbas.hxx>
     109             : #include <wrtsh.hxx>
     110             : 
     111             : #include <cmdid.h>
     112             : 
     113             : #include <pausethreadstarting.hxx>
     114             : #include <numrule.hxx>
     115             : #include <list.hxx>
     116             : 
     117             : #include <sfx2/Metadatable.hxx>
     118             : #include <fmtmeta.hxx>
     119             : #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
     120             : 
     121             : //UUUU
     122             : #include <svx/xfillit0.hxx>
     123             : 
     124             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
     125             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::document;
     126             : 
     127             : const sal_Char sFrmFmtStr[] = "Frameformat";
     128             : const sal_Char sEmptyPageStr[] = "Empty Page";
     129             : const sal_Char sColumnCntStr[] = "Columncontainer";
     130             : const sal_Char sCharFmtStr[] = "Character style";
     131             : const sal_Char sTxtCollStr[] = "Paragraph style";
     132             : const sal_Char sGrfCollStr[] = "Graphikformatvorlage";
     133             : 
     134             : /*
     135             :  * global functions...
     136             :  */
     137         352 :  uno::Reference< linguistic2::XProofreadingIterator > SwDoc::GetGCIterator() const
     138             : {
     139         352 :     if (! && SvtLinguConfig().HasGrammarChecker())
     140             :     {
     141           0 :         uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >  xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
     142             :         try
     143             :         {
     144           0 :             m_xGCIterator = linguistic2::ProofreadingIterator::create( xContext );
     145             :         }
     146           0 :         catch (const uno::Exception &)
     147             :         {
     148             :             OSL_FAIL( "No GCIterator" );
     149           0 :         }
     150             :     }
     151             : 
     152         352 :     return m_xGCIterator;
     153             : }
     154             : 
     155         771 : void StartGrammarChecking( SwDoc &rDoc )
     156             : {
     157             :     // check for a visible view
     158         771 :     bool bVisible = false;
     159         771 :     const SwDocShell *mpDocShell = rDoc.GetDocShell();
     160         771 :     SfxViewFrame    *pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( mpDocShell, false );
     161        2313 :     while (pFrame && !bVisible)
     162             :     {
     163         771 :         if (pFrame->IsVisible())
     164         352 :             bVisible = true;
     165         771 :         pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetNext( *pFrame, mpDocShell, false );
     166             :     }
     167             : 
     168             :     //!! only documents with visible views need to be checked
     169             :     //!! (E.g. don't check temporary documents created for printing, see printing of notes and selections.
     170             :     //!! Those get created on the fly and get hard deleted a bit later as well, and no one should have
     171             :     //!! a uno reference to them)
     172         771 :     if (bVisible)
     173             :     {
     174         352 :         uno::Reference< linguistic2::XProofreadingIterator > xGCIterator( rDoc.GetGCIterator() );
     175         352 :         if ( )
     176             :         {
     177           0 :             uno::Reference< lang::XComponent >  xDoc( rDoc.GetDocShell()->GetBaseModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
     178           0 :             uno::Reference< text::XFlatParagraphIteratorProvider >  xFPIP( xDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
     179             : 
     180             :             // start automatic background checking if not active already
     181           0 :             if ( && !xGCIterator->isProofreading( xDoc ) )
     182           0 :                 xGCIterator->startProofreading( xDoc, xFPIP );
     183         352 :         }
     184             :     }
     185         771 : }
     186             : 
     187             : /*
     188             :  * internal functions
     189             :  */
     190       14787 : static void lcl_DelFmtIndices( SwFmt* pFmt )
     191             : {
     192       14787 :     SwFmtCntnt &rFmtCntnt = (SwFmtCntnt&)pFmt->GetCntnt();
     193       14787 :     if ( rFmtCntnt.GetCntntIdx() )
     194        4640 :         rFmtCntnt.SetNewCntntIdx( 0 );
     195       14787 :     SwFmtAnchor &rFmtAnchor = (SwFmtAnchor&)pFmt->GetAnchor();
     196       14787 :     if ( rFmtAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() )
     197        6162 :         rFmtAnchor.SetAnchor( 0 );
     198       14787 : }
     199             : 
     200             : /*
     201             :  * exported methods
     202             :  */
     203        5052 : SwDoc::SwDoc()
     204        5052 :     : m_pNodes( new SwNodes(this) ),
     205        5052 :     mpAttrPool(new SwAttrPool(this)),
     206        5052 :     mpMarkManager(new ::sw::mark::MarkManager(*this)),
     207           0 :     m_pMetaFieldManager(new ::sw::MetaFieldManager()),
     208        5052 :     m_pDocumentDrawModelManager( new ::sw::DocumentDrawModelManager( *this ) ),
     209        5052 :     m_pDocumentRedlineManager( new ::sw::DocumentRedlineManager( *this ) ),
     210        5052 :     m_pDocumentStateManager( new ::sw::DocumentStateManager( *this ) ),
     211             :     m_pUndoManager(new ::sw::UndoManager(
     212       25260 :             boost::shared_ptr<SwNodes>(new SwNodes(this)), *m_pDocumentDrawModelManager, *m_pDocumentRedlineManager, *m_pDocumentStateManager)),
     213        5052 :     m_pDocumentSettingManager(new ::sw::DocumentSettingManager(*this)),
     214        5052 :     m_pDocumentChartDataProviderManager( new sw::DocumentChartDataProviderManager( *this ) ),
     215        5052 :     m_pDeviceAccess( new ::sw::DocumentDeviceManager( *this ) ),
     216        5052 :     m_pDocumentTimerManager( new ::sw::DocumentTimerManager( *this ) ),
     217        5052 :     m_pDocumentLinksAdministrationManager( new ::sw::DocumentLinksAdministrationManager( *this ) ),
     218           0 :     m_pDocumentListItemsManager( new ::sw::DocumentListItemsManager() ),
     219        5052 :     m_pDocumentListsManager( new ::sw::DocumentListsManager( *this ) ),
     220        5052 :     m_pDocumentOutlineNodesManager( new ::sw::DocumentOutlineNodesManager( *this ) ),
     221        5052 :     m_pDocumentContentOperationsManager( new ::sw::DocumentContentOperationsManager( *this ) ),
     222        5052 :     m_pDocumentFieldsManager( new ::sw::DocumentFieldsManager( *this ) ),
     223        5052 :     m_pDocumentStatisticsManager( new ::sw::DocumentStatisticsManager( *this ) ),
     224        5052 :     m_pDocumentLayoutManager( new ::sw::DocumentLayoutManager( *this ) ),
     225        5052 :     m_pDocumentStylePoolManager( new ::sw::DocumentStylePoolManager( *this ) ),
     226           0 :     m_pDocumentExternalDataManager( new ::sw::DocumentExternalDataManager() ),
     227        5052 :     mpDfltFrmFmt( new SwFrmFmt( GetAttrPool(), sFrmFmtStr, 0 ) ),
     228        5052 :     mpEmptyPageFmt( new SwFrmFmt( GetAttrPool(), sEmptyPageStr, mpDfltFrmFmt ) ),
     229        5052 :     mpColumnContFmt( new SwFrmFmt( GetAttrPool(), sColumnCntStr, mpDfltFrmFmt ) ),
     230        5052 :     mpDfltCharFmt( new SwCharFmt( GetAttrPool(), sCharFmtStr, 0 ) ),
     231        5052 :     mpDfltTxtFmtColl( new SwTxtFmtColl( GetAttrPool(), sTxtCollStr ) ),
     232        5052 :     mpDfltGrfFmtColl( new SwGrfFmtColl( GetAttrPool(), sGrfCollStr ) ),
     233             :     mpFrmFmtTbl( new SwFrmFmts() ),
     234             :     mpCharFmtTbl( new SwCharFmts() ),
     235             :     mpSpzFrmFmtTbl( new SwFrmFmts() ),
     236             :     mpSectionFmtTbl( new SwSectionFmts() ),
     237             :     mpTblFrmFmtTbl( new SwFrmFmts() ),
     238             :     mpTxtFmtCollTbl( new SwTxtFmtColls() ),
     239             :     mpGrfFmtCollTbl( new SwGrfFmtColls() ),
     240             :     mpTOXTypes( new SwTOXTypes() ),
     241             :     mpDefTOXBases( new SwDefTOXBase_Impl() ),
     242             :     mpGlossaryDoc( 0 ),
     243             :     mpOutlineRule( 0 ),
     244        5052 :     mpFtnInfo( new SwFtnInfo ),
     245        5052 :     mpEndNoteInfo( new SwEndNoteInfo ),
     246        5052 :     mpLineNumberInfo( new SwLineNumberInfo ),
     247        5052 :     mpFtnIdxs( new SwFtnIdxs ),
     248             :     mpDocShell( 0 ),
     249             :     mpACEWord( 0 ),
     250             :     mpURLStateChgd( 0 ),
     251             :     mpNumberFormatter( 0 ),
     252        5052 :     mpNumRuleTbl( new SwNumRuleTbl ),
     253           0 :     mpUnoCrsrTbl( new SwUnoCrsrTbl() ),
     254             :     mpPgPViewPrtData( 0 ),
     255             :     mpExtInputRing( 0 ),
     256             :     mpStyleAccess( 0 ),
     257             :     mpLayoutCache( 0 ),
     258        5052 :     mpGrammarContact(createGrammarContact()),
     259             :     m_pXmlIdRegistry(),
     260             :     mReferenceCount(0),
     261             :     mbGlossDoc(false),
     262             :     mbDtor(false),
     263             :     mbCopyIsMove(false),
     264             :     mbInReading(false),
     265             :     mbInMailMerge(false),
     266             :     mbInXMLImport(false),
     267             :     mbUpdateTOX(false),
     268             :     mbInLoadAsynchron(false),
     269             :     mbIsAutoFmtRedline(false),
     270             :     mbOLEPrtNotifyPending(false),
     271             :     mbAllOLENotify(false),
     272             :     mbInsOnlyTxtGlssry(false),
     273             :     mbContains_MSVBasic(false),
     274             :     mbClipBoard( false ),
     275             :     mbColumnSelection( false ),
     276             :     mbIsPrepareSelAll(false),
     277             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     278             :     mbXMLExport(false),
     279             : #endif
     280             :     mbContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor(false), //#i119292#, fdo#37024
     281             : 
     282             :     mbReadOnly(false),
     283      181872 :     meDocType(DOCTYPE_NATIVE)
     284             : {
     285             :     //UUUU The DrawingLayer ItemPool which is used as 2nd pool for Writer documents' pool
     286             :     // has a default for the XFillStyleItem of XFILL_SOLID and the color for it is the default
     287             :     // fill color (blue7 or similar). This is a problem, in Writer we want the default fill
     288             :     // style to be drawing::FillStyle_NONE. This cannot simply be done by changing it in the 2nd pool at the
     289             :     // pool defaults when the DrawingLayer ItemPool is used for Writer, that would lead to
     290             :     // countless problems like DrawObjects initial fill and others.
     291             :     // It is also hard to find all places where the initial ItemSets for Writer (including
     292             :     // style hierarchies) are created and to always set (but only at the root) the FillStyle
     293             :     // to NONE fixed; that will add that attribute to the file format. It will be hard to reset
     294             :     // attribbute sets (which is done at import and using UI). Also not a good solution.
     295             :     // Luckily Writer uses pDfltTxtFmtColl as default parent for all paragraphs and similar, thus
     296             :     // it is possible to set this attribute here. It will be not reset when importing.
     297        5052 :     mpDfltTxtFmtColl->SetFmtAttr(XFillStyleItem(drawing::FillStyle_NONE));
     298        5052 :     mpDfltFrmFmt->SetFmtAttr(XFillStyleItem(drawing::FillStyle_NONE));
     299             : 
     300             :     /*
     301             :      * DefaultFormats and DefaultFormatCollections (FmtColl)
     302             :      * are inserted at position 0 at the respective array.
     303             :      * The formats in the FmtColls are derived from the
     304             :      * DefaultFormats and are also in the list.
     305             :      */
     306             :     /* Formats */
     307        5052 :     mpFrmFmtTbl->push_back(mpDfltFrmFmt);
     308        5052 :     mpCharFmtTbl->push_back(mpDfltCharFmt);
     309             : 
     310             :     /* FmtColls */
     311             :     // TXT
     312        5052 :     mpTxtFmtCollTbl->push_back(mpDfltTxtFmtColl);
     313             :     // GRF
     314        5052 :     mpGrfFmtCollTbl->push_back(mpDfltGrfFmtColl);
     315             : 
     316             :     // Create PageDesc, EmptyPageFmt and ColumnFmt
     317        5052 :     if ( maPageDescs.empty() )
     318        5052 :         getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetPageDescFromPool( RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD );
     319             : 
     320             :     // Set to "Empty Page"
     321        5052 :     mpEmptyPageFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_FIX_SIZE ) );
     322             :     // Set BodyFmt for columns
     323        5052 :     mpColumnContFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtFillOrder( ATT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ) );
     324             : 
     325        5052 :     GetDocumentFieldsManager()._InitFieldTypes();
     326             : 
     327             :     // Create a default OutlineNumRule (for Filters)
     328             :     mpOutlineRule = new SwNumRule( SwNumRule::GetOutlineRuleName(),
     329             :                                   // #i89178#
     330             :                                   numfunc::GetDefaultPositionAndSpaceMode(),
     331        5052 :                                   OUTLINE_RULE );
     332        5052 :     AddNumRule(mpOutlineRule);
     333             :     // Counting of phantoms depends on <IsOldNumbering()>
     334        5052 :     mpOutlineRule->SetCountPhantoms( !GetDocumentSettingManager().get(IDocumentSettingAccess::OLD_NUMBERING) );
     335             : 
     336             :     new SwTxtNode(
     337        5052 :             SwNodeIndex(GetUndoManager().GetUndoNodes().GetEndOfContent()),
     338        5052 :             mpDfltTxtFmtColl );
     339        5052 :     new SwTxtNode( SwNodeIndex( GetNodes().GetEndOfContent() ),
     340        5052 :                     getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ));
     341             : 
     342        5052 :     maOLEModifiedTimer.SetTimeout( 1000 );
     343        5052 :     maOLEModifiedTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, SwDoc, DoUpdateModifiedOLE ));
     344             : 
     345             : #if HAVE_FEATURE_DBCONNECTIVITY
     346             :     // Create DBManager
     347        5052 :     mpDBManager = new SwDBManager;
     348             : #endif
     349             : 
     350             :     // create TOXTypes
     351        5052 :     InitTOXTypes();
     352             : 
     353             :     // pass empty item set containing the paragraph's list attributes
     354             :     // as ignorable items to the stype manager.
     355             :     {
     356        5052 :         SfxItemSet aIgnorableParagraphItems( GetAttrPool(), RES_PARATR_LIST_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_LIST_END-1);
     357        5052 :         mpStyleAccess = createStyleManager( &aIgnorableParagraphItems );
     358             :     }
     359             : 
     360        5052 :     static bool bHack = (getenv("LIBO_ONEWAY_STABLE_ODF_EXPORT") != NULL);
     361             : 
     362        5052 :     if (bHack)
     363             :     {
     364           0 :         mnRsid = 0;
     365             :     }
     366             :     else
     367             :     {
     368             :         // Initialize the session id of the current document to a random number
     369             :         // smaller than 2^21.
     370        5052 :         static rtlRandomPool aPool = rtl_random_createPool();
     371        5052 :         rtl_random_getBytes( aPool, &mnRsid, sizeof ( mnRsid ) );
     372        5052 :         mnRsid &= ( 1<<21 ) - 1;
     373        5052 :         mnRsid++;
     374             :     }
     375        5052 :     mnRsidRoot = mnRsid;
     376             : 
     377        5052 :     getIDocumentState().ResetModified();
     378        5052 : }
     379             : 
     380        5083 : static void DeleteAndDestroy(SwFrmFmts& rFmts, int aStartIdx, int aEndIdx)
     381             : {
     382        5083 :     if (aEndIdx < aStartIdx)
     383        5083 :         return;
     384       27717 :     for( SwFrmFmts::const_iterator it = rFmts.begin() + aStartIdx;
     385       18478 :          it != rFmts.begin() + aEndIdx; ++it )
     386        4156 :              delete *it;
     387        5083 :     rFmts.erase( rFmts.begin() + aStartIdx, rFmts.begin() + aEndIdx);
     388             : }
     389             : 
     390       10126 : static void DeleteAndDestroy(SwTxtFmtColls& rFmts, int aStartIdx, int aEndIdx)
     391             : {
     392       10126 :     if (aEndIdx < aStartIdx)
     393       10126 :         return;
     394      210276 :     for( SwTxtFmtColls::const_iterator it = rFmts.begin() + aStartIdx;
     395      140184 :          it != rFmts.begin() + aEndIdx; ++it )
     396       59966 :              delete *it;
     397       10126 :     rFmts.erase( rFmts.begin() + aStartIdx, rFmts.begin() + aEndIdx);
     398             : }
     399             : 
     400          38 : static void DeleteAndDestroy(SwCharFmts& rFmts, int aStartIdx, int aEndIdx)
     401             : {
     402          38 :     if (aEndIdx < aStartIdx)
     403          38 :         return;
     404         114 :     for( SwCharFmts::const_iterator it = rFmts.begin() + aStartIdx;
     405          76 :          it != rFmts.begin() + aEndIdx; ++it )
     406           0 :              delete *it;
     407          38 :     rFmts.erase( rFmts.begin() + aStartIdx, rFmts.begin() + aEndIdx);
     408             : }
     409             : 
     410             : /**
     411             :  * Speciality: a member of the class SwDoc is located at
     412             :  * position 0 in the array of the Format and GDI objects.
     413             :  * This MUST not be destroyed using 'delete' in any case!
     414             :  */
     415       15133 : SwDoc::~SwDoc()
     416             : {
     417             :     // nothing here should create Undo actions!
     418        5045 :     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo(false);
     419             : 
     420        5045 :     if (mpDocShell)
     421             :     {
     422           0 :         mpDocShell->SetUndoManager(0);
     423             :     }
     424             : 
     425        5045 :     delete mpGrammarContact;
     426        5045 :     mpGrammarContact = 0;
     427             : 
     428             :     //!! needs to be done to destroy a possible SwFmtDrop format that may
     429             :     //!! be connected to a char format which may not otherwise be removed
     430             :     //!! and thus would leave a unremoved SwFmt object. (TL)
     431             :     //!! (this is case is not possible via UI but via API...)
     432        5045 :     SwFmtDrop aDrop;
     433        5045 :     SetDefault(aDrop);
     434             :     //!! same for SwFmtCharFmt
     435       10090 :     SwFmtCharFmt aCharFmt(NULL);
     436        5045 :     SetDefault(aCharFmt);
     437             : 
     438        5045 :     getIDocumentTimerAccess().StopIdling();   // stop idle timer
     439             : 
     440        5045 :     delete mpURLStateChgd;
     441             : 
     442             :     // Deactivate Undo notification from Draw
     443        5045 :     if( GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel() )
     444             :     {
     445        5045 :         GetDocumentDrawModelManager().DrawNotifyUndoHdl();
     446        5045 :         ClrContourCache();
     447             :     }
     448             : 
     449        5045 :     delete mpPgPViewPrtData;
     450             : 
     451        5045 :     mbDtor = true;
     452             : 
     453             :     //Clear the redline table before the nodes array is destroyed
     454        5045 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTbl().DeleteAndDestroyAll();
     455        5045 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetExtraRedlineTbl().DeleteAndDestroyAll();
     456             : 
     457        5045 :     delete mpUnoCrsrTbl;
     458        5045 :     delete mpACEWord;
     459             : 
     460             :     // Release the BaseLinks
     461             :     {
     462        5045 :        ::sfx2::SvLinkSources aTemp(getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().GetServers());
     463       15141 :        for( ::sfx2::SvLinkSources::const_iterator it = aTemp.begin();
     464       10094 :             it != aTemp.end(); ++it )
     465           2 :             (*it)->Closed();
     466             : 
     467        5045 :         if( !getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().GetLinks().empty() )
     468          10 :             getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().Remove( 0, getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().GetLinks().size() );
     469             :     }
     470             : 
     471             :     // The ChapterNumbers/Numbers need to be deleted before the styles
     472             :     // or we update all the time!
     473        5045 :     m_pNodes->pOutlineNds->clear();
     474        5045 :     SwNodes & rUndoNodes( GetUndoManager().GetUndoNodes() );
     475        5045 :     rUndoNodes.pOutlineNds->clear();
     476             : 
     477        5045 :     mpFtnIdxs->clear();
     478             : 
     479             :     // indices could be registered in attributes
     480        5045 :     m_pUndoManager->DelAllUndoObj();
     481             : 
     482             :     // The BookMarks contain indices to the Content. These must be deleted
     483             :     // before deleting the Nodes.
     484        5045 :     mpMarkManager->clearAllMarks();
     485             : 
     486        5045 :     if( mpExtInputRing )
     487             :     {
     488           0 :         Ring* pTmp = mpExtInputRing;
     489           0 :         mpExtInputRing = 0;
     490           0 :         while( pTmp->GetNext() != pTmp )
     491           0 :             delete pTmp->GetNext();
     492           0 :         delete pTmp;
     493             :     }
     494             : 
     495             :     // Old - deletion without a Flag is expensive, because we send a Modify
     496             :     // aTOXTypes.DeleteAndDestroy( 0, aTOXTypes.Count() );
     497             :     {
     498       50754 :         for( sal_uInt16 n = mpTOXTypes->size(); n; )
     499             :         {
     500       40664 :             (*mpTOXTypes)[ --n ]->SetInDocDTOR();
     501       40664 :             delete (*mpTOXTypes)[ n ];
     502             :         }
     503        5045 :         mpTOXTypes->clear();
     504             :     }
     505        5045 :     delete mpDefTOXBases;
     506             : 
     507             :     // Any of the FrmFormats can still have indices registered.
     508             :     // These need to be destroyed now at the latest.
     509       12820 :     BOOST_FOREACH( SwFrmFmt* pFmt, *mpFrmFmtTbl )
     510        7775 :         lcl_DelFmtIndices( pFmt );
     511       11485 :     BOOST_FOREACH( SwFrmFmt* pFmt, *mpSpzFrmFmtTbl )
     512        6440 :         lcl_DelFmtIndices( pFmt );
     513        5617 :     BOOST_FOREACH( SwSectionFmt* pFmt, *mpSectionFmtTbl )
     514         572 :         lcl_DelFmtIndices( pFmt );
     515             : 
     516             :     // The formats/styles that follow depend on the default formats.
     517             :     // Destroy these only after destroying the FmtIndices, because the content
     518             :     // of headers/footers has to be deleted as well. If in the headers/footers
     519             :     // there are still Flys registered at that point, we have a problem.
     520       11574 :     BOOST_FOREACH(SwPageDesc *pPageDesc, maPageDescs)
     521        6529 :         delete pPageDesc;
     522        5045 :     maPageDescs.clear();
     523             : 
     524             :     // Delete content selections.
     525             :     // Don't wait for the SwNodes dtor to destroy them; so that Formats
     526             :     // do not have any dependencies anymore.
     527        5045 :     m_pNodes->DelNodes( SwNodeIndex(*m_pNodes), m_pNodes->Count() );
     528        5045 :     rUndoNodes.DelNodes( SwNodeIndex( rUndoNodes ), rUndoNodes.Count() );
     529             : 
     530             :     // Delete Formats, make it permanent some time in the future
     531             : 
     532             :     // Delete for Collections
     533             :     // So that we get rid of the dependencies
     534        5045 :     mpFtnInfo->ReleaseCollection();
     535        5045 :     mpEndNoteInfo->ReleaseCollection();
     536             : 
     537             :     OSL_ENSURE( mpDfltTxtFmtColl == (*mpTxtFmtCollTbl)[0],
     538             :             "Default-Text-Collection must always be at the start" );
     539             : 
     540             :     // Optimization: Based on the fact that Standard is always 2nd in the
     541             :     // array, we should delete it as the last. With this we avoid
     542             :     // reparenting the Formats all the time!
     543        5045 :     if( 2 < mpTxtFmtCollTbl->size() )
     544        5019 :         DeleteAndDestroy(*mpTxtFmtCollTbl, 2, mpTxtFmtCollTbl->size());
     545        5045 :     DeleteAndDestroy(*mpTxtFmtCollTbl, 1, mpTxtFmtCollTbl->size());
     546        5045 :     delete mpTxtFmtCollTbl;
     547             : 
     548             :     OSL_ENSURE( mpDfltGrfFmtColl == (*mpGrfFmtCollTbl)[0],
     549             :             "DefaultGrfCollection must always be at the start" );
     550             : 
     551        5045 :     mpGrfFmtCollTbl->DeleteAndDestroy(1, mpGrfFmtCollTbl->size());
     552        5045 :     delete mpGrfFmtCollTbl;
     553             : 
     554             :     // Without explicitly freeing the DocumentDeviceManager
     555             :     // and relying on the implicit freeing there would be a crash
     556             :     // due to it happening after SwAttrPool is freed.
     557        5045 :     m_pDeviceAccess.reset();
     558             : 
     559             :     /*
     560             :      * DefaultFormats and DefaultFormatCollections (FmtColl)
     561             :      * are at position 0 of their respective arrays.
     562             :      * In order to not be deleted by the array's dtor, we remove them
     563             :      * now.
     564             :      */
     565        5045 :     mpFrmFmtTbl->erase( mpFrmFmtTbl->begin() );
     566        5045 :     mpCharFmtTbl->erase( mpCharFmtTbl->begin() );
     567             : 
     568             : #if HAVE_FEATURE_DBCONNECTIVITY
     569        5045 :     DELETEZ( mpDBManager );
     570             : #endif
     571             : 
     572             :     // All Flys need to be destroyed before the Drawing Model,
     573             :     // because Flys can still contain DrawContacts, when no
     574             :     // Layout could be constructed due to a read error.
     575        5045 :     DeleteAndDestroy( *mpSpzFrmFmtTbl, 0, mpSpzFrmFmtTbl->size() );
     576             : 
     577             :     // Only now destroy the Model, the drawing objects - which are also
     578             :     // contained in the Undo - need to remove their attributes from the
     579             :     // Model. Also, DrawContacts could exist before this.
     580        5045 :     GetDocumentDrawModelManager().ReleaseDrawModel();
     581             :     // Destroy DrawModel before the LinkManager, because it's always set
     582             :     // in the DrawModel.
     583             :     //The LinkManager gets destroyed automatically with m_pLinksAdministrationManager
     584             : 
     585             :     // Clear the Tables before deleting the defaults, or we crash due to
     586             :     // dependencies on defaults.
     587        5045 :     delete mpFrmFmtTbl;
     588        5045 :     delete mpSpzFrmFmtTbl;
     589             : 
     590        5045 :     delete mpStyleAccess;
     591             : 
     592        5045 :     delete mpCharFmtTbl;
     593        5045 :     delete mpSectionFmtTbl;
     594        5045 :     delete mpTblFrmFmtTbl;
     595        5045 :     delete mpDfltTxtFmtColl;
     596        5045 :     delete mpDfltGrfFmtColl;
     597        5045 :     delete mpNumRuleTbl;
     598             : 
     599        5045 :     disposeXForms(); // #i113606#, dispose the XForms objects
     600             : 
     601        5045 :     delete mpNumberFormatter;
     602        5045 :     delete mpFtnInfo;
     603        5045 :     delete mpEndNoteInfo;
     604        5045 :     delete mpLineNumberInfo;
     605        5045 :     delete mpFtnIdxs;
     606        5045 :     delete mpTOXTypes;
     607        5045 :     delete mpEmptyPageFmt;
     608        5045 :     delete mpColumnContFmt;
     609        5045 :     delete mpDfltCharFmt;
     610        5045 :     delete mpDfltFrmFmt;
     611        5045 :     delete mpLayoutCache;
     612             : 
     613       10090 :     SfxItemPool::Free(mpAttrPool);
     614       10088 : }
     615             : 
     616       10453 : void SwDoc::SetDocShell( SwDocShell* pDSh )
     617             : {
     618       10453 :     if( mpDocShell != pDSh )
     619             :     {
     620       10453 :         if (mpDocShell)
     621             :         {
     622        5225 :             mpDocShell->SetUndoManager(0);
     623             :         }
     624       10453 :         mpDocShell = pDSh;
     625       10453 :         if (mpDocShell)
     626             :         {
     627        5228 :             mpDocShell->SetUndoManager(& GetUndoManager());
     628             :         }
     629             : 
     630       10453 :         getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().SetPersist( mpDocShell );
     631             : 
     632             :         // set DocShell pointer also on DrawModel
     633       10453 :         InitDrawModelAndDocShell(mpDocShell, GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel());
     634             :         OSL_ENSURE(!GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel() ||
     635             :             GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel()->GetPersist() == GetPersist(),
     636             :             "draw model's persist is out of sync");
     637             :     }
     638       10453 : }
     639             : 
     640             : // Convenience method; to avoid excessive includes from docsh.hxx
     641          72 : uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > SwDoc::GetDocStorage()
     642             : {
     643          72 :     if( mpDocShell )
     644          72 :         return mpDocShell->GetStorage();
     645           0 :     if( getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().GetPersist() )
     646           0 :         return getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().GetPersist()->GetStorage();
     647           0 :     return NULL;
     648             : }
     649             : 
     650        5058 : SfxObjectShell* SwDoc::GetPersist() const
     651             : {
     652        5058 :     return mpDocShell ? mpDocShell : getIDocumentLinksAdministration().GetLinkManager().GetPersist();
     653             : }
     654             : 
     655          38 : void SwDoc::ClearDoc()
     656             : {
     657          38 :     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DelAllUndoObj();
     658          38 :     ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
     659             : 
     660             :     // Deactivate Undo notification from Draw
     661          38 :     if( GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel() )
     662             :     {
     663          38 :         GetDocumentDrawModelManager().DrawNotifyUndoHdl();
     664          38 :         ClrContourCache();
     665             :     }
     666             : 
     667             :     // if there are still FlyFrames dangling around, delete them too
     668             :     sal_uInt16 n;
     669          76 :     while ( 0 != (n = GetSpzFrmFmts()->size()) )
     670           0 :         getIDocumentLayoutAccess().DelLayoutFmt((*mpSpzFrmFmtTbl)[n-1]);
     671             :     OSL_ENSURE( !GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel() || !GetDocumentDrawModelManager().GetDrawModel()->GetPage(0)->GetObjCount(),
     672             :                 "not all DrawObjects removed from the page" );
     673             : 
     674          38 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTbl().DeleteAndDestroyAll();
     675          38 :     getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetExtraRedlineTbl().DeleteAndDestroyAll();
     676             : 
     677          38 :     delete mpACEWord;
     678             : 
     679             :     // The BookMarks contain indices to the Content. These must be deleted
     680             :     // before deleting the Nodes.
     681          38 :     mpMarkManager->clearAllMarks();
     682          38 :     InitTOXTypes();
     683             : 
     684             :     // create a dummy pagedesc for the layout
     685          38 :     SwPageDesc* pDummyPgDsc = MakePageDesc("?DUMMY?");
     686             : 
     687          76 :     SwNodeIndex aSttIdx( *GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().StartOfSectionNode(), 1 );
     688             :     // create the first one over and over again (without attributes/style etc.
     689          38 :     SwTxtNode* pFirstNd = GetNodes().MakeTxtNode( aSttIdx, mpDfltTxtFmtColl );
     690             : 
     691          38 :     if( getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() )
     692             :     {
     693             :         // set the layout to the dummy pagedesc
     694           0 :         pFirstNd->SetAttr( SwFmtPageDesc( pDummyPgDsc ));
     695             : 
     696           0 :         SwPosition aPos( *pFirstNd, SwIndex( pFirstNd ));
     697           0 :         SwPaM const tmpPaM(aSttIdx, SwNodeIndex(GetNodes().GetEndOfContent()));
     698           0 :         ::PaMCorrAbs(tmpPaM, aPos);
     699             :     }
     700             : 
     701          38 :     GetNodes().Delete( aSttIdx,
     702          76 :             GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().GetIndex() - aSttIdx.GetIndex() );
     703             : 
     704             :     // #i62440#
     705             :     // destruction of numbering rules and creation of new outline rule
     706             :     // *after* the document nodes are deleted.
     707          38 :     mpOutlineRule = NULL;
     708          76 :     BOOST_FOREACH( SwNumRule* pNumRule, *mpNumRuleTbl )
     709          38 :         delete pNumRule;
     710          38 :     mpNumRuleTbl->clear();
     711             : 
     712             :     // creation of new outline numbering rule
     713             :     mpOutlineRule = new SwNumRule( SwNumRule::GetOutlineRuleName(),
     714             :                                   // #i89178#
     715             :                                   numfunc::GetDefaultPositionAndSpaceMode(),
     716          38 :                                   OUTLINE_RULE );
     717          38 :     AddNumRule(mpOutlineRule);
     718             :     // Counting of phantoms depends on <IsOldNumbering()>
     719          38 :     mpOutlineRule->SetCountPhantoms( !GetDocumentSettingManager().get(IDocumentSettingAccess::OLD_NUMBERING) );
     720             : 
     721             :     // remove the dummy pagedesc from the array and delete all the old ones
     722          38 :     sal_uInt16 nDummyPgDsc = 0;
     723          38 :     if (FindPageDesc(pDummyPgDsc->GetName(), &nDummyPgDsc))
     724          38 :         maPageDescs.erase(maPageDescs.begin() + nDummyPgDsc);
     725             : 
     726          76 :     BOOST_FOREACH(SwPageDesc *pPageDesc, maPageDescs)
     727          38 :         delete pPageDesc;
     728          38 :     maPageDescs.clear();
     729             : 
     730             :     // Delete for Collections
     731             :     // So that we get rid of the dependencies
     732          38 :     mpFtnInfo->ReleaseCollection();
     733          38 :     mpEndNoteInfo->ReleaseCollection();
     734             : 
     735             :     // Optimization: Based on the fact that Standard is always 2nd in the
     736             :     // array, we should delete it as the last. With this we avoid
     737             :     // reparenting the Formats all the time!
     738          38 :     if( 2 < mpTxtFmtCollTbl->size() )
     739          24 :         DeleteAndDestroy(*mpTxtFmtCollTbl, 2, mpTxtFmtCollTbl->size());
     740          38 :     DeleteAndDestroy(*mpTxtFmtCollTbl, 1, mpTxtFmtCollTbl->size());
     741          38 :     mpGrfFmtCollTbl->DeleteAndDestroy(1, mpGrfFmtCollTbl->size());
     742          38 :     DeleteAndDestroy(*mpCharFmtTbl, 1, mpCharFmtTbl->size());
     743             : 
     744          38 :     if( getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() )
     745             :     {
     746             :         // search the FrameFormat of the root frm. This is not allowed to delete
     747           0 :         mpFrmFmtTbl->erase( std::find( mpFrmFmtTbl->begin(), mpFrmFmtTbl->end(), getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell()->GetLayout()->GetFmt() ) );
     748           0 :         DeleteAndDestroy(*mpFrmFmtTbl, 1, mpFrmFmtTbl->size());
     749           0 :         mpFrmFmtTbl->push_back( getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell()->GetLayout()->GetFmt() );
     750             :     }
     751             :     else
     752          38 :         DeleteAndDestroy(*mpFrmFmtTbl, 1, mpFrmFmtTbl->size());
     753             : 
     754          38 :     mxForbiddenCharsTable.clear();
     755             : 
     756          38 :     GetDocumentFieldsManager().ClearFieldTypes();
     757             : 
     758          38 :     delete mpNumberFormatter, mpNumberFormatter = 0;
     759             : 
     760          38 :     getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetPageDescFromPool( RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD );
     761          38 :     pFirstNd->ChgFmtColl( getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ));
     762          38 :     nDummyPgDsc = maPageDescs.size();
     763          38 :     maPageDescs.push_back( pDummyPgDsc );
     764             :     // set the layout back to the new standard pagedesc
     765          38 :     pFirstNd->ResetAllAttr();
     766             :     // delete now the dummy pagedesc
     767          76 :     DelPageDesc( nDummyPgDsc );
     768          38 : }
     769             : 
     770           0 : void SwDoc::SetPreviewPrtData( const SwPagePreviewPrtData* pNew )
     771             : {
     772           0 :     if( pNew )
     773             :     {
     774           0 :         if( mpPgPViewPrtData )
     775           0 :             *mpPgPViewPrtData = *pNew;
     776             :         else
     777           0 :             mpPgPViewPrtData = new SwPagePreviewPrtData( *pNew );
     778             :     }
     779           0 :     else if( mpPgPViewPrtData )
     780           0 :         DELETEZ( mpPgPViewPrtData );
     781           0 :     getIDocumentState().SetModified();
     782           0 : }
     783             : 
     784         508 : void SwDoc::SetOLEObjModified()
     785             : {
     786         508 :     if( getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() ) maOLEModifiedTimer.Start();
     787         508 : }
     788             : 
     789             : /** SwDoc: Reading and writing of the layout cache. */
     790          32 : void SwDoc::ReadLayoutCache( SvStream& rStream )
     791             : {
     792          32 :     if( !mpLayoutCache )
     793          32 :         mpLayoutCache = new SwLayoutCache();
     794          32 :     if( !mpLayoutCache->IsLocked() )
     795             :     {
     796          32 :         mpLayoutCache->GetLockCount() |= 0x8000;
     797          32 :         mpLayoutCache->Read( rStream );
     798          32 :         mpLayoutCache->GetLockCount() &= 0x7fff;
     799             :     }
     800          32 : }
     801             : 
     802           6 : void SwDoc::WriteLayoutCache( SvStream& rStream )
     803             : {
     804           6 :     mpLayoutCache->Write( rStream, *this );
     805           6 : }
     806             : 
     807       24652 : IGrammarContact* getGrammarContact( const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode )
     808             : {
     809       24652 :     const SwDoc* pDoc = rTxtNode.GetDoc();
     810       24652 :     if( !pDoc || pDoc->IsInDtor() )
     811           0 :         return 0;
     812       24652 :     return pDoc->getGrammarContact();
     813             : }
     814             : 
     815             : ::sfx2::IXmlIdRegistry&
     816         342 : SwDoc::GetXmlIdRegistry()
     817             : {
     818             :     // UGLY: this relies on SetClipBoard being called before GetXmlIdRegistry!
     819         342 :     if (!m_pXmlIdRegistry.get())
     820             :     {
     821          68 :         m_pXmlIdRegistry.reset( ::sfx2::createXmlIdRegistry( IsClipBoard() ) );
     822             :     }
     823         342 :     return *m_pXmlIdRegistry;
     824             : }
     825             : 
     826        5090 : void SwDoc::InitTOXTypes()
     827             : {
     828        5090 :    ShellResource* pShellRes = SwViewShell::GetShellRes();
     829        5090 :    SwTOXType * pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_CONTENT,   pShellRes->aTOXContentName        );
     830        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     831        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_INDEX,                 pShellRes->aTOXIndexName  );
     832        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     833        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_USER,                  pShellRes->aTOXUserName  );
     834        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     835        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_ILLUSTRATIONS,         pShellRes->aTOXIllustrationsName );
     836        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     837        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_OBJECTS,               pShellRes->aTOXObjectsName       );
     838        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     839        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_TABLES,                pShellRes->aTOXTablesName        );
     840        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     841        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_AUTHORITIES,           pShellRes->aTOXAuthoritiesName   );
     842        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     843        5090 :    pNew = new SwTOXType(TOX_CITATION,           pShellRes->aTOXCitationName   );
     844        5090 :    mpTOXTypes->push_back( pNew );
     845        5090 : }
     846             : 
     847          16 : void SwDoc::ReplaceDefaults(const SwDoc& rSource)
     848             : {
     849             :     // copy property defaults
     850             :     const sal_uInt16 aRangeOfDefaults[] =
     851             :     {
     852             :         RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END-1,
     853             :         RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END-1,
     854             :         RES_PARATR_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_END-1,
     855             :         RES_PARATR_LIST_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_LIST_END-1,
     856             :         RES_UNKNOWNATR_BEGIN, RES_UNKNOWNATR_END-1,
     857             :         XATTR_START, XATTR_END-1,
     858             :         0
     859          16 :     };
     860             : 
     861          16 :     SfxItemSet aNewDefaults(GetAttrPool(), aRangeOfDefaults);
     862             : 
     863          16 :     sal_uInt16 nRange = 0;
     864         128 :     while (aRangeOfDefaults[nRange] != 0)
     865             :     {
     866        5280 :         for (sal_uInt16 nWhich = aRangeOfDefaults[nRange];
     867        2640 :              nWhich <= aRangeOfDefaults[nRange + 1]; ++nWhich)
     868             :         {
     869             :             const SfxPoolItem& rSourceAttr =
     870        2544 :                 rSource.mpAttrPool->GetDefaultItem(nWhich);
     871        2544 :             if (rSourceAttr != mpAttrPool->GetDefaultItem(nWhich))
     872         116 :                 aNewDefaults.Put(rSourceAttr);
     873             :         }
     874          96 :         nRange += 2;
     875             :     }
     876             : 
     877          16 :     if (aNewDefaults.Count())
     878          16 :         SetDefault(aNewDefaults);
     879          16 : }
     880             : 
     881          16 : void SwDoc::ReplaceCompatibilityOptions(const SwDoc& rSource)
     882             : {
     883          16 :     m_pDocumentSettingManager->ReplaceCompatibilityOptions(rSource.GetDocumentSettingManager());
     884          16 : }
     885             : 
     886             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     887             : #define CNTNT_DOC( doc ) \
     888             :     ((doc)->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().GetIndex() - (doc)->GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() - 2)
     889             : #define CNTNT_IDX( idx ) \
     890             :     ((idx).GetNode().GetIndex() - GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() - 1)
     891             : #endif
     892             : 
     893          10 : SfxObjectShell* SwDoc::CreateCopy(bool bCallInitNew ) const
     894             : {
     895          10 :     SwDoc* pRet = new SwDoc;
     896             : 
     897             :     // we have to use pointer here, since the callee has to decide whether
     898             :     // SfxObjectShellLock or SfxObjectShellRef should be used sometimes the
     899             :     // object will be returned with refcount set to 0 ( if no DoInitNew is done )
     900          10 :     SfxObjectShell* pRetShell = new SwDocShell( pRet, SFX_CREATE_MODE_STANDARD );
     901          10 :     if( bCallInitNew )
     902             :     {
     903             :         // it could happen that DoInitNew creates model,
     904             :         // that increases the refcount of the object
     905          10 :         pRetShell->DoInitNew();
     906             :     }
     907             : 
     908          10 :     (void)pRet->acquire();
     909             : 
     910          10 :     pRet->ReplaceDefaults(*this);
     911             : 
     912          10 :     pRet->ReplaceCompatibilityOptions(*this);
     913             : 
     914          10 :     pRet->ReplaceStyles(*this);
     915             : 
     916             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     917             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.createcopy", "CC-Nd-Src: " << CNTNT_DOC( this ) );
     918             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.createcopy", "CC-Nd: " << CNTNT_DOC( pRet ) );
     919             : #endif
     920          10 :     pRet->AppendDoc(*this, 0, NULL, bCallInitNew);
     921             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     922             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.createcopy", "CC-Nd: " << CNTNT_DOC( pRet ) );
     923             : #endif
     924             : 
     925             :     // remove the temporary shell if it is there as it was done before
     926          10 :     pRet->SetTmpDocShell( (SfxObjectShell*)NULL );
     927             : 
     928          10 :     (void)pRet->release();
     929             : 
     930          10 :     return pRetShell;
     931             : }
     932             : 
     933             : // appends all pages of source SwDoc - based on SwFEShell::Paste( SwDoc* )
     934          20 : void SwDoc::AppendDoc(const SwDoc& rSource, sal_uInt16 const nStartPageNumber,
     935             :             SwPageDesc *const pTargetPageDesc, bool const bDeletePrevious)
     936             : {
     937             :     // GetEndOfExtras + 1 = StartOfContent == no content node!
     938             :     // @see IDocumentContentOperations::CopyRange
     939          20 :     SwNodeIndex aSourceIdx( rSource.GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras(), 1 );
     940          40 :     SwNodeIndex aSourceEndIdx( rSource.GetNodes().GetEndOfContent(), -1 );
     941          40 :     SwPaM aCpyPam( aSourceIdx );
     942             : 
     943          20 :     if ( aSourceEndIdx.GetNode().IsTxtNode() ) {
     944          20 :         aCpyPam.SetMark();
     945             :         // moves to the last content node before EOC; for single paragraph
     946             :         // documents this would result in [n, n], which is considered empty
     947          20 :         aCpyPam.Move( fnMoveForward, fnGoDoc );
     948             :     }
     949             :     else
     950           0 :         aCpyPam = SwPaM( aSourceIdx, aSourceEndIdx );
     951             : 
     952             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     953             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "NodeType 0x" << std::hex << (int) aSourceIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType()
     954             :                               << std::dec << " " << aSourceIdx.GetNode().GetIndex() );
     955             :     aSourceIdx++;
     956             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "NodeType 0x" << std::hex << (int) aSourceIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType()
     957             :                                             << std::dec << " " << aSourceIdx.GetNode().GetIndex() );
     958             :     if ( aSourceIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType() != ND_ENDNODE ) {
     959             :         aSourceIdx++;
     960             :         SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "NodeType 0x" << std::hex << (int) aSourceIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType() << std::dec );
     961             :         aSourceIdx--;
     962             :     }
     963             :     aSourceIdx--;
     964             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", ".." );
     965             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "NodeType 0x" << std::hex << (int) aSourceEndIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType()
     966             :                               << std::dec << " " << aSourceEndIdx.GetNode().GetIndex() );
     967             :     aSourceEndIdx++;
     968             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "NodeType 0x" << std::hex << (int) aSourceEndIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType()
     969             :                               << std::dec << " " << aSourceEndIdx.GetNode().GetIndex() );
     970             :     aSourceEndIdx--;
     971             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Src-Nd: " << CNTNT_DOC( &rSource ) );
     972             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Nd: " << CNTNT_DOC( this ) );
     973             : #endif
     974             : 
     975          20 :     SwWrtShell* pTargetShell = GetDocShell()->GetWrtShell();
     976          20 :     sal_uInt16 nPhysPageNumber = 0;
     977          20 :     if ( pTargetShell ) {
     978             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     979             :         SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Has target write shell" );
     980             : #endif
     981          10 :         pTargetShell->StartAllAction();
     982             : 
     983             :         // Otherwise we have to handle SwDummySectionNodes as first node
     984          10 :         if ( pTargetPageDesc ) {
     985          10 :             OUString name = pTargetPageDesc->GetName();
     986          10 :             pTargetShell->InsertPageBreak( &name, nStartPageNumber );
     987             :         }
     988             : 
     989             :         // -1 for the page break + -1, becauce it's an offset
     990          10 :         nPhysPageNumber = pTargetShell->GetPhyPageNum() - 2;
     991          10 :         if (bDeletePrevious)
     992           4 :             nPhysPageNumber--;
     993             : 
     994             :         // We always start on an odd physical page number
     995          10 :         if (1 == nPhysPageNumber % 2)
     996           6 :             nPhysPageNumber++;
     997             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     998             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "PPNo " << nPhysPageNumber );
     999             : #endif
    1000             :     }
    1001             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1002             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Nd: " << CNTNT_DOC( this ) );
    1003             : #endif
    1004             : 
    1005             :     // -1, otherwise aFixupIdx would move to new EOC
    1006          40 :     SwNodeIndex aFixupIdx( GetNodes().GetEndOfContent(), -1 );
    1007             : 
    1008             :     // append at the end of document / content
    1009          40 :     SwNodeIndex aTargetIdx( GetNodes().GetEndOfContent() );
    1010          40 :     SwPaM aInsertPam( aTargetIdx );
    1011             : 
    1012             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1013             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Pam-Nd: " << aCpyPam.GetNode( true ).GetIndex() - aCpyPam.GetNode( false ).GetIndex() + 1
    1014             :                               << " (0x" << std::hex << (int) aCpyPam.GetNode( false ).GetNodeType() << std::dec
    1015             :                               << " " << aCpyPam.GetNode( false ).GetIndex()
    1016             :                               << " - 0x" << std::hex << (int) aCpyPam.GetNode( true ).GetNodeType() << std::dec
    1017             :                               << " " << aCpyPam.GetNode( true ).GetIndex() << ")" );
    1018             : #endif
    1019             : 
    1020          20 :     this->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( UNDO_INSGLOSSARY, NULL );
    1021          20 :     this->getIDocumentFieldsAccess().LockExpFlds();
    1022             : 
    1023             :     {
    1024             :         // **
    1025             :         // ** refer to SwFEShell::Paste, if you change the following code **
    1026             :         // **
    1027             : 
    1028          20 :         SwPosition& rInsPos = *aInsertPam.GetPoint();
    1029             : 
    1030             :         {
    1031          20 :             SwNodeIndex aIndexBefore(rInsPos.nNode);
    1032             : 
    1033          20 :             aIndexBefore--;
    1034             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1035             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "CopyRange In: " << CNTNT_DOC( this ) );
    1036             : #endif
    1037          20 :             rSource.getIDocumentContentOperations().CopyRange( aCpyPam, rInsPos, true );
    1038             :             // Note: aCpyPam is invalid now
    1039             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1040             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "CopyRange Out: " << CNTNT_DOC( this ) );
    1041             : #endif
    1042             : 
    1043          20 :             ++aIndexBefore;
    1044             :             SwPaM aPaM(SwPosition(aIndexBefore),
    1045          40 :                        SwPosition(rInsPos.nNode));
    1046             : 
    1047          20 :             aPaM.GetDoc()->MakeUniqueNumRules(aPaM);
    1048             : 
    1049             :             // Update the rsid of each pasted text node
    1050          20 :             SwNodes &rDestNodes = GetNodes();
    1051          20 :             sal_uLong const nEndIdx = aPaM.End()->nNode.GetIndex();
    1052             : 
    1053         144 :             for (sal_uLong nIdx = aPaM.Start()->nNode.GetIndex();
    1054             :                     nIdx <= nEndIdx; ++nIdx)
    1055             :             {
    1056         124 :                 SwTxtNode *const pTxtNode = rDestNodes[nIdx]->GetTxtNode();
    1057         124 :                 if ( pTxtNode )
    1058         108 :                     UpdateParRsid( pTxtNode );
    1059          20 :             }
    1060             :         }
    1061             : 
    1062             :         {
    1063          20 :             sal_uInt16 iDelNodes = 0;
    1064          20 :             SwNodeIndex aDelIdx( aFixupIdx );
    1065             : 
    1066             :             // we just need to set the new page description and reset numbering
    1067             :             // this keeps all other settings as in the pasted document
    1068          20 :             if ( nStartPageNumber || pTargetPageDesc ) {
    1069             :                 SfxPoolItem *pNewItem;
    1070          10 :                 SwTxtNode *aTxtNd = 0;
    1071          10 :                 SwFmt *pFmt = 0;
    1072             : 
    1073             :                 // find the first node allowed to contain a RES_PAGEDESC
    1074             :                 while (true) {
    1075          12 :                     aFixupIdx++;
    1076             : 
    1077          12 :                     SwNode &node = aFixupIdx.GetNode();
    1078          12 :                     if ( node.IsTxtNode() ) {
    1079             :                         // every document contains at least one text node!
    1080          10 :                         aTxtNd = node.GetTxtNode();
    1081          10 :                         pNewItem = aTxtNd->GetAttr( RES_PAGEDESC ).Clone();
    1082          10 :                         break;
    1083             :                     }
    1084           2 :                     else if ( node.IsTableNode() ) {
    1085           0 :                         pFmt = node.GetTableNode()->GetTable().GetFrmFmt();
    1086           0 :                         pNewItem = pFmt->GetFmtAttr( RES_PAGEDESC ).Clone();
    1087           0 :                         break;
    1088             :                     }
    1089             :                 }
    1090             : 
    1091             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1092             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Idx Del " << CNTNT_IDX( aDelIdx ) );
    1093             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Idx Fix " << CNTNT_IDX( aFixupIdx ) );
    1094             : #endif
    1095             :                 // just update the original instead of overwriting
    1096          10 :                 SwFmtPageDesc *aDesc = static_cast< SwFmtPageDesc* >( pNewItem );
    1097             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1098             : if ( aDesc->GetPageDesc() )
    1099             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "PD Update " << aDesc->GetPageDesc()->GetName() );
    1100             : else
    1101             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "PD New" );
    1102             : #endif
    1103          10 :                 if ( nStartPageNumber )
    1104          10 :                     aDesc->SetNumOffset( nStartPageNumber );
    1105          10 :                 if ( pTargetPageDesc )
    1106          10 :                     aDesc->RegisterToPageDesc( *pTargetPageDesc );
    1107          10 :                 if ( aTxtNd )
    1108          10 :                     aTxtNd->SetAttr( *aDesc );
    1109             :                 else
    1110           0 :                     pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *aDesc );
    1111          10 :                 delete pNewItem;
    1112             : 
    1113             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1114             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "Idx " << CNTNT_IDX( aDelIdx ) );
    1115             : #endif
    1116          12 :                 iDelNodes++;
    1117             :             }
    1118             : 
    1119          20 :             if ( bDeletePrevious )
    1120          14 :                 iDelNodes++;
    1121             : 
    1122          20 :             if ( iDelNodes ) {
    1123             :                 // delete leading empty page(s), e.g. from InsertPageBreak or
    1124             :                 // new SwDoc. this has to be done before copying the page bound
    1125             :                 // frames, otherwise the drawing layer gets confused.
    1126          20 :                 if ( pTargetShell )
    1127          10 :                     pTargetShell->SttEndDoc( false );
    1128          20 :                 aDelIdx -= (iDelNodes - 1);
    1129             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1130             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "iDelNodes: " << iDelNodes
    1131             :                               << "  Idx: " << aDelIdx.GetNode().GetIndex()
    1132             :                               << "  EOE: " << GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() );
    1133             : #endif
    1134          20 :                 GetNodes().Delete( aDelIdx, iDelNodes );
    1135          20 :             }
    1136             :         }
    1137             : 
    1138             :         // finally copy page bound frames
    1139          20 :         const SwFrmFmts *pSpzFrmFmts = rSource.GetSpzFrmFmts();
    1140         112 :         for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pSpzFrmFmts->size(); ++i )
    1141             :         {
    1142          92 :             const SwFrmFmt& rCpyFmt = *(*pSpzFrmFmts)[i];
    1143          92 :             SwFmtAnchor aAnchor( rCpyFmt.GetAnchor() );
    1144          92 :             if (FLY_AT_PAGE != aAnchor.GetAnchorId())
    1145          56 :                 continue;
    1146             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
    1147             :     SAL_INFO( "sw.docappend", "PaAn: " << aAnchor.GetPageNum()
    1148             :                               << " => " << aAnchor.GetPageNum() + nPhysPageNumber );
    1149             : #endif
    1150          36 :             if ( nPhysPageNumber )
    1151          12 :                 aAnchor.SetPageNum( aAnchor.GetPageNum() + nPhysPageNumber );
    1152          36 :             this->getIDocumentLayoutAccess().CopyLayoutFmt( rCpyFmt, aAnchor, true, true );
    1153          36 :         }
    1154             :     }
    1155             : 
    1156          20 :     this->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( UNDO_INSGLOSSARY, NULL );
    1157             : 
    1158          20 :     getIDocumentFieldsAccess().UnlockExpFlds();
    1159          20 :     getIDocumentFieldsAccess().UpdateFlds(NULL, false);
    1160             : 
    1161          20 :     if ( pTargetShell )
    1162          30 :         pTargetShell->EndAllAction();
    1163          20 : }
    1164             : 
    1165           0 : sal_uInt16 SwTxtFmtColls::GetPos(const SwTxtFmtColl* p) const
    1166             : {
    1167           0 :     const_iterator it = std::find(begin(), end(), p);
    1168           0 :     return it == end() ? USHRT_MAX : it - begin();
    1169             : }
    1170             : 
    1171        5083 : void SwGrfFmtColls::DeleteAndDestroy(int nStartIdx, int nEndIdx)
    1172             : {
    1173        5083 :     if (nEndIdx < nStartIdx)
    1174        5083 :         return;
    1175       15249 :     for( std::vector<SwGrfFmtColl*>::const_iterator it = mvColls.begin() + nStartIdx;
    1176       10166 :          it != mvColls.begin() + nEndIdx; ++it )
    1177           0 :              delete *it;
    1178        5083 :     mvColls.erase( mvColls.begin() + nStartIdx, mvColls.begin() + nEndIdx);
    1179             : }
    1180             : 
    1181           0 : sal_uInt16 SwGrfFmtColls::GetPos(const SwGrfFmtColl* p) const
    1182             : {
    1183           0 :     std::vector<SwGrfFmtColl*>::const_iterator it = std::find(mvColls.begin(), mvColls.end(), p);
    1184           0 :     return it == mvColls.end() ? USHRT_MAX : it - mvColls.begin();
    1185         270 : }
    1186             : 
    1187             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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