LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/layout - paintfrm.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 2212 3400 65.1 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 120 143 83.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <vcl/lazydelete.hxx>
      21             : #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
      22             : #include <sfx2/progress.hxx>
      23             : #include <editeng/brushitem.hxx>
      24             : #include <editeng/prntitem.hxx>
      25             : #include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
      26             : #include <editeng/shaditem.hxx>
      27             : #include <svx/framelink.hxx>
      28             : #include <drawdoc.hxx>
      29             : #include <tgrditem.hxx>
      30             : #include <switerator.hxx>
      31             : #include <fmtsrnd.hxx>
      32             : #include <fmtclds.hxx>
      33             : #include <comcore.hrc>
      34             : #include <swmodule.hxx>
      35             : #include <rootfrm.hxx>
      36             : #include <pagefrm.hxx>
      37             : #include <section.hxx>
      38             : #include <sectfrm.hxx>
      39             : #include <viewimp.hxx>
      40             : #include <dflyobj.hxx>
      41             : #include <flyfrm.hxx>
      42             : #include <viewopt.hxx>
      43             : #include <dview.hxx>
      44             : #include <dcontact.hxx>
      45             : #include <txtfrm.hxx>
      46             : #include <ftnfrm.hxx>
      47             : #include <tabfrm.hxx>
      48             : #include <rowfrm.hxx>
      49             : #include <cellfrm.hxx>
      50             : #include <notxtfrm.hxx>
      51             : #include <layact.hxx>
      52             : #include <pagedesc.hxx>
      53             : #include <ptqueue.hxx>
      54             : #include <noteurl.hxx>
      55             : #include <virtoutp.hxx>
      56             : #include <lineinfo.hxx>
      57             : #include <dbg_lay.hxx>
      58             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      59             : #include <svx/svdogrp.hxx>
      60             : #include <sortedobjs.hxx>
      61             : #include <EnhancedPDFExportHelper.hxx>
      62             : #include <bodyfrm.hxx>
      63             : #include <hffrm.hxx>
      64             : #include <colfrm.hxx>
      65             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontactredirector.hxx>
      66             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontact.hxx>
      67             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewcontact.hxx>
      68             : #include <DocumentSettingManager.hxx>
      69             : #include <IDocumentDeviceAccess.hxx>
      70             : 
      71             : #include <ndole.hxx>
      72             : #include <PostItMgr.hxx>
      73             : #include <vcl/settings.hxx>
      74             : 
      75             : #include <svx/sdr/attribute/sdrallfillattributeshelper.hxx>
      76             : #include <drawinglayer/processor2d/processor2dtools.hxx>
      77             : 
      78             : #include <svtools/borderhelper.hxx>
      79             : 
      80             : #include "pagefrm.hrc"
      81             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polygonprimitive2d.hxx>
      82             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polypolygonprimitive2d.hxx>
      83             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/borderlineprimitive2d.hxx>
      84             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/discreteshadowprimitive2d.hxx>
      85             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.hxx>
      86             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/textlayoutdevice.hxx>
      87             : #include <drawinglayer/processor2d/processorfromoutputdevice.hxx>
      88             : #include <svx/unoapi.hxx>
      89             : #include <comphelper/sequenceasvector.hxx>
      90             : #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrixtools.hxx>
      91             : #include <basegfx/color/bcolortools.hxx>
      92             : 
      93             : #include <vector>
      94             : #include <algorithm>
      95             : #include <wrtsh.hxx>
      96             : #include <edtwin.hxx>
      97             : #include <view.hxx>
      98             : #include <paintfrm.hxx>
      99             : 
     100             : #define COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE                  RGB_COLORDATA(230,230,230)
     101             : #define COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_BORDER           RGB_COLORDATA(200,200,200)
     102             : #define COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_SCROLLAREA       RGB_COLORDATA(230,230,220)
     103             : 
     104             : using namespace ::editeng;
     105             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
     106             : using ::drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLinePrimitive2D;
     107             : using ::std::pair;
     108             : using ::std::make_pair;
     109             : 
     110             : //other subsidiary lines enabled?
     111             : #define IS_SUBS (!pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPagePreview() && \
     112             :         !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() && \
     113             :         !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsFormView() &&\
     114             :          SwViewOption::IsDocBoundaries())
     115             : //subsidiary lines for sections
     116             : #define IS_SUBS_SECTION (!pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPagePreview() && \
     117             :                          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly()&&\
     118             :                          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsFormView() &&\
     119             :                           SwViewOption::IsSectionBoundaries())
     120             : #define IS_SUBS_FLYS (!pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPagePreview() && \
     121             :                       !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly()&&\
     122             :                       !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsFormView() &&\
     123             :                        SwViewOption::IsObjectBoundaries())
     124             : 
     125             : //Class declaration; here because they are only used in this file
     126             : 
     127             : #define SUBCOL_PAGE     0x01    //Helplines of the page
     128             : #define SUBCOL_TAB      0x08    //Helplines inside tables
     129             : #define SUBCOL_FLY      0x10    //Helplines inside fly frames
     130             : #define SUBCOL_SECT     0x20    //Helplines inside sections
     131             : 
     132             : // Classes collecting the border lines and help lines
     133        8130 : class SwLineRect : public SwRect
     134             : {
     135             :     Color aColor;
     136             :     SvxBorderStyle  nStyle;
     137             :     const SwTabFrm *pTab;
     138             :           sal_uInt8     nSubColor;  //colorize subsidiary lines
     139             :           bool          bPainted;   //already painted?
     140             :           sal_uInt8     nLock;      //To distinguish the line and the hell layer.
     141             : public:
     142             :     SwLineRect( const SwRect &rRect, const Color *pCol, const SvxBorderStyle nStyle,
     143             :                 const SwTabFrm *pT , const sal_uInt8 nSCol );
     144             : 
     145           0 :     const Color&         GetColor() const { return aColor;}
     146           0 :     SvxBorderStyle       GetStyle() const { return nStyle; }
     147       13600 :     const SwTabFrm      *GetTab()   const { return pTab;  }
     148        4128 :     void  SetPainted()                    { bPainted = true; }
     149        3604 :     void  Lock( bool bLock )              { if ( bLock )
     150        1436 :                                                 ++nLock;
     151        2168 :                                             else if ( nLock )
     152        1432 :                                                 --nLock;
     153        3604 :                                           }
     154       19896 :     bool  IsPainted()               const { return bPainted; }
     155        5204 :     bool  IsLocked()                const { return nLock != 0;  }
     156       16254 :     sal_uInt8  GetSubColor()                const { return nSubColor;}
     157             : 
     158             :     bool MakeUnion( const SwRect &rRect );
     159             : };
     160             : 
     161             : #ifdef IOS
     162             : static void dummy_function()
     163             : {
     164             :     pid_t pid = getpid();
     165             :     (void) pid;
     166             : }
     167             : #endif
     168             : 
     169       37813 : class SwLineRects
     170             : {
     171             : public:
     172             :     std::vector< SwLineRect > aLineRects;
     173             :     typedef std::vector< SwLineRect >::const_iterator const_iterator;
     174             :     typedef std::vector< SwLineRect >::iterator iterator;
     175             :     typedef std::vector< SwLineRect >::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
     176             :     typedef std::vector< SwLineRect >::size_type size_type;
     177             :     size_t nLastCount;  //avoid unnecessary cycles in PaintLines
     178       37813 :     SwLineRects() : nLastCount( 0 )
     179             :     {
     180             : #ifdef IOS
     181             :         // Work around what is either a compiler bug in Xcode 5.1.1,
     182             :         // or some unknown problem in this file. If I ifdef out this
     183             :         // call, I get a crash in SwSubsRects::PaintSubsidiary: the
     184             :         // address of the rLi reference variable is claimed to be
     185             :         // 0x4000000!
     186             :         dummy_function();
     187             : #endif
     188       37813 :     }
     189             :     void AddLineRect( const SwRect& rRect,  const Color *pColor, const SvxBorderStyle nStyle,
     190             :                       const SwTabFrm *pTab, const sal_uInt8 nSCol );
     191             :     void ConnectEdges( OutputDevice *pOut );
     192             :     void PaintLines  ( OutputDevice *pOut );
     193             :     void LockLines( bool bLock );
     194             : 
     195             :     //Limit lines to 100
     196           0 :     bool isFull() const { return aLineRects.size()>100; }
     197             : };
     198             : 
     199       50592 : class SwSubsRects : public SwLineRects
     200             : {
     201             :     void RemoveSuperfluousSubsidiaryLines( const SwLineRects &rRects );
     202             : public:
     203             :     void PaintSubsidiary( OutputDevice *pOut, const SwLineRects *pRects );
     204             : };
     205             : 
     206       27138 : class BorderLines
     207             : {
     208             :     typedef ::comphelper::SequenceAsVector<
     209             :         ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> > Lines_t;
     210             :     Lines_t m_Lines;
     211             : public:
     212             :     void AddBorderLine(::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> const& xLine);
     213       13569 :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence GetBorderLines_Clear()
     214             :     {
     215             :         ::comphelper::SequenceAsVector<
     216       13569 :             ::drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference> lines;
     217       14897 :         for (Lines_t::const_iterator it = m_Lines.begin(); it != m_Lines.end();
     218             :                 ++it)
     219             :         {
     220        1328 :             lines.push_back(it->get());
     221             :         }
     222       13569 :         m_Lines.clear();
     223       13569 :         return lines.getAsConstList();
     224             :     }
     225             : };
     226             : 
     227             : static SwViewShell *pGlobalShell = 0;
     228             : 
     229             : //Only repaint the Fly content as well as the background of the Fly content if
     230             : //a metafile is taken of the Fly.
     231             : static bool bFlyMetafile = false;
     232             : static OutputDevice *pFlyMetafileOut = 0;
     233             : 
     234             : //Retouch for transparent Flys is done by the background of the Flys.
     235             : //The Fly itself should certainly not be spared out. See PaintBackground and
     236             : //lcl_SubtractFlys()
     237             : static SwFlyFrm *pRetoucheFly  = 0;
     238             : static SwFlyFrm *pRetoucheFly2 = 0;
     239             : 
     240             : // Sizes of a pixel and the corresponding halves. Will be reset when
     241             : // entering SwRootFrm::Paint
     242             : static long nPixelSzW = 0, nPixelSzH = 0;
     243             : static long nHalfPixelSzW = 0, nHalfPixelSzH = 0;
     244             : static long nMinDistPixelW = 0, nMinDistPixelH = 0;
     245             : 
     246             : // Current zoom factor
     247             : static double aScaleX = 1.0;
     248             : static double aScaleY = 1.0;
     249             : static double aMinDistScale = 0.73;
     250             : static double aEdgeScale = 0.5;
     251             : 
     252             : // The borders will be collected in pLines during the Paint and later
     253             : // possibly merge them.
     254             : // The help lines will be collected and merged in pSubsLines. These will
     255             : // be compared with pLines before the work in order to avoid help lines
     256             : // to hide borders.
     257             : // bTablines is true during the Paint of a table.
     258             : static BorderLines *g_pBorderLines = 0;
     259             : static SwLineRects *pLines = 0;
     260             : static SwSubsRects *pSubsLines = 0;
     261             : // global variable for sub-lines of body, header, footer, section and footnote frames.
     262             : static SwSubsRects *pSpecSubsLines = 0;
     263             : 
     264             : static SfxProgress *pProgress = 0;
     265             : 
     266             : static SwFlyFrm *pFlyOnlyDraw = 0;
     267             : 
     268             : //So the flys can also be painted right for the hack.
     269             : static bool bTableHack = false;
     270             : 
     271             : //To optimize the expensive RetouchColor determination
     272          90 : Color aGlobalRetoucheColor;
     273             : 
     274             : namespace {
     275             : 
     276         957 : bool isTableBoundariesEnabled()
     277             : {
     278         957 :     if (!pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsTable())
     279           0 :         return false;
     280             : 
     281         957 :     if (pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPagePreview())
     282           0 :         return false;
     283             : 
     284         957 :     if (pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly())
     285           7 :         return false;
     286             : 
     287         950 :     if (pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsFormView())
     288           0 :         return false;
     289             : 
     290         950 :     return SwViewOption::IsTableBoundaries();
     291             : }
     292             : 
     293             : }
     294             : 
     295             : /**
     296             :  * Set borders alignment statics
     297             :  * Adjustment for 'small' twip-to-pixel relations:
     298             :  * For 'small' twip-to-pixel relations (less then 2:1)
     299             :  * values of <nHalfPixelSzW> and <nHalfPixelSzH> are set to ZERO
     300             :  */
     301       99369 : void SwCalcPixStatics( OutputDevice *pOut )
     302             : {
     303             :     // determine 'small' twip-to-pixel relation
     304       99369 :     bool bSmallTwipToPxRelW = false;
     305       99369 :     bool bSmallTwipToPxRelH = false;
     306             :     {
     307       99369 :         Size aCheckTwipToPxRelSz( pOut->PixelToLogic( Size( 100, 100 )) );
     308       99369 :         if ( (aCheckTwipToPxRelSz.Width()/100.0) < 2.0 )
     309             :         {
     310           0 :             bSmallTwipToPxRelW = true;
     311             :         }
     312       99369 :         if ( (aCheckTwipToPxRelSz.Height()/100.0) < 2.0 )
     313             :         {
     314           0 :             bSmallTwipToPxRelH = true;
     315             :         }
     316             :     }
     317             : 
     318       99369 :     Size aSz( pOut->PixelToLogic( Size( 1,1 )) );
     319             : 
     320       99369 :     nPixelSzW = aSz.Width();
     321       99369 :     if( !nPixelSzW )
     322           0 :         nPixelSzW = 1;
     323       99369 :     nPixelSzH = aSz.Height();
     324       99369 :     if( !nPixelSzH )
     325           0 :         nPixelSzH = 1;
     326             : 
     327             :     // consider 'small' twip-to-pixel relations
     328       99369 :     if ( !bSmallTwipToPxRelW )
     329             :     {
     330       99369 :         nHalfPixelSzW = nPixelSzW / 2 + 1;
     331             :     }
     332             :     else
     333             :     {
     334           0 :         nHalfPixelSzW = 0;
     335             :     }
     336             :     // consider 'small' twip-to-pixel relations
     337       99369 :     if ( !bSmallTwipToPxRelH )
     338             :     {
     339       99369 :         nHalfPixelSzH = nPixelSzH / 2 + 1;
     340             :     }
     341             :     else
     342             :     {
     343           0 :         nHalfPixelSzH = 0;
     344             :     }
     345             : 
     346       99369 :     nMinDistPixelW = nPixelSzW * 2 + 1;
     347       99369 :     nMinDistPixelH = nPixelSzH * 2 + 1;
     348             : 
     349       99369 :     const MapMode &rMap = pOut->GetMapMode();
     350       99369 :     aScaleX = rMap.GetScaleX();
     351       99369 :     aScaleY = rMap.GetScaleY();
     352       99369 : }
     353             : 
     354             : /**
     355             :  * To be able to save the statics so the paint is more or lees reentrant
     356             :  */
     357             : class SwSavePaintStatics
     358             : {
     359             :     bool                bSFlyMetafile;
     360             :     SwViewShell        *pSGlobalShell;
     361             :     OutputDevice       *pSFlyMetafileOut;
     362             :     SwFlyFrm           *pSRetoucheFly,
     363             :                        *pSRetoucheFly2,
     364             :                        *pSFlyOnlyDraw;
     365             :     BorderLines        *pBLines;
     366             :     SwLineRects        *pSLines;
     367             :     SwSubsRects        *pSSubsLines;
     368             :     SwSubsRects*        pSSpecSubsLines;
     369             :     SfxProgress        *pSProgress;
     370             :     long                nSPixelSzW,
     371             :                         nSPixelSzH,
     372             :                         nSHalfPixelSzW,
     373             :                         nSHalfPixelSzH,
     374             :                         nSMinDistPixelW,
     375             :                         nSMinDistPixelH;
     376             :     Color               aSGlobalRetoucheColor;
     377             :     double              aSScaleX,
     378             :                         aSScaleY;
     379             : public:
     380             :     SwSavePaintStatics();
     381             :     ~SwSavePaintStatics();
     382             : };
     383             : 
     384           0 : SwSavePaintStatics::SwSavePaintStatics() :
     385             :     bSFlyMetafile       ( bFlyMetafile      ),
     386             :     pSGlobalShell       ( pGlobalShell      ),
     387             :     pSFlyMetafileOut    ( pFlyMetafileOut   ),
     388             :     pSRetoucheFly       ( pRetoucheFly      ),
     389             :     pSRetoucheFly2      ( pRetoucheFly2     ),
     390             :     pSFlyOnlyDraw       ( pFlyOnlyDraw      ),
     391             :     pBLines             ( g_pBorderLines    ),
     392             :     pSLines             ( pLines            ),
     393             :     pSSubsLines         ( pSubsLines        ),
     394             :     pSSpecSubsLines     ( pSpecSubsLines    ),
     395             :     pSProgress          ( pProgress         ),
     396             :     nSPixelSzW          ( nPixelSzW         ),
     397             :     nSPixelSzH          ( nPixelSzH         ),
     398             :     nSHalfPixelSzW      ( nHalfPixelSzW     ),
     399             :     nSHalfPixelSzH      ( nHalfPixelSzH     ),
     400             :     nSMinDistPixelW     ( nMinDistPixelW    ),
     401             :     nSMinDistPixelH     ( nMinDistPixelH    ),
     402             :     aSGlobalRetoucheColor( aGlobalRetoucheColor ),
     403             :     aSScaleX            ( aScaleX           ),
     404           0 :     aSScaleY            ( aScaleY           )
     405             : {
     406           0 :     bFlyMetafile = false;
     407           0 :     pFlyMetafileOut = 0;
     408           0 :     pRetoucheFly  = 0;
     409           0 :     pRetoucheFly2 = 0;
     410             :     nPixelSzW = nPixelSzH =
     411             :     nHalfPixelSzW = nHalfPixelSzH =
     412           0 :     nMinDistPixelW = nMinDistPixelH = 0;
     413           0 :     aScaleX = aScaleY = 1.0;
     414           0 :     aMinDistScale = 0.73;
     415           0 :     aEdgeScale = 0.5;
     416           0 :     g_pBorderLines = 0;
     417           0 :     pLines = 0;
     418           0 :     pSubsLines = 0;
     419           0 :     pSpecSubsLines = 0L;
     420           0 :     pProgress = 0;
     421           0 : }
     422             : 
     423           0 : SwSavePaintStatics::~SwSavePaintStatics()
     424             : {
     425           0 :     pGlobalShell       = pSGlobalShell;
     426           0 :     bFlyMetafile       = bSFlyMetafile;
     427           0 :     pFlyMetafileOut    = pSFlyMetafileOut;
     428           0 :     pRetoucheFly       = pSRetoucheFly;
     429           0 :     pRetoucheFly2      = pSRetoucheFly2;
     430           0 :     pFlyOnlyDraw       = pSFlyOnlyDraw;
     431           0 :     g_pBorderLines     = pBLines;
     432           0 :     pLines             = pSLines;
     433           0 :     pSubsLines         = pSSubsLines;
     434           0 :     pSpecSubsLines     = pSSpecSubsLines;
     435           0 :     pProgress          = pSProgress;
     436           0 :     nPixelSzW          = nSPixelSzW;
     437           0 :     nPixelSzH          = nSPixelSzH;
     438           0 :     nHalfPixelSzW      = nSHalfPixelSzW;
     439           0 :     nHalfPixelSzH      = nSHalfPixelSzH;
     440           0 :     nMinDistPixelW     = nSMinDistPixelW;
     441           0 :     nMinDistPixelH     = nSMinDistPixelH;
     442           0 :     aGlobalRetoucheColor = aSGlobalRetoucheColor;
     443           0 :     aScaleX            = aSScaleX;
     444           0 :     aScaleY            = aSScaleY;
     445           0 : }
     446             : 
     447             : /**
     448             :  * Check whether the two primitve can be merged
     449             :  *
     450             :  * @param[in]   mergeA  A primitive start and end position
     451             :  * @param[in]   mergeB  B primitive start and end position
     452             :  * @return      1       if A and B can be merged to a primite staring with A, ending with B
     453             :  *              2       if A and B can be merged to a primite staring with B, ending with A
     454             :  *              0       if A and B can't be merged
     455             : **/
     456          68 : static sal_uInt8 lcl_TryMergeLines(
     457             :     pair<double, double> const mergeA,
     458             :     pair<double, double> const mergeB)
     459             : {
     460          68 :     double const fMergeGap(nPixelSzW + nHalfPixelSzW); // NOT static!
     461             :     // A is above/before B
     462         136 :     if( mergeA.second <= mergeB.second &&
     463          68 :         mergeA.second + fMergeGap >= mergeB.first )
     464             :     {
     465          50 :         return 1;
     466             :     }
     467             :     // B is above/before A
     468          18 :     else if( mergeB.second <= mergeA.second &&
     469           0 :              mergeB.second + fMergeGap >= mergeA.first )
     470             :     {
     471           0 :         return 2;
     472             :     }
     473          18 :     return 0;
     474             : }
     475             : 
     476             : /**
     477             :  * Make a new primitive from the two input borderline primitive
     478             :  *
     479             :  * @param[in]   rLine       starting primitive
     480             :  * @param[in]   rOther      ending primitive
     481             :  * @param[in]   rStart      starting point of merged primitive
     482             :  * @param[in]   rEnd        ending point of merged primitive
     483             :  * @return      merged primitive
     484             : **/
     485             : static ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D>
     486          50 : lcl_MergeBorderLines(
     487             :     BorderLinePrimitive2D const& rLine, BorderLinePrimitive2D const& rOther,
     488             :     basegfx::B2DPoint const& rStart, basegfx::B2DPoint const& rEnd)
     489             : {
     490             :     return new BorderLinePrimitive2D(rStart, rEnd,
     491             :                 rLine.getLeftWidth(),
     492             :                 rLine.getDistance(),
     493             :                 rLine.getRightWidth(),
     494             :                 rLine.getExtendLeftStart(),
     495             :                 rOther.getExtendLeftEnd(),
     496             :                 rLine.getExtendRightStart(),
     497             :                 rOther.getExtendRightEnd(),
     498             :                 rLine.getRGBColorLeft(),
     499             :                 rLine.getRGBColorGap(),
     500             :                 rLine.getRGBColorRight(),
     501          50 :                 rLine.hasGapColor(),
     502         100 :                 rLine.getStyle());
     503             : }
     504             : 
     505             : /**
     506             :  * Merge the two borderline if possible.
     507             :  *
     508             :  * @param[in]   rThis   one borderline primitive
     509             :  * @param[in]   rOther  other borderline primitive
     510             :  * @return      merged borderline including the two input primitive, if they can be merged
     511             :  *              0, otherwise
     512             : **/
     513             : static ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D>
     514        3012 : lcl_TryMergeBorderLine(BorderLinePrimitive2D const& rThis,
     515             :                        BorderLinePrimitive2D const& rOther)
     516             : {
     517             :     assert(rThis.getEnd().getX() >= rThis.getStart().getX());
     518             :     assert(rThis.getEnd().getY() >= rThis.getStart().getY());
     519             :     assert(rOther.getEnd().getX() >= rOther.getStart().getX());
     520             :     assert(rOther.getEnd().getY() >= rOther.getStart().getY());
     521        3012 :     double thisHeight = rThis.getEnd().getY() - rThis.getStart().getY();
     522        3012 :     double thisWidth  = rThis.getEnd().getX() - rThis.getStart().getX();
     523        3012 :     double otherHeight = rOther.getEnd().getY() -  rOther.getStart().getY();
     524        3012 :     double otherWidth  = rOther.getEnd().getX() -  rOther.getStart().getX();
     525             :     // check for same orientation, same line width, same style and matching colors
     526        6024 :     if (    ((thisHeight > thisWidth) == (otherHeight > otherWidth))
     527        1216 :         &&  (rThis.getLeftWidth()     == rOther.getLeftWidth())
     528         918 :         &&  (rThis.getDistance()      == rOther.getDistance())
     529         838 :         &&  (rThis.getRightWidth()    == rOther.getRightWidth())
     530         838 :         &&  (rThis.getStyle()         == rOther.getStyle())
     531         830 :         &&  (rThis.getRGBColorLeft()  == rOther.getRGBColorLeft())
     532         830 :         &&  (rThis.getRGBColorRight() == rOther.getRGBColorRight())
     533         830 :         &&  (rThis.hasGapColor()      == rOther.hasGapColor())
     534        3842 :         &&  (!rThis.hasGapColor() ||
     535           0 :              (rThis.getRGBColorGap()  == rOther.getRGBColorGap())))
     536             :     {
     537         830 :         int nRet = 0;
     538         830 :         if (thisHeight > thisWidth) // vertical line
     539             :         {
     540         366 :             if (rThis.getStart().getX() == rOther.getStart().getX())
     541             :             {
     542             :                 assert(rThis.getEnd().getX() == rOther.getEnd().getX());
     543             :                 nRet = lcl_TryMergeLines(
     544          48 :                     make_pair(rThis.getStart().getY(), rThis.getEnd().getY()),
     545          72 :                     make_pair(rOther.getStart().getY(),rOther.getEnd().getY()));
     546             :             }
     547             :         }
     548             :         else // horizontal line
     549             :         {
     550         464 :             if (rThis.getStart().getY() == rOther.getStart().getY())
     551             :             {
     552             :                 assert(rThis.getEnd().getY() == rOther.getEnd().getY());
     553             :                 nRet = lcl_TryMergeLines(
     554          88 :                     make_pair(rThis.getStart().getX(), rThis.getEnd().getX()),
     555         132 :                     make_pair(rOther.getStart().getX(),rOther.getEnd().getX()));
     556             :             }
     557             :         }
     558             : 
     559             :         // The merged primitive starts with rThis and ends with rOther
     560         830 :         if (nRet == 1)
     561             :         {
     562             :             basegfx::B2DPoint const start(
     563          50 :                 rThis.getStart().getX(), rThis.getStart().getY());
     564             :             basegfx::B2DPoint const end(
     565         100 :                 rOther.getEnd().getX(), rOther.getEnd().getY());
     566         100 :             return lcl_MergeBorderLines(rThis, rOther, start, end);
     567             :         }
     568             :         // The merged primitive starts with rOther and ends with rThis
     569         780 :         else if(nRet == 2)
     570             :         {
     571             :             basegfx::B2DPoint const start(
     572           0 :                 rOther.getStart().getX(), rOther.getStart().getY());
     573             :             basegfx::B2DPoint const end(
     574           0 :                 rThis.getEnd().getX(), rThis.getEnd().getY());
     575           0 :             return lcl_MergeBorderLines(rOther, rThis, start, end);
     576             :         }
     577             :     }
     578        2962 :     return 0;
     579             : }
     580             : 
     581        1378 : void BorderLines::AddBorderLine(
     582             :         rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> const& xLine)
     583             : {
     584        4340 :     for (Lines_t::reverse_iterator it = m_Lines.rbegin(); it != m_Lines.rend();
     585             :          ++it)
     586             :     {
     587             :         ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> const xMerged =
     588        3012 :             lcl_TryMergeBorderLine(**it, *xLine);
     589        3012 :         if (
     590             :         {
     591          50 :             *it = xMerged; // replace existing line with merged
     592        1428 :             return;
     593             :         }
     594        2962 :     }
     595        1328 :     m_Lines.push_back(xLine);
     596             : }
     597             : 
     598        4182 : SwLineRect::SwLineRect( const SwRect &rRect, const Color *pCol, const SvxBorderStyle nStyl,
     599             :                         const SwTabFrm *pT, const sal_uInt8 nSCol ) :
     600             :     SwRect( rRect ),
     601             :     nStyle( nStyl ),
     602             :     pTab( pT ),
     603             :     nSubColor( nSCol ),
     604             :     bPainted( false ),
     605        4182 :     nLock( 0 )
     606             : {
     607        4182 :     if ( pCol != NULL )
     608           0 :         aColor = *pCol;
     609        4182 : }
     610             : 
     611           0 : bool SwLineRect::MakeUnion( const SwRect &rRect )
     612             : {
     613             :     // It has already been tested outside, whether the rectangles have
     614             :     // the same orientation (horizontal or vertical), color, etc.
     615           0 :     if ( Height() > Width() ) //Vertical line
     616             :     {
     617           0 :         if ( Left()  == rRect.Left() && Width() == rRect.Width() )
     618             :         {
     619             :             // Merge when there is no gap between the lines
     620           0 :             const long nAdd = nPixelSzW + nHalfPixelSzW;
     621           0 :             if ( Bottom() + nAdd >= rRect.Top() &&
     622           0 :                  Top()    - nAdd <= rRect.Bottom()  )
     623             :             {
     624           0 :                 Bottom( std::max( Bottom(), rRect.Bottom() ) );
     625           0 :                 Top   ( std::min( Top(),    rRect.Top()    ) );
     626           0 :                 return true;
     627             :             }
     628             :         }
     629             :     }
     630             :     else
     631             :     {
     632           0 :         if ( Top()  == rRect.Top() && Height() == rRect.Height() )
     633             :         {
     634             :             // Merge when there is no gap between the lines
     635           0 :             const long nAdd = nPixelSzW + nHalfPixelSzW;
     636           0 :             if ( Right() + nAdd >= rRect.Left() &&
     637           0 :                  Left()  - nAdd <= rRect.Right() )
     638             :             {
     639           0 :                 Right( std::max( Right(), rRect.Right() ) );
     640           0 :                 Left ( std::min( Left(),  rRect.Left()  ) );
     641           0 :                 return true;
     642             :             }
     643             :         }
     644             :     }
     645           0 :     return false;
     646             : }
     647             : 
     648        4182 : void SwLineRects::AddLineRect( const SwRect &rRect, const Color *pCol, const SvxBorderStyle nStyle,
     649             :                                const SwTabFrm *pTab, const sal_uInt8 nSCol )
     650             : {
     651             :     // Loop backwards because lines which can be combined, can usually be painted
     652             :     // in the same context
     653       17782 :     for (reverse_iterator it = aLineRects.rbegin(); it != aLineRects.rend();
     654             :          ++it)
     655             :     {
     656       13600 :         SwLineRect &rLRect = (*it);
     657             :         // Test for the orientation, color, table
     658       40800 :         if ( rLRect.GetTab() == pTab &&
     659       37852 :              !rLRect.IsPainted() && rLRect.GetSubColor() == nSCol &&
     660       30934 :              (rLRect.Height() > rLRect.Width()) == (rRect.Height() > rRect.Width()) &&
     661           0 :              (pCol && rLRect.GetColor() == *pCol) )
     662             :         {
     663           0 :             if ( rLRect.MakeUnion( rRect ) )
     664        4182 :                 return;
     665             :         }
     666             :     }
     667        8364 :     aLineRects.push_back( SwLineRect( rRect, pCol, nStyle, pTab, nSCol ) );
     668             : }
     669             : 
     670           0 : void SwLineRects::ConnectEdges( OutputDevice *pOut )
     671             : {
     672           0 :     if ( pOut->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER )
     673             :     {
     674             :         // I'm not doing anything for a too small zoom
     675           0 :         if ( aScaleX < aEdgeScale || aScaleY < aEdgeScale )
     676           0 :             return;
     677             :     }
     678             : 
     679             :     static const long nAdd = 20;
     680             : 
     681           0 :     std::vector<SwLineRect*> aCheck;
     682             : 
     683           0 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < aLineRects.size(); ++i)
     684             :     {
     685           0 :         SwLineRect &rL1 = aLineRects[i];
     686           0 :         if ( !rL1.GetTab() || rL1.IsPainted() || rL1.IsLocked() )
     687           0 :             continue;
     688             : 
     689           0 :         aCheck.clear();
     690             : 
     691           0 :         const bool bVert = rL1.Height() > rL1.Width();
     692             :         long nL1a, nL1b, nL1c, nL1d;
     693             : 
     694           0 :         if ( bVert )
     695             :         {
     696           0 :             nL1a = rL1.Top();   nL1b = rL1.Left();
     697           0 :             nL1c = rL1.Right(); nL1d = rL1.Bottom();
     698             :         }
     699             :         else
     700             :         {
     701           0 :             nL1a = rL1.Left();   nL1b = rL1.Top();
     702           0 :             nL1c = rL1.Bottom(); nL1d = rL1.Right();
     703             :         }
     704             : 
     705             :         // Collect all lines to possibly link with i1
     706           0 :         for (iterator it2 = aLineRects.begin(); it2 != aLineRects.end(); ++it2)
     707             :         {
     708           0 :             SwLineRect &rL2 = (*it2);
     709           0 :             if ( rL2.GetTab() != rL1.GetTab() ||
     710           0 :                  rL2.IsPainted()              ||
     711           0 :                  rL2.IsLocked()               ||
     712           0 :                  (bVert == (rL2.Height() > rL2.Width())) )
     713           0 :                 continue;
     714             : 
     715             :             long nL2a, nL2b, nL2c, nL2d;
     716           0 :             if ( bVert )
     717             :             {
     718           0 :                 nL2a = rL2.Top();   nL2b = rL2.Left();
     719           0 :                 nL2c = rL2.Right(); nL2d = rL2.Bottom();
     720             :             }
     721             :             else
     722             :             {
     723           0 :                 nL2a = rL2.Left();   nL2b = rL2.Top();
     724           0 :                 nL2c = rL2.Bottom(); nL2d = rL2.Right();
     725             :             }
     726             : 
     727           0 :             if ( (nL1a - nAdd < nL2d && nL1d + nAdd > nL2a) &&
     728           0 :                   ((nL1b >  nL2b && nL1c        < nL2c) ||
     729           0 :                    (nL1c >= nL2c && nL1b - nAdd < nL2c) ||
     730           0 :                    (nL1b <= nL2b && nL1c + nAdd > nL2b)) )
     731             :             {
     732           0 :                 aCheck.push_back( &rL2 );
     733             :             }
     734             :         }
     735           0 :         if ( aCheck.size() < 2 )
     736           0 :             continue;
     737             : 
     738           0 :         bool bRemove = false;
     739             : 
     740             :         // For each line test all following ones.
     741           0 :         for ( size_t k = 0; !bRemove && k < aCheck.size(); ++k )
     742             :         {
     743           0 :             SwLineRect &rR1 = *aCheck[k];
     744             : 
     745           0 :             for ( size_t k2 = k+1; !bRemove && k2 < aCheck.size(); ++k2 )
     746             :             {
     747           0 :                 SwLineRect &rR2 = *aCheck[k2];
     748           0 :                 if ( bVert )
     749             :                 {
     750           0 :                     SwLineRect *pLA = 0;
     751           0 :                     SwLineRect *pLB = 0;
     752           0 :                     if ( rR1.Top() < rR2.Top() )
     753             :                     {
     754           0 :                         pLA = &rR1; pLB = &rR2;
     755             :                     }
     756           0 :                     else if ( rR1.Top() > rR2.Top() )
     757             :                     {
     758           0 :                         pLA = &rR2; pLB = &rR1;
     759             :                     }
     760             :                     // are k1 and k2 describing a double line?
     761           0 :                     if ( pLA && pLA->Bottom() + 60 > pLB->Top() )
     762             :                     {
     763           0 :                         if ( rL1.Top() < pLA->Top() )
     764             :                         {
     765           0 :                             if ( rL1.Bottom() == pLA->Bottom() )
     766           0 :                                 continue;    //Small mistake (where?)
     767             : 
     768           0 :                             SwRect aIns( rL1 );
     769           0 :                             aIns.Bottom( pLA->Bottom() );
     770           0 :                             if ( !rL1.IsInside( aIns ) )
     771           0 :                                 continue;
     772           0 :                             aLineRects.push_back( SwLineRect( aIns, &rL1.GetColor(),
     773             :                                         table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID,
     774           0 :                                         rL1.GetTab(), SUBCOL_TAB ) );
     775           0 :                             if ( isFull() )
     776             :                             {
     777           0 :                                 --i;
     778           0 :                                 k = aCheck.size();
     779           0 :                                 break;
     780             :                             }
     781             :                         }
     782             : 
     783           0 :                         if ( rL1.Bottom() > pLB->Bottom() )
     784           0 :                             rL1.Top( pLB->Top() ); // extend i1 on the top
     785             :                         else
     786           0 :                             bRemove = true; //stopping, remove i1
     787             :                     }
     788             :                 }
     789             :                 else
     790             :                 {
     791           0 :                     SwLineRect *pLA = 0;
     792           0 :                     SwLineRect *pLB = 0;
     793           0 :                     if ( rR1.Left() < rR2.Left() )
     794             :                     {
     795           0 :                         pLA = &rR1; pLB = &rR2;
     796             :                     }
     797           0 :                     else if ( rR1.Left() > rR2.Left() )
     798             :                     {
     799           0 :                         pLA = &rR2; pLB = &rR1;
     800             :                     }
     801             :                     // Is it double line?
     802           0 :                     if ( pLA && pLA->Right() + 60 > pLB->Left() )
     803             :                     {
     804           0 :                         if ( rL1.Left() < pLA->Left() )
     805             :                         {
     806           0 :                             if ( rL1.Right() == pLA->Right() )
     807           0 :                                 continue;    //small error
     808             : 
     809           0 :                             SwRect aIns( rL1 );
     810           0 :                             aIns.Right( pLA->Right() );
     811           0 :                             if ( !rL1.IsInside( aIns ) )
     812           0 :                                 continue;
     813           0 :                             aLineRects.push_back( SwLineRect( aIns, &rL1.GetColor(),
     814             :                                         table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID,
     815           0 :                                         rL1.GetTab(), SUBCOL_TAB ) );
     816           0 :                             if ( isFull() )
     817             :                             {
     818           0 :                                 --i;
     819           0 :                                 k = aCheck.size();
     820           0 :                                 break;
     821             :                             }
     822             :                         }
     823           0 :                         if ( rL1.Right() > pLB->Right() )
     824           0 :                             rL1.Left( pLB->Left() );
     825             :                         else
     826           0 :                             bRemove = true;
     827             :                     }
     828             :                 }
     829             :             }
     830             :         }
     831           0 :         if ( bRemove )
     832             :         {
     833           0 :             aLineRects.erase(aLineRects.begin() + i);
     834           0 :             --i;
     835             :         }
     836           0 :     }
     837             : }
     838             : 
     839           0 : void SwSubsRects::RemoveSuperfluousSubsidiaryLines( const SwLineRects &rRects )
     840             : {
     841             :     // All help lines that are covered by any border will be removed or split
     842           0 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < aLineRects.size(); ++i)
     843             :     {
     844             :         // get a copy instead of a reference, because an <insert> may destroy
     845             :         // the object due to a necessary array resize.
     846           0 :         const SwLineRect aSubsLineRect = SwLineRect(aLineRects[i]);
     847             : 
     848             :         // add condition <aSubsLineRect.IsLocked()> in order to consider only
     849             :         // border lines, which are *not* locked.
     850           0 :         if ( aSubsLineRect.IsPainted() ||
     851           0 :              aSubsLineRect.IsLocked() )
     852           0 :             continue;
     853             : 
     854           0 :         const bool bVerticalSubs = aSubsLineRect.Height() > aSubsLineRect.Width();
     855           0 :         SwRect aSubsRect( aSubsLineRect );
     856           0 :         if ( bVerticalSubs )
     857             :         {
     858           0 :             aSubsRect.Left  ( aSubsRect.Left()  - (nPixelSzW+nHalfPixelSzW) );
     859           0 :             aSubsRect.Right ( aSubsRect.Right() + (nPixelSzW+nHalfPixelSzW) );
     860             :         }
     861             :         else
     862             :         {
     863           0 :             aSubsRect.Top   ( aSubsRect.Top()    - (nPixelSzH+nHalfPixelSzH) );
     864           0 :             aSubsRect.Bottom( aSubsRect.Bottom() + (nPixelSzH+nHalfPixelSzH) );
     865             :         }
     866           0 :         for (const_iterator itK = rRects.aLineRects.begin(); itK != rRects.aLineRects.end(); ++itK)
     867             :         {
     868           0 :             const SwLineRect &rLine = *itK;
     869             : 
     870             :             // do *not* consider painted or locked border lines.
     871             :             // #i1837# - locked border lines have to be considered.
     872           0 :             if ( rLine.IsLocked () )
     873           0 :                 continue;
     874             : 
     875           0 :             if ( !bVerticalSubs == ( rLine.Height() > rLine.Width() ) ) //same direction?
     876           0 :                 continue;
     877             : 
     878           0 :             if ( aSubsRect.IsOver( rLine ) )
     879             :             {
     880           0 :                 if ( bVerticalSubs ) // Vertical?
     881             :                 {
     882           0 :                     if ( aSubsRect.Left()  <= rLine.Right() &&
     883           0 :                          aSubsRect.Right() >= rLine.Left() )
     884             :                     {
     885           0 :                         long nTmp = rLine.Top()-(nPixelSzH+1);
     886           0 :                         if ( aSubsLineRect.Top() < nTmp )
     887             :                         {
     888           0 :                             SwRect aNewSubsRect( aSubsLineRect );
     889           0 :                             aNewSubsRect.Bottom( nTmp );
     890           0 :                             aLineRects.push_back( SwLineRect( aNewSubsRect, 0, aSubsLineRect.GetStyle(), 0,
     891           0 :                                                 aSubsLineRect.GetSubColor() ) );
     892             :                         }
     893           0 :                         nTmp = rLine.Bottom()+nPixelSzH+1;
     894           0 :                         if ( aSubsLineRect.Bottom() > nTmp )
     895             :                         {
     896           0 :                             SwRect aNewSubsRect( aSubsLineRect );
     897           0 :                             aNewSubsRect.Top( nTmp );
     898           0 :                             aLineRects.push_back( SwLineRect( aNewSubsRect, 0, aSubsLineRect.GetStyle(), 0,
     899           0 :                                                 aSubsLineRect.GetSubColor() ) );
     900             :                         }
     901           0 :                         aLineRects.erase(aLineRects.begin() + i);
     902           0 :                         --i;
     903           0 :                         break;
     904             :                     }
     905             :                 }
     906             :                 else // Horizontal
     907             :                 {
     908           0 :                     if ( aSubsRect.Top() <= rLine.Bottom() &&
     909           0 :                          aSubsRect.Bottom() >= rLine.Top() )
     910             :                     {
     911           0 :                         long nTmp = rLine.Left()-(nPixelSzW+1);
     912           0 :                         if ( aSubsLineRect.Left() < nTmp )
     913             :                         {
     914           0 :                             SwRect aNewSubsRect( aSubsLineRect );
     915           0 :                             aNewSubsRect.Right( nTmp );
     916           0 :                             aLineRects.push_back( SwLineRect( aNewSubsRect, 0, aSubsLineRect.GetStyle(), 0,
     917           0 :                                                 aSubsLineRect.GetSubColor() ) );
     918             :                         }
     919           0 :                         nTmp = rLine.Right()+nPixelSzW+1;
     920           0 :                         if ( aSubsLineRect.Right() > nTmp )
     921             :                         {
     922           0 :                             SwRect aNewSubsRect( aSubsLineRect );
     923           0 :                             aNewSubsRect.Left( nTmp );
     924           0 :                             aLineRects.push_back(  SwLineRect( aNewSubsRect, 0, aSubsLineRect.GetStyle(), 0,
     925           0 :                                                 aSubsLineRect.GetSubColor() ) );
     926             :                         }
     927           0 :                         aLineRects.erase(aLineRects.begin() + i);
     928           0 :                         --i;
     929           0 :                         break;
     930             :                     }
     931             :                 }
     932             :             }
     933             :         }
     934             :     }
     935           0 : }
     936             : 
     937       27970 : void SwLineRects::LockLines( bool bLock )
     938             : {
     939       31574 :     for (iterator it = aLineRects.begin(); it != aLineRects.end(); ++it)
     940        3604 :        (*it).Lock( bLock );
     941       27970 : }
     942             : 
     943           0 : static void lcl_DrawDashedRect( OutputDevice * pOut, SwLineRect & rLRect )
     944             : {
     945           0 :     double nHalfLWidth = rLRect.Height(  );
     946           0 :     if ( nHalfLWidth > 1 )
     947             :     {
     948           0 :         nHalfLWidth = nHalfLWidth / 2;
     949             :     }
     950             :     else
     951             :     {
     952           0 :         nHalfLWidth = 1;
     953             :     }
     954             : 
     955           0 :     long startX = rLRect.Left(  );
     956           0 :     long startY = rLRect.Top(  ) + static_cast<long>(nHalfLWidth);
     957           0 :     long endX = rLRect.Left(  ) + rLRect.Width(  );
     958           0 :     long endY = rLRect.Top(  ) + static_cast<long>(nHalfLWidth);
     959             : 
     960           0 :     if ( rLRect.Height(  ) > rLRect.Width(  ) )
     961             :     {
     962           0 :         nHalfLWidth = rLRect.Width(  );
     963           0 :         if ( nHalfLWidth > 1 )
     964             :         {
     965           0 :             nHalfLWidth = nHalfLWidth / 2;
     966             :         }
     967             :         else
     968             :         {
     969           0 :             nHalfLWidth = 1;
     970             :         }
     971           0 :         startX = rLRect.Left(  ) + static_cast<long>(nHalfLWidth);
     972           0 :         startY = rLRect.Top(  );
     973           0 :         endX = rLRect.Left(  ) + static_cast<long>(nHalfLWidth);
     974           0 :         endY = rLRect.Top(  ) + rLRect.Height(  );
     975             :     }
     976             : 
     977             :     svtools::DrawLine( *pOut, Point( startX, startY ), Point( endX, endY ),
     978           0 :             sal_uInt32( nHalfLWidth * 2 ), rLRect.GetStyle( ) );
     979           0 : }
     980             : 
     981       26279 : void SwLineRects::PaintLines( OutputDevice *pOut )
     982             : {
     983             :     // Paint the borders. Sadly two passes are needed.
     984             :     // Once for the inside and once for the outside edges of tables
     985       26279 :     if ( aLineRects.size() != nLastCount )
     986             :     {
     987             :         // #i16816# tagged pdf support
     988           0 :         SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *pOut );
     989             : 
     990           0 :         pOut->Push( PushFlags::FILLCOLOR|PushFlags::LINECOLOR );
     991           0 :         pOut->SetFillColor();
     992           0 :         pOut->SetLineColor();
     993           0 :         ConnectEdges( pOut );
     994           0 :         const Color *pLast = 0;
     995             : 
     996           0 :         bool bPaint2nd = false;
     997           0 :         size_t nMinCount = aLineRects.size();
     998             : 
     999           0 :         for ( size_t i = 0; i < aLineRects.size(); ++i )
    1000             :         {
    1001           0 :             SwLineRect &rLRect = aLineRects[i];
    1002             : 
    1003           0 :             if ( rLRect.IsPainted() )
    1004           0 :                 continue;
    1005             : 
    1006           0 :             if ( rLRect.IsLocked() )
    1007             :             {
    1008           0 :                 nMinCount = std::min( nMinCount, i );
    1009           0 :                 continue;
    1010             :             }
    1011             : 
    1012             :             // Paint it now or in the second pass?
    1013           0 :             bool bPaint = true;
    1014           0 :             if ( rLRect.GetTab() )
    1015             :             {
    1016           0 :                 if ( rLRect.Height() > rLRect.Width() )
    1017             :                 {
    1018             :                     // Vertical edge, overlapping with the table edge?
    1019           0 :                     SwTwips nLLeft  = rLRect.Left()  - 30,
    1020           0 :                             nLRight = rLRect.Right() + 30,
    1021           0 :                             nTLeft  = rLRect.GetTab()->Frm().Left() + rLRect.GetTab()->Prt().Left(),
    1022           0 :                             nTRight = rLRect.GetTab()->Frm().Left() + rLRect.GetTab()->Prt().Right();
    1023           0 :                     if ( (nTLeft >= nLLeft && nTLeft <= nLRight) ||
    1024           0 :                          (nTRight>= nLLeft && nTRight<= nLRight) )
    1025           0 :                         bPaint = false;
    1026             :                 }
    1027             :                 else
    1028             :                 {
    1029             :                     // Horizontal edge, overlapping with the table edge?
    1030           0 :                     SwTwips nLTop    = rLRect.Top()    - 30,
    1031           0 :                             nLBottom = rLRect.Bottom() + 30,
    1032           0 :                             nTTop    = rLRect.GetTab()->Frm().Top()  + rLRect.GetTab()->Prt().Top(),
    1033           0 :                             nTBottom = rLRect.GetTab()->Frm().Top()  + rLRect.GetTab()->Prt().Bottom();
    1034           0 :                     if ( (nTTop    >= nLTop && nTTop      <= nLBottom) ||
    1035           0 :                          (nTBottom >= nLTop && nTBottom <= nLBottom) )
    1036           0 :                         bPaint = false;
    1037             :                 }
    1038             :             }
    1039           0 :             if ( bPaint )
    1040             :             {
    1041           0 :                 if ( !pLast || *pLast != rLRect.GetColor() )
    1042             :                 {
    1043           0 :                     pLast = &rLRect.GetColor();
    1044             : 
    1045           0 :                     sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pOut->GetDrawMode();
    1046           0 :                     if( pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    1047           0 :                         Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    1048           0 :                         pOut->SetDrawMode( 0 );
    1049             : 
    1050           0 :                     pOut->SetLineColor( *pLast );
    1051           0 :                     pOut->SetFillColor( *pLast );
    1052           0 :                     pOut->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
    1053             :                 }
    1054             : 
    1055           0 :                 if( !rLRect.IsEmpty() )
    1056           0 :                     lcl_DrawDashedRect( pOut, rLRect );
    1057           0 :                 rLRect.SetPainted();
    1058             :             }
    1059             :             else
    1060           0 :                 bPaint2nd = true;
    1061             :         }
    1062           0 :         if ( bPaint2nd )
    1063             :         {
    1064           0 :             for ( size_t i = 0; i < aLineRects.size(); ++i )
    1065             :             {
    1066           0 :                 SwLineRect &rLRect = aLineRects[i];
    1067           0 :                 if ( rLRect.IsPainted() )
    1068           0 :                     continue;
    1069             : 
    1070           0 :                 if ( rLRect.IsLocked() )
    1071             :                 {
    1072           0 :                     nMinCount = std::min( nMinCount, i );
    1073           0 :                     continue;
    1074             :                 }
    1075             : 
    1076           0 :                 if ( !pLast || *pLast != rLRect.GetColor() )
    1077             :                 {
    1078           0 :                     pLast = &rLRect.GetColor();
    1079             : 
    1080           0 :                     sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pOut->GetDrawMode();
    1081           0 :                     if( pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    1082           0 :                         Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    1083             :                     {
    1084           0 :                         pOut->SetDrawMode( 0 );
    1085             :                     }
    1086             : 
    1087           0 :                     pOut->SetFillColor( *pLast );
    1088           0 :                     pOut->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
    1089             :                 }
    1090           0 :                 if( !rLRect.IsEmpty() )
    1091           0 :                     lcl_DrawDashedRect( pOut, rLRect );
    1092           0 :                 rLRect.SetPainted();
    1093             :             }
    1094             :         }
    1095           0 :         nLastCount = nMinCount;
    1096           0 :         pOut->Pop();
    1097             :     }
    1098       26279 : }
    1099             : 
    1100       25712 : void SwSubsRects::PaintSubsidiary( OutputDevice *pOut,
    1101             :                                    const SwLineRects *pRects )
    1102             : {
    1103       25712 :     if ( !aLineRects.empty() )
    1104             :     {
    1105             :         // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    1106        1068 :         SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *pOut );
    1107             : 
    1108             :         // Remove all help line that are almost covered (tables)
    1109        7418 :         for (size_type i = 0; i != aLineRects.size(); ++i)
    1110             :         {
    1111        6350 :             SwLineRect &rLi = aLineRects[i];
    1112        6350 :             const bool bVerticalSubs = rLi.Height() > rLi.Width();
    1113             : 
    1114       39714 :             for (size_type k = i + 1; k != aLineRects.size(); ++k)
    1115             :             {
    1116       33418 :                 SwLineRect &rLk = aLineRects[k];
    1117       33418 :                 if ( rLi.SSize() == rLk.SSize() )
    1118             :                 {
    1119        8010 :                     if ( bVerticalSubs == ( rLk.Height() > rLk.Width() ) )
    1120             :                     {
    1121        8010 :                         if ( bVerticalSubs )
    1122             :                         {
    1123        4134 :                             long nLi = rLi.Right();
    1124        4134 :                             long nLk = rLk.Right();
    1125        7386 :                             if ( rLi.Top() == rLk.Top() &&
    1126        8620 :                                  ((nLi < rLk.Left() && nLi+21 > rLk.Left()) ||
    1127        3734 :                                   (nLk < rLi.Left() && nLk+21 > rLi.Left())))
    1128             :                             {
    1129           2 :                                 aLineRects.erase(aLineRects.begin() + k);
    1130             :                                 // don't continue with inner loop any more:
    1131             :                                 // the array may shrink!
    1132           2 :                                 --i;
    1133           2 :                                 break;
    1134             :                             }
    1135             :                         }
    1136             :                         else
    1137             :                         {
    1138        3876 :                             long nLi = rLi.Bottom();
    1139        3876 :                             long nLk = rLk.Bottom();
    1140        7288 :                             if ( rLi.Left() == rLk.Left() &&
    1141        8936 :                                  ((nLi < rLk.Top() && nLi+21 > rLk.Top()) ||
    1142        3682 :                                   (nLk < rLi.Top() && nLk+21 > rLi.Top())))
    1143             :                             {
    1144          52 :                                 aLineRects.erase(aLineRects.begin() + k);
    1145             :                                 // don't continue with inner loop any more:
    1146             :                                 // the array may shrink!
    1147          52 :                                 --i;
    1148          52 :                                 break;
    1149             :                             }
    1150             :                         }
    1151             :                     }
    1152             :                 }
    1153             :             }
    1154             :         }
    1155             : 
    1156        1068 :         if ( pRects && (!pRects->aLineRects.empty()) )
    1157           0 :             RemoveSuperfluousSubsidiaryLines( *pRects );
    1158             : 
    1159        1068 :         if ( !aLineRects.empty() )
    1160             :         {
    1161        1068 :             pOut->Push( PushFlags::FILLCOLOR|PushFlags::LINECOLOR );
    1162        1068 :             pOut->SetLineColor();
    1163             : 
    1164             :             // Reset draw mode in high contrast mode in order to get fill color
    1165             :             // set at output device. Recover draw mode after draw of lines.
    1166             :             // Necessary for the subsidiary lines painted by the fly frames.
    1167        1068 :             sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pOut->GetDrawMode();
    1168        2136 :             if( pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    1169        1068 :                 Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    1170             :             {
    1171           0 :                 pOut->SetDrawMode( 0 );
    1172             :             }
    1173             : 
    1174        7364 :             for (SwSubsRects::iterator it = aLineRects.begin(); it != aLineRects.end();
    1175             :                  ++it)
    1176             :             {
    1177        6296 :                 SwLineRect &rLRect = (*it);
    1178             :                 // Add condition <!rLRect.IsLocked()> to prevent paint of locked subsidiary lines.
    1179       11500 :                 if ( !rLRect.IsPainted() &&
    1180        5204 :                      !rLRect.IsLocked() )
    1181             :                 {
    1182        4128 :                     const Color *pCol = 0;
    1183        4128 :                     switch ( rLRect.GetSubColor() )
    1184             :                     {
    1185           0 :                         case SUBCOL_PAGE: pCol = &SwViewOption::GetDocBoundariesColor(); break;
    1186        3418 :                         case SUBCOL_FLY: pCol = &SwViewOption::GetObjectBoundariesColor(); break;
    1187          12 :                         case SUBCOL_TAB: pCol = &SwViewOption::GetTableBoundariesColor(); break;
    1188         698 :                         case SUBCOL_SECT: pCol = &SwViewOption::GetSectionBoundColor(); break;
    1189             :                     }
    1190             : 
    1191        4128 :                     if (pCol && pOut->GetFillColor() != *pCol)
    1192        1042 :                         pOut->SetFillColor( *pCol );
    1193        4128 :                     pOut->DrawRect( rLRect.SVRect() );
    1194             : 
    1195        4128 :                     rLRect.SetPainted();
    1196             :                 }
    1197             :             }
    1198             : 
    1199        1068 :             pOut->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
    1200             : 
    1201        1068 :             pOut->Pop();
    1202        1068 :         }
    1203             :     }
    1204       25712 : }
    1205             : 
    1206             : // Various functions that are use in this file.
    1207             : 
    1208             : /**
    1209             :  * Function <SwAlignRect(..)> is also used outside this file
    1210             :  *
    1211             :  * Correction: adjust rectangle on pixel level in order to make sure,
    1212             :  * that the border "leaves its original pixel", if it has to
    1213             :  * No prior adjustments for odd relation between pixel and twip
    1214             :  */
    1215      408671 : void SwAlignRect( SwRect &rRect, const SwViewShell *pSh )
    1216             : {
    1217      408671 :     if( !rRect.HasArea() )
    1218         648 :         return;
    1219             : 
    1220             :     // Make sure that view shell (parameter <pSh>) exists, if the output device
    1221             :     // is taken from this view shell --> no output device, no alignment
    1222             :     // Output device taken from view shell <pSh>, if <bFlyMetafile> not set
    1223      408347 :     if ( !bFlyMetafile && !pSh )
    1224             :     {
    1225           0 :         return;
    1226             :     }
    1227             : 
    1228             :     const OutputDevice *pOut = bFlyMetafile ?
    1229      408347 :                         pFlyMetafileOut : pSh->GetOut();
    1230             : 
    1231             :     // Hold original rectangle in pixel
    1232      408347 :     const Rectangle aOrgPxRect = pOut->LogicToPixel( rRect.SVRect() );
    1233             :     // Determine pixel-center rectangle in twip
    1234      408347 :     const SwRect aPxCenterRect( pOut->PixelToLogic( aOrgPxRect ) );
    1235             : 
    1236             :     // Perform adjustments on pixel level.
    1237      408347 :     SwRect aAlignedPxRect( aOrgPxRect );
    1238      408347 :     if ( rRect.Top() > aPxCenterRect.Top() )
    1239             :     {
    1240             :         // 'leave pixel overlapping on top'
    1241       91066 :         aAlignedPxRect.Top( aAlignedPxRect.Top() + 1 );
    1242             :     }
    1243             : 
    1244      408347 :     if ( rRect.Bottom() < aPxCenterRect.Bottom() )
    1245             :     {
    1246             :         // 'leave pixel overlapping on bottom'
    1247      199789 :         aAlignedPxRect.Bottom( aAlignedPxRect.Bottom() - 1 );
    1248             :     }
    1249             : 
    1250      408347 :     if ( rRect.Left() > aPxCenterRect.Left() )
    1251             :     {
    1252             :         // 'leave pixel overlapping on left'
    1253       53583 :         aAlignedPxRect.Left( aAlignedPxRect.Left() + 1 );
    1254             :     }
    1255             : 
    1256      408347 :     if ( rRect.Right() < aPxCenterRect.Right() )
    1257             :     {
    1258             :         // 'leave pixel overlapping on right'
    1259      306368 :         aAlignedPxRect.Right( aAlignedPxRect.Right() - 1 );
    1260             :     }
    1261             : 
    1262             :     // Consider negative width/height check, if aligned SwRect has negative width/height.
    1263             :     // If Yes, adjust it to width/height = 0 twip.
    1264             :     // NOTE: A SwRect with negative width/height can occur, if the width/height
    1265             :     //     of the given SwRect in twip was less than a pixel in twip and that
    1266             :     //     the alignment calculates that the aligned SwRect should not contain
    1267             :     //     the pixels the width/height is on.
    1268      408347 :     if ( aAlignedPxRect.Width() < 0 )
    1269             :     {
    1270          40 :         aAlignedPxRect.Width(0);
    1271             :     }
    1272      408347 :     if ( aAlignedPxRect.Height() < 0 )
    1273             :     {
    1274          32 :         aAlignedPxRect.Height(0);
    1275             :     }
    1276             :     // Consider zero width/height for converting a rectangle from
    1277             :     // pixel to logic it needs a width/height. Thus, set width/height
    1278             :     // to one, if it's zero and correct this on the twip level after the conversion.
    1279      408347 :     bool bZeroWidth = false;
    1280      408347 :     if ( aAlignedPxRect.Width() == 0 )
    1281             :     {
    1282       85294 :         aAlignedPxRect.Width(1);
    1283       85294 :         bZeroWidth = true;
    1284             :     }
    1285      408347 :     bool bZeroHeight = false;
    1286      408347 :     if ( aAlignedPxRect.Height() == 0 )
    1287             :     {
    1288          58 :         aAlignedPxRect.Height(1);
    1289          58 :         bZeroHeight = true;
    1290             :     }
    1291             : 
    1292      408347 :     rRect = pOut->PixelToLogic( aAlignedPxRect.SVRect() );
    1293             : 
    1294             :     // Consider zero width/height and adjust calculated aligned twip rectangle.
    1295             :     // Reset width/height to zero; previous negative width/height haven't to be considered.
    1296      408347 :     if ( bZeroWidth )
    1297             :     {
    1298       85294 :         rRect.Width(0);
    1299             :     }
    1300      408347 :     if ( bZeroHeight )
    1301             :     {
    1302          58 :         rRect.Height(0);
    1303             :     }
    1304             : }
    1305             : 
    1306             : /**
    1307             :  * Helper for twip adjustments on pixel base
    1308             :  *
    1309             :  * This method compares the x- or y-pixel position of two twip-points.
    1310             :  * If the x-/y-pixel positions are the same, the x-/y-pixel position of
    1311             :  * the second twip point is adjusted by a given amount of pixels
    1312             : */
    1313           0 : static void lcl_CompPxPosAndAdjustPos( const OutputDevice&  _rOut,
    1314             :                                 const Point&         _rRefPt,
    1315             :                                 Point&               _rCompPt,
    1316             :                                 const bool          _bChkXPos,
    1317             :                                 const sal_Int8       _nPxAdjustment )
    1318             : {
    1319           0 :     const Point aRefPxPt = _rOut.LogicToPixel( _rRefPt );
    1320           0 :     Point aCompPxPt = _rOut.LogicToPixel( _rCompPt );
    1321             : 
    1322           0 :     if ( _bChkXPos )
    1323             :     {
    1324           0 :         if ( aCompPxPt.X() == aRefPxPt.X() )
    1325             :         {
    1326           0 :             aCompPxPt.X() += _nPxAdjustment ;
    1327           0 :             const Point aAdjustedCompPt = _rOut.PixelToLogic( aCompPxPt );
    1328           0 :             _rCompPt.X() = aAdjustedCompPt.X();
    1329             :         }
    1330             :     }
    1331             :     else
    1332             :     {
    1333           0 :         if ( aCompPxPt.Y() == aRefPxPt.Y() )
    1334             :         {
    1335           0 :             aCompPxPt.Y() += _nPxAdjustment ;
    1336           0 :             const Point aAdjustedCompPt = _rOut.PixelToLogic( aCompPxPt );
    1337           0 :             _rCompPt.Y() = aAdjustedCompPt.Y();
    1338             :         }
    1339             :     }
    1340           0 : }
    1341             : 
    1342             : /**
    1343             :  * Method to pixel-align rectangle for drawing graphic object
    1344             :  *
    1345             :  * Because we are drawing graphics from the left-top-corner in conjunction
    1346             :  * with size coordinates, these coordinates have to be calculated at a pixel
    1347             :  * level.
    1348             :  * Thus, we convert the rectangle to pixel and then convert to left-top-corner
    1349             :  * and then get size of pixel rectangle back to logic.
    1350             :  * This calculation is necessary, because there's a different between
    1351             :  * the conversion from logic to pixel of a normal rectangle with its left-top-
    1352             :  * and right-bottom-corner and the same conversion of the same rectangle
    1353             :  * with left-top-corner and size.
    1354             :  *
    1355             :  * NOTE: Call this method before each <GraphicObject.Draw(...)>
    1356             : */
    1357         236 : void SwAlignGrfRect( SwRect *pGrfRect, const OutputDevice &rOut )
    1358             : {
    1359         236 :     Rectangle aPxRect = rOut.LogicToPixel( pGrfRect->SVRect() );
    1360         236 :     pGrfRect->Pos( rOut.PixelToLogic( aPxRect.TopLeft() ) );
    1361         236 :     pGrfRect->SSize( rOut.PixelToLogic( aPxRect.GetSize() ) );
    1362         236 : }
    1363             : 
    1364        2132 : static long lcl_AlignWidth( const long nWidth )
    1365             : {
    1366        2132 :     if ( nWidth )
    1367             :     {
    1368        1928 :         const long nW = nWidth % nPixelSzW;
    1369             : 
    1370        1928 :         if ( !nW || nW > nHalfPixelSzW )
    1371         472 :             return std::max(1L, nWidth - nHalfPixelSzW);
    1372             :     }
    1373        1660 :     return nWidth;
    1374             : }
    1375             : 
    1376        2100 : static long lcl_AlignHeight( const long nHeight )
    1377             : {
    1378        2100 :     if ( nHeight )
    1379             :     {
    1380        2020 :         const long nH = nHeight % nPixelSzH;
    1381             : 
    1382        2020 :         if ( !nH || nH > nHalfPixelSzH )
    1383         550 :             return std::max(1L, nHeight - nHalfPixelSzH);
    1384             :     }
    1385        1550 :     return nHeight;
    1386             : }
    1387             : 
    1388           0 : static long lcl_MinHeightDist( const long nDist )
    1389             : {
    1390           0 :     if ( aScaleX < aMinDistScale || aScaleY < aMinDistScale )
    1391           0 :         return nDist;
    1392           0 :     return ::lcl_AlignHeight( std::max( nDist, nMinDistPixelH ));
    1393             : }
    1394             : 
    1395             : /**
    1396             :  * Calculate PrtArea plus surrounding plus shadow
    1397             :  */
    1398       21141 : static void lcl_CalcBorderRect( SwRect &rRect, const SwFrm *pFrm,
    1399             :                                         const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs,
    1400             :                                         const bool bShadow )
    1401             : {
    1402             :     // Special handling for cell frames.
    1403             :     // The printing area of a cell frame is completely enclosed in the frame area
    1404             :     // and a cell frame has no shadow. Thus, for cell frames the calculated
    1405             :     // area equals the frame area.
    1406             :     // Notes: Borders of cell frames in R2L text direction will switch its side
    1407             :     //        - left border is painted on the right; right border on the left.
    1408             :     //        See <lcl_PaintLeftLine> and <lcl_PaintRightLine>.
    1409       21141 :     if( pFrm->IsSctFrm() )
    1410             :     {
    1411         274 :         rRect = pFrm->Prt();
    1412         274 :         rRect.Pos() += pFrm->Frm().Pos();
    1413             :     }
    1414       20867 :     else if ( pFrm->IsCellFrm() )
    1415        5238 :         rRect = pFrm->Frm();
    1416             :     else
    1417             :     {
    1418       15629 :         rRect = pFrm->Prt();
    1419       15629 :         rRect.Pos() += pFrm->Frm().Pos();
    1420             : 
    1421       16497 :         if ( rAttrs.IsLine() || rAttrs.IsBorderDist() ||
    1422           8 :              (bShadow && rAttrs.GetShadow().GetLocation() != SVX_SHADOW_NONE) )
    1423             :         {
    1424         868 :             SwRectFn fnRect = pFrm->IsVertical() ? ( pFrm->IsVertLR() ? fnRectVertL2R : fnRectVert ) : fnRectHori;
    1425             : 
    1426         868 :             const SvxBoxItem &rBox = rAttrs.GetBox();
    1427         868 :             const bool bTop = 0 != (pFrm->*fnRect->fnGetTopMargin)();
    1428         868 :             if ( bTop )
    1429             :             {
    1430         738 :                 SwTwips nDiff = rBox.GetTop() ?
    1431         738 :                     rBox.CalcLineSpace( BOX_LINE_TOP ) :
    1432           0 :                     ( rAttrs.IsBorderDist() ?
    1433             :                       // Increase of distance by one twip is incorrect.
    1434        1476 :                       rBox.GetDistance( BOX_LINE_TOP ) : 0 );
    1435         738 :                 if( nDiff )
    1436         738 :                     (rRect.*fnRect->fnSubTop)( nDiff );
    1437             :             }
    1438             : 
    1439         868 :             const bool bBottom = 0 != (pFrm->*fnRect->fnGetBottomMargin)();
    1440         868 :             if ( bBottom )
    1441             :             {
    1442         822 :                 SwTwips nDiff = 0;
    1443             :                 // #i29550#
    1444         822 :                 if ( pFrm->IsTabFrm() &&
    1445           0 :                      ((SwTabFrm*)pFrm)->IsCollapsingBorders() )
    1446             :                 {
    1447             :                     // For collapsing borders, we have to add the height of
    1448             :                     // the height of the last line
    1449           0 :                     nDiff = ((SwTabFrm*)pFrm)->GetBottomLineSize();
    1450             :                 }
    1451             :                 else
    1452             :                 {
    1453         822 :                     nDiff = rBox.GetBottom() ?
    1454         814 :                     rBox.CalcLineSpace( BOX_LINE_BOTTOM ) :
    1455           8 :                     ( rAttrs.IsBorderDist() ?
    1456             :                       // Increase of distance by one twip is incorrect.
    1457        1644 :                       rBox.GetDistance( BOX_LINE_BOTTOM ) : 0 );
    1458             :                 }
    1459         822 :                 if( nDiff )
    1460         790 :                     (rRect.*fnRect->fnAddBottom)( nDiff );
    1461             :             }
    1462             : 
    1463         868 :             if ( rBox.GetLeft() )
    1464         770 :                 (rRect.*fnRect->fnSubLeft)( rBox.CalcLineSpace( BOX_LINE_LEFT ) );
    1465          98 :             else if ( rAttrs.IsBorderDist() )
    1466             :                  // Increase of distance by one twip is incorrect.
    1467           0 :                 (rRect.*fnRect->fnSubLeft)( rBox.GetDistance( BOX_LINE_LEFT ) );
    1468             : 
    1469         868 :             if ( rBox.GetRight() )
    1470         770 :                 (rRect.*fnRect->fnAddRight)( rBox.CalcLineSpace( BOX_LINE_RIGHT ) );
    1471          98 :             else if ( rAttrs.IsBorderDist() )
    1472             :                  // Increase of distance by one twip is incorrect.
    1473           0 :                 (rRect.*fnRect->fnAddRight)( rBox.GetDistance( BOX_LINE_RIGHT ) );
    1474             : 
    1475         868 :             if ( bShadow && rAttrs.GetShadow().GetLocation() != SVX_SHADOW_NONE )
    1476             :             {
    1477          22 :                 const SvxShadowItem &rShadow = rAttrs.GetShadow();
    1478          22 :                 if ( bTop )
    1479           6 :                     (rRect.*fnRect->fnSubTop)(rShadow.CalcShadowSpace(SHADOW_TOP));
    1480          22 :                 (rRect.*fnRect->fnSubLeft)(rShadow.CalcShadowSpace(SHADOW_LEFT));
    1481          22 :                 if ( bBottom )
    1482             :                     (rRect.*fnRect->fnAddBottom)
    1483          22 :                                     (rShadow.CalcShadowSpace( SHADOW_BOTTOM ));
    1484          22 :                 (rRect.*fnRect->fnAddRight)(rShadow.CalcShadowSpace(SHADOW_RIGHT));
    1485             :             }
    1486             :         }
    1487             :     }
    1488             : 
    1489       21141 :     ::SwAlignRect( rRect, pGlobalShell );
    1490       21141 : }
    1491             : 
    1492             : /**
    1493             :  * Extend left/right border/shadow rectangle to bottom of previous frame/to
    1494             :  * top of next frame, if border/shadow is joined with previous/next frame
    1495             :  */
    1496          90 : static void lcl_ExtendLeftAndRight( SwRect&                _rRect,
    1497             :                                          const SwFrm&           _rFrm,
    1498             :                                          const SwBorderAttrs&   _rAttrs,
    1499             :                                          const SwRectFn&        _rRectFn )
    1500             : {
    1501          90 :     if ( _rAttrs.JoinedWithPrev( _rFrm ) )
    1502             :     {
    1503          12 :         const SwFrm* pPrevFrm = _rFrm.GetPrev();
    1504          12 :         (_rRect.*_rRectFn->fnSetTop)( (pPrevFrm->*_rRectFn->fnGetPrtBottom)() );
    1505             :     }
    1506          90 :     if ( _rAttrs.JoinedWithNext( _rFrm ) )
    1507             :     {
    1508          12 :         const SwFrm* pNextFrm = _rFrm.GetNext();
    1509          12 :         (_rRect.*_rRectFn->fnSetBottom)( (pNextFrm->*_rRectFn->fnGetPrtTop)() );
    1510             :     }
    1511          90 : }
    1512             : 
    1513             : //static void lcl_SubtractFlys( const SwFrm *pFrm, const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    1514             : //                           const SwRect &rRect, SwRegionRects &rRegion )
    1515             : //{
    1516             : //    const SwSortedObjs& rObjs = *pPage->GetSortedObjs();
    1517             : //    const SwFlyFrm* pSelfFly = pFrm->IsInFly() ? pFrm->FindFlyFrm() : pRetoucheFly2;
    1518             : //    if ( !pRetoucheFly )
    1519             : //        pRetoucheFly = pRetoucheFly2;
    1520             : //
    1521             : //    for ( sal_uInt16 j = 0; (j < rObjs.Count()) && !rRegion.empty(); ++j )
    1522             : //    {
    1523             : //        const SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = rObjs[j];
    1524             : //        const SdrObject* pSdrObj = pAnchoredObj->GetDrawObj();
    1525             : //
    1526             : //        // Do not consider invisible objects
    1527             : //        if ( !pPage->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsVisibleLayerId( pSdrObj->GetLayer() ) )
    1528             : //            continue;
    1529             : //
    1530             : //        if ( !pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
    1531             : //            continue;
    1532             : //
    1533             : //        const SwFlyFrm *pFly = static_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj);
    1534             : //
    1535             : //        if ( pSelfFly == pFly || pRetoucheFly == pFly || !rRect.IsOver( pFly->Frm() ) )
    1536             : //            continue;
    1537             : //
    1538             : //        if ( !pFly->GetFmt()->GetPrint().GetValue() &&
    1539             : //                (OUTDEV_PRINTER == pGlobalShell->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() ||
    1540             : //                pGlobalShell->IsPreview()))
    1541             : //            continue;
    1542             : //
    1543             : //        const bool bLowerOfSelf = pSelfFly && pFly->IsLowerOf( pSelfFly );
    1544             : //
    1545             : //        //For character bound Flys only examine those Flys in which it is not
    1546             : //        //anchored itself.
    1547             : //        //Why only for character bound ones you may ask? It never makes sense to
    1548             : //        //subtract frames in which it is anchored itself right?
    1549             : //        if ( pSelfFly && pSelfFly->IsLowerOf( pFly ) )
    1550             : //            continue;
    1551             : //
    1552             : //        //Any why does it not apply for the RetoucheFly too?
    1553             : //        if ( pRetoucheFly && pRetoucheFly->IsLowerOf( pFly ) )
    1554             : //            continue;
    1555             : //
    1556             : //#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
    1557             : //        //Flys who are anchored inside their own one, must have a bigger OrdNum
    1558             : //        //or be character bound.
    1559             : //        if ( pSelfFly && bLowerOfSelf )
    1560             : //        {
    1561             : //            OSL_ENSURE( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() ||
    1562             : //                    pSdrObj->GetOrdNumDirect() > pSelfFly->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetOrdNumDirect(),
    1563             : //                    "Fly with wrong z-Order" );
    1564             : //        }
    1565             : //#endif
    1566             : //
    1567             : //        bool bStopOnHell = true;
    1568             : //        if ( pSelfFly )
    1569             : //        {
    1570             : //            const SdrObject *pTmp = pSelfFly->GetVirtDrawObj();
    1571             : //            if ( pSdrObj->GetLayer() == pTmp->GetLayer() )
    1572             : //            {
    1573             : //                if ( pSdrObj->GetOrdNumDirect() < pTmp->GetOrdNumDirect() )
    1574             : //                    //In the same layer we only observe those that are above.
    1575             : //                    continue;
    1576             : //            }
    1577             : //            else
    1578             : //            {
    1579             : //                if ( !bLowerOfSelf && !pFly->GetFmt()->GetOpaque().GetValue() )
    1580             : //                    //From other layers we are only interested in non
    1581             : //                    //transparent ones or those that are internal
    1582             : //                    continue;
    1583             : //                bStopOnHell = false;
    1584             : //            }
    1585             : //        }
    1586             : //        if ( pRetoucheFly )
    1587             : //        {
    1588             : //            const SdrObject *pTmp = pRetoucheFly->GetVirtDrawObj();
    1589             : //            if ( pSdrObj->GetLayer() == pTmp->GetLayer() )
    1590             : //            {
    1591             : //                if ( pSdrObj->GetOrdNumDirect() < pTmp->GetOrdNumDirect() )
    1592             : //                    //In the same layer we only observe those that are above.
    1593             : //                    continue;
    1594             : //            }
    1595             : //            else
    1596             : //            {
    1597             : //                if ( !pFly->IsLowerOf( pRetoucheFly ) && !pFly->GetFmt()->GetOpaque().GetValue() )
    1598             : //                    //From other layers we are only interested in non
    1599             : //                    //transparent ones or those that are internal
    1600             : //                    continue;
    1601             : //                bStopOnHell = false;
    1602             : //            }
    1603             : //        }
    1604             : //
    1605             : //        //If the content of the Fly is transparent, we subtract it only if it's
    1606             : //        //contained in the hell layer.
    1607             : //        const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = pFly->GetFmt()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
    1608             : //        bool bHell = pSdrObj->GetLayer() == pIDDMA->GetHellId();
    1609             : //        if ( (bStopOnHell && bHell) ||
    1610             : //             /// Change internal order of condition
    1611             : //             ///    first check "!bHell", then "..->Lower()" and "..->IsNoTxtFrm()"
    1612             : //             ///    have not to be performed, if frame is in "Hell"
    1613             : //             ( !bHell && pFly->Lower() && pFly->Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm() &&
    1614             : //               ( ((SwNoTxtFrm*)pFly->Lower())->IsTransparent() ||
    1615             : //                 ((SwNoTxtFrm*)pFly->Lower())->HasAnimation() ||
    1616             : //                 pFly->GetFmt()->GetSurround().IsContour()
    1617             : //               )
    1618             : //             )
    1619             : //           )
    1620             : //            continue;
    1621             : //
    1622             : //        // Own if-statements for transparent background/shadow of fly frames
    1623             : //        // in order to handle special conditions.
    1624             : //        if ( pFly->IsBackgroundTransparent() )
    1625             : //        {
    1626             : //            // Background <pFly> is transparent drawn. Thus normally, its region
    1627             : //            // have not to be subtracted from given region.
    1628             : //            // But, if method is called for a fly frame and
    1629             : //            // <pFly> is a direct lower of this fly frame and
    1630             : //            // <pFly> inherites its transparent background brush from its parent,
    1631             : //            // then <pFly> frame area have to be subtracted from given region.
    1632             : //            // NOTE: Because in Status Quo transparent backgrounds can only be
    1633             : //            //     assigned to fly frames, the handle of this special case
    1634             : //            //     avoids drawing of transparent areas more than once, if
    1635             : //            //     a fly frame inherites a transparent background from its
    1636             : //            //     parent fly frame.
    1637             : //            if ( pFrm->IsFlyFrm() &&
    1638             : //                 (pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm() == pFrm) &&
    1639             : //                 static_cast<const SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pFly->GetFmt())->IsBackgroundBrushInherited()
    1640             : //               )
    1641             : //            {
    1642             : //                SwRect aRect;
    1643             : //                SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), (SwFrm*)pFly );
    1644             : //                const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    1645             : //                ::lcl_CalcBorderRect( aRect, pFly, rAttrs, true );
    1646             : //                rRegion -= aRect;
    1647             : //                continue;
    1648             : //            }
    1649             : //            else
    1650             : //            {
    1651             : //                continue;
    1652             : //            }
    1653             : //        }
    1654             : //        if ( pFly->IsShadowTransparent() )
    1655             : //        {
    1656             : //            continue;
    1657             : //        }
    1658             : //
    1659             : //        if ( bHell && pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->IsInFly() )
    1660             : //        {
    1661             : //            //So the border won't get dismantled by the background of the other
    1662             : //            //Fly.
    1663             : //            SwRect aRect;
    1664             : //            SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), (SwFrm*)pFly );
    1665             : //            const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    1666             : //            ::lcl_CalcBorderRect( aRect, pFly, rAttrs, true );
    1667             : //            rRegion -= aRect;
    1668             : //        }
    1669             : //        else
    1670             : //        {
    1671             : //            SwRect aRect( pFly->Prt() );
    1672             : //            aRect += pFly->Frm().Pos();
    1673             : //            rRegion -= aRect;
    1674             : //        }
    1675             : //    }
    1676             : //    if ( pRetoucheFly == pRetoucheFly2 )
    1677             : //        pRetoucheFly = 0;
    1678             : //}
    1679             : 
    1680           0 : static void lcl_implDrawGraphicBackgrd( const SvxBrushItem& _rBackgrdBrush,
    1681             :                                  OutputDevice* _pOut,
    1682             :                                  const SwRect& _rAlignedPaintRect,
    1683             :                                  const GraphicObject& _rGraphicObj )
    1684             : {
    1685             :     /// determine color of background
    1686             :     ///     If color of background brush is not "no fill"/"auto fill" or
    1687             :     ///     <bFlyMetafile> is set, use color of background brush, otherwise
    1688             :     ///     use global retouche color.
    1689           0 :     const Color aColor( ( (_rBackgrdBrush.GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT) || bFlyMetafile )
    1690             :                         ? _rBackgrdBrush.GetColor()
    1691           0 :                         : aGlobalRetoucheColor );
    1692             : 
    1693             :     /// determine, if background color have to be drawn transparent
    1694             :     /// and calculate transparency percent value
    1695           0 :     sal_Int8 nTransparencyPercent = 0;
    1696           0 :     bool bDrawTransparent = false;
    1697           0 :     if ( aColor.GetTransparency() != 0 )
    1698             :     ///     background color is transparent --> draw transparent.
    1699             :     {
    1700           0 :         bDrawTransparent = true;
    1701           0 :         nTransparencyPercent = (aColor.GetTransparency()*100 + 0x7F)/0xFF;
    1702             :     }
    1703           0 :     else if ( (_rGraphicObj.GetAttr().GetTransparency() != 0) &&
    1704           0 :                 (_rBackgrdBrush.GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT) )
    1705             :     ///     graphic is drawn transparent and background color is
    1706             :     ///     "no fill"/"auto fill" --> draw transparent
    1707             :     {
    1708           0 :         bDrawTransparent = true;
    1709           0 :         nTransparencyPercent = (_rGraphicObj.GetAttr().GetTransparency()*100 + 0x7F)/0xFF;
    1710             :     }
    1711             : 
    1712           0 :     if ( bDrawTransparent )
    1713             :     {
    1714             :         /// draw background transparent
    1715           0 :         if( _pOut->GetFillColor() != aColor.GetRGBColor() )
    1716           0 :             _pOut->SetFillColor( aColor.GetRGBColor() );
    1717           0 :         tools::PolyPolygon aPoly( _rAlignedPaintRect.SVRect() );
    1718           0 :         _pOut->DrawTransparent( aPoly, nTransparencyPercent );
    1719             :     }
    1720             :     else
    1721             :     {
    1722             :         /// draw background opaque
    1723           0 :         if ( _pOut->GetFillColor() != aColor )
    1724           0 :             _pOut->SetFillColor( aColor );
    1725           0 :         _pOut->DrawRect( _rAlignedPaintRect.SVRect() );
    1726             :     }
    1727           0 : }
    1728             : 
    1729             : /**
    1730             :  * This is a local help method to draw a background for a graphic
    1731             :  *
    1732             :  * Under certain circumstances we have to draw a background for a graphic.
    1733             :  * This method takes care of the conditions and draws the background with the
    1734             :  * corresponding color.
    1735             :  * Method introduced for bug fix #103876# in order to optimize drawing tiled
    1736             :  * background graphics. Previously, this code was integrated in method
    1737             :  * <lcl_DrawGraphic>.
    1738             :  * Method implemented as a inline, checking the conditions and calling method
    1739             :  * method <lcl_implDrawGraphicBackgrd(..)> for the intrinsic drawing.
    1740             :  *
    1741             :  * @param _rBackgrdBrush
    1742             :  * background brush contain the color the background has to be drawn.
    1743             :  *
    1744             :  * @param _pOut
    1745             :  * output device the background has to be drawn in.
    1746             :  *
    1747             :  * @param _rAlignedPaintRect
    1748             :  * paint rectangle in the output device, which has to be drawn with the background.
    1749             :  * rectangle have to be aligned by method ::SwAlignRect
    1750             :  *
    1751             :  * @param _rGraphicObj
    1752             :  * graphic object, for which the background has to be drawn. Used for checking
    1753             :  * the transparency of its bitmap, its type and if the graphic is drawn transparent
    1754             :  *
    1755             :  * @param _bNumberingGraphic
    1756             :  * boolean indicating that graphic is used as a numbering.
    1757             :  *
    1758             :  * @param _bBackgrdAlreadyDrawn
    1759             :  * boolean (optional; default: false) indicating, if the background is already drawn.
    1760             : */
    1761           0 : static inline void lcl_DrawGraphicBackgrd( const SvxBrushItem& _rBackgrdBrush,
    1762             :                                     OutputDevice* _pOut,
    1763             :                                     const SwRect& _rAlignedPaintRect,
    1764             :                                     const GraphicObject& _rGraphicObj,
    1765             :                                     bool _bNumberingGraphic,
    1766             :                                     bool _bBackgrdAlreadyDrawn = false )
    1767             : {
    1768             :     // draw background with background color, if
    1769             :     //     (1) graphic is not used as a numbering AND
    1770             :     //     (2) background is not already drawn AND
    1771             :     //     (3) intrinsic graphic is transparent OR intrinsic graphic doesn't exists
    1772           0 :     if ( !_bNumberingGraphic &&
    1773           0 :          !_bBackgrdAlreadyDrawn &&
    1774           0 :          ( _rGraphicObj.IsTransparent() || _rGraphicObj.GetType() == GRAPHIC_NONE  )
    1775             :        )
    1776             :     {
    1777           0 :         lcl_implDrawGraphicBackgrd( _rBackgrdBrush, _pOut, _rAlignedPaintRect, _rGraphicObj );
    1778             :     }
    1779           0 : }
    1780             : 
    1781             : /**
    1782             :  * NNOTE: the transparency of the background graphic is saved in
    1783             :  * SvxBrushItem.GetGraphicObject(<shell>).GetAttr().Set/GetTransparency()
    1784             :  * and is considered in the drawing of the graphic
    1785             :  *
    1786             :  * Thus, to provide transparent background graphic for text frames nothing
    1787             :  * has to be coded
    1788             :  *
    1789             :  * Use align rectangle for drawing graphic Pixel-align coordinates for
    1790             :  * drawing graphic
    1791             :  * Outsource code for drawing background of the graphic
    1792             :  * with a background color in method <lcl_DrawGraphicBackgrd>
    1793             :  *
    1794             :  * Also, change type of <bGrfNum> and <bClip> from <bool> to <bool>
    1795             :  */
    1796           0 : static void lcl_DrawGraphic( const SvxBrushItem& rBrush, OutputDevice *pOut,
    1797             :                       SwViewShell &rSh, const SwRect &rGrf, const SwRect &rOut,
    1798             :                       bool bClip, bool bGrfNum,
    1799             :                       bool bBackgrdAlreadyDrawn = false )
    1800             :                       // add parameter <bBackgrdAlreadyDrawn> to indicate
    1801             :                       // that the background is already drawn.
    1802             : {
    1803             :     // Calculate align rectangle from parameter <rGrf> and use aligned
    1804             :     // rectangle <aAlignedGrfRect> in the following code
    1805           0 :     SwRect aAlignedGrfRect = rGrf;
    1806           0 :     ::SwAlignRect( aAlignedGrfRect, &rSh );
    1807             : 
    1808             :     // Change type from <bool> to <bool>.
    1809           0 :     const bool bNotInside = bClip && !rOut.IsInside( aAlignedGrfRect );
    1810           0 :     if ( bNotInside )
    1811             :     {
    1812           0 :         pOut->Push( PushFlags::CLIPREGION );
    1813           0 :         pOut->IntersectClipRegion( rOut.SVRect() );
    1814             :     }
    1815             : 
    1816             :     // No Link here, we want to load the graphic synchronously!
    1817           0 :     ((SvxBrushItem&)rBrush).SetDoneLink( Link() );
    1818           0 :     GraphicObject *pGrf = (GraphicObject*)rBrush.GetGraphicObject();
    1819             : 
    1820             :     // Outsource drawing of background with a background color
    1821           0 :     ::lcl_DrawGraphicBackgrd( rBrush, pOut, aAlignedGrfRect, *pGrf, bGrfNum, bBackgrdAlreadyDrawn );
    1822             : 
    1823             :     // Because for drawing a graphic left-top-corner and size coordinates are
    1824             :     // used, these coordinates have to be determined on pixel level.
    1825           0 :     ::SwAlignGrfRect( &aAlignedGrfRect, *pOut );
    1826             : 
    1827           0 :     if (pGrf->GetGraphic().getSvgData().get())
    1828             :     {   // fdo#68927 - SVGs are rasterized badly by DrawWithPDFHandling
    1829             :         paintGraphicUsingPrimitivesHelper(*pOut,
    1830           0 :                 *pGrf, pGrf->GetAttr(), aAlignedGrfRect);
    1831             :     }
    1832             :     else
    1833             :     {
    1834           0 :         pGrf->DrawWithPDFHandling( *pOut, aAlignedGrfRect.Pos(), aAlignedGrfRect.SSize() );
    1835             :     }
    1836             : 
    1837           0 :     if ( bNotInside )
    1838           0 :         pOut->Pop();
    1839           0 : }
    1840             : 
    1841         752 : bool DrawFillAttributes(
    1842             :     const drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr& rFillAttributes,
    1843             :     const SwRect& rOriginalLayoutRect,
    1844             :     const SwRect& rPaintRect,
    1845             :     OutputDevice& rOut)
    1846             : {
    1847             :     static bool bUseNew(true);
    1848             :     static bool bReturnWhenNew(true);
    1849             : 
    1850         752 :     if(bUseNew && rFillAttributes.get() && rFillAttributes->isUsed())
    1851             :     {
    1852             :         basegfx::B2DRange aPaintRange(
    1853         752 :             rPaintRect.Left(),
    1854         752 :             rPaintRect.Top(),
    1855         752 :             rPaintRect.Right(),
    1856        3008 :             rPaintRect.Bottom());
    1857             : 
    1858        3760 :         if(!aPaintRange.isEmpty() &&
    1859        5264 :             !basegfx::fTools::equalZero(aPaintRange.getWidth()) &&
    1860        2256 :             !basegfx::fTools::equalZero(aPaintRange.getHeight()))
    1861             :         {
    1862         746 :             const SvtOptionsDrawinglayer aSvtOptionsDrawinglayer;
    1863             : 
    1864             :             //UUUU need to expand for correct AAed and non-AAed visualization as primitive.
    1865             :             // This must probably be removed again when we will be able to get all Writer visualization
    1866             :             // as primitives and Writer prepares all it's stuff in high precision coordinates (also
    1867             :             // needs to avoid moving boundaries around to better show overlapping stuff...)
    1868         746 :             if(aSvtOptionsDrawinglayer.IsAntiAliasing())
    1869             :             {
    1870             :                 // if AAed in principle expand by 0.5 in all directions. Since painting edges of
    1871             :                 // AAed regions does not add to no transparence (0.5 opacity covered by 0.5 opacity
    1872             :                 // is not full opacity but 0.75 opacity) we need some overlap here to avoid paint
    1873             :                 // artifacts. Checked experimentally - a little bit more in Y is needed, probably
    1874             :                 // due to still existing integer alignment and cruncing in writer.
    1875             :                 static double fExpandX = 0.55;
    1876             :                 static double fExpandY = 0.70;
    1877           0 :                 const basegfx::B2DVector aSingleUnit(rOut.GetInverseViewTransformation() * basegfx::B2DVector(fExpandX, fExpandY));
    1878             : 
    1879           0 :                 aPaintRange.expand(aPaintRange.getMinimum() - aSingleUnit);
    1880           0 :                 aPaintRange.expand(aPaintRange.getMaximum() + aSingleUnit);
    1881             :             }
    1882             :             else
    1883             :             {
    1884             :                 // if not AAed expand by one unit to bottom right due to the missing unit
    1885             :                 // from SwRect/Rectangle integer handling
    1886         746 :                 const basegfx::B2DVector aSingleUnit(rOut.GetInverseViewTransformation() * basegfx::B2DVector(1.0, 1.0));
    1887             : 
    1888         746 :                 aPaintRange.expand(aPaintRange.getMaximum() + aSingleUnit);
    1889             :             }
    1890             : 
    1891             :             const basegfx::B2DRange aDefineRange(
    1892         746 :                 rOriginalLayoutRect.Left(),
    1893         746 :                 rOriginalLayoutRect.Top(),
    1894         746 :                 rOriginalLayoutRect.Right(),
    1895        2984 :                 rOriginalLayoutRect.Bottom());
    1896             : 
    1897             :             const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rSequence = rFillAttributes->getPrimitive2DSequence(
    1898             :                 aPaintRange,
    1899         746 :                 aDefineRange);
    1900             : 
    1901         746 :             if(rSequence.getLength())
    1902             :             {
    1903             :                 const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D aViewInformation2D(
    1904             :                     basegfx::B2DHomMatrix(),
    1905             :                     rOut.GetViewTransformation(),
    1906             :                     aPaintRange,
    1907             :                     0,
    1908             :                     0.0,
    1909         746 :                     uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >());
    1910             :                 drawinglayer::processor2d::BaseProcessor2D* pProcessor = drawinglayer::processor2d::createProcessor2DFromOutputDevice(
    1911             :                     rOut,
    1912         746 :                     aViewInformation2D);
    1913             : 
    1914         746 :                 if(pProcessor)
    1915             :                 {
    1916         746 :                     pProcessor->process(rSequence);
    1917             : 
    1918         746 :                     delete pProcessor;
    1919             : 
    1920         746 :                     if(bReturnWhenNew)
    1921             :                     {
    1922         746 :                         return true;
    1923             :                     }
    1924           0 :                 }
    1925           0 :             }
    1926             :         }
    1927             :     }
    1928             : 
    1929           6 :     return false;
    1930             : }
    1931             : 
    1932       15400 : void DrawGraphic(
    1933             :     const SvxBrushItem *pBrush,
    1934             :     OutputDevice *pOutDev,
    1935             :     const SwRect &rOrg,
    1936             :     const SwRect &rOut,
    1937             :     const sal_uInt8 nGrfNum,
    1938             :     const bool bConsiderBackgroundTransparency )
    1939             :     // Add 6th parameter to indicate that method should
    1940             :     // consider background transparency, saved in the color of the brush item
    1941             : {
    1942       15400 :     SwViewShell &rSh = *pGlobalShell;
    1943       15400 :     bool bReplaceGrfNum = GRFNUM_REPLACE == nGrfNum;
    1944       15400 :     bool bGrfNum = GRFNUM_NO != nGrfNum;
    1945       15400 :     Size aGrfSize;
    1946       15400 :     SvxGraphicPosition ePos = GPOS_NONE;
    1947       15400 :     if( pBrush && !bReplaceGrfNum )
    1948             :     {
    1949        2828 :         if( rSh.GetViewOptions()->IsGraphic() )
    1950             :         {
    1951             :             // load graphic directly in PDF import
    1952             :             // #i68953# - also during print load graphic directly.
    1953        5656 :             if ( (rSh).GetViewOptions()->IsPDFExport() ||
    1954        2828 :                  rSh.GetOut()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER )
    1955             :             {
    1956           0 :                 ((SvxBrushItem*)pBrush)->PurgeMedium();
    1957           0 :                 ((SvxBrushItem*)pBrush)->SetDoneLink( Link() );
    1958             :             }
    1959             :             else
    1960        2828 :                 ((SvxBrushItem*)pBrush)->SetDoneLink( STATIC_LINK(
    1961        2828 :                                     rSh.GetDoc(), SwDoc, BackgroundDone ) );
    1962        2828 :             OUString referer;
    1963        2828 :             SfxObjectShell * sh = rSh.GetDoc()->GetPersist();
    1964        2828 :             if (sh != 0 && sh->HasName()) {
    1965        2730 :                 referer = sh->GetMedium()->GetName();
    1966             :             }
    1967        2828 :             const Graphic* pGrf = pBrush->GetGraphic(referer);
    1968        2828 :             if( pGrf && GRAPHIC_NONE != pGrf->GetType() )
    1969             :             {
    1970           0 :                 ePos = pBrush->GetGraphicPos();
    1971           0 :                 if( pGrf->IsSupportedGraphic() )
    1972             :                     // don't the use the specific output device! Bug 94802
    1973           0 :                     aGrfSize = ::GetGraphicSizeTwip( *pGrf, 0 );
    1974        2828 :             }
    1975             :         }
    1976             :         else
    1977           0 :             bReplaceGrfNum = bGrfNum;
    1978             :     }
    1979             : 
    1980       15400 :     SwRect aGrf;
    1981       15400 :     aGrf.SSize( aGrfSize );
    1982       15400 :     bool bDraw = true;
    1983       15400 :     bool bRetouche = true;
    1984       15400 :     switch ( ePos )
    1985             :     {
    1986             :     case GPOS_LT:
    1987           0 :         aGrf.Pos() = rOrg.Pos();
    1988           0 :         break;
    1989             : 
    1990             :     case GPOS_MT:
    1991           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Top();
    1992           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Left() + rOrg.Width()/2 - aGrfSize.Width()/2;
    1993           0 :         break;
    1994             : 
    1995             :     case GPOS_RT:
    1996           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Top();
    1997           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Right() - aGrfSize.Width();
    1998           0 :         break;
    1999             : 
    2000             :     case GPOS_LM:
    2001           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Top() + rOrg.Height()/2 - aGrfSize.Height()/2;
    2002           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Left();
    2003           0 :         break;
    2004             : 
    2005             :     case GPOS_MM:
    2006           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Top() + rOrg.Height()/2 - aGrfSize.Height()/2;
    2007           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Left() + rOrg.Width()/2 - aGrfSize.Width()/2;
    2008           0 :         break;
    2009             : 
    2010             :     case GPOS_RM:
    2011           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Top() + rOrg.Height()/2 - aGrfSize.Height()/2;
    2012           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Right() - aGrfSize.Width();
    2013           0 :         break;
    2014             : 
    2015             :     case GPOS_LB:
    2016           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Bottom() - aGrfSize.Height();
    2017           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Left();
    2018           0 :         break;
    2019             : 
    2020             :     case GPOS_MB:
    2021           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Bottom() - aGrfSize.Height();
    2022           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Left() + rOrg.Width()/2 - aGrfSize.Width()/2;
    2023           0 :         break;
    2024             : 
    2025             :     case GPOS_RB:
    2026           0 :         aGrf.Pos().Y() = rOrg.Bottom() - aGrfSize.Height();
    2027           0 :         aGrf.Pos().X() = rOrg.Right() - aGrfSize.Width();
    2028           0 :         break;
    2029             : 
    2030             :     case GPOS_AREA:
    2031           0 :         aGrf = rOrg;
    2032             :         // Despite the fact that the background graphic has to fill the complete
    2033             :         // area, we already checked, whether the graphic will completely fill out
    2034             :         // the region the <rOut> that is to be painted. Thus, nothing has to be
    2035             :         // touched again.
    2036             :         // E.g. this is the case for a Fly Frame without a background
    2037             :         // brush positioned on the border of the page which inherited the background
    2038             :         // brush from the page.
    2039           0 :         bRetouche = !rOut.IsInside( aGrf );
    2040           0 :         break;
    2041             : 
    2042             :     case GPOS_TILED:
    2043             :         {
    2044             :             // draw background of tiled graphic before drawing tiled graphic in loop
    2045             :             // determine graphic object
    2046           0 :             GraphicObject* pGraphicObj = const_cast< GraphicObject* >(pBrush->GetGraphicObject());
    2047             :             // calculate aligned paint rectangle
    2048           0 :             SwRect aAlignedPaintRect = rOut;
    2049           0 :             ::SwAlignRect( aAlignedPaintRect, &rSh );
    2050             :             // draw background color for aligned paint rectangle
    2051           0 :             lcl_DrawGraphicBackgrd( *pBrush, pOutDev, aAlignedPaintRect, *pGraphicObj, bGrfNum );
    2052             : 
    2053             :             // set left-top-corner of background graphic to left-top-corner of the
    2054             :             // area, from which the background brush is determined.
    2055           0 :             aGrf.Pos() = rOrg.Pos();
    2056             :             // setup clipping at output device
    2057           0 :             pOutDev->Push( PushFlags::CLIPREGION );
    2058           0 :             pOutDev->IntersectClipRegion( rOut.SVRect() );
    2059             :             // use new method <GraphicObject::DrawTiled(::)>
    2060             :             {
    2061             :                 // calculate paint offset
    2062           0 :                 Point aPaintOffset( aAlignedPaintRect.Pos() - aGrf.Pos() );
    2063             :                 // draw background graphic tiled for aligned paint rectangle
    2064             :                 // #i42643#
    2065             :                 // For PDF export, every draw operation for bitmaps takes a
    2066             :                 // noticeable amount of place (~50 characters). Thus, optimize
    2067             :                 // between tile bitmap size and number of drawing operations here.
    2068             : 
    2069             :                 //                  A_out
    2070             :                 // n_chars = k1 *  ---------- + k2 * A_bitmap
    2071             :                 //                  A_bitmap
    2072             : 
    2073             :                 // minimum n_chars is obtained for (derive for  A_bitmap,
    2074             :                 // set to 0, take positive solution):
    2075             :                 //                   k1
    2076             :                 // A_bitmap = Sqrt( ---- A_out )
    2077             :                 //                   k2
    2078             : 
    2079             :                 // where k1 is the number of chars per draw operation, and
    2080             :                 // k2 is the number of chars per bitmap pixel.
    2081             :                 // This is approximately 50 and 7 for current PDF writer, respectively.
    2082             : 
    2083           0 :                 const double    k1( 50 );
    2084           0 :                 const double    k2( 7 );
    2085           0 :                 const Size      aSize( aAlignedPaintRect.SSize() );
    2086           0 :                 const double    Abitmap( k1/k2 * static_cast<double>(aSize.Width())*aSize.Height() );
    2087             : 
    2088             :                 pGraphicObj->DrawTiled( pOutDev,
    2089             :                                         aAlignedPaintRect.SVRect(),
    2090           0 :                                         aGrf.SSize(),
    2091           0 :                                         Size( aPaintOffset.X(), aPaintOffset.Y() ),
    2092             :                                         NULL, GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD,
    2093           0 :                                         ::std::max( 128, static_cast<int>( sqrt(sqrt( Abitmap)) + .5 ) ) );
    2094             :             }
    2095             :             // reset clipping at output device
    2096           0 :             pOutDev->Pop();
    2097             :             // set <bDraw> and <bRetouche> to false, indicating that background
    2098             :             // graphic and background are already drawn.
    2099           0 :             bDraw = bRetouche = false;
    2100             :         }
    2101           0 :         break;
    2102             : 
    2103             :     case GPOS_NONE:
    2104       15400 :         bDraw = false;
    2105       15400 :         break;
    2106             : 
    2107             :     default: OSL_ENSURE( !pOutDev, "new Graphic position?" );
    2108             :     }
    2109             : 
    2110             :     /// init variable <bGrfBackgrdAlreadDrawn> to indicate, if background of
    2111             :     /// graphic is already drawn or not.
    2112       15400 :     bool bGrfBackgrdAlreadyDrawn = false;
    2113       15400 :     if ( bRetouche )
    2114             :     {
    2115       15400 :         pOutDev->Push( PushFlags::FILLCOLOR|PushFlags::LINECOLOR );
    2116       15400 :         pOutDev->SetLineColor();
    2117             : 
    2118             :         // check, if a existing background graphic (not filling the complete
    2119             :         // background) is transparent drawn and the background color is
    2120             :         // "no fill" respectively "auto fill", if background transparency
    2121             :         // has to be considered.
    2122             :         // If YES, memorise transparency of background graphic.
    2123             :         // check also, if background graphic bitmap is transparent.
    2124       15400 :         bool bTransparentGrfWithNoFillBackgrd = false;
    2125       15400 :         sal_Int32 nGrfTransparency = 0;
    2126       15400 :         bool bGrfIsTransparent = false;
    2127       15400 :         if ( (ePos != GPOS_NONE) &&
    2128           0 :              (ePos != GPOS_TILED) && (ePos != GPOS_AREA)
    2129             :            )
    2130             :         {
    2131           0 :             GraphicObject *pGrf = (GraphicObject*)pBrush->GetGraphicObject();
    2132           0 :             if ( bConsiderBackgroundTransparency )
    2133             :             {
    2134           0 :                 GraphicAttr pGrfAttr = pGrf->GetAttr();
    2135           0 :                 if ( (pGrfAttr.GetTransparency() != 0) &&
    2136           0 :                      (pBrush->GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT)
    2137             :                    )
    2138             :                 {
    2139           0 :                     bTransparentGrfWithNoFillBackgrd = true;
    2140           0 :                     nGrfTransparency = pGrfAttr.GetTransparency();
    2141           0 :                 }
    2142             :             }
    2143           0 :             if ( pGrf->IsTransparent() )
    2144             :             {
    2145           0 :                 bGrfIsTransparent = true;
    2146             :             }
    2147             :         }
    2148             : 
    2149             :         // to get color of brush, check background color against COL_TRANSPARENT ("no fill"/"auto fill")
    2150             :         // instead of checking, if transparency is not set.
    2151        5656 :         const Color aColor( pBrush &&
    2152       23888 :                             ( !(pBrush->GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT) ||
    2153             :                               bFlyMetafile )
    2154             :                     ? pBrush->GetColor()
    2155       30796 :                     : aGlobalRetoucheColor );
    2156             : 
    2157             :         // determine, if background region have to be
    2158             :         //     drawn transparent.
    2159             :         //     background region has to be drawn transparent, if
    2160             :         //         background transparency have to be considered
    2161             :         //     AND
    2162             :         //       ( background color is transparent OR
    2163             :         //         background graphic is transparent and background color is "no fill"
    2164             :         //       )
    2165             : 
    2166             :         enum DrawStyle {
    2167             :             Default,
    2168             :             Transparent,
    2169       15400 :         } eDrawStyle = Default;
    2170             : 
    2171       15428 :         if (bConsiderBackgroundTransparency &&
    2172          26 :                 ( ( aColor.GetTransparency() != 0) ||
    2173             :                 bTransparentGrfWithNoFillBackgrd ) )
    2174             :         {
    2175          10 :             eDrawStyle = Transparent;
    2176             :         }
    2177             : 
    2178             :         // #i75614# reset draw mode in high contrast mode in order to get fill color set
    2179       15400 :         const sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pOutDev->GetDrawMode();
    2180       30188 :         if ( pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    2181       14788 :              Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    2182             :         {
    2183           0 :             pOutDev->SetDrawMode( 0 );
    2184             :         }
    2185             : 
    2186             :         // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - if background region has to be drawn
    2187             :         // transparent, set only the RGB values of the background color as
    2188             :         // the fill color for the output device.
    2189       15400 :         switch (eDrawStyle)
    2190             :         {
    2191             :             case Transparent:
    2192             :             {
    2193          10 :                 if( pOutDev->GetFillColor() != aColor.GetRGBColor() )
    2194          10 :                     pOutDev->SetFillColor( aColor.GetRGBColor() );
    2195          10 :                 break;
    2196             :             }
    2197             :             default:
    2198             :             {
    2199       15390 :                 if( pOutDev->GetFillColor() != aColor )
    2200        1415 :                     pOutDev->SetFillColor( aColor );
    2201       15390 :                 break;
    2202             :             }
    2203             :         }
    2204             : 
    2205             :         // #i75614#
    2206             :         // restore draw mode
    2207       15400 :         pOutDev->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
    2208             : 
    2209             :         // OD 02.09.2002 #99657#
    2210       15400 :         switch (eDrawStyle)
    2211             :         {
    2212             :             case Transparent:
    2213             :             {
    2214             :                 // background region have to be drawn transparent.
    2215             :                 // Thus, create a poly-polygon from the region and draw it with
    2216             :                 // the corresponding transparency precent.
    2217          10 :                 tools::PolyPolygon aDrawPoly( rOut.SVRect() );
    2218          10 :                 if ( aGrf.HasArea() )
    2219             :                 {
    2220           0 :                     if ( !bGrfIsTransparent )
    2221             :                     {
    2222             :                         // substract area of background graphic from draw area
    2223             :                         // OD 08.10.2002 #103898# - consider only that part of the
    2224             :                         // graphic area that is overlapping with draw area.
    2225           0 :                         SwRect aTmpGrf = aGrf;
    2226           0 :                         aTmpGrf.Intersection( rOut );
    2227           0 :                         if ( aTmpGrf.HasArea() )
    2228             :                         {
    2229           0 :                             Polygon aGrfPoly( aTmpGrf.SVRect() );
    2230           0 :                             aDrawPoly.Insert( aGrfPoly );
    2231             :                         }
    2232             :                     }
    2233             :                     else
    2234           0 :                         bGrfBackgrdAlreadyDrawn = true;
    2235             :                 }
    2236             :                 // calculate transparency percent:
    2237             :                 // ( <transparency value[0x01..0xFF]>*100 + 0x7F ) / 0xFF
    2238             :                 // If there is a background graphic with a background color "no fill"/"auto fill",
    2239             :                 // the transparency value is taken from the background graphic,
    2240             :                 // otherwise take the transparency value from the color.
    2241             :                 sal_Int8 nTransparencyPercent = static_cast<sal_Int8>(
    2242          10 :                   (( bTransparentGrfWithNoFillBackgrd ? nGrfTransparency : aColor.GetTransparency()
    2243          20 :                    )*100 + 0x7F)/0xFF);
    2244             :                 // draw poly-polygon transparent
    2245          10 :                 pOutDev->DrawTransparent( aDrawPoly, nTransparencyPercent );
    2246             : 
    2247          10 :                 break;
    2248             :             }
    2249             :             case Default:
    2250             :             default:
    2251             :             {
    2252       15390 :                 SwRegionRects aRegion( rOut, 4 );
    2253       15390 :                 if ( !bGrfIsTransparent )
    2254       15390 :                     aRegion -= aGrf;
    2255             :                 else
    2256           0 :                     bGrfBackgrdAlreadyDrawn = true;
    2257             :                 // loop rectangles of background region, which has to be drawn
    2258       30780 :                 for( size_t i = 0; i < aRegion.size(); ++i )
    2259             :                 {
    2260       15390 :                     pOutDev->DrawRect( aRegion[i].SVRect() );
    2261       15390 :                 }
    2262             :             }
    2263             :         }
    2264       15400 :         pOutDev ->Pop();
    2265             :     }
    2266             : 
    2267       15400 :     if( bDraw && aGrf.IsOver( rOut ) )
    2268             :         // OD 02.09.2002 #99657#
    2269             :         // add parameter <bGrfBackgrdAlreadyDrawn>
    2270             :         lcl_DrawGraphic( *pBrush, pOutDev, rSh, aGrf, rOut, true, bGrfNum,
    2271           0 :                          bGrfBackgrdAlreadyDrawn );
    2272             : 
    2273       15400 :     if( bReplaceGrfNum )
    2274             :     {
    2275           0 :         const BitmapEx& rBmp = SwViewShell::GetReplacementBitmap( false );
    2276           0 :         vcl::Font aTmp( pOutDev->GetFont() );
    2277           0 :         Graphic::DrawEx( pOutDev, aEmptyOUStr, aTmp, rBmp, rOrg.Pos(), rOrg.SSize() );
    2278             :     }
    2279       15400 : }
    2280             : 
    2281             : /**
    2282             :  * Local helper for SwRootFrm::Paint(..) - Adjust given rectangle to pixel size
    2283             :  *
    2284             :  * By OD at 27.09.2002 for #103636#
    2285             :  * In order to avoid paint errors caused by multiple alignments (e.g. ::SwAlignRect(..))
    2286             :  * and other changes to the to be painted rectangle, this method is called for the
    2287             :  * rectangle to be painted in order to adjust it to the pixel it is overlapping
    2288             : */
    2289       12710 : static void lcl_AdjustRectToPixelSize( SwRect& io_aSwRect, const OutputDevice &aOut )
    2290             : {
    2291             :     // local constant object of class <Size> to determine number of Twips
    2292             :     // representing a pixel.
    2293       12710 :     const Size aTwipToPxSize( aOut.PixelToLogic( Size( 1,1 )) );
    2294             : 
    2295             :     // local object of class <Rectangle> in Twip coordinates
    2296             :     // calculated from given rectangle aligned to pixel centers.
    2297             :     const Rectangle aPxCenterRect = aOut.PixelToLogic(
    2298       12710 :             aOut.LogicToPixel( io_aSwRect.SVRect() ) );
    2299             : 
    2300             :     // local constant object of class <Rectangle> representing given rectangle
    2301             :     // in pixel.
    2302       12710 :     const Rectangle aOrgPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( io_aSwRect.SVRect() );
    2303             : 
    2304             :     // calculate adjusted rectangle from pixel centered rectangle.
    2305             :     // Due to rounding differences <aPxCenterRect> doesn't exactly represents
    2306             :     // the Twip-centers. Thus, adjust borders by half of pixel width/height plus 1.
    2307             :     // Afterwards, adjust calculated Twip-positions of the all borders.
    2308       12710 :     Rectangle aSizedRect = aPxCenterRect;
    2309       12710 :     aSizedRect.Left() -= (aTwipToPxSize.Width()/2 + 1);
    2310       12710 :     aSizedRect.Right() += (aTwipToPxSize.Width()/2 + 1);
    2311       12710 :     aSizedRect.Top() -= (aTwipToPxSize.Height()/2 + 1);
    2312       12710 :     aSizedRect.Bottom() += (aTwipToPxSize.Height()/2 + 1);
    2313             : 
    2314             :     // adjust left()
    2315       38208 :     while ( (aOut.LogicToPixel(aSizedRect)).Left() < aOrgPxRect.Left() )
    2316             :     {
    2317       12788 :         ++aSizedRect.Left();
    2318             :     }
    2319             :     // adjust right()
    2320       38316 :     while ( (aOut.LogicToPixel(aSizedRect)).Right() > aOrgPxRect.Right() )
    2321             :     {
    2322       12896 :         --aSizedRect.Right();
    2323             :     }
    2324             :     // adjust top()
    2325       38238 :     while ( (aOut.LogicToPixel(aSizedRect)).Top() < aOrgPxRect.Top() )
    2326             :     {
    2327       12818 :         ++aSizedRect.Top();
    2328             :     }
    2329             :     // adjust bottom()
    2330       38296 :     while ( (aOut.LogicToPixel(aSizedRect)).Bottom() > aOrgPxRect.Bottom() )
    2331             :     {
    2332       12876 :         --aSizedRect.Bottom();
    2333             :     }
    2334             : 
    2335       12710 :     io_aSwRect = SwRect( aSizedRect );
    2336             : 
    2337             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
    2338             :     Rectangle aTestOrgPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( io_aSwRect.SVRect() );
    2339             :     Rectangle aTestNewPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( aSizedRect );
    2340             :     OSL_ENSURE( aTestOrgPxRect == aTestNewPxRect,
    2341             :             "Error in lcl_AlignRectToPixelSize(..): Adjusted rectangle has incorrect position or size");
    2342             :     // check Left()
    2343             :     --aSizedRect.Left();
    2344             :     aTestNewPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( aSizedRect );
    2345             :     OSL_ENSURE( aTestOrgPxRect.Left() >= (aTestNewPxRect.Left()+1),
    2346             :             "Error in lcl_AlignRectToPixelSize(..): Left() not correct adjusted");
    2347             :     ++aSizedRect.Left();
    2348             :     // check Right()
    2349             :     ++aSizedRect.Right();
    2350             :     aTestNewPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( aSizedRect );
    2351             :     OSL_ENSURE( aTestOrgPxRect.Right() <= (aTestNewPxRect.Right()-1),
    2352             :             "Error in lcl_AlignRectToPixelSize(..): Right() not correct adjusted");
    2353             :     --aSizedRect.Right();
    2354             :     // check Top()
    2355             :     --aSizedRect.Top();
    2356             :     aTestNewPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( aSizedRect );
    2357             :     OSL_ENSURE( aTestOrgPxRect.Top() >= (aTestNewPxRect.Top()+1),
    2358             :             "Error in lcl_AlignRectToPixelSize(..): Top() not correct adjusted");
    2359             :     ++aSizedRect.Top();
    2360             :     // check Bottom()
    2361             :     ++aSizedRect.Bottom();
    2362             :     aTestNewPxRect = aOut.LogicToPixel( aSizedRect );
    2363             :     OSL_ENSURE( aTestOrgPxRect.Bottom() <= (aTestNewPxRect.Bottom()-1),
    2364             :             "Error in lcl_AlignRectToPixelSize(..): Bottom() not correct adjusted");
    2365             :     --aSizedRect.Bottom();
    2366             : #endif
    2367       12710 : }
    2368             : 
    2370             : 
    2371             : struct SwLineEntry
    2372             : {
    2373             :     SwTwips mnKey;
    2374             :     SwTwips mnStartPos;
    2375             :     SwTwips mnEndPos;
    2376             :     SwTwips mnOffset;
    2377             : 
    2378             :     bool mbOffsetPerp;
    2379             :     bool mbOffsetStart;
    2380             :     bool mbOffsetEnd;
    2381             : 
    2382             :     svx::frame::Style maAttribute;
    2383             : 
    2384             :     enum OverlapType { NO_OVERLAP, OVERLAP1, OVERLAP2, OVERLAP3 };
    2385             : 
    2386             : public:
    2387             :     SwLineEntry( SwTwips nKey,
    2388             :                  SwTwips nStartPos,
    2389             :                  SwTwips nEndPos,
    2390             :                  const svx::frame::Style& rAttribute );
    2391             : 
    2392             :     OverlapType Overlaps( const SwLineEntry& rComp ) const;
    2393             : };
    2394             : 
    2395       90872 : SwLineEntry::SwLineEntry( SwTwips nKey,
    2396             :                           SwTwips nStartPos,
    2397             :                           SwTwips nEndPos,
    2398             :                           const svx::frame::Style& rAttribute )
    2399             :     :   mnKey( nKey ),
    2400             :         mnStartPos( nStartPos ),
    2401             :         mnEndPos( nEndPos ),
    2402             :         mnOffset( 0 ),
    2403             :         mbOffsetPerp(false),
    2404             :         mbOffsetStart(false),
    2405             :         mbOffsetEnd(false),
    2406       90872 :         maAttribute( rAttribute )
    2407             : {
    2408       90872 : }
    2409             : 
    2410             : /*
    2411             : 
    2412             :  1. ----------    rOld
    2413             :        ---------- rNew
    2414             : 
    2415             :  2. ----------    rOld
    2416             :     ------------- rNew
    2417             : 
    2418             :  3.    -------    rOld
    2419             :     ------------- rNew
    2420             : 
    2421             :  4. ------------- rOld
    2422             :        ---------- rNew
    2423             : 
    2424             :  5. ----------    rOld
    2425             :        ----       rNew
    2426             : 
    2427             :  6. ----------    rOld
    2428             :     ----------    rNew
    2429             : 
    2430             :  7. ------------- rOld
    2431             :     ----------    rNew
    2432             : 
    2433             :  8.    ---------- rOld
    2434             :     ------------- rNew
    2435             : 
    2436             :  9.    ---------- rOld
    2437             :     ----------    rNew
    2438             : */
    2439             : 
    2440      108592 : SwLineEntry::OverlapType SwLineEntry::Overlaps( const SwLineEntry& rNew )  const
    2441             : {
    2442      108592 :     SwLineEntry::OverlapType eRet = OVERLAP3;
    2443             : 
    2444      108592 :     if ( mnStartPos >= rNew.mnEndPos || mnEndPos <= rNew.mnStartPos )
    2445       92768 :         eRet = NO_OVERLAP;
    2446             : 
    2447             :     // 1, 2, 3
    2448       15824 :     else if ( mnEndPos < rNew.mnEndPos )
    2449         276 :         eRet = OVERLAP1;
    2450             : 
    2451             :     // 4, 5, 6, 7
    2452       15548 :     else if ( mnStartPos <= rNew.mnStartPos && mnEndPos >= rNew.mnEndPos )
    2453       15544 :         eRet = OVERLAP2;
    2454             : 
    2455             :     // 8, 9
    2456      108592 :     return eRet;
    2457             : }
    2458             : 
    2459             : struct lt_SwLineEntry
    2460             : {
    2461      150422 :     bool operator()( const SwLineEntry& e1, const SwLineEntry& e2 ) const
    2462             :     {
    2463      150422 :         return e1.mnStartPos < e2.mnStartPos;
    2464             :     }
    2465             : };
    2466             : 
    2467             : typedef std::set< SwLineEntry, lt_SwLineEntry > SwLineEntrySet;
    2468             : typedef std::set< SwLineEntry, lt_SwLineEntry >::iterator SwLineEntrySetIter;
    2469             : typedef std::set< SwLineEntry, lt_SwLineEntry >::const_iterator SwLineEntrySetConstIter;
    2470             : typedef std::map< SwTwips, SwLineEntrySet > SwLineEntryMap;
    2471             : typedef std::map< SwTwips, SwLineEntrySet >::iterator SwLineEntryMapIter;
    2472             : typedef std::map< SwTwips, SwLineEntrySet >::const_iterator SwLineEntryMapConstIter;
    2473             : 
    2474         925 : class SwTabFrmPainter
    2475             : {
    2476             :     SwLineEntryMap maVertLines;
    2477             :     SwLineEntryMap maHoriLines;
    2478             :     const SwTabFrm& mrTabFrm;
    2479             : 
    2480             :     void Insert( SwLineEntry&, bool bHori );
    2481             :     void Insert( const SwFrm& rFrm, const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem );
    2482             :     void HandleFrame( const SwLayoutFrm& rFrm );
    2483             :     void FindStylesForLine( const Point&,
    2484             :                             const Point&,
    2485             :                             svx::frame::Style*,
    2486             :                             bool bHori ) const;
    2487             : 
    2488             :     void AdjustTopLeftFrames();
    2489             : 
    2490             : public:
    2491             :     SwTabFrmPainter( const SwTabFrm& rTabFrm );
    2492             : 
    2493             :     void PaintLines( OutputDevice& rDev, const SwRect& rRect ) const;
    2494             : };
    2495             : 
    2496         925 : SwTabFrmPainter::SwTabFrmPainter( const SwTabFrm& rTabFrm )
    2497         925 :     : mrTabFrm( rTabFrm )
    2498             : {
    2499         925 :     HandleFrame( rTabFrm );
    2500         925 :     AdjustTopLeftFrames();
    2501         925 : }
    2502             : 
    2503       15757 : void SwTabFrmPainter::HandleFrame( const SwLayoutFrm& rLayoutFrm )
    2504             : {
    2505             :     // Add border lines of cell frames. Skip covered cells. Skip cells
    2506             :     // in special row span row, which do not have a negative row span:
    2507       15757 :     if ( rLayoutFrm.IsCellFrm() && !rLayoutFrm.IsCoveredCell() )
    2508             :     {
    2509       10919 :         const SwCellFrm* pThisCell = static_cast<const SwCellFrm*>(&rLayoutFrm);
    2510       10919 :         const SwRowFrm* pRowFrm = static_cast<const SwRowFrm*>(pThisCell->GetUpper());
    2511       10919 :         const long nRowSpan = pThisCell->GetTabBox()->getRowSpan();
    2512       10919 :         if ( !pRowFrm->IsRowSpanLine() || nRowSpan > 1 || nRowSpan < -1 )
    2513             :         {
    2514       10919 :             SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), &rLayoutFrm );
    2515       10919 :             const SwBorderAttrs& rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    2516       10919 :             const SvxBoxItem& rBox = rAttrs.GetBox();
    2517       10919 :             Insert( rLayoutFrm, rBox );
    2518             :         }
    2519             :     }
    2520             : 
    2521             :     // Recurse into lower layout frames, but do not recurse into lower tabframes.
    2522       15757 :     const SwFrm* pLower = rLayoutFrm.Lower();
    2523       58489 :     while ( pLower )
    2524             :     {
    2525       26975 :         const SwLayoutFrm* pLowerLayFrm = dynamic_cast<const SwLayoutFrm*>(pLower);
    2526       26975 :         if ( pLowerLayFrm && !pLowerLayFrm->IsTabFrm() )
    2527       14832 :             HandleFrame( *pLowerLayFrm );
    2528             : 
    2529       26975 :         pLower = pLower->GetNext();
    2530             :     }
    2531       15757 : }
    2532             : 
    2533         925 : void SwTabFrmPainter::PaintLines(OutputDevice& rDev, const SwRect& rRect) const
    2534             : {
    2535             :     // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    2536         925 :     SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, rDev );
    2537             : 
    2538         925 :     SwLineEntryMapConstIter aIter = maHoriLines.begin();
    2539         925 :     bool bHori = true;
    2540             : 
    2541             :     // color for subsidiary lines:
    2542         925 :     const Color& rCol( SwViewOption::GetTableBoundariesColor() );
    2543             : 
    2544             :     // high contrast mode:
    2545             :     // overrides the color of non-subsidiary lines.
    2546         925 :     const Color* pHCColor = 0;
    2547         925 :     sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = rDev.GetDrawMode();
    2548        1848 :     if( pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    2549         923 :         Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    2550             :     {
    2551           0 :         pHCColor = &SwViewOption::GetFontColor();
    2552           0 :         rDev.SetDrawMode( 0 );
    2553             :     }
    2554             : 
    2555         925 :     const SwFrm* pUpper = mrTabFrm.GetUpper();
    2556         925 :     SwRect aUpper( pUpper->Prt() );
    2557         925 :     aUpper.Pos() += pUpper->Frm().Pos();
    2558         925 :     SwRect aUpperAligned( aUpper );
    2559         925 :     ::SwAlignRect( aUpperAligned, pGlobalShell );
    2560             : 
    2561             :     while ( true )
    2562             :     {
    2563        9401 :         if ( bHori && aIter == maHoriLines.end() )
    2564             :         {
    2565         925 :             aIter = maVertLines.begin();
    2566         925 :             bHori = false;
    2567             :         }
    2568             : 
    2569        9401 :         if ( !bHori && aIter == maVertLines.end() )
    2570         925 :             break;
    2571             : 
    2572        8476 :         const SwLineEntrySet& rEntrySet = (*aIter).second;
    2573      110976 :         for (SwLineEntrySetConstIter aSetIter = rEntrySet.begin();
    2574       73984 :                  aSetIter != rEntrySet.end(); ++aSetIter)
    2575             :         {
    2576       28516 :             const SwLineEntry& rEntry = *aSetIter;
    2577       28516 :             const svx::frame::Style& rEntryStyle( (*aSetIter).maAttribute );
    2578             : 
    2579       28516 :             Point aStart, aEnd;
    2580       28516 :             if ( bHori )
    2581             :             {
    2582       13716 :                 aStart.X() = rEntry.mnStartPos;
    2583       13716 :                 aStart.Y() = rEntry.mnKey;
    2584       13716 :                 aEnd.X() = rEntry.mnEndPos;
    2585       13716 :                 aEnd.Y() = rEntry.mnKey;
    2586             :             }
    2587             :             else
    2588             :             {
    2589       14800 :                 aStart.X() = rEntry.mnKey;
    2590       14800 :                 aStart.Y() = rEntry.mnStartPos;
    2591       14800 :                 aEnd.X() = rEntry.mnKey;
    2592       14800 :                 aEnd.Y() = rEntry.mnEndPos;
    2593             :             }
    2594             : 
    2595       28516 :             svx::frame::Style aStyles[ 7 ];
    2596       28516 :             aStyles[ 0 ] = rEntryStyle;
    2597       28516 :             FindStylesForLine( aStart, aEnd, aStyles, bHori );
    2598             : 
    2599             :             // Account for double line thicknesses for the top- and left-most borders.
    2600       28516 :             if (rEntry.mnOffset)
    2601             :             {
    2602          34 :                 if (bHori)
    2603             :                 {
    2604          24 :                     if (rEntry.mbOffsetPerp)
    2605             :                     {
    2606             :                         // Apply offset in perpendicular direction.
    2607          24 :                         aStart.Y() -= rEntry.mnOffset;
    2608          24 :                         aEnd.Y() -= rEntry.mnOffset;
    2609             :                     }
    2610          24 :                     if (rEntry.mbOffsetStart)
    2611             :                         // Apply offset at the start of a border.
    2612           8 :                         aStart.X() -= rEntry.mnOffset;
    2613          24 :                     if (rEntry.mbOffsetEnd)
    2614             :                         // Apply offset at the end of a border.
    2615           8 :                         aEnd.X() += rEntry.mnOffset;
    2616             :                 }
    2617             :                 else
    2618             :                 {
    2619          10 :                     if (rEntry.mbOffsetPerp)
    2620             :                     {
    2621             :                         // Apply offset in perpendicular direction.
    2622          10 :                         aStart.X() -= rEntry.mnOffset;
    2623          10 :                         aEnd.X() -= rEntry.mnOffset;
    2624             :                     }
    2625          10 :                     if (rEntry.mbOffsetStart)
    2626             :                         // Apply offset at the start of a border.
    2627           6 :                         aStart.Y() -= rEntry.mnOffset;
    2628          10 :                     if (rEntry.mbOffsetEnd)
    2629             :                         // Apply offset at the end of a border.
    2630           6 :                         aEnd.Y() += rEntry.mnOffset;
    2631             :                 }
    2632             :             }
    2633             : 
    2634       28516 :             SwRect aRepaintRect( aStart, aEnd );
    2635             : 
    2636             :             // the repaint rectangle has to be moved a bit for the centered lines:
    2637       28516 :             SwTwips nRepaintRectSize = !rEntryStyle.GetWidth() ? 1 : rEntryStyle.GetWidth();
    2638       28516 :             if ( bHori )
    2639             :             {
    2640       13716 :                 aRepaintRect.Height( 2 * nRepaintRectSize );
    2641       13716 :                 aRepaintRect.Pos().Y() -= nRepaintRectSize;
    2642             :             }
    2643             :             else
    2644             :             {
    2645       14800 :                 aRepaintRect.Width( 2 * nRepaintRectSize );
    2646       14800 :                 aRepaintRect.Pos().X() -= nRepaintRectSize;
    2647             :             }
    2648             : 
    2649       28516 :             if (!rRect.IsOver(aRepaintRect))
    2650             :             {
    2651       15946 :                 continue;
    2652             :             }
    2653             : 
    2654             :             // subsidiary lines
    2655       12570 :             const Color* pTmpColor = 0;
    2656       12570 :             if (0 == aStyles[ 0 ].GetWidth())
    2657             :             {
    2658         950 :                 if (isTableBoundariesEnabled() && pGlobalShell->GetWin())
    2659         950 :                     aStyles[ 0 ].Set( rCol, rCol, rCol, false, 1, 0, 0 );
    2660             :                 else
    2661           0 :                     aStyles[0].SetType(table::BorderLineStyle::NONE);
    2662             :             }
    2663             :             else
    2664       11620 :                 pTmpColor = pHCColor;
    2665             : 
    2666             :             // The (twip) positions will be adjusted to meet these requirements:
    2667             :             // 1. The y coordinates are located in the middle of the pixel grid
    2668             :             // 2. The x coordinated are located at the beginning of the pixel grid
    2669             :             // This is done, because the horizontal lines are painted "at
    2670             :             // beginning", whereas the vertical lines are painted "centered".
    2671             :             // By making the line sizes a multiple of one pixel size, we can
    2672             :             // assure that all lines having the same twip size have the same
    2673             :             // pixel size, independent of their position on the screen.
    2674       12570 :             Point aPaintStart = rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel(aStart) );
    2675       12570 :             Point aPaintEnd = rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel(aEnd) );
    2676             : 
    2677       12570 :             if (pGlobalShell->GetWin())
    2678             :             {
    2679             :                 // The table borders do not use SwAlignRect, but all the other frames do.
    2680             :                 // Therefore we tweak the outer borders a bit to achieve that the outer
    2681             :                 // borders match the subsidiary lines of the upper:
    2682       12560 :                 if (aStart.X() == aUpper.Left())
    2683        2863 :                     aPaintStart.X() = aUpperAligned.Left();
    2684        9697 :                 else if (aStart.X() == aUpper._Right())
    2685         138 :                     aPaintStart.X() = aUpperAligned._Right();
    2686       12560 :                 if (aStart.Y() == aUpper.Top())
    2687        1920 :                     aPaintStart.Y() = aUpperAligned.Top();
    2688       10640 :                 else if (aStart.Y() == aUpper._Bottom())
    2689          16 :                     aPaintStart.Y() = aUpperAligned._Bottom();
    2690             : 
    2691       12560 :                 if (aEnd.X() == aUpper.Left())
    2692        1177 :                     aPaintEnd.X() = aUpperAligned.Left();
    2693       11383 :                 else if (aEnd.X() == aUpper._Right())
    2694         830 :                     aPaintEnd.X() = aUpperAligned._Right();
    2695       12560 :                 if (aEnd.Y() == aUpper.Top())
    2696         760 :                     aPaintEnd.Y() = aUpperAligned.Top();
    2697       11800 :                 else if (aEnd.Y() == aUpper._Bottom())
    2698          32 :                     aPaintEnd.Y() = aUpperAligned._Bottom();
    2699             :             }
    2700             : 
    2701             :             // logically vertical lines are painted centered on the line,
    2702             :             // logically horizontal lines are painted "below" the line
    2703       12570 :             bool const isBelow((mrTabFrm.IsVertical()) ? !bHori : bHori);
    2704             :             double const offsetStart = (isBelow)
    2705        6550 :                 ?   aStyles[0].GetWidth() / 2.0
    2706        6020 :                 :   std::max<double>(aStyles[1].GetWidth(),
    2707       25140 :                         aStyles[3].GetWidth()) / 2.0;
    2708             :             double const offsetEnd = (isBelow)
    2709        6550 :                 ?   aStyles[0].GetWidth() / 2.0
    2710        6020 :                 :   std::max<double>(aStyles[4].GetWidth(),
    2711       25140 :                         aStyles[6].GetWidth()) / 2.0;
    2712       12570 :             if (mrTabFrm.IsVertical())
    2713             :             {
    2714           0 :                 aPaintStart.X() -= static_cast<long>(offsetStart + 0.5);
    2715           0 :                 aPaintEnd.X()   -= static_cast<long>(offsetEnd   + 0.5);
    2716             :             }
    2717             :             else
    2718             :             {
    2719       12570 :                 aPaintStart.Y() += static_cast<long>(offsetStart + 0.5);
    2720       12570 :                 aPaintEnd.Y()   += static_cast<long>(offsetEnd   + 0.5);
    2721             :             }
    2722             : 
    2723       12570 :             if (bHori)
    2724             :             {
    2725             :                 mrTabFrm.ProcessPrimitives( svx::frame::CreateBorderPrimitives(
    2726             :                     aPaintStart,
    2727             :                     aPaintEnd,
    2728             :                     aStyles[ 0 ],   // current style
    2729             :                     aStyles[ 1 ],   // aLFromT
    2730             :                     aStyles[ 2 ],   // aLFromL
    2731             :                     aStyles[ 3 ],   // aLFromB
    2732             :                     aStyles[ 4 ],   // aRFromT
    2733             :                     aStyles[ 5 ],   // aRFromR
    2734             :                     aStyles[ 6 ],   // aRFromB
    2735             :                     pTmpColor)
    2736        6550 :                 );
    2737             :             }
    2738             :             else
    2739             :             {
    2740             :                 mrTabFrm.ProcessPrimitives( svx::frame::CreateBorderPrimitives(
    2741             :                     aPaintEnd,
    2742             :                     aPaintStart,
    2743             :                     aStyles[ 0 ],   // current style
    2744             :                     aStyles[ 4 ],   // aBFromL
    2745             :                     aStyles[ 5 ],   // aBFromB
    2746             :                     aStyles[ 6 ],   // aBFromR
    2747             :                     aStyles[ 1 ],   // aTFromL
    2748             :                     aStyles[ 2 ],   // aTFromT
    2749             :                     aStyles[ 3 ],   // aTFromR
    2750             :                     pTmpColor)
    2751        6020 :                 );
    2752             :             }
    2753             :         }
    2754             : 
    2755        8476 :         ++aIter;
    2756             :     }
    2757             : 
    2758             :     // restore output device:
    2759         925 :     rDev.SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
    2760         925 : }
    2761             : 
    2762             : /**
    2763             :  * Finds the lines that join the line defined by (StartPoint, EndPoint) in either
    2764             :  * StartPoint or Endpoint. The styles of these lines are required for DR's magic
    2765             :  * line painting functions
    2766             :  */
    2767       28516 : void SwTabFrmPainter::FindStylesForLine( const Point& rStartPoint,
    2768             :                                          const Point& rEndPoint,
    2769             :                                          svx::frame::Style* pStyles,
    2770             :                                          bool bHori ) const
    2771             : {
    2772             :     // pStyles[ 1 ] = bHori ? aLFromT : TFromL
    2773             :     // pStyles[ 2 ] = bHori ? aLFromL : TFromT,
    2774             :     // pStyles[ 3 ] = bHori ? aLFromB : TFromR,
    2775             :     // pStyles[ 4 ] = bHori ? aRFromT : BFromL,
    2776             :     // pStyles[ 5 ] = bHori ? aRFromR : BFromB,
    2777             :     // pStyles[ 6 ] = bHori ? aRFromB : BFromR,
    2778             : 
    2779       28516 :     SwLineEntryMapConstIter aMapIter = maVertLines.find( rStartPoint.X() );
    2780             :     OSL_ENSURE( aMapIter != maVertLines.end(), "FindStylesForLine: Error" );
    2781       28516 :     const SwLineEntrySet& rVertSet = (*aMapIter).second;
    2782       28516 :     SwLineEntrySetConstIter aIter = rVertSet.begin();
    2783             : 
    2784      246122 :     while ( aIter != rVertSet.end() )
    2785             :     {
    2786      189090 :         const SwLineEntry& rEntry = *aIter;
    2787      189090 :         if ( bHori )
    2788             :         {
    2789       85094 :             if ( rStartPoint.Y() == rEntry.mnStartPos )
    2790       10923 :                 pStyles[ 3 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2791       74171 :             else if ( rStartPoint.Y() == rEntry.mnEndPos )
    2792       10923 :                 pStyles[ 1 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2793             :         }
    2794             :         else
    2795             :         {
    2796      103996 :             if ( rStartPoint.Y() == rEntry.mnEndPos )
    2797       11082 :                 pStyles[ 2 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2798       92914 :             else if ( rEndPoint.Y() == rEntry.mnStartPos )
    2799       11082 :                 pStyles[ 5 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2800             :         }
    2801      189090 :         ++aIter;
    2802             :     }
    2803             : 
    2804       28516 :     aMapIter = maHoriLines.find( rStartPoint.Y() );
    2805             :     OSL_ENSURE( aMapIter != maHoriLines.end(), "FindStylesForLine: Error" );
    2806       28516 :     const SwLineEntrySet& rHoriSet = (*aMapIter).second;
    2807       28516 :     aIter = rHoriSet.begin();
    2808             : 
    2809      160936 :     while ( aIter != rHoriSet.end() )
    2810             :     {
    2811      103904 :         const SwLineEntry& rEntry = *aIter;
    2812      103904 :         if ( bHori )
    2813             :         {
    2814       52012 :             if ( rStartPoint.X() == rEntry.mnEndPos )
    2815        8914 :                 pStyles[ 2 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2816       43098 :             else if ( rEndPoint.X() == rEntry.mnStartPos )
    2817        8914 :                 pStyles[ 5 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2818             :         }
    2819             :         else
    2820             :         {
    2821       51892 :             if ( rStartPoint.X() == rEntry.mnEndPos )
    2822       10923 :                 pStyles[ 1 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2823       40969 :             else if ( rStartPoint.X() == rEntry.mnStartPos )
    2824       10923 :                 pStyles[ 3 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2825             :         }
    2826      103904 :         ++aIter;
    2827             :     }
    2828             : 
    2829       28516 :     if ( bHori )
    2830             :     {
    2831       13716 :         aMapIter = maVertLines.find( rEndPoint.X() );
    2832             :         OSL_ENSURE( aMapIter != maVertLines.end(), "FindStylesForLine: Error" );
    2833       13716 :         const SwLineEntrySet& rVertSet2 = (*aMapIter).second;
    2834       13716 :         aIter = rVertSet2.begin();
    2835             : 
    2836      112552 :         while ( aIter != rVertSet2.end() )
    2837             :         {
    2838       85120 :             const SwLineEntry& rEntry = *aIter;
    2839       85120 :             if ( rEndPoint.Y() == rEntry.mnStartPos )
    2840       10923 :                 pStyles[ 6 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2841       74197 :             else if ( rEndPoint.Y() == rEntry.mnEndPos )
    2842       10923 :                 pStyles[ 4 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2843       85120 :             ++aIter;
    2844             :         }
    2845             :     }
    2846             :     else
    2847             :     {
    2848       14800 :         aMapIter = maHoriLines.find( rEndPoint.Y() );
    2849             :         OSL_ENSURE( aMapIter != maHoriLines.end(), "FindStylesForLine: Error" );
    2850       14800 :         const SwLineEntrySet& rHoriSet2 = (*aMapIter).second;
    2851       14800 :         aIter = rHoriSet2.begin();
    2852             : 
    2853       81802 :         while ( aIter != rHoriSet2.end() )
    2854             :         {
    2855       52202 :             const SwLineEntry& rEntry = *aIter;
    2856       52202 :             if ( rEndPoint.X() == rEntry.mnEndPos )
    2857       10923 :                 pStyles[ 4 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2858       41279 :             else if ( rEndPoint.X() == rEntry.mnStartPos )
    2859       10923 :                 pStyles[ 6 ] = rEntry.maAttribute;
    2860       52202 :             ++aIter;
    2861             :         }
    2862             :     }
    2863       28516 : }
    2864             : 
    2865             : namespace {
    2866             : 
    2867        1850 : void calcOffsetForDoubleLine( SwLineEntryMap& rLines )
    2868             : {
    2869        1850 :     SwLineEntryMap aNewLines;
    2870        1850 :     SwLineEntryMap::iterator it = rLines.begin(), itEnd = rLines.end();
    2871        1850 :     bool bFirst = true;
    2872       10326 :     for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
    2873             :     {
    2874        8476 :         if (bFirst)
    2875             :         {
    2876             :             // First line needs to be offset to account for double line thickness.
    2877        1850 :             SwLineEntrySet aNewSet;
    2878        1850 :             const SwLineEntrySet& rSet = it->second;
    2879        1850 :             SwLineEntrySet::iterator itSet = rSet.begin(), itSetEnd = rSet.end();
    2880        1850 :             size_t nEntryCount = rSet.size();
    2881        8134 :             for (size_t i = 0; itSet != itSetEnd; ++itSet, ++i)
    2882             :             {
    2883        6284 :                 SwLineEntry aLine = *itSet;
    2884        6284 :                 if (aLine.maAttribute.Secn())
    2885             :                 {
    2886             :                     // Apply offset only for double lines.
    2887          34 :                     aLine.mnOffset = static_cast<SwTwips>(aLine.maAttribute.Dist());
    2888          34 :                     aLine.mbOffsetPerp = true;
    2889             : 
    2890          34 :                     if (i == 0)
    2891          14 :                         aLine.mbOffsetStart = true;
    2892          34 :                     if (i == nEntryCount - 1)
    2893          14 :                         aLine.mbOffsetEnd = true;
    2894             :                 }
    2895             : 
    2896        6284 :                 aNewSet.insert(aLine);
    2897             :             }
    2898             : 
    2899        1850 :             aNewLines.insert(SwLineEntryMap::value_type(it->first, aNewSet));
    2900             :         }
    2901             :         else
    2902        6626 :             aNewLines.insert(SwLineEntryMap::value_type(it->first, it->second));
    2903             : 
    2904        8476 :         bFirst = false;
    2905             :     }
    2906        1850 :     rLines.swap(aNewLines);
    2907        1850 : }
    2908             : 
    2909             : }
    2910             : 
    2911         925 : void SwTabFrmPainter::AdjustTopLeftFrames()
    2912             : {
    2913         925 :     calcOffsetForDoubleLine(maHoriLines);
    2914         925 :     calcOffsetForDoubleLine(maVertLines);
    2915         925 : }
    2916             : 
    2917             : /**
    2918             :  * Special case: #i9860#
    2919             :  * first line in follow table without repeated headlines
    2920             :  */
    2921       10919 : static bool lcl_IsFirstRowInFollowTableWithoutRepeatedHeadlines(
    2922             :         SwTabFrm const& rTabFrm, SwFrm const& rFrm, SvxBoxItem const& rBoxItem)
    2923             : {
    2924             :     SwRowFrm const*const pThisRowFrm =
    2925       10919 :         dynamic_cast<const SwRowFrm*>(rFrm.GetUpper());
    2926             :     return (pThisRowFrm
    2927       10919 :         && (pThisRowFrm->GetUpper() == &rTabFrm)
    2928       10919 :         && rTabFrm.IsFollow()
    2929         134 :         && !rTabFrm.GetTable()->GetRowsToRepeat()
    2930         134 :         &&  (  !pThisRowFrm->GetPrev()
    2931         240 :             || static_cast<const SwRowFrm*>(pThisRowFrm->GetPrev())
    2932         120 :                     ->IsRowSpanLine())
    2933          14 :         && !rBoxItem.GetTop()
    2934       10931 :         && rBoxItem.GetBottom());
    2935             : }
    2936             : 
    2937       10919 : void SwTabFrmPainter::Insert( const SwFrm& rFrm, const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem )
    2938             : {
    2939             :     // build 4 line entries for the 4 borders:
    2940       10919 :     SwRect aBorderRect = rFrm.Frm();
    2941       10919 :     if ( rFrm.IsTabFrm() )
    2942             :     {
    2943           0 :         aBorderRect = rFrm.Prt();
    2944           0 :         aBorderRect.Pos() += rFrm.Frm().Pos();
    2945             :     }
    2946             : 
    2947             :     bool const bBottomAsTop(lcl_IsFirstRowInFollowTableWithoutRepeatedHeadlines(
    2948       10919 :                 mrTabFrm, rFrm, rBoxItem));
    2949       10919 :     bool const bVert = mrTabFrm.IsVertical();
    2950       10919 :     bool const bR2L  = mrTabFrm.IsRightToLeft();
    2951             : 
    2952       10919 :     SwViewShell* pViewShell = mrTabFrm.getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    2953       10919 :     OutputDevice* pOutDev = pViewShell->GetOut();
    2954       10919 :     const MapMode& rMapMode = pOutDev->GetMapMode();
    2955       10919 :     const Fraction& rFracX = rMapMode.GetScaleX();
    2956       10919 :     const Fraction& rFracY = rMapMode.GetScaleY();
    2957             : 
    2958       10919 :     svx::frame::Style aL(rBoxItem.GetLeft());
    2959       10919 :     aL.SetPatternScale(rFracY);
    2960       10919 :     svx::frame::Style aR(rBoxItem.GetRight());
    2961       10919 :     aR.SetPatternScale(rFracY);
    2962       10919 :     svx::frame::Style aT(rBoxItem.GetTop());
    2963       10919 :     aT.SetPatternScale(rFracX);
    2964       10919 :     svx::frame::Style aB(rBoxItem.GetBottom());
    2965       10919 :     aB.SetPatternScale(rFracX);
    2966             : 
    2967       10919 :     aR.MirrorSelf();
    2968       10919 :     aB.MirrorSelf();
    2969             : 
    2970       10919 :     const SwTwips nLeft   = aBorderRect._Left();
    2971       10919 :     const SwTwips nRight  = aBorderRect._Right();
    2972       10919 :     const SwTwips nTop    = aBorderRect._Top();
    2973       10919 :     const SwTwips nBottom = aBorderRect._Bottom();
    2974             : 
    2975       10919 :     aL.SetRefMode( svx::frame::REFMODE_CENTERED );
    2976       10919 :     aR.SetRefMode( svx::frame::REFMODE_CENTERED );
    2977       10919 :     aT.SetRefMode( !bVert ? svx::frame::REFMODE_BEGIN : svx::frame::REFMODE_END );
    2978       10919 :     aB.SetRefMode( !bVert ? svx::frame::REFMODE_BEGIN : svx::frame::REFMODE_END );
    2979             : 
    2980             :     SwLineEntry aLeft  (nLeft,   nTop,  nBottom,
    2981       10919 :             (bVert) ? aB                         : ((bR2L) ? aR : aL));
    2982             :     SwLineEntry aRight (nRight,  nTop,  nBottom,
    2983       10919 :             (bVert) ? ((bBottomAsTop) ? aB : aT) : ((bR2L) ? aL : aR));
    2984             :     SwLineEntry aTop   (nTop,    nLeft, nRight,
    2985       10919 :             (bVert) ? aL                         : ((bBottomAsTop) ? aB : aT));
    2986             :     SwLineEntry aBottom(nBottom, nLeft, nRight,
    2987       10919 :             (bVert) ? aR                         : aB);
    2988             : 
    2989       10919 :     Insert( aLeft, false );
    2990       10919 :     Insert( aRight, false );
    2991       10919 :     Insert( aTop, true );
    2992       10919 :     Insert( aBottom, true );
    2993       10919 : }
    2994             : 
    2995       43676 : void SwTabFrmPainter::Insert( SwLineEntry& rNew, bool bHori )
    2996             : {
    2997             :     // get all lines from structure, that have key entry of pLE
    2998       43676 :     SwLineEntryMap* pLine2 = bHori ? &maHoriLines : &maVertLines;
    2999       43676 :     const SwTwips nKey = rNew.mnKey;
    3000       43676 :     SwLineEntryMapIter aMapIter = pLine2->find( nKey );
    3001             : 
    3002       43676 :     SwLineEntrySet* pLineSet = aMapIter != pLine2->end() ? &((*aMapIter).second) : 0;
    3003       43676 :     if ( !pLineSet )
    3004             :     {
    3005        8476 :         SwLineEntrySet aNewSet;
    3006        8476 :         (*pLine2)[ nKey ] = aNewSet;
    3007        8476 :         pLineSet = &(*pLine2)[ nKey ];
    3008             :     }
    3009       43676 :     SwLineEntrySetIter aIter = pLineSet->begin();
    3010             : 
    3011      180396 :     while ( aIter != pLineSet->end() && rNew.mnStartPos < rNew.mnEndPos )
    3012             :     {
    3013      108592 :         const SwLineEntry& rOld = *aIter;
    3014      108592 :         const SwLineEntry::OverlapType nOverlapType = rOld.Overlaps( rNew );
    3015             : 
    3016      108592 :         const svx::frame::Style& rOldAttr = rOld.maAttribute;
    3017      108592 :         const svx::frame::Style& rNewAttr = rNew.maAttribute;
    3018      108592 :         const svx::frame::Style& rCmpAttr = rNewAttr > rOldAttr ? rNewAttr : rOldAttr;
    3019             : 
    3020      108592 :         if ( SwLineEntry::OVERLAP1 == nOverlapType )
    3021             :         {
    3022             :             OSL_ENSURE( rNew.mnStartPos >= rOld.mnStartPos, "Overlap type 3? How this?" );
    3023             : 
    3024             :             // new left segment
    3025         276 :             const SwLineEntry aLeft( nKey, rOld.mnStartPos, rNew.mnStartPos, rOldAttr );
    3026             : 
    3027             :             // new middle segment
    3028         276 :             const SwLineEntry aMiddle( nKey, rNew.mnStartPos, rOld.mnEndPos, rCmpAttr );
    3029             : 
    3030             :             // new right segment
    3031         276 :             rNew.mnStartPos = rOld.mnEndPos;
    3032             : 
    3033             :             // update current lines set
    3034         276 :             pLineSet->erase( aIter );
    3035         276 :             if ( aLeft.mnStartPos   < aLeft.mnEndPos   ) pLineSet->insert( aLeft );
    3036         276 :             if ( aMiddle.mnStartPos < aMiddle.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aMiddle );
    3037             : 
    3038         276 :             aIter = pLineSet->begin();
    3039             : 
    3040         276 :             continue; // start over
    3041             :         }
    3042      108316 :         else if ( SwLineEntry::OVERLAP2 == nOverlapType )
    3043             :         {
    3044             :             // new left segment
    3045       15544 :             const SwLineEntry aLeft( nKey, rOld.mnStartPos, rNew.mnStartPos, rOldAttr );
    3046             : 
    3047             :             // new middle segment
    3048       15544 :             const SwLineEntry aMiddle( nKey, rNew.mnStartPos, rNew.mnEndPos, rCmpAttr );
    3049             : 
    3050             :             // new right segment
    3051       15544 :             const SwLineEntry aRight( nKey, rNew.mnEndPos, rOld.mnEndPos, rOldAttr );
    3052             : 
    3053             :             // update current lines set
    3054       15544 :             pLineSet->erase( aIter );
    3055       15544 :             if ( aLeft.mnStartPos < aLeft.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aLeft );
    3056       15544 :             if ( aMiddle.mnStartPos < aMiddle.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aMiddle );
    3057       15544 :             if ( aRight.mnStartPos < aRight.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aRight );
    3058             : 
    3059       15544 :             rNew.mnStartPos = rNew.mnEndPos; // rNew should not be inserted!
    3060             : 
    3061       15544 :             break; // we are finished
    3062             :         }
    3063       92772 :         else if ( SwLineEntry::OVERLAP3 == nOverlapType )
    3064             :         {
    3065             :             // new left segment
    3066           4 :             const SwLineEntry aLeft( nKey, rNew.mnStartPos, rOld.mnStartPos, rNewAttr );
    3067             : 
    3068             :             // new middle segment
    3069           4 :             const SwLineEntry aMiddle( nKey, rOld.mnStartPos, rNew.mnEndPos, rCmpAttr );
    3070             : 
    3071             :             // new right segment
    3072           4 :             const SwLineEntry aRight( nKey, rNew.mnEndPos, rOld.mnEndPos, rOldAttr );
    3073             : 
    3074             :             // update current lines set
    3075           4 :             pLineSet->erase( aIter );
    3076           4 :             if ( aLeft.mnStartPos < aLeft.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aLeft );
    3077           4 :             if ( aMiddle.mnStartPos < aMiddle.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aMiddle );
    3078           4 :             if ( aRight.mnStartPos < aRight.mnEndPos ) pLineSet->insert( aRight );
    3079             : 
    3080           4 :             rNew.mnStartPos = rNew.mnEndPos; // rNew should not be inserted!
    3081             : 
    3082           4 :             break; // we are finished
    3083             :         }
    3084             : 
    3085       92768 :         ++aIter;
    3086             :     }
    3087             : 
    3088       43676 :     if ( rNew.mnStartPos < rNew.mnEndPos ) // insert rest
    3089       28128 :         pLineSet->insert( rNew );
    3090       43676 : }
    3091             : 
    3092             : /**
    3094             :  * --> OD #i76669#
    3095             :  */
    3096             : namespace
    3097             : {
    3098             :     class SwViewObjectContactRedirector : public ::sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector
    3099             :     {
    3100             :         private:
    3101             :             const SwViewShell& mrViewShell;
    3102             : 
    3103             :         public:
    3104       12583 :             SwViewObjectContactRedirector( const SwViewShell& rSh )
    3105       12583 :                 : mrViewShell( rSh )
    3106       12583 :             {};
    3107             : 
    3108       12583 :             virtual ~SwViewObjectContactRedirector()
    3109       12583 :             {}
    3110             : 
    3111        5202 :             virtual drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence createRedirectedPrimitive2DSequence(
    3112             :                                     const sdr::contact::ViewObjectContact& rOriginal,
    3113             :                                     const sdr::contact::DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo) SAL_OVERRIDE
    3114             :             {
    3115        5202 :                 bool bPaint( true );
    3116             : 
    3117        5202 :                 SdrObject* pObj = rOriginal.GetViewContact().TryToGetSdrObject();
    3118        5202 :                 if ( pObj )
    3119             :                 {
    3120        5202 :                     bPaint = SwFlyFrm::IsPaint( pObj, &mrViewShell );
    3121             :                 }
    3122             : 
    3123        5202 :                 if ( !bPaint )
    3124             :                 {
    3125         324 :                     return drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence();
    3126             :                 }
    3127             : 
    3128             :                 return sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector::createRedirectedPrimitive2DSequence(
    3129        4878 :                                                         rOriginal, rDisplayInfo );
    3130             :             }
    3131             :     };
    3132             : 
    3133             : } // end of anonymous namespace
    3134             : // <--
    3135             : 
    3136             : /**
    3137             :  * Paint once for every visible page which is touched by Rect
    3138             :  *
    3139             :  * 1. Paint borders and backgrounds
    3140             :  * 2. Paint the draw layer (frames and drawing objects) that is
    3141             :  *    below the document (hell)
    3142             :  * 3. Paint the document content (text)
    3143             :  * 4. Paint the draw layer that is above the document
    3144             : |*/
    3145       12517 : void SwRootFrm::Paint(SwRect const& rRect, SwPrintData const*const pPrintData) const
    3146             : {
    3147             :     OSL_ENSURE( Lower() && Lower()->IsPageFrm(), "Lower of root is no page." );
    3148             : 
    3149             :     PROTOCOL( this, PROT_FILE_INIT, 0, 0)
    3150             : 
    3151       12517 :     bool bResetRootPaint = false;
    3152       12517 :     SwViewShell *pSh = pCurrShell;
    3153             : 
    3154       12517 :     if ( pSh->GetWin() )
    3155             :     {
    3156       11907 :         if ( pSh->GetOut() == pSh->GetWin() && !pSh->GetWin()->IsVisible() )
    3157             :         {
    3158           0 :             return;
    3159             :         }
    3160       11907 :         if ( SwRootFrm::bInPaint )
    3161             :         {
    3162           0 :             SwPaintQueue::Add( pSh, rRect );
    3163           0 :             return;
    3164             :         }
    3165             :     }
    3166             :     else
    3167         610 :         SwRootFrm::bInPaint = bResetRootPaint = true;
    3168             : 
    3169       12517 :     SwSavePaintStatics *pStatics = 0;
    3170       12517 :     if ( pGlobalShell )
    3171           0 :         pStatics = new SwSavePaintStatics();
    3172       12517 :     pGlobalShell = pSh;
    3173             : 
    3174       12517 :     if( !pSh->GetWin() )
    3175         610 :         pProgress = SfxProgress::GetActiveProgress( (SfxObjectShell*) pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocShell() );
    3176             : 
    3177       12517 :     ::SwCalcPixStatics( pSh->GetOut() );
    3178       12517 :     aGlobalRetoucheColor = pSh->Imp()->GetRetoucheColor();
    3179             : 
    3180             :     //Trigger an action to clear things up if needed.
    3181             :     //Using this trick we can ensure that all values are valid in all paints -
    3182             :     //no problems, no special case(s).
    3183             :     // #i92745#
    3184             :     // Extend check on certain states of the 'current' <SwViewShell> instance to
    3185             :     // all existing <SwViewShell> instances.
    3186       12517 :     bool bPerformLayoutAction( true );
    3187             :     {
    3188       12517 :         SwViewShell* pTmpViewShell = pSh;
    3189       12569 :         do {
    3190       28330 :             if ( pTmpViewShell->IsInEndAction() ||
    3191       25138 :                  pTmpViewShell->IsPaintInProgress() ||
    3192         662 :                  ( pTmpViewShell->Imp()->IsAction() &&
    3193           0 :                    pTmpViewShell->Imp()->GetLayAction().IsActionInProgress() ) )
    3194             :             {
    3195       11907 :                 bPerformLayoutAction = false;
    3196             :             }
    3197             : 
    3198       12569 :             pTmpViewShell = static_cast<SwViewShell*>(pTmpViewShell->GetNext());
    3199         662 :         } while ( bPerformLayoutAction && pTmpViewShell != pSh );
    3200             :     }
    3201       12517 :     if ( bPerformLayoutAction )
    3202             :     {
    3203         610 :         ((SwRootFrm*)this)->ResetTurbo();
    3204         610 :         SwLayAction aAction( (SwRootFrm*)this, pSh->Imp() );
    3205         610 :         aAction.SetPaint( false );
    3206         610 :         aAction.SetComplete( false );
    3207         610 :         aAction.SetReschedule( pProgress != nullptr );
    3208         610 :         aAction.Action();
    3209         610 :         ((SwRootFrm*)this)->ResetTurboFlag();
    3210         610 :         if ( !pSh->ActionPend() )
    3211         610 :             pSh->Imp()->DelRegion();
    3212             :     }
    3213             : 
    3214       12517 :     SwRect aRect( rRect );
    3215       12517 :     aRect.Intersection( pSh->VisArea() );
    3216             : 
    3217       12517 :     const bool bExtraData = ::IsExtraData( GetFmt()->GetDoc() );
    3218             : 
    3219       12517 :     pLines = new SwLineRects;   //Container for borders.
    3220             : 
    3221             :     // #104289#. During painting, something (OLE) can
    3222             :     // load the linguistic, which in turn can cause a reformat
    3223             :     // of the document. Dangerous! We better set this flag to
    3224             :     // avoid the reformat.
    3225       12517 :     const bool bOldAction = IsCallbackActionEnabled();
    3226       12517 :     ((SwRootFrm*)this)->SetCallbackActionEnabled( false );
    3227             : 
    3228       12517 :     const SwPageFrm *pPage = pSh->Imp()->GetFirstVisPage();
    3229             : 
    3230       12517 :     const bool bBookMode = pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsViewLayoutBookMode();
    3231       12517 :     if ( bBookMode && pPage->GetPrev() && static_cast<const SwPageFrm*>(pPage->GetPrev())->IsEmptyPage() )
    3232           0 :         pPage = static_cast<const SwPageFrm*>(pPage->GetPrev());
    3233             : 
    3234             :     // #i68597#
    3235       12517 :     const bool bGridPainting(pSh->GetWin() && pSh->Imp()->HasDrawView() && pSh->Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsGridVisible());
    3236             : 
    3237             :     // Hide all page break controls before showing them again
    3238       12517 :     SwWrtShell* pWrtSh = dynamic_cast< SwWrtShell* >( pGlobalShell );
    3239       12517 :     if ( pWrtSh )
    3240             :     {
    3241       11907 :         SwEditWin& rEditWin = pWrtSh->GetView().GetEditWin();
    3242       11907 :         SwFrameControlsManager& rMngr = rEditWin.GetFrameControlsManager();
    3243       11907 :         const SwPageFrm* pHiddenPage = pPage;
    3244       30062 :         while ( pHiddenPage->GetPrev() != NULL )
    3245             :         {
    3246        6248 :             pHiddenPage = static_cast< const SwPageFrm* >( pHiddenPage->GetPrev() );
    3247        6248 :             SwFrameControlPtr pControl = rMngr.GetControl( PageBreak, pHiddenPage );
    3248        6248 :             if ( pControl.get() )
    3249           8 :                 pControl->ShowAll( false );
    3250        6248 :         }
    3251             :     }
    3252             : 
    3253             :     // #i76669#
    3254       12517 :     SwViewObjectContactRedirector aSwRedirector( *pSh );
    3255             : 
    3256       39703 :     while ( pPage )
    3257             :     {
    3258       14669 :         const bool bPaintRightShadow =  pPage->IsRightShadowNeeded();
    3259       14669 :         const bool bPaintLeftShadow = pPage->IsLeftShadowNeeded();
    3260       14669 :         const bool bRightSidebar = pPage->SidebarPosition() == sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT;
    3261             : 
    3262       14669 :         if ( !pPage->IsEmptyPage() )
    3263             :         {
    3264       14621 :             SwRect aPaintRect;
    3265       14621 :             SwPageFrm::GetBorderAndShadowBoundRect( pPage->Frm(), pSh, aPaintRect,
    3266       29242 :                 bPaintLeftShadow, bPaintRightShadow, bRightSidebar );
    3267             : 
    3268       14621 :             if ( aRect.IsOver( aPaintRect ) )
    3269             :             {
    3270       12710 :                 if ( pSh->GetWin() )
    3271             :                 {
    3272       12100 :                     pSubsLines = new SwSubsRects;
    3273       12100 :                     pSpecSubsLines = new SwSubsRects;
    3274             :                 }
    3275       12710 :                 g_pBorderLines = new BorderLines;
    3276             : 
    3277       12710 :                 aPaintRect._Intersection( aRect );
    3278             : 
    3279       13171 :                 if ( bExtraData &&
    3280       13171 :                      pSh->GetWin() && pSh->IsInEndAction() )
    3281             :                 {
    3282             :                     // enlarge paint rectangle to complete page width, subtract
    3283             :                     // current paint area and invalidate the resulting region.
    3284         461 :                     SWRECTFN( pPage )
    3285         461 :                     SwRect aPageRectTemp( aPaintRect );
    3286             :                     (aPageRectTemp.*fnRect->fnSetLeftAndWidth)(
    3287         922 :                          (pPage->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetLeft)(),
    3288        1383 :                          (pPage->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)() );
    3289         461 :                     aPageRectTemp._Intersection( pSh->VisArea() );
    3290         461 :                     vcl::Region aPageRectRegion( aPageRectTemp.SVRect() );
    3291         461 :                     aPageRectRegion.Exclude( aPaintRect.SVRect() );
    3292         461 :                     pSh->GetWin()->Invalidate( aPageRectRegion, INVALIDATE_CHILDREN );
    3293             :                 }
    3294             : 
    3295             :                 // #i80793#
    3296             :                 // enlarge paint rectangle for objects overlapping the same pixel
    3297             :                 // in all cases and before the DrawingLayer overlay is initialized.
    3298       12710 :                 lcl_AdjustRectToPixelSize( aPaintRect, *(pSh->GetOut()) );
    3299             : 
    3300             :                 // #i68597#
    3301             :                 // moved paint pre-process for DrawingLayer overlay here since the above
    3302             :                 // code dependent from bExtraData may expand the PaintRect
    3303             :                 {
    3304             :                     // #i75172# if called from SwViewShell::ImplEndAction it sould no longer
    3305             :                     // really be used but handled by SwViewShell::ImplEndAction already
    3306       12710 :                     const vcl::Region aDLRegion(aPaintRect.SVRect());
    3307       12710 :                     pSh->DLPrePaint2(aDLRegion);
    3308             :                 }
    3309             : 
    3310       12710 :                 if(OUTDEV_WINDOW == pGlobalShell->GetOut()->GetOutDevType())
    3311             :                 {
    3312             :                     // OD 27.09.2002 #103636# - changed method SwLayVout::Enter(..)
    3313             :                     // 2nd parameter is no longer <const> and will be set to the
    3314             :                     // rectangle the virtual output device is calculated from <aPaintRect>,
    3315             :                     // if the virtual output is used.
    3316           0 :                     pVout->Enter( pSh, aPaintRect, !bNoVirDev );
    3317             : 
    3318             :                     // OD 27.09.2002 #103636# - adjust paint rectangle to pixel size
    3319             :                     // Thus, all objects overlapping on pixel level with the unadjusted
    3320             :                     // paint rectangle will be considered in the paint.
    3321           0 :                     lcl_AdjustRectToPixelSize( aPaintRect, *(pSh->GetOut()) );
    3322             :                 }
    3323             : 
    3324             :                 // maybe this can be put in the above scope. Since we are not sure, just leave it ATM
    3325       12710 :                 pVout->SetOrgRect( aPaintRect );
    3326             : 
    3327             :                 // OD 29.08.2002 #102450#
    3328             :                 // determine background color of page for <PaintLayer> method
    3329             :                 // calls, paint <hell> or <heaven>
    3330       12710 :                 const Color aPageBackgrdColor(pPage->GetDrawBackgrdColor());
    3331             : 
    3332       12710 :                 pPage->PaintBaBo( aPaintRect, pPage, true );
    3333             : 
    3334       12710 :                 if ( pSh->Imp()->HasDrawView() )
    3335             :                 {
    3336       12710 :                     pLines->LockLines( true );
    3337       12710 :                     const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = pSh->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
    3338       12710 :                     pSh->Imp()->PaintLayer( pIDDMA->GetHellId(),
    3339             :                                             pPrintData,
    3340       12710 :                                             pPage->Frm(),
    3341             :                                             &aPageBackgrdColor,
    3342       12710 :                                             pPage->IsRightToLeft(),
    3343       25420 :                                             &aSwRedirector );
    3344       12710 :                     pLines->PaintLines( pSh->GetOut() );
    3345       12710 :                     pLines->LockLines( false );
    3346             :                 }
    3347             : 
    3348       12710 :                 if ( pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocumentSettingManager().get( IDocumentSettingAccess::BACKGROUND_PARA_OVER_DRAWINGS ) )
    3349        1364 :                     pPage->PaintBaBo( aPaintRect, pPage, true, /*bOnlyTxtBackground=*/true );
    3350             : 
    3351       12710 :                 if( pSh->GetWin() )
    3352             :                 {
    3353             :                     // collect sub-lines
    3354       12100 :                     pPage->RefreshSubsidiary( aPaintRect );
    3355             :                     // paint special sub-lines
    3356       12100 :                     pSpecSubsLines->PaintSubsidiary( pSh->GetOut(), NULL );
    3357             :                 }
    3358             : 
    3359       12710 :                 pPage->Paint( aPaintRect );
    3360             : 
    3361             :                 // no paint of page border and shadow, if writer is in place mode.
    3362       24810 :                 if( pSh->GetWin() && pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocShell() &&
    3363       12100 :                     !pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocShell()->IsInPlaceActive() )
    3364             :                 {
    3365       12100 :                     SwPageFrm::PaintBorderAndShadow( pPage->Frm(), pSh, bPaintLeftShadow, bPaintRightShadow, bRightSidebar );
    3366       12100 :                     SwPageFrm::PaintNotesSidebar( pPage->Frm(), pSh, pPage->GetPhyPageNum(), bRightSidebar);
    3367             :                 }
    3368             : 
    3369       12710 :                 pLines->PaintLines( pSh->GetOut() );
    3370       12710 :                 if ( pSh->GetWin() )
    3371             :                 {
    3372       12100 :                     pSubsLines->PaintSubsidiary( pSh->GetOut(), pLines );
    3373       12100 :                     DELETEZ( pSubsLines );
    3374       12100 :                     DELETEZ( pSpecSubsLines );
    3375             :                 }
    3376             :                 // fdo#42750: delay painting these until after subsidiary lines
    3377             :                 // fdo#45562: delay painting these until after hell layer
    3378             :                 // fdo#47717: but do it before heaven layer
    3379       12710 :                 ProcessPrimitives(g_pBorderLines->GetBorderLines_Clear());
    3380             : 
    3381       12710 :                 if ( pSh->Imp()->HasDrawView() )
    3382             :                 {
    3383             :                     // OD 29.08.2002 #102450# - add 3rd parameter
    3384             :                     // OD 09.12.2002 #103045# - add 4th parameter for horizontal text direction.
    3385       12710 :                     pSh->Imp()->PaintLayer( pSh->GetDoc()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetHeavenId(),
    3386             :                                             pPrintData,
    3387       12710 :                                             pPage->Frm(),
    3388             :                                             &aPageBackgrdColor,
    3389       12710 :                                             pPage->IsRightToLeft(),
    3390       25420 :                                             &aSwRedirector );
    3391             :                 }
    3392             : 
    3393       12710 :                 if ( bExtraData )
    3394         461 :                     pPage->RefreshExtraData( aPaintRect );
    3395             : 
    3396       12710 :                 DELETEZ(g_pBorderLines);
    3397       12710 :                 pVout->Leave();
    3398             : 
    3399             :                 // #i68597#
    3400             :                 // needed to move grid painting inside Begin/EndDrawLayer bounds and to change
    3401             :                 // output rect for it accordingly
    3402       12710 :                 if(bGridPainting)
    3403             :                 {
    3404          16 :                     SdrPaintView* pPaintView = pSh->Imp()->GetDrawView();
    3405          16 :                     SdrPageView* pPageView = pPaintView->GetSdrPageView();
    3406          16 :                     pPageView->DrawPageViewGrid(*pSh->GetOut(), aPaintRect.SVRect(), SwViewOption::GetTextGridColor() );
    3407             :                 }
    3408             : 
    3409             :                 // #i68597#
    3410             :                 // moved paint post-process for DrawingLayer overlay here, see above
    3411             :                 {
    3412       12710 :                     pSh->DLPostPaint2(true);
    3413             :                 }
    3414             :             }
    3415             : 
    3416       14621 :             pPage->PaintDecorators( );
    3417       14621 :             pPage->PaintBreak();
    3418             :         }
    3419          48 :         else if ( bBookMode && pSh->GetWin() && !pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocShell()->IsInPlaceActive() )
    3420             :         {
    3421             :             // paint empty page
    3422           0 :             SwRect aPaintRect;
    3423           0 :             SwRect aEmptyPageRect( pPage->Frm() );
    3424             : 
    3425             :             // code from vprint.cxx
    3426           0 :             const SwPageFrm& rFormatPage = pPage->GetFormatPage();
    3427           0 :             aEmptyPageRect.SSize() = rFormatPage.Frm().SSize();
    3428             : 
    3429             :             SwPageFrm::GetBorderAndShadowBoundRect( aEmptyPageRect, pSh, aPaintRect,
    3430           0 :                 bPaintLeftShadow, bPaintRightShadow, bRightSidebar );
    3431           0 :             aPaintRect._Intersection( aRect );
    3432             : 
    3433           0 :             if ( aRect.IsOver( aEmptyPageRect ) )
    3434             :             {
    3435             :                 // #i75172# if called from SwViewShell::ImplEndAction it sould no longer
    3436             :                 // really be used but handled by SwViewShell::ImplEndAction already
    3437             :                 {
    3438           0 :                     const vcl::Region aDLRegion(aPaintRect.SVRect());
    3439           0 :                     pSh->DLPrePaint2(aDLRegion);
    3440             :                 }
    3441             : 
    3442           0 :                 if( pSh->GetOut()->GetFillColor() != aGlobalRetoucheColor )
    3443           0 :                     pSh->GetOut()->SetFillColor( aGlobalRetoucheColor );
    3444             : 
    3445           0 :                 pSh->GetOut()->SetLineColor(); // OD 20.02.2003 #107369# - no line color
    3446             :                 // OD 20.02.2003 #107369# - use aligned page rectangle
    3447             :                 {
    3448           0 :                     SwRect aTmpPageRect( aEmptyPageRect );
    3449           0 :                     ::SwAlignRect( aTmpPageRect, pSh );
    3450           0 :                     aEmptyPageRect = aTmpPageRect;
    3451             :                 }
    3452             : 
    3453           0 :                 pSh->GetOut()->DrawRect( aEmptyPageRect.SVRect() );
    3454             : 
    3455             :                 // paint empty page text
    3456           0 :                 const vcl::Font& rEmptyPageFont = SwPageFrm::GetEmptyPageFont();
    3457           0 :                 const vcl::Font aOldFont( pSh->GetOut()->GetFont() );
    3458             : 
    3459           0 :                 pSh->GetOut()->SetFont( rEmptyPageFont );
    3460             :                 pSh->GetOut()->DrawText( aEmptyPageRect.SVRect(), SW_RESSTR( STR_EMPTYPAGE ),
    3461             :                                     TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER |
    3462             :                                     TEXT_DRAW_CENTER |
    3463           0 :                                     TEXT_DRAW_CLIP );
    3464             : 
    3465           0 :                 pSh->GetOut()->SetFont( aOldFont );
    3466             :                 // paint shadow and border for empty page
    3467             :                 // OD 19.02.2003 #107369# - use new method to paint page border and
    3468             :                 // shadow
    3469           0 :                 SwPageFrm::PaintBorderAndShadow( aEmptyPageRect, pSh, bPaintLeftShadow, bPaintRightShadow, bRightSidebar );
    3470           0 :                 SwPageFrm::PaintNotesSidebar( aEmptyPageRect, pSh, pPage->GetPhyPageNum(), bRightSidebar);
    3471             : 
    3472             :                 {
    3473           0 :                     pSh->DLPostPaint2(true);
    3474           0 :                 }
    3475             :             }
    3476             :         }
    3477             : 
    3478             :         OSL_ENSURE( !pPage->GetNext() || pPage->GetNext()->IsPageFrm(),
    3479             :                 "Neighbour of page is not a page." );
    3480       14669 :         pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
    3481             :     }
    3482             : 
    3483       12517 :     DELETEZ( pLines );
    3484             : 
    3485       12517 :     if ( bResetRootPaint )
    3486         610 :         SwRootFrm::bInPaint = false;
    3487       12517 :     if ( pStatics )
    3488           0 :         delete pStatics;
    3489             :     else
    3490             :     {
    3491       12517 :         pProgress = 0;
    3492       12517 :         pGlobalShell = 0;
    3493             :     }
    3494             : 
    3495       12517 :     ((SwRootFrm*)this)->SetCallbackActionEnabled( bOldAction );
    3496             : }
    3497             : 
    3498         180 : static void lcl_EmergencyFormatFtnCont( SwFtnContFrm *pCont )
    3499             : {
    3500             :     //It's possible that the Cont will get destroyed.
    3501         180 :     SwCntntFrm *pCnt = pCont->ContainsCntnt();
    3502         624 :     while ( pCnt && pCnt->IsInFtn() )
    3503             :     {
    3504         264 :         pCnt->Calc();
    3505         264 :         pCnt = pCnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
    3506             :     }
    3507         180 : }
    3508             : 
    3509             : class SwShortCut
    3510             : {
    3511             :     SwRectDist fnCheck;
    3512             :     long nLimit;
    3513             : public:
    3514             :     SwShortCut( const SwFrm& rFrm, const SwRect& rRect );
    3515      158055 :     bool Stop( const SwRect& rRect ) const
    3516      158055 :         { return (rRect.*fnCheck)( nLimit ) > 0; }
    3517             : };
    3518             : 
    3519      119221 : SwShortCut::SwShortCut( const SwFrm& rFrm, const SwRect& rRect )
    3520             : {
    3521      119221 :     bool bVert = rFrm.IsVertical();
    3522      119221 :     bool bR2L = rFrm.IsRightToLeft();
    3523      119221 :     if( rFrm.IsNeighbourFrm() && bVert == bR2L )
    3524             :     {
    3525       12249 :         if( bVert )
    3526             :         {
    3527           0 :             fnCheck = &SwRect::GetBottomDistance;
    3528           0 :             nLimit = rRect.Top();
    3529             :         }
    3530             :         else
    3531             :         {
    3532       12249 :             fnCheck = &SwRect::GetLeftDistance;
    3533       12249 :             nLimit = rRect.Left() + rRect.Width();
    3534             :         }
    3535             :     }
    3536      106972 :     else if( bVert == rFrm.IsNeighbourFrm() )
    3537             :     {
    3538      106972 :         fnCheck = &SwRect::GetTopDistance;
    3539      106972 :         nLimit = rRect.Top() + rRect.Height();
    3540             :     }
    3541             :     else
    3542             :     {
    3543           0 :         if ( rFrm.IsVertLR() )
    3544             :         {
    3545           0 :                fnCheck = &SwRect::GetLeftDistance;
    3546           0 :                nLimit = rRect.Right();
    3547             :         }
    3548             :         else
    3549             :         {
    3550           0 :             fnCheck = &SwRect::GetRightDistance;
    3551           0 :             nLimit = rRect.Left();
    3552             :         }
    3553             :     }
    3554      119221 : }
    3555             : 
    3556       38267 : void SwLayoutFrm::Paint(SwRect const& rRect, SwPrintData const*const) const
    3557             : {
    3558       38267 :     SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    3559             : 
    3560             :     // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    3561       38267 :     Frm_Info aFrmInfo( *this );
    3562       38267 :     SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, &aFrmInfo, 0, *pSh->GetOut() );
    3563             : 
    3564       38267 :     const SwFrm *pFrm = Lower();
    3565       38267 :     if ( !pFrm )
    3566       38299 :         return;
    3567             : 
    3568       38235 :     SwShortCut aShortCut( *pFrm, rRect );
    3569             :     bool bCnt;
    3570       38235 :     if ( (bCnt = pFrm->IsCntntFrm()) )
    3571       19390 :         pFrm->Calc();
    3572             : 
    3573       38235 :     if ( pFrm->IsFtnContFrm() )
    3574             :     {
    3575           0 :         ::lcl_EmergencyFormatFtnCont( (SwFtnContFrm*)pFrm );
    3576           0 :         pFrm = Lower();
    3577             :     }
    3578             : 
    3579       38235 :     const SwPageFrm *pPage = 0;
    3580       38235 :     const bool bWin   = pGlobalShell->GetWin() ? true : false;
    3581             : 
    3582      137346 :     while ( IsAnLower( pFrm ) )
    3583             :     {
    3584       64305 :         SwRect aPaintRect( pFrm->PaintArea() );
    3585       64305 :         if( aShortCut.Stop( aPaintRect ) )
    3586        3429 :             break;
    3587       60876 :         if ( bCnt && pProgress )
    3588           0 :             pProgress->Reschedule();
    3589             : 
    3590             :         //We need to retouch if a frame explicitly requests it.
    3591             :         //First do the retouch, because this could flatten the borders.
    3592       60876 :         if ( pFrm->IsRetouche() )
    3593             :         {
    3594        9110 :             if ( pFrm->IsRetoucheFrm() && bWin && !pFrm->GetNext() )
    3595        4274 :             {   if ( !pPage )
    3596        4274 :                     pPage = FindPageFrm();
    3597        4274 :                pFrm->Retouche( pPage, rRect );
    3598             :             }
    3599        9110 :             pFrm->ResetRetouche();
    3600             :         }
    3601             : 
    3602       60876 :         if ( rRect.IsOver( aPaintRect ) )
    3603             :         {
    3604       90188 :             if ( bCnt && pFrm->IsCompletePaint() &&
    3605       70249 :                  !rRect.IsInside( aPaintRect ) && Application::AnyInput( VCL_INPUT_KEYBOARD ) )
    3606             :             {
    3607             :                 //fix(8104): It may happen, that the processing wasn't complete
    3608             :                 //but some parts of the paragraph were still repainted.
    3609             :                 //This could lead to the situation, that other parts of the
    3610             :                 //paragraph won't be repainted at all. The only solution seems
    3611             :                 //to be an invalidation of the window.
    3612             :                 //To not make it too severe the rectangle is limited by
    3613             :                 //painting the desired part and only invalidating the
    3614             :                 //remaining paragraph parts.
    3615           0 :                 if ( aPaintRect.Left()  == rRect.Left() &&
    3616           0 :                      aPaintRect.Right() == rRect.Right() )
    3617             :                 {
    3618           0 :                     aPaintRect.Bottom( rRect.Top() - 1 );
    3619           0 :                     if ( aPaintRect.Height() > 0 )
    3620           0 :                         pGlobalShell->InvalidateWindows(aPaintRect);
    3621           0 :                     aPaintRect.Top( rRect.Bottom() + 1 );
    3622           0 :                     aPaintRect.Bottom( pFrm->Frm().Bottom() );
    3623           0 :                     if ( aPaintRect.Height() > 0 )
    3624           0 :                         pGlobalShell->InvalidateWindows(aPaintRect);
    3625           0 :                     aPaintRect.Top( pFrm->Frm().Top() );
    3626           0 :                     aPaintRect.Bottom( pFrm->Frm().Bottom() );
    3627             :                 }
    3628             :                 else
    3629             :                 {
    3630           0 :                     pGlobalShell->InvalidateWindows( aPaintRect );
    3631           0 :                     pFrm = pFrm->GetNext();
    3632           0 :                     if ( pFrm && (bCnt = pFrm->IsCntntFrm()) )
    3633           0 :                         pFrm->Calc();
    3634           0 :                     continue;
    3635             :                 }
    3636             :             }
    3637       52218 :             pFrm->ResetCompletePaint();
    3638       52218 :             aPaintRect._Intersection( rRect );
    3639             : 
    3640       52218 :             pFrm->Paint( aPaintRect );
    3641             : 
    3642       52218 :             if ( Lower() && Lower()->IsColumnFrm() )
    3643             :             {
    3644             :                 //Paint the column separator line if needed. The page is
    3645             :                 //responsible for the page frame - not the upper.
    3646         352 :                 const SwFrmFmt *pFmt = GetUpper() && GetUpper()->IsPageFrm()
    3647           0 :                                             ? GetUpper()->GetFmt()
    3648         176 :                                             : GetFmt();
    3649         176 :                 const SwFmtCol &rCol = pFmt->GetCol();
    3650         176 :                 if ( rCol.GetLineAdj() != COLADJ_NONE )
    3651             :                 {
    3652           0 :                     if ( !pPage )
    3653           0 :                         pPage = pFrm->FindPageFrm();
    3654             : 
    3655           0 :                     PaintColLines( aPaintRect, rCol, pPage );
    3656             :                 }
    3657             :             }
    3658             :         }
    3659       60876 :         if ( !bCnt && pFrm->GetNext() && pFrm->GetNext()->IsFtnContFrm() )
    3660         180 :             ::lcl_EmergencyFormatFtnCont( (SwFtnContFrm*)pFrm->GetNext() );
    3661             : 
    3662       60876 :         pFrm = pFrm->GetNext();
    3663             : 
    3664       60876 :         if ( pFrm && (bCnt = pFrm->IsCntntFrm()) )
    3665       15448 :             pFrm->Calc();
    3666       38235 :     }
    3667             : }
    3668             : 
    3669          28 : static drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence lcl_CreateDashedIndicatorPrimitive(
    3670             :         basegfx::B2DPoint aStart, basegfx::B2DPoint aEnd,
    3671             :         basegfx::BColor aColor )
    3672             : {
    3673          28 :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence aSeq( 1 );
    3674             : 
    3675          56 :     std::vector< double > aStrokePattern;
    3676          56 :     basegfx::B2DPolygon aLinePolygon;
    3677          28 :     aLinePolygon.append( aStart );
    3678          28 :     aLinePolygon.append( aEnd );
    3679             : 
    3680          28 :     const StyleSettings& rSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    3681          28 :     if ( rSettings.GetHighContrastMode( ) )
    3682             :     {
    3683             :         // Only a solid line in high contrast mode
    3684           0 :         aColor = rSettings.GetDialogTextColor().getBColor();
    3685             :     }
    3686             :     else
    3687             :     {
    3688             :         // Get a color for the contrast
    3689          28 :         basegfx::BColor aHslLine = basegfx::tools::rgb2hsl( aColor );
    3690          28 :         double nLuminance = aHslLine.getZ() * 2.5;
    3691          28 :         if ( nLuminance == 0 )
    3692           0 :             nLuminance = 0.5;
    3693          28 :         else if ( nLuminance >= 1.0 )
    3694           0 :             nLuminance = aHslLine.getZ() * 0.4;
    3695          28 :         aHslLine.setZ( nLuminance );
    3696          56 :         const basegfx::BColor aOtherColor = basegfx::tools::hsl2rgb( aHslLine );
    3697             : 
    3698             :         // Compute the plain line
    3699             :         drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D * pPlainLine =
    3700             :             new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(
    3701          28 :                     aLinePolygon, aOtherColor );
    3702             : 
    3703          28 :         aSeq[0] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference( pPlainLine );
    3704             : 
    3705             :         // Dashed line in twips
    3706          28 :         aStrokePattern.push_back( 40 );
    3707          28 :         aStrokePattern.push_back( 40 );
    3708             : 
    3709          56 :         aSeq.realloc( 2 );
    3710             :     }
    3711             : 
    3712             :     // Compute the dashed line primitive
    3713             :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonStrokePrimitive2D * pLine =
    3714             :             new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonStrokePrimitive2D (
    3715             :                 basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( aLinePolygon ),
    3716             :                 drawinglayer::attribute::LineAttribute( aColor ),
    3717          28 :                 drawinglayer::attribute::StrokeAttribute( aStrokePattern ) );
    3718             : 
    3719          28 :     aSeq[ aSeq.getLength( ) - 1 ] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference( pLine );
    3720             : 
    3721          56 :     return aSeq;
    3722             : }
    3723             : 
    3724       14621 : void SwPageFrm::PaintBreak( ) const
    3725             : {
    3726       43863 :     if ( pGlobalShell->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER  &&
    3727       29242 :          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPDFExport() &&
    3728       43856 :          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() &&
    3729       14614 :          !pGlobalShell->IsPreview() )
    3730             :     {
    3731       14614 :         const SwFrm* pBodyFrm = Lower();
    3732       30376 :         while ( pBodyFrm && !pBodyFrm->IsBodyFrm() )
    3733        1148 :             pBodyFrm = pBodyFrm->GetNext();
    3734             : 
    3735       14614 :         if ( pBodyFrm )
    3736             :         {
    3737       14614 :             const SwLayoutFrm* pLayBody = static_cast< const SwLayoutFrm* >( pBodyFrm );
    3738       14614 :             const SwFlowFrm *pFlowFrm = pLayBody->ContainsCntnt();
    3739             : 
    3740             :             // Test if the first node is a table
    3741       14614 :             const SwFrm* pFirstFrm = pLayBody->Lower();
    3742       14614 :             if ( pFirstFrm && pFirstFrm->IsTabFrm() )
    3743         891 :                 pFlowFrm = static_cast< const SwTabFrm* >( pFirstFrm );
    3744             : 
    3745       14614 :             SwWrtShell* pWrtSh = dynamic_cast< SwWrtShell* >( pGlobalShell );
    3746       14614 :             if ( pWrtSh )
    3747             :             {
    3748       13982 :                 SwEditWin& rEditWin = pWrtSh->GetView().GetEditWin();
    3749       13982 :                 SwFrameControlsManager& rMngr = rEditWin.GetFrameControlsManager();
    3750             : 
    3751       13982 :                 if ( pFlowFrm && pFlowFrm->IsPageBreak( true ) )
    3752         572 :                     rMngr.SetPageBreakControl( this );
    3753             :                 else
    3754       13410 :                     rMngr.RemoveControlsByType( PageBreak, this );
    3755             :             }
    3756             :         }
    3757       14614 :         SwLayoutFrm::PaintBreak( );
    3758             :     }
    3759       14621 : }
    3760             : 
    3761         230 : void SwColumnFrm::PaintBreak( ) const
    3762             : {
    3763         690 :     if ( pGlobalShell->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER  &&
    3764         460 :          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPDFExport() &&
    3765         690 :          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() &&
    3766         230 :          !pGlobalShell->IsPreview() )
    3767             :     {
    3768         230 :         const SwFrm* pBodyFrm = Lower();
    3769         460 :         while ( pBodyFrm && !pBodyFrm->IsBodyFrm() )
    3770           0 :             pBodyFrm = pBodyFrm->GetNext();
    3771             : 
    3772         230 :         if ( pBodyFrm )
    3773             :         {
    3774         230 :             const SwCntntFrm *pCnt = static_cast< const SwLayoutFrm* >( pBodyFrm )->ContainsCntnt();
    3775         230 :             if ( pCnt && pCnt->IsColBreak( true ) )
    3776             :             {
    3777             :                 // Paint the break only if:
    3778             :                 //    * Not in header footer edition, to avoid conflicts with the
    3779             :                 //      header/footer marker
    3780             :                 //    * Non-printing characters are shown, as this is more consistent
    3781             :                 //      with other formatting marks
    3782          56 :                 if ( !pGlobalShell->IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator( Header ) &&
    3783          28 :                      !pGlobalShell->IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator( Footer ) )
    3784             :                 {
    3785          28 :                     SwRect aRect( pCnt->Prt() );
    3786          28 :                     aRect.Pos() += pCnt->Frm().Pos();
    3787             : 
    3788             :                     // Draw the line
    3789          28 :                     basegfx::B2DPoint aStart( double( aRect.Left() ), aRect.Top() );
    3790          56 :                     basegfx::B2DPoint aEnd( double( aRect.Right() ), aRect.Top() );
    3791          28 :                     double nWidth = aRect.Width();
    3792          28 :                     if ( IsVertical( ) )
    3793             :                     {
    3794           0 :                         aStart = basegfx::B2DPoint( double( aRect.Right() ), double( aRect.Top() ) );
    3795           0 :                         aEnd = basegfx::B2DPoint( double( aRect.Right() ), double( aRect.Bottom() ) );
    3796           0 :                         nWidth = aRect.Height();
    3797             :                     }
    3798             : 
    3799          56 :                     basegfx::BColor aLineColor = SwViewOption::GetPageBreakColor().getBColor();
    3800             : 
    3801             :                     drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence aSeq =
    3802          56 :                         lcl_CreateDashedIndicatorPrimitive( aStart, aEnd, aLineColor );
    3803          28 :                     aSeq.realloc( aSeq.getLength( ) + 1 );
    3804             : 
    3805             :                     // Add the text above
    3806          56 :                     OUString aBreakText = SW_RESSTR(STR_COLUMN_BREAK);
    3807             : 
    3808          56 :                     basegfx::B2DVector aFontSize;
    3809          28 :                     OutputDevice* pOut = pGlobalShell->GetOut();
    3810          56 :                     vcl::Font aFont = pOut->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetToolFont();
    3811          28 :                     aFont.SetHeight( 8 * 20 );
    3812          28 :                     pOut->SetFont( aFont );
    3813             :                     drawinglayer::attribute::FontAttribute aFontAttr = drawinglayer::primitive2d::getFontAttributeFromVclFont(
    3814          56 :                             aFontSize, aFont, false, false );
    3815             : 
    3816          28 :                     Rectangle aTextRect;
    3817          28 :                     pOut->GetTextBoundRect( aTextRect, aBreakText );
    3818          28 :                     long nTextOff = ( nWidth - aTextRect.GetWidth() ) / 2;
    3819             : 
    3820             :                     basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTextMatrix( basegfx::tools::createScaleTranslateB2DHomMatrix(
    3821             :                                 aFontSize.getX(), aFontSize.getY(),
    3822          56 :                                 aRect.Left() + nTextOff, aRect.Top() ) );
    3823          28 :                     if ( IsVertical() )
    3824             :                     {
    3825           0 :                         aTextMatrix = basegfx::B2DHomMatrix( basegfx::tools::createScaleShearXRotateTranslateB2DHomMatrix (
    3826             :                                 aFontSize.getX(), aFontSize.getY(), 0.0, M_PI_2,
    3827           0 :                                 aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() + nTextOff ) );
    3828             :                     }
    3829             : 
    3830             :                     drawinglayer::primitive2d::TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D * pText =
    3831             :                             new drawinglayer::primitive2d::TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D(
    3832             :                                 aTextMatrix,
    3833             :                                 aBreakText, 0, aBreakText.getLength(),
    3834             :                                 std::vector< double >(),
    3835             :                                 aFontAttr,
    3836             :                                 lang::Locale(),
    3837          28 :                                 aLineColor );
    3838          28 :                     aSeq[ aSeq.getLength() - 1 ] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference( pText );
    3839             : 
    3840          56 :                     ProcessPrimitives( aSeq );
    3841             :                 }
    3842             :             }
    3843             :         }
    3844             :     }
    3845         230 : }
    3846             : 
    3847       57391 : void SwLayoutFrm::PaintBreak( ) const
    3848             : {
    3849       57391 :     const SwFrm* pFrm = Lower();
    3850      229701 :     while ( pFrm )
    3851             :     {
    3852      114919 :         if ( pFrm->IsLayoutFrm() )
    3853       43007 :             static_cast< const SwLayoutFrm*>( pFrm )->PaintBreak( );
    3854      114919 :         pFrm = pFrm->GetNext();
    3855             :     }
    3856       57391 : }
    3857             : 
    3858       14621 : void SwPageFrm::PaintDecorators( ) const
    3859             : {
    3860       14621 :     SwWrtShell* pWrtSh = dynamic_cast< SwWrtShell* >( pGlobalShell );
    3861       14621 :     if ( pWrtSh )
    3862             :     {
    3863       13989 :         SwEditWin& rEditWin = pWrtSh->GetView().GetEditWin();
    3864             : 
    3865       13989 :         const SwLayoutFrm* pBody = FindBodyCont();
    3866       13989 :         if ( pBody )
    3867             :         {
    3868       13989 :             SwRect aBodyRect( pBody->Frm() );
    3869             : 
    3870       41967 :             if ( pGlobalShell->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER &&
    3871       27978 :                  !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsPDFExport() &&
    3872       27978 :                  !pGlobalShell->IsPreview() &&
    3873       27971 :                  !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() &&
    3874       41906 :                  !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->getBrowseMode() &&
    3875       27870 :                  ( pGlobalShell->IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator( Header ) ||
    3876       13935 :                    pGlobalShell->IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator( Footer ) ) )
    3877             :             {
    3878           0 :                 bool bRtl = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();
    3879           0 :                 const SwRect& rVisArea = pGlobalShell->VisArea();
    3880           0 :                 long nXOff = std::min( aBodyRect.Right(), rVisArea.Right() );
    3881           0 :                 if ( bRtl )
    3882           0 :                     nXOff = std::max( aBodyRect.Left(), rVisArea.Left() );
    3883             : 
    3884             :                 // Header
    3885           0 :                 if ( pGlobalShell->IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator( Header ) )
    3886             :                 {
    3887           0 :                     const SwFrm* pHeaderFrm = Lower();
    3888           0 :                     if ( !pHeaderFrm->IsHeaderFrm() )
    3889           0 :                         pHeaderFrm = NULL;
    3890             : 
    3891           0 :                     long nHeaderYOff = aBodyRect.Top();
    3892           0 :                     Point nOutputOff = rEditWin.LogicToPixel( Point( nXOff, nHeaderYOff ) );
    3893           0 :                     rEditWin.GetFrameControlsManager().SetHeaderFooterControl( this, Header, nOutputOff );
    3894             :                 }
    3895             : 
    3896             :                 // Footer
    3897           0 :                 if ( pGlobalShell->IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator( Footer ) )
    3898             :                 {
    3899           0 :                     const SwFrm* pFtnContFrm = Lower();
    3900           0 :                     while ( pFtnContFrm )
    3901             :                     {
    3902           0 :                         if ( pFtnContFrm->IsFtnContFrm() )
    3903           0 :                             aBodyRect.AddBottom( pFtnContFrm->Frm().Bottom() - aBodyRect.Bottom() );
    3904           0 :                         pFtnContFrm = pFtnContFrm->GetNext();
    3905             :                     }
    3906             : 
    3907           0 :                     long nFooterYOff = aBodyRect.Bottom();
    3908           0 :                     Point nOutputOff = rEditWin.LogicToPixel( Point( nXOff, nFooterYOff ) );
    3909           0 :                     rEditWin.GetFrameControlsManager().SetHeaderFooterControl( this, Footer, nOutputOff );
    3910             :                 }
    3911             :             }
    3912             :         }
    3913             :     }
    3914       14621 : }
    3915             : 
    3916             : /**
    3917             :  * For feature #99657#
    3918             :  *
    3919             :  * OD 12.08.2002
    3920             :  * determines, if background of fly frame has to be drawn transparent
    3921             :  * declaration found in /core/inc/flyfrm.cxx
    3922             :  *
    3923             :  * OD 08.10.2002 #103898# - If the background of the fly frame itself is not
    3924             :  * transparent and the background is inherited from its parent/grandparent,
    3925             :  * the background brush, used for drawing, has to be investigated for transparency.
    3926             :  *
    3927             :  * @return true, if background is transparent drawn
    3928             : */
    3929       14685 : bool SwFlyFrm::IsBackgroundTransparent() const
    3930             : {
    3931       14685 :     bool bBackgroundTransparent = GetFmt()->IsBackgroundTransparent();
    3932       17678 :     if ( !bBackgroundTransparent &&
    3933        2993 :          static_cast<const SwFlyFrmFmt*>(GetFmt())->IsBackgroundBrushInherited() )
    3934             :     {
    3935        2993 :         const SvxBrushItem* pBackgrdBrush = 0;
    3936        2993 :         const Color* pSectionTOXColor = 0;
    3937        2993 :         SwRect aDummyRect;
    3938             :         //UUUU
    3939        2993 :         drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr aFillAttributes;
    3940             : 
    3941        2993 :         if ( GetBackgroundBrush( aFillAttributes, pBackgrdBrush, pSectionTOXColor, aDummyRect, false) )
    3942             :         {
    3943           8 :             if ( pSectionTOXColor &&
    3944           8 :                  (pSectionTOXColor->GetTransparency() != 0) &&
    3945           0 :                  (pSectionTOXColor->GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT) )
    3946             :             {
    3947           0 :                 bBackgroundTransparent = true;
    3948             :             }
    3949           8 :             else if(aFillAttributes.get() && aFillAttributes->isUsed()) //UUUU
    3950             :             {
    3951           0 :                 bBackgroundTransparent = aFillAttributes->isTransparent();
    3952             :             }
    3953           8 :             else if ( pBackgrdBrush )
    3954             :             {
    3955          24 :                 if ( (pBackgrdBrush->GetColor().GetTransparency() != 0) &&
    3956           8 :                      (pBackgrdBrush->GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT) )
    3957             :                 {
    3958           0 :                     bBackgroundTransparent = true;
    3959             :                 }
    3960             :                 else
    3961             :                 {
    3962             :                     const GraphicObject *pTmpGrf =
    3963           8 :                             static_cast<const GraphicObject*>(pBackgrdBrush->GetGraphicObject());
    3964           8 :                     if ( (pTmpGrf) &&
    3965           0 :                          (pTmpGrf->GetAttr().GetTransparency() != 0)
    3966             :                        )
    3967             :                     {
    3968           0 :                         bBackgroundTransparent = true;
    3969             :                     }
    3970             :                 }
    3971             :             }
    3972        2993 :         }
    3973             :     }
    3974             : 
    3975       14685 :     return bBackgroundTransparent;
    3976             : };
    3977             : 
    3978             : /**
    3979             :  * For feature #99657#
    3980             :  *
    3981             :  * OD 13.08.2002
    3982             :  * determine, if shadow color of fly frame has to be drawn transparent
    3983             :  * declaration found in /core/inc/flyfrm.cxx
    3984             :  * @return true, if shadow color is transparent.
    3985             : */
    3986         429 : bool SwFlyFrm::IsShadowTransparent() const
    3987             : {
    3988         429 :     return GetFmt()->IsShadowTransparent();
    3989             : };
    3990             : 
    3991        6679 : bool SwFlyFrm::IsPaint( SdrObject *pObj, const SwViewShell *pSh )
    3992             : {
    3993             :     SdrObjUserCall *pUserCall;
    3994             : 
    3995        6679 :     if ( 0 == ( pUserCall = GetUserCall(pObj) ) )
    3996           0 :         return true;
    3997             : 
    3998             :     //Attribute dependent, don't paint for printer or Preview
    3999       13358 :     bool bPaint =  pFlyOnlyDraw ||
    4000       13358 :                        ((SwContact*)pUserCall)->GetFmt()->GetPrint().GetValue();
    4001        6679 :     if ( !bPaint )
    4002           0 :         bPaint = pSh->GetWin() && !pSh->IsPreview();
    4003             : 
    4004        6679 :     if ( bPaint )
    4005             :     {
    4006             :         //The paint may be prevented by the superior Flys.
    4007        6679 :         SwFrm *pAnch = 0;
    4008        6679 :         if ( pObj->ISA(SwFlyDrawObj) ) // i#117962#
    4009             :         {
    4010           0 :             bPaint = false;
    4011             :         }
    4012        6679 :         if ( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) )
    4013             :         {
    4014        4426 :             SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm();
    4015        4426 :             if ( pFlyOnlyDraw && pFlyOnlyDraw == pFly )
    4016           0 :                 return true;
    4017             : 
    4018             :             //Try to avoid displaying the intermediate stage, Flys which don't
    4019             :             //overlap with the page on which they are anchored won't be
    4020             :             //painted.
    4021             :             //HACK: exception: printing of frames in tables, those can overlap
    4022             :             //a page once in a while when dealing with oversized tables (HTML).
    4023        4426 :             SwPageFrm *pPage = pFly->FindPageFrm();
    4024        4426 :             if ( pPage )
    4025             :             {
    4026        4426 :                 if ( pPage->Frm().IsOver( pFly->Frm() ) )
    4027        4102 :                     pAnch = pFly->AnchorFrm();
    4028         324 :                 else if ( bTableHack &&
    4029           0 :                           pFly->Frm().Top() >= pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->Frm().Top() &&
    4030         324 :                           pFly->Frm().Top() < pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->Frm().Bottom() &&
    4031           0 :                           sal_IntPtr(pSh->GetOut()) ==
    4032           0 :                           sal_IntPtr(pSh->getIDocumentDeviceAccess()->getPrinter( false ) ) )
    4033             :                 {
    4034           0 :                     pAnch = pFly->AnchorFrm();
    4035             :                 }
    4036             :             }
    4037             : 
    4038             :         }
    4039             :         else
    4040             :         {
    4041             :             // OD 13.10.2003 #i19919# - consider 'virtual' drawing objects
    4042             :             // OD 2004-03-29 #i26791#
    4043        2253 :             SwDrawContact* pDrawContact = dynamic_cast<SwDrawContact*>(pUserCall);
    4044        2253 :             pAnch = pDrawContact ? pDrawContact->GetAnchorFrm(pObj) : NULL;
    4045        2253 :             if ( pAnch )
    4046             :             {
    4047        2253 :                 if ( !pAnch->GetValidPosFlag() )
    4048           0 :                     pAnch = 0;
    4049        2253 :                 else if ( sal_IntPtr(pSh->GetOut()) == sal_IntPtr(pSh->getIDocumentDeviceAccess()->getPrinter( false )))
    4050             :                 {
    4051             :                     //HACK: we have to omit some of the objects for printing,
    4052             :                     //otherwise they would be printed twice.
    4053             :                     //The objects should get printed if the TableHack is active
    4054             :                     //right now. Afterwards they must not be printed if the
    4055             :                     //page over which they float position wise gets printed.
    4056           0 :                     const SwPageFrm *pPage = pAnch->FindPageFrm();
    4057           0 :                     if ( !bTableHack &&
    4058           0 :                          !pPage->Frm().IsOver( pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() ) )
    4059           0 :                         pAnch = 0;
    4060             :                 }
    4061             :             }
    4062             :             else
    4063             :             {
    4064             :                 // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - debug assert
    4065           0 :                 if ( !pObj->ISA(SdrObjGroup) )
    4066             :                 {
    4067             :                     OSL_FAIL( "<SwFlyFrm::IsPaint(..)> - paint of drawing object without anchor frame!?" );
    4068             :                 }
    4069             :             }
    4070             :         }
    4071        6679 :         if ( pAnch )
    4072             :         {
    4073        6355 :             if ( pAnch->IsInFly() )
    4074         380 :                 bPaint = SwFlyFrm::IsPaint( pAnch->FindFlyFrm()->GetVirtDrawObj(),
    4075         380 :                                             pSh );
    4076        5975 :             else if ( pFlyOnlyDraw )
    4077           0 :                 bPaint = false;
    4078             :         }
    4079             :         else
    4080         324 :             bPaint = false;
    4081             :     }
    4082        6679 :     return bPaint;
    4083             : }
    4084             : 
    4085        6174 : void SwCellFrm::Paint(SwRect const& rRect, SwPrintData const*const) const
    4086             : {
    4087        6174 :     if ( GetLayoutRowSpan() >= 1 )
    4088        6148 :         SwLayoutFrm::Paint( rRect );
    4089        6174 : }
    4090             : 
    4091             : struct BorderLinesGuard
    4092             : {
    4093         859 :     explicit BorderLinesGuard() : m_pBorderLines(g_pBorderLines)
    4094             :     {
    4095         859 :         g_pBorderLines = new BorderLines;
    4096         859 :     }
    4097         859 :     ~BorderLinesGuard()
    4098             :     {
    4099         859 :         delete g_pBorderLines;
    4100         859 :         g_pBorderLines = m_pBorderLines;
    4101         859 :     }
    4102             : private:
    4103             :     BorderLines *const m_pBorderLines;
    4104             : };
    4105             : 
    4106         859 : void SwFlyFrm::Paint(SwRect const& rRect, SwPrintData const*const) const
    4107             : {
    4108             :     //optimize thumbnail generation and store procedure to improve odt saving performance, #i120030#
    4109         859 :     SwViewShell *pShell = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    4110         859 :     if (pShell && pShell->GetDoc() && pShell->GetDoc()->GetDocShell())
    4111             :     {
    4112         859 :         bool bInGenerateThumbnail = pShell->GetDoc()->GetDocShell()->IsInGenerateAndStoreThumbnail();
    4113         859 :         if (bInGenerateThumbnail)
    4114             :         {
    4115          60 :             SwRect aVisRect = pShell->VisArea();
    4116          60 :             if (!aVisRect.IsOver(Frm()))
    4117         859 :                 return;
    4118             :         }
    4119             :     }
    4120             : 
    4121             :     //because of the overlapping of frames and drawing objects the flys have to
    4122             :     //paint their borders (and those of the internal ones) directly.
    4123             :     //e.g. #33066#
    4124         859 :     pLines->LockLines(true);
    4125         859 :     BorderLinesGuard blg; // this should not paint borders added from PaintBaBo
    4126             : 
    4127         859 :     SwRect aRect( rRect );
    4128         859 :     aRect._Intersection( Frm() );
    4129             : 
    4130         859 :     OutputDevice* pOut = pGlobalShell->GetOut();
    4131         859 :     pOut->Push( PushFlags::CLIPREGION );
    4132         859 :     pOut->SetClipRegion();
    4133         859 :     const SwPageFrm* pPage = FindPageFrm();
    4134             : 
    4135        1718 :     const SwNoTxtFrm *pNoTxt = Lower() && Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm()
    4136        1146 :                                                 ? (SwNoTxtFrm*)Lower() : 0;
    4137             : 
    4138         859 :     bool bIsChart = false; //#i102950# don't paint additional borders for charts
    4139             :     //check whether we have a chart
    4140         859 :     if(pNoTxt)
    4141             :     {
    4142         287 :         const SwNoTxtNode* pNoTNd = dynamic_cast<const SwNoTxtNode*>(pNoTxt->GetNode());
    4143         287 :         if( pNoTNd )
    4144             :         {
    4145         287 :             SwOLENode* pOLENd = const_cast<SwOLENode*>(pNoTNd->GetOLENode());
    4146         287 :             if( pOLENd && pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetObject().IsChart() )
    4147          51 :                 bIsChart = true;
    4148             :         }
    4149             :     }
    4150             : 
    4151             :     {
    4152         859 :         bool bContour = GetFmt()->GetSurround().IsContour();
    4153         859 :         tools::PolyPolygon aPoly;
    4154         859 :         if ( bContour )
    4155             :         {
    4156             :             // OD 16.04.2003 #i13147# - add 2nd parameter with value <true>
    4157             :             // to indicate that method is called for paint in order to avoid
    4158             :             // load of the intrinsic graphic.
    4159           8 :             bContour = GetContour( aPoly, true );
    4160             :         }
    4161             : 
    4162             :         // #i47804# - distinguish complete background paint
    4163             :         // and margin paint.
    4164             :         // paint complete background for Writer text fly frames
    4165         859 :         bool bPaintCompleteBack( !pNoTxt );
    4166             :         // paint complete background for transparent graphic and contour,
    4167             :         // if own background color exists.
    4168         859 :         const bool bIsGraphicTransparent = pNoTxt && pNoTxt->IsTransparent();
    4169         859 :         if ( !bPaintCompleteBack &&
    4170          40 :              ( bIsGraphicTransparent|| bContour ) )
    4171             :         {
    4172         247 :             const SwFrmFmt* pSwFrmFmt = dynamic_cast< const SwFrmFmt* >(GetFmt());
    4173             : 
    4174         247 :             if (pSwFrmFmt && pSwFrmFmt->supportsFullDrawingLayerFillAttributeSet())
    4175             :             {
    4176             :                 //UUUU check for transparency
    4177         247 :                 const drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr aFillAttributes(pSwFrmFmt->getSdrAllFillAttributesHelper());
    4178             : 
    4179             :                 // check if the new fill attributes are used
    4180         247 :                 if(aFillAttributes.get() && aFillAttributes->isUsed())
    4181             :                 {
    4182           2 :                     bPaintCompleteBack = true;
    4183         247 :                 }
    4184             :             }
    4185             :             else
    4186             :             {
    4187           0 :                 SvxBrushItem aBack = GetFmt()->makeBackgroundBrushItem();
    4188             :                 // OD 07.08.2002 #99657# #GetTransChg#
    4189             :                 //     to determine, if background has to be painted, by checking, if
    4190             :                 //     background color is not COL_TRANSPARENT ("no fill"/"auto fill")
    4191             :                 //     or a background graphic exists.
    4192           0 :                 bPaintCompleteBack = !(aBack.GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT) ||
    4193           0 :                                      aBack.GetGraphicPos() != GPOS_NONE;
    4194             :             }
    4195             :         }
    4196             :         // paint of margin needed.
    4197        1144 :         const bool bPaintMarginOnly( !bPaintCompleteBack &&
    4198        1144 :                                      Prt().SSize() != Frm().SSize() );
    4199             : 
    4200             :         // #i47804# - paint background of parent fly frame
    4201             :         // for transparent graphics in layer Hell, if parent fly frame isn't
    4202             :         // in layer Hell. It's only painted the intersection between the
    4203             :         // parent fly frame area and the paint area <aRect>
    4204         859 :         const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = GetFmt()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
    4205             : 
    4206        1106 :         if ( bIsGraphicTransparent &&
    4207         905 :             GetVirtDrawObj()->GetLayer() == pIDDMA->GetHellId() &&
    4208          46 :             GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm() )
    4209             :         {
    4210           0 :             const SwFlyFrm* pParentFlyFrm = GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm();
    4211           0 :             if ( pParentFlyFrm->GetDrawObj()->GetLayer() !=
    4212           0 :                                             pIDDMA->GetHellId() )
    4213             :             {
    4214           0 :                 SwFlyFrm* pOldRet = pRetoucheFly2;
    4215           0 :                 pRetoucheFly2 = const_cast<SwFlyFrm*>(this);
    4216             : 
    4217           0 :                 SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), pParentFlyFrm );
    4218           0 :                 const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    4219           0 :                 SwRect aPaintRect( aRect );
    4220           0 :                 aPaintRect._Intersection( pParentFlyFrm->Frm() );
    4221           0 :                 pParentFlyFrm->PaintBackground( aPaintRect, pPage, rAttrs, false, false );
    4222             : 
    4223           0 :                 pRetoucheFly2 = pOldRet;
    4224             :             }
    4225             :         }
    4226             : 
    4227         859 :         if ( bPaintCompleteBack || bPaintMarginOnly )
    4228             :         {
    4229             :             //#24926# JP 01.02.96, PaintBaBo is here partially so PaintBorder
    4230             :             //receives the original Rect but PaintBackground only the limited
    4231             :             //one.
    4232             : 
    4233             :             // OD 2004-04-23 #116347#
    4234         602 :             pOut->Push( PushFlags::FILLCOLOR|PushFlags::LINECOLOR );
    4235         602 :             pOut->SetLineColor();
    4236             : 
    4237         602 :             pPage = FindPageFrm();
    4238             : 
    4239         602 :             SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), (SwFrm*)this );
    4240         602 :             const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    4241             : 
    4242             :             // paint background
    4243             :             {
    4244         602 :                 SwRegionRects aRegion( aRect );
    4245             :                 // #i80822#
    4246             :                 // suppress painting of background in printing area for
    4247             :                 // non-transparent graphics.
    4248         602 :                 if ( bPaintMarginOnly ||
    4249           2 :                      ( pNoTxt && !bIsGraphicTransparent ) )
    4250             :                 {
    4251             :                     //What we actually want to paint is the small stripe between
    4252             :                     //PrtArea and outer border.
    4253          28 :                     SwRect aTmp( Prt() ); aTmp += Frm().Pos();
    4254          28 :                     aRegion -= aTmp;
    4255             :                 }
    4256         602 :                 if ( bContour )
    4257             :                 {
    4258           0 :                     pOut->Push();
    4259             :                     // #i80822#
    4260             :                     // apply clip region under the same conditions, which are
    4261             :                     // used in <SwNoTxtFrm::Paint(..)> to set the clip region
    4262             :                     // for painting the graphic/OLE. Thus, the clip region is
    4263             :                     // also applied for the PDF export.
    4264           0 :                     SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    4265           0 :                     if ( !pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() || !pSh || !pSh->GetWin() )
    4266             :                     {
    4267           0 :                         pOut->SetClipRegion(vcl::Region(aPoly));
    4268             :                     }
    4269           0 :                     for ( size_t i = 0; i < aRegion.size(); ++i )
    4270           0 :                         PaintBackground( aRegion[i], pPage, rAttrs, false, true );
    4271           0 :                     pOut->Pop();
    4272             :                 }
    4273             :                 else
    4274        1258 :                     for ( size_t i = 0; i < aRegion.size(); ++i )
    4275        1258 :                         PaintBackground( aRegion[i], pPage, rAttrs, false, true );
    4276             :             }
    4277             : 
    4278             :             // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - paint border before painting background
    4279             :             // paint border
    4280             :             {
    4281         602 :                 SwRect aTmp( rRect );
    4282         602 :                 PaintBorder( aTmp, pPage, rAttrs );
    4283             :             }
    4284             : 
    4285         602 :             pOut->Pop();
    4286         859 :         }
    4287             :     }
    4288             : 
    4289             :     // OD 19.12.2002 #106318# - fly frame will paint it's subsidiary lines and
    4290             :     // the subsidiary lines of its lowers on its own, due to overlapping with
    4291             :     // other fly frames or other objects.
    4292        1718 :     if( pGlobalShell->GetWin()
    4293         859 :         && !bIsChart ) //#i102950# don't paint additional borders for charts
    4294             :     {
    4295             :         bool bSubsLineRectsCreated;
    4296         750 :         if ( pSubsLines )
    4297             :         {
    4298             :             // Lock already existing subsidiary lines
    4299         208 :             pSubsLines->LockLines( true );
    4300         208 :             bSubsLineRectsCreated = false;
    4301             :         }
    4302             :         else
    4303             :         {
    4304             :             // create new subsidiardy lines
    4305         542 :             pSubsLines = new SwSubsRects;
    4306         542 :             bSubsLineRectsCreated = true;
    4307             :         }
    4308             : 
    4309             :         bool bSpecSubsLineRectsCreated;
    4310         750 :         if ( pSpecSubsLines )
    4311             :         {
    4312             :             // Lock already existing special subsidiary lines
    4313         208 :             pSpecSubsLines->LockLines( true );
    4314         208 :             bSpecSubsLineRectsCreated = false;
    4315             :         }
    4316             :         else
    4317             :         {
    4318             :             // create new special subsidiardy lines
    4319         542 :             pSpecSubsLines = new SwSubsRects;
    4320         542 :             bSpecSubsLineRectsCreated = true;
    4321             :         }
    4322             :         // Add subsidiary lines of fly frame and its lowers
    4323         750 :         RefreshLaySubsidiary( pPage, aRect );
    4324             :         // paint subsidiary lines of fly frame and its lowers
    4325         750 :         pSpecSubsLines->PaintSubsidiary( pOut, NULL );
    4326         750 :         pSubsLines->PaintSubsidiary( pOut, pLines );
    4327         750 :         if ( !bSubsLineRectsCreated )
    4328             :             // unlock subsidiary lines
    4329         208 :             pSubsLines->LockLines( false );
    4330             :         else
    4331             :             // delete created subsidiary lines container
    4332         542 :             DELETEZ( pSubsLines );
    4333             : 
    4334         750 :         if ( !bSpecSubsLineRectsCreated )
    4335             :             // unlock special subsidiary lines
    4336         208 :             pSpecSubsLines->LockLines( false );
    4337             :         else
    4338             :         {
    4339             :             // delete created special subsidiary lines container
    4340         542 :             DELETEZ( pSpecSubsLines );
    4341             :         }
    4342             :     }
    4343             : 
    4344         859 :     SwLayoutFrm::Paint( aRect );
    4345             : 
    4346         859 :     Validate();
    4347             : 
    4348             :     // OD 19.12.2002 #106318# - first paint lines added by fly frame paint
    4349             :     // and then unlock other lines.
    4350         859 :     pLines->PaintLines( pOut );
    4351         859 :     pLines->LockLines( false );
    4352             :     // have to paint frame borders added in heaven layer here...
    4353         859 :     ProcessPrimitives(g_pBorderLines->GetBorderLines_Clear());
    4354             : 
    4355         859 :     pOut->Pop();
    4356             : 
    4357         859 :     if ( pProgress && pNoTxt )
    4358           0 :         pProgress->Reschedule();
    4359             : }
    4360             : 
    4361         927 : void SwTabFrm::Paint(SwRect const& rRect, SwPrintData const*const) const
    4362             : {
    4363         927 :     const SwViewOption* pViewOption = pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions();
    4364         927 :     if (pViewOption->IsTable())
    4365             :     {
    4366             :         // #i29550#
    4367         927 :         if ( IsCollapsingBorders() )
    4368             :         {
    4369         925 :             SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), (SwFrm*)this );
    4370         925 :             const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    4371             : 
    4372             :             // paint shadow
    4373         925 :             if ( rAttrs.GetShadow().GetLocation() != SVX_SHADOW_NONE )
    4374             :             {
    4375           0 :                 SwRect aRect;
    4376           0 :                 ::lcl_CalcBorderRect( aRect, this, rAttrs, true );
    4377           0 :                 PaintShadow( rRect, aRect, rAttrs );
    4378             :             }
    4379             : 
    4380        1850 :             SwTabFrmPainter aHelper(*this);
    4381        1850 :             aHelper.PaintLines(*pGlobalShell->GetOut(), rRect);
    4382             :         }
    4383             : 
    4384         927 :         SwLayoutFrm::Paint( rRect );
    4385             :     }
    4386             :     // OD 10.01.2003 #i6467# - no light grey rectangle for page preview
    4387           0 :     else if ( pGlobalShell->GetWin() && !pGlobalShell->IsPreview() )
    4388             :     {
    4389             :         // OD 10.01.2003 #i6467# - intersect output rectangle with table frame
    4390           0 :         SwRect aTabRect( Prt() );
    4391           0 :         aTabRect.Pos() += Frm().Pos();
    4392           0 :         SwRect aTabOutRect( rRect );
    4393           0 :         aTabOutRect.Intersection( aTabRect );
    4394           0 :         pViewOption->DrawRect( pGlobalShell->GetOut(), aTabOutRect, COL_LIGHTGRAY );
    4395             :     }
    4396         927 :     ((SwTabFrm*)this)->ResetComplete();
    4397         927 : }
    4398             : 
    4399             : /**
    4400             :  * Paint border shadow
    4401             :  *
    4402             :  * @param[in]       rRect       aligned rect to clip the result
    4403             :  * @param[in,out]   rOutRect    full painting area as input
    4404             :  *                              painting area reduced by shadow space for border and background as output
    4405             :  * @param[in]       rShadow     includes shadow attributes
    4406             :  * @param[in]       bDrawFullShadowRectangle    paint full rect of shadow
    4407             :  * @param[in]       bTop        paint top part of the shadow
    4408             :  * @param[in]       bBottom     paint bottom part of the shadow
    4409             :  * @param[in]       bLeft       paint left part of the shadow
    4410             :  * @param[in]       bRight      paint right part of the shadow
    4411             : **/
    4412          32 : static void lcl_PaintShadow( const SwRect& rRect, SwRect& rOutRect,
    4413             :     const SvxShadowItem& rShadow, const bool bDrawFullShadowRectangle,
    4414             :     const bool bTop, const bool bBottom,
    4415             :     const bool bLeft, const bool bRight )
    4416             : {
    4417          32 :     const long nWidth  = ::lcl_AlignWidth ( rShadow.GetWidth() );
    4418          32 :     const long nHeight = ::lcl_AlignHeight( rShadow.GetWidth() );
    4419             : 
    4420          32 :     SwRects aRegion( 2 );
    4421          32 :     SwRect aOut( rOutRect );
    4422             : 
    4423          32 :     switch ( rShadow.GetLocation() )
    4424             :     {
    4425             :         case SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMRIGHT:
    4426             :             {
    4427          28 :                 if ( bDrawFullShadowRectangle )
    4428             :                 {
    4429             :                     // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - draw full shadow rectangle
    4430           0 :                     aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4431           0 :                     aOut.Left( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4432           0 :                     aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4433             :                 }
    4434             :                 else
    4435             :                 {
    4436          28 :                     if( bBottom )
    4437             :                     {
    4438          28 :                         aOut.Top( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4439          28 :                         if( bLeft )
    4440          28 :                             aOut.Left( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4441          28 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4442             :                     }
    4443          28 :                     if( bRight )
    4444             :                     {
    4445          28 :                         aOut.Left( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4446          28 :                         if( bTop )
    4447          28 :                             aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4448             :                         else
    4449           0 :                             aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() );
    4450          28 :                         if( bBottom )
    4451          28 :                             aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4452          28 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4453             :                     }
    4454             :                 }
    4455             : 
    4456          28 :                 if( bRight )
    4457          28 :                     rOutRect.Right( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4458          28 :                 if( bBottom )
    4459          28 :                     rOutRect.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom()- nHeight );
    4460             :             }
    4461          28 :             break;
    4462             :         case SVX_SHADOW_TOPLEFT:
    4463             :             {
    4464           0 :                 if ( bDrawFullShadowRectangle )
    4465             :                 {
    4466             :                     // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - draw full shadow rectangle
    4467           0 :                     aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4468           0 :                     aOut.Right( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4469           0 :                     aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4470             :                 }
    4471             :                 else
    4472             :                 {
    4473           0 :                     if( bTop )
    4474             :                     {
    4475           0 :                         aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4476           0 :                         if( bRight )
    4477           0 :                             aOut.Right( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4478           0 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4479             :                     }
    4480           0 :                     if( bLeft )
    4481             :                     {
    4482           0 :                         aOut.Right( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4483           0 :                         if( bBottom )
    4484           0 :                             aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4485             :                         else
    4486           0 :                             aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() );
    4487           0 :                         if( bTop )
    4488           0 :                             aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4489           0 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4490             :                     }
    4491             :                 }
    4492             : 
    4493           0 :                 if( bLeft )
    4494           0 :                     rOutRect.Left( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4495           0 :                 if( bTop )
    4496           0 :                     rOutRect.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4497             :             }
    4498           0 :             break;
    4499             :         case SVX_SHADOW_TOPRIGHT:
    4500             :             {
    4501           2 :                 if ( bDrawFullShadowRectangle )
    4502             :                 {
    4503             :                     // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - draw full shadow rectangle
    4504           0 :                     aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight);
    4505           0 :                     aOut.Left( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4506           0 :                     aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4507             :                 }
    4508             :                 else
    4509             :                 {
    4510           2 :                     if( bTop )
    4511             :                     {
    4512           2 :                         aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4513           2 :                         if( bLeft )
    4514           2 :                             aOut.Left( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4515           2 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4516             :                     }
    4517           2 :                     if( bRight )
    4518             :                     {
    4519           2 :                         aOut.Left( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4520           2 :                         if( bBottom )
    4521           2 :                             aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4522             :                         else
    4523           0 :                             aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() );
    4524           2 :                         if( bTop )
    4525           2 :                             aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4526           2 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4527             :                     }
    4528             :                 }
    4529             : 
    4530           2 :                 if( bRight )
    4531           2 :                     rOutRect.Right( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4532           2 :                 if( bTop )
    4533           2 :                     rOutRect.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4534             :             }
    4535           2 :             break;
    4536             :         case SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMLEFT:
    4537             :             {
    4538           2 :                 if ( bDrawFullShadowRectangle )
    4539             :                 {
    4540             :                     // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - draw full shadow rectangle
    4541           0 :                     aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4542           0 :                     aOut.Right( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4543           0 :                     aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4544             :                 }
    4545             :                 else
    4546             :                 {
    4547           2 :                     if( bBottom )
    4548             :                     {
    4549           2 :                         aOut.Top( rOutRect.Bottom()- nHeight );
    4550           2 :                         if( bRight )
    4551           2 :                             aOut.Right( rOutRect.Right() - nWidth );
    4552           2 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4553             :                     }
    4554           2 :                     if( bLeft )
    4555             :                     {
    4556           2 :                         aOut.Right( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4557           2 :                         if( bTop )
    4558           2 :                             aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() + nHeight );
    4559             :                         else
    4560           0 :                             aOut.Top( rOutRect.Top() );
    4561           2 :                         if( bBottom )
    4562           2 :                             aOut.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4563           2 :                         aRegion.push_back( aOut );
    4564             :                     }
    4565             :                 }
    4566             : 
    4567           2 :                 if( bLeft )
    4568           2 :                     rOutRect.Left( rOutRect.Left() + nWidth );
    4569           2 :                 if( bBottom )
    4570           2 :                     rOutRect.Bottom( rOutRect.Bottom() - nHeight );
    4571             :             }
    4572           2 :             break;
    4573             :         default:
    4574             :             assert(false);
    4575           0 :             break;
    4576             :     }
    4577             : 
    4578          32 :     OutputDevice *pOut = pGlobalShell->GetOut();
    4579             : 
    4580          32 :     sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pOut->GetDrawMode();
    4581          32 :     Color aShadowColor( rShadow.GetColor().GetRGBColor() );
    4582          54 :     if( !aRegion.empty() && pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    4583          22 :         Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    4584             :     {
    4585             :         // In high contrast mode, the output device has already set the
    4586             :         // DRAWMODE_SETTINGSFILL flag. This causes the SetFillColor function
    4587             :         // to ignore the setting of a new color. Therefore we have to reset
    4588             :         // the drawing mode
    4589           0 :         pOut->SetDrawMode( 0 );
    4590           0 :         aShadowColor = SwViewOption::GetFontColor();
    4591             :     }
    4592             : 
    4593          32 :     if ( pOut->GetFillColor() != aShadowColor )
    4594          32 :         pOut->SetFillColor( aShadowColor );
    4595             : 
    4596          32 :     pOut->SetLineColor();
    4597             : 
    4598          32 :     pOut->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
    4599             : 
    4600         160 :     for ( size_t i = 0; i < aRegion.size(); ++i )
    4601             :     {
    4602         128 :         SwRect &rOut = aRegion[i];
    4603         128 :         aOut = rOut;
    4604         128 :         if ( rRect.IsOver( aOut ) && aOut.Height() > 0 && aOut.Width() > 0 )
    4605             :         {
    4606          40 :             aOut._Intersection( rRect );
    4607          40 :             pOut->DrawRect( aOut.SVRect() );
    4608             :         }
    4609          32 :     }
    4610          32 : }
    4611             : 
    4612             : /**
    4613             :  * Paints a shadow if the format requests so.
    4614             :  *
    4615             :  * The shadow is always painted on the outer edge of the OutRect.
    4616             :  * If needed, the OutRect is shrunk so the painting of the border can be
    4617             :  * done on it.
    4618             :  *
    4619             :  * @note: draw full shadow rectangle for frames with transparent drawn backgrounds (OD 23.08.2002 #99657#)
    4620             :  */
    4621          22 : void SwFrm::PaintShadow( const SwRect& rRect, SwRect& rOutRect,
    4622             :                          const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs ) const
    4623             : {
    4624          22 :     SvxShadowItem rShadow = rAttrs.GetShadow();
    4625             : 
    4626          22 :     const bool bCnt    = IsCntntFrm();
    4627          22 :     const bool bTop    = !bCnt || rAttrs.GetTopLine  ( *(this) );
    4628          22 :     const bool bBottom = !bCnt || rAttrs.GetBottomLine( *(this) );
    4629             : 
    4630          22 :     if( IsVertical() )
    4631             :     {
    4632           0 :         switch( rShadow.GetLocation() )
    4633             :         {
    4634           0 :             case SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMRIGHT: rShadow.SetLocation(SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMLEFT);  break;
    4635           0 :             case SVX_SHADOW_TOPLEFT:     rShadow.SetLocation(SVX_SHADOW_TOPRIGHT);    break;
    4636           0 :             case SVX_SHADOW_TOPRIGHT:    rShadow.SetLocation(SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMRIGHT); break;
    4637           0 :             case SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMLEFT:  rShadow.SetLocation(SVX_SHADOW_TOPLEFT);     break;
    4638           0 :             default: break;
    4639             :         }
    4640             :     }
    4641             : 
    4642             :     // OD 23.08.2002 #99657# - determine, if full shadow rectangle have to
    4643             :     //     be drawn or only two shadow rectangles beside the frame.
    4644             :     //     draw full shadow rectangle, if frame background is drawn transparent.
    4645             :     //     Status Quo:
    4646             :     //         SwLayoutFrm can have transparent drawn backgrounds. Thus,
    4647             :     //         "asked" their frame format.
    4648             :     const bool bDrawFullShadowRectangle =
    4649          44 :             ( IsLayoutFrm() &&
    4650          22 :               (static_cast<const SwLayoutFrm*>(this))->GetFmt()->IsBackgroundTransparent()
    4651          22 :             );
    4652             : 
    4653          22 :     SWRECTFN( this );
    4654          22 :     ::lcl_ExtendLeftAndRight( rOutRect, *(this), rAttrs, fnRect );
    4655             : 
    4656          22 :     lcl_PaintShadow(rRect, rOutRect, rShadow, bDrawFullShadowRectangle, bTop, bBottom, true, true);
    4657          22 : }
    4658             : 
    4659           2 : void SwFrm::PaintBorderLine( const SwRect& rRect,
    4660             :                              const SwRect& rOutRect,
    4661             :                              const SwPageFrm * /*pPage*/,
    4662             :                              const Color *pColor,
    4663             :                              const SvxBorderStyle nStyle ) const
    4664             : {
    4665           2 :     if ( !rOutRect.IsOver( rRect ) )
    4666           4 :         return;
    4667             : 
    4668           0 :     SwRect aOut( rOutRect );
    4669           0 :     aOut._Intersection( rRect );
    4670             : 
    4671           0 :     const SwTabFrm *pTab = IsCellFrm() ? FindTabFrm() : 0;
    4672           0 :     sal_uInt8 nSubCol = ( IsCellFrm() || IsRowFrm() ) ? SUBCOL_TAB :
    4673           0 :                    ( IsInSct() ? SUBCOL_SECT :
    4674           0 :                    ( IsInFly() ? SUBCOL_FLY : SUBCOL_PAGE ) );
    4675           0 :     if( pColor && pGlobalShell->GetWin() &&
    4676           0 :         Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    4677             :     {
    4678           0 :         pColor = &SwViewOption::GetFontColor();
    4679             :     }
    4680             : 
    4681             :     //if ( pPage->GetSortedObjs() )
    4682             :     //{
    4683             :     //    SwRegionRects aRegion( aOut, 4 );
    4684             :     //    ::lcl_SubtractFlys( this, pPage, aOut, aRegion );
    4685             :     //    for ( size_t i = 0; i < aRegion.size(); ++i )
    4686             :     //        pLines->AddLineRect( aRegion[i], pColor, nStyle, pTab, nSubCol );
    4687             :     //}
    4688             :     //else
    4689           0 :         pLines->AddLineRect( aOut, pColor, nStyle, pTab, nSubCol );
    4690             : }
    4691             : 
    4692             : /**
    4693             :  * @note Only all lines once or all lines twice!
    4694             :  *
    4695             :  * OD 29.04.2003 #107169# - method called for left and right border rectangles.
    4696             :  * For a printer output device perform adjustment for non-overlapping top and
    4697             :  * bottom border rectangles. Thus, add parameter <_bPrtOutputDev> to indicate
    4698             :  * printer output device.
    4699             :  * NOTE: For printer output device left/right border rectangle <_iorRect>
    4700             :  *        has to be already non-overlapping the outer top/bottom border rectangle.
    4701             :  */
    4702         640 : static void lcl_SubTopBottom( SwRect&              _iorRect,
    4703             :                                    const SvxBoxItem&    _rBox,
    4704             :                                    const SwBorderAttrs& _rAttrs,
    4705             :                                    const SwFrm&         _rFrm,
    4706             :                                    const SwRectFn&      _rRectFn,
    4707             :                                    const bool       _bPrtOutputDev )
    4708             : {
    4709         640 :     const bool bCnt = _rFrm.IsCntntFrm();
    4710         640 :     if ( _rBox.GetTop() && _rBox.GetTop()->GetInWidth() &&
    4711           0 :          ( !bCnt || _rAttrs.GetTopLine( _rFrm ) )
    4712             :        )
    4713             :     {
    4714             :         // subtract distance between outer and inner line.
    4715           0 :         SwTwips nDist = ::lcl_MinHeightDist( _rBox.GetTop()->GetDistance() );
    4716             :         // OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - non-overlapping border rectangles:
    4717             :         // adjust x-/y-position, if inner top line is a hair line (width = 1)
    4718           0 :         bool bIsInnerTopLineHairline = false;
    4719           0 :         if ( !_bPrtOutputDev )
    4720             :         {
    4721             :             // additionally subtract width of top outer line
    4722             :             // --> left/right inner/outer line doesn't overlap top outer line.
    4723           0 :             nDist += ::lcl_AlignHeight( _rBox.GetTop()->GetOutWidth() );
    4724             :         }
    4725             :         else
    4726             :         {
    4727             :             // OD 29.04.2003 #107169# - additionally subtract width of top inner line
    4728             :             // --> left/right inner/outer line doesn't overlap top inner line.
    4729           0 :             nDist += ::lcl_AlignHeight( _rBox.GetTop()->GetInWidth() );
    4730           0 :             bIsInnerTopLineHairline = _rBox.GetTop()->GetInWidth() == 1;
    4731             :         }
    4732           0 :         (_iorRect.*_rRectFn->fnSubTop)( -nDist );
    4733             :         // OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - adjust calculated border top, if inner top line
    4734             :         // is a hair line
    4735           0 :         if ( bIsInnerTopLineHairline )
    4736             :         {
    4737           0 :             if ( _rFrm.IsVertical() )
    4738             :             {
    4739             :                 // right of border rectangle has to be checked and adjusted
    4740           0 :                 Point aCompPt( _iorRect.Right(), 0 );
    4741           0 :                 Point aRefPt( aCompPt.X() + 1, aCompPt.Y() );
    4742           0 :                 lcl_CompPxPosAndAdjustPos( *(pGlobalShell->GetOut()),
    4743             :                                           aRefPt, aCompPt,
    4744           0 :                                           true, -1 );
    4745           0 :                 _iorRect.Right( aCompPt.X() );
    4746             :             }
    4747             :             else
    4748             :             {
    4749             :                 // top of border rectangle has to be checked and adjusted
    4750           0 :                 Point aCompPt( 0, _iorRect.Top() );
    4751           0 :                 Point aRefPt( aCompPt.X(), aCompPt.Y() - 1 );
    4752           0 :                 lcl_CompPxPosAndAdjustPos( *(pGlobalShell->GetOut()),
    4753             :                                           aRefPt, aCompPt,
    4754           0 :                                           false, +1 );
    4755           0 :                 _iorRect.Top( aCompPt.Y() );
    4756             :             }
    4757             :         }
    4758             :     }
    4759             : 
    4760         640 :     if ( _rBox.GetBottom() && _rBox.GetBottom()->GetInWidth() &&
    4761           0 :          ( !bCnt || _rAttrs.GetBottomLine( _rFrm ) )
    4762             :        )
    4763             :     {
    4764             :         // subtract distance between outer and inner line.
    4765           0 :         SwTwips nDist = ::lcl_MinHeightDist( _rBox.GetBottom()->GetDistance() );
    4766             :         // OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - non-overlapping border rectangles:
    4767             :         // adjust x-/y-position, if inner bottom line is a hair line (width = 1)
    4768           0 :         bool bIsInnerBottomLineHairline = false;
    4769           0 :         if ( !_bPrtOutputDev )
    4770             :         {
    4771             :             // additionally subtract width of bottom outer line
    4772             :             // --> left/right inner/outer line doesn't overlap bottom outer line.
    4773           0 :             nDist += ::lcl_AlignHeight( _rBox.GetBottom()->GetOutWidth() );
    4774             :         }
    4775             :         else
    4776             :         {
    4777             :             // OD 29.04.2003 #107169# - additionally subtract width of bottom inner line
    4778             :             // --> left/right inner/outer line doesn't overlap bottom inner line.
    4779           0 :             nDist += ::lcl_AlignHeight( _rBox.GetBottom()->GetInWidth() );
    4780           0 :             bIsInnerBottomLineHairline = _rBox.GetBottom()->GetInWidth() == 1;
    4781             :         }
    4782           0 :         (_iorRect.*_rRectFn->fnAddBottom)( -nDist );
    4783             :         // OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - adjust calculated border bottom, if inner
    4784             :         // bottom line is a hair line.
    4785           0 :         if ( bIsInnerBottomLineHairline )
    4786             :         {
    4787           0 :             if ( _rFrm.IsVertical() )
    4788             :             {
    4789             :                 // left of border rectangle has to be checked and adjusted
    4790           0 :                 Point aCompPt( _iorRect.Left(), 0 );
    4791           0 :                 Point aRefPt( aCompPt.X() - 1, aCompPt.Y() );
    4792           0 :                 lcl_CompPxPosAndAdjustPos( *(pGlobalShell->GetOut()),
    4793             :                                           aRefPt, aCompPt,
    4794           0 :                                           true, +1 );
    4795           0 :                 _iorRect.Left( aCompPt.X() );
    4796             :             }
    4797             :             else
    4798             :             {
    4799             :                 // bottom of border rectangle has to be checked and adjusted
    4800           0 :                 Point aCompPt( 0, _iorRect.Bottom() );
    4801           0 :                 Point aRefPt( aCompPt.X(), aCompPt.Y() + 1 );
    4802           0 :                 lcl_CompPxPosAndAdjustPos( *(pGlobalShell->GetOut()),
    4803             :                                           aRefPt, aCompPt,
    4804           0 :                                           false, -1 );
    4805           0 :                 _iorRect.Bottom( aCompPt.Y() );
    4806             :             }
    4807             :         }
    4808             :     }
    4809         640 : }
    4810             : 
    4811       10652 : static sal_uInt16 lcl_GetLineWidth( const SvxBorderLine* pLine )
    4812             : {
    4813       10652 :     if ( pLine != NULL )
    4814       10440 :         return pLine->GetScaledWidth();
    4815             : 
    4816         212 :     return 0;
    4817             : }
    4818             : 
    4819        5512 : static double lcl_GetExtent( const SvxBorderLine* pSideLine, const SvxBorderLine* pOppositeLine )
    4820             : {
    4821        5512 :     double nExtent = 0.0;
    4822             : 
    4823        5512 :     if ( pSideLine && !pSideLine->isEmpty() )
    4824        2544 :         nExtent = -lcl_GetLineWidth( pSideLine ) / 2.0;
    4825        2968 :     else if ( pOppositeLine )
    4826        2544 :         nExtent = lcl_GetLineWidth( pOppositeLine ) / 2.0;
    4827             : 
    4828        5512 :     return nExtent;
    4829             : }
    4830             : 
    4831        1386 : static void lcl_MakeBorderLine(SwRect const& rRect,
    4832             :         bool const isVerticalInModel,
    4833             :         bool const isLeftOrTopBorderInModel,
    4834             :         bool const isVertical,
    4835             :         SvxBorderLine const& rBorder,
    4836             :         SvxBorderLine const*const pLeftOrTopNeighbour,
    4837             :         SvxBorderLine const*const pRightOrBottomNeighbour)
    4838             : {
    4839             :     bool const isLeftOrTopBorder((isVerticalInModel == isVertical)
    4840             :             ? isLeftOrTopBorderInModel
    4841        1386 :             : (isLeftOrTopBorderInModel != isVertical));
    4842             :     SvxBorderLine const*const pStartNeighbour(
    4843        2102 :             (!isVertical && isVerticalInModel)
    4844        1386 :             ? pRightOrBottomNeighbour : pLeftOrTopNeighbour);
    4845             :     SvxBorderLine const*const pEndNeighbour(
    4846             :             (pStartNeighbour == pLeftOrTopNeighbour)
    4847        1386 :             ? pRightOrBottomNeighbour : pLeftOrTopNeighbour);
    4848             : 
    4849        1386 :     basegfx::B2DPoint aStart;
    4850        2764 :     basegfx::B2DPoint aEnd;
    4851        1386 :     if (isVertical)
    4852             :     {   // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
    4853             :         double const fStartX( (isLeftOrTopBorder)
    4854         332 :                 ? rRect.Left()  + (rRect.Width() / 2.0)
    4855        1002 :                 : rRect.Right() - (rRect.Width() / 2.0));
    4856         670 :         aStart.setX(fStartX);
    4857         670 :         aStart.setY(rRect.Top() +
    4858         670 :                 lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pStartNeighbour))/2.0);
    4859         670 :         aEnd.setX(fStartX);
    4860         670 :         aEnd.setY(rRect.Bottom() -
    4861         670 :                 lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pEndNeighbour))/2.0);
    4862             :     }
    4863             :     else
    4864             :     {   // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
    4865             :         double const fStartY( (isLeftOrTopBorder)
    4866         322 :                 ? rRect.Top()    + (rRect.Height() / 2.0)
    4867        1038 :                 : rRect.Bottom() - (rRect.Height() / 2.0));
    4868         716 :         aStart.setX(rRect.Left() +
    4869         716 :                 lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pStartNeighbour))/2.0);
    4870         716 :         aStart.setY(fStartY);
    4871         716 :         aEnd.setX(rRect.Right() -
    4872         716 :                 lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pEndNeighbour))/2.0);
    4873         716 :         aEnd.setY(fStartY);
    4874             :     }
    4875             : 
    4876             :     // When rendering to very small (virtual) devices, like when producing
    4877             :     // page thumbnails in a mobile device app, the line geometry can end up
    4878             :     // bogus (negative width or height), so just ignore such border lines.
    4879             :     // Otherwise we will run into assertions later in lcl_TryMergeBorderLine()
    4880             :     // at least.
    4881        2772 :     if (aEnd.getX() < aStart.getX() ||
    4882        1386 :         aEnd.getY() < aStart.getY())
    4883        1394 :         return;
    4884             : 
    4885             :     double const nExtentLeftStart = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
    4886             :         ?   lcl_GetExtent(pStartNeighbour, 0)
    4887        1378 :         :   lcl_GetExtent(0, pStartNeighbour);
    4888             :     double const nExtentLeftEnd = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
    4889             :         ?   lcl_GetExtent(pEndNeighbour, 0)
    4890        1378 :         :   lcl_GetExtent(0, pEndNeighbour);
    4891             :     double const nExtentRightStart = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
    4892             :         ?   lcl_GetExtent(0, pStartNeighbour)
    4893        1378 :         :   lcl_GetExtent(pStartNeighbour, 0);
    4894             :     double const nExtentRightEnd = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
    4895             :         ?   lcl_GetExtent(0, pEndNeighbour)
    4896        1378 :         :   lcl_GetExtent(pEndNeighbour, 0);
    4897             : 
    4898        1378 :     double const nLeftWidth = rBorder.GetOutWidth();
    4899        1378 :     double const nRightWidth = rBorder.GetInWidth();
    4900        1378 :     Color const aLeftColor = rBorder.GetColorOut(isLeftOrTopBorder);
    4901        1378 :     Color const aRightColor = rBorder.GetColorIn(isLeftOrTopBorder);
    4902             : 
    4903             :     ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> const xLine =
    4904             :         new BorderLinePrimitive2D(
    4905        1378 :             aStart, aEnd, nLeftWidth, rBorder.GetDistance(), nRightWidth,
    4906             :             nExtentLeftStart, nExtentLeftEnd,
    4907             :             nExtentRightStart, nExtentRightEnd,
    4908             :             aLeftColor.getBColor(), aRightColor.getBColor(),
    4909        1378 :             rBorder.GetColorGap().getBColor(), rBorder.HasGapColor(),
    4910        4134 :             rBorder.GetBorderLineStyle() );
    4911        2756 :     g_pBorderLines->AddBorderLine(xLine);
    4912             : }
    4913             : 
    4914             : /**
    4915             :  * OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - merge <lcl_PaintLeftLine> and <lcl_PaintRightLine>
    4916             :  * into new method <lcl_PaintLeftRightLine(..)>
    4917             :  */
    4918         836 : static void lcl_PaintLeftRightLine( const bool         _bLeft,
    4919             :                              const SwFrm&           _rFrm,
    4920             :                              const SwPageFrm&       /*_rPage*/,
    4921             :                              const SwRect&          _rOutRect,
    4922             :                              const SwRect&          /*_rRect*/,
    4923             :                              const SwBorderAttrs&   _rAttrs,
    4924             :                              const SwRectFn&        _rRectFn )
    4925             : {
    4926         836 :     const SvxBoxItem& rBox = _rAttrs.GetBox();
    4927         836 :     const bool bR2L = _rFrm.IsCellFrm() && _rFrm.IsRightToLeft();
    4928         836 :     const SvxBorderLine* pLeftRightBorder = 0;
    4929         836 :     const SvxBorderLine* pTopBorder = rBox.GetTop();
    4930         836 :     const SvxBorderLine* pBottomBorder = rBox.GetBottom();
    4931             : 
    4932         836 :     if ( _bLeft )
    4933             :     {
    4934         418 :         pLeftRightBorder = bR2L ? rBox.GetRight() : rBox.GetLeft();
    4935             :     }
    4936             :     else
    4937             :     {
    4938         418 :         pLeftRightBorder = bR2L ? rBox.GetLeft() : rBox.GetRight();
    4939             :     }
    4940             : 
    4941         836 :     if ( !pLeftRightBorder )
    4942             :     {
    4943        1004 :         return;
    4944             :     }
    4945             : 
    4946         668 :     SwRect aRect( _rOutRect );
    4947         668 :     if ( _bLeft )
    4948             :     {
    4949         334 :         (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnAddRight)( ::lcl_AlignWidth( lcl_GetLineWidth( pLeftRightBorder ) ) -
    4950         668 :                                        (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnGetWidth)() );
    4951             : 
    4952             :         // Shift the left border to the left.
    4953         334 :         Point aCurPos = aRect.Pos();
    4954         334 :         const sal_uInt16 nOffset = pLeftRightBorder->GetDistance();
    4955         334 :         aCurPos.X() -= nOffset;
    4956         334 :         aCurPos.Y() -= nOffset;
    4957         334 :         aRect.Pos(aCurPos);
    4958         334 :         Size aCurSize = aRect.SSize();
    4959         334 :         aCurSize.Height() += nOffset * 2;
    4960         334 :         aRect.SSize(aCurSize);
    4961             :     }
    4962             :     else
    4963             :     {
    4964         334 :         (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnSubLeft)( ::lcl_AlignWidth( lcl_GetLineWidth( pLeftRightBorder ) ) -
    4965         668 :                                       (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnGetWidth)() );
    4966             :     }
    4967             : 
    4968         668 :     if ( _rFrm.IsCntntFrm() )
    4969             :     {
    4970          68 :         ::lcl_ExtendLeftAndRight( aRect, _rFrm, _rAttrs, _rRectFn );
    4971             : 
    4972             :         // No Top / bottom borders for joint borders
    4973          68 :         if ( _rAttrs.JoinedWithPrev( _rFrm ) ) pTopBorder = NULL;
    4974          68 :         if ( _rAttrs.JoinedWithNext( _rFrm ) ) pBottomBorder = NULL;
    4975             :     }
    4976             : 
    4977         668 :     if ( !pLeftRightBorder->GetInWidth() )
    4978             :     {
    4979             :         // OD 06.05.2003 #107169# - init boolean indicating printer output device.
    4980             :         const bool bPrtOutputDev =
    4981         640 :                 ( OUTDEV_PRINTER == pGlobalShell->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() );
    4982             : 
    4983             :         // OD 06.05.2003 #107169# - add 6th parameter
    4984         640 :         ::lcl_SubTopBottom( aRect, rBox, _rAttrs, _rFrm, _rRectFn, bPrtOutputDev );
    4985             :     }
    4986             : 
    4987         668 :     if ( lcl_GetLineWidth( pLeftRightBorder ) > 0 )
    4988             :     {
    4989             :         lcl_MakeBorderLine(
    4990         632 :             aRect, true, _bLeft, aRect.Height() > aRect.Width(),
    4991         632 :             *pLeftRightBorder, pTopBorder, pBottomBorder);
    4992             :     }
    4993             : }
    4994             : 
    4995             : /**
    4996             :  * OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - merge <lcl_PaintTopLine> and <lcl_PaintBottomLine>
    4997             :  * into <lcl_PaintTopLine>
    4998             :  */
    4999         728 : static void lcl_PaintTopBottomLine( const bool         _bTop,
    5000             :                              const SwFrm&           ,
    5001             :                              const SwPageFrm&       /*_rPage*/,
    5002             :                              const SwRect&          _rOutRect,
    5003             :                              const SwRect&          /*_rRect*/,
    5004             :                              const SwBorderAttrs&   _rAttrs,
    5005             :                              const SwRectFn&        _rRectFn )
    5006             : {
    5007         728 :     const SvxBoxItem& rBox = _rAttrs.GetBox();
    5008         728 :     const SvxBorderLine* pTopBottomBorder = 0;
    5009             : 
    5010         728 :     if ( _bTop )
    5011             :     {
    5012         332 :         pTopBottomBorder = rBox.GetTop();
    5013             :     }
    5014             :     else
    5015             :     {
    5016         396 :         pTopBottomBorder = rBox.GetBottom();
    5017             :     }
    5018             : 
    5019         728 :     if ( !pTopBottomBorder )
    5020             :     {
    5021         728 :         return;
    5022             :     }
    5023             : 
    5024         728 :     SwRect aRect( _rOutRect );
    5025         728 :     if ( _bTop )
    5026             :     {
    5027         332 :         (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnAddBottom)( ::lcl_AlignHeight( lcl_GetLineWidth( pTopBottomBorder ) ) -
    5028         664 :                                         (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnGetHeight)() );
    5029             : 
    5030             :         // Push the top border up a bit.
    5031         332 :         const sal_uInt16 nOffset = pTopBottomBorder->GetDistance();
    5032         332 :         Point aCurPos = aRect.Pos();
    5033         332 :         aCurPos.X() -= nOffset;
    5034         332 :         aCurPos.Y() -= nOffset;
    5035         332 :         aRect.Pos(aCurPos);
    5036         332 :         Size aCurSize = aRect.SSize();
    5037         332 :         aCurSize.Width() += nOffset * 2;
    5038         332 :         aRect.SSize(aCurSize);
    5039             :     }
    5040             :     else
    5041             :     {
    5042         396 :         (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnSubTop)( ::lcl_AlignHeight( lcl_GetLineWidth( pTopBottomBorder ) ) -
    5043         792 :                                      (aRect.*_rRectFn->fnGetHeight)() );
    5044             :     }
    5045             : 
    5046         728 :     if ( lcl_GetLineWidth( pTopBottomBorder ) > 0 )
    5047             :     {
    5048             :         lcl_MakeBorderLine(
    5049         692 :             aRect, false, _bTop, aRect.Height() > aRect.Width(),
    5050        1384 :             *pTopBottomBorder, rBox.GetLeft(), rBox.GetRight());
    5051             :     }
    5052             : }
    5053             : 
    5054       44479 : void PaintCharacterBorder(
    5055             :     const SwFont& rFont,
    5056             :     const SwRect& rPaintArea,
    5057             :     const bool bVerticalLayout,
    5058             :     const bool bJoinWithPrev,
    5059             :     const bool bJoinWithNext )
    5060             : {
    5061       44479 :     SwRect aAlignedRect(rPaintArea);
    5062       44479 :     SwAlignRect(aAlignedRect, pGlobalShell);
    5063             : 
    5064       44479 :     bool bTop = true;
    5065       44479 :     bool bBottom = true;
    5066       44479 :     bool bLeft = true;
    5067       44479 :     bool bRight = true;
    5068             : 
    5069       44479 :     switch( rFont.GetOrientation(bVerticalLayout) )
    5070             :     {
    5071             :         case 0 :
    5072       44477 :             bLeft = !bJoinWithPrev;
    5073       44477 :             bRight = !bJoinWithNext;
    5074       44477 :             break;
    5075             :         case 900 :
    5076           2 :             bBottom = !bJoinWithPrev;
    5077           2 :             bTop = !bJoinWithNext;
    5078           2 :             break;
    5079             :         case 1800 :
    5080           0 :             bRight = !bJoinWithPrev;
    5081           0 :             bLeft = !bJoinWithNext;
    5082           0 :             break;
    5083             :         case 2700 :
    5084           0 :             bTop = !bJoinWithPrev;
    5085           0 :             bBottom = !bJoinWithNext;
    5086           0 :             break;
    5087             :     }
    5088             : 
    5089             :     // Paint shadow (reduce painting rect)
    5090             :     {
    5091             :         const SvxShadowItem aShadow(
    5092       88958 :             0, &rFont.GetShadowColor(), rFont.GetShadowWidth(),
    5093      133437 :             rFont.GetAbsShadowLocation(bVerticalLayout));
    5094             : 
    5095       44479 :         if( aShadow.GetLocation() != SVX_SHADOW_NONE )
    5096             :         {
    5097             :             lcl_PaintShadow( SwRect(aAlignedRect), aAlignedRect, aShadow,
    5098          10 :                              false, bTop, bBottom, bLeft, bRight);
    5099       44479 :         }
    5100             :     }
    5101             : 
    5102             :     // Init borders, after this initialization top, bottom, right and left means the
    5103             :     // absolute position
    5104             :     boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aTopBorder =
    5105       44479 :         (bTop ? rFont.GetAbsTopBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
    5106             :     boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aBottomBorder =
    5107       88958 :         (bBottom ? rFont.GetAbsBottomBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
    5108             :     boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aLeftBorder =
    5109       88958 :         (bLeft ? rFont.GetAbsLeftBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
    5110             :     boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aRightBorder =
    5111       88958 :         (bRight ? rFont.GetAbsRightBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
    5112             : 
    5113       44479 :     if( aTopBorder )
    5114             :     {
    5115          16 :         const sal_uInt16 nOffset = aTopBorder->GetDistance();
    5116             : 
    5117             :         Point aLeftTop(
    5118          16 :             aAlignedRect.Left() - nOffset,
    5119          32 :             aAlignedRect.Top() - nOffset);
    5120             :         Point aRightBottom(
    5121          16 :             aAlignedRect.Right() + nOffset,
    5122          32 :             aAlignedRect.Top() - nOffset + aTopBorder->GetScaledWidth());
    5123             : 
    5124             :         lcl_MakeBorderLine(
    5125             :             SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
    5126             :             false, true, false,
    5127          16 :             aTopBorder.get(),
    5128          16 :             aLeftBorder.get_ptr(),
    5129          32 :             aRightBorder.get_ptr());
    5130             :     }
    5131             : 
    5132       44479 :     if( aBottomBorder )
    5133             :     {
    5134          16 :         if( aBottomBorder->isDouble() )
    5135           2 :             aBottomBorder->SetMirrorWidths(true);
    5136             : 
    5137             :         Point aLeftTop(
    5138             :             aAlignedRect.Left(),
    5139          16 :             aAlignedRect.Bottom() - aBottomBorder.get().GetScaledWidth());
    5140             :         Point aRightBottom(
    5141             :             aAlignedRect.Right(),
    5142          16 :             aAlignedRect.Bottom());
    5143             : 
    5144             :         lcl_MakeBorderLine(
    5145             :             SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
    5146             :             false, false, false,
    5147          16 :             aBottomBorder.get(),
    5148          16 :             aLeftBorder.get_ptr(),
    5149          32 :             aRightBorder.get_ptr());
    5150             :     }
    5151             : 
    5152       44479 :     if( aLeftBorder )
    5153             :     {
    5154          16 :         const sal_uInt16 nOffset = aLeftBorder->GetDistance();
    5155             : 
    5156             :         Point aLeftTop(
    5157          16 :             aAlignedRect.Left() - nOffset,
    5158          32 :             aAlignedRect.Top() - nOffset);
    5159             :         Point aRightBottom(
    5160          16 :             aAlignedRect.Left() - nOffset + aLeftBorder->GetScaledWidth(),
    5161          32 :             aAlignedRect.Bottom() + nOffset);
    5162             : 
    5163             :         lcl_MakeBorderLine(
    5164             :             SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
    5165             :             true, true, true,
    5166          16 :             aLeftBorder.get(),
    5167          16 :             aTopBorder.get_ptr(),
    5168          32 :             aBottomBorder.get_ptr());
    5169             :     }
    5170             : 
    5171       44479 :     if( aRightBorder )
    5172             :     {
    5173          14 :         if( aRightBorder->isDouble() )
    5174           0 :             aRightBorder->SetMirrorWidths(true);
    5175             : 
    5176             :         Point aLeftTop(
    5177          14 :             aAlignedRect.Right() - aRightBorder.get().GetScaledWidth(),
    5178          28 :             aAlignedRect.Top());
    5179             :         Point aRightBottom(
    5180             :             aAlignedRect.Right(),
    5181          14 :             aAlignedRect.Bottom());
    5182             : 
    5183             :         lcl_MakeBorderLine(
    5184             :             SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
    5185             :             true, false, true,
    5186          14 :             aRightBorder.get(),
    5187          14 :             aTopBorder.get_ptr(),
    5188          28 :             aBottomBorder.get_ptr());
    5189       44479 :     }
    5190       44479 : }
    5191             : 
    5192             : /// #i15844#
    5193           0 : static const SwFrm* lcl_HasNextCell( const SwFrm& rFrm )
    5194             : {
    5195             :     OSL_ENSURE( rFrm.IsCellFrm(),
    5196             :             "lcl_HasNextCell( const SwFrm& rFrm ) should be called with SwCellFrm" );
    5197             : 
    5198           0 :     const SwFrm* pTmpFrm = &rFrm;
    5199           0 :     do
    5200             :     {
    5201           0 :         if ( pTmpFrm->GetNext() )
    5202           0 :             return pTmpFrm->GetNext();
    5203             : 
    5204           0 :         pTmpFrm = pTmpFrm->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
    5205             :     }
    5206             :     while ( pTmpFrm->IsCellFrm() );
    5207             : 
    5208           0 :     return 0;
    5209             : }
    5210             : 
    5211             : /**
    5212             :  * Determine cell frame, from which the border attributes
    5213             :  * for paint of top/bottom border has to be used.
    5214             :  *
    5215             :  * OD 21.02.2003 #b4779636#, #107692#
    5216             :  *
    5217             :  * @param _pCellFrm
    5218             :  * input parameter - constant pointer to cell frame for which the cell frame
    5219             :  * for the border attributes has to be determined.
    5220             :  *
    5221             :  * @param _rCellBorderAttrs
    5222             :  * input parameter - constant reference to the border attributes of cell frame
    5223             :  * <_pCellFrm>.
    5224             :  *
    5225             :  * @param _bTop
    5226             :  * input parameter - boolean, that controls, if cell frame for top border or
    5227             :  * for bottom border has to be determined.
    5228             :  *
    5229             :  * @return constant pointer to cell frame, for which the border attributes has
    5230             :  * to be used
    5231             :  */
    5232           8 : static const SwFrm* lcl_GetCellFrmForBorderAttrs( const SwFrm*         _pCellFrm,
    5233             :                                            const SwBorderAttrs& _rCellBorderAttrs,
    5234             :                                            const bool           _bTop )
    5235             : {
    5236             :     OSL_ENSURE( _pCellFrm, "No cell frame available, dying soon" );
    5237             : 
    5238             :     // determine, if cell frame is at bottom/top border of a table frame and
    5239             :     // the table frame has/is a follow.
    5240           8 :     const SwFrm* pTmpFrm = _pCellFrm;
    5241           8 :     bool bCellAtBorder = true;
    5242           8 :     bool bCellAtLeftBorder = !_pCellFrm->GetPrev();
    5243           8 :     bool bCellAtRightBorder = !_pCellFrm->GetNext();
    5244          24 :     while( !pTmpFrm->IsRowFrm() || !pTmpFrm->GetUpper()->IsTabFrm() )
    5245             :     {
    5246           8 :         pTmpFrm = pTmpFrm->GetUpper();
    5247          12 :         if ( pTmpFrm->IsRowFrm() &&
    5248           8 :              (_bTop ? pTmpFrm->GetPrev() : pTmpFrm->GetNext())
    5249             :            )
    5250             :         {
    5251           0 :             bCellAtBorder = false;
    5252             :         }
    5253           8 :         if ( pTmpFrm->IsCellFrm() )
    5254             :         {
    5255           0 :             if ( pTmpFrm->GetPrev() )
    5256             :             {
    5257           0 :                 bCellAtLeftBorder = false;
    5258             :             }
    5259           0 :             if ( pTmpFrm->GetNext() )
    5260             :             {
    5261           0 :                 bCellAtRightBorder = false;
    5262             :             }
    5263             :         }
    5264             :     }
    5265             :     OSL_ENSURE( pTmpFrm && pTmpFrm->IsRowFrm(), "No RowFrm available" );
    5266             : 
    5267           8 :     const SwLayoutFrm* pParentRowFrm = static_cast<const SwLayoutFrm*>(pTmpFrm);
    5268             :     const SwTabFrm* pParentTabFrm =
    5269           8 :             static_cast<const SwTabFrm*>(pParentRowFrm->GetUpper());
    5270             : 
    5271          16 :     const bool bCellNeedsAttribute = bCellAtBorder &&
    5272             :                                      ( _bTop ?
    5273             :                                       // bCellInFirstRowWithMaster
    5274           8 :                                        ( !pParentRowFrm->GetPrev() &&
    5275           4 :                                          pParentTabFrm->IsFollow() &&
    5276           0 :                                          0 == pParentTabFrm->GetTable()->GetRowsToRepeat() ) :
    5277             :                                       // bCellInLastRowWithFollow
    5278           8 :                                        ( !pParentRowFrm->GetNext() &&
    5279           4 :                                          pParentTabFrm->GetFollow() )
    5280           8 :                                      );
    5281             : 
    5282           8 :     const SwFrm* pRet = _pCellFrm;
    5283           8 :     if ( bCellNeedsAttribute )
    5284             :     {
    5285             :         // determine, if cell frame has no borders inside the table.
    5286           0 :         const SwFrm* pNextCell = 0;
    5287           0 :         bool bNoBordersInside = false;
    5288             : 
    5289           0 :         if ( bCellAtLeftBorder && ( 0 != ( pNextCell = lcl_HasNextCell( *_pCellFrm ) ) ) )
    5290             :         {
    5291           0 :             SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), pNextCell );
    5292           0 :             const SwBorderAttrs &rBorderAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    5293           0 :             const SvxBoxItem& rBorderBox = rBorderAttrs.GetBox();
    5294           0 :             bCellAtRightBorder = !lcl_HasNextCell( *pNextCell );
    5295             :             bNoBordersInside =
    5296           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetTop()    || !pParentRowFrm->GetPrev() ) &&
    5297           0 :                   !rBorderBox.GetLeft() &&
    5298           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetRight()  || bCellAtRightBorder ) &&
    5299           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetBottom() || !pParentRowFrm->GetNext() );
    5300             :         }
    5301             :         else
    5302             :         {
    5303           0 :             const SvxBoxItem& rBorderBox = _rCellBorderAttrs.GetBox();
    5304             :             bNoBordersInside =
    5305           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetTop()    || !pParentRowFrm->GetPrev() ) &&
    5306           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetLeft()   || bCellAtLeftBorder ) &&
    5307           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetRight()  || bCellAtRightBorder ) &&
    5308           0 :                 ( !rBorderBox.GetBottom() || !pParentRowFrm->GetNext() );
    5309             :         }
    5310             : 
    5311           0 :         if ( bNoBordersInside )
    5312             :         {
    5313           0 :             if ( _bTop && !_rCellBorderAttrs.GetBox().GetTop() )
    5314             :             {
    5315             :                 //-hack
    5316             :                 // Cell frame has no top border and no border inside the table, but
    5317             :                 // it is at the top border of a table frame, which is a follow.
    5318             :                 // Thus, use border attributes of cell frame in first row of complete table.
    5319             :                 // First, determine first table frame of complete table.
    5320           0 :                 SwTabFrm* pMasterTabFrm = pParentTabFrm->FindMaster( true );
    5321             :                 // determine first row of complete table.
    5322           0 :                 const SwFrm* pFirstRow = pMasterTabFrm->GetLower();
    5323             :                 // return first cell in first row
    5324           0 :                 SwFrm* pLowerCell = const_cast<SwFrm*>(pFirstRow->GetLower());
    5325           0 :                 while ( !pLowerCell->IsCellFrm() ||
    5326           0 :                         ( pLowerCell->GetLower() && pLowerCell->GetLower()->IsRowFrm() )
    5327             :                       )
    5328             :                 {
    5329           0 :                     pLowerCell = pLowerCell->GetLower();
    5330             :                 }
    5331             :                 OSL_ENSURE( pLowerCell && pLowerCell->IsCellFrm(), "No CellFrm available" );
    5332           0 :                 pRet = pLowerCell;
    5333             :             }
    5334           0 :             else if ( !_bTop && !_rCellBorderAttrs.GetBox().GetBottom() )
    5335             :             {
    5336             :                 //-hack
    5337             :                 // Cell frame has no bottom border and no border inside the table,
    5338             :                 // but it is at the bottom border of a table frame, which has a follow.
    5339             :                 // Thus, use border attributes of cell frame in last row of complete table.
    5340             :                 // First, determine last table frame of complete table.
    5341           0 :                 SwTabFrm* pLastTabFrm = const_cast<SwTabFrm*>(pParentTabFrm->GetFollow());
    5342           0 :                 while ( pLastTabFrm->GetFollow() )
    5343             :                 {
    5344           0 :                     pLastTabFrm = pLastTabFrm->GetFollow();
    5345             :                 }
    5346             :                 // determine last row of complete table.
    5347           0 :                 SwFrm* pLastRow = pLastTabFrm->GetLastLower();
    5348             :                 // return first bottom border cell in last row
    5349           0 :                 SwFrm* pLowerCell = const_cast<SwFrm*>(pLastRow->GetLower());
    5350           0 :                 while ( !pLowerCell->IsCellFrm() ||
    5351           0 :                         ( pLowerCell->GetLower() && pLowerCell->GetLower()->IsRowFrm() )
    5352             :                       )
    5353             :                 {
    5354           0 :                     if ( pLowerCell->IsRowFrm() )
    5355             :                     {
    5356           0 :                         while ( pLowerCell->GetNext() )
    5357             :                         {
    5358           0 :                             pLowerCell = pLowerCell->GetNext();
    5359             :                         }
    5360             :                     }
    5361           0 :                     pLowerCell = pLowerCell->GetLower();
    5362             :                 }
    5363             :                 OSL_ENSURE( pLowerCell && pLowerCell->IsCellFrm(), "No CellFrm available" );
    5364           0 :                 pRet = pLowerCell;
    5365             :             }
    5366             :         }
    5367             :     }
    5368             : 
    5369           8 :     return pRet;
    5370             : }
    5371             : 
    5372       38490 : drawinglayer::processor2d::BaseProcessor2D * SwFrm::CreateProcessor2D( ) const
    5373             : {
    5374       38490 :     basegfx::B2DRange aViewRange;
    5375             : 
    5376       38490 :     SdrPage *pDrawPage = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell()->Imp()->GetPageView()->GetPage();
    5377             :     const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D aNewViewInfos(
    5378             :             basegfx::B2DHomMatrix(  ),
    5379             :             getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut()->GetViewTransformation(),
    5380             :             aViewRange,
    5381             :             GetXDrawPageForSdrPage( pDrawPage ),
    5382             :             0.0,
    5383       38490 :             uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() );
    5384             : 
    5385             :     return  drawinglayer::processor2d::createBaseProcessor2DFromOutputDevice(
    5386       38490 :                     *getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut(),
    5387       38490 :                     aNewViewInfos );
    5388             : }
    5389             : 
    5390       38490 : void SwFrm::ProcessPrimitives( const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rSequence ) const
    5391             : {
    5392       38490 :     drawinglayer::processor2d::BaseProcessor2D * pProcessor2D = CreateProcessor2D();
    5393             : 
    5394       38490 :     if ( pProcessor2D )
    5395             :     {
    5396       38490 :         pProcessor2D->process( rSequence );
    5397       38490 :         delete pProcessor2D;
    5398             :     }
    5399       38490 : }
    5400             : 
    5401             : /// Paints shadows and borders
    5402       75949 : void SwFrm::PaintBorder( const SwRect& rRect, const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    5403             :                          const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs ) const
    5404             : {
    5405             :     // There's nothing (Row,Body,Ftn,Root,Column,NoTxt) need to do here
    5406       75949 :     if ( (GetType() & 0x90C5) )
    5407       19521 :         return;
    5408             : 
    5409       64518 :     if ( (GetType() & 0x2000) &&    //Cell
    5410        8090 :          !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsTable() )
    5411           0 :         return;
    5412             : 
    5413             :     // #i29550#
    5414       56428 :     if ( IsTabFrm() || IsCellFrm() || IsRowFrm() )
    5415             :     {
    5416        9287 :         const SwTabFrm* pTabFrm = FindTabFrm();
    5417        9287 :         if ( pTabFrm->IsCollapsingBorders() )
    5418        9281 :             return;
    5419             : 
    5420           6 :         if ( pTabFrm->GetTable()->IsNewModel() && ( !IsCellFrm() || IsCoveredCell() ) )
    5421           2 :             return;
    5422             :     }
    5423             : 
    5424       47145 :     const bool bLine = rAttrs.IsLine();
    5425       47145 :     const bool bShadow = rAttrs.GetShadow().GetLocation() != SVX_SHADOW_NONE;
    5426             : 
    5427             :     // - flag to control,
    5428             :     //-hack has to be used.
    5429       47145 :     const bool bb4779636HackActive = true;
    5430             : 
    5431       47145 :     const SwFrm* pCellFrmForBottomBorderAttrs = 0;
    5432       47145 :     const SwFrm* pCellFrmForTopBorderAttrs = 0;
    5433       47145 :     bool         bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs = false;
    5434       47145 :     if ( bb4779636HackActive && IsCellFrm() )
    5435             :     {
    5436           4 :         pCellFrmForBottomBorderAttrs = lcl_GetCellFrmForBorderAttrs( this, rAttrs, false );
    5437           4 :         if ( pCellFrmForBottomBorderAttrs != this )
    5438           0 :             bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs = true;
    5439           4 :         pCellFrmForTopBorderAttrs = lcl_GetCellFrmForBorderAttrs( this, rAttrs, true );
    5440           4 :         if ( pCellFrmForTopBorderAttrs != this )
    5441           0 :             bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs = true;
    5442             :     }
    5443             : 
    5444             :     // - add condition <bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs>
    5445             :     //-hack
    5446       47145 :     if ( bLine || bShadow || bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs )
    5447             :     {
    5448             :         //If the rectangle is completely inside the PrtArea, no border needs to
    5449             :         //be painted.
    5450             :         //For the PrtArea the aligned value needs to be used, otherwise it could
    5451             :         //happen, that some parts won't be processed.
    5452         426 :         SwRect aRect( Prt() );
    5453         426 :         aRect += Frm().Pos();
    5454         426 :         ::SwAlignRect( aRect, pGlobalShell );
    5455             :         // OD 27.09.2002 #103636# - new local boolean variable in order to
    5456             :         // suspend border paint under special cases - see below.
    5457             :         // NOTE: This is a fix for the implementation of feature #99657#.
    5458         426 :         bool bDrawOnlyShadowForTransparentFrame = false;
    5459         426 :         if ( aRect.IsInside( rRect ) )
    5460             :         {
    5461             :             // OD 27.09.2002 #103636# - paint shadow, if background is transparent.
    5462             :             // Because of introduced transparent background for fly frame #99657#,
    5463             :             // the shadow have to be drawn if the background is transparent,
    5464             :             // in spite the fact that the paint rectangle <rRect> lies fully
    5465             :             // in the printing area.
    5466             :             // NOTE to chosen solution:
    5467             :             //     On transparent background, continue processing, but suspend
    5468             :             //     drawing of border by setting <bDrawOnlyShadowForTransparentFrame>
    5469             :             //     to true.
    5470           0 :             if ( IsLayoutFrm() &&
    5471           0 :                  static_cast<const SwLayoutFrm*>(this)->GetFmt()->IsBackgroundTransparent() )
    5472             :             {
    5473           0 :                  bDrawOnlyShadowForTransparentFrame = true;
    5474             :             }
    5475             :             else
    5476             :             {
    5477           0 :                 return;
    5478             :             }
    5479             :         }
    5480             : 
    5481         426 :         if ( !pPage )
    5482           0 :             pPage = FindPageFrm();
    5483             : 
    5484         426 :         ::lcl_CalcBorderRect( aRect, this, rAttrs, true );
    5485         426 :         rAttrs.SetGetCacheLine( true );
    5486         426 :         if ( bShadow )
    5487          22 :             PaintShadow( rRect, aRect, rAttrs );
    5488             :         // OD 27.09.2002 #103636# - suspend drawing of border
    5489             :         // add condition < NOT bDrawOnlyShadowForTransparentFrame > - see above
    5490             :         // - add condition <bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs>
    5491             :         //-hack.
    5492         844 :         if ( ( bLine || bFoundCellForTopOrBorderAttrs ) &&
    5493         418 :              !bDrawOnlyShadowForTransparentFrame )
    5494             :         {
    5495         418 :             const SwFrm* pDirRefFrm = IsCellFrm() ? FindTabFrm() : this;
    5496         418 :             SWRECTFN( pDirRefFrm )
    5497         418 :             ::lcl_PaintLeftRightLine ( true, *(this), *(pPage), aRect, rRect, rAttrs, fnRect );
    5498         418 :             ::lcl_PaintLeftRightLine ( false, *(this), *(pPage), aRect, rRect, rAttrs, fnRect );
    5499         418 :             if ( !IsCntntFrm() || rAttrs.GetTopLine( *(this) ) )
    5500             :             {
    5501             :                 // -
    5502             :                 //-hack
    5503             :                 // paint is found, paint its top border.
    5504         332 :                 if ( IsCellFrm() && pCellFrmForTopBorderAttrs != this )
    5505             :                 {
    5506           0 :                     SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(),
    5507           0 :                                                 pCellFrmForTopBorderAttrs );
    5508           0 :                     const SwBorderAttrs &rTopAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    5509           0 :                     ::lcl_PaintTopBottomLine( true, *(this), *(pPage), aRect, rRect, rTopAttrs, fnRect );
    5510             :                 }
    5511             :                 else
    5512             :                 {
    5513         332 :                     ::lcl_PaintTopBottomLine( true, *(this), *(pPage), aRect, rRect, rAttrs, fnRect );
    5514             :                 }
    5515             :             }
    5516         418 :             if ( !IsCntntFrm() || rAttrs.GetBottomLine( *(this) ) )
    5517             :             {
    5518             :                 // -
    5519             :                 //-hack
    5520             :                 // paint is found, paint its bottom border.
    5521         396 :                 if ( IsCellFrm() && pCellFrmForBottomBorderAttrs != this )
    5522             :                 {
    5523           0 :                     SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(),
    5524           0 :                                                 pCellFrmForBottomBorderAttrs );
    5525           0 :                     const SwBorderAttrs &rBottomAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    5526           0 :                     ::lcl_PaintTopBottomLine(false, *(this), *(pPage), aRect, rRect, rBottomAttrs, fnRect);
    5527             :                 }
    5528             :                 else
    5529             :                 {
    5530         396 :                     ::lcl_PaintTopBottomLine(false, *(this), *(pPage), aRect, rRect, rAttrs, fnRect);
    5531             :                 }
    5532             :             }
    5533             :         }
    5534         426 :         rAttrs.SetGetCacheLine( false );
    5535             :     }
    5536             : }
    5537             : 
    5538             : /**
    5539             :  * Special implementation because of the footnote line
    5540             :  *
    5541             :  * Currently only the top frame needs to be taken into account
    5542             :  * Other lines and shadows are set aside
    5543             :  */
    5544           8 : void SwFtnContFrm::PaintBorder( const SwRect& rRect, const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    5545             :                                 const SwBorderAttrs & ) const
    5546             : {
    5547             :     //If the rectangle is completely inside the PrtArea, no border needs to
    5548             :     //be painted.
    5549           8 :     SwRect aRect( Prt() );
    5550           8 :     aRect.Pos() += Frm().Pos();
    5551           8 :     if ( !aRect.IsInside( rRect ) )
    5552           8 :         PaintLine( rRect, pPage );
    5553           8 : }
    5554             : 
    5555             : /// Paint footnote lines.
    5556           8 : void SwFtnContFrm::PaintLine( const SwRect& rRect,
    5557             :                               const SwPageFrm *pPage ) const
    5558             : {
    5559             :     //The length of the line is derived from the percentual indication on the
    5560             :     //PageDesc. The position is also stated on the PageDesc.
    5561             :     //The pen can directly be taken from the PageDesc.
    5562             : 
    5563           8 :     if ( !pPage )
    5564           0 :         pPage = FindPageFrm();
    5565           8 :     const SwPageFtnInfo &rInf = pPage->GetPageDesc()->GetFtnInfo();
    5566             : 
    5567           8 :     SWRECTFN( this )
    5568           8 :     SwTwips nPrtWidth = (Prt().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
    5569           8 :     Fraction aFract( nPrtWidth, 1 );
    5570           8 :     const SwTwips nWidth = (long)(aFract *= rInf.GetWidth());
    5571             : 
    5572           8 :     SwTwips nX = (this->*fnRect->fnGetPrtLeft)();
    5573           8 :     switch ( rInf.GetAdj() )
    5574             :     {
    5575             :         case FTNADJ_CENTER:
    5576           0 :             nX += nPrtWidth/2 - nWidth/2; break;
    5577             :         case FTNADJ_RIGHT:
    5578           0 :             nX += nPrtWidth - nWidth; break;
    5579             :         case FTNADJ_LEFT:
    5580           8 :             /* do nothing */; break;
    5581             :         default:
    5582             :             OSL_ENSURE( false, "New adjustment for footnote lines?" );
    5583             :     }
    5584           8 :     SwTwips nLineWidth = rInf.GetLineWidth();
    5585             :     const SwRect aLineRect = bVert ?
    5586           0 :         SwRect( Point(Frm().Left()+Frm().Width()-rInf.GetTopDist()-nLineWidth,
    5587             :                       nX), Size( nLineWidth, nWidth ) )
    5588           8 :             : SwRect( Point( nX, Frm().Pos().Y() + rInf.GetTopDist() ),
    5589          16 :                             Size( nWidth, rInf.GetLineWidth()));
    5590           8 :     if ( aLineRect.HasArea() )
    5591           2 :         PaintBorderLine( rRect, aLineRect , pPage, &rInf.GetLineColor(),
    5592           4 :                 rInf.GetLineStyle() );
    5593           8 : }
    5594             : 
    5595             : /// Paints the separator line for inside columns
    5596           0 : void SwLayoutFrm::PaintColLines( const SwRect &rRect, const SwFmtCol &rFmtCol,
    5597             :                                  const SwPageFrm *pPage ) const
    5598             : {
    5599           0 :     const SwFrm *pCol = Lower();
    5600           0 :     if ( !pCol || !pCol->IsColumnFrm() )
    5601           0 :         return;
    5602             : 
    5603           0 :     SwRectFn fnRect = pCol->IsVertical() ? ( pCol->IsVertLR() ? fnRectVertL2R : fnRectVert ) : fnRectHori;
    5604             : 
    5605           0 :     SwRect aLineRect = Prt();
    5606           0 :     aLineRect += Frm().Pos();
    5607             : 
    5608           0 :     SwTwips nTop = ((aLineRect.*fnRect->fnGetHeight)()*rFmtCol.GetLineHeight())
    5609           0 :                    / 100 - (aLineRect.*fnRect->fnGetHeight)();
    5610           0 :     SwTwips nBottom = 0;
    5611             : 
    5612           0 :     switch ( rFmtCol.GetLineAdj() )
    5613             :     {
    5614             :         case COLADJ_CENTER:
    5615           0 :             nBottom = nTop / 2; nTop -= nBottom; break;
    5616             :         case COLADJ_TOP:
    5617           0 :             nBottom = nTop; nTop = 0; break;
    5618             :         case COLADJ_BOTTOM:
    5619           0 :             break;
    5620             :         default:
    5621             :             OSL_ENSURE( false, "New adjustment for column lines?" );
    5622             :     }
    5623             : 
    5624           0 :     if( nTop )
    5625           0 :         (aLineRect.*fnRect->fnSubTop)( nTop );
    5626           0 :     if( nBottom )
    5627           0 :         (aLineRect.*fnRect->fnAddBottom)( nBottom );
    5628             : 
    5629           0 :     SwTwips nPenHalf = rFmtCol.GetLineWidth();
    5630           0 :     (aLineRect.*fnRect->fnSetWidth)( nPenHalf );
    5631           0 :     nPenHalf /= 2;
    5632             : 
    5633             :     //We need to be a bit generous here, to not lose something.
    5634           0 :     SwRect aRect( rRect );
    5635           0 :     (aRect.*fnRect->fnSubLeft)( nPenHalf + nPixelSzW );
    5636           0 :     (aRect.*fnRect->fnAddRight)( nPenHalf + nPixelSzW );
    5637           0 :     SwRectGet fnGetX = IsRightToLeft() ? fnRect->fnGetLeft : fnRect->fnGetRight;
    5638           0 :     while ( pCol->GetNext() )
    5639             :     {
    5640             :         (aLineRect.*fnRect->fnSetPosX)
    5641           0 :             ( (pCol->Frm().*fnGetX)() - nPenHalf );
    5642           0 :         if ( aRect.IsOver( aLineRect ) )
    5643           0 :             PaintBorderLine( aRect, aLineRect , pPage, &rFmtCol.GetLineColor(),
    5644           0 :                    rFmtCol.GetLineStyle() );
    5645           0 :         pCol = pCol->GetNext();
    5646             :     }
    5647             : }
    5648             : 
    5649       12710 : void SwPageFrm::PaintGrid( OutputDevice* pOut, SwRect &rRect ) const
    5650             : {
    5651       12710 :     if( !bHasGrid || pRetoucheFly || pRetoucheFly2 )
    5652       25414 :         return;
    5653           6 :     SwTextGridItem const*const pGrid(GetGridItem(this));
    5654          12 :     if( pGrid && ( OUTDEV_PRINTER != pOut->GetOutDevType() ?
    5655           6 :         pGrid->GetDisplayGrid() : pGrid->GetPrintGrid() ) )
    5656             :     {
    5657           0 :         const SwLayoutFrm* pBody = FindBodyCont();
    5658           0 :         if( pBody )
    5659             :         {
    5660           0 :             SwRect aGrid( pBody->Prt() );
    5661           0 :             aGrid += pBody->Frm().Pos();
    5662             : 
    5663           0 :             SwRect aInter( aGrid );
    5664           0 :             aInter.Intersection( rRect );
    5665           0 :             if( aInter.HasArea() )
    5666             :             {
    5667           0 :                 bool bGrid = pGrid->GetRubyTextBelow();
    5668           0 :                 bool bCell = GRID_LINES_CHARS == pGrid->GetGridType();
    5669           0 :                 long nGrid = pGrid->GetBaseHeight();
    5670           0 :                 const SwDoc* pDoc = GetFmt()->GetDoc();
    5671           0 :                 long nGridWidth = GetGridWidth(*pGrid, *pDoc);
    5672           0 :                 long nRuby = pGrid->GetRubyHeight();
    5673           0 :                 long nSum = nGrid + nRuby;
    5674           0 :                 const Color *pCol = &pGrid->GetColor();
    5675             : 
    5676           0 :                 SwTwips nRight = aInter.Left() + aInter.Width();
    5677           0 :                 SwTwips nBottom = aInter.Top() + aInter.Height();
    5678           0 :                 if( IsVertical() )
    5679             :                 {
    5680           0 :                     SwTwips nOrig = aGrid.Left() + aGrid.Width();
    5681           0 :                     SwTwips nY = nOrig + nSum *
    5682           0 :                                  ( ( nOrig - aInter.Left() ) / nSum );
    5683             :                     SwRect aTmp( Point( nY, aInter.Top() ),
    5684           0 :                                 Size( 1, aInter.Height() ) );
    5685           0 :                     SwTwips nX = aGrid.Top() + nGrid *
    5686           0 :                                 ( ( aInter.Top() - aGrid.Top() )/ nGrid );
    5687           0 :                     if( nX < aInter.Top() )
    5688           0 :                         nX += nGrid;
    5689           0 :                     SwTwips nGridBottom = aGrid.Top() + aGrid.Height();
    5690           0 :                     bool bLeft = aGrid.Top() >= aInter.Top();
    5691           0 :                     bool bRight = nGridBottom <= nBottom;
    5692           0 :                     bool bBorder = bLeft || bRight;
    5693           0 :                     while( nY > nRight )
    5694             :                     {
    5695           0 :                         aTmp.Pos().X() = nY;
    5696           0 :                         if( bGrid )
    5697             :                         {
    5698           0 :                             nY -= nGrid;
    5699           0 :                             SwTwips nPosY = std::max( aInter.Left(), nY );
    5700           0 :                             SwTwips nHeight = std::min(nRight, aTmp.Pos().X())-nPosY;
    5701           0 :                             if( nHeight > 0 )
    5702             :                             {
    5703           0 :                                 if( bCell )
    5704             :                                 {
    5705             :                                     SwRect aVert( Point( nPosY, nX ),
    5706           0 :                                                 Size( nHeight, 1 ) );
    5707           0 :                                     while( aVert.Top() <= nBottom )
    5708             :                                     {
    5709           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5710           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().Y() += nGrid;
    5711             :                                     }
    5712             :                                 }
    5713           0 :                                 else if( bBorder )
    5714             :                                 {
    5715             :                                     SwRect aVert( Point( nPosY, aGrid.Top() ),
    5716           0 :                                                   Size( nHeight, 1 ) );
    5717           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5718           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5719           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5720             :                                     {
    5721           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().Y() = nGridBottom;
    5722           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5723             :                                     }
    5724             :                                 }
    5725             :                             }
    5726             :                         }
    5727             :                         else
    5728             :                         {
    5729           0 :                             nY -= nRuby;
    5730           0 :                             if( bBorder )
    5731             :                             {
    5732           0 :                                 SwTwips nPos = std::max( aInter.Left(), nY );
    5733           0 :                                 SwTwips nW = std::min(nRight, aTmp.Pos().X()) - nPos;
    5734             :                                 SwRect aVert( Point( nPos, aGrid.Top() ),
    5735           0 :                                               Size( nW, 1 ) );
    5736           0 :                                 if( nW > 0 )
    5737             :                                 {
    5738           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5739           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5740           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5741             :                                     {
    5742           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().Y() = nGridBottom;
    5743           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5744             :                                     }
    5745             :                                 }
    5746             :                             }
    5747             :                         }
    5748           0 :                         bGrid = !bGrid;
    5749             :                     }
    5750           0 :                     while( nY >= aInter.Left() )
    5751             :                     {
    5752           0 :                         aTmp.Pos().X() = nY;
    5753           0 :                         PaintBorderLine( rRect, aTmp, this, pCol);
    5754           0 :                         if( bGrid )
    5755             :                         {
    5756           0 :                             nY -= nGrid;
    5757           0 :                             SwTwips nHeight = aTmp.Pos().X()
    5758           0 :                                               - std::max(aInter.Left(), nY );
    5759           0 :                             if( nHeight > 0 )
    5760             :                             {
    5761           0 :                                 if( bCell )
    5762             :                                 {
    5763           0 :                                     SwRect aVert( Point(aTmp.Pos().X()-nHeight,
    5764           0 :                                                   nX ), Size( nHeight, 1 ) );
    5765           0 :                                     while( aVert.Top() <= nBottom )
    5766             :                                     {
    5767           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5768           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().Y() += nGrid;
    5769             :                                     }
    5770             :                                 }
    5771           0 :                                 else if( bBorder )
    5772             :                                 {
    5773           0 :                                     SwRect aVert( Point(aTmp.Pos().X()-nHeight,
    5774           0 :                                             aGrid.Top() ), Size( nHeight, 1 ) );
    5775           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5776           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5777           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5778             :                                     {
    5779           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().Y() = nGridBottom;
    5780           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5781             :                                     }
    5782             :                                 }
    5783             :                             }
    5784             :                         }
    5785             :                         else
    5786             :                         {
    5787           0 :                             nY -= nRuby;
    5788           0 :                             if( bBorder )
    5789             :                             {
    5790           0 :                                 SwTwips nPos = std::max( aInter.Left(), nY );
    5791           0 :                                 SwTwips nW = std::min(nRight, aTmp.Pos().X()) - nPos;
    5792             :                                 SwRect aVert( Point( nPos, aGrid.Top() ),
    5793           0 :                                               Size( nW, 1 ) );
    5794           0 :                                 if( nW > 0 )
    5795             :                                 {
    5796           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5797           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5798           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5799             :                                     {
    5800           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().Y() = nGridBottom;
    5801           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5802             :                                     }
    5803             :                                 }
    5804             :                             }
    5805             :                         }
    5806           0 :                         bGrid = !bGrid;
    5807             :                     }
    5808             :                 }
    5809             :                 else
    5810             :                 {
    5811           0 :                     SwTwips nOrig = aGrid.Top();
    5812           0 :                     SwTwips nY = nOrig + nSum *( (aInter.Top()-nOrig)/nSum );
    5813             :                     SwRect aTmp( Point( aInter.Left(), nY ),
    5814           0 :                                 Size( aInter.Width(), 1 ) );
    5815             :                     //for textgrid refactor
    5816           0 :                     SwTwips nX = aGrid.Left() + nGridWidth *
    5817           0 :                         ( ( aInter.Left() - aGrid.Left() )/ nGridWidth );
    5818           0 :                     if( nX < aInter.Left() )
    5819           0 :                         nX += nGridWidth;
    5820           0 :                     SwTwips nGridRight = aGrid.Left() + aGrid.Width();
    5821           0 :                     bool bLeft = aGrid.Left() >= aInter.Left();
    5822           0 :                     bool bRight = nGridRight <= nRight;
    5823           0 :                     bool bBorder = bLeft || bRight;
    5824           0 :                     while( nY < aInter.Top() )
    5825             :                     {
    5826           0 :                         aTmp.Pos().setY(nY);
    5827           0 :                         if( bGrid )
    5828             :                         {
    5829           0 :                             nY += nGrid;
    5830           0 :                             SwTwips nPosY = std::max( aInter.Top(), aTmp.Pos().getY() );
    5831           0 :                             SwTwips nHeight = std::min(nBottom, nY ) - nPosY;
    5832           0 :                             if( nHeight )
    5833             :                             {
    5834           0 :                                 if( bCell )
    5835             :                                 {
    5836             :                                     SwRect aVert( Point( nX, nPosY ),
    5837           0 :                                                 Size( 1, nHeight ) );
    5838           0 :                                     while( aVert.Left() <= nRight )
    5839             :                                     {
    5840           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5841           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().X() += nGridWidth;  //for textgrid refactor
    5842             :                                     }
    5843             :                                 }
    5844           0 :                                 else if ( bBorder )
    5845             :                                 {
    5846             :                                     SwRect aVert( Point( aGrid.Left(), nPosY ),
    5847           0 :                                                 Size( 1, nHeight ) );
    5848           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5849           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5850           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5851             :                                     {
    5852           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().X() = nGridRight;
    5853           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5854             :                                     }
    5855             :                                 }
    5856             :                             }
    5857             :                         }
    5858             :                         else
    5859             :                         {
    5860           0 :                             nY += nRuby;
    5861           0 :                             if( bBorder )
    5862             :                             {
    5863           0 :                                 SwTwips nPos = std::max(aInter.Top(),aTmp.Pos().getY());
    5864           0 :                                 SwTwips nH = std::min( nBottom, nY ) - nPos;
    5865             :                                 SwRect aVert( Point( aGrid.Left(), nPos ),
    5866           0 :                                             Size( 1, nH ) );
    5867           0 :                                 if( nH > 0 )
    5868             :                                 {
    5869           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5870           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5871           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5872             :                                     {
    5873           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().setX(nGridRight);
    5874           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5875             :                                     }
    5876             :                                 }
    5877             :                             }
    5878             :                         }
    5879           0 :                         bGrid = !bGrid;
    5880             :                     }
    5881           0 :                     while( nY <= nBottom )
    5882             :                     {
    5883           0 :                         aTmp.Pos().setY(nY);
    5884           0 :                         PaintBorderLine( rRect, aTmp, this, pCol);
    5885           0 :                         if( bGrid )
    5886             :                         {
    5887           0 :                             nY += nGrid;
    5888           0 :                             SwTwips nHeight = std::min(nBottom, nY) - aTmp.Pos().getY();
    5889           0 :                             if( nHeight )
    5890             :                             {
    5891           0 :                                 if( bCell )
    5892             :                                 {
    5893           0 :                                     SwRect aVert( Point( nX, aTmp.Pos().getY() ),
    5894           0 :                                                 Size( 1, nHeight ) );
    5895           0 :                                     while( aVert.Left() <= nRight )
    5896             :                                     {
    5897           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine( rRect, aVert, this, pCol);
    5898           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().setX(aVert.Pos().getX() + nGridWidth);  //for textgrid refactor
    5899             :                                     }
    5900             :                                 }
    5901           0 :                                 else if( bBorder )
    5902             :                                 {
    5903             :                                     SwRect aVert( Point( aGrid.Left(),
    5904           0 :                                         aTmp.Pos().getY() ), Size( 1, nHeight ) );
    5905           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5906           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5907           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5908             :                                     {
    5909           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().setX(nGridRight);
    5910           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5911             :                                     }
    5912             :                                 }
    5913             :                             }
    5914             :                         }
    5915             :                         else
    5916             :                         {
    5917           0 :                             nY += nRuby;
    5918           0 :                             if( bBorder )
    5919             :                             {
    5920           0 :                                 SwTwips nPos = std::max(aInter.Top(),aTmp.Pos().Y());
    5921           0 :                                 SwTwips nH = std::min( nBottom, nY ) - nPos;
    5922             :                                 SwRect aVert( Point( aGrid.Left(), nPos ),
    5923           0 :                                             Size( 1, nH ) );
    5924           0 :                                 if( nH > 0 )
    5925             :                                 {
    5926           0 :                                     if( bLeft )
    5927           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5928           0 :                                     if( bRight )
    5929             :                                     {
    5930           0 :                                         aVert.Pos().setX(nGridRight);
    5931           0 :                                         PaintBorderLine(rRect,aVert,this,pCol);
    5932             :                                     }
    5933             :                                 }
    5934             :                             }
    5935             :                         }
    5936           0 :                         bGrid = !bGrid;
    5937             :                     }
    5938             :                 }
    5939             :             }
    5940             :         }
    5941             :     }
    5942             : }
    5943             : 
    5944             : /**
    5945             :  * Paint margin area of a page
    5946             :  *
    5947             :  * OD 20.11.2002 for #104598#:
    5948             :  * implement paint of margin area; margin area will be painted for a
    5949             :  * view shell with a window and if the document is not in online layout.
    5950             :  *
    5951             :  * @param _rOutputRect
    5952             :  * input parameter - constant instance reference of the rectangle, for
    5953             :  * which an output has to be generated.
    5954             :  *
    5955             :  * @param _pViewShell
    5956             :  * input parameter - instance of the view shell, on which the output
    5957             :  * has to be generated.
    5958             :  */
    5959       12710 : void SwPageFrm::PaintMarginArea( const SwRect& _rOutputRect,
    5960             :                                  SwViewShell* _pViewShell ) const
    5961             : {
    5962       12710 :     if (  _pViewShell->GetWin() && !_pViewShell->GetViewOptions()->getBrowseMode() )
    5963             :     {
    5964             :         //UUUU Simplified paint with DrawingLayer FillStyle
    5965       12053 :         SwRect aPgRect = Frm();
    5966       12053 :         aPgRect._Intersection( _rOutputRect );
    5967             : 
    5968       12053 :         if(!aPgRect.IsEmpty())
    5969             :         {
    5970       12053 :             OutputDevice *pOut = _pViewShell->GetOut();
    5971             : 
    5972       12053 :             if(pOut->GetFillColor() != aGlobalRetoucheColor)
    5973             :             {
    5974       10588 :                 pOut->SetFillColor(aGlobalRetoucheColor);
    5975             :             }
    5976             : 
    5977       12053 :             pOut->DrawRect(aPgRect.SVRect());
    5978             :         }
    5979             :     }
    5980       12710 : }
    5981             : 
    5982             : const sal_Int8 SwPageFrm::mnShadowPxWidth = 9;
    5983             : 
    5984       84296 : bool SwPageFrm::IsRightShadowNeeded() const
    5985             : {
    5986       84296 :     const SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    5987       84296 :     const bool bIsLTR = getRootFrm()->IsLeftToRightViewLayout();
    5988             : 
    5989             :     // We paint the right shadow if we're not in book mode
    5990             :     // or if we've no sibling or are the last page of the "row"
    5991       84296 :     return !pSh || (!pSh->GetViewOptions()->IsViewLayoutBookMode()) || !GetNext()
    5992           0 :         || (this == Lower())  || (bIsLTR && OnRightPage())
    5993       84296 :         || (!bIsLTR && !OnRightPage());
    5994             : 
    5995             : }
    5996             : 
    5997       84296 : bool SwPageFrm::IsLeftShadowNeeded() const
    5998             : {
    5999       84296 :     const SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    6000       84296 :     const bool bIsLTR = getRootFrm()->IsLeftToRightViewLayout();
    6001             : 
    6002             :     // We paint the left shadow if we're not in book mode
    6003             :     // or if we've no sibling or are the last page of the "row"
    6004       84296 :     return !pSh || (!pSh->GetViewOptions()->IsViewLayoutBookMode()) || !GetPrev()
    6005           0 :         || (bIsLTR && !OnRightPage())
    6006       84296 :         || (!bIsLTR && OnRightPage());
    6007             : }
    6008             : 
    6009             : /**
    6010             :  * Determine rectangle for bottom page shadow
    6011             :  * OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#
    6012             :  */
    6013       96348 : /*static*/ void SwPageFrm::GetHorizontalShadowRect( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
    6014             :                                                 const SwViewShell*    _pViewShell,
    6015             :                                                 SwRect&       _orHorizontalShadowRect,
    6016             :                                                 bool bPaintLeftShadow,
    6017             :                                                 bool bPaintRightShadow,
    6018             :                                                 bool bRightSidebar )
    6019             : {
    6020       96348 :     const SwPostItMgr *pMgr = _pViewShell->GetPostItMgr();
    6021       96348 :     SwRect aAlignedPageRect( _rPageRect );
    6022       96348 :     ::SwAlignRect( aAlignedPageRect, _pViewShell );
    6023             :     SwRect aPagePxRect =
    6024       96348 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->LogicToPixel( aAlignedPageRect.SVRect() );
    6025             : 
    6026       96348 :     long lShadowAdjustment = mnShadowPxWidth - 1; // TODO: extract this
    6027             : 
    6028             :     _orHorizontalShadowRect.Chg(
    6029       96348 :                     Point( aPagePxRect.Left() + (bPaintLeftShadow ? lShadowAdjustment : 0), 0 ),
    6030       96348 :                     Size( aPagePxRect.Width() - ( (bPaintLeftShadow ? lShadowAdjustment : 0) + (bPaintRightShadow ? lShadowAdjustment : 0) ),
    6031      192696 :                         mnShadowPxWidth ) );
    6032             : 
    6033       96348 :     if(pMgr && pMgr->ShowNotes() && pMgr->HasNotes())
    6034             :     {
    6035             :         // Notes are displayed, we've to extend borders
    6036        1122 :         SwTwips aSidebarTotalWidth = pMgr->GetSidebarWidth(true) + pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth(true);
    6037        1122 :         if(bRightSidebar)
    6038        1122 :             _orHorizontalShadowRect.Right( _orHorizontalShadowRect.Right() + aSidebarTotalWidth );
    6039             :         else
    6040           0 :             _orHorizontalShadowRect.Left( _orHorizontalShadowRect.Left() - aSidebarTotalWidth );
    6041             :     }
    6042       96348 : }
    6043             : 
    6044             : enum PaintArea {LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM};
    6045             : 
    6046             : /// Wrapper around pOut->DrawBitmapEx.
    6047       48400 : static void lcl_paintBitmapExToRect(OutputDevice *pOut, const Point& aPoint, const Size& aSize, const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx, PaintArea eArea)
    6048             : {
    6049             :     // The problem is that if we get called multiple times and the color is
    6050             :     // partly transparent, then the result will get darker and darker. To avoid
    6051             :     // this, always paint the background color before doing the real paint.
    6052       48400 :     Rectangle aRect(aPoint, aSize);
    6053             : 
    6054       48400 :     switch (eArea)
    6055             :     {
    6056       12100 :         case LEFT: aRect.Left() = aRect.Right() - 1; break;
    6057       12100 :         case RIGHT: aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() + 1; break;
    6058       12100 :         case TOP: aRect.Top() = aRect.Bottom() - 1; break;
    6059       12100 :         case BOTTOM: aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top() + 1; break;
    6060             :     }
    6061             : 
    6062       48400 :     pOut->SetFillColor( SwViewOption::GetAppBackgroundColor());
    6063       48400 :     pOut->SetLineColor();
    6064       48400 :     pOut->DrawRect(pOut->PixelToLogic(aRect));
    6065             : 
    6066             :     pOut->DrawBitmapEx(pOut->PixelToLogic(aPoint), pOut->PixelToLogic(aSize),
    6067             :             Point(0, 0), aSize,
    6068       48400 :             rBitmapEx);
    6069       48400 : }
    6070             : 
    6071             : /**
    6072             :  * Paint page border and shadow
    6073             :  *
    6074             :  * OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#
    6075             :  * implement paint of page border and shadow
    6076             : */
    6077       12100 : /*static*/ void SwPageFrm::PaintBorderAndShadow( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
    6078             :                                                  const SwViewShell*    _pViewShell,
    6079             :                                                  bool bPaintLeftShadow,
    6080             :                                                  bool bPaintRightShadow,
    6081             :                                                  bool bRightSidebar )
    6082             : {
    6083             :     // No shadow in prefs
    6084       12100 :     if (!SwViewOption::IsShadow())
    6085       12100 :         return;
    6086             : 
    6087             :     // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    6088       12100 :     SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *_pViewShell->GetOut() );
    6089             : 
    6090             :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< drawinglayer::primitive2d::DiscreteShadow > shadowMaskObj
    6091       12100 :         ( new drawinglayer::primitive2d::DiscreteShadow( SW_RES( BMP_PAGE_SHADOW_MASK ) ));
    6092       12100 :     static drawinglayer::primitive2d::DiscreteShadow& shadowMask = *shadowMaskObj.get();
    6093       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageTopRightShadowObj( new BitmapEx );
    6094       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageBottomRightShadowObj( new BitmapEx );
    6095       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageBottomLeftShadowObj( new BitmapEx );
    6096       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageBottomShadowBaseObj( new BitmapEx );
    6097       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageRightShadowBaseObj( new BitmapEx );
    6098       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageTopShadowBaseObj( new BitmapEx );
    6099       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageTopLeftShadowObj( new BitmapEx );
    6100       12100 :     static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit< BitmapEx > aPageLeftShadowBaseObj( new BitmapEx );
    6101       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageTopRightShadow = *aPageTopRightShadowObj.get();
    6102       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageBottomRightShadow = *aPageBottomRightShadowObj.get();
    6103       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageBottomLeftShadow = *aPageBottomLeftShadowObj.get();
    6104       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageBottomShadow = *aPageBottomShadowBaseObj.get();
    6105       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageRightShadow = *aPageRightShadowBaseObj.get();
    6106       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageTopShadow = *aPageTopShadowBaseObj.get();
    6107       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageTopLeftShadow = *aPageTopLeftShadowObj.get();
    6108       12100 :     static BitmapEx& aPageLeftShadow = *aPageLeftShadowBaseObj.get();
    6109       12100 :     static Color aShadowColor( COL_AUTO );
    6110             : 
    6111       12100 :     SwRect aAlignedPageRect( _rPageRect );
    6112       12100 :     ::SwAlignRect( aAlignedPageRect, _pViewShell );
    6113       12100 :     SwRect aPagePxRect = _pViewShell->GetOut()->LogicToPixel( aAlignedPageRect.SVRect() );
    6114             : 
    6115       12100 :     if (aShadowColor != SwViewOption::GetShadowColor())
    6116             :     {
    6117          72 :         aShadowColor = SwViewOption::GetShadowColor();
    6118             : 
    6119          72 :         AlphaMask aMask( shadowMask.getBottomRight().GetBitmap() );
    6120         144 :         Bitmap aFilledSquare( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6121          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6122          72 :         aPageBottomRightShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6123             : 
    6124          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getBottomLeft().GetBitmap() );
    6125          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6126          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6127          72 :         aPageBottomLeftShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6128             : 
    6129          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getBottom().GetBitmap() );
    6130          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6131          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6132          72 :         aPageBottomShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6133             : 
    6134          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getTop().GetBitmap() );
    6135          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6136          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6137          72 :         aPageTopShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6138             : 
    6139          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getTopRight().GetBitmap() );
    6140          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6141          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6142          72 :         aPageTopRightShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6143             : 
    6144          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getRight().GetBitmap() );
    6145          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6146          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6147          72 :         aPageRightShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6148             : 
    6149          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getTopLeft().GetBitmap() );
    6150          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6151          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6152          72 :         aPageTopLeftShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6153             : 
    6154          72 :         aMask = AlphaMask( shadowMask.getLeft().GetBitmap() );
    6155          72 :         aFilledSquare = Bitmap( aMask.GetSizePixel(), 24 );
    6156          72 :         aFilledSquare.Erase( aShadowColor );
    6157         144 :         aPageLeftShadow = BitmapEx( aFilledSquare, aMask );
    6158             :     }
    6159             : 
    6160       12100 :     SwRect aPaintRect;
    6161       12100 :     OutputDevice *pOut = _pViewShell->GetOut();
    6162             : 
    6163       12100 :     SwPageFrm::GetHorizontalShadowRect( _rPageRect, _pViewShell, aPaintRect, bPaintLeftShadow, bPaintRightShadow, bRightSidebar );
    6164             : 
    6165             :     // Right shadow & corners
    6166       12100 :     if ( bPaintRightShadow )
    6167             :     {
    6168       24200 :         pOut->DrawBitmapEx( pOut->PixelToLogic( Point( aPaintRect.Right(), aPagePxRect.Bottom() + 1 - (aPageBottomRightShadow.GetSizePixel().Height() - mnShadowPxWidth) ) ),
    6169       24200 :             aPageBottomRightShadow );
    6170       24200 :         pOut->DrawBitmapEx( pOut->PixelToLogic( Point( aPaintRect.Right(), aPagePxRect.Top() - mnShadowPxWidth ) ),
    6171       24200 :             aPageTopRightShadow );
    6172             : 
    6173       12100 :         if (aPagePxRect.Height() > 2 * mnShadowPxWidth)
    6174             :         {
    6175       12100 :             const long nWidth = aPageRightShadow.GetSizePixel().Width();
    6176       12100 :             const long nHeight = aPagePxRect.Height() - 2 * (mnShadowPxWidth - 1);
    6177       12100 :             if (aPageRightShadow.GetSizePixel().Height() < nHeight)
    6178         114 :                 aPageRightShadow.Scale(Size(nWidth, nHeight), BMP_SCALE_FAST);
    6179             : 
    6180             :             lcl_paintBitmapExToRect(pOut,
    6181       24200 :                     Point(aPaintRect.Right() + mnShadowPxWidth, aPagePxRect.Top() + mnShadowPxWidth - 1),
    6182             :                     Size(nWidth, nHeight),
    6183       36300 :                     aPageRightShadow, RIGHT);
    6184             :         }
    6185             :     }
    6186             : 
    6187             :     // Left shadows and corners
    6188       12100 :     if(bPaintLeftShadow)
    6189             :     {
    6190       12100 :         const long lLeft = aPaintRect.Left() - aPageBottomLeftShadow.GetSizePixel().Width();
    6191             :         pOut->DrawBitmapEx( pOut->PixelToLogic( Point( lLeft,
    6192       12100 :             aPagePxRect.Bottom() + 1 + mnShadowPxWidth - aPageBottomLeftShadow.GetSizePixel().Height() ) ), aPageBottomLeftShadow );
    6193       12100 :         pOut->DrawBitmapEx( pOut->PixelToLogic( Point( lLeft, aPagePxRect.Top() - mnShadowPxWidth ) ), aPageTopLeftShadow );
    6194       12100 :         if (aPagePxRect.Height() > 2 * mnShadowPxWidth)
    6195             :         {
    6196       12100 :             const long nWidth = aPageLeftShadow.GetSizePixel().Width();
    6197       12100 :             const long nHeight = aPagePxRect.Height() - 2 * (mnShadowPxWidth - 1);
    6198       12100 :             if (aPageLeftShadow.GetSizePixel().Height() < nHeight)
    6199         114 :                 aPageLeftShadow.Scale(Size(nWidth, nHeight), BMP_SCALE_FAST);
    6200             : 
    6201             :             lcl_paintBitmapExToRect(pOut,
    6202       12100 :                     Point(lLeft, aPagePxRect.Top() + mnShadowPxWidth - 1),
    6203             :                     Size(nWidth, nHeight),
    6204       24200 :                     aPageLeftShadow, LEFT);
    6205             :         }
    6206             :     }
    6207             : 
    6208             :     // Bottom shadow
    6209       12100 :     const long nBottomHeight = aPageBottomShadow.GetSizePixel().Height();
    6210       12100 :     if (aPageBottomShadow.GetSizePixel().Width() < aPaintRect.Width())
    6211         112 :         aPageBottomShadow.Scale(Size(aPaintRect.Width(), nBottomHeight), BMP_SCALE_FAST);
    6212             : 
    6213             :     lcl_paintBitmapExToRect(pOut,
    6214       12100 :             Point(aPaintRect.Left(), aPagePxRect.Bottom() + 2),
    6215             :             Size(aPaintRect.Width(), nBottomHeight),
    6216       24200 :             aPageBottomShadow, BOTTOM);
    6217             : 
    6218             :     // Top shadow
    6219       12100 :     const long nTopHeight = aPageTopShadow.GetSizePixel().Height();
    6220       12100 :     if (aPageTopShadow.GetSizePixel().Width() < aPaintRect.Width())
    6221         112 :         aPageTopShadow.Scale(Size(aPaintRect.Width(), nTopHeight), BMP_SCALE_FAST);
    6222             : 
    6223             :     lcl_paintBitmapExToRect(pOut,
    6224       12100 :             Point(aPaintRect.Left(), aPagePxRect.Top() - mnShadowPxWidth),
    6225             :             Size(aPaintRect.Width(), nTopHeight),
    6226       24200 :             aPageTopShadow, TOP);
    6227             : }
    6228             : 
    6229             : /**
    6230             :  * mod #i6193# paint sidebar for notes
    6231             :  * IMPORTANT: if you change the rects here, also change SwPostItMgr::ScrollbarHit
    6232             :  */
    6233       12100 : /*static*/void SwPageFrm::PaintNotesSidebar(const SwRect& _rPageRect, SwViewShell* _pViewShell, sal_uInt16 nPageNum, bool bRight)
    6234             : {
    6235             :     //TODO: cut out scrollbar area and arrows out of sidepane rect, otherwise it could flicker when pressing arrow buttons
    6236       12100 :     if (!_pViewShell )
    6237       12100 :         return;
    6238             : 
    6239       12100 :     SwRect aPageRect( _rPageRect );
    6240       12100 :     SwAlignRect( aPageRect, _pViewShell );
    6241             : 
    6242       12100 :     const SwPostItMgr *pMgr = _pViewShell->GetPostItMgr();
    6243       12100 :     if (pMgr && pMgr->ShowNotes() && pMgr->HasNotes())  // do not show anything in print preview
    6244             :     {
    6245          22 :         sal_Int32 nScrollerHeight = pMgr->GetSidebarScrollerHeight();
    6246          22 :         const Rectangle &aVisRect = _pViewShell->VisArea().SVRect();
    6247             :         //draw border and sidepane
    6248          22 :         _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor();
    6249          22 :         if (!bRight)
    6250             :         {
    6251           0 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_BORDER);
    6252           0 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawRect(Rectangle(Point(aPageRect.Left()-pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageRect.Top()),Size(pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageRect.Height())))    ;
    6253           0 :             if (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    6254           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_BLACK);
    6255             :             else
    6256           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE);
    6257           0 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawRect(Rectangle(Point(aPageRect.Left()-pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()-pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageRect.Top()),Size(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth(),aPageRect.Height())))  ;
    6258             :         }
    6259             :         else
    6260             :         {
    6261          22 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_BORDER);
    6262          22 :             SwRect aSidebarBorder(aPageRect.TopRight(),Size(pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageRect.Height()));
    6263          22 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawRect(aSidebarBorder.SVRect());
    6264          22 :             if (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    6265           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_BLACK);
    6266             :             else
    6267          22 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE);
    6268          22 :             SwRect aSidebar(Point(aPageRect.Right()+pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth(),aPageRect.Top()),Size(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth(),aPageRect.Height()));
    6269          22 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawRect(aSidebar.SVRect());
    6270             :         }
    6271          22 :         if (pMgr->ShowScrollbar(nPageNum))
    6272             :         {
    6273             :             // draw scrollbar area and arrows
    6274           0 :             Point aPointBottom;
    6275           0 :             Point aPointTop;
    6276           0 :             aPointBottom = !bRight ? Point(aPageRect.Left() - pMgr->GetSidebarWidth() - pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth() + _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Bottom()- _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2+pMgr->GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height()) :
    6277           0 :                                     Point(aPageRect.Right() + pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth() + _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Bottom()- _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2+pMgr->GetSidebarScrollerHeight())).Height());
    6278           0 :             aPointTop = !bRight ?    Point(aPageRect.Left() - pMgr->GetSidebarWidth() + _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Top() + _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2)).Height()) :
    6279           0 :                                 Point(aPageRect.Right() + pMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth() + _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(2,0)).Width(),aPageRect.Top() + _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,2)).Height());
    6280           0 :             Size aSize(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth() - _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(4,0)).Width(), _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()) ;
    6281           0 :             Rectangle aRectBottom(aPointBottom,aSize);
    6282           0 :             Rectangle aRectTop(aPointTop,aSize);
    6283             : 
    6284           0 :             if (aRectBottom.IsOver(aVisRect))
    6285             :             {
    6286             : 
    6287           0 :                 if (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    6288             :                 {
    6289           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor(COL_WHITE);
    6290           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_BLACK);
    6291             :                 }
    6292             :                 else
    6293             :                 {
    6294           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor(COL_BLACK);
    6295           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_SCROLLAREA);
    6296             :                 }
    6297           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawRect(aRectBottom);
    6298           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawLine(aPointBottom + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/3,0), aPointBottom + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/3 , _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()));
    6299             : 
    6300           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor();
    6301           0 :                 Point aMiddleFirst(aPointBottom + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/6,_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()/2));
    6302           0 :                 Point aMiddleSecond(aPointBottom + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/3*2,_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()/2));
    6303           0 :                 PaintNotesSidebarArrows(aMiddleFirst,aMiddleSecond,_pViewShell,pMgr->GetArrowColor(KEY_PAGEUP,nPageNum), pMgr->GetArrowColor(KEY_PAGEDOWN,nPageNum));
    6304             :             }
    6305           0 :             if (aRectTop.IsOver(aVisRect))
    6306             :             {
    6307           0 :                 if (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
    6308             :                 {
    6309           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor(COL_WHITE);
    6310           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_BLACK);
    6311             :                 }
    6312             :                 else
    6313             :                 {
    6314           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor(COL_BLACK);
    6315           0 :                     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(COL_NOTES_SIDEPANE_SCROLLAREA);
    6316             :                 }
    6317           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawRect(aRectTop);
    6318           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawLine(aPointTop + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/3*2,0), aPointTop + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/3*2 , _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()));
    6319             : 
    6320           0 :                 _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetLineColor();
    6321           0 :                 Point aMiddleFirst(aPointTop + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/3,_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()/2));
    6322           0 :                 Point aMiddleSecond(aPointTop + Point(pMgr->GetSidebarWidth()/6*5,_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nScrollerHeight)).Height()/2));
    6323           0 :                 PaintNotesSidebarArrows(aMiddleFirst,aMiddleSecond,_pViewShell, pMgr->GetArrowColor(KEY_PAGEUP,nPageNum), pMgr->GetArrowColor(KEY_PAGEDOWN,nPageNum));
    6324             :             }
    6325             :         }
    6326             :     }
    6327             : }
    6328             : 
    6329           0 : /*static*/ void SwPageFrm::PaintNotesSidebarArrows(const Point &aMiddleFirst, const Point &aMiddleSecond, SwViewShell* _pViewShell, const Color aColorUp, const Color aColorDown)
    6330             : {
    6331           0 :     Polygon aTriangleUp(3);
    6332           0 :     Polygon aTriangleDown(3);
    6333             : 
    6334           0 :     aTriangleUp.SetPoint(aMiddleFirst + Point(0,_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,-3)).Height()),0);
    6335           0 :     aTriangleUp.SetPoint(aMiddleFirst + Point(_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(-3,0)).Width(),_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,3)).Height()),1);
    6336           0 :     aTriangleUp.SetPoint(aMiddleFirst + Point(_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(3,0)).Width(),_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,3)).Height()),2);
    6337             : 
    6338           0 :     aTriangleDown.SetPoint(aMiddleSecond + Point(_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(-3,0)).Width(),_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,-3)).Height()),0);
    6339           0 :     aTriangleDown.SetPoint(aMiddleSecond + Point(_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(+3,0)).Width(),_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,-3)).Height()),1);
    6340           0 :     aTriangleDown.SetPoint(aMiddleSecond + Point(0,_pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(0,3)).Height()),2);
    6341             : 
    6342           0 :     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(aColorUp);
    6343           0 :     _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawPolygon(aTriangleUp);
    6344           0 :     _pViewShell->GetOut()->SetFillColor(aColorDown);
    6345           0 :     _pViewShell->GetOut()->DrawPolygon(aTriangleDown);
    6346           0 : }
    6347             : 
    6348             : /**
    6349             :  * Get bound rectangle of border and shadow for repaints
    6350             :  *
    6351             :  * OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#
    6352             :  */
    6353       84248 : /*static*/ void SwPageFrm::GetBorderAndShadowBoundRect( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
    6354             :                                                         const SwViewShell*    _pViewShell,
    6355             :                                                         SwRect& _orBorderAndShadowBoundRect,
    6356             :                                                         bool bLeftShadow,
    6357             :                                                         bool bRightShadow,
    6358             :                                                         bool bRightSidebar
    6359             :                                                       )
    6360             : {
    6361       84248 :     SwRect aAlignedPageRect( _rPageRect );
    6362       84248 :     ::SwAlignRect( aAlignedPageRect, _pViewShell );
    6363             :     SwRect aPagePxRect =
    6364       84248 :             _pViewShell->GetOut()->LogicToPixel( aAlignedPageRect.SVRect() );
    6365       84248 :     aPagePxRect.Bottom( aPagePxRect.Bottom() + mnShadowPxWidth + 1 );
    6366       84248 :     aPagePxRect.Top( aPagePxRect.Top() - mnShadowPxWidth - 1 );
    6367             : 
    6368       84248 :     SwRect aTmpRect;
    6369             : 
    6370             :     // Always ask for full shadow since we want a bounding rect
    6371             :     // including at least the page frame
    6372       84248 :     SwPageFrm::GetHorizontalShadowRect( _rPageRect, _pViewShell, aTmpRect, false, false, bRightSidebar );
    6373             : 
    6374       84248 :     if(bLeftShadow) aPagePxRect.Left( aTmpRect.Left() - mnShadowPxWidth - 1);
    6375       84248 :     if(bRightShadow) aPagePxRect.Right( aTmpRect.Right() + mnShadowPxWidth + 1);
    6376             : 
    6377       84248 :     _orBorderAndShadowBoundRect = _pViewShell->GetOut()->PixelToLogic( aPagePxRect.SVRect() );
    6378       84248 : }
    6379             : 
    6380       68764 : SwRect SwPageFrm::GetBoundRect() const
    6381             : {
    6382       68764 :     const SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    6383       68764 :     SwRect aPageRect( Frm() );
    6384       68764 :     SwRect aResult;
    6385             : 
    6386       68764 :     if(!pSh) {
    6387           0 :         return SwRect( Point(0, 0), Size(0, 0) );
    6388             :     }
    6389             : 
    6390             :     SwPageFrm::GetBorderAndShadowBoundRect( aPageRect, pSh, aResult,
    6391       68764 :         IsLeftShadowNeeded(), IsRightShadowNeeded(), SidebarPosition() ==  sw::sidebarwindows::SIDEBAR_RIGHT );
    6392       68764 :     return aResult;
    6393             : }
    6394             : 
    6395       22320 : /*static*/ SwTwips SwPageFrm::GetSidebarBorderWidth( const SwViewShell* _pViewShell )
    6396             : {
    6397       22320 :     const SwPostItMgr* pPostItMgr = _pViewShell ? _pViewShell->GetPostItMgr() : 0;
    6398       22320 :     const SwTwips nRet = pPostItMgr && pPostItMgr->HasNotes() && pPostItMgr->ShowNotes() ? pPostItMgr->GetSidebarWidth() + pPostItMgr->GetSidebarBorderWidth() : 0;
    6399       22320 :     return nRet;
    6400             : }
    6401             : 
    6402       14140 : void SwFrm::PaintBaBo( const SwRect& rRect, const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    6403             :                        const bool bLowerBorder, const bool bOnlyTxtBackground ) const
    6404             : {
    6405       14140 :     if ( !pPage )
    6406           0 :         pPage = FindPageFrm();
    6407             : 
    6408       14140 :     OutputDevice *pOut = pGlobalShell->GetOut();
    6409             : 
    6410             :     // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    6411       14140 :     SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *pOut );
    6412             : 
    6413             :     // OD 2004-04-23 #116347#
    6414       14140 :     pOut->Push( PushFlags::FILLCOLOR|PushFlags::LINECOLOR );
    6415       14140 :     pOut->SetLineColor();
    6416             : 
    6417       28280 :     SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), (SwFrm*)this );
    6418       14140 :     const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    6419             : 
    6420             :     // OD 20.11.2002 #104598# - take care of page margin area
    6421             :     // Note: code move from <SwFrm::PaintBackground(..)> to new method
    6422             :     // <SwPageFrm::Paintmargin(..)>.
    6423       14140 :     if ( IsPageFrm() && !bOnlyTxtBackground)
    6424             :     {
    6425       12710 :         static_cast<const SwPageFrm*>(this)->PaintMarginArea( rRect, pGlobalShell );
    6426             :     }
    6427             : 
    6428             :     // paint background
    6429             :     {
    6430       14140 :         PaintBackground( rRect, pPage, rAttrs, false, bLowerBorder, bOnlyTxtBackground );
    6431             :     }
    6432             : 
    6433             :     // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - paint border before painting background
    6434             :     // paint grid for page frame and paint border
    6435       14140 :     if (!bOnlyTxtBackground)
    6436             :     {
    6437       12776 :         SwRect aRect( rRect );
    6438       12776 :         if( IsPageFrm() )
    6439       12710 :             ((SwPageFrm*)this)->PaintGrid( pOut, aRect );
    6440       12776 :         PaintBorder( aRect, pPage, rAttrs );
    6441             :     }
    6442             : 
    6443       28280 :     pOut->Pop();
    6444       14140 : }
    6445             : 
    6446             : /// OD 05.09.2002 #102912#
    6447             : /// Do not paint background for fly frames without a background brush by
    6448             : /// calling <PaintBaBo> at the page or at the fly frame its anchored
    6449       77375 : void SwFrm::PaintBackground( const SwRect &rRect, const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    6450             :                              const SwBorderAttrs & rAttrs,
    6451             :                              const bool bLowerMode,
    6452             :                              const bool bLowerBorder,
    6453             :                              const bool bOnlyTxtBackground ) const
    6454             : {
    6455             :     // OD 20.01.2003 #i1837# - no paint of table background, if corresponding
    6456             :     // option is *not* set.
    6457       78572 :     if( IsTabFrm() &&
    6458        1197 :         !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsTable() )
    6459             :     {
    6460          44 :         return;
    6461             :     }
    6462             : 
    6463             :     // nothing to do for covered table cells:
    6464       77375 :     if( IsCellFrm() && IsCoveredCell() )
    6465          44 :         return;
    6466             : 
    6467       77331 :     SwViewShell *pSh = pGlobalShell;
    6468             : 
    6469             :     // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    6470       77331 :     SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *pSh->GetOut() );
    6471             : 
    6472             :     const SvxBrushItem* pItem;
    6473             :     // OD 05.09.2002 #102912#
    6474             :     // temporary background brush for a fly frame without a background brush
    6475       77331 :     SvxBrushItem* pTmpBackBrush = 0;
    6476             :     const Color* pCol;
    6477       77331 :     SwRect aOrigBackRect;
    6478       77331 :     const bool bPageFrm = IsPageFrm();
    6479       77331 :     bool bLowMode = true;
    6480             : 
    6481             :     //UUUU
    6482      154662 :     drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr aFillAttributes;
    6483             : 
    6484       77331 :     bool bBack = GetBackgroundBrush( aFillAttributes, pItem, pCol, aOrigBackRect, bLowerMode );
    6485             :     //- Output if a separate background is used.
    6486       77331 :     bool bNoFlyBackground = !bFlyMetafile && !bBack && IsFlyFrm();
    6487       77331 :     if ( bNoFlyBackground )
    6488             :     {
    6489             :         // OD 05.09.2002 #102912# - Fly frame has no background.
    6490             :         // Try to find background brush at parents, if previous call of
    6491             :         // <GetBackgroundBrush> disabled this option with the parameter <bLowerMode>
    6492         380 :         if ( bLowerMode )
    6493             :         {
    6494           0 :             bBack = GetBackgroundBrush( aFillAttributes, pItem, pCol, aOrigBackRect, false );
    6495             :         }
    6496             :         // If still no background found for the fly frame, initialize the
    6497             :         // background brush <pItem> with global retouche color and set <bBack>
    6498             :         // to true, that fly frame will paint its background using this color.
    6499         380 :         if ( !bBack )
    6500             :         {
    6501             :             // OD 10.01.2003 #i6467# - on print output, pdf output and
    6502             :             // in embedded mode not editing color COL_WHITE is used instead of
    6503             :             // the global retouche color.
    6504        1140 :             if ( pSh->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ||
    6505         760 :                  pSh->GetViewOptions()->IsPDFExport() ||
    6506         380 :                  ( pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocShell()->GetCreateMode() == SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED &&
    6507           0 :                    !pSh->GetDoc()->GetDocShell()->IsInPlaceActive()
    6508             :                  )
    6509             :                )
    6510             :             {
    6511           0 :                 pTmpBackBrush = new SvxBrushItem( Color( COL_WHITE ), RES_BACKGROUND );
    6512             : 
    6513             :                 //UUU
    6514           0 :                 aFillAttributes.reset(new drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelper(Color( COL_WHITE )));
    6515             :             }
    6516             :             else
    6517             :             {
    6518         380 :                 pTmpBackBrush = new SvxBrushItem( aGlobalRetoucheColor, RES_BACKGROUND);
    6519             : 
    6520             :                 //UUU
    6521         380 :                 aFillAttributes.reset(new drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelper(aGlobalRetoucheColor));
    6522             :             }
    6523             : 
    6524         380 :             pItem = pTmpBackBrush;
    6525         380 :             bBack = true;
    6526             :         }
    6527             :     }
    6528             : 
    6529       77331 :     SwRect aPaintRect( Frm() );
    6530       77331 :     if( IsTxtFrm() || IsSctFrm() )
    6531       33103 :         aPaintRect = UnionFrm( true );
    6532             : 
    6533       77331 :     if ( aPaintRect.IsOver( rRect ) )
    6534             :     {
    6535       75665 :         if ( bBack || bPageFrm || !bLowerMode )
    6536             :         {
    6537       17612 :             const bool bBrowse = pSh->GetViewOptions()->getBrowseMode();
    6538       17612 :             SwRect aRect;
    6539       35226 :             if ( (bPageFrm && bBrowse) ||
    6540       17749 :                  (IsTxtFrm() && Prt().SSize() == Frm().SSize()) )
    6541             :             {
    6542          49 :                 aRect = Frm();
    6543          49 :                 ::SwAlignRect( aRect, pGlobalShell );
    6544             :             }
    6545             :             else
    6546             :             {
    6547       17563 :                 ::lcl_CalcBorderRect( aRect, this, rAttrs, false );
    6548       17563 :                 if ( (IsTxtFrm() || IsTabFrm()) && GetPrev() )
    6549             :                 {
    6550         308 :                     if ( GetPrev()->GetAttrSet()->GetBackground() ==
    6551         154 :                          GetAttrSet()->GetBackground() )
    6552             :                     {
    6553         122 :                         aRect.Top( Frm().Top() );
    6554             :                     }
    6555             :                 }
    6556             :             }
    6557       17612 :             aRect.Intersection( rRect );
    6558             : 
    6559       17612 :             OutputDevice *pOut = pSh->GetOut();
    6560             : 
    6561       17612 :             if ( aRect.HasArea() )
    6562             :             {
    6563       17478 :                 SvxBrushItem* pNewItem = 0;
    6564             :                 //SwRegionRects aRegion( aRect );
    6565             : 
    6566       17478 :                 if( pCol )
    6567             :                 {
    6568          76 :                     pNewItem = new SvxBrushItem( *pCol, RES_BACKGROUND );
    6569          76 :                     pItem = pNewItem;
    6570             : 
    6571             :                     //UUUU
    6572          76 :                     aFillAttributes.reset(new drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelper(*pCol));
    6573             :                 }
    6574             : 
    6575             :                 //if ( pPage->GetSortedObjs() )
    6576             :                 //{
    6577             :                 //    ::lcl_SubtractFlys( this, pPage, aRect, aRegion );
    6578             :                 //}
    6579             : 
    6580             :                 // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - determine, if background transparency
    6581             :                 //     have to be considered for drawing.
    6582             :                 //     --> Status Quo: background transparency have to be
    6583             :                 //        considered for fly frames
    6584       17478 :                 const bool bConsiderBackgroundTransparency = IsFlyFrm();
    6585       17478 :                 bool bDone(false);
    6586             : 
    6587             :                 // #i125189# We are also done when the new DrawingLayer FillAttributes are used
    6588             :                 // or the FillStyle is set (different from drawing::FillStyle_NONE)
    6589       17478 :                 if(pOut && aFillAttributes.get())
    6590             :                 {
    6591       14912 :                     if(aFillAttributes->isUsed())
    6592             :                     {
    6593             :                         // check if really something is painted
    6594         752 :                         bDone = DrawFillAttributes(aFillAttributes, aOrigBackRect, aRect, *pOut);
    6595             :                     }
    6596             : 
    6597       14912 :                     if(!bDone)
    6598             :                     {
    6599             :                         // if not, still a FillStyle could be set but the transparency is at 100%,
    6600             :                         // thus need to check the model data itself for FillStyle (do not rely on
    6601             :                         // SdrAllFillAttributesHelper since it already contains optimized information,
    6602             :                         // e.g. transparency leads to no fill)
    6603       14166 :                         const drawing::FillStyle eFillStyle(static_cast< const XFillStyleItem& >(GetAttrSet()->Get(XATTR_FILLSTYLE)).GetValue());
    6604             : 
    6605       14166 :                         if(drawing::FillStyle_NONE != eFillStyle)
    6606             :                         {
    6607           0 :                             bDone = true;
    6608             :                         }
    6609             :                     }
    6610             :                 }
    6611             : 
    6612       17478 :                 if(!bDone)
    6613             :                 {
    6614             :                     //for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aRegion.Count(); ++i )
    6615             :                     //{
    6616             :                     //    if ( 1 < aRegion.Count() )
    6617             :                     //    {
    6618             :                     //        ::SwAlignRect( aRegion[i], pGlobalShell );
    6619             :                     //        if( !aRegion[i].HasArea() )
    6620             :                     //          continue;
    6621             :                     //    }
    6622             :                     // OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - add 6th parameter to indicate, if
    6623             :                     //     background transparency have to be considered
    6624             :                     //     Set missing 5th parameter to the default value GRFNUM_NO
    6625             :                     //         - see declaration in /core/inc/frmtool.hxx.
    6626       16732 :                     if (IsTxtFrm() || !bOnlyTxtBackground)
    6627             :                         ::DrawGraphic(
    6628             :                             pItem,
    6629             :                             pOut,
    6630             :                             aOrigBackRect,
    6631             :                             aRect, // aRegion[i],
    6632             :                             GRFNUM_NO,
    6633       15400 :                             bConsiderBackgroundTransparency );
    6634             :                     //}
    6635             :                 }
    6636       17478 :                 if( pCol )
    6637          76 :                     delete pNewItem;
    6638       17612 :             }
    6639             :         }
    6640             :         else
    6641       58053 :             bLowMode = bLowerMode;
    6642             :     }
    6643             : 
    6644             :     // OD 05.09.2002 #102912#
    6645             :     // delete temporary background brush.
    6646       77331 :     delete pTmpBackBrush;
    6647             : 
    6648             :     //Now process lower and his neighbour.
    6649             :     //We end this as soon as a Frm leaves the chain and therefore is not a lower
    6650             :     //of me anymore
    6651       77331 :     const SwFrm *pFrm = GetLower();
    6652       77331 :     if ( pFrm )
    6653             :     {
    6654       44642 :         SwRect aFrmRect;
    6655       44642 :         SwRect aRect( PaintArea() );
    6656       44642 :         aRect._Intersection( rRect );
    6657       44642 :         SwRect aBorderRect( aRect );
    6658       44642 :         SwShortCut aShortCut( *pFrm, aBorderRect );
    6659       76138 :         do
    6660       76138 :         {   if ( pProgress )
    6661           0 :                 pProgress->Reschedule();
    6662             : 
    6663       76138 :             aFrmRect = pFrm->PaintArea();
    6664       76138 :             if ( aFrmRect.IsOver( aBorderRect ) )
    6665             :             {
    6666       62579 :                 SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), (SwFrm*)pFrm );
    6667       62579 :                 const SwBorderAttrs &rTmpAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    6668       95226 :                 if ( ( pFrm->IsLayoutFrm() && bLowerBorder ) ||
    6669       32647 :                      aFrmRect.IsOver( aRect ) )
    6670             :                     pFrm->PaintBackground( aRect, pPage, rTmpAttrs, bLowMode,
    6671       62579 :                                            bLowerBorder );
    6672       62579 :                 if ( bLowerBorder )
    6673       62579 :                     pFrm->PaintBorder( aBorderRect, pPage, rTmpAttrs );
    6674             :             }
    6675       76138 :             pFrm = pFrm->GetNext();
    6676      109098 :         } while ( pFrm && pFrm->GetUpper() == this &&
    6677       32960 :                   !aShortCut.Stop( aFrmRect ) );
    6678       77331 :     }
    6679             : }
    6680             : 
    6681             : /// Refreshes all subsidiary lines of a page.
    6682       12166 : void SwPageFrm::RefreshSubsidiary( const SwRect &rRect ) const
    6683             : {
    6684       12166 :     if ( IS_SUBS || isTableBoundariesEnabled() || IS_SUBS_SECTION || IS_SUBS_FLYS )
    6685             :     {
    6686       12159 :         SwRect aRect( rRect );
    6687       12159 :         if ( aRect.HasArea() )
    6688             :         {
    6689             :             //During paint using the root, the array is controlled from there.
    6690             :             //Otherwise we'll handle it for our self.
    6691       12159 :             bool bDelSubs = false;
    6692       12159 :             if ( !pSubsLines )
    6693             :             {
    6694           6 :                 pSubsLines = new SwSubsRects;
    6695             :                 // OD 20.12.2002 #106318# - create container for special subsidiary lines
    6696           6 :                 pSpecSubsLines = new SwSubsRects;
    6697           6 :                 bDelSubs = true;
    6698             :             }
    6699             : 
    6700       12159 :             RefreshLaySubsidiary( this, aRect );
    6701             : 
    6702       12159 :             if ( bDelSubs )
    6703             :             {
    6704             :                 // OD 20.12.2002 #106318# - paint special subsidiary lines
    6705             :                 // and delete its container
    6706           6 :                 pSpecSubsLines->PaintSubsidiary( pGlobalShell->GetOut(), NULL );
    6707           6 :                 DELETEZ( pSpecSubsLines );
    6708             : 
    6709           6 :                 pSubsLines->PaintSubsidiary( pGlobalShell->GetOut(), pLines );
    6710           6 :                 DELETEZ( pSubsLines );
    6711             :             }
    6712             :         }
    6713             :     }
    6714       12166 : }
    6715             : 
    6716       36362 : void SwLayoutFrm::RefreshLaySubsidiary( const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    6717             :                                         const SwRect &rRect ) const
    6718             : {
    6719       36362 :     const bool bSubsOpt   = IS_SUBS;
    6720       36362 :     if ( bSubsOpt )
    6721       36362 :         PaintSubsidiaryLines( pPage, rRect );
    6722             : 
    6723       36362 :     const SwFrm *pLow = Lower();
    6724       36362 :     if( !pLow )
    6725       36380 :         return;
    6726       36344 :     SwShortCut aShortCut( *pLow, rRect );
    6727      130083 :     while( pLow && !aShortCut.Stop( pLow->Frm() ) )
    6728             :     {
    6729       57395 :         if ( pLow->Frm().IsOver( rRect ) && pLow->Frm().HasArea() )
    6730             :         {
    6731       49947 :             if ( pLow->IsLayoutFrm() )
    6732       23249 :                 ((const SwLayoutFrm*)pLow)->RefreshLaySubsidiary( pPage, rRect);
    6733       26698 :             else if ( pLow->GetDrawObjs() )
    6734             :             {
    6735        3024 :                 const SwSortedObjs& rObjs = *(pLow->GetDrawObjs());
    6736       10074 :                 for ( size_t i = 0; i < rObjs.size(); ++i )
    6737             :                 {
    6738        7050 :                     const SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = rObjs[i];
    6739       21150 :                     if ( pPage->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().IsVisibleLayerId(
    6740       35250 :                                     pAnchoredObj->GetDrawObj()->GetLayer() ) &&
    6741        7050 :                          pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
    6742             :                     {
    6743             :                         const SwFlyFrm *pFly =
    6744        1117 :                                     static_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj);
    6745        1117 :                         if ( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() && pFly->Frm().IsOver( rRect ) )
    6746             :                         {
    6747         352 :                             if ( !pFly->Lower() || !pFly->Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm() ||
    6748         148 :                                  !((SwNoTxtFrm*)pFly->Lower())->HasAnimation())
    6749         204 :                                 pFly->RefreshLaySubsidiary( pPage, rRect );
    6750             :                         }
    6751             :                     }
    6752             :                 }
    6753             :             }
    6754             :         }
    6755       57395 :         pLow = pLow->GetNext();
    6756             :     }
    6757             : }
    6758             : 
    6759             : /**
    6760             :  * Subsidiary lines to paint the PrtAreas
    6761             :  * Only the LayoutFrms which directly contain Cntnt
    6762             :  * Paints the desired line and pays attention to not overpaint any flys
    6763             :  */
    6764        2920 : static void lcl_RefreshLine( const SwLayoutFrm *pLay,
    6765             :                                   const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    6766             :                                   const Point &rP1,
    6767             :                                   const Point &rP2,
    6768             :                                   const sal_uInt8 nSubColor,
    6769             :                                   SwLineRects* _pSubsLines )
    6770             : {
    6771             :     //In which direction do we loop? Can only be horizontal or vertical.
    6772             :     OSL_ENSURE( ((rP1.X() == rP2.X()) || (rP1.Y() == rP2.Y())),
    6773             :             "Sloped subsidiary lines are not allowed." );
    6774             : 
    6775        2920 :     const bool bHori = rP1.Y() == rP2.Y();
    6776             : 
    6777             :     // use pointers to member function in order to unify flow
    6778             :     typedef long& (Point:: *pmfPt)();
    6779        2920 :     const pmfPt pmfPtX = &Point::X;
    6780        2920 :     const pmfPt pmfPtY = &Point::Y;
    6781        2920 :     const pmfPt pDirPt = bHori ? pmfPtX : pmfPtY;
    6782             : 
    6783        2920 :     Point aP1( rP1 );
    6784        2920 :     Point aP2( rP2 );
    6785             : 
    6786        8774 :     while ( (aP1.*pDirPt)() < (aP2.*pDirPt)() )
    6787             :     {
    6788             :         //If the starting point lies in a fly, it is directly set behind the
    6789             :         //fly.
    6790             :         //The end point moves to the start if the end point lies in a fly or we
    6791             :         //have a fly between starting point and end point.
    6792             :         // In this way, every position is output one by one.
    6793             : 
    6794             :         //If I'm a fly I'll only avoid those flys which are places 'above' me;
    6795             :         //this means those who are behind me in the array.
    6796             :         //Even if I'm inside a fly or inside a fly inside a fly a.s.o I won't
    6797             :         //avoid any of those flys.
    6798        2934 :         SwOrderIter aIter( pPage );
    6799        2934 :         const SwFlyFrm *pMyFly = pLay->FindFlyFrm();
    6800        2934 :         if ( pMyFly )
    6801             :         {
    6802        2704 :             aIter.Current( pMyFly->GetVirtDrawObj() );
    6803        5504 :             while ( 0 != (pMyFly = pMyFly->GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm()) )
    6804             :             {
    6805          96 :                 if ( aIter()->GetOrdNum() > pMyFly->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetOrdNum() )
    6806          96 :                     aIter.Current( pMyFly->GetVirtDrawObj() );
    6807             :             }
    6808             :         }
    6809             :         else
    6810         230 :             aIter.Bottom();
    6811             : 
    6812       22796 :         while ( aIter() )
    6813             :         {
    6814       16928 :             const SwVirtFlyDrawObj *pObj = (SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)aIter();
    6815       16928 :             const SwFlyFrm *pFly = pObj ? pObj->GetFlyFrm() : 0;
    6816             : 
    6817             :             //I certainly won't avoid myself, even if I'm placed _inside_ the
    6818             :             //fly I won't avoid it.
    6819       16928 :             if ( !pFly || (pFly == pLay || pFly->IsAnLower( pLay )) )
    6820             :             {
    6821        2704 :                 aIter.Next();
    6822       17068 :                 continue;
    6823             :             }
    6824             : 
    6825             :             // OD 19.12.2002 #106318# - do *not* consider fly frames with
    6826             :             // a transparent background.
    6827             :             // OD 2004-02-12 #110582#-2 - do *not* consider fly frame, which
    6828             :             // belongs to a invisible layer
    6829       45236 :             if ( pFly->IsBackgroundTransparent() ||
    6830       21916 :                  !pFly->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().IsVisibleLayerId( pObj->GetLayer() ) )
    6831             :             {
    6832       11660 :                 aIter.Next();
    6833       11660 :                 continue;
    6834             :             }
    6835             : 
    6836             :             //Is the Obj placed on the line
    6837        2564 :             const long nP1OthPt = !bHori ? rP1.X() : rP1.Y();
    6838        2564 :             const Rectangle &rBound = pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect();
    6839        2564 :             const Point aDrPt( rBound.TopLeft() );
    6840        2564 :             const long nDrOthPt = !bHori ? aDrPt.X() : aDrPt.Y();
    6841        2564 :             const Size  aDrSz( rBound.GetSize() );
    6842        2564 :             const long nDrOthSz = !bHori ? aDrSz.Width() : aDrSz.Height();
    6843             : 
    6844        2564 :             if ( nP1OthPt >= nDrOthPt && nP1OthPt <= nDrOthPt + nDrOthSz )
    6845             :             {
    6846         716 :                 const long nDrDirPt = bHori ? aDrPt.X() : aDrPt.Y();
    6847         716 :                 const long nDrDirSz = bHori ? aDrSz.Width() : aDrSz.Height();
    6848             : 
    6849         716 :                 if ( (aP1.*pDirPt)() >= nDrDirPt && (aP1.*pDirPt)() <= nDrDirPt + nDrDirSz )
    6850         260 :                     (aP1.*pDirPt)() = nDrDirPt + nDrDirSz;
    6851             : 
    6852         716 :                 if ( (aP2.*pDirPt)() >= nDrDirPt && (aP1.*pDirPt)() < (nDrDirPt - 1) )
    6853          46 :                     (aP2.*pDirPt)() = nDrDirPt - 1;
    6854             :             }
    6855        2564 :             aIter.Next();
    6856             :         }
    6857             : 
    6858        2934 :         if ( (aP1.*pDirPt)() < (aP2.*pDirPt)() )
    6859             :         {
    6860        2762 :             SwRect aRect( aP1, aP2 );
    6861             :             // OD 18.11.2002 #99672# - use parameter <_pSubsLines> instead of
    6862             :             // global variable <pSubsLines>.
    6863             :             _pSubsLines->AddLineRect( aRect, 0, table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID,
    6864        2762 :                     0, nSubColor );
    6865             :         }
    6866        2934 :         aP1 = aP2;
    6867        2934 :         (aP1.*pDirPt)() += 1;
    6868        2934 :         aP2 = rP2;
    6869             :     }
    6870        2920 : }
    6871             : 
    6872       12139 : static drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence lcl_CreatePageAreaDelimiterPrimitives(
    6873             :         const SwRect& rRect )
    6874             : {
    6875       12139 :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence aSeq( 4 );
    6876             : 
    6877       24278 :     basegfx::BColor aLineColor = SwViewOption::GetDocBoundariesColor().getBColor();
    6878       12139 :     double nLineLength = 200.0; // in Twips
    6879             : 
    6880       12139 :     Point aPoints[] = { rRect.TopLeft(), rRect.TopRight(), rRect.BottomRight(), rRect.BottomLeft() };
    6881       12139 :     double aXOffDirs[] = { -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 };
    6882       12139 :     double aYOffDirs[] = { -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    6883             : 
    6884             :     // Actually loop over the corners to create the two lines
    6885       60695 :     for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    6886             :     {
    6887       48556 :         basegfx::B2DVector aHorizVector( aXOffDirs[i], 0.0 );
    6888       97112 :         basegfx::B2DVector aVertVector( 0.0, aYOffDirs[i] );
    6889             : 
    6890       97112 :         basegfx::B2DPoint aBPoint( aPoints[i].getX(), aPoints[i].getY() );
    6891             : 
    6892       97112 :         basegfx::B2DPolygon aPolygon;
    6893       48556 :         aPolygon.append( aBPoint + aHorizVector * nLineLength );
    6894       48556 :         aPolygon.append( aBPoint );
    6895       48556 :         aPolygon.append( aBPoint + aVertVector * nLineLength );
    6896             : 
    6897             :         drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D* pLine =
    6898             :             new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(
    6899       48556 :                     aPolygon, aLineColor );
    6900       48556 :         aSeq[i] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference( pLine );
    6901       48556 :     }
    6902             : 
    6903       24278 :     return aSeq;
    6904             : }
    6905             : 
    6906          20 : static drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence lcl_CreateRectangleDelimiterPrimitives (
    6907             :         const SwRect& rRect )
    6908             : {
    6909          20 :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence aSeq( 1 );
    6910          40 :     basegfx::BColor aLineColor = SwViewOption::GetDocBoundariesColor().getBColor();
    6911             : 
    6912          40 :     basegfx::B2DPolygon aPolygon;
    6913          20 :     aPolygon.append( basegfx::B2DPoint( rRect.Left(), rRect.Top() ) );
    6914          20 :     aPolygon.append( basegfx::B2DPoint( rRect.Right(), rRect.Top() ) );
    6915          20 :     aPolygon.append( basegfx::B2DPoint( rRect.Right(), rRect.Bottom() ) );
    6916          20 :     aPolygon.append( basegfx::B2DPoint( rRect.Left(), rRect.Bottom() ) );
    6917          20 :     aPolygon.setClosed( true );
    6918             : 
    6919             :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D* pLine =
    6920             :         new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(
    6921          20 :                 aPolygon, aLineColor );
    6922          20 :     aSeq[0] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference( pLine );
    6923             : 
    6924          40 :     return aSeq;
    6925             : }
    6926             : 
    6927         164 : static drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence lcl_CreateColumnAreaDelimiterPrimitives(
    6928             :         const SwRect& rRect )
    6929             : {
    6930         164 :     drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence aSeq( 4 );
    6931             : 
    6932         328 :     basegfx::BColor aLineColor = SwViewOption::GetDocBoundariesColor().getBColor();
    6933         164 :     double nLineLength = 100.0; // in Twips
    6934             : 
    6935         164 :     Point aPoints[] = { rRect.TopLeft(), rRect.TopRight(), rRect.BottomRight(), rRect.BottomLeft() };
    6936         164 :     double aXOffDirs[] = { 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 };
    6937         164 :     double aYOffDirs[] = { 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 };
    6938             : 
    6939             :     // Actually loop over the corners to create the two lines
    6940         820 :     for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    6941             :     {
    6942         656 :         basegfx::B2DVector aHorizVector( aXOffDirs[i], 0.0 );
    6943        1312 :         basegfx::B2DVector aVertVector( 0.0, aYOffDirs[i] );
    6944             : 
    6945        1312 :         basegfx::B2DPoint aBPoint( aPoints[i].getX(), aPoints[i].getY() );
    6946             : 
    6947        1312 :         basegfx::B2DPolygon aPolygon;
    6948         656 :         aPolygon.append( aBPoint + aHorizVector * nLineLength );
    6949         656 :         aPolygon.append( aBPoint );
    6950         656 :         aPolygon.append( aBPoint + aVertVector * nLineLength );
    6951             : 
    6952             :         drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D* pLine =
    6953             :             new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(
    6954         656 :                     aPolygon, aLineColor );
    6955         656 :         aSeq[i] = drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference( pLine );
    6956         656 :     }
    6957             : 
    6958         328 :     return aSeq;
    6959             : }
    6960             : 
    6961       12159 : void SwPageFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *,
    6962             :                                         const SwRect & ) const
    6963             : {
    6964       12159 :     if ( !pGlobalShell->IsHeaderFooterEdit() )
    6965             :     {
    6966       12159 :         const SwFrm* pLay = Lower();
    6967       12159 :         const SwFrm* pFtnCont = NULL;
    6968       12159 :         const SwFrm* pPageBody = NULL;
    6969       37529 :         while ( pLay && !( pFtnCont && pPageBody ) )
    6970             :         {
    6971       13211 :             if ( pLay->IsFtnContFrm( ) )
    6972         180 :                 pFtnCont = pLay;
    6973       13211 :             if ( pLay->IsBodyFrm() )
    6974       12159 :                 pPageBody = pLay;
    6975       13211 :             pLay = pLay->GetNext();
    6976             :         }
    6977             : 
    6978       12159 :         SwRect aArea( pPageBody->Frm() );
    6979       12159 :         if ( pFtnCont )
    6980         180 :             aArea.AddBottom( pFtnCont->Frm().Bottom() - aArea.Bottom() );
    6981             : 
    6982       12159 :         if ( !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsViewMetaChars( ) )
    6983       12139 :             ProcessPrimitives( lcl_CreatePageAreaDelimiterPrimitives( aArea ) );
    6984             :         else
    6985          20 :             ProcessPrimitives( lcl_CreateRectangleDelimiterPrimitives( aArea ) );
    6986             :     }
    6987       12159 : }
    6988             : 
    6989         164 : void SwColumnFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *,
    6990             :                                         const SwRect & ) const
    6991             : {
    6992         164 :     const SwFrm* pLay = Lower();
    6993         164 :     const SwFrm* pFtnCont = NULL;
    6994         164 :     const SwFrm* pColBody = NULL;
    6995         492 :     while ( pLay && !( pFtnCont && pColBody ) )
    6996             :     {
    6997         164 :         if ( pLay->IsFtnContFrm( ) )
    6998           0 :             pFtnCont = pLay;
    6999         164 :         if ( pLay->IsBodyFrm() )
    7000         164 :             pColBody = pLay;
    7001         164 :         pLay = pLay->GetNext();
    7002             :     }
    7003             : 
    7004         164 :     SwRect aArea( pColBody->Frm() );
    7005             : 
    7006             :     // #i3662# - enlarge top of column body frame's printing area
    7007             :     // in sections to top of section frame.
    7008         164 :     const bool bColInSection =  GetUpper()->IsSctFrm();
    7009         164 :     if ( bColInSection )
    7010             :     {
    7011         164 :         if ( IsVertical() )
    7012           0 :             aArea.Right( GetUpper()->Frm().Right() );
    7013             :         else
    7014         164 :             aArea.Top( GetUpper()->Frm().Top() );
    7015             :     }
    7016             : 
    7017         164 :     if ( pFtnCont )
    7018           0 :         aArea.AddBottom( pFtnCont->Frm().Bottom() - aArea.Bottom() );
    7019             : 
    7020         164 :     ::SwAlignRect( aArea, pGlobalShell );
    7021             : 
    7022         164 :     if ( !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsViewMetaChars( ) )
    7023         164 :         ProcessPrimitives( lcl_CreateColumnAreaDelimiterPrimitives( aArea ) );
    7024             :     else
    7025           0 :         ProcessPrimitives( lcl_CreateRectangleDelimiterPrimitives( aArea ) );
    7026         164 : }
    7027             : 
    7028         380 : void SwSectionFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm * pPage,
    7029             :                                         const SwRect & rRect ) const
    7030             : {
    7031         380 :     const bool bNoLowerColumn = !Lower() || !Lower()->IsColumnFrm();
    7032         380 :     if ( bNoLowerColumn )
    7033             :     {
    7034         260 :         SwLayoutFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( pPage, rRect );
    7035             :     }
    7036         380 : }
    7037             : 
    7038             : /**
    7039             :  * The SwBodyFrm doesn't print any subsidiary line: it's bounds are painted
    7040             :  * either by the parent page or the parent column frame.
    7041             :  */
    7042       12137 : void SwBodyFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *,
    7043             :                                         const SwRect & ) const
    7044             : {
    7045       12137 : }
    7046             : 
    7047         416 : void SwHeadFootFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *, const SwRect & ) const
    7048             : {
    7049         416 :     if ( pGlobalShell->IsHeaderFooterEdit() )
    7050             :     {
    7051           0 :         SwRect aArea( Prt() );
    7052           0 :         aArea.Pos() += Frm().Pos();
    7053           0 :         if ( !pGlobalShell->GetViewOptions()->IsViewMetaChars( ) )
    7054           0 :             ProcessPrimitives( lcl_CreatePageAreaDelimiterPrimitives( aArea ) );
    7055             :         else
    7056           0 :             ProcessPrimitives( lcl_CreateRectangleDelimiterPrimitives( aArea ) );
    7057             :     }
    7058         416 : }
    7059             : 
    7060             : /**
    7061             :  * This method is overridden in order to have no subsidiary lines
    7062             :  * around the footnotes.
    7063             :  */
    7064          10 : void SwFtnFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *,
    7065             :                                         const SwRect & ) const
    7066             : {
    7067          10 : }
    7068             : 
    7069             : /**
    7070             :  * This method is overridden in order to have no subsidiary lines
    7071             :  * around the footnotes containers.
    7072             :  */
    7073           8 : void SwFtnContFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *,
    7074             :                                         const SwRect & ) const
    7075             : {
    7076           8 : }
    7077             : 
    7078       11348 : void SwLayoutFrm::PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrm *pPage,
    7079             :                                         const SwRect &rRect ) const
    7080             : {
    7081       11348 :     bool bNewTableModel = false;
    7082             : 
    7083             :     // #i29550#
    7084       11348 :     if ( IsTabFrm() || IsCellFrm() || IsRowFrm() )
    7085             :     {
    7086       10134 :         const SwTabFrm* pTabFrm = FindTabFrm();
    7087       10134 :         if ( pTabFrm->IsCollapsingBorders() )
    7088       20272 :             return;
    7089             : 
    7090           8 :         bNewTableModel = pTabFrm->GetTable()->IsNewModel();
    7091             :         // in the new table model, we have an early return for all cell-related
    7092             :         // frames, except from non-covered table cells
    7093           8 :         if ( bNewTableModel )
    7094          22 :             if ( IsTabFrm() ||
    7095          16 :                  IsRowFrm() ||
    7096           8 :                  ( IsCellFrm() && IsCoveredCell() ) )
    7097           4 :                 return;
    7098             :     }
    7099             : 
    7100        1218 :     const bool bFlys = pPage->GetSortedObjs() ? true : false;
    7101             : 
    7102        1218 :     const bool bCell = IsCellFrm();
    7103             :     // use frame area for cells
    7104             :     // OD 13.02.2003 #i3662# - for section use also frame area
    7105        1218 :     const bool bUseFrmArea = bCell || IsSctFrm();
    7106        1218 :     SwRect aOriginal( bUseFrmArea ? Frm() : Prt() );
    7107        1218 :     if ( !bUseFrmArea )
    7108         954 :         aOriginal.Pos() += Frm().Pos();
    7109             : 
    7110        1218 :     ::SwAlignRect( aOriginal, pGlobalShell );
    7111             : 
    7112        1218 :     if ( !aOriginal.IsOver( rRect ) )
    7113          16 :         return;
    7114             : 
    7115        1202 :     SwRect aOut( aOriginal );
    7116        1202 :     aOut._Intersection( rRect );
    7117             : 
    7118        1202 :     const SwTwips nRight = aOut.Right();
    7119        1202 :     const SwTwips nBottom= aOut.Bottom();
    7120             : 
    7121        1202 :     const Point aRT( nRight, aOut.Top() );
    7122        1202 :     const Point aRB( nRight, nBottom );
    7123        1202 :     const Point aLB( aOut.Left(), nBottom );
    7124             : 
    7125        2400 :     sal_uInt8 nSubColor = ( bCell || IsRowFrm() ) ? SUBCOL_TAB :
    7126        1198 :                      ( IsInSct() ? SUBCOL_SECT :
    7127        2400 :                      ( IsInFly() ? SUBCOL_FLY : SUBCOL_PAGE ) );
    7128             : 
    7129             :     // OD 18.11.2002 #99672# - collect body, header, footer, footnote and section
    7130             :     // sub-lines in <pSpecSubsLine> array.
    7131        3606 :     const bool bSpecialSublines = IsBodyFrm() || IsHeaderFrm() || IsFooterFrm() ||
    7132        3606 :                                   IsFtnFrm() || IsSctFrm();
    7133        1202 :     SwLineRects* pUsedSubsLines = bSpecialSublines ? pSpecSubsLines : pSubsLines;
    7134             : 
    7135             :     // NOTE: for cell frames only left and right (horizontal layout) respectively
    7136             :     //      top and bottom (vertical layout) lines painted.
    7137             :     // NOTE2: this does not hold for the new table model!!! We paint the top border
    7138             :     // of each non-covered table cell.
    7139        1202 :     const bool bVert = IsVertical();
    7140        1202 :     if ( bFlys )
    7141             :     {
    7142             :         // OD 14.11.2002 #104822# - add control for drawing left and right lines
    7143         754 :         if ( !bCell || bNewTableModel || !bVert )
    7144             :         {
    7145         754 :             if ( aOriginal.Left() == aOut.Left() )
    7146         754 :                 ::lcl_RefreshLine( this, pPage, aOut.Pos(), aLB, nSubColor, pUsedSubsLines );
    7147             :             // OD 14.11.2002 #104821# - in vertical layout set page/column break at right
    7148         754 :             if ( aOriginal.Right() == nRight )
    7149         674 :                 ::lcl_RefreshLine( this, pPage, aRT, aRB, nSubColor, pUsedSubsLines );
    7150             :         }
    7151             :         // OD 14.11.2002 #104822# - adjust control for drawing top and bottom lines
    7152         754 :         if ( !bCell || bNewTableModel || bVert )
    7153             :         {
    7154         754 :             if ( aOriginal.Top() == aOut.Top() )
    7155             :                 // OD 14.11.2002 #104821# - in horizontal layout set page/column break at top
    7156         750 :                 ::lcl_RefreshLine( this, pPage, aOut.Pos(), aRT, nSubColor, pUsedSubsLines );
    7157         754 :             if ( aOriginal.Bottom() == nBottom )
    7158             :                 ::lcl_RefreshLine( this, pPage, aLB, aRB, nSubColor,
    7159         742 :                                    pUsedSubsLines );
    7160             :         }
    7161             :     }
    7162             :     else
    7163             :     {
    7164             :         // OD 14.11.2002 #104822# - add control for drawing left and right lines
    7165         448 :         if ( !bCell || bNewTableModel || !bVert )
    7166             :         {
    7167         448 :             if ( aOriginal.Left() == aOut.Left() )
    7168             :             {
    7169         436 :                 const SwRect aRect( aOut.Pos(), aLB );
    7170             :                 pUsedSubsLines->AddLineRect( aRect, 0,
    7171         436 :                         table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID, 0, nSubColor );
    7172             :             }
    7173             :             // OD 14.11.2002 #104821# - in vertical layout set page/column break at right
    7174         448 :             if ( aOriginal.Right() == nRight )
    7175             :             {
    7176         152 :                 const SwRect aRect( aRT, aRB );
    7177             :                 pUsedSubsLines->AddLineRect( aRect, 0,
    7178         152 :                         table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID, 0, nSubColor );
    7179             :             }
    7180             :         }
    7181             :         // OD 14.11.2002 #104822# - adjust control for drawing top and bottom lines
    7182         448 :         if ( !bCell || bNewTableModel || bVert )
    7183             :         {
    7184         448 :             if ( aOriginal.Top() == aOut.Top() )
    7185             :             {
    7186             :                 // OD 14.11.2002 #104821# - in horizontal layout set page/column break at top
    7187         440 :                 const SwRect aRect( aOut.Pos(), aRT );
    7188             :                 pUsedSubsLines->AddLineRect( aRect, 0,
    7189         440 :                         table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID, 0, nSubColor );
    7190             :             }
    7191         448 :             if ( aOriginal.Bottom() == nBottom )
    7192             :             {
    7193         392 :                 const SwRect aRect( aLB, aRB );
    7194             :                 pUsedSubsLines->AddLineRect( aRect, 0,
    7195         392 :                         table::BorderLineStyle::SOLID, 0, nSubColor );
    7196             :             }
    7197             :         }
    7198             :     }
    7199             : }
    7200             : 
    7201             : /**
    7202             :  * Refreshes all extra data (line breaks a.s.o) of the page. Basically only those objects
    7203             :  * are considered which horizontally overlap the Rect.
    7204             :  */
    7205         461 : void SwPageFrm::RefreshExtraData( const SwRect &rRect ) const
    7206             : {
    7207         461 :     const SwLineNumberInfo &rInfo = GetFmt()->GetDoc()->GetLineNumberInfo();
    7208         509 :     bool bLineInFly = (rInfo.IsPaintLineNumbers() && rInfo.IsCountInFlys())
    7209         922 :         || (sal_Int16)SW_MOD()->GetRedlineMarkPos() != text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    7210             : 
    7211         461 :     SwRect aRect( rRect );
    7212         461 :     ::SwAlignRect( aRect, pGlobalShell );
    7213         461 :     if ( aRect.HasArea() )
    7214             :     {
    7215         461 :         SwLayoutFrm::RefreshExtraData( aRect );
    7216             : 
    7217         461 :         if ( bLineInFly && GetSortedObjs() )
    7218          12 :             for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetSortedObjs()->size(); ++i )
    7219             :             {
    7220           6 :                 const SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*GetSortedObjs())[i];
    7221           6 :                 if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
    7222             :                 {
    7223           6 :                     const SwFlyFrm *pFly = static_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj);
    7224           6 :                     if ( pFly->Frm().Top() <= aRect.Bottom() &&
    7225           0 :                          pFly->Frm().Bottom() >= aRect.Top() )
    7226           0 :                         pFly->RefreshExtraData( aRect );
    7227             :                 }
    7228             :             }
    7229             :     }
    7230         461 : }
    7231             : 
    7232         461 : void SwLayoutFrm::RefreshExtraData( const SwRect &rRect ) const
    7233             : {
    7234             : 
    7235         461 :     const SwLineNumberInfo &rInfo = GetFmt()->GetDoc()->GetLineNumberInfo();
    7236         461 :     bool bLineInBody = rInfo.IsPaintLineNumbers(),
    7237         461 :              bLineInFly  = bLineInBody && rInfo.IsCountInFlys(),
    7238         461 :              bRedLine = (sal_Int16)SW_MOD()->GetRedlineMarkPos()!=text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    7239             : 
    7240         461 :     const SwCntntFrm *pCnt = ContainsCntnt();
    7241        3504 :     while ( pCnt && IsAnLower( pCnt ) )
    7242             :     {
    7243        7746 :         if ( pCnt->IsTxtFrm() && ( bRedLine ||
    7244           0 :              ( !pCnt->IsInTab() &&
    7245           0 :                ((bLineInBody && pCnt->IsInDocBody()) ||
    7246        2582 :                (bLineInFly  && pCnt->IsInFly())) ) ) &&
    7247        7398 :              pCnt->Frm().Top() <= rRect.Bottom() &&
    7248        2234 :              pCnt->Frm().Bottom() >= rRect.Top() )
    7249             :         {
    7250        2222 :             ((SwTxtFrm*)pCnt)->PaintExtraData( rRect );
    7251             :         }
    7252        2582 :         if ( bLineInFly && pCnt->GetDrawObjs() )
    7253           0 :             for ( size_t i = 0; i < pCnt->GetDrawObjs()->size(); ++i )
    7254             :             {
    7255           0 :                 const SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pCnt->GetDrawObjs())[i];
    7256           0 :                 if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
    7257             :                 {
    7258           0 :                     const SwFlyFrm *pFly = static_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj);
    7259           0 :                     if ( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() &&
    7260           0 :                          pFly->Frm().Top() <= rRect.Bottom() &&
    7261           0 :                          pFly->Frm().Bottom() >= rRect.Top() )
    7262           0 :                         pFly->RefreshExtraData( rRect );
    7263             :                 }
    7264             :         }
    7265        2582 :         pCnt = pCnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
    7266             :     }
    7267         461 : }
    7268             : 
    7269             : /**
    7270             :  * For #102450#
    7271             :  * Determine the color, that is respectively will be drawn as background
    7272             :  * for the page frame.
    7273             :  * Using existing method SwFrm::GetBackgroundBrush to determine the color
    7274             :  * that is set at the page frame respectively is parent. If none is found
    7275             :  * return the global retouche color
    7276             :  *
    7277             :  * @return Color
    7278             :  */
    7279       12776 : const Color SwPageFrm::GetDrawBackgrdColor() const
    7280             : {
    7281             :     const SvxBrushItem* pBrushItem;
    7282             :     const Color* pDummyColor;
    7283       12776 :     SwRect aDummyRect;
    7284             : 
    7285             :     //UUUU
    7286       12776 :     drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr aFillAttributes;
    7287             : 
    7288       12776 :     if ( GetBackgroundBrush( aFillAttributes, pBrushItem, pDummyColor, aDummyRect, true) )
    7289             :     {
    7290          28 :         if(aFillAttributes.get() && aFillAttributes->isUsed()) //UUUU
    7291             :         {
    7292             :             // let SdrAllFillAttributesHelper do the average color calculation
    7293          28 :             return Color(aFillAttributes->getAverageColor(aGlobalRetoucheColor.getBColor()));
    7294             :         }
    7295           0 :         else if(pBrushItem)
    7296             :         {
    7297           0 :             OUString referer;
    7298           0 :             SwViewShell * sh1 = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    7299           0 :             if (sh1 != 0) {
    7300           0 :                 SfxObjectShell * sh2 = sh1->GetDoc()->GetPersist();
    7301           0 :                 if (sh2 != 0 && sh2->HasName()) {
    7302           0 :                     referer = sh2->GetMedium()->GetName();
    7303             :                 }
    7304             :             }
    7305           0 :             const Graphic* pGraphic = pBrushItem->GetGraphic(referer);
    7306             : 
    7307           0 :             if(pGraphic)
    7308             :             {
    7309             :                 // #29105# when a graphic is set, it may be possible to calculate a single
    7310             :                 // color which looks good in all places of the graphic. Since it is
    7311             :                 // planned to have text edit on the overlay one day and the fallback
    7312             :                 // to aGlobalRetoucheColor returns something useful, just use that
    7313             :                 // for now.
    7314             :             }
    7315             :             else
    7316             :             {
    7317             :                 // not a graphic, use (hopefully) initialized color
    7318           0 :                 return pBrushItem->GetColor();
    7319           0 :             }
    7320             :         }
    7321             :     }
    7322             : 
    7323       12748 :     return aGlobalRetoucheColor;
    7324             : }
    7325             : 
    7326             : /// create/return font used to paint the "empty page" string
    7327           0 : const vcl::Font& SwPageFrm::GetEmptyPageFont()
    7328             : {
    7329             :     static vcl::Font* pEmptyPgFont = 0;
    7330           0 :     if ( 0 == pEmptyPgFont )
    7331             :     {
    7332           0 :         pEmptyPgFont = new vcl::Font;
    7333           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetSize( Size( 0, 80 * 20 )); // == 80 pt
    7334           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
    7335           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetStyleName( aEmptyOUStr );
    7336           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetName(OUString("Helvetica"));
    7337           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetFamily( FAMILY_SWISS );
    7338           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetTransparent( true );
    7339           0 :         pEmptyPgFont->SetColor( COL_GRAY );
    7340             :     }
    7341             : 
    7342           0 :     return *pEmptyPgFont;
    7343             : }
    7344             : 
    7345             : /**
    7346             :  * Retouch for a section
    7347             :  *
    7348             :  * Retouch will only be done, if the Frm is the last one in his chain.
    7349             :  * The whole area of the upper which is located below the Frm will be
    7350             :  * cleared using PaintBackground.
    7351             :  */
    7352        4274 : void SwFrm::Retouche( const SwPageFrm * pPage, const SwRect &rRect ) const
    7353             : {
    7354        4274 :     if ( bFlyMetafile )
    7355        4274 :         return;
    7356             : 
    7357             :     OSL_ENSURE( GetUpper(), "Retouche try without Upper." );
    7358             :     OSL_ENSURE( getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell() && pGlobalShell->GetWin(), "Retouche on a printer?" );
    7359             : 
    7360        4274 :     SwRect aRetouche( GetUpper()->PaintArea() );
    7361        4274 :     aRetouche.Top( Frm().Top() + Frm().Height() );
    7362        4274 :     aRetouche.Intersection( pGlobalShell->VisArea() );
    7363             : 
    7364        4274 :     if ( aRetouche.HasArea() )
    7365             :     {
    7366             :         //Omit the passed Rect. To do this, we unfortunately need a region to
    7367             :         //cut out.
    7368        3448 :         SwRegionRects aRegion( aRetouche );
    7369        3448 :         aRegion -= rRect;
    7370        3448 :         SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    7371             : 
    7372             :         // #i16816# tagged pdf support
    7373        6896 :         SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *pSh->GetOut() );
    7374             : 
    7375        3514 :         for ( size_t i = 0; i < aRegion.size(); ++i )
    7376             :         {
    7377          66 :             SwRect &rRetouche = aRegion[i];
    7378             : 
    7379          66 :             GetUpper()->PaintBaBo( rRetouche, pPage, true );
    7380             : 
    7381             :             //Hell and Heaven need to be refreshed too.
    7382             :             //To avoid recursion my retouch flag needs to be reset first!
    7383          66 :             ResetRetouche();
    7384          66 :             SwRect aRetouchePart( rRetouche );
    7385          66 :             if ( aRetouchePart.HasArea() )
    7386             :             {
    7387          66 :                 const Color aPageBackgrdColor(pPage->GetDrawBackgrdColor());
    7388          66 :                 const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = pSh->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
    7389             :                 // --> OD #i76669#
    7390          66 :                 SwViewObjectContactRedirector aSwRedirector( *pSh );
    7391             :                 // <--
    7392             : 
    7393          66 :                 pSh->Imp()->PaintLayer( pIDDMA->GetHellId(), 0,
    7394             :                                         aRetouchePart, &aPageBackgrdColor,
    7395          66 :                                         pPage->IsRightToLeft(),
    7396         132 :                                         &aSwRedirector );
    7397          66 :                 pSh->Imp()->PaintLayer( pIDDMA->GetHeavenId(), 0,
    7398             :                                         aRetouchePart, &aPageBackgrdColor,
    7399          66 :                                         pPage->IsRightToLeft(),
    7400         132 :                                         &aSwRedirector );
    7401             :             }
    7402             : 
    7403          66 :             SetRetouche();
    7404             : 
    7405             :             //Because we leave all paint areas, we need to refresh the
    7406             :             //subsidiary lines.
    7407          66 :             pPage->RefreshSubsidiary( aRetouchePart );
    7408        3448 :         }
    7409             :     }
    7410        4274 :     if ( SwViewShell::IsLstEndAction() )
    7411        4274 :         ResetRetouche();
    7412             : }
    7413             : 
    7414             : /**
    7415             :  * Determine the background brush for the frame:
    7416             :  * the background brush is taken from it-self or from its parent (anchor/upper).
    7417             :  * Normally, the background brush is taken, which has no transparent color or
    7418             :  * which has a background graphic. But there are some special cases:
    7419             :  * (1) No background brush is taken from a page frame, if view option "IsPageBack"
    7420             :  *     isn't set.
    7421             :  * (2) Background brush from a index section is taken under special conditions.
    7422             :  *     In this case parameter <rpCol> is set to the index shading color.
    7423             :  * (3) New (OD 20.08.2002) - Background brush is taken, if on background drawing
    7424             :  *     of the frame transparency is considered and its color is not "no fill"/"auto fill"
    7425             :  *
    7426             :  * Old description in German:
    7427             :  * Returns the Backgroundbrush for the area of the Frm.
    7428             :  * The Brush is defined by the Frm or by an upper, the first Brush is
    7429             :  * used. If no Brush is defined for a Frm, false is returned.
    7430             :  *
    7431             :  * @param rpBrush
    7432             :  * output parameter - constant reference pointer the found background brush
    7433             :  *
    7434             :  * @param rpFillStyle
    7435             :  * output parameter - constant reference pointer the found background fill style
    7436             :  *
    7437             :  * @param rpFillGradient
    7438             :  * output parameter - constant reference pointer the found background fill gradient
    7439             :  *
    7440             :  * @param rpCol
    7441             :  * output parameter - constant reference pointer to the color of the index shading
    7442             :  * set under special conditions, if background brush is taken from an index section.
    7443             :  *
    7444             :  * @param rOrigRect
    7445             :  * in-/output parameter - reference to the rectangle the background brush is
    7446             :  * considered for - adjusted to the frame, from which the background brush is
    7447             :  * taken.
    7448             :  *
    7449             :  * @parem bLowerMode
    7450             :  * input parameter - boolean indicating, if background brush should *not* be
    7451             :  * taken from parent.
    7452             :  *
    7453             :  * @return true, if a background brush for the frame is found
    7454             :  */
    7455      133520 : bool SwFrm::GetBackgroundBrush(
    7456             :     drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr& rFillAttributes,
    7457             :     const SvxBrushItem* & rpBrush,
    7458             :     const Color*& rpCol,
    7459             :     SwRect &rOrigRect,
    7460             :     bool bLowerMode ) const
    7461             : {
    7462      133520 :     const SwFrm *pFrm = this;
    7463      133520 :     SwViewShell *pSh = getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
    7464      133520 :     const SwViewOption *pOpt = pSh->GetViewOptions();
    7465      133520 :     rpBrush = 0;
    7466      133520 :     rpCol = NULL;
    7467      206717 :     do
    7468      284180 :     {   if ( pFrm->IsPageFrm() && !pOpt->IsPageBack() )
    7469           0 :             return false;
    7470             : 
    7471             :         //UUUU
    7472      284180 :         rFillAttributes = pFrm->getSdrAllFillAttributesHelper();
    7473      284180 :         const SvxBrushItem &rBack = pFrm->GetAttrSet()->GetBackground();
    7474             : 
    7475      284180 :         if( pFrm->IsSctFrm() )
    7476             :         {
    7477        3078 :             const SwSection* pSection = ((SwSectionFrm*)pFrm)->GetSection();
    7478             :             // OD 20.08.2002 #99657# #GetTransChg#
    7479             :             //     Note: If frame <pFrm> is a section of the index and
    7480             :             //         it its background color is "no fill"/"auto fill" and
    7481             :             //         it has no background graphic and
    7482             :             //         we are not in the page preview and
    7483             :             //         we are not in read-only mode and
    7484             :             //         option "index shadings" is set and
    7485             :             //         the output is not the printer
    7486             :             //         then set <rpCol> to the color of the index shading
    7487       14430 :             if( pSection && (   TOX_HEADER_SECTION == pSection->GetType() ||
    7488        4878 :                                 TOX_CONTENT_SECTION == pSection->GetType() ) &&
    7489        6730 :                 (rBack.GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT) &&
    7490        1784 :                 rBack.GetGraphicPos() == GPOS_NONE &&
    7491        1784 :                 !pOpt->IsPagePreview() &&
    7492        1784 :                 !pOpt->IsReadonly() &&
    7493             :                 // #114856# Formular view
    7494        1784 :                 !pOpt->IsFormView() &&
    7495        1784 :                 SwViewOption::IsIndexShadings() &&
    7496        4862 :                 !pOpt->IsPDFExport() &&
    7497         892 :                 pSh->GetOut()->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER )
    7498             :             {
    7499         892 :                 rpCol = &SwViewOption::GetIndexShadingsColor();
    7500             :             }
    7501             :         }
    7502             : 
    7503             :         // OD 20.08.2002 #99657#
    7504             :         //     determine, if background draw of frame <pFrm> considers transparency
    7505             :         //     --> Status Quo: background transparency have to be
    7506             :         //                     considered for fly frames
    7507      284180 :         const bool bConsiderBackgroundTransparency = pFrm->IsFlyFrm();
    7508             : 
    7509             :         // #i125189# Do not base the decision for using the parent's fill style for this
    7510             :         // frame when the new DrawingLayer FillAttributes are used on the SdrAllFillAttributesHelper
    7511             :         // information. There the data is already optimized to no fill in the case that the
    7512             :         // transparence is at 100% while no fill is the criteria for derivation
    7513      284180 :         bool bNewDrawingLayerFillStyleIsUsedAndNotNoFill(false);
    7514             : 
    7515      284180 :         if(rFillAttributes.get())
    7516             :         {
    7517             :             // the new DrawingLayer FillStyle is used
    7518      265240 :             if(rFillAttributes->isUsed())
    7519             :             {
    7520             :                 // it's not drawing::FillStyle_NONE
    7521        1156 :                 bNewDrawingLayerFillStyleIsUsedAndNotNoFill = true;
    7522             :             }
    7523             :             else
    7524             :             {
    7525             :                 // maybe optimized already when 100% transparency is used somewhere, need to test
    7526             :                 // XFillStyleItem directly from the model data
    7527      264084 :                 const drawing::FillStyle eFillStyle(static_cast< const XFillStyleItem& >(pFrm->GetAttrSet()->Get(XATTR_FILLSTYLE)).GetValue());
    7528             : 
    7529      264084 :                 if(drawing::FillStyle_NONE != eFillStyle)
    7530             :                 {
    7531           0 :                     bNewDrawingLayerFillStyleIsUsedAndNotNoFill = true;
    7532             :                 }
    7533             :             }
    7534             :         }
    7535             : 
    7536             :         // OD 20.08.2002 #99657#
    7537             :         //     add condition:
    7538             :         //     If <bConsiderBackgroundTransparency> is set - see above -,
    7539             :         //     return brush of frame <pFrm>, if its color is *not* "no fill"/"auto fill"
    7540      847949 :         if (
    7541             :             // #i125189# Done when the new DrawingLayer FillAttributes are used and
    7542             :             // not drawing::FillStyle_NONE (see above)
    7543      283024 :             bNewDrawingLayerFillStyleIsUsedAndNotNoFill ||
    7544             : 
    7545             :             // done when SvxBrushItem is used
    7546      563144 :             !rBack.GetColor().GetTransparency() || rBack.GetGraphicPos() != GPOS_NONE ||
    7547             : 
    7548             :             // done when direct color is forced
    7549      568412 :             rpCol ||
    7550             : 
    7551             :             // done when consider BG transparency and color is not completely transparent
    7552      293362 :             (bConsiderBackgroundTransparency && (rBack.GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT))
    7553             :            )
    7554             :         {
    7555        5090 :             rpBrush = &rBack;
    7556        5090 :             if ( pFrm->IsPageFrm() && pSh->GetViewOptions()->getBrowseMode() )
    7557             :             {
    7558           0 :                 rOrigRect = pFrm->Frm();
    7559             :             }
    7560             :             else
    7561             :             {
    7562        5090 :                 if ( pFrm->Frm().SSize() != pFrm->Prt().SSize() )
    7563             :                 {
    7564        3152 :                     SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), pFrm );
    7565        3152 :                     const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    7566        3152 :                     ::lcl_CalcBorderRect( rOrigRect, pFrm, rAttrs, false );
    7567             :                 }
    7568             :                 else
    7569             :                 {
    7570        1938 :                     rOrigRect = pFrm->Prt();
    7571        1938 :                     rOrigRect += pFrm->Frm().Pos();
    7572             :                 }
    7573             :             }
    7574             : 
    7575        5090 :             return true;
    7576             :         }
    7577             : 
    7578      279090 :         if ( bLowerMode )
    7579             :         {
    7580             :             // Do not try to get background brush from parent (anchor/upper)
    7581       72373 :             return false;
    7582             :         }
    7583             : 
    7584             :         // get parent frame - anchor or upper - for next loop
    7585      206717 :         if ( pFrm->IsFlyFrm() )
    7586             :         {
    7587             :             // OD 20.08.2002 - use "static_cast" instead of "old C-cast"
    7588        4539 :             pFrm = (static_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pFrm))->GetAnchorFrm();
    7589             :         }
    7590             :         else
    7591             :         {
    7592      202178 :             pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper();
    7593             :         }
    7594             :     } while ( pFrm );
    7595             : 
    7596       56057 :     return false;
    7597             : }
    7598             : 
    7599           0 : void SetOutDevAndWin( SwViewShell *pSh, OutputDevice *pO,
    7600             :                       vcl::Window *pW, sal_uInt16 nZoom )
    7601             : {
    7602           0 :     pSh->mpOut = pO;
    7603           0 :     pSh->mpWin = pW;
    7604           0 :     pSh->mpOpt->SetZoom( nZoom );
    7605           0 : }
    7606             : 
    7607           0 : Graphic SwFrmFmt::MakeGraphic( ImageMap* )
    7608             : {
    7609           0 :     return Graphic();
    7610             : }
    7611             : 
    7612           0 : Graphic SwFlyFrmFmt::MakeGraphic( ImageMap* pMap )
    7613             : {
    7614           0 :     Graphic aRet;
    7615             :     //search any Fly!
    7616           0 :     SwIterator<SwFrm,SwFmt> aIter( *this );
    7617           0 :     SwFrm *pFirst = aIter.First();
    7618             :     SwViewShell *pSh;
    7619           0 :     if ( pFirst && 0 != ( pSh = pFirst->getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell()) )
    7620             :     {
    7621           0 :         SwViewShell *pOldGlobal = pGlobalShell;
    7622           0 :         pGlobalShell = pSh;
    7623             : 
    7624           0 :         bool bNoteURL = pMap &&
    7625           0 :             SfxItemState::SET != GetAttrSet().GetItemState( RES_URL, true );
    7626           0 :         if( bNoteURL )
    7627             :         {
    7628             :             OSL_ENSURE( !pNoteURL, "MakeGraphic: pNoteURL already used? " );
    7629           0 :             pNoteURL = new SwNoteURL;
    7630             :         }
    7631           0 :         SwFlyFrm *pFly = (SwFlyFrm*)pFirst;
    7632             : 
    7633           0 :         OutputDevice *pOld = pSh->GetOut();
    7634           0 :         VirtualDevice aDev( *pOld );
    7635           0 :         aDev.EnableOutput( false );
    7636             : 
    7637           0 :         GDIMetaFile aMet;
    7638           0 :         MapMode aMap( pOld->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() );
    7639           0 :         aDev.SetMapMode( aMap );
    7640           0 :         aMet.SetPrefMapMode( aMap );
    7641             : 
    7642           0 :         ::SwCalcPixStatics( pSh->GetOut() );
    7643           0 :         aMet.SetPrefSize( pFly->Frm().SSize() );
    7644             : 
    7645           0 :         aMet.Record( &aDev );
    7646           0 :         aDev.SetLineColor();
    7647           0 :         aDev.SetFillColor();
    7648           0 :         aDev.SetFont( pOld->GetFont() );
    7649             : 
    7650             :         //Enlarge the rectangle if needed, so the border is painted too.
    7651           0 :         SwRect aOut( pFly->Frm() );
    7652           0 :         SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), pFly );
    7653           0 :         const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
    7654           0 :         if ( rAttrs.CalcRightLine() )
    7655           0 :             aOut.SSize().Width() += 2*nPixelSzW;
    7656           0 :         if ( rAttrs.CalcBottomLine() )
    7657           0 :             aOut.SSize().Height()+= 2*nPixelSzH;
    7658             : 
    7659             :         // #i92711# start Pre/PostPaint encapsulation before pOut is changed to the buffering VDev
    7660           0 :         const vcl::Region aRepaintRegion(aOut.SVRect());
    7661           0 :         pSh->DLPrePaint2(aRepaintRegion);
    7662             : 
    7663           0 :         vcl::Window *pWin = pSh->GetWin();
    7664           0 :         sal_uInt16 nZoom = pSh->GetViewOptions()->GetZoom();
    7665           0 :         ::SetOutDevAndWin( pSh, &aDev, 0, 100 );
    7666           0 :         bFlyMetafile = true;
    7667           0 :         pFlyMetafileOut = pWin;
    7668             : 
    7669           0 :         SwViewImp *pImp = pSh->Imp();
    7670           0 :         pFlyOnlyDraw = pFly;
    7671           0 :         pLines = new SwLineRects;
    7672             : 
    7673             :         // OD 09.12.2002 #103045# - determine page, fly frame is on
    7674           0 :         const SwPageFrm* pFlyPage = pFly->FindPageFrm();
    7675           0 :         const Color aPageBackgrdColor(pFlyPage->GetDrawBackgrdColor());
    7676           0 :         const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = pSh->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess();
    7677             :         // --> OD #i76669#
    7678           0 :         SwViewObjectContactRedirector aSwRedirector( *pSh );
    7679             :         // <--
    7680           0 :         pImp->PaintLayer( pIDDMA->GetHellId(), 0, aOut, &aPageBackgrdColor,
    7681           0 :                           pFlyPage->IsRightToLeft(),
    7682           0 :                           &aSwRedirector );
    7683           0 :         pLines->PaintLines( &aDev );
    7684           0 :         if ( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() )
    7685           0 :             pFly->Paint( aOut );
    7686           0 :         pLines->PaintLines( &aDev );
    7687             :         // OD 30.08.2002 #102450# - add 3rd parameter
    7688           0 :         pImp->PaintLayer( pIDDMA->GetHeavenId(), 0, aOut, &aPageBackgrdColor,
    7689           0 :                           pFlyPage->IsRightToLeft(),
    7690           0 :                           &aSwRedirector );
    7691           0 :         pLines->PaintLines( &aDev );
    7692           0 :         DELETEZ( pLines );
    7693           0 :         pFlyOnlyDraw = 0;
    7694             : 
    7695           0 :         pFlyMetafileOut = 0;
    7696           0 :         bFlyMetafile = false;
    7697           0 :         ::SetOutDevAndWin( pSh, pOld, pWin, nZoom );
    7698             : 
    7699             :         // #i92711# end Pre/PostPaint encapsulation when pOut is back and content is painted
    7700           0 :            pSh->DLPostPaint2(true);
    7701             : 
    7702           0 :         aMet.Stop();
    7703           0 :         aMet.Move( -pFly->Frm().Left(), -pFly->Frm().Top() );
    7704           0 :         aRet = Graphic( aMet );
    7705             : 
    7706           0 :         if( bNoteURL )
    7707             :         {
    7708             :             OSL_ENSURE( pNoteURL, "MakeGraphic: Good Bye, NoteURL." );
    7709           0 :             pNoteURL->FillImageMap( pMap, pFly->Frm().Pos(), aMap );
    7710           0 :             delete pNoteURL;
    7711           0 :             pNoteURL = NULL;
    7712             :         }
    7713           0 :         pGlobalShell = pOldGlobal;
    7714             :     }
    7715           0 :     return aRet;
    7716             : }
    7717             : 
    7718           0 : Graphic SwDrawFrmFmt::MakeGraphic( ImageMap* )
    7719             : {
    7720           0 :     Graphic aRet;
    7721           0 :     SwDrawModel* pMod = getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetDrawModel();
    7722           0 :     if ( pMod )
    7723             :     {
    7724           0 :         SdrObject *pObj = FindSdrObject();
    7725           0 :         SdrView *pView = new SdrView( pMod );
    7726           0 :         SdrPageView *pPgView = pView->ShowSdrPage(pView->GetModel()->GetPage(0));
    7727           0 :         pView->MarkObj( pObj, pPgView );
    7728           0 :         aRet = pView->GetMarkedObjBitmapEx();
    7729           0 :         pView->HideSdrPage();
    7730           0 :         delete pView;
    7731             :     }
    7732           0 :     return aRet;
    7733         270 : }
    7734             : 
    7735             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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