LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/text - widorp.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 172 202 85.1 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 11 11 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include "hintids.hxx"
      21             : 
      22             : #include "layfrm.hxx"
      23             : #include "ftnboss.hxx"
      24             : #include "ndtxt.hxx"
      25             : #include "paratr.hxx"
      26             : #include <editeng/orphitem.hxx>
      27             : #include <editeng/widwitem.hxx>
      28             : #include <editeng/keepitem.hxx>
      29             : #include <editeng/spltitem.hxx>
      30             : #include <frmatr.hxx>
      31             : #include <txtftn.hxx>
      32             : #include <fmtftn.hxx>
      33             : #include <rowfrm.hxx>
      34             : 
      35             : #include "widorp.hxx"
      36             : #include "txtfrm.hxx"
      37             : #include "itrtxt.hxx"
      38             : #include "sectfrm.hxx"
      39             : #include "ftnfrm.hxx"
      40             : 
      41             : #undef WIDOWTWIPS
      42             : 
      43             : namespace
      44             : {
      45             : 
      46             : // A Follow on the same page as its master is nasty.
      47       53057 : inline bool IsNastyFollow( const SwTxtFrm *pFrm )
      48             : {
      49             :     OSL_ENSURE( !pFrm->IsFollow() || !pFrm->GetPrev() ||
      50             :             ((const SwTxtFrm*)pFrm->GetPrev())->GetFollow() == pFrm,
      51             :             "IsNastyFollow: Was ist denn hier los?" );
      52       53057 :     return  pFrm->IsFollow() && pFrm->GetPrev();
      53             : }
      54             : 
      55             : }
      56             : 
      57       94974 : SwTxtFrmBreak::SwTxtFrmBreak( SwTxtFrm *pNewFrm, const SwTwips nRst )
      58       94974 :     : nRstHeight(nRst), pFrm(pNewFrm)
      59             : {
      60       94974 :     SWAP_IF_SWAPPED( pFrm )
      61       94974 :     SWRECTFN( pFrm )
      62       94974 :     nOrigin = (pFrm->*fnRect->fnGetPrtTop)();
      63             :     SwSectionFrm* pSct;
      64      201088 :     bKeep = !pFrm->IsMoveable() || IsNastyFollow( pFrm ) ||
      65       65099 :             ( pFrm->IsInSct() && (pSct=pFrm->FindSctFrm())->Lower()->IsColumnFrm()
      66       62171 :               && !pSct->MoveAllowed( pFrm ) ) ||
      67      199146 :             !pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet().GetSplit().GetValue() ||
      68      146851 :             pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet().GetKeep().GetValue();
      69       94974 :     bBreak = false;
      70             : 
      71       94974 :     if( !nRstHeight && !pFrm->IsFollow() && pFrm->IsInFtn() && pFrm->HasPara() )
      72             :     {
      73         510 :         nRstHeight = pFrm->GetFtnFrmHeight();
      74         510 :         nRstHeight += (pFrm->Prt().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)() -
      75         510 :                       (pFrm->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)();
      76         510 :         if( nRstHeight < 0 )
      77           6 :             nRstHeight = 0;
      78             :     }
      79             : 
      80       94974 :     UNDO_SWAP( pFrm )
      81       94974 : }
      82             : 
      83             : /**
      84             :  * BP 18.6.93: Widows.
      85             :  * In contrast to the first implementation the Widows are not calculated
      86             :  * in advance but detected when formatting the split Follow.
      87             :  * In Master the Widows-calculation is dropped completely
      88             :  * (nWidows is manipulated). If the Follow detects that the
      89             :  * Widows rule applies it sends a Prepare to its predecessor.
      90             :  * A special problem is when the Widow rule applies but in Master
      91             :  * there are some lines available.
      92             :  *
      93             :  * BP(22.07.92): Calculation of Widows and Orphans.
      94             :  * The method returns true if one of the rules matches.
      95             :  *
      96             :  * One difficulty with Widows and different formats between
      97             :  * Master- and Follow-Frame:
      98             :  * Example: If the first column is 3cm and the second is 4cm and
      99             :  * Widows is set to 3, the decision if the Widows rule matches can not
     100             :  * be done until the Follow is formated. Unfortunately this is crucial
     101             :  * to decide if the whole paragraph goes to the next page or not.
     102             :  */
     103      153820 : bool SwTxtFrmBreak::IsInside( SwTxtMargin &rLine ) const
     104             : {
     105      153820 :     bool bFit = false;
     106             : 
     107      153820 :     SWAP_IF_SWAPPED( pFrm )
     108      153820 :     SWRECTFN( pFrm )
     109             :     // nOrigin is an absolut value, rLine referes to the swapped situation.
     110             : 
     111             :     SwTwips nTmpY;
     112      153820 :     if ( pFrm->IsVertical() )
     113           0 :         nTmpY = pFrm->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( rLine.Y() + rLine.GetLineHeight() );
     114             :     else
     115      153820 :         nTmpY = rLine.Y() + rLine.GetLineHeight();
     116             : 
     117      153820 :     SwTwips nLineHeight = (*fnRect->fnYDiff)( nTmpY , nOrigin );
     118             : 
     119             :     // 7455 und 6114: Calculate extra space for bottom border.
     120      153820 :     nLineHeight += (pFrm->*fnRect->fnGetBottomMargin)();
     121             : 
     122      153820 :     if( nRstHeight )
     123        4508 :         bFit = nRstHeight >= nLineHeight;
     124             :     else
     125             :     {
     126             :         // The Frm has a height to fit on the page.
     127             :         SwTwips nHeight =
     128      149312 :             (*fnRect->fnYDiff)( (pFrm->GetUpper()->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)(), nOrigin );
     129             :         // If everything is inside the existing frame the result is true;
     130      149312 :         bFit = nHeight >= nLineHeight;
     131             : 
     132             :         // --> OD #i103292#
     133      149312 :         if ( !bFit )
     134             :         {
     135       23084 :             if ( rLine.GetNext() &&
     136       11479 :                  pFrm->IsInTab() && !pFrm->GetFollow() && !pFrm->GetIndNext() )
     137             :             {
     138             :                 // add additional space taken as lower space as last content in a table
     139             :                 // for all text lines except the last one.
     140           0 :                 nHeight += pFrm->CalcAddLowerSpaceAsLastInTableCell();
     141           0 :                 bFit = nHeight >= nLineHeight;
     142             :             }
     143             :         }
     144             :         // <--
     145      149312 :         if( !bFit )
     146             :         {
     147             :             // The LineHeight exceeds the current Frm height.
     148             :             // Call a test Grow to detect if the Frame could
     149             :             // grow the requested area.
     150       11435 :             nHeight += pFrm->GrowTst( LONG_MAX );
     151             : 
     152             :             // The Grow() returns the height by which the Upper of the TxtFrm
     153             :             // would let the TxtFrm grow.
     154             :             // The TxtFrm itself can grow as much as it wants.
     155       11435 :             bFit = nHeight >= nLineHeight;
     156             :         }
     157             :     }
     158             : 
     159      153820 :     UNDO_SWAP( pFrm );
     160             : 
     161      153820 :     return bFit;
     162             : }
     163             : 
     164      320533 : bool SwTxtFrmBreak::IsBreakNow( SwTxtMargin &rLine )
     165             : {
     166      320533 :     SWAP_IF_SWAPPED( pFrm )
     167             : 
     168             :     // bKeep is stronger than IsBreakNow()
     169             :     // Is there enough space ?
     170      320533 :     if( bKeep || IsInside( rLine ) )
     171      311720 :         bBreak = false;
     172             :     else
     173             :     {
     174             :         /* This class assumes that the SwTxtMargin is processed from Top to
     175             :          * Bottom. Because of performance reasons we stop splitting in the
     176             :          * following cases:
     177             :          * If only one line does not fit.
     178             :          * Special case: with DummyPortions there is LineNr == 1, though we
     179             :          * want to split.
     180             :          */
     181             :         // 6010: include DropLines
     182             : 
     183        8813 :         bool bFirstLine = 1 == rLine.GetLineNr() && !rLine.GetPrev();
     184        8813 :         bBreak = true;
     185       12783 :         if( ( bFirstLine && pFrm->GetIndPrev() )
     186       16698 :             || ( rLine.GetLineNr() <= rLine.GetDropLines() ) )
     187             :         {
     188         928 :             bKeep = true;
     189         928 :             bBreak = false;
     190             :         }
     191        7885 :         else if(bFirstLine && pFrm->IsInFtn() && !pFrm->FindFtnFrm()->GetPrev())
     192             :         {
     193           0 :             SwLayoutFrm* pTmp = pFrm->FindFtnBossFrm()->FindBodyCont();
     194           0 :             if( !pTmp || !pTmp->Lower() )
     195           0 :                 bBreak = false;
     196             :         }
     197             :     }
     198             : 
     199      320533 :     UNDO_SWAP( pFrm )
     200             : 
     201      320533 :     return bBreak;
     202             : }
     203             : 
     204             : /// OD 2004-02-27 #106629# - no longer inline
     205         702 : void SwTxtFrmBreak::SetRstHeight( const SwTxtMargin &rLine )
     206             : {
     207             :     // OD, FME 2004-02-27 #106629# - consider bottom margin
     208         702 :     SWRECTFN( pFrm )
     209             : 
     210         702 :     nRstHeight = (pFrm->*fnRect->fnGetBottomMargin)();
     211             : 
     212         702 :     if ( bVert )
     213             :     {
     214           0 :            if ( pFrm->IsVertLR() )
     215           0 :               nRstHeight = (*fnRect->fnYDiff)( pFrm->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( rLine.Y() ) , nOrigin );
     216             :            else
     217           0 :                nRstHeight += nOrigin - pFrm->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( rLine.Y() );
     218             :     }
     219             :     else
     220         702 :         nRstHeight += rLine.Y() - nOrigin;
     221         702 : }
     222             : 
     223       94974 : WidowsAndOrphans::WidowsAndOrphans( SwTxtFrm *pNewFrm, const SwTwips nRst,
     224             :     bool bChkKeep   )
     225       94974 :     : SwTxtFrmBreak( pNewFrm, nRst ), nWidLines( 0 ), nOrphLines( 0 )
     226             : {
     227       94974 :     SWAP_IF_SWAPPED( pFrm )
     228             : 
     229       94974 :     if( bKeep )
     230             :     {
     231             :         // 5652: If pararagraph should not be split but is larger than
     232             :         // the page, then bKeep is overruled.
     233      123711 :         if( bChkKeep && !pFrm->GetPrev() && !pFrm->IsInFtn() &&
     234       81676 :             pFrm->IsMoveable() &&
     235        2612 :             ( !pFrm->IsInSct() || pFrm->FindSctFrm()->MoveAllowed(pFrm) ) )
     236         880 :             bKeep = false;
     237             :         // Even if Keep is set, Orphans has to be respected.
     238             :         // e.g. if there are chained frames where a Follow in the last frame
     239             :         // receives a Keep, because it is not (forward) movable -
     240             :         // nevertheless the paragraph can request lines from the Master
     241             :         // because of the Orphan rule.
     242       45017 :         if( pFrm->IsFollow() )
     243         730 :             nWidLines = pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet().GetWidows().GetValue();
     244             :     }
     245             :     else
     246             :     {
     247       49957 :         const SwAttrSet& rSet = pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet();
     248       49957 :         const SvxOrphansItem  &rOrph = rSet.GetOrphans();
     249       49957 :         if ( rOrph.GetValue() > 1 )
     250       32466 :             nOrphLines = rOrph.GetValue();
     251       49957 :         if ( pFrm->IsFollow() )
     252        2880 :             nWidLines = rSet.GetWidows().GetValue();
     253             : 
     254             :     }
     255             : 
     256       94974 :     if ( bKeep || nWidLines || nOrphLines )
     257             :     {
     258       76603 :         bool bResetFlags = false;
     259             : 
     260       76603 :         if ( pFrm->IsInTab() )
     261             :         {
     262             :             // For compatibility reasons, we disable Keep/Widows/Orphans
     263             :             // inside splittable row frames:
     264       21958 :             if ( pFrm->GetNextCellLeaf( MAKEPAGE_NONE ) || pFrm->IsInFollowFlowRow() )
     265             :             {
     266        1902 :                 const SwFrm* pTmpFrm = pFrm->GetUpper();
     267        5706 :                 while ( !pTmpFrm->IsRowFrm() )
     268        1902 :                     pTmpFrm = pTmpFrm->GetUpper();
     269        1902 :                 if ( static_cast<const SwRowFrm*>(pTmpFrm)->IsRowSplitAllowed() )
     270        1902 :                     bResetFlags = true;
     271             :             }
     272             :         }
     273             : 
     274       76603 :         if( pFrm->IsInFtn() && !pFrm->GetIndPrev() )
     275             :         {
     276             :             // Inside of footnotes there are good reasons to turn off the Keep attribute
     277             :             // as well as Widows/Orphans.
     278          90 :             SwFtnFrm *pFtn = pFrm->FindFtnFrm();
     279          90 :             const bool bFt = !pFtn->GetAttr()->GetFtn().IsEndNote();
     280         252 :             if( !pFtn->GetPrev() &&
     281          72 :                 pFtn->FindFtnBossFrm( bFt ) != pFtn->GetRef()->FindFtnBossFrm( bFt )
     282         108 :                 && ( !pFrm->IsInSct() || pFrm->FindSctFrm()->MoveAllowed(pFrm) ) )
     283             :             {
     284          18 :                 bResetFlags = true;
     285             :             }
     286             :         }
     287             : 
     288       76603 :         if ( bResetFlags )
     289             :         {
     290        1920 :             bKeep = false;
     291        1920 :             nOrphLines = 0;
     292        1920 :             nWidLines = 0;
     293             :         }
     294             :     }
     295             : 
     296       94974 :     UNDO_SWAP( pFrm )
     297       94974 : }
     298             : 
     299             : /**
     300             :  * The Find*-Methodes do not only search, but adjust the SwTxtMargin to the
     301             :  * line where the paragraph should have a break and truncate the paragraph there.
     302             :  * FindBreak()
     303             :  */
     304       91923 : bool WidowsAndOrphans::FindBreak( SwTxtFrm *pFrame, SwTxtMargin &rLine,
     305             :     bool bHasToFit )
     306             : {
     307             :     // OD 2004-02-25 #i16128# - Why member <pFrm> _*and*_ parameter <pFrame>??
     308             :     // Thus, assertion on situation, that these are different to figure out why.
     309             :     OSL_ENSURE( pFrm == pFrame, "<WidowsAndOrphans::FindBreak> - pFrm != pFrame" );
     310             : 
     311       91923 :     SWAP_IF_SWAPPED( pFrm )
     312             : 
     313       91923 :     bool bRet = true;
     314       91923 :     sal_uInt16 nOldOrphans = nOrphLines;
     315       91923 :     if( bHasToFit )
     316          38 :         nOrphLines = 0;
     317       91923 :     rLine.Bottom();
     318             :     // OD 2004-02-25 #i16128# - method renamed
     319       91923 :     if( !IsBreakNowWidAndOrp( rLine ) )
     320       89694 :         bRet = false;
     321       91923 :     if( !FindWidows( pFrame, rLine ) )
     322             :     {
     323       91585 :         bool bBack = false;
     324             :         // OD 2004-02-25 #i16128# - method renamed
     325      184599 :         while( IsBreakNowWidAndOrp( rLine ) )
     326             :         {
     327        2201 :             if( rLine.PrevLine() )
     328        1429 :                 bBack = true;
     329             :             else
     330         772 :                 break;
     331             :         }
     332             :         // Usually Orphans are not taken into account for HasToFit.
     333             :         // But if Dummy-Lines are concerned and the Orphans rule is violated
     334             :         // we make an exception: We leave behind one Dummyline and take
     335             :         // the whole text to the next page/column.
     336      208974 :         if( rLine.GetLineNr() <= nOldOrphans &&
     337       98701 :             rLine.GetInfo().GetParaPortion()->IsDummy() &&
     338          12 :             ( ( bHasToFit && bRet ) || IsBreakNow( rLine ) ) )
     339         438 :             rLine.Top();
     340             : 
     341       91585 :         rLine.TruncLines( true );
     342       91585 :         bRet = bBack;
     343             :     }
     344       91923 :     nOrphLines = nOldOrphans;
     345             : 
     346       91923 :     UNDO_SWAP( pFrm )
     347             : 
     348       91923 :     return bRet;
     349             : }
     350             : 
     351             : /**
     352             :  * FindWidows positions the SwTxtMargin of the Master to the line where to
     353             :  * break by examining and formatting the Follow.
     354             :  * Returns true if the Widows-rule matches, that means that the
     355             :  * paragraph should not be split (keep) !
     356             :  */
     357       91923 : bool WidowsAndOrphans::FindWidows( SwTxtFrm *pFrame, SwTxtMargin &rLine )
     358             : {
     359             :     OSL_ENSURE( ! pFrame->IsVertical() || ! pFrame->IsSwapped(),
     360             :             "WidowsAndOrphans::FindWidows with swapped frame" );
     361             : 
     362       91923 :     if( !nWidLines || !pFrame->IsFollow() )
     363       90553 :         return false;
     364             : 
     365        1370 :     rLine.Bottom();
     366             : 
     367             :     // We can still cut something off
     368        1370 :     SwTxtFrm *pMaster = pFrame->FindMaster();
     369             :     OSL_ENSURE(pMaster, "+WidowsAndOrphans::FindWidows: Widows in a master?");
     370        1370 :     if( !pMaster )
     371           0 :         return false;
     372             : 
     373             :     // 5156: If the first line of the Follow does not fit, the master
     374             :     // probably is full of Dummies. In this case a PREP_WIDOWS would be fatal.
     375        1370 :     if( pMaster->GetOfst() == pFrame->GetOfst() )
     376           8 :         return false;
     377             : 
     378             :     // Remaining height of the master
     379        1362 :     SWRECTFN( pFrame )
     380             : 
     381        1362 :     const SwTwips nDocPrtTop = (pFrame->*fnRect->fnGetPrtTop)();
     382             :     SwTwips nOldHeight;
     383        1362 :     SwTwips nTmpY = rLine.Y() + rLine.GetLineHeight();
     384             : 
     385        1362 :     if ( bVert )
     386             :     {
     387           0 :         nTmpY = pFrame->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( nTmpY );
     388           0 :         nOldHeight = -(pFrame->Prt().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)();
     389             :     }
     390             :     else
     391        1362 :         nOldHeight = (pFrame->Prt().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)();
     392             : 
     393        1362 :     const SwTwips nChg = (*fnRect->fnYDiff)( nTmpY, nDocPrtTop + nOldHeight );
     394             : 
     395             :     // below the Widows-treshold...
     396        1362 :     if( rLine.GetLineNr() >= nWidLines )
     397             :     {
     398             :         // 8575: Follow to Master I
     399             :         // If the Follow *grows*, there is the chance for the Master to
     400             :         // receive lines, that it was forced to hand over to the Follow lately:
     401             :         // Prepare(Need); check that below nChg!
     402             :         // (0W, 2O, 2M, 2F) + 1F = 3M, 2F
     403         290 :         if( rLine.GetLineNr() > nWidLines && pFrame->IsJustWidow() )
     404             :         {
     405             :             // If the Master is locked, it has probably just donated a line
     406             :             // to us, we don't return that just because we turned it into
     407             :             // multiple lines (e.g. via frames).
     408           0 :             if( !pMaster->IsLocked() && pMaster->GetUpper() )
     409             :             {
     410           0 :                 const SwTwips nTmpRstHeight = (pMaster->Frm().*fnRect->fnBottomDist)
     411           0 :                             ( (pMaster->GetUpper()->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)() );
     412           0 :                 if ( nTmpRstHeight >=
     413           0 :                      SwTwips(rLine.GetInfo().GetParaPortion()->Height() ) )
     414             :                 {
     415           0 :                     pMaster->Prepare( PREP_ADJUST_FRM );
     416           0 :                     pMaster->_InvalidateSize();
     417           0 :                     pMaster->InvalidatePage();
     418             :                 }
     419             :             }
     420             : 
     421           0 :             pFrame->SetJustWidow( false );
     422             :         }
     423         290 :         return false;
     424             :     }
     425             : 
     426             :     // 8575: Follow to Master II
     427             :     // If the Follow *shrinks*, maybe the Master can absorb the whole Orphan.
     428             :     // (0W, 2O, 2M, 1F) - 1F = 3M, 0F     -> PREP_ADJUST_FRM
     429             :     // (0W, 2O, 3M, 2F) - 1F = 2M, 2F     -> PREP_WIDOWS
     430             : 
     431        1072 :     if( 0 > nChg && !pMaster->IsLocked() && pMaster->GetUpper() )
     432             :     {
     433           0 :         SwTwips nTmpRstHeight = (pMaster->Frm().*fnRect->fnBottomDist)
     434           0 :                              ( (pMaster->GetUpper()->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)() );
     435           0 :         if( nTmpRstHeight >= SwTwips(rLine.GetInfo().GetParaPortion()->Height() ) )
     436             :         {
     437           0 :             pMaster->Prepare( PREP_ADJUST_FRM );
     438           0 :             pMaster->_InvalidateSize();
     439           0 :             pMaster->InvalidatePage();
     440           0 :             pFrame->SetJustWidow( false );
     441           0 :             return false;
     442             :         }
     443             :     }
     444             : 
     445             :     // Master to Follow
     446             :     // If the Follow contains fewer rows than Widows after formatting,
     447             :     // we still can cut off some rows from the Master. If the Orphans
     448             :     // rule of the Master hereby comes into effect, we need to enlarge
     449             :     // the Frame in CalcPrep() of the Master Frame, as it won't fit into
     450             :     // the original page anymore.
     451             :     // If the Master Frame can still miss a few more rows, we need to
     452             :     // do a Shrink() in the CalcPrep(): the Follow with the Widows then
     453             :     // moves onto the page of the Master, but remains unsplit, so that
     454             :     // it (finally) moves onto the next page. So much for the theory!
     455             :     //
     456             :     // We only request one row at a time for now, because a Master's row could
     457             :     // result in multiple lines for us.
     458             :     // Therefore, the CalcFollow() remains in control until the Follow got all
     459             :     // necessary rows.
     460        1072 :     sal_uInt16 nNeed = 1; // was: nWidLines - rLine.GetLineNr();
     461             : 
     462             :     // Special case: Master cannot give lines to follow
     463             :     // #i91421#
     464        1072 :     if ( !pMaster->GetIndPrev() )
     465             :     {
     466         804 :         sal_uLong nLines = pMaster->GetThisLines();
     467         804 :         if(nLines == 0 && pMaster->HasPara())
     468             :         {
     469          30 :             const SwParaPortion *pMasterPara = pMaster->GetPara();
     470          30 :             if(pMasterPara && pMasterPara->GetNext())
     471           6 :                 nLines = 2;
     472             :         }
     473         804 :         if( nLines <= nNeed )
     474         734 :             return false;
     475             :     }
     476             : 
     477         338 :     pMaster->Prepare( PREP_WIDOWS, (void*)&nNeed );
     478         338 :     return true;
     479             : }
     480             : 
     481         228 : bool WidowsAndOrphans::WouldFit( SwTxtMargin &rLine, SwTwips &rMaxHeight, bool bTst )
     482             : {
     483             :     // Here it does not matter, if pFrm is swapped or not.
     484             :     // IsInside() takes care of itself
     485             : 
     486             :     // We expect that rLine is set to the last line
     487             :     OSL_ENSURE( !rLine.GetNext(), "WouldFit: aLine::Bottom missed!" );
     488         228 :     sal_uInt16 nLineCnt = rLine.GetLineNr();
     489             : 
     490             :     // First satisfy the Orphans-rule and the wish for initials ...
     491         228 :     const sal_uInt16 nMinLines = std::max( GetOrphansLines(), rLine.GetDropLines() );
     492         228 :     if ( nLineCnt < nMinLines )
     493         112 :         return false;
     494             : 
     495         116 :     rLine.Top();
     496         116 :     SwTwips nLineSum = rLine.GetLineHeight();
     497             : 
     498         260 :     while( nMinLines > rLine.GetLineNr() )
     499             :     {
     500          28 :         if( !rLine.NextLine() )
     501           0 :             return false;
     502          28 :         nLineSum += rLine.GetLineHeight();
     503             :     }
     504             : 
     505             :     // We do not fit
     506         116 :     if( !IsInside( rLine ) )
     507          98 :         return false;
     508             : 
     509             :     // Check the Widows-rule
     510          18 :     if( !nWidLines && !pFrm->IsFollow() )
     511             :     {
     512             :         // Usually we only have to check for Widows if we are a Follow.
     513             :         // On WouldFit the rule has to be checked for the Master too,
     514             :         // because we are just in the middle of calculating the break.
     515             :         // In Ctor of WidowsAndOrphans the nWidLines are only calced for
     516             :         // Follows from the AttrSet - so we catch up now:
     517          18 :         const SwAttrSet& rSet = pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet();
     518          18 :         nWidLines = rSet.GetWidows().GetValue();
     519             :     }
     520             : 
     521             :     // After Orphans/Initials, do enough lines remain for Widows?
     522             :     // #111937#: If we are currently doing a test formatting, we may not
     523             :     // consider the widows rule for two reasons:
     524             :     // 1. The columns may have different widths.
     525             :     //    Widow lines would have wrong width.
     526             :     // 2. Test formatting is only done up to the given space.
     527             :     //    we do not have any lines for widows at all.
     528          18 :     if( bTst || nLineCnt - nMinLines >= GetWidowsLines() )
     529             :     {
     530           6 :         if( rMaxHeight >= nLineSum )
     531             :         {
     532           6 :             rMaxHeight -= nLineSum;
     533           6 :             return true;
     534             :         }
     535             :     }
     536          12 :     return false;
     537         270 : }
     538             : 
     539             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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