Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include "txatbase.hxx"
21 : #include "ndhints.hxx"
22 : #include <txtatr.hxx>
23 :
24 : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
25 : #include <pam.hxx>
26 : #include <fmtautofmt.hxx>
27 : #include <set>
28 : #endif
29 :
30 : // Sortierreihenfolge: Start, Ende (umgekehrt!), Which-Wert (umgekehrt!),
31 : // als letztes die Adresse selbst
32 :
33 4837646 : static bool lcl_IsLessStart( const SwTxtAttr &rHt1, const SwTxtAttr &rHt2 )
34 : {
35 4837646 : if ( rHt1.GetStart() == rHt2.GetStart() )
36 : {
37 359240 : const sal_Int32 nHt1 = *rHt1.GetAnyEnd();
38 359240 : const sal_Int32 nHt2 = *rHt2.GetAnyEnd();
39 359240 : if ( nHt1 == nHt2 )
40 : {
41 262542 : const sal_uInt16 nWhich1 = rHt1.Which();
42 262542 : const sal_uInt16 nWhich2 = rHt2.Which();
43 262542 : if ( nWhich1 == nWhich2 )
44 : {
45 155354 : if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich1 )
46 : {
47 : const sal_uInt16 nS1 =
48 6590 : static_txtattr_cast<const SwTxtCharFmt&>(rHt1).GetSortNumber();
49 : const sal_uInt16 nS2 =
50 6590 : static_txtattr_cast<const SwTxtCharFmt&>(rHt2).GetSortNumber();
51 6590 : if ( nS1 != nS2 ) // robust
52 0 : return nS1 < nS2;
53 : }
54 :
55 155354 : return (sal_IntPtr)&rHt1 < (sal_IntPtr)&rHt2;
56 : }
57 : // order is important! for requirements see hintids.hxx
58 107188 : return ( nWhich1 > nWhich2 );
59 : }
60 96698 : return ( nHt1 > nHt2 );
61 : }
62 4478406 : return ( rHt1.GetStart() < rHt2.GetStart() );
63 : }
64 :
65 : // Zuerst nach Ende danach nach Ptr
66 5055167 : static bool lcl_IsLessEnd( const SwTxtAttr &rHt1, const SwTxtAttr &rHt2 )
67 : {
68 5055167 : const sal_Int32 nHt1 = *rHt1.GetAnyEnd();
69 5055167 : const sal_Int32 nHt2 = *rHt2.GetAnyEnd();
70 5055167 : if ( nHt1 == nHt2 )
71 : {
72 480403 : if ( rHt1.GetStart() == rHt2.GetStart() )
73 : {
74 291327 : const sal_uInt16 nWhich1 = rHt1.Which();
75 291327 : const sal_uInt16 nWhich2 = rHt2.Which();
76 291327 : if ( nWhich1 == nWhich2 )
77 : {
78 176319 : if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich1 )
79 : {
80 : const sal_uInt16 nS1 =
81 6762 : static_txtattr_cast<const SwTxtCharFmt&>(rHt1).GetSortNumber();
82 : const sal_uInt16 nS2 =
83 6762 : static_txtattr_cast<const SwTxtCharFmt&>(rHt2).GetSortNumber();
84 6762 : if ( nS1 != nS2 ) // robust
85 0 : return nS1 > nS2;
86 : }
87 :
88 176319 : return (sal_IntPtr)&rHt1 > (sal_IntPtr)&rHt2;
89 : }
90 : // order is important! for requirements see hintids.hxx
91 115008 : return ( nWhich1 < nWhich2 );
92 : }
93 : else
94 189076 : return ( rHt1.GetStart() > rHt2.GetStart() );
95 : }
96 4574764 : return ( nHt1 < nHt2 );
97 : }
98 :
99 4837646 : bool CompareSwpHtStart::operator()(SwTxtAttr* const lhs, SwTxtAttr* const rhs) const
100 : {
101 4837646 : return lcl_IsLessStart( *lhs, *rhs );
102 : }
103 :
104 5055167 : bool CompareSwpHtEnd::operator()(SwTxtAttr* const lhs, SwTxtAttr* const rhs) const
105 : {
106 5055167 : return lcl_IsLessEnd( *lhs, *rhs );
107 : }
108 :
109 162470 : void SwpHintsArray::Insert( const SwTxtAttr *pHt )
110 : {
111 162470 : Resort();
112 : assert(m_HintStarts.find(const_cast<SwTxtAttr*>(pHt))
113 : == m_HintStarts.end()); // "Insert: hint already in HtStart"
114 : assert(m_HintEnds.find(const_cast<SwTxtAttr*>(pHt))
115 : == m_HintEnds.end()); // "Insert: hint already in HtEnd"
116 162470 : m_HintStarts.insert( const_cast<SwTxtAttr*>(pHt) );
117 162470 : m_HintEnds .insert( const_cast<SwTxtAttr*>(pHt) );
118 162470 : }
119 :
120 87652 : void SwpHintsArray::DeleteAtPos( const size_t nPos )
121 : {
122 : // optimization: nPos is the position in the Starts array
123 87652 : SwTxtAttr *pHt = m_HintStarts[ nPos ];
124 87652 : m_HintStarts.erase( m_HintStarts.begin() + nPos );
125 :
126 87652 : Resort();
127 :
128 87652 : bool const done = m_HintEnds.erase(pHt);
129 : assert(done);
130 : (void) done; // unused in NDEBUG
131 87652 : }
132 :
133 11338 : bool SwpHintsArray::Contains( const SwTxtAttr *pHt ) const
134 : {
135 : // DO NOT use find() here!
136 : // if called from SwTxtNode::InsertItem, pHt has already been deleted,
137 : // so it cannot be dereferenced
138 15872 : for (size_t i = 0; i < m_HintStarts.size(); ++i)
139 : {
140 15872 : if (m_HintStarts[i] == pHt)
141 : {
142 11338 : return true;
143 : }
144 : }
145 0 : return false;
146 : }
147 :
148 : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
149 :
150 : #define CHECK_ERR(cond, text) \
151 : if(!(cond)) \
152 : { \
153 : SAL_WARN("sw.core", text); \
154 : (const_cast<SwpHintsArray*>(this))->Resort(); \
155 : return false; \
156 : }
157 :
158 : bool SwpHintsArray::Check(bool bPortionsMerged) const
159 : {
160 : // 1) gleiche Anzahl in beiden Arrays
161 : CHECK_ERR( m_HintStarts.size() == m_HintEnds.size(),
162 : "HintsCheck: wrong sizes" );
163 : sal_Int32 nLastStart = 0;
164 : sal_Int32 nLastEnd = 0;
165 :
166 : const SwTxtAttr *pLastStart = 0;
167 : const SwTxtAttr *pLastEnd = 0;
168 : std::set<SwTxtAttr const*> RsidOnlyAutoFmts;
169 : if (bPortionsMerged)
170 : {
171 : for (size_t i = 0; i < Count(); ++i)
172 : {
173 : SwTxtAttr const*const pHint(m_HintStarts[i]);
174 : if (RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == pHint->Which())
175 : {
176 : boost::shared_ptr<SfxItemSet> const pSet(
177 : pHint->GetAutoFmt().GetStyleHandle());
178 : if (pSet->Count() == 1 && pSet->GetItem(RES_CHRATR_RSID, false))
179 : {
180 : RsidOnlyAutoFmts.insert(pHint);
181 : }
182 : }
183 : }
184 : }
185 :
186 : for( size_t i = 0; i < Count(); ++i )
187 : {
188 : // --- Start-Kontrolle ---
189 :
190 : // 2a) gueltiger Pointer? vgl. DELETEFF
191 : const SwTxtAttr *pHt = m_HintStarts[i];
192 : CHECK_ERR( 0xFF != *(unsigned char*)pHt, "HintsCheck: start ptr was deleted" );
193 :
194 : // 3a) Stimmt die Start-Sortierung?
195 : sal_Int32 nIdx = pHt->GetStart();
196 : CHECK_ERR( nIdx >= nLastStart, "HintsCheck: starts are unsorted" );
197 :
198 : // 4a) IsLessStart-Konsistenz
199 : if( pLastStart )
200 : CHECK_ERR( lcl_IsLessStart( *pLastStart, *pHt ), "HintsCheck: IsLastStart" );
201 :
202 : nLastStart = nIdx;
203 : pLastStart = pHt;
204 :
205 : // --- End-Kontrolle ---
206 :
207 : // 2b) gueltiger Pointer? vgl. DELETEFF
208 : const SwTxtAttr *pHtEnd = m_HintEnds[i];
209 : CHECK_ERR( 0xFF != *(unsigned char*)pHtEnd, "HintsCheck: end ptr was deleted" );
210 :
211 : // 3b) Stimmt die End-Sortierung?
212 : nIdx = *pHtEnd->GetAnyEnd();
213 : CHECK_ERR( nIdx >= nLastEnd, "HintsCheck: ends are unsorted" );
214 : nLastEnd = nIdx;
215 :
216 : // 4b) IsLessEnd-Konsistenz
217 : if( pLastEnd )
218 : CHECK_ERR( lcl_IsLessEnd( *pLastEnd, *pHtEnd ), "HintsCheck: IsLastEnd" );
219 :
220 : nLastEnd = nIdx;
221 : pLastEnd = pHtEnd;
222 :
223 : // --- Ueberkreuzungen ---
224 :
225 : // 5) gleiche Pointer in beiden Arrays
226 : if (m_HintStarts.find(const_cast<SwTxtAttr*>(pHt)) == m_HintStarts.end())
228 :
229 : CHECK_ERR( COMPLETE_STRING != nIdx, "HintsCheck: no GetStartOf" );
230 :
231 : // 6) gleiche Pointer in beiden Arrays
232 : if (m_HintEnds.find(const_cast<SwTxtAttr*>(pHt)) == m_HintEnds.end())
234 :
235 : CHECK_ERR( COMPLETE_STRING != nIdx, "HintsCheck: no GetEndOf" );
236 :
237 : // 7a) character attributes in array?
238 : sal_uInt16 nWhich = pHt->Which();
239 : CHECK_ERR( !isCHRATR(nWhich),
240 : "HintsCheck: Character attribute in start array" );
241 :
242 : // 7b) character attributes in array?
243 : nWhich = pHtEnd->Which();
244 : CHECK_ERR( !isCHRATR(nWhich),
245 : "HintsCheck: Character attribute in end array" );
246 :
247 : // 8) style portion check
248 : const SwTxtAttr* pHtThis = m_HintStarts[i];
249 : const SwTxtAttr* pHtLast = i > 0 ? m_HintStarts[i-1] : 0;
250 : CHECK_ERR( (0 == i)
251 : || ( (RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT != pHtLast->Which())
252 : && (RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT != pHtLast->Which()))
253 : || ( (RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT != pHtThis->Which())
254 : && (RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT != pHtThis->Which()))
255 : || (pHtThis->GetStart() >= *pHtLast->End()) // no overlap
256 : || ( ( (pHtThis->GetStart() == pHtLast->GetStart())
257 : && (*pHtThis->End() == *pHtLast->End())
258 : ) // same range
259 : && ( (pHtThis->Which() != RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT)
260 : || (pHtLast->Which() != RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT)
261 : ) // never two AUTOFMT on same range
262 : && ( (pHtThis->Which() != RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT)
263 : || (pHtLast->Which() != RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT)
264 : || (static_txtattr_cast<const SwTxtCharFmt *>(pHtThis)
265 : ->GetSortNumber() !=
266 : static_txtattr_cast<const SwTxtCharFmt *>(pHtLast)
267 : ->GetSortNumber())
268 : ) // multiple CHARFMT on same range need distinct sortnr
269 : )
270 : || (pHtThis->GetStart() == *pHtThis->End()), // this empty
271 : "HintsCheck: Portion inconsistency. "
272 : "This can be temporarily ok during undo operations" );
273 :
274 : // 8 1/2) format ignore start/end flag check
275 : // (problems because MergePortions buggy or not called)
276 : if (bPortionsMerged)
277 : {
278 : if (RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == pHt->Which() ||
279 : RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == pHt->Which())
280 : {
281 : // mostly ignore the annoying no-length hints
282 : // BuildPortions inserts these in the middle of an existing one
283 : bool const bNoLength(pHt->GetStart() == *pHt->End());
284 : bool bNeedContinuation(!bNoLength && pHt->IsFormatIgnoreEnd());
285 : bool bForbidContinuation(!bNoLength && !bNeedContinuation);
286 : if (RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == pHt->Which())
287 : {
288 : if (RsidOnlyAutoFmts.find(pHt) != RsidOnlyAutoFmts.end())
289 : {
290 : assert(pHt->IsFormatIgnoreStart());
291 : bNeedContinuation = false;
292 : // don't forbid continuation - may be other hint here!
293 : }
294 : }
295 : if (bNeedContinuation || bForbidContinuation)
296 : {
297 : bool bFound(false);
298 : for (size_t j = i + 1; j < Count(); ++j)
299 : {
300 : SwTxtAttr *const pOther(m_HintStarts[j]);
301 : if (pOther->GetStart() > *pHt->End())
302 : {
303 : break; // done
304 : }
305 : else if (pOther->GetStart() == *pOther->GetAnyEnd())
306 : {
307 : continue; // empty hint: ignore
308 : }
309 : else if (pOther->GetStart() == *pHt->End())
310 : {
311 : if (RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == pOther->Which() ||
312 : RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == pOther->Which())
313 : { // multiple charfmt on same range must all match
314 : if (bNeedContinuation)
315 : {
316 : assert(pOther->IsFormatIgnoreStart());
317 : bFound = true;
318 : }
319 : else if (bForbidContinuation &&
320 : (RsidOnlyAutoFmts.find(pOther) ==
321 : RsidOnlyAutoFmts.end()))
322 : {
323 : assert(!pOther->IsFormatIgnoreStart());
324 : }
325 : }
326 : }
327 : }
328 : if (bNeedContinuation)
329 : {
330 : assert(bFound); // ? can this happen temp. during undo?
331 : }
332 : }
333 : }
334 : else
335 : {
336 : assert(!pHt->IsFormatIgnoreStart());
337 : assert(!pHt->IsFormatIgnoreEnd());
338 : }
339 : }
340 :
341 : // 9) nesting portion check
342 : if (pHtThis->IsNesting())
343 : {
344 : for ( size_t j = 0; j < Count(); ++j )
345 : {
346 : SwTxtAttr const * const pOther( m_HintStarts[j] );
347 : if ( pOther->IsNesting() && (i != j) )
348 : {
349 : SwComparePosition cmp = ComparePosition(
350 : pHtThis->GetStart(), *pHtThis->End(),
351 : pOther->GetStart(), *pOther->End());
353 : (POS_OVERLAP_BEHIND != cmp),
354 : "HintsCheck: overlapping nesting hints!!!" );
355 : }
356 : }
357 : }
358 :
359 : // 10) dummy char check (unfortunately cannot check SwTxtNode::m_Text)
360 : if (pHtThis->HasDummyChar())
361 : {
362 : for ( sal_uInt16 j = 0; j < i; ++j )
363 : {
364 : SwTxtAttr const * const pOther( m_HintStarts[j] );
365 : if (pOther->HasDummyChar())
366 : {
367 : CHECK_ERR( (pOther->GetStart() != pHtThis->GetStart()),
368 : "HintsCheck: multiple hints claim same CH_TXTATR!");
369 : }
370 : }
371 : }
372 : }
373 : return true;
374 : }
375 :
376 : #endif /* DBG_UTIL */
377 :
378 : // Resort() is called before every Insert and Delete.
379 : // Various SwTxtNode methods modify hints in a way that violates the
380 : // sort order of the m_HintStarts, m_HintEnds arrays, so this method is needed
381 : // to restore the order.
382 :
383 440758 : void SwpHintsArray::Resort()
384 : {
385 440758 : m_HintStarts.Resort();
386 440758 : m_HintEnds.Resort();
387 440758 : }
388 :
389 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */