LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/unocore - unoevent.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 38 82 46.3 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 16 25 64.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : // HINTIDs must be on top; it is required for the macitem.hxx header
      21             : #include "hintids.hxx"
      22             : #include "unoevent.hxx"
      23             : #include "unoframe.hxx"
      24             : #include "unostyle.hxx"
      25             : #include "swevent.hxx"
      26             : #include "docstyle.hxx"
      27             : #include <svx/svxids.hrc>
      28             : #include "fmtinfmt.hxx"
      29             : #include <svl/macitem.hxx>
      30             : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
      31             : #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
      32             : 
      33             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      34             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
      35             : 
      36             : using ::com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException;
      37             : using ::com::sun::star::container::XNameReplace;
      38             : using ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException;
      39             : using ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException;
      40             : using ::com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo;
      41             : using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
      42             : using ::cppu::WeakImplHelper2;
      43             : 
      44             : // tables of allowed events for specific objects
      45             : 
      46             : const struct SvEventDescription aGraphicEvents[] =
      47             : {
      48             :     { SW_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECT,       "OnSelect" },
      49             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT,   "OnMouseOver" },
      50             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT,  "OnClick" },
      51             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT,    "OnMouseOut" },
      52             :     { SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_LOAD,         "OnLoadDone" },
      53             :     { SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_ABORT,        "OnLoadCancel" },
      54             :     { SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_ERROR,        "OnLoadError" },
      55             :     { 0, NULL }
      56             : };
      57             : 
      58             : const struct SvEventDescription aFrameEvents[] =
      59             : {
      60             :     { SW_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECT,       "OnSelect" },
      61             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_KEYINPUT_ALPHA,  "OnAlphaCharInput" },
      62             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_KEYINPUT_NOALPHA,    "OnNonAlphaCharInput" },
      63             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_RESIZE,          "OnResize" },
      64             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_MOVE,            "OnMove" },
      65             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT,   "OnMouseOver" },
      66             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT,  "OnClick" },
      67             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT,    "OnMouseOut" },
      68             :     { 0, NULL }
      69             : };
      70             : 
      71             : const struct SvEventDescription aOLEEvents[] =
      72             : {
      73             :     { SW_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECT,       "OnSelect" },
      74             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT,   "OnMouseOver" },
      75             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT,  "OnClick" },
      76             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT,    "OnMouseOut" },
      77             :     { 0, NULL }
      78             : };
      79             : 
      80             : const struct SvEventDescription aHyperlinkEvents[] =
      81             : {
      82             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT,   "OnMouseOver" },
      83             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT,  "OnClick" },
      84             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT,    "OnMouseOut" },
      85             :     { 0, NULL }
      86             : };
      87             : 
      88             : const struct SvEventDescription aFrameStyleEvents[] =
      89             : {
      90             :     { SW_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECT,       "OnSelect" },
      91             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_KEYINPUT_ALPHA,  "OnAlphaCharInput" },
      92             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_KEYINPUT_NOALPHA,    "OnNonAlphaCharInput" },
      93             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_RESIZE,          "OnResize" },
      94             :     { SW_EVENT_FRM_MOVE,            "OnMove" },
      95             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOVER_OBJECT,   "OnMouseOver" },
      96             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSECLICK_OBJECT,  "OnClick" },
      97             :     { SFX_EVENT_MOUSEOUT_OBJECT,    "OnMouseOut" },
      98             :     { SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_LOAD,         "OnLoadDone" },
      99             :     { SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_ABORT,        "OnLoadCancel" },
     100             :     { SVX_EVENT_IMAGE_ERROR,        "OnLoadError" },
     101             :     { 0, NULL }
     102             : };
     103             : 
     104           6 : SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor::SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor() :
     105             :     SvDetachedEventDescriptor(aHyperlinkEvents),
     106           6 :     sImplName("SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor")
     107             : {
     108           6 : }
     109             : 
     110          12 : SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor::~SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor()
     111             : {
     112          12 : }
     113             : 
     114           0 : OUString SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor::getImplementationName(void)
     115             :     throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     116             : {
     117           0 :     return sImplName;
     118             : }
     119             : 
     120           6 : void SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor::copyMacrosFromINetFmt(
     121             :     const SwFmtINetFmt& aFmt)
     122             : {
     123          24 :     for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; mpSupportedMacroItems[i].mnEvent != 0; ++i)
     124             :     {
     125          18 :         const sal_uInt16 nEvent = mpSupportedMacroItems[i].mnEvent;
     126          18 :         const SvxMacro* aMacro = aFmt.GetMacro(nEvent);
     127          18 :         if (NULL != aMacro)
     128           0 :             replaceByName(nEvent, *aMacro);
     129             :     }
     130           6 : }
     131             : 
     132           0 : void SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor::copyMacrosIntoINetFmt(
     133             :     SwFmtINetFmt& aFmt)
     134             : {
     135           0 :     for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; mpSupportedMacroItems[i].mnEvent != 0; ++i)
     136             :     {
     137           0 :         const sal_uInt16 nEvent = mpSupportedMacroItems[i].mnEvent;
     138           0 :         if (hasByName(nEvent))
     139             :         {
     140           0 :             SvxMacro aMacro(sEmpty, sEmpty);
     141           0 :             getByName(aMacro, nEvent);
     142           0 :             aFmt.SetMacro(nEvent, aMacro);
     143             :         }
     144             :     }
     145           0 : }
     146             : 
     147           0 : void SwHyperlinkEventDescriptor::copyMacrosFromNameReplace(
     148             :     uno::Reference<
     149             :         container::XNameReplace> & xReplace)
     150             : {
     151             :     // iterate over all names (all names that *we* support)
     152           0 :     Sequence<OUString> aNames = getElementNames();
     153           0 :     sal_Int32 nCount = aNames.getLength();
     154           0 :     for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
     155             :     {
     156             :         // copy element for that name
     157           0 :         const OUString& rName = aNames[i];
     158           0 :         if (xReplace->hasByName(rName))
     159             :         {
     160             :             SvBaseEventDescriptor::replaceByName(rName,
     161           0 :                                                  xReplace->getByName(rName));
     162             :         }
     163           0 :     }
     164           0 : }
     165             : 
     166             : // use double cast in superclass constructor to avoid ambigous cast
     167          38 : SwFrameEventDescriptor::SwFrameEventDescriptor(
     168             :     SwXTextFrame& rFrameRef ) :
     169             :         SvEventDescriptor((text::XTextFrame&)rFrameRef, aFrameEvents),
     170             :         sSwFrameEventDescriptor("SwFrameEventDescriptor"),
     171          38 :         rFrame(rFrameRef)
     172             : {
     173          38 : }
     174             : 
     175           2 : SwFrameEventDescriptor::SwFrameEventDescriptor(
     176             :     SwXTextGraphicObject& rGraphicRef ) :
     177             :         SvEventDescriptor((text::XTextContent&)rGraphicRef, aGraphicEvents),
     178           2 :         rFrame((SwXFrame&)rGraphicRef)
     179             : {
     180           2 : }
     181             : 
     182          18 : SwFrameEventDescriptor::SwFrameEventDescriptor(
     183             :     SwXTextEmbeddedObject& rObjectRef ) :
     184             :         SvEventDescriptor((text::XTextContent&)rObjectRef, aOLEEvents),
     185          18 :         rFrame((SwXFrame&)rObjectRef)
     186             : {
     187          18 : }
     188             : 
     189         116 : SwFrameEventDescriptor::~SwFrameEventDescriptor()
     190             : {
     191         116 : }
     192             : 
     193           0 : void SwFrameEventDescriptor::setMacroItem(const SvxMacroItem& rItem)
     194             : {
     195           0 :     rFrame.GetFrmFmt()->SetFmtAttr(rItem);
     196           0 : }
     197             : 
     198         390 : const SvxMacroItem& SwFrameEventDescriptor::getMacroItem()
     199             : {
     200         390 :     return (const SvxMacroItem&)rFrame.GetFrmFmt()->GetFmtAttr(RES_FRMMACRO);
     201             : }
     202             : 
     203           0 : sal_uInt16 SwFrameEventDescriptor::getMacroItemWhich() const
     204             : {
     205           0 :     return RES_FRMMACRO;
     206             : }
     207             : 
     208           0 : OUString SwFrameEventDescriptor::getImplementationName()
     209             :     throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     210             : {
     211           0 :     return sSwFrameEventDescriptor;
     212             : }
     213             : 
     214          30 : SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor::SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor(
     215             :     SwXFrameStyle& rStyleRef ) :
     216             :         SvEventDescriptor((document::XEventsSupplier&)rStyleRef,
     217             :                           aFrameStyleEvents),
     218             :         sSwFrameStyleEventDescriptor("SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor"),
     219          30 :         rStyle(rStyleRef)
     220             : {
     221          30 : }
     222             : 
     223          60 : SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor::~SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor()
     224             : {
     225          60 : }
     226             : 
     227           0 : void SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor::setMacroItem(const SvxMacroItem& rItem)
     228             : {
     229             :     // As I was told, for some entirely unobvious reason getting an
     230             :     // item from a style has to look as follows:
     231           0 :     SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pBasePool = rStyle.GetBasePool();
     232           0 :     if (pBasePool)
     233             :     {
     234           0 :         SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(rStyle.GetStyleName());
     235           0 :         if (pBase)
     236             :         {
     237           0 :             rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) );
     238           0 :             SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = xStyle->GetItemSet();
     239           0 :             SfxItemSet aSet(*rStyleSet.GetPool(), RES_FRMMACRO, RES_FRMMACRO);
     240           0 :             aSet.Put(rItem);
     241           0 :             xStyle->SetItemSet(aSet);
     242             :         }
     243             :     }
     244           0 : }
     245             : 
     246          90 : static const SvxMacroItem aEmptyMacroItem(RES_FRMMACRO);
     247             : 
     248         330 : const SvxMacroItem& SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor::getMacroItem()
     249             : {
     250             :     // As I was told, for some entirely unobvious reason getting an
     251             :     // item from a style has to look as follows:
     252         330 :     SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pBasePool = rStyle.GetBasePool();
     253         330 :     if (pBasePool)
     254             :     {
     255         330 :         SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(rStyle.GetStyleName());
     256         330 :         if (pBase)
     257             :         {
     258         330 :             rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase) );
     259         330 :             return (const SvxMacroItem&)xStyle->GetItemSet().Get(RES_FRMMACRO);
     260             :         }
     261             :         else
     262           0 :             return aEmptyMacroItem;
     263             :     }
     264             :     else
     265           0 :         return aEmptyMacroItem;
     266             : }
     267             : 
     268           0 : OUString SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor::getImplementationName()
     269             :     throw( RuntimeException, std::exception )
     270             : {
     271           0 :     return sSwFrameStyleEventDescriptor;
     272             : }
     273             : 
     274           0 : sal_uInt16 SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor::getMacroItemWhich() const
     275             : {
     276           0 :     return RES_FRMMACRO;
     277         270 : }
     278             : 
     279             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10