LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/view - vprint.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 42 306 13.7 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 6 19 31.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
      21             : #include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
      22             : #include <com/sun/star/view/XRenderable.hpp>
      23             : 
      24             : #include <hintids.hxx>
      25             : #include <sfx2/app.hxx>
      26             : #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
      27             : #include <sfx2/prnmon.hxx>
      28             : #include <svl/languageoptions.hxx>
      29             : #include <editeng/paperinf.hxx>
      30             : #include <editeng/pbinitem.hxx>
      31             : #include <svx/svdview.hxx>
      32             : #include <toolkit/awt/vclxdevice.hxx>
      33             : #include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
      34             : #include <unotools/moduleoptions.hxx>
      35             : #include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
      36             : #include <vcl/oldprintadaptor.hxx>
      37             : 
      38             : #include <unotxdoc.hxx>
      39             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      40             : #include <txtfld.hxx>
      41             : #include <fmtfld.hxx>
      42             : #include <fmtfsize.hxx>
      43             : #include <frmatr.hxx>
      44             : #include <rootfrm.hxx>
      45             : #include <pagefrm.hxx>
      46             : #include <cntfrm.hxx>
      47             : #include <doc.hxx>
      48             : #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
      49             : #include <IDocumentDeviceAccess.hxx>
      50             : #include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx>
      51             : #include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
      52             : #include <wdocsh.hxx>
      53             : #include <fesh.hxx>
      54             : #include <pam.hxx>
      55             : #include <viewimp.hxx>
      56             : #include <layact.hxx>
      57             : #include <ndtxt.hxx>
      58             : #include <fldbas.hxx>
      59             : #include <docfld.hxx>
      60             : #include <docufld.hxx>
      61             : #include <shellres.hxx>
      62             : #include <viewopt.hxx>
      63             : #include <printdata.hxx>
      64             : #include <pagedesc.hxx>
      65             : #include <poolfmt.hxx>
      66             : #include <mdiexp.hxx>
      67             : #include <statstr.hrc>
      68             : #include <ptqueue.hxx>
      69             : #include <tabfrm.hxx>
      70             : #include <txtfrm.hxx>
      71             : #include <viscrs.hxx>
      72             : #include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
      73             : #include <globals.hrc>
      74             : #include "PostItMgr.hxx"
      75             : #include <vprint.hxx>
      76             : 
      77             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      78             : 
      79             : /// Painting buffer
      80             : class SwQueuedPaint
      81             : {
      82             : public:
      83             :     SwQueuedPaint *pNext;
      84             :     SwViewShell      *pSh;
      85             :     SwRect          aRect;
      86             : 
      87           0 :     SwQueuedPaint( SwViewShell *pNew, const SwRect &rRect ) :
      88             :         pNext( 0 ),
      89             :         pSh( pNew ),
      90           0 :         aRect( rRect )
      91           0 :     {}
      92             : };
      93             : 
      94             : SwQueuedPaint *SwPaintQueue::pQueue = 0;
      95             : 
      96             : // saves some settings from the draw view
      97             : class SwDrawViewSave
      98             : {
      99             :     SdrView* pDV;
     100             :     bool bPrintControls;
     101             : public:
     102             :     SwDrawViewSave( SdrView* pSdrView );
     103             :     ~SwDrawViewSave();
     104             : };
     105             : 
     106           0 : void SwPaintQueue::Add( SwViewShell *pNew, const SwRect &rNew )
     107             : {
     108             :     SwQueuedPaint *pPt;
     109           0 :     if ( 0 != (pPt = pQueue) )
     110             :     {
     111           0 :         while ( pPt->pSh != pNew && pPt->pNext )
     112           0 :             pPt = pPt->pNext;
     113           0 :         if ( pPt->pSh == pNew )
     114             :         {
     115           0 :             pPt->aRect.Union( rNew );
     116           0 :             return;
     117             :         }
     118             :     }
     119           0 :     SwQueuedPaint *pNQ = new SwQueuedPaint( pNew, rNew );
     120           0 :     if ( pPt )
     121           0 :         pPt->pNext = pNQ;
     122             :     else
     123           0 :         pQueue = pNQ;
     124             : }
     125             : 
     126           0 : void SwPaintQueue::Repaint()
     127             : {
     128           0 :     if ( !SwRootFrm::IsInPaint() && pQueue )
     129             :     {
     130           0 :         SwQueuedPaint *pPt = pQueue;
     131           0 :         do
     132           0 :         {   SwViewShell *pSh = pPt->pSh;
     133           0 :             SET_CURR_SHELL( pSh );
     134           0 :             if ( pSh->IsPreview() )
     135             :             {
     136           0 :                 if ( pSh->GetWin() )
     137             :                 {
     138             :                     // for previewing, since rows/columns are known in PaintHdl (UI)
     139           0 :                     pSh->GetWin()->Invalidate();
     140           0 :                     pSh->GetWin()->Update();
     141             :                 }
     142             :             }
     143             :             else
     144           0 :                 pSh->Paint( pPt->aRect.SVRect() );
     145           0 :             pPt = pPt->pNext;
     146             :         } while ( pPt );
     147             : 
     148           0 :         do
     149           0 :         {   pPt = pQueue;
     150           0 :             pQueue = pQueue->pNext;
     151           0 :             delete pPt;
     152             :         } while ( pQueue );
     153             :     }
     154           0 : }
     155             : 
     156        5316 : void SwPaintQueue::Remove( SwViewShell *pSh )
     157             : {
     158             :     SwQueuedPaint *pPt;
     159        5316 :     if ( 0 != (pPt = pQueue) )
     160             :     {
     161           0 :         SwQueuedPaint *pPrev = 0;
     162           0 :         while ( pPt && pPt->pSh != pSh )
     163             :         {
     164           0 :             pPrev = pPt;
     165           0 :             pPt = pPt->pNext;
     166             :         }
     167           0 :         if ( pPt )
     168             :         {
     169           0 :             if ( pPrev )
     170           0 :                 pPrev->pNext = pPt->pNext;
     171           0 :             else if ( pPt == pQueue )
     172           0 :                 pQueue = 0;
     173           0 :             delete pPt;
     174             :         }
     175             :     }
     176        5316 : }
     177             : 
     178           0 : void SetSwVisArea( SwViewShell *pSh, const SwRect &rRect )
     179             : {
     180             :     OSL_ENSURE( !pSh->GetWin(), "Drucken mit Window?" );
     181           0 :     pSh->maVisArea = rRect;
     182           0 :     pSh->Imp()->SetFirstVisPageInvalid();
     183           0 :     Point aPt( rRect.Pos() );
     184             : 
     185             :     // calculate an offset for the rectangle of the n-th page to
     186             :     // move the start point of the output operation to a position
     187             :     // such that in the output device all pages will be painted
     188             :     // at the same position
     189           0 :     aPt.X() = -aPt.X(); aPt.Y() = -aPt.Y();
     190             : 
     191           0 :     OutputDevice *pOut = pSh->GetOut();
     192             : 
     193           0 :     MapMode aMapMode( pOut->GetMapMode() );
     194           0 :     aMapMode.SetOrigin( aPt );
     195           0 :     pOut->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
     196           0 : }
     197             : 
     198           4 : void SwViewShell::InitPrt( OutputDevice *pOutDev )
     199             : {
     200             :     // For printing we use a negative offset (exactly the offset of OutputSize).
     201             :     // This is necessary because the origin is in the upper left corner of the
     202             :     // physical page while the output uses OutputOffset as origin.
     203           4 :     if ( pOutDev )
     204             :     {
     205           4 :         maPrtOffst = Point();
     206             : 
     207           4 :         maPrtOffst += pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
     208           4 :         MapMode aMapMode( pOutDev->GetMapMode() );
     209           4 :         aMapMode.SetMapUnit( MAP_TWIP );
     210           4 :         pOutDev->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
     211           4 :         pOutDev->SetLineColor();
     212           4 :         pOutDev->SetFillColor();
     213             :     }
     214             :     else
     215           0 :         maPrtOffst.X() = maPrtOffst.Y() = 0;
     216             : 
     217           4 :     if ( !mpWin )
     218           0 :         mpOut = pOutDev;
     219           4 : }
     220             : 
     221           0 : void SwViewShell::ChgAllPageOrientation( Orientation eOri )
     222             : {
     223             :     OSL_ENSURE( mnStartAction, "missing an Action" );
     224           0 :     SET_CURR_SHELL( this );
     225             : 
     226           0 :     const sal_uInt16 nAll = GetDoc()->GetPageDescCnt();
     227           0 :     bool bNewOri = eOri != ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;
     228             : 
     229           0 :     for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nAll; ++ i )
     230             :     {
     231           0 :         const SwPageDesc& rOld = GetDoc()->GetPageDesc( i );
     232             : 
     233           0 :         if( rOld.GetLandscape() != bNewOri )
     234             :         {
     235           0 :             SwPageDesc aNew( rOld );
     236             :             {
     237           0 :                 ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
     238           0 :                 GetDoc()->CopyPageDesc(rOld, aNew);
     239             :             }
     240           0 :             aNew.SetLandscape( bNewOri );
     241           0 :             SwFrmFmt& rFmt = aNew.GetMaster();
     242           0 :             SwFmtFrmSize aSz( rFmt.GetFrmSize() );
     243             :             // adjust size
     244             :             // PORTRAIT  -> higher than wide
     245             :             // LANDSCAPE -> wider than high
     246             :             // Height is the VarSize, width the FixSize (per Def.)
     247           0 :             if( bNewOri ? aSz.GetHeight() > aSz.GetWidth()
     248           0 :                         : aSz.GetHeight() < aSz.GetWidth() )
     249             :             {
     250           0 :                 SwTwips aTmp = aSz.GetHeight();
     251           0 :                 aSz.SetHeight( aSz.GetWidth() );
     252           0 :                 aSz.SetWidth( aTmp );
     253           0 :                 rFmt.SetFmtAttr( aSz );
     254             :             }
     255           0 :             GetDoc()->ChgPageDesc( i, aNew );
     256             :         }
     257           0 :     }
     258           0 : }
     259             : 
     260           0 : void SwViewShell::ChgAllPageSize( Size &rSz )
     261             : {
     262             :     OSL_ENSURE( mnStartAction, "missing an Action" );
     263           0 :     SET_CURR_SHELL( this );
     264             : 
     265           0 :     SwDoc* pMyDoc = GetDoc();
     266           0 :     const sal_uInt16 nAll = pMyDoc->GetPageDescCnt();
     267             : 
     268           0 :     for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nAll; ++i )
     269             :     {
     270           0 :         const SwPageDesc &rOld = pMyDoc->GetPageDesc( i );
     271           0 :         SwPageDesc aNew( rOld );
     272             :         {
     273           0 :             ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
     274           0 :             GetDoc()->CopyPageDesc( rOld, aNew );
     275             :         }
     276           0 :         SwFrmFmt& rPgFmt = aNew.GetMaster();
     277           0 :         Size aSz( rSz );
     278           0 :         const bool bOri = aNew.GetLandscape();
     279           0 :         if( bOri  ? aSz.Height() > aSz.Width()
     280           0 :                   : aSz.Height() < aSz.Width() )
     281             :         {
     282           0 :             SwTwips aTmp = aSz.Height();
     283           0 :             aSz.Height() = aSz.Width();
     284           0 :             aSz.Width()  = aTmp;
     285             :         }
     286             : 
     287           0 :         SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSz( rPgFmt.GetFrmSize() );
     288           0 :         aFrmSz.SetSize( aSz );
     289           0 :         rPgFmt.SetFmtAttr( aFrmSz );
     290           0 :         pMyDoc->ChgPageDesc( i, aNew );
     291           0 :     }
     292           0 : }
     293             : 
     294           0 : void SwViewShell::CalcPagesForPrint( sal_uInt16 nMax )
     295             : {
     296           0 :     SET_CURR_SHELL( this );
     297             : 
     298           0 :     SwRootFrm* pMyLayout = GetLayout();
     299             : 
     300           0 :     const SwFrm *pPage = pMyLayout->Lower();
     301           0 :     SwLayAction aAction( pMyLayout, Imp() );
     302             : 
     303           0 :     pMyLayout->StartAllAction();
     304           0 :     for ( sal_uInt16 i = 1; pPage && i <= nMax; pPage = pPage->GetNext(), ++i )
     305             :     {
     306           0 :         pPage->Calc();
     307           0 :         SwRect aOldVis( VisArea() );
     308           0 :         maVisArea = pPage->Frm();
     309           0 :         Imp()->SetFirstVisPageInvalid();
     310           0 :         aAction.Reset();
     311           0 :         aAction.SetPaint( false );
     312           0 :         aAction.SetWaitAllowed( false );
     313           0 :         aAction.SetReschedule( true );
     314             : 
     315           0 :         aAction.Action();
     316             : 
     317           0 :         maVisArea = aOldVis; //reset due to the paints
     318           0 :         Imp()->SetFirstVisPageInvalid();
     319             :     }
     320             : 
     321           0 :     pMyLayout->EndAllAction();
     322           0 : }
     323             : 
     324           0 : SwDoc * SwViewShell::FillPrtDoc( SwDoc *pPrtDoc, const SfxPrinter* pPrt)
     325             : {
     326             :     OSL_ENSURE( this->IsA( TYPE(SwFEShell) ),"SwViewShell::Prt for FEShell only");
     327           0 :     SwFEShell* pFESh = (SwFEShell*)this;
     328           0 :     pPrtDoc->getIDocumentFieldsAccess().LockExpFlds();
     329             : 
     330             :     // use given printer
     331             :     //! Make a copy of it since it gets destroyed with the temporary document
     332             :     //! used for PDF export
     333           0 :     if (pPrt)
     334           0 :         pPrtDoc->getIDocumentDeviceAccess().setPrinter( new SfxPrinter(*pPrt), true, true );
     335             : 
     336             :     const SfxPoolItem* pCpyItem;
     337           0 :     const SfxItemPool& rPool = GetAttrPool();
     338           0 :     for( sal_uInt16 nWh = POOLATTR_BEGIN; nWh < POOLATTR_END; ++nWh )
     339           0 :         if( 0 != ( pCpyItem = rPool.GetPoolDefaultItem( nWh ) ) )
     340           0 :             pPrtDoc->GetAttrPool().SetPoolDefaultItem( *pCpyItem );
     341             : 
     342             :     // JP 29.07.99 - Bug 67951 - set all Styles from the SourceDoc into
     343             :     //                              the PrintDoc - will be replaced!
     344           0 :     pPrtDoc->ReplaceStyles( *GetDoc() );
     345             : 
     346           0 :     SwShellCrsr *pActCrsr = pFESh->_GetCrsr();
     347           0 :     SwShellCrsr *pFirstCrsr = dynamic_cast<SwShellCrsr*>(pActCrsr->GetNext());
     348           0 :     if( !pActCrsr->HasMark() ) // with a multi-selection the current cursor might be empty
     349             :     {
     350           0 :         pActCrsr = dynamic_cast<SwShellCrsr*>(pActCrsr->GetPrev());
     351             :     }
     352             : 
     353             :     // Y-position of the first selection
     354           0 :     Point aSelPoint;
     355           0 :     if( pFESh->IsTableMode() )
     356             :     {
     357           0 :         SwShellTableCrsr* pShellTblCrsr = pFESh->GetTableCrsr();
     358             : 
     359           0 :         const SwCntntNode* pCntntNode = pShellTblCrsr->GetNode().GetCntntNode();
     360           0 :         const SwCntntFrm *pCntntFrm = pCntntNode ? pCntntNode->getLayoutFrm( GetLayout(), 0, pShellTblCrsr->Start() ) : 0;
     361           0 :         if( pCntntFrm )
     362             :         {
     363           0 :             SwRect aCharRect;
     364           0 :             SwCrsrMoveState aTmpState( MV_NONE );
     365           0 :             pCntntFrm->GetCharRect( aCharRect, *pShellTblCrsr->Start(), &aTmpState );
     366           0 :             aSelPoint = Point( aCharRect.Left(), aCharRect.Top() );
     367             :         }
     368             :     }
     369           0 :     else if (pFirstCrsr)
     370             :     {
     371           0 :        aSelPoint = pFirstCrsr->GetSttPos();
     372             :     }
     373             : 
     374           0 :     const SwPageFrm* pPage = GetLayout()->GetPageAtPos( aSelPoint );
     375             :     OSL_ENSURE( pPage, "no page found!" );
     376             : 
     377             :     // get page descriptor - fall back to the first one if pPage could not be found
     378             :     const SwPageDesc* pPageDesc = pPage ? pPrtDoc->FindPageDesc(
     379           0 :         pPage->GetPageDesc()->GetName() ) : &pPrtDoc->GetPageDesc( (sal_uInt16)0 );
     380             : 
     381           0 :     if( !pFESh->IsTableMode() && pActCrsr && pActCrsr->HasMark() )
     382             :     {   // Tweak paragraph attributes of last paragraph
     383           0 :         SwNodeIndex aNodeIdx( *pPrtDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().StartOfSectionNode() );
     384           0 :         SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pPrtDoc->GetNodes().GoNext( &aNodeIdx )->GetTxtNode();
     385             :         SwCntntNode *pLastNd =
     386           0 :             pActCrsr->GetCntntNode( (*pActCrsr->GetMark()) <= (*pActCrsr->GetPoint()) );
     387             :         // copy the paragraph attributes of the first paragraph
     388           0 :         if( pLastNd && pLastNd->IsTxtNode() )
     389           0 :             ((SwTxtNode*)pLastNd)->CopyCollFmt( *pTxtNd );
     390             :     }
     391             : 
     392             :     // fill it with the selected content
     393           0 :     pFESh->Copy( pPrtDoc );
     394             : 
     395             :     // set the page style at the first paragraph
     396             :     {
     397           0 :         SwNodeIndex aNodeIdx( *pPrtDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().StartOfSectionNode() );
     398           0 :         SwCntntNode* pCNd = pPrtDoc->GetNodes().GoNext( &aNodeIdx ); // go to 1st ContentNode
     399           0 :         if( pFESh->IsTableMode() )
     400             :         {
     401           0 :             SwTableNode* pTNd = pCNd->FindTableNode();
     402           0 :             if( pTNd )
     403           0 :                 pTNd->GetTable().GetFrmFmt()->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtPageDesc( pPageDesc ) );
     404             :         }
     405             :         else
     406             :         {
     407           0 :             pCNd->SetAttr( SwFmtPageDesc( pPageDesc ) );
     408           0 :             if( pFirstCrsr && pFirstCrsr->HasMark() )
     409             :             {
     410           0 :                 SwTxtNode *pTxtNd = pCNd->GetTxtNode();
     411           0 :                 if( pTxtNd )
     412             :                 {
     413             :                     SwCntntNode *pFirstNd =
     414           0 :                         pFirstCrsr->GetCntntNode( (*pFirstCrsr->GetMark()) > (*pFirstCrsr->GetPoint()) );
     415             :                     // copy paragraph attributes of the first paragraph
     416           0 :                     if( pFirstNd && pFirstNd->IsTxtNode() )
     417           0 :                         ((SwTxtNode*)pFirstNd)->CopyCollFmt( *pTxtNd );
     418             :                 }
     419             :             }
     420           0 :         }
     421             :     }
     422           0 :     return pPrtDoc;
     423             : }
     424             : 
     425             : // TODO: there is already a GetPageByPageNum, but it checks some physical page
     426             : // number; unsure if we want that here, should find out what that is...
     427             : SwPageFrm const*
     428           0 : sw_getPage(SwRootFrm const& rLayout, sal_Int32 const nPage)
     429             : {
     430             :     // yes this is O(n^2) but at least it does not crash...
     431           0 :     SwPageFrm const* pPage = dynamic_cast<const SwPageFrm*>(rLayout.Lower());
     432           0 :     for (sal_Int32 i = nPage; pPage && (i > 0); --i)
     433             :     {
     434           0 :         if (1 == i) { // note: nPage is 1-based, i.e. 0 is invalid!
     435           0 :             return pPage;
     436             :         }
     437           0 :         pPage = dynamic_cast<SwPageFrm const*>(pPage->GetNext());
     438             :     }
     439             :     OSL_ENSURE(pPage, "ERROR: SwPageFrm expected");
     440             :     OSL_FAIL("non-existent page requested");
     441           0 :     return 0;
     442             : }
     443             : 
     444           0 : bool SwViewShell::PrintOrPDFExport(
     445             :     OutputDevice *pOutDev,
     446             :     SwPrintData const& rPrintData,
     447             :     sal_Int32 nRenderer     /* the index in the vector of pages to be printed */ )
     448             : {
     449             :     // CAUTION: Do also always update the printing routines in viewpg.cxx (PrintProspect)!
     450             : 
     451           0 :     const sal_Int32 nMaxRenderer = rPrintData.GetRenderData().GetPagesToPrint().size() - 1;
     452             :     OSL_ENSURE( 0 <= nRenderer && nRenderer <= nMaxRenderer, "nRenderer out of bounds");
     453           0 :     if (!pOutDev || nMaxRenderer < 0 || nRenderer < 0 || nRenderer > nMaxRenderer)
     454           0 :         return false;
     455             : 
     456             :     // save settings of OutputDevice (should be done always since the
     457             :     // output device is now provided by a call from outside the Writer)
     458           0 :     pOutDev->Push();
     459             : 
     460             :     // fdo#36815 for comments in margins print to a metafile
     461             :     // and then scale that metafile down so that the comments
     462             :     // will fit on the real page, and replay that scaled
     463             :     // output to the real outputdevice
     464           0 :     GDIMetaFile *pOrigRecorder(NULL);
     465           0 :     GDIMetaFile *pMetaFile(NULL);
     466           0 :     sal_Int16 nPostItMode = rPrintData.GetPrintPostIts();
     467           0 :     if (nPostItMode == POSTITS_INMARGINS)
     468             :     {
     469             :         //get and disable the existing recorder
     470           0 :         pOrigRecorder = pOutDev->GetConnectMetaFile();
     471           0 :         pOutDev->SetConnectMetaFile(NULL);
     472             :         // turn off output to the device
     473           0 :         pOutDev->EnableOutput(false);
     474             :         // just record the rendering commands to the metafile
     475             :         // instead
     476           0 :         pMetaFile = new GDIMetaFile;
     477           0 :         pMetaFile->SetPrefSize(pOutDev->GetOutputSize());
     478           0 :         pMetaFile->SetPrefMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
     479           0 :         pMetaFile->Record(pOutDev);
     480             :     }
     481             : 
     482             :     // Print/PDF export for (multi-)selection has already generated a
     483             :     // temporary document with the selected text.
     484             :     // (see XRenderable implementation in unotxdoc.cxx)
     485             :     // It is implemented this way because PDF export calls this Prt function
     486             :     // once per page and we do not like to always have the temporary document
     487             :     // to be created that often here.
     488           0 :     SwViewShell *pShell = new SwViewShell(*this, 0, pOutDev);
     489             : 
     490           0 :     SdrView *pDrawView = pShell->GetDrawView();
     491           0 :     if (pDrawView)
     492             :     {
     493           0 :         pDrawView->SetBufferedOutputAllowed( false );
     494           0 :         pDrawView->SetBufferedOverlayAllowed( false );
     495             :     }
     496             : 
     497             :     {   // additional scope so that the CurrShell is reset before destroying the shell
     498             : 
     499           0 :         SET_CURR_SHELL( pShell );
     500             : 
     501             :         //JP 01.02.99: Bug 61335 - the ReadOnly flag is never copied
     502           0 :         if( mpOpt->IsReadonly() )
     503           0 :             pShell->mpOpt->SetReadonly( true );
     504             : 
     505             :         // save options at draw view:
     506           0 :         SwDrawViewSave aDrawViewSave( pShell->GetDrawView() );
     507             : 
     508           0 :         pShell->PrepareForPrint( rPrintData );
     509             : 
     510           0 :         const sal_Int32 nPage = rPrintData.GetRenderData().GetPagesToPrint()[ nRenderer ];
     511             :         OSL_ENSURE( nPage < 0 ||
     512             :             rPrintData.GetRenderData().GetValidPagesSet().count( nPage ) == 1,
     513             :             "SwViewShell::PrintOrPDFExport: nPage not valid" );
     514             :         SwViewShell *const pViewSh2 = (nPage < 0)
     515           0 :                 ? rPrintData.GetRenderData().m_pPostItShell.get()// post-it page
     516           0 :                 : pShell; // a 'regular' page, not one from the post-it doc
     517             : 
     518             :         SwPageFrm const*const pStPage =
     519           0 :             sw_getPage(*pViewSh2->GetLayout(), abs(nPage));
     520             :         OSL_ENSURE( pStPage, "failed to get start page" );
     521           0 :         if (!pStPage)
     522             :         {
     523           0 :             return false;
     524             :         }
     525             : 
     526             :         //!! applying view options and formatting the document should now only be done in getRendererCount!
     527             : 
     528           0 :         ::SetSwVisArea( pViewSh2, pStPage->Frm() );
     529             : 
     530           0 :         pShell->InitPrt(pOutDev);
     531             : 
     532           0 :         ::SetSwVisArea( pViewSh2, pStPage->Frm() );
     533             : 
     534           0 :         pStPage->GetUpper()->Paint( pStPage->Frm(), &rPrintData );
     535             : 
     536           0 :         SwPaintQueue::Repaint();
     537             : 
     538           0 :         if (nPostItMode == POSTITS_INMARGINS)
     539             :         {
     540           0 :             SwPostItMgr *pPostItManager = pShell->GetPostItMgr();
     541           0 :             pPostItManager->CalcRects();
     542           0 :             pPostItManager->LayoutPostIts();
     543           0 :             pPostItManager->DrawNotesForPage(pOutDev, nPage-1);
     544             : 
     545             :             //Stop recording now
     546           0 :             pMetaFile->Stop();
     547           0 :             pMetaFile->WindStart();
     548             :             //Enable output to the device again
     549           0 :             pOutDev->EnableOutput(true);
     550             :             //Restore the original recorder
     551           0 :             pOutDev->SetConnectMetaFile(pOrigRecorder);
     552             : 
     553             :             //Now scale the recorded page down so the notes
     554             :             //will fit in the final page
     555           0 :             double fScale = 0.75;
     556           0 :             long nOrigHeight = pStPage->Frm().Height();
     557           0 :             long nNewHeight = nOrigHeight*fScale;
     558           0 :             long nShiftY = (nOrigHeight-nNewHeight)/2;
     559           0 :             pMetaFile->Scale( fScale, fScale );
     560           0 :             pMetaFile->WindStart();
     561             :             //Move the scaled page down to center it
     562             :             //the other variant of Move does not map pixels
     563             :             //back to the logical units correctly
     564           0 :             pMetaFile->Move(0, convertTwipToMm100(nShiftY), pOutDev->GetDPIX(), pOutDev->GetDPIY());
     565           0 :             pMetaFile->WindStart();
     566             : 
     567             :             //play back the scaled page
     568           0 :             pMetaFile->Play(pOutDev);
     569           0 :             delete pMetaFile;
     570           0 :         }
     571             :     }
     572             : 
     573           0 :     delete pShell;
     574             : 
     575             :     // restore settings of OutputDevice (should be done always now since the
     576             :     // output device is now provided by a call from outside the Writer)
     577           0 :     pOutDev->Pop();
     578             : 
     579           0 :     return true;
     580             : }
     581             : 
     582         610 : void SwViewShell::PrtOle2( SwDoc *pDoc, const SwViewOption *pOpt, const SwPrintData& rOptions,
     583             :                          OutputDevice* pOleOut, const Rectangle& rRect )
     584             : {
     585             :     // For printing a shell is needed. Either the Doc already has one, than we
     586             :     // create a new view, or it has none, than we create the first view.
     587             :     SwViewShell *pSh;
     588         610 :     if( pDoc->getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() )
     589          52 :         pSh = new SwViewShell( *pDoc->getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell(), 0, pOleOut,VSHELLFLAG_SHARELAYOUT );
     590             :     else
     591         558 :         pSh = new SwViewShell( *pDoc, 0, pOpt, pOleOut);
     592             : 
     593             :     {
     594         610 :         SET_CURR_SHELL( pSh );
     595         610 :         pSh->PrepareForPrint( rOptions );
     596         610 :         pSh->SetPrtFormatOption( true );
     597             : 
     598         610 :         SwRect aSwRect( rRect );
     599         610 :         pSh->maVisArea = aSwRect;
     600             : 
     601         610 :         if ( pSh->GetViewOptions()->getBrowseMode() &&
     602           0 :              pSh->GetNext() == pSh )
     603             :         {
     604           0 :             pSh->CheckBrowseView( false );
     605           0 :             pSh->GetLayout()->Lower()->InvalidateSize();
     606             :         }
     607             : 
     608             :         // CalcPagesForPrint() should not be necessary here. The pages in the
     609             :         // visible area will be formatted in SwRootFrm::Paint().
     610             :         // Removing this gives us a performance gain during saving the
     611             :         // document because the thumbnail creation will not trigger a complete
     612             :         // formatting of the document.
     613             : 
     614         610 :         pOleOut->Push( PushFlags::CLIPREGION );
     615         610 :         pOleOut->IntersectClipRegion( aSwRect.SVRect() );
     616         610 :         pSh->GetLayout()->Paint( aSwRect );
     617             : 
     618         610 :         pOleOut->Pop();
     619             :         // first the CurrShell object needs to be destroyed!
     620             :     }
     621         610 :     delete pSh;
     622         610 : }
     623             : 
     624             : /// Check if the DocNodesArray contains fields.
     625           0 : bool SwViewShell::IsAnyFieldInDoc() const
     626             : {
     627             :     const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
     628           0 :     sal_uInt32 nMaxItems = mpDoc->GetAttrPool().GetItemCount2( RES_TXTATR_FIELD );
     629           0 :     for( sal_uInt32 n = 0; n < nMaxItems; ++n )
     630             :     {
     631           0 :         if( 0 != (pItem = mpDoc->GetAttrPool().GetItem2( RES_TXTATR_FIELD, n )))
     632             :         {
     633           0 :             const SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = (SwFmtFld*)pItem;
     634           0 :             const SwTxtFld* pTxtFld = pFmtFld->GetTxtFld();
     635           0 :             if( pTxtFld && pTxtFld->GetTxtNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
     636             :             {
     637           0 :                 return true;
     638             :             }
     639             :         }
     640             :     }
     641             : 
     642           0 :     nMaxItems = mpDoc->GetAttrPool().GetItemCount2( RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD );
     643           0 :     for( sal_uInt32 n = 0; n < nMaxItems; ++n )
     644             :     {
     645           0 :         if( 0 != (pItem = mpDoc->GetAttrPool().GetItem2( RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD, n )))
     646             :         {
     647           0 :             const SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = (SwFmtFld*)pItem;
     648           0 :             const SwTxtFld* pTxtFld = pFmtFld->GetTxtFld();
     649           0 :             if( pTxtFld && pTxtFld->GetTxtNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
     650             :             {
     651           0 :                 return true;
     652             :             }
     653             :         }
     654             :     }
     655             : 
     656           0 :     return false;
     657             : }
     658             : 
     659             : ///  Saves some settings at the draw view
     660           0 : SwDrawViewSave::SwDrawViewSave( SdrView* pSdrView )
     661             :     : pDV( pSdrView )
     662           0 :     , bPrintControls(true)
     663             : {
     664           0 :     if ( pDV )
     665             :     {
     666           0 :         bPrintControls = pDV->IsLayerPrintable( "Controls" );
     667             :     }
     668           0 : }
     669             : 
     670           0 : SwDrawViewSave::~SwDrawViewSave()
     671             : {
     672           0 :     if ( pDV )
     673             :     {
     674           0 :         pDV->SetLayerPrintable( "Controls", bPrintControls );
     675             :     }
     676           0 : }
     677             : 
     678             : // OD 09.01.2003 #i6467# - method also called for page preview
     679         610 : void SwViewShell::PrepareForPrint( const SwPrintData &rOptions )
     680             :  {
     681         610 :     mpOpt->SetGraphic  ( rOptions.bPrintGraphic );
     682         610 :     mpOpt->SetTable    ( rOptions.bPrintTable );
     683         610 :     mpOpt->SetDraw     ( rOptions.bPrintDraw  );
     684         610 :     mpOpt->SetControl  ( rOptions.bPrintControl );
     685         610 :     mpOpt->SetPageBack ( rOptions.bPrintPageBackground );
     686         610 :     mpOpt->SetBlackFont( rOptions.bPrintBlackFont );
     687             : 
     688         610 :     if ( HasDrawView() )
     689             :     {
     690         610 :         SdrView *pDrawView = GetDrawView();
     691             :         // OD 09.01.2003 #i6467# - consider, if view shell belongs to page preview
     692         610 :         if ( !IsPreview() )
     693             :         {
     694         610 :             pDrawView->SetLayerPrintable( "Controls", rOptions.bPrintControl );
     695             :         }
     696             :         else
     697             :         {
     698           0 :             pDrawView->SetLayerVisible( "Controls", rOptions.bPrintControl );
     699             :         }
     700             :     }
     701         880 : }
     702             : 
     703             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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