LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/uibase/lingu - hhcwrp.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 191 283 67.5 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 17 22 77.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <hintids.hxx>
      21             : #include <view.hxx>
      22             : #include <wrtsh.hxx>
      23             : #include <swundo.hxx>
      24             : #include <globals.hrc>
      25             : #include <splargs.hxx>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
      28             : #include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
      29             : #include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
      30             : #include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
      31             : #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
      32             : #include <com/sun/star/text/RubyAdjust.hpp>
      33             : #include <hhcwrp.hxx>
      34             : #include <sdrhhcwrap.hxx>
      35             : #include <doc.hxx>
      36             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      37             : #include <mdiexp.hxx>
      38             : #include <edtwin.hxx>
      39             : #include <crsskip.hxx>
      40             : #include <index.hxx>
      41             : #include <pam.hxx>
      42             : #include <swcrsr.hxx>
      43             : #include <viscrs.hxx>
      44             : #include <ndtxt.hxx>
      45             : #include <fmtruby.hxx>
      46             : #include <breakit.hxx>
      47             : 
      48             : #include <olmenu.hrc>
      49             : 
      50             : #include <unomid.h>
      51             : 
      52             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      53             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
      54             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
      55             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2;
      56             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;
      57             : 
      58             : //     Description: Turn off frame/object shell if applicable
      59             : 
      60           4 : static void lcl_ActivateTextShell( SwWrtShell & rWrtSh )
      61             : {
      62           4 :     if( rWrtSh.IsSelFrmMode() || rWrtSh.IsObjSelected() )
      63           0 :         rWrtSh.EnterStdMode();
      64           4 : }
      65             : 
      66             : class SwKeepConversionDirectionStateContext
      67             : {
      68             : public:
      69           0 :     SwKeepConversionDirectionStateContext()
      70             :     {
      71             :         //!! hack to transport the current conversion direction state settings
      72             :         //!! into the next incarnation that iterates over the drawing objets
      73             :         //!! ( see SwHHCWrapper::~SwHHCWrapper() )
      74           0 :         editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::SetUseSavedConversionDirectionState( true );
      75           0 :     }
      76             : 
      77           0 :     ~SwKeepConversionDirectionStateContext()
      78             :     {
      79           0 :         editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::SetUseSavedConversionDirectionState( false );
      80           0 :     }
      81             : };
      82             : 
      83           8 : SwHHCWrapper::SwHHCWrapper(
      84             :         SwView* pSwView,
      85             :         const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext,
      86             :         LanguageType nSourceLanguage,
      87             :         LanguageType nTargetLanguage,
      88             :         const vcl::Font *pTargetFont,
      89             :         sal_Int32 nConvOptions,
      90             :         bool bIsInteractive,
      91             :         bool bStart, bool bOther, bool bSelection )
      92           8 :     : editeng::HangulHanjaConversion( &pSwView->GetEditWin(), rxContext,
      93             :                                 LanguageTag::convertToLocale( nSourceLanguage ),
      94             :                                 LanguageTag::convertToLocale( nTargetLanguage ),
      95             :                                 pTargetFont,
      96             :                                 nConvOptions,
      97             :                                 bIsInteractive )
      98             :     , m_pView( pSwView )
      99           8 :     , m_pWin( &pSwView->GetEditWin() )
     100           8 :     , m_rWrtShell( pSwView->GetWrtShell() )
     101             :     , m_pConvArgs( 0 )
     102             :     , m_nLastPos( 0 )
     103             :     , m_nUnitOffset( 0 )
     104             :     , m_nPageCount( 0 )
     105             :     , m_nPageStart( 0 )
     106             :     , m_bIsDrawObj( false )
     107             :     , m_bIsOtherCntnt( bOther )
     108             :     , m_bStartChk( bOther )
     109             :     , m_bIsSelection( bSelection )
     110           8 :     , m_bStartDone( bOther || bStart )
     111          40 :     , m_bEndDone( false )
     112             : {
     113           8 : }
     114             : 
     115          16 : SwHHCWrapper::~SwHHCWrapper()
     116             : {
     117           8 :     delete m_pConvArgs;
     118             : 
     119           8 :     SwViewShell::SetCareWin( NULL );
     120             : 
     121             :     // check for existence of a draw view which means that there are
     122             :     // (or previously were) draw objects present in the document.
     123             :     // I.e. we like to check those too.
     124           8 :     if ( IsDrawObj() /*&& bLastRet*/ && m_pView->GetWrtShell().HasDrawView() )
     125             :     {
     126           0 :         vcl::Cursor *pSave = m_pView->GetWindow()->GetCursor();
     127             :         {
     128           0 :             SwKeepConversionDirectionStateContext aContext;
     129             : 
     130           0 :             SdrHHCWrapper aSdrConvWrap( m_pView, GetSourceLanguage(),
     131           0 :                     GetTargetLanguage(), GetTargetFont(),
     132           0 :                     GetConversionOptions(), IsInteractive() );
     133           0 :             aSdrConvWrap.StartTextConversion();
     134             :         }
     135           0 :         m_pView->GetWindow()->SetCursor( pSave );
     136             :     }
     137             : 
     138           8 :     if( m_nPageCount )
     139           8 :         ::EndProgress( m_pView->GetDocShell() );
     140             : 
     141             :     // finally for chinese translation we need to change the documents
     142             :     // default language and font to the new ones to be used.
     143           8 :     LanguageType nTargetLang = GetTargetLanguage();
     144           8 :     if (IsChinese( nTargetLang ))
     145             :     {
     146           8 :         SwDoc *pDoc = m_pView->GetDocShell()->GetDoc();
     147             : 
     148             :         //!! Note: This also effects the default language of text boxes (EditEngine/EditView) !!
     149           8 :         pDoc->SetDefault( SvxLanguageItem( nTargetLang, RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE ) );
     150             : 
     151           8 :         const vcl::Font *pFont = GetTargetFont();
     152           8 :         if (pFont)
     153             :         {
     154           0 :             SvxFontItem aFontItem( pFont->GetFamily(), pFont->GetName(),
     155           0 :                     pFont->GetStyleName(), pFont->GetPitch(),
     156           0 :                     pFont->GetCharSet(), RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT );
     157           0 :             pDoc->SetDefault( aFontItem );
     158             :         }
     159             : 
     160             :     }
     161           8 : }
     162             : 
     163          12 : void SwHHCWrapper::GetNextPortion(
     164             :         OUString&           rNextPortion,
     165             :         LanguageType&       rLangOfPortion,
     166             :         bool bAllowChanges )
     167             : {
     168          12 :     m_pConvArgs->bAllowImplicitChangesForNotConvertibleText = bAllowChanges;
     169             : 
     170          12 :     FindConvText_impl();
     171          12 :     rNextPortion    = m_pConvArgs->aConvText;
     172          12 :     rLangOfPortion  = m_pConvArgs->nConvTextLang;
     173             : 
     174          12 :     m_nUnitOffset  = 0;
     175             : 
     176             :     // build last pos from currently selected text
     177          12 :     SwPaM* pCrsr = m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr();
     178          12 :     m_nLastPos =  pCrsr->Start()->nContent.GetIndex();
     179          12 : }
     180             : 
     181           4 : void SwHHCWrapper::SelectNewUnit_impl( sal_Int32 nUnitStart, sal_Int32 nUnitEnd )
     182             : {
     183           4 :     SwPaM *pCrsr = m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr();
     184           4 :     pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent = m_nLastPos;
     185           4 :     pCrsr->DeleteMark();
     186             : 
     187             :     m_rWrtShell.Right( CRSR_SKIP_CHARS, /*bExpand*/ false,
     188           4 :                   (sal_uInt16) (m_nUnitOffset + nUnitStart), true );
     189           4 :     pCrsr->SetMark();
     190             :     m_rWrtShell.Right( CRSR_SKIP_CHARS, /*bExpand*/ true,
     191           4 :                   (sal_uInt16) (nUnitEnd - nUnitStart), true );
     192             :     // end selection now. Otherwise SHIFT+HOME (extending the selection)
     193             :     // won't work when the dialog is closed without any replacement.
     194             :     // (see #116346#)
     195           4 :     m_rWrtShell.EndSelect();
     196           4 : }
     197             : 
     198           0 : void SwHHCWrapper::HandleNewUnit(
     199             :         const sal_Int32 nUnitStart, const sal_Int32 nUnitEnd )
     200             : {
     201             :     OSL_ENSURE( nUnitStart >= 0 && nUnitEnd >= nUnitStart, "wrong arguments" );
     202           0 :     if (!(0 <= nUnitStart && nUnitStart <= nUnitEnd))
     203           0 :         return;
     204             : 
     205           0 :     lcl_ActivateTextShell( m_rWrtShell );
     206             : 
     207           0 :     m_rWrtShell.StartAllAction();
     208             : 
     209             :     // select current unit
     210           0 :     SelectNewUnit_impl( nUnitStart, nUnitEnd );
     211             : 
     212           0 :     m_rWrtShell.EndAllAction();
     213             : }
     214             : 
     215           4 : void SwHHCWrapper::ChangeText( const OUString &rNewText,
     216             :         const OUString& rOrigText,
     217             :         const uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > *pOffsets,
     218             :         SwPaM *pCrsr )
     219             : {
     220             :     //!! please see also TextConvWrapper::ChangeText with is a modified
     221             :     //!! copy of this code
     222             : 
     223             :     OSL_ENSURE( !rNewText.isEmpty(), "unexpected empty string" );
     224           4 :     if (rNewText.isEmpty())
     225           4 :         return;
     226             : 
     227           4 :     if (pOffsets && pCrsr)  // try to keep as much attributation as possible ?
     228             :     {
     229             :         // remember cursor start position for later setting of the cursor
     230           4 :         const SwPosition *pStart = pCrsr->Start();
     231           4 :         const sal_Int32 nStartIndex = pStart->nContent.GetIndex();
     232           4 :         const SwNodeIndex aStartNodeIndex  = pStart->nNode;
     233           4 :         SwTxtNode *pStartTxtNode = aStartNodeIndex.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
     234             : 
     235           4 :         const sal_Int32  nIndices = pOffsets->getLength();
     236           4 :         const sal_Int32 *pIndices = pOffsets->getConstArray();
     237           4 :         sal_Int32 nConvTextLen = rNewText.getLength();
     238           4 :         sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
     239           4 :         sal_Int32 nChgPos = -1;
     240           4 :         sal_Int32 nChgLen = 0;
     241           4 :         sal_Int32 nConvChgPos = -1;
     242           4 :         sal_Int32 nConvChgLen = 0;
     243             : 
     244             :         // offset to calculate the position in the text taking into
     245             :         // account that text may have been replaced with new text of
     246             :         // different length. Negative values allowed!
     247           4 :         long nCorrectionOffset = 0;
     248             : 
     249             :         OSL_ENSURE(nIndices == 0 || nIndices == nConvTextLen,
     250             :                 "mismatch between string length and sequence length!" );
     251             : 
     252             :         // find all substrings that need to be replaced (and only those)
     253             :         while (true)
     254             :         {
     255             :             // get index in original text that matches nPos in new text
     256             :             sal_Int32 nIndex;
     257           8 :             if (nPos < nConvTextLen)
     258           4 :                 nIndex = nPos < nIndices ? pIndices[nPos] : nPos;
     259             :             else
     260             :             {
     261           4 :                 nPos   = nConvTextLen;
     262           4 :                 nIndex = rOrigText.getLength();
     263             :             }
     264             : 
     265          12 :             if (nPos == nConvTextLen || /* end of string also terminates non-matching char sequence */
     266           4 :                 rOrigText[nIndex] == rNewText[nPos])
     267             :             {
     268             :                 // substring that needs to be replaced found?
     269           4 :                 if (nChgPos != -1 && nConvChgPos != -1)
     270             :                 {
     271           4 :                     nChgLen = nIndex - nChgPos;
     272           4 :                     nConvChgLen = nPos - nConvChgPos;
     273             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     274             :                     OUString aInOrig( rOrigText.copy( nChgPos, nChgLen ) );
     275             : #endif
     276           4 :                     OUString aInNew( rNewText.copy( nConvChgPos, nConvChgLen ) );
     277             : 
     278             :                     // set selection to sub string to be replaced in original text
     279           4 :                     sal_Int32 nChgInNodeStartIndex = nStartIndex + nCorrectionOffset + nChgPos;
     280             :                     OSL_ENSURE( m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->HasMark(), "cursor misplaced (nothing selected)" );
     281           4 :                     m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetMark()->nContent.Assign( pStartTxtNode, nChgInNodeStartIndex );
     282           4 :                     m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pStartTxtNode, nChgInNodeStartIndex + nChgLen );
     283             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     284             :                     OUString aSelTxt1( m_rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );
     285             : #endif
     286             : 
     287             :                     // replace selected sub string with the corresponding
     288             :                     // sub string from the new text while keeping as
     289             :                     // much from the attributes as possible
     290           4 :                     ChangeText_impl( aInNew, true );
     291             : 
     292           4 :                     nCorrectionOffset += nConvChgLen - nChgLen;
     293             : 
     294           4 :                     nChgPos = -1;
     295           4 :                     nConvChgPos = -1;
     296             :                 }
     297             :             }
     298             :             else
     299             :             {
     300             :                 // begin of non-matching char sequence found ?
     301           4 :                 if (nChgPos == -1 && nConvChgPos == -1)
     302             :                 {
     303           4 :                     nChgPos = nIndex;
     304           4 :                     nConvChgPos = nPos;
     305             :                 }
     306             :             }
     307           8 :             if (nPos >= nConvTextLen)
     308           4 :                 break;
     309           4 :             ++nPos;
     310             :         }
     311             : 
     312             :         // set cursor to the end of all the new text
     313             :         // (as it would happen after ChangeText_impl (Delete and Insert)
     314             :         // of the whole text in the 'else' branch below)
     315           4 :         m_rWrtShell.ClearMark();
     316           4 :         m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->Start()->nContent.Assign( pStartTxtNode, nStartIndex + nConvTextLen );
     317             :     }
     318             :     else
     319             :     {
     320           0 :         ChangeText_impl( rNewText, false );
     321             :     }
     322             : }
     323             : 
     324           4 : void SwHHCWrapper::ChangeText_impl( const OUString &rNewText, bool bKeepAttributes )
     325             : {
     326           4 :     if (bKeepAttributes)
     327             :     {
     328             :         // get item set with all relevant attributes
     329             :         sal_uInt16 aRanges[] = {
     330             :                 RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END,
     331           4 :                 0, 0, 0  };
     332           4 :         SfxItemSet aItemSet( m_rWrtShell.GetAttrPool(), aRanges );
     333             :         // get all attributes spanning the whole selection in order to
     334             :         // restore those for the new text
     335           4 :         m_rWrtShell.GetCurAttr( aItemSet );
     336             : 
     337             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     338             :         OUString aSelTxt1( m_rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );
     339             : #endif
     340           4 :         m_rWrtShell.Delete();
     341           4 :         m_rWrtShell.Insert( rNewText );
     342             : 
     343             :         // select new inserted text (currently the Point is right after the new text)
     344           4 :         if (!m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->HasMark())
     345           4 :             m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->SetMark();
     346           4 :         SwPosition *pMark = m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetMark();
     347           4 :         pMark->nContent = pMark->nContent.GetIndex() - rNewText.getLength();
     348             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     349             :         OUString aSelTxt2( m_rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );
     350             : #endif
     351             : 
     352             :         // since 'SetAttr' below functions like merging with the attributes
     353             :         // from the itemset with any existing ones we have to get rid of all
     354             :         // all attributes now. (Those attributes that may take effect left
     355             :         // to the position where the new text gets inserted after the old text
     356             :         // was deleted)
     357           4 :         m_rWrtShell.ResetAttr();
     358             :         // apply previously saved attributes to new text
     359           4 :         m_rWrtShell.SetAttrSet( aItemSet );
     360             :     }
     361             :     else
     362             :     {
     363           0 :         m_rWrtShell.Delete();
     364           0 :         m_rWrtShell.Insert( rNewText );
     365             :     }
     366           4 : }
     367             : 
     368           4 : void SwHHCWrapper::ReplaceUnit(
     369             :          const sal_Int32 nUnitStart, const sal_Int32 nUnitEnd,
     370             :          const OUString& rOrigText,
     371             :          const OUString& rReplaceWith,
     372             :          const uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &rOffsets,
     373             :          ReplacementAction eAction,
     374             :          LanguageType *pNewUnitLanguage )
     375             : {
     376             :     OSL_ENSURE( nUnitStart >= 0 && nUnitEnd >= nUnitStart, "wrong arguments" );
     377           4 :     if (!(nUnitStart >= 0 && nUnitEnd >= nUnitStart))
     378           4 :         return;
     379             : 
     380           4 :     lcl_ActivateTextShell( m_rWrtShell );
     381             : 
     382             :     // replace the current word
     383           4 :     m_rWrtShell.StartAllAction();
     384             : 
     385             :     // select current unit
     386           4 :     SelectNewUnit_impl( nUnitStart, nUnitEnd );
     387             : 
     388           4 :     OUString aOrigTxt( m_rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );
     389           8 :     OUString aNewTxt( rReplaceWith );
     390             :     OSL_ENSURE( aOrigTxt == rOrigText, "!! text mismatch !!" );
     391           4 :     SwFmtRuby *pRuby = 0;
     392           4 :     bool bRubyBelow = false;
     393           8 :     OUString  aNewOrigText;
     394           4 :     switch (eAction)
     395             :     {
     396             :         case eExchange :
     397           4 :         break;
     398             :         case eReplacementBracketed :
     399             :         {
     400           0 :             aNewTxt = aOrigTxt + "(" + rReplaceWith + ")";
     401             :         }
     402           0 :         break;
     403             :         case eOriginalBracketed :
     404             :         {
     405           0 :             aNewTxt = rReplaceWith + "(" + aOrigTxt + ")";
     406             :         }
     407           0 :         break;
     408             :         case eReplacementAbove  :
     409             :         {
     410           0 :             pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( rReplaceWith );
     411             :         }
     412           0 :         break;
     413             :         case eOriginalAbove :
     414             :         {
     415           0 :             pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( aOrigTxt );
     416           0 :             aNewOrigText = rReplaceWith;
     417             :         }
     418           0 :         break;
     419             :         case eReplacementBelow :
     420             :         {
     421           0 :             pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( rReplaceWith );
     422           0 :             bRubyBelow = true;
     423             :         }
     424           0 :         break;
     425             :         case eOriginalBelow :
     426             :         {
     427           0 :             pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( aOrigTxt );
     428           0 :             aNewOrigText = rReplaceWith;
     429           0 :             bRubyBelow = true;
     430             :         }
     431           0 :         break;
     432             :         default:
     433             :             OSL_FAIL("unexpected case" );
     434             :     }
     435           4 :     m_nUnitOffset += nUnitStart + aNewTxt.getLength();
     436             : 
     437           4 :     if (pRuby)
     438             :     {
     439           0 :         m_rWrtShell.StartUndo( UNDO_SETRUBYATTR );
     440           0 :         if (!aNewOrigText.isEmpty())
     441             :         {
     442             :             // according to FT we currently should not bother about keeping
     443             :             // attributes in Hangul/Hanja conversion
     444           0 :             ChangeText( aNewOrigText, rOrigText, NULL, NULL );
     445             : 
     446             :             //!! since Delete, Insert in 'ChangeText' do not set the WrtShells
     447             :             //!! bInSelect flag
     448             :             //!! back to false we do it now manually in order for the selection
     449             :             //!! to be done properly in the following call to Left.
     450             :             // We didn't fix it in Delete and Insert since it is currently
     451             :             // unclear if someone depends on this incorrect behvaiour
     452             :             // of the flag.
     453           0 :             m_rWrtShell.EndSelect();
     454             : 
     455           0 :             m_rWrtShell.Left( 0, true, aNewOrigText.getLength(), true, true );
     456             :         }
     457             : 
     458           0 :         pRuby->SetPosition( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(bRubyBelow) );
     459           0 :         pRuby->SetAdjustment( RubyAdjust_CENTER );
     460             : 
     461             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     462             :         SwPaM *pPaM = m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr();
     463             :         (void)pPaM;
     464             : #endif
     465           0 :         m_rWrtShell.SetAttrItem(*pRuby);
     466           0 :         delete pRuby;
     467           0 :         m_rWrtShell.EndUndo( UNDO_SETRUBYATTR );
     468             :     }
     469             :     else
     470             :     {
     471           4 :         m_rWrtShell.StartUndo( UNDO_OVERWRITE );
     472             : 
     473             :         // according to FT we should currently not bother about keeping
     474             :         // attributes in Hangul/Hanja conversion and leave that untouched.
     475             :         // Thus we do this only for Chinese translation...
     476           4 :         const bool bIsChineseConversion = IsChinese( GetSourceLanguage() );
     477           4 :         if (bIsChineseConversion)
     478           4 :             ChangeText( aNewTxt, rOrigText, &rOffsets, m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr() );
     479             :         else
     480           0 :             ChangeText( aNewTxt, rOrigText, NULL, NULL );
     481             : 
     482             :         // change language and font if necessary
     483           4 :         if (bIsChineseConversion)
     484             :         {
     485           4 :             m_rWrtShell.SetMark();
     486           4 :             m_rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetMark()->nContent -= aNewTxt.getLength();
     487             : 
     488             :             OSL_ENSURE( GetTargetLanguage() == LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED || GetTargetLanguage() == LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL,
     489             :                     "SwHHCWrapper::ReplaceUnit : unexpected target language" );
     490             : 
     491             :             sal_uInt16 aRanges[] = {
     492             :                     RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE, RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE,
     493             :                     RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT,     RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT,
     494           4 :                     0, 0, 0  };
     495             : 
     496           4 :             SfxItemSet aSet( m_rWrtShell.GetAttrPool(), aRanges );
     497           4 :             if (pNewUnitLanguage)
     498             :             {
     499           2 :                 aSet.Put( SvxLanguageItem( *pNewUnitLanguage, RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE ) );
     500             :             }
     501             : 
     502           4 :             const vcl::Font *pTargetFont = GetTargetFont();
     503             :             OSL_ENSURE( pTargetFont, "target font missing?" );
     504           4 :             if (pTargetFont && pNewUnitLanguage)
     505             :             {
     506           0 :                 SvxFontItem aFontItem = (SvxFontItem&) aSet.Get( RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT );
     507           0 :                 aFontItem.SetFamilyName(    pTargetFont->GetName());
     508           0 :                 aFontItem.SetFamily(        pTargetFont->GetFamily());
     509           0 :                 aFontItem.SetStyleName(     pTargetFont->GetStyleName());
     510           0 :                 aFontItem.SetPitch(         pTargetFont->GetPitch());
     511           0 :                 aFontItem.SetCharSet( pTargetFont->GetCharSet() );
     512           0 :                 aSet.Put( aFontItem );
     513             :             }
     514             : 
     515           4 :             m_rWrtShell.SetAttrSet( aSet );
     516             : 
     517           4 :             m_rWrtShell.ClearMark();
     518             :         }
     519             : 
     520           4 :         m_rWrtShell.EndUndo( UNDO_OVERWRITE );
     521             :     }
     522             : 
     523           8 :     m_rWrtShell.EndAllAction();
     524             : }
     525             : 
     526           0 : bool SwHHCWrapper::HasRubySupport() const
     527             : {
     528           0 :     return true;
     529             : }
     530             : 
     531           8 : void SwHHCWrapper::Convert()
     532             : {
     533             :     OSL_ENSURE( m_pConvArgs == 0, "NULL pointer expected" );
     534             :     {
     535           8 :         SwPaM *pCrsr = m_pView->GetWrtShell().GetCrsr();
     536           8 :         SwPosition* pSttPos = pCrsr->Start();
     537           8 :         SwPosition* pEndPos = pCrsr->End();
     538             : 
     539          16 :         if (pSttPos->nNode.GetNode().IsTxtNode() &&
     540           8 :             pEndPos->nNode.GetNode().IsTxtNode())
     541             :         {
     542           8 :             m_pConvArgs = new SwConversionArgs( GetSourceLanguage(),
     543           8 :                             pSttPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode(), pSttPos->nContent,
     544          16 :                             pEndPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode(), pEndPos->nContent );
     545             :         }
     546             :         else    // we are not in the text (maybe a graphic or OLE object is selected) let's start from the top
     547             :         {
     548             :             // get PaM that points to the start of the document
     549           0 :             SwNode& rNode = m_pView->GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent();
     550           0 :             SwPaM aPam(rNode);
     551           0 :             aPam.Move( fnMoveBackward, fnGoDoc ); // move to start of document
     552             : 
     553           0 :             pSttPos = aPam.GetPoint();  //! using a PaM here makes sure we will get only text nodes
     554           0 :             SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = pSttPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
     555             :             // just in case we check anyway...
     556           0 :             if (!pTxtNode || !pTxtNode->IsTxtNode())
     557           8 :                 return;
     558           0 :             m_pConvArgs = new SwConversionArgs( GetSourceLanguage(),
     559             :                             pTxtNode, pSttPos->nContent,
     560           0 :                             pTxtNode, pSttPos->nContent );
     561             :         }
     562             :         OSL_ENSURE( m_pConvArgs->pStartNode && m_pConvArgs->pStartNode->IsTxtNode(),
     563             :                 "failed to get proper start text node" );
     564             :         OSL_ENSURE( m_pConvArgs->pEndNode && m_pConvArgs->pEndNode->IsTxtNode(),
     565             :                 "failed to get proper end text node" );
     566             : 
     567             :         // chinese conversion specific settings
     568             :         OSL_ENSURE( IsChinese( GetSourceLanguage() ) == IsChinese( GetTargetLanguage() ),
     569             :                 "source and target language mismatch?" );
     570           8 :         if (IsChinese( GetTargetLanguage() ))
     571             :         {
     572           8 :             m_pConvArgs->nConvTargetLang = GetTargetLanguage();
     573           8 :             m_pConvArgs->pTargetFont = GetTargetFont();
     574           8 :             m_pConvArgs->bAllowImplicitChangesForNotConvertibleText = true;
     575             :         }
     576             : 
     577             :         // if it is not just a selection and we are about to begin
     578             :         // with the current conversion for the very first time
     579             :         // we need to find the start of the current (initial)
     580             :         // convertible unit in order for the text conversion to give
     581             :         // the correct result for that. Since it is easier to obtain
     582             :         // the start of the word we use that though.
     583           8 :         if (!pCrsr->HasMark())   // is not a selection?
     584             :         {
     585             :             // since #118246 / #117803 still occurs if the cursor is placed
     586             :             // between the two chinese characters to be converted (because both
     587             :             // of them are words on their own!) using the word boundary here does
     588             :             // not work. Thus since chinese conversion is not interactive we start
     589             :             // at the begin of the paragraph to solve the problem, i.e. have the
     590             :             // TextConversion service get those characters together in the same call.
     591           8 :             sal_Int32 nStartIdx = -1;
     592           8 :             if (editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::IsChinese( GetSourceLanguage() ) )
     593           8 :                 nStartIdx = 0;
     594             :             else
     595             :             {
     596           0 :                 OUString aText( m_pConvArgs->pStartNode->GetTxt() );
     597           0 :                 const sal_Int32 nPos = m_pConvArgs->pStartIdx->GetIndex();
     598           0 :                 Boundary aBoundary( g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->
     599           0 :                         getWordBoundary( aText, nPos, g_pBreakIt->GetLocale( m_pConvArgs->nConvSrcLang ),
     600           0 :                                 WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, sal_True ) );
     601             : 
     602             :                 // valid result found?
     603           0 :                 if (aBoundary.startPos < aText.getLength() &&
     604           0 :                     aBoundary.startPos != aBoundary.endPos)
     605             :                 {
     606           0 :                     nStartIdx = aBoundary.startPos;
     607           0 :                 }
     608             :             }
     609             : 
     610           8 :             if (nStartIdx != -1)
     611           8 :                 *m_pConvArgs->pStartIdx = nStartIdx;
     612             :         }
     613             :     }
     614             : 
     615           8 :     if ( m_bIsOtherCntnt )
     616           0 :         ConvStart_impl( m_pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_OTHER );
     617             :     else
     618             :     {
     619           8 :         m_bStartChk = false;
     620           8 :         ConvStart_impl( m_pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_BODY_END );
     621             :     }
     622             : 
     623           8 :     ConvertDocument();
     624             : 
     625           8 :     ConvEnd_impl( m_pConvArgs );
     626             : }
     627             : 
     628           8 : bool SwHHCWrapper::ConvNext_impl( )
     629             : {
     630             :     //! modified version of SvxSpellWrapper::SpellNext
     631             : 
     632             :     // no change of direction so the desired region is fully processed
     633           8 :     if( m_bStartChk )
     634           0 :         m_bStartDone = true;
     635             :     else
     636           8 :         m_bEndDone = true;
     637             : 
     638           8 :     if( m_bIsOtherCntnt && m_bStartDone && m_bEndDone ) // document completely checked?
     639             :     {
     640           0 :         return false;
     641             :     }
     642             : 
     643           8 :     bool bGoOn = false;
     644             : 
     645           8 :     if ( m_bIsOtherCntnt )
     646             :     {
     647           0 :         m_bStartChk = false;
     648           0 :         ConvStart_impl( m_pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_BODY );
     649           0 :         bGoOn = true;
     650             :     }
     651           8 :     else if ( m_bStartDone && m_bEndDone )
     652             :     {
     653             :         // body region done, ask about special region
     654          16 :         if( HasOtherCnt_impl() )
     655             :         {
     656           0 :             ConvStart_impl( m_pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_OTHER );
     657           0 :             m_bIsOtherCntnt = bGoOn = true;
     658             :         }
     659             :     }
     660             :     else
     661             :     {
     662           0 :             m_bStartChk = !m_bStartDone;
     663           0 :             ConvStart_impl( m_pConvArgs, m_bStartChk ? SVX_SPELL_BODY_START : SVX_SPELL_BODY_END );
     664           0 :             bGoOn = true;
     665             :     }
     666           8 :     return bGoOn;
     667             : }
     668             : 
     669          12 : bool SwHHCWrapper::FindConvText_impl()
     670             : {
     671             :     //! modified version of SvxSpellWrapper::FindSpellError
     672             : 
     673          12 :     bool bFound = false;
     674             : 
     675          12 :     m_pWin->EnterWait();
     676          12 :     bool bConv = true;
     677             : 
     678          36 :     while ( bConv )
     679             :     {
     680          12 :         bFound = ConvContinue_impl( m_pConvArgs );
     681          12 :         if (bFound)
     682             :         {
     683           4 :             bConv = false;
     684             :         }
     685             :         else
     686             :         {
     687           8 :             ConvEnd_impl( m_pConvArgs );
     688           8 :             bConv = ConvNext_impl();
     689             :         }
     690             :     }
     691          12 :     m_pWin->LeaveWait();
     692          12 :     return bFound;
     693             : }
     694             : 
     695           8 : bool SwHHCWrapper::HasOtherCnt_impl()
     696             : {
     697           8 :     return m_bIsSelection ? false : m_rWrtShell.HasOtherCnt();
     698             : }
     699             : 
     700           8 : void SwHHCWrapper::ConvStart_impl( SwConversionArgs /* [out] */ *pConversionArgs, SvxSpellArea eArea )
     701             : {
     702           8 :     SetDrawObj( SVX_SPELL_OTHER == eArea );
     703           8 :     m_pView->SpellStart( eArea, m_bStartDone, m_bEndDone, /* [out] */ pConversionArgs );
     704           8 : }
     705             : 
     706          16 : void SwHHCWrapper::ConvEnd_impl( SwConversionArgs *pConversionArgs )
     707             : {
     708          16 :     m_pView->SpellEnd( pConversionArgs );
     709          16 : }
     710             : 
     711          12 : bool SwHHCWrapper::ConvContinue_impl( SwConversionArgs *pConversionArgs )
     712             : {
     713          12 :     bool bProgress = !m_bIsDrawObj && !m_bIsSelection;
     714          12 :     pConversionArgs->aConvText = OUString();
     715          12 :     pConversionArgs->nConvTextLang = LANGUAGE_NONE;
     716          12 :     m_pView->GetWrtShell().SpellContinue( &m_nPageCount, bProgress ? &m_nPageStart : NULL, pConversionArgs );
     717          12 :     return !pConversionArgs->aConvText.isEmpty();
     718         270 : }
     719             : 
     720             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10