LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - toolkit/source/helper - property.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 234 235 99.6 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 17 17 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <toolkit/helper/property.hxx>
      21             : #include <toolkit/helper/macros.hxx>
      22             : #include <osl/mutex.hxx>
      23             : 
      24             : #include <stdlib.h>
      25             : #include <tools/debug.hxx>
      26             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontWeight.hpp>
      27             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontSlant.hpp>
      28             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/CharSet.hpp>
      29             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontDescriptor.hpp>
      30             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontWidth.hpp>
      31             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontType.hpp>
      32             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontUnderline.hpp>
      33             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontStrikeout.hpp>
      34             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontPitch.hpp>
      35             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/XDevice.hpp>
      36             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/tree/XTreeDataModel.hpp>
      37             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/grid/XGridDataModel.hpp>
      38             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/grid/XGridColumnModel.hpp>
      39             : #include <com/sun/star/view/SelectionType.hpp>
      40             : #include <com/sun/star/style/VerticalAlignment.hpp>
      41             : #include <com/sun/star/util/XNumberFormatsSupplier.hpp>
      42             : #include <com/sun/star/util/Date.hpp>
      43             : #include <com/sun/star/util/Time.hpp>
      44             : #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
      45             : #include <com/sun/star/graphic/XGraphic.hpp>
      46             : #include <com/sun/star/resource/XStringResourceResolver.hpp>
      47             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
      48             : #include <comphelper/types.hxx>
      49             : #include <functional>
      50             : #include <algorithm>
      51             : 
      52             : using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any;
      53             : using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
      54             : using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
      55             : using ::com::sun::star::awt::XDevice;
      56             : using ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor;
      57             : using ::com::sun::star::style::VerticalAlignment;
      58             : using ::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic;
      59             : 
      60             : using namespace com::sun::star;
      61             : 
      62      206264 : struct ImplPropertyInfo
      63             : {
      64             :     OUString                 aName;
      65             :     sal_uInt16                      nPropId;
      66             :     ::com::sun::star::uno::Type     aType;
      67             :     sal_Int16                       nAttribs;
      68             :     bool                        bDependsOnOthers;   // eg. VALUE depends on MIN/MAX and must be set after MIN/MAX.
      69             : 
      70       20768 :     ImplPropertyInfo( OUString const & theName, sal_uInt16 nId, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type& rType,
      71             :                         sal_Int16 nAttrs, bool bDepends = false )
      72       20768 :      : aName( theName )
      73             :      {
      74       20768 :          nPropId = nId;
      75       20768 :         aType = rType;
      76       20768 :         nAttribs = nAttrs;
      77       20768 :            bDependsOnOthers = bDepends;
      78       20768 :      }
      79             : 
      80             : };
      81             : 
      82             : #define DECL_PROP_1( asciiname, id, type, attrib1 ) \
      83             :     ImplPropertyInfo( OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 )
      84             : #define DECL_PROP_2( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2 ) \
      85             :     ImplPropertyInfo( OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2 )
      86             : #define DECL_PROP_3( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2, attrib3 ) \
      87             :     ImplPropertyInfo( OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib3 )
      88             : 
      89             : #define DECL_DEP_PROP_2( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2 ) \
      90             :     ImplPropertyInfo( OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2, true )
      91             : #define DECL_DEP_PROP_3( asciiname, id, type, attrib1, attrib2, attrib3 ) \
      92             :     ImplPropertyInfo( OUString::createFromAscii( asciiname ), BASEPROPERTY_##id, ::getCppuType( static_cast< const type* >( NULL ) ), ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib1 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib2 | ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute::attrib3, true )
      93             : 
      94      711879 : ImplPropertyInfo* ImplGetPropertyInfos( sal_uInt16& rElementCount )
      95             : {
      96             :     static ImplPropertyInfo* pPropertyInfos = NULL;
      97             :     static sal_uInt16 nElements = 0;
      98      711879 :     if( !pPropertyInfos )
      99             :     {
     100         118 :         ::osl::Guard< ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
     101         118 :         if( !pPropertyInfos )
     102             :         {
     103             :             static ImplPropertyInfo aImplPropertyInfos [] =
     104             :             {
     105         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "AccessibleName",         ACCESSIBLENAME,     OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     106         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "Align",                  ALIGN,              sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     107         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Autocomplete",           AUTOCOMPLETE,       bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     108         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "AutoHScroll",            AUTOHSCROLL,        bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     109         118 :             DECL_PROP_1     ( "AutoMnemonics",          AUTOMNEMONICS,      bool,               BOUND ),
     110         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "AutoToggle",             AUTOTOGGLE,         bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     111         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "AutoVScroll",            AUTOVSCROLL,        bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     112         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "BackgroundColor",        BACKGROUNDCOLOR,    sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     113         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "BlockIncrement",         BLOCKINCREMENT,     sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     114         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "Border",                 BORDER,             sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     115         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "BorderColor",            BORDERCOLOR,        sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     116         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Closeable",              CLOSEABLE,          bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     117         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "CurrencySymbol",         CURRENCYSYMBOL,     OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     118         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "CustomUnitText",         CUSTOMUNITTEXT,     OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     119         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "Date",                   DATE,               util::Date,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     120         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DateFormat",             EXTDATEFORMAT,      sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     121         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DateMax",                DATEMAX,            util::Date,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     122         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DateMin",                DATEMIN,            util::Date,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     123         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "DateShowCentury",        DATESHOWCENTURY,    bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     124         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DecimalAccuracy",        DECIMALACCURACY,    sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     125         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DefaultButton",          DEFAULTBUTTON,      bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     126         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DefaultControl",         DEFAULTCONTROL,     OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     127         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DesktopAsParent",        DESKTOP_AS_PARENT,  bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     128         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DisplayBackgroundColor", DISPLAYBACKGROUNDCOLOR, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEVOID ),
     129         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Dropdown",               DROPDOWN,           bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     130         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "EchoChar",               ECHOCHAR,           sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     131         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "EditMask",               EDITMASK,           OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     132         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "EffectiveDefault",       EFFECTIVE_DEFAULT, Any,                BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     133         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "EffectiveMax",           EFFECTIVE_MAX,      double,             BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     134         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "EffectiveMin",           EFFECTIVE_MIN,      double,             BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     135         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "EffectiveValue",         EFFECTIVE_VALUE,    Any,                BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     136         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Enabled",                ENABLED,            bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     137         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "EnforceFormat",          ENFORCE_FORMAT,     bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     138         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "FillColor",              FILLCOLOR,          sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     139         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FocusOnClick",           FOCUSONCLICK,       bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     140         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontRelief",             FONTRELIEF,         sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     141         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontEmphasisMark",       FONTEMPHASISMARK,   sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     142         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontDescriptor",         FONTDESCRIPTOR,     FontDescriptor,     BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     143             : 
     144             :             // Teile des ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor
     145         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontName",               FONTDESCRIPTORPART_NAME,         OUString,BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     146         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontStyleName",          FONTDESCRIPTORPART_STYLENAME,    OUString,BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     147         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontFamily",             FONTDESCRIPTORPART_FAMILY,       sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     148         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontCharset",            FONTDESCRIPTORPART_CHARSET,      sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     149         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontHeight",             FONTDESCRIPTORPART_HEIGHT,       float,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     150         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontWidth",              FONTDESCRIPTORPART_WIDTH,        sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     151         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontPitch",              FONTDESCRIPTORPART_PITCH,        sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     152         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontWeight",             FONTDESCRIPTORPART_WEIGHT,       float,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     153         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontCharWidth",          FONTDESCRIPTORPART_CHARWIDTH,    float,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     154         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontOrientation",        FONTDESCRIPTORPART_ORIENTATION,  float,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     155         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontSlant",              FONTDESCRIPTORPART_SLANT,        sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     156         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontUnderline",          FONTDESCRIPTORPART_UNDERLINE,    sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     157         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontStrikeout",          FONTDESCRIPTORPART_STRIKEOUT,    sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     158         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontKerning",            FONTDESCRIPTORPART_KERNING,      bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     159         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontWordLineMode",       FONTDESCRIPTORPART_WORDLINEMODE, bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     160         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "FontType",               FONTDESCRIPTORPART_TYPE,         sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     161             : 
     162         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "FormatKey",              FORMATKEY,          sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEVOID, TRANSIENT ),
     163         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "FormatsSupplier",        FORMATSSUPPLIER,    Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier >, BOUND, MAYBEVOID, TRANSIENT ),
     164             : 
     165         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Graphic",                GRAPHIC,            Reference< XGraphic >, BOUND, TRANSIENT ),
     166         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "GroupName",              GROUPNAME,          OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     167         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "HelpText",               HELPTEXT,           OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     168         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "HelpURL",                HELPURL,            OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     169         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "HideInactiveSelection",  HIDEINACTIVESELECTION, bool,            BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     170         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "HighContrastMode",       HIGHCONTRASTMODE,   bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     171         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "HScroll",                HSCROLL,            bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     172         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "HardLineBreaks",         HARDLINEBREAKS,     bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     173         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ImageAlign",             IMAGEALIGN,         sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT),
     174         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ImagePosition",          IMAGEPOSITION,      sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT),
     175         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ImageURL",               IMAGEURL,           OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     176         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "ItemSeparatorPos",       ITEM_SEPARATOR_POS, sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     177         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Label",                  LABEL,              OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     178         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "LineColor",              LINECOLOR,          sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     179         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "LineCount",              LINECOUNT,          sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     180         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "LineEndFormat",          LINE_END_FORMAT,    sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     181         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "LineIncrement",          LINEINCREMENT,      sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     182         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "LiteralMask",            LITERALMASK,        OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     183         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "LiveScroll",             LIVE_SCROLL,        bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     184         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "MaxTextLen",             MAXTEXTLEN,         sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     185         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Moveable",               MOVEABLE,           bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     186         118 :             DECL_PROP_1     ( "MouseTransparent",       MOUSETRANSPARENT,   bool,               BOUND ),
     187         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "MultiLine",              MULTILINE,          bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     188         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "MultiSelection",         MULTISELECTION,     bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     189         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "MultiSelectionSimpleMode",   MULTISELECTION_SIMPLEMODE,    bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     190         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "NativeWidgetLook",       NATIVE_WIDGET_LOOK, bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     191         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "NoLabel",                NOLABEL,            bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     192         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Orientation",            ORIENTATION,        sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     193         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "PaintTransparent",       PAINTTRANSPARENT,   bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     194         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "PluginParent",           PLUGINPARENT,       sal_Int64,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     195         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "PrependCurrencySymbol",  CURSYM_POSITION,    bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     196         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Printable",              PRINTABLE,          bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     197         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "ProgressValue",          PROGRESSVALUE,      sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     198         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ProgressValueMax",       PROGRESSVALUE_MAX,  sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     199         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ProgressValueMin",       PROGRESSVALUE_MIN,  sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     200         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "PushButtonType",         PUSHBUTTONTYPE,     sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT),
     201         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ReadOnly",               READONLY,           bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     202         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Repeat",                 REPEAT,             bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     203         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "AutoRepeat",             AUTO_REPEAT,        sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     204         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "RepeatDelay",            REPEAT_DELAY,       sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     205         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScaleImage",             SCALEIMAGE,         bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     206         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScaleMode",              IMAGE_SCALE_MODE,   sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     207         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "ScrollValue",            SCROLLVALUE,        sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     208         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScrollValueMax",         SCROLLVALUE_MAX,    sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     209         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScrollValueMin",         SCROLLVALUE_MIN,    sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     210         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScrollWidth",            SCROLLWIDTH,        sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     211         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScrollHeight",           SCROLLHEIGHT,       sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     212         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScrollTop",              SCROLLTOP,          sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     213         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ScrollLeft",             SCROLLLEFT,         sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     214         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "SelectedItems",          SELECTEDITEMS,      Sequence<sal_Int16>, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     215         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ShowThousandsSeparator", NUMSHOWTHOUSANDSEP,     bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     216         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Sizeable",               SIZEABLE,               bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     217         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Spin",                   SPIN,                   bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     218         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "SpinIncrement",          SPININCREMENT,          sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     219         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "SpinValue",              SPINVALUE,              sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     220         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "SpinValueMax",           SPINVALUE_MAX,          sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     221         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "SpinValueMin",           SPINVALUE_MIN,          sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     222         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_2 ( "State",                  STATE,                  sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     223         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "StrictFormat",           STRICTFORMAT,           bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     224         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "StringItemList",         STRINGITEMLIST,         Sequence< OUString >, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     225         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "VisualEffect",           VISUALEFFECT,           sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     226         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "SymbolColor",            SYMBOL_COLOR,           sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     227         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "Tabstop",                TABSTOP,                bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     228         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Text",                   TEXT,                   OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     229         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "TextColor",              TEXTCOLOR,              sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     230         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "TextLineColor",          TEXTLINECOLOR,          sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     231         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "Time",                   TIME,                   util::Time,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     232         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "TimeFormat",             EXTTIMEFORMAT,          sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     233         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "TimeMax",                TIMEMAX,                util::Time,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     234         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "TimeMin",                TIMEMIN,                util::Time,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     235         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Title",                  TITLE,                  OUString, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     236         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Toggle",                 TOGGLE,                 bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     237         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "TreatAsNumber",          TREATASNUMBER,          bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT,TRANSIENT ),
     238         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "TriState",               TRISTATE,               bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     239         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Unit",                   UNIT,                   sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     240         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "VScroll",                VSCROLL,                bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     241         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "Value",                  VALUE_DOUBLE,           double,         BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     242         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ValueMax",               VALUEMAX_DOUBLE,        double,         BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     243         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ValueMin",               VALUEMIN_DOUBLE,        double,         BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     244         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ValueStep",              VALUESTEP_DOUBLE,       double,         BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     245         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "VerticalAlign",          VERTICALALIGN,          VerticalAlignment, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     246         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "VisibleSize",            VISIBLESIZE,            sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     247         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Activated",              ACTIVATED,              sal_Bool,       BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     248         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Complete",               COMPLETE,               sal_Bool,       BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     249         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "CurrentItemID",          CURRENTITEMID,          sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     250             : 
     251         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "MouseWheelBehavior",     MOUSE_WHEEL_BEHAVIOUR,  sal_Int16,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     252         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "StepTime",               STEP_TIME,              sal_Int32,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     253         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Decoration",             DECORATION,             sal_Bool,       BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     254             : 
     255         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "SelectionType",          TREE_SELECTIONTYPE,     ::com::sun::star::view::SelectionType,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     256         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "Editable",               TREE_EDITABLE,          sal_Bool,       BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     257         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "DataModel",              TREE_DATAMODEL,         Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::tree::XTreeDataModel >,       BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     258         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "RootDisplayed",          TREE_ROOTDISPLAYED,     sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     259         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ShowsHandles",           TREE_SHOWSHANDLES,      sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     260         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ShowsRootHandles",       TREE_SHOWSROOTHANDLES,  sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     261         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "RowHeight",              ROW_HEIGHT,             sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     262         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "InvokesStopNodeEditing", TREE_INVOKESSTOPNODEEDITING, sal_Bool,      BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     263         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "DialogSourceURL",        DIALOGSOURCEURL,        OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     264         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "URL",                    URL,                    OUString,    BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     265         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "WritingMode",            WRITING_MODE,           sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     266         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "ContextWritingMode",     CONTEXT_WRITING_MODE,   sal_Int16,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, TRANSIENT ),
     267         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ShowRowHeader",          GRID_SHOWROWHEADER,     sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     268         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "RowHeaderWidth",         ROW_HEADER_WIDTH,       sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     269         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "ShowColumnHeader",       GRID_SHOWCOLUMNHEADER,  sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     270         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "ColumnHeaderHeight",     COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT,   sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     271         118 :             DECL_PROP_1     ( "GridDataModel",          GRID_DATAMODEL,         Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::grid::XGridDataModel >,          BOUND ),
     272         118 :             DECL_PROP_1     ( "ColumnModel",            GRID_COLUMNMODEL,       Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::grid::XGridColumnModel >,          BOUND ),
     273         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "SelectionModel",         GRID_SELECTIONMODE,     ::com::sun::star::view::SelectionType,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     274         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "EnableVisible",          ENABLEVISIBLE,          sal_Bool,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     275         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "ReferenceDevice",        REFERENCE_DEVICE,       Reference< XDevice >,BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, TRANSIENT ),
     276         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "HeaderBackgroundColor",  GRID_HEADER_BACKGROUND,     sal_Int32,              BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     277         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "HeaderTextColor",        GRID_HEADER_TEXT_COLOR,     sal_Int32,              BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     278         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "GridLineColor",          GRID_LINE_COLOR,            sal_Int32,              BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     279         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "RowBackgroundColors",    GRID_ROW_BACKGROUND_COLORS, Sequence< sal_Int32 >,  BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     280         118 :             DECL_PROP_2     ( "UseGridLines",           USE_GRID_LINES,             sal_Bool,               BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ),
     281         118 :             DECL_DEP_PROP_3 ( "MultiPageValue",          MULTIPAGEVALUE,      sal_Int32,          BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     282         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "AllDialogChildren",                USERFORMCONTAINEES,                Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >,           BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     283         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "ActiveSelectionBackgroundColor",     ACTIVE_SEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR,    sal_Int32,  BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     284         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "InactiveSelectionBackgroundColor",   INACTIVE_SEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR,  sal_Int32,  BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     285         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "ActiveSelectionTextColor",           ACTIVE_SEL_TEXT_COLOR,          sal_Int32,  BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     286         118 :             DECL_PROP_3     ( "InactiveSelectionTextColor",         INACTIVE_SEL_TEXT_COLOR,        sal_Int32,  BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT, MAYBEVOID ),
     287       21004 :     };
     288         118 :             pPropertyInfos = aImplPropertyInfos;
     289         118 :             nElements = sizeof( aImplPropertyInfos ) / sizeof( ImplPropertyInfo );
     290         118 :         }
     291             :     }
     292      711879 :     rElementCount = nElements;
     293      711879 :     return pPropertyInfos;
     294             : }
     295             : 
     296             : 
     297             : struct ImplPropertyInfoCompareFunctor : ::std::binary_function<ImplPropertyInfo,OUString,bool>
     298             : {
     299      172988 :     inline bool operator()(const ImplPropertyInfo& lhs,const ImplPropertyInfo& rhs) const
     300             :     {
     301      172988 :         return lhs.aName.compareTo(rhs.aName) < 0;
     302             :     }
     303     3204551 :     inline bool operator()(const ImplPropertyInfo& lhs,const OUString& rhs)  const
     304             :     {
     305     3204551 :         return lhs.aName.compareTo(rhs) < 0;
     306             :     }
     307             : };
     308             : 
     309      711761 : void ImplAssertValidPropertyArray()
     310             : {
     311             :     static bool bSorted = false;
     312      711761 :     if( !bSorted )
     313             :     {
     314             :         sal_uInt16 nElements;
     315         118 :         ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements );
     316         118 :         ::std::sort(pInfos, pInfos+nElements,ImplPropertyInfoCompareFunctor());
     317         118 :         bSorted = true;
     318             :     }
     319      711761 : }
     320             : 
     321      424417 : sal_uInt16 GetPropertyId( const OUString& rPropertyName )
     322             : {
     323      424417 :     ImplAssertValidPropertyArray();
     324             : 
     325             :     sal_uInt16 nElements;
     326      424417 :     ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements );
     327      424417 :     ImplPropertyInfo* pInf = ::std::lower_bound(pInfos,pInfos+nElements,rPropertyName,ImplPropertyInfoCompareFunctor());
     328             : /*
     329             :         (ImplPropertyInfo*)
     330             :                                 bsearch( &aSearch, pInfos, nElements, sizeof( ImplPropertyInfo ), ImplPropertyInfoCompare );
     331             : */
     332             : 
     333      424417 :     return ( pInf && pInf != (pInfos+nElements) && pInf->aName == rPropertyName) ? pInf->nPropId: 0;
     334             : }
     335             : 
     336      278876 : const ImplPropertyInfo* ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId )
     337             : {
     338      278876 :     ImplAssertValidPropertyArray();
     339             : 
     340             :     sal_uInt16 nElements;
     341      278876 :     ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements );
     342             :     sal_uInt16 n;
     343      278876 :     for ( n = 0; n < nElements && pInfos[n].nPropId != nPropertyId; ++n)
     344             :         ;
     345             : 
     346      278876 :     return (n < nElements) ? &pInfos[n] : NULL;
     347             : }
     348             : 
     349        8468 : sal_uInt16 GetPropertyOrderNr( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId )
     350             : {
     351        8468 :     ImplAssertValidPropertyArray();
     352             : 
     353             :     sal_uInt16 nElements;
     354        8468 :     ImplPropertyInfo* pInfos = ImplGetPropertyInfos( nElements );
     355      866302 :     for ( sal_uInt16 n = nElements; n; )
     356             :     {
     357      857834 :         if ( pInfos[--n].nPropId == nPropertyId )
     358        8468 :             return n;
     359             :     }
     360           0 :     return 0xFFFF;
     361             : }
     362             : 
     363       61245 : const OUString& GetPropertyName( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId )
     364             : {
     365       61245 :     const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId );
     366             :     assert(pImplPropertyInfo && "Invalid PropertyId!");
     367       61245 :     return pImplPropertyInfo->aName;
     368             : }
     369             : 
     370       73193 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type* GetPropertyType( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId )
     371             : {
     372       73193 :     const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId );
     373             :     DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" );
     374       73193 :     return pImplPropertyInfo ? &pImplPropertyInfo->aType : NULL;
     375             : }
     376             : 
     377      110176 : sal_Int16 GetPropertyAttribs( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId )
     378             : {
     379      110176 :     const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId );
     380             :     DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" );
     381      110176 :     return pImplPropertyInfo ? pImplPropertyInfo->nAttribs : 0;
     382             : }
     383             : 
     384       34262 : bool DoesDependOnOthers( sal_uInt16 nPropertyId )
     385             : {
     386       34262 :     const ImplPropertyInfo* pImplPropertyInfo = ImplGetImplPropertyInfo( nPropertyId );
     387             :     DBG_ASSERT( pImplPropertyInfo, "Invalid PropertyId!" );
     388       34262 :     return pImplPropertyInfo ? pImplPropertyInfo->bDependsOnOthers : sal_False;
     389             : }
     390             : 
     391       67373 : bool CompareProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& r1, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& r2 )
     392             : {
     393       67373 :     return ::comphelper::compare( r1, r2 );
     394             : }
     395             : 
     396             : 
     397             : 
     398             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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