LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - xmloff/source/chart - SchXMLTools.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 266 420 63.3 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 22 28 78.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include "SchXMLTools.hxx"
      21             : 
      22             : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
      23             : #include <comphelper/InlineContainer.hxx>
      24             : #include <xmloff/xmluconv.hxx>
      25             : #include <xmloff/xmlement.hxx>
      26             : #include <xmloff/xmlimppr.hxx>
      27             : #include <xmloff/prstylei.hxx>
      28             : #include <xmloff/xmlprmap.hxx>
      29             : #include <xmloff/xmlexp.hxx>
      30             : #include <xmloff/xmlnmspe.hxx>
      31             : #include <xmloff/xmlmetai.hxx>
      32             : #include <xmloff/maptype.hxx>
      33             : 
      34             : #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
      35             : #include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>
      36             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/LabeledDataSequence.hpp>
      37             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XDataProvider.hpp>
      38             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XDataReceiver.hpp>
      39             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XRangeXMLConversion.hpp>
      40             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/XChartDocument.hpp>
      41             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/XCoordinateSystemContainer.hpp>
      42             : #include <com/sun/star/chart2/XRegressionCurveContainer.hpp>
      43             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XChild.hpp>
      44             : #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentProperties.hpp>
      45             : #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp>
      46             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceName.hpp>
      47             : 
      48             : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
      49             : 
      50             : using namespace com::sun::star;
      51             : using namespace ::xmloff::token;
      52             : 
      53             : using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
      54             : using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
      55             : 
      56             : namespace
      57             : {
      58             : 
      59        3698 : OUString lcl_getGeneratorFromModel( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel )
      60             : {
      61        3698 :     OUString aGenerator;
      62        7396 :     uno::Reference< document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xChartDocumentPropertiesSupplier( xChartModel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
      63        3698 :     if( )
      64             :     {
      65             :         uno::Reference< document::XDocumentProperties > xChartDocumentProperties(
      66        3572 :             xChartDocumentPropertiesSupplier->getDocumentProperties());
      67        3572 :         if( )
      68        3572 :             aGenerator =  xChartDocumentProperties->getGenerator();
      69             :     }
      70        7396 :     return aGenerator;
      71             : }
      72             : 
      73         318 : OUString lcl_getGeneratorFromModelOrItsParent( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel )
      74             : {
      75         318 :     OUString aGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModel(xChartModel) );
      76         318 :     if( aGenerator.isEmpty() ) //try to get the missing info from the parent document
      77             :     {
      78          82 :         uno::Reference< container::XChild > xChild( xChartModel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
      79          82 :         if( )
      80          82 :             aGenerator = lcl_getGeneratorFromModel( uno::Reference< frame::XModel >( xChild->getParent(), uno::UNO_QUERY) );
      81             :     }
      82         318 :     return aGenerator;
      83             : }
      84             : 
      85           0 : sal_Int32 lcl_getBuildIDFromGenerator( const OUString& rGenerator )
      86             : {
      87             :     //returns -1 if nothing found
      88           0 :     sal_Int32 nBuildId = -1;
      89           0 :     const OUString sBuildCompare(  "$Build-"  );
      90           0 :     sal_Int32 nBegin = rGenerator.indexOf( sBuildCompare );
      91           0 :     if( nBegin >= 0 )
      92             :     {
      93           0 :         OUString sBuildId( rGenerator.copy( nBegin + sBuildCompare.getLength() ) );
      94           0 :         nBuildId = sBuildId.toInt32();
      95             :     }
      96           0 :     return nBuildId;
      97             : }
      98             : 
      99        1064 : OUString lcl_ConvertRange( const OUString & rRange, const Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider >& xDataProvider )
     100             : {
     101        1064 :     OUString aResult = rRange;
     102        2128 :     Reference< chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion > xRangeConversion( xDataProvider, uno::UNO_QUERY );
     103        1064 :     if(
     104        1064 :         aResult = xRangeConversion->convertRangeFromXML( rRange );
     105        2128 :     return aResult;
     106             : }
     107             : 
     108           0 : Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > lcl_createNewSequenceFromCachedXMLRange( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence >& xSeq, const Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider >& xDataProvider )
     109             : {
     110           0 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xRet;
     111           0 :     OUString aRange;
     112           0 :     if( && SchXMLTools::getXMLRangePropertyFromDataSequence( xSeq, aRange, /* bClearProp = */ true ) )
     113             :     {
     114           0 :         xRet.set( xDataProvider->createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation(
     115           0 :             lcl_ConvertRange( aRange, xDataProvider )) );
     116             :         SchXMLTools::copyProperties( Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( xSeq, uno::UNO_QUERY ),
     117           0 :             Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( xRet, uno::UNO_QUERY ));
     118             :     }
     119           0 :     return xRet;
     120             : }
     121             : 
     122             : } // anonymous namespace
     123             : 
     124             : namespace SchXMLTools
     125             : {
     126             : 
     127             : static const SvXMLEnumMapEntry aXMLChartClassMap[] =
     128             : {
     129             :     { XML_LINE,         XML_CHART_CLASS_LINE    },
     130             :     { XML_AREA,         XML_CHART_CLASS_AREA    },
     131             :     { XML_CIRCLE,       XML_CHART_CLASS_CIRCLE  },
     132             :     { XML_RING,         XML_CHART_CLASS_RING    },
     133             :     { XML_SCATTER,      XML_CHART_CLASS_SCATTER },
     134             :     { XML_RADAR,        XML_CHART_CLASS_RADAR   },
     135             :     { XML_FILLED_RADAR, XML_CHART_CLASS_FILLED_RADAR },
     136             :     { XML_BAR,          XML_CHART_CLASS_BAR     },
     137             :     { XML_STOCK,        XML_CHART_CLASS_STOCK   },
     138             :     { XML_BUBBLE,       XML_CHART_CLASS_BUBBLE  },
     139             :     { XML_GL3DBAR,      XML_CHART_CLASS_GL3DBAR },
     140             :     { XML_SURFACE,      XML_CHART_CLASS_BAR     }, //@todo change this if a surface chart is available
     141             :     { XML_ADD_IN,       XML_CHART_CLASS_ADDIN   },
     142             :     { XML_TOKEN_INVALID, XML_CHART_CLASS_UNKNOWN }
     143             : };
     144             : 
     145         244 : SchXMLChartTypeEnum GetChartTypeEnum( const OUString& rClassName )
     146             : {
     147         244 :     sal_uInt16 nEnumVal = XML_CHART_CLASS_UNKNOWN;
     148         244 :     if( !SvXMLUnitConverter::convertEnum(
     149         244 :                                     nEnumVal, rClassName, aXMLChartClassMap ) )
     150           0 :         nEnumVal = XML_CHART_CLASS_UNKNOWN;
     151         244 :     return SchXMLChartTypeEnum(nEnumVal);
     152             : }
     153             : 
     154             : typedef ::comphelper::MakeMap< OUString, OUString > tMakeStringStringMap;
     155             : //static
     156           0 : const tMakeStringStringMap& lcl_getChartTypeNameMap()
     157             : {
     158             :     //shape property -- chart model object property
     159             :     static const tMakeStringStringMap g_aChartTypeNameMap =
     160             :         tMakeStringStringMap
     161             :         ( OUString( "" )
     162             :         , OUString( "" ) )
     163             : 
     164             :         ( OUString( "" )
     165           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     166             : 
     167             :         ( OUString( "" )
     168           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     169             : 
     170             :         ( OUString( "" )
     171           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     172             : 
     173             :         ( OUString( "" )
     174           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     175             : 
     176             :         ( OUString( "" )
     177           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     178             : 
     179             :         ( OUString( "" )
     180           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     181             : 
     182             :         ( OUString( "" )
     183           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     184             : 
     185             :         ( OUString( "" )
     186           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     187             : 
     188             :         ( OUString( "" )
     189           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     190             : 
     191             :         ( OUString( "" )
     192           0 :         , OUString( "" ) )
     193             : 
     194             :         ;
     195           0 :     return g_aChartTypeNameMap;
     196             : }
     197             : 
     198           0 : OUString GetNewChartTypeName( const OUString & rOldChartTypeName )
     199             : {
     200           0 :     OUString aNew(rOldChartTypeName);
     201             : 
     202           0 :     const tMakeStringStringMap& rMap = lcl_getChartTypeNameMap();
     203           0 :     tMakeStringStringMap::const_iterator aIt( rMap.find( rOldChartTypeName ));
     204           0 :     if( aIt != rMap.end())
     205             :     {
     206           0 :         aNew = aIt->second;
     207             :     }
     208           0 :     return aNew;
     209             : }
     210             : 
     211         974 : OUString GetChartTypeByClassName(
     212             :     const OUString & rClassName, bool bUseOldNames )
     213             : {
     214         974 :     OUStringBuffer aResultBuffer;
     215         974 :     bool bInternalType = false;
     216             : 
     217         974 :     if( bUseOldNames )
     218         244 :         aResultBuffer.append( "");
     219             :     else
     220         730 :         aResultBuffer.append( "");
     221             : 
     222         974 :     bInternalType = true;
     223             : 
     224         974 :     if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_LINE ))
     225         138 :         aResultBuffer.append("Line");
     226         836 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_AREA ))
     227          28 :         aResultBuffer.append("Area");
     228         808 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_BAR ))
     229             :     {
     230         528 :         if( bUseOldNames )
     231         116 :             aResultBuffer.append("Bar");
     232             :         else
     233             :         {
     234         412 :             aResultBuffer.append("Column");
     235             :             // @todo: might be Bar
     236             :         }
     237             :     }
     238         280 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_CIRCLE ))
     239          68 :         aResultBuffer.append("Pie");
     240         212 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_RING ))
     241          16 :         aResultBuffer.append("Donut");
     242         196 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_SCATTER ))
     243             :     {
     244         172 :         if( bUseOldNames )
     245          52 :             aResultBuffer.append("XY");
     246             :         else
     247         120 :             aResultBuffer.append("Scatter");
     248             :     }
     249             : 
     250          24 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_BUBBLE ))
     251           0 :         aResultBuffer.append("Bubble");
     252          24 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_RADAR ))
     253           0 :         aResultBuffer.append("Net");
     254          24 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_FILLED_RADAR ))
     255          16 :         aResultBuffer.append("FilledNet");
     256           8 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_STOCK ))
     257             :     {
     258           8 :         if( bUseOldNames )
     259           4 :             aResultBuffer.append("Stock");
     260             :         else
     261           4 :             aResultBuffer.append("CandleStick");
     262             :     }
     263           0 :     else if( IsXMLToken( rClassName, XML_SURFACE ))
     264             :     {
     265             :         //@todo change this if a surface chart is available
     266           0 :         if( bUseOldNames )
     267           0 :             aResultBuffer.append("Bar");
     268             :         else
     269           0 :             aResultBuffer.append("Column");
     270             :     }
     271           0 :     else if (IsXMLToken(rClassName, XML_GL3DBAR))
     272           0 :         aResultBuffer.append("GL3DBar");
     273             :     else
     274           0 :         bInternalType = false;
     275             : 
     276         974 :     if( ! bInternalType )
     277           0 :         return OUString();
     278             : 
     279         974 :     if( bUseOldNames )
     280         244 :         aResultBuffer.append("Diagram");
     281             :     else
     282         730 :         aResultBuffer.append("ChartType");
     283             : 
     284         974 :     return aResultBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
     285             : 
     286             : }
     287             : 
     288        1778 : XMLTokenEnum getTokenByChartType(
     289             :     const OUString & rChartTypeService, bool bUseOldNames )
     290             : {
     291        1778 :     XMLTokenEnum eResult = XML_TOKEN_INVALID;
     292        3556 :     OUString aPrefix, aPostfix;
     293             : 
     294        1778 :     if( bUseOldNames )
     295             :     {
     296         544 :         aPrefix = "";
     297         544 :         aPostfix = "Diagram";
     298             :     }
     299             :     else
     300             :     {
     301        1234 :         aPrefix = "";
     302        1234 :         aPostfix = "ChartType";
     303             :     }
     304             : 
     305        1778 :     if( rChartTypeService.match( aPrefix ))
     306             :     {
     307        1778 :         sal_Int32 nSkip = aPrefix.getLength();
     308             :         SAL_WARN_IF( rChartTypeService.getLength() < nSkip, "xmloff.chart", "ChartTypeService.getLength() < nSkip" );
     309        1778 :         sal_Int32 nTypeLength = rChartTypeService.getLength() - nSkip - aPostfix.getLength();
     310             :         // if postfix matches and leaves a non-empty type
     311        1778 :         if( nTypeLength > 0 && rChartTypeService.match( aPostfix, nSkip + nTypeLength ))
     312             :         {
     313        1778 :             OUString aServiceName( rChartTypeService.copy( nSkip, nTypeLength ));
     314             : 
     315        1778 :             if ( aServiceName == "Line" )
     316         196 :                 eResult = XML_LINE;
     317        1582 :             else if ( aServiceName == "Area" )
     318          60 :                 eResult = XML_AREA;
     319        3886 :             else if( aServiceName == "Bar" ||
     320        2250 :                      (!bUseOldNames && aServiceName == "Column"))
     321        1154 :                 eResult = XML_BAR;
     322         368 :             else if ( aServiceName == "Pie" )
     323         180 :                 eResult = XML_CIRCLE;
     324         188 :             else if ( aServiceName == "Donut" )
     325          24 :                 eResult = XML_RING;
     326         400 :             else if( (bUseOldNames && aServiceName == "XY") ||
     327         216 :                      (!bUseOldNames && aServiceName == "Scatter"))
     328         116 :                 eResult = XML_SCATTER;
     329          48 :             else if ( aServiceName == "Bubble" )
     330           0 :                 eResult = XML_BUBBLE;
     331          48 :             else if ( aServiceName == "Net" )
     332           0 :                 eResult = XML_RADAR;
     333          48 :             else if ( aServiceName == "FilledNet" )
     334          36 :                 eResult = XML_FILLED_RADAR;
     335          24 :             else if( (bUseOldNames && aServiceName == "Stock") ||
     336           0 :                      (!bUseOldNames && aServiceName == "CandleStick"))
     337          12 :                 eResult = XML_STOCK;
     338           0 :             else if (aServiceName == "GL3DBar")
     339           0 :                 eResult = XML_GL3DBAR;
     340             :         }
     341             :     }
     342             : 
     343        1778 :     if( eResult == XML_TOKEN_INVALID && !rChartTypeService.isEmpty() )
     344           0 :         eResult = XML_ADD_IN;
     345             : 
     346        3556 :     return eResult;
     347             : }
     348             : 
     349         784 : Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence2 > GetNewLabeledDataSequence()
     350             : {
     351         784 :     Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
     352         784 :     Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence2 > xResult = chart2::data::LabeledDataSequence::create(xContext);
     353         784 :     return xResult;
     354             : }
     355             : 
     356        1064 : Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > CreateDataSequence(
     357             :         const OUString & rRange,
     358             :         const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument >& xChartDoc )
     359             : {
     360        1064 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xRet;
     361             : 
     362        1064 :     if( ! )
     363             :     {
     364             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "need a chart document" );
     365           0 :         return xRet;
     366             :     }
     367             : 
     368        2128 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > xDataProvider( xChartDoc->getDataProvider() );
     369        1064 :     if( ! )
     370             :     {
     371             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "need a data provider" );
     372           0 :         return xRet;
     373             :     }
     374             : 
     375        1064 :     bool bUseInternal = false;
     376        2128 :     uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet(xDataProvider, uno::UNO_QUERY);
     377        1064 :     if (
     378             :     {
     379             :         try
     380             :         {
     381         172 :             bool bVal = false;
     382         172 :             uno::Any any = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("UseInternalDataProvider");
     383         172 :             if (any >>= bVal)
     384         172 :                 bUseInternal = static_cast<bool>(bVal);
     385             :         }
     386           0 :         catch (const beans::UnknownPropertyException&)
     387             :         {
     388             :             // Do nothing
     389             :         }
     390             :     }
     391             : 
     392        1064 :     if (!bUseInternal)
     393             :     {
     394             :         try
     395             :         {
     396        1064 :             xRet.set( xDataProvider->createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation( lcl_ConvertRange( rRange, xDataProvider )));
     397        1064 :             SchXMLTools::setXMLRangePropertyAtDataSequence( xRet, rRange );
     398             :         }
     399           0 :         catch( const lang::IllegalArgumentException & )
     400             :         {
     401             :             SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "could not create data sequence" );
     402             :         }
     403             :     }
     404             : 
     405        1064 :     if( ! && !xChartDoc->hasInternalDataProvider() && !rRange.isEmpty() )
     406             :     {
     407             :         //#i103911# switch to internal data in case the parent cannot provide the requested data
     408           0 :         xChartDoc->createInternalDataProvider( sal_True /* bCloneExistingData */ );
     409           0 :         xDataProvider = xChartDoc->getDataProvider();
     410             :         try
     411             :         {
     412           0 :             xRet.set( xDataProvider->createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation( lcl_ConvertRange( rRange, xDataProvider )));
     413           0 :             SchXMLTools::setXMLRangePropertyAtDataSequence( xRet, rRange );
     414             :         }
     415           0 :         catch( const lang::IllegalArgumentException & )
     416             :         {
     417             :             SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "could not create data sequence" );
     418             :         }
     419             :     }
     420        1064 :     return xRet;
     421             : }
     422             : 
     423           4 : Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > CreateDataSequenceWithoutConvert(
     424             :         const OUString & rRange,
     425             :         const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument >& xChartDoc )
     426             : {
     427           4 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xRet;
     428             : 
     429           4 :     if( ! )
     430             :     {
     431             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "need a chart document" );
     432           0 :         return xRet;
     433             :     }
     434             : 
     435           8 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > xDataProvider( xChartDoc->getDataProvider() );
     436           4 :     if( ! )
     437             :     {
     438             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "need a data provider" );
     439           0 :         return xRet;
     440             :     }
     441             : 
     442             :     try
     443             :     {
     444           4 :         xRet.set( xDataProvider->createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation( rRange ) );
     445           4 :         SchXMLTools::setXMLRangePropertyAtDataSequence( xRet, rRange );
     446             :     }
     447           0 :     catch( const lang::IllegalArgumentException & )
     448             :     {
     449             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "could not create data sequence" );
     450             :     }
     451             : 
     452           4 :     return xRet;
     453             : }
     454             : 
     455         182 : void CreateCategories(
     456             :     const uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > & xDataProvider,
     457             :     const uno::Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > & xNewDoc,
     458             :     const OUString & rRangeAddress,
     459             :     sal_Int32 nCooSysIndex,
     460             :     sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex,
     461             :     tSchXMLLSequencesPerIndex * pLSequencesPerIndex )
     462             : {
     463             :     try
     464             :     {
     465         182 :         if( && !rRangeAddress.isEmpty())
     466             :         {
     467         182 :             if(
     468             :             {
     469         182 :                 uno::Reference< chart2::XDiagram > xDia( xNewDoc->getFirstDiagram());
     470         182 :                 if( !
     471         182 :                     return;
     472             : 
     473         364 :                 uno::Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystemContainer > xCooSysCnt( xDia, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     474             :                 uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystem > >
     475         364 :                     aCooSysSeq( xCooSysCnt->getCoordinateSystems());
     476         182 :                 if( nCooSysIndex < aCooSysSeq.getLength())
     477             :                 {
     478         182 :                     uno::Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystem > xCooSys( aCooSysSeq[nCooSysIndex] );
     479             :                     SAL_WARN_IF( !, "xmloff.chart", "xCooSys is NULL");
     480         182 :                     if( nDimensionIndex < xCooSys->getDimension() )
     481             :                     {
     482         182 :                         const sal_Int32 nMaxAxisIndex = xCooSys->getMaximumAxisIndexByDimension(nDimensionIndex);
     483         378 :                         for(sal_Int32 nI=0; nI<=nMaxAxisIndex; ++nI)
     484             :                         {
     485         196 :                             uno::Reference< chart2::XAxis > xAxis( xCooSys->getAxisByDimension( nDimensionIndex, nI ));
     486         196 :                             if( )
     487             :                             {
     488         196 :                                 chart2::ScaleData aData( xAxis->getScaleData());
     489             :                                 uno::Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xLabeledSeq(
     490         392 :                                     GetNewLabeledDataSequence(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
     491             :                                 try
     492             :                                 {
     493         196 :                                     OUString aConvertedRange( rRangeAddress );
     494         196 :                                     bool bRangeConverted = false;
     495         196 :                                     if( ! (xNewDoc->hasInternalDataProvider() && aConvertedRange == "categories"))
     496             :                                     {
     497         188 :                                         Reference< chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion > xXMLConv( xDataProvider, uno::UNO_QUERY );
     498         188 :                                         if(
     499             :                                         {
     500         188 :                                             aConvertedRange = xXMLConv->convertRangeFromXML( rRangeAddress );
     501         188 :                                             bRangeConverted = true;
     502         188 :                                         }
     503             :                                     }
     504             :                                     Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xSeq(
     505         392 :                                         xDataProvider->createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation( aConvertedRange ));
     506         196 :                                     xLabeledSeq->setValues( xSeq );
     507         196 :                                     if( bRangeConverted )
     508         384 :                                         setXMLRangePropertyAtDataSequence( xSeq, rRangeAddress );
     509             :                                 }
     510           0 :                                 catch( const lang::IllegalArgumentException & ex )
     511             :                                 {
     512             :                                     SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "IllegalArgumentException caught, Message: " << ex.Message );
     513             :                                 }
     514         196 :                                 aData.Categories.set( xLabeledSeq );
     515         196 :                                 if( pLSequencesPerIndex )
     516             :                                 {
     517             :                                     // register for setting local data if external data provider is not present
     518             :                                     pLSequencesPerIndex->insert(
     519             :                                         tSchXMLLSequencesPerIndex::value_type(
     520         188 :                                             tSchXMLIndexWithPart( SCH_XML_CATEGORIES_INDEX, SCH_XML_PART_VALUES ), xLabeledSeq ));
     521             :                                 }
     522         392 :                                 xAxis->setScaleData( aData );
     523             :                             }
     524         196 :                         }
     525         182 :                     }
     526         182 :                 }
     527             :             }
     528             :         }
     529             :     }
     530           0 :     catch( uno::Exception & )
     531             :     {
     532             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "Exception caught while creating Categories" );
     533             :     }
     534             : }
     535             : 
     536        2494 : uno::Any getPropertyFromContext( const OUString& rPropertyName, const XMLPropStyleContext* pPropStyleContext, const SvXMLStylesContext* pStylesCtxt )
     537             : {
     538        2494 :     uno::Any aRet;
     539        2494 :     if( !pPropStyleContext || !pStylesCtxt )
     540           0 :         return aRet;
     541        2494 :     const ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rProperties = pPropStyleContext->GetProperties();
     542        2494 :     const rtl::Reference< XMLPropertySetMapper >& rMapper = pStylesCtxt->GetImportPropertyMapper( pPropStyleContext->GetFamily()/*XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SCH_CHART_ID*/ )->getPropertySetMapper();
     543        2494 :     ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::const_iterator aEnd( rProperties.end() );
     544        2494 :     ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::const_iterator aPropIter( rProperties.begin() );
     545       21092 :     for( aPropIter = rProperties.begin(); aPropIter != aEnd; ++aPropIter )
     546             :     {
     547       19580 :         sal_Int32 nIdx = aPropIter->mnIndex;
     548       19580 :         if( nIdx == -1 )
     549           0 :             continue;
     550       19580 :         OUString aPropName = rMapper->GetEntryAPIName( nIdx );
     551       19580 :         if(rPropertyName.equals(aPropName))
     552         982 :             return aPropIter->maValue;
     553       18598 :     }
     554        1512 :     return aRet;
     555             : }
     556             : 
     557       11712 : void exportText( SvXMLExport& rExport, const OUString& rText, bool bConvertTabsLFs )
     558             : {
     559             :     SvXMLElementExport aPara( rExport, XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT,
     560       11712 :                               ::xmloff::token::GetXMLToken( ::xmloff::token::XML_P ),
     561       11712 :                               true, false );
     562             : 
     563       11712 :     if( bConvertTabsLFs )
     564             :     {
     565        1056 :         sal_Int32 nStartPos = 0;
     566        1056 :         sal_Int32 nEndPos = rText.getLength();
     567             :         sal_Unicode cChar;
     568             : 
     569        3168 :         for( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nEndPos; nPos++ )
     570             :         {
     571        2112 :             cChar = rText[ nPos ];
     572        2112 :             switch( cChar )
     573             :             {
     574             :                 case 0x0009:        // tabulator
     575             :                     {
     576           0 :                         if( nPos > nStartPos )
     577           0 :                             rExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( rText.copy( nStartPos, (nPos - nStartPos)) );
     578           0 :                         nStartPos = nPos + 1;
     579             : 
     580             :                         SvXMLElementExport aElem( rExport, XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT,
     581           0 :                                                   ::xmloff::token::GetXMLToken( ::xmloff::token::XML_TAB_STOP ),
     582           0 :                                                   false, false );
     583             :                     }
     584           0 :                     break;
     585             : 
     586             :                 case 0x000A:        // linefeed
     587             :                     {
     588           0 :                         if( nPos > nStartPos )
     589           0 :                             rExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( rText.copy( nStartPos, (nPos - nStartPos)) );
     590           0 :                         nStartPos = nPos + 1;
     591             : 
     592             :                         SvXMLElementExport aElem( rExport, XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT,
     593           0 :                                                   ::xmloff::token::GetXMLToken( ::xmloff::token::XML_LINE_BREAK ),
     594           0 :                                                   false, false );
     595             :                     }
     596           0 :                     break;
     597             :             }
     598             :         }
     599        1056 :         if( nEndPos > nStartPos )
     600             :         {
     601        1056 :             if( nStartPos == 0 )
     602        1056 :                 rExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( rText );
     603             :             else
     604           0 :                 rExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( rText.copy( nStartPos, (nEndPos - nStartPos)) );
     605             :         }
     606             :     }
     607             :     else // do not convert tabs and linefeeds (eg for numbers coming from unit converter)
     608             :     {
     609       10656 :         rExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( rText );
     610       11712 :     }
     611       11712 : }
     612             : 
     613          76 : void exportRangeToSomewhere( SvXMLExport& rExport, const OUString& rValue )
     614             : {
     615             :     //with issue #i366# and CWS chart20 ranges for error bars were introduced
     616             :     //to keep them during copy paste from calc to impress for example it
     617             :     //was necessary to introduce a mapping between the used ranges within calc and the data written to the local table
     618             :     //this is why we write this ranges here
     619             : 
     620             :     //#i113950# first the range was exported to attribute text:id, but that attribute does not allow arbitrary strings anymore within ODF 1.2
     621             :     //as an alternative the range info is now saved into the description at an empty group element (not very nice, but ODF conform)
     622             : 
     623          76 :     const SvtSaveOptions::ODFDefaultVersion nCurrentODFVersion( SvtSaveOptions().GetODFDefaultVersion() );
     624          76 :     if( nCurrentODFVersion == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_010 || nCurrentODFVersion == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_011 )
     625          76 :         return;//svg:desc is not allowed at draw:g in ODF1.0; but as the ranges for error bars are anyhow not allowed within ODF1.0 nor ODF1.1 we do not need the information
     626             : 
     627             :     SvXMLElementExport aEmptyShapeGroup( rExport, XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW,
     628          76 :                               ::xmloff::token::GetXMLToken( ::xmloff::token::XML_G ),
     629          76 :                               true, false );
     630             :     SvXMLElementExport aDescription( rExport, XML_NAMESPACE_SVG,
     631          76 :                               ::xmloff::token::GetXMLToken( ::xmloff::token::XML_DESC ),
     632         152 :                               true, false );
     633         152 :     rExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( rValue );
     634             : }
     635             : 
     636        1268 : void setXMLRangePropertyAtDataSequence(
     637             :     const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xDataSequence,
     638             :     const OUString & rXMLRange )
     639             : {
     640        1268 :     if( !
     641        1268 :         return;
     642             :     try
     643             :     {
     644        1268 :         const OUString aXMLRangePropName(  "CachedXMLRange" );
     645        2536 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xDataSequence, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     646        2536 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo( xProp->getPropertySetInfo());
     647        1268 :         if( && xInfo->hasPropertyByName( aXMLRangePropName ))
     648        2344 :             xProp->setPropertyValue( aXMLRangePropName, uno::makeAny( rXMLRange ));
     649             :     }
     650           0 :     catch( const uno::Exception & ex )
     651             :     {
     652             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "Exception caught, Message: " << ex.Message );
     653             :     }
     654             : }
     655             : 
     656        1028 : bool getXMLRangePropertyFromDataSequence(
     657             :     const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xDataSequence,
     658             :     OUString & rOutXMLRange,
     659             :     bool bClearProp /* = false */)
     660             : {
     661        1028 :     bool bResult = false;
     662        1028 :     if(
     663             :     {
     664             :         try
     665             :         {
     666        1028 :             const OUString aXMLRangePropName(  "CachedXMLRange" );
     667        2056 :             Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xDataSequence, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     668        2056 :             Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo( xProp->getPropertySetInfo());
     669             :             bResult =
     670        4112 :                 ( && xInfo->hasPropertyByName( aXMLRangePropName ) &&
     671        7196 :                   ( xProp->getPropertyValue( aXMLRangePropName ) >>= rOutXMLRange ) &&
     672        2056 :                   !rOutXMLRange.isEmpty());
     673             :             // clear the property after usage
     674        1028 :             if( bClearProp && bResult )
     675        2056 :                 xProp->setPropertyValue( aXMLRangePropName, uno::Any( OUString()));
     676             :         }
     677           0 :         catch( const uno::Exception & ex )
     678             :         {
     679             :             SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "Exception caught, Message: " << ex.Message );
     680             :         }
     681             :     }
     682        1028 :     return bResult;
     683             : }
     684             : 
     685          16 : void copyProperties(
     686             :     const Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xSource,
     687             :     const Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xDestination )
     688             : {
     689          16 :     if( ! ( && )
     690          32 :         return;
     691             : 
     692             :     try
     693             :     {
     694           0 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xSrcInfo( xSource->getPropertySetInfo(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     695           0 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xDestInfo( xDestination->getPropertySetInfo(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
     696           0 :         Sequence< beans::Property > aProperties( xSrcInfo->getProperties());
     697           0 :         const sal_Int32 nLength = aProperties.getLength();
     698           0 :         for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i )
     699             :         {
     700           0 :             OUString aName( aProperties[i].Name);
     701           0 :             if( xDestInfo->hasPropertyByName( aName ))
     702             :             {
     703           0 :                 beans::Property aProp( xDestInfo->getPropertyByName( aName ));
     704           0 :                 if( (aProp.Attributes & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY) == 0 )
     705           0 :                     xDestination->setPropertyValue(
     706           0 :                         aName, xSource->getPropertyValue( aName ));
     707             :             }
     708           0 :         }
     709             :     }
     710           0 :     catch( const uno::Exception & )
     711             :     {
     712             :         SAL_WARN("xmloff.chart", "Copying property sets failed!" );
     713             :     }
     714             : }
     715             : 
     716           0 : bool switchBackToDataProviderFromParent( const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument >& xChartDoc, const tSchXMLLSequencesPerIndex & rLSequencesPerIndex )
     717             : {
     718             :     //return whether the switch is successful
     719           0 :     if( ! || !xChartDoc->hasInternalDataProvider() )
     720           0 :         return false;
     721           0 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > xDataProviderFromParent( SchXMLTools::getDataProviderFromParent( xChartDoc ) );
     722           0 :     if( ! )
     723           0 :         return false;
     724           0 :     uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataReceiver > xDataReceiver( xChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
     725           0 :     if( ! )
     726           0 :         return false;
     727             : 
     728           0 :     xDataReceiver->attachDataProvider( xDataProviderFromParent );
     729             : 
     730           0 :     for( tSchXMLLSequencesPerIndex::const_iterator aLSeqIt( rLSequencesPerIndex.begin() );
     731           0 :          aLSeqIt != rLSequencesPerIndex.end(); ++aLSeqIt )
     732             :     {
     733           0 :         Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xLabeledSeq( aLSeqIt->second );
     734           0 :         if( ! )
     735           0 :             continue;
     736           0 :         Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xNewSeq;
     737           0 :         xNewSeq = lcl_createNewSequenceFromCachedXMLRange( xLabeledSeq->getValues(), xDataProviderFromParent );
     738           0 :         if( )
     739           0 :             xLabeledSeq->setValues( xNewSeq );
     740           0 :         xNewSeq = lcl_createNewSequenceFromCachedXMLRange( xLabeledSeq->getLabel(), xDataProviderFromParent );
     741           0 :         if( )
     742           0 :             xLabeledSeq->setLabel( xNewSeq );
     743           0 :     }
     744           0 :     return true;
     745             : }
     746             : 
     747         244 : void setBuildIDAtImportInfo( uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel, Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xImportInfo )
     748             : {
     749         244 :     OUString aGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModelOrItsParent(xModel) );
     750         244 :     if( !aGenerator.isEmpty() )
     751         236 :         SvXMLMetaDocumentContext::setBuildId( aGenerator, xImportInfo );
     752         244 : }
     753             : 
     754           6 : bool isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan3_3( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel )
     755             : {
     756           6 :     bool bResult = isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan3_0( xChartModel );
     757           6 :     if( !bResult )
     758             :     {
     759           6 :         OUString aGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModel(xChartModel) );
     760           6 :         if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project/3" ) != -1 )
     761             :         {
     762           0 :             if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project/300m" ) != -1 )
     763             :             {
     764           0 :                 sal_Int32 nBuilId = lcl_getBuildIDFromGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModel(xChartModel) );
     765           0 :                 if( nBuilId>0 && nBuilId<9491 ) //9491 is build id of dev300m76
     766           0 :                     bResult= true;
     767             :             }
     768           0 :             else if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project/310m" ) != -1 )
     769           0 :                 bResult= true;
     770           0 :             else if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project/320m" ) != -1 )
     771           0 :                 bResult= true;
     772           6 :         }
     773             :     }
     774           6 :     return bResult;
     775             : }
     776             : 
     777         830 : bool isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan3_0( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel )
     778             : {
     779         830 :     bool bResult = isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan2_3( xChartModel );
     780         830 :     if( !bResult )
     781             :     {
     782         830 :         OUString aGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModel(xChartModel) );
     783         830 :         if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project/680m" ) != -1 )
     784           0 :             bResult= true;
     785             :     }
     786         830 :     return bResult;
     787             : }
     788             : 
     789         580 : bool isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan2_4( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel )
     790             : {
     791         580 :     if( isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan2_3( xChartModel ) )
     792           0 :         return true;
     793             : 
     794         580 :     if( isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan3_0( xChartModel ) )
     795             :     {
     796           0 :         sal_Int32 nBuilId = lcl_getBuildIDFromGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModel(xChartModel) );
     797           0 :         if( nBuilId>0 && nBuilId<=9238 ) //9238 is build id of 2.3.1
     798           0 :             return true;
     799             :     }
     800         580 :     return false;
     801             : }
     802             : 
     803        2388 : bool isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan2_3( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel )
     804             : {
     805        2388 :     bool bResult = false;
     806        2388 :     OUString aGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModel(xChartModel) );
     807             :     //if there is a meta stream at the chart object it was not written with an older OpenOffice version < 2.3
     808        2388 :     if( aGenerator.isEmpty() )
     809             :     {
     810             :         //if there is no meta stream at the chart object we need to check whether the parent document is OpenOffice at all
     811          74 :         uno::Reference< container::XChild > xChild( xChartModel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
     812          74 :         if( )
     813             :         {
     814          74 :             aGenerator = lcl_getGeneratorFromModel( uno::Reference< frame::XModel >( xChild->getParent(), uno::UNO_QUERY) );
     815          74 :             if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project" ) != -1 )
     816             :             {
     817             :                 //the chart application has not created files without a meta stream since OOo 2.3 (OOo 2.3 has written a metastream already)
     818             :                 //only the report builder extension has created some files with OOo 3.1 that do not have a meta stream
     819           0 :                 if( aGenerator.indexOf( "OpenOffice.org_project/31" ) != -1 )
     820           0 :                     bResult = false;//#i100102# probably generated with OOo 3.1 by the report designer
     821             :                 else
     822           0 :                     bResult= true; //in this case the OLE chart was created by an older version, as OLE objects are sometimes stream copied the version can differ from the parents version, so the parents version is not a reliable indicator
     823             :             }
     824          74 :             else if( isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan2_0(xChartModel) )
     825           0 :                 bResult= true;
     826          74 :         }
     827             :     }
     828        2388 :     return bResult;
     829             : }
     830             : 
     831          74 : bool isDocumentGeneratedWithOpenOfficeOlderThan2_0( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel >& xChartModel)
     832             : {
     833          74 :     bool bResult = false;
     834          74 :     OUString aGenerator( lcl_getGeneratorFromModelOrItsParent(xChartModel) );
     835         148 :     if(    aGenerator.startsWith( " 1" )
     836          74 :         || aGenerator.startsWith( "StarOffice 6" )
     837          74 :         || aGenerator.startsWith( "StarOffice 7" )
     838          74 :         || aGenerator.startsWith( "StarSuite 6" )
     839         148 :         || aGenerator.startsWith( "StarSuite 7" )
     840             :         )
     841           0 :         bResult= true;
     842          74 :     return bResult;
     843             : }
     844             : 
     845           0 : Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > getDataProviderFromParent( const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument >& xChartDoc )
     846             : {
     847           0 :     Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > xRet;
     848           0 :     uno::Reference< container::XChild > xChild( xChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
     849           0 :     if( )
     850             :     {
     851           0 :         Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFact( xChild->getParent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
     852           0 :         if( )
     853             :         {
     854           0 :             const OUString aDataProviderServiceName( "");
     855           0 :             const uno::Sequence< OUString > aServiceNames( xFact->getAvailableServiceNames());
     856           0 :             const OUString * pBegin = aServiceNames.getConstArray();
     857           0 :             const OUString * pEnd = pBegin + aServiceNames.getLength();
     858           0 :             if( ::std::find( pBegin, pEnd, aDataProviderServiceName ) != pEnd )
     859             :             {
     860           0 :                 xRet = Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider >(
     861           0 :                     xFact->createInstance( aDataProviderServiceName ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
     862           0 :             }
     863           0 :         }
     864             :     }
     865           0 :     return xRet;
     866             : }
     867             : 
     868             : } // namespace SchXMLTools
     869             : 
     870             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10