LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - xmloff/source/draw - sdxmlexp.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 1010 1502 67.2 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 107 131 81.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <xmloff/unointerfacetouniqueidentifiermapper.hxx>
      21             : #include <xmloff/nmspmap.hxx>
      22             : #include <xmloff/xmlnmspe.hxx>
      23             : #include <xmloff/xmluconv.hxx>
      24             : #include <xmloff/xmltoken.hxx>
      25             : #include <xmloff/xmlmetae.hxx>
      26             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/ServiceNotRegisteredException.hpp>
      27             : #include <com/sun/star/presentation/XPresentationSupplier.hpp>
      28             : #include <com/sun/star/presentation/XCustomPresentationSupplier.hpp>
      29             : #include <com/sun/star/geometry/RealPoint2D.hpp>
      30             : #include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicatorSupplier.hpp>
      31             : #include <com/sun/star/office/XAnnotationAccess.hpp>
      32             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
      33             : #include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
      34             : #include "sdxmlexp_impl.hxx"
      35             : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPagesSupplier.hpp>
      36             : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XMasterPagesSupplier.hpp>
      37             : #include <com/sun/star/presentation/XHandoutMasterSupplier.hpp>
      38             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexContainer.hpp>
      39             : #include <com/sun/star/view/PaperOrientation.hpp>
      40             : #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyleFamiliesSupplier.hpp>
      41             : #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyle.hpp>
      42             : 
      43             : #include <com/sun/star/form/XFormsSupplier2.hpp>
      44             : #include <com/sun/star/presentation/XPresentationPage.hpp>
      45             : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XMasterPageTarget.hpp>
      46             : #include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp>
      47             : #include <com/sun/star/chart/XChartDocument.hpp>
      48             : #include <com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationNodeSupplier.hpp>
      49             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp>
      50             : #include <com/sun/star/util/Duration.hpp>
      51             : #include <com/sun/star/util/MeasureUnit.hpp>
      52             : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
      53             : #include <tools/gen.hxx>
      54             : #include <tools/debug.hxx>
      55             : #include <sax/tools/converter.hxx>
      56             : #include <xmloff/xmlaustp.hxx>
      57             : #include <xmloff/families.hxx>
      58             : #include <xmloff/styleexp.hxx>
      59             : #include <xmloff/settingsstore.hxx>
      60             : #include "sdpropls.hxx"
      61             : #include <xmloff/xmlexppr.hxx>
      62             : #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertyState.hpp>
      63             : #include "facreg.hxx"
      64             : #include "xexptran.hxx"
      65             : 
      66             : #include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
      67             : #include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
      68             : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
      69             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
      70             : #include "PropertySetMerger.hxx"
      71             : #include "layerexp.hxx"
      72             : 
      73             : #include "XMLNumberStylesExport.hxx"
      74             : 
      75             : #include <xmloff/animationexport.hxx>
      76             : 
      77             : #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentProperties.hpp>
      78             : #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp>
      79             : 
      80             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      81             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
      82             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
      83             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
      84             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
      85             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
      86             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::office;
      87             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::presentation;
      88             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::geometry;
      89             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
      90             : using namespace ::xmloff::token;
      91             : 
      92          24 : class ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo
      93             : {
      94             :     sal_Int32                   mnBorderBottom;
      95             :     sal_Int32                   mnBorderLeft;
      96             :     sal_Int32                   mnBorderRight;
      97             :     sal_Int32                   mnBorderTop;
      98             :     sal_Int32                   mnWidth;
      99             :     sal_Int32                   mnHeight;
     100             :     view::PaperOrientation      meOrientation;
     101             :     OUString                    msName;
     102             :     OUString                    msMasterPageName;
     103             : 
     104             : public:
     105             :     ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo(const SdXMLExport& rExp, const Reference<XDrawPage>& xPage);
     106             :     bool operator==(const ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo& rInfo) const;
     107             :     void SetName(const OUString& rStr);
     108             : 
     109          24 :     const OUString& GetName() const { return msName; }
     110           0 :     const OUString& GetMasterPageName() const { return msMasterPageName; }
     111             : 
     112          18 :     sal_Int32 GetBorderBottom() const { return mnBorderBottom; }
     113          18 :     sal_Int32 GetBorderLeft() const { return mnBorderLeft; }
     114          18 :     sal_Int32 GetBorderRight() const { return mnBorderRight; }
     115          18 :     sal_Int32 GetBorderTop() const { return mnBorderTop; }
     116          18 :     sal_Int32 GetWidth() const { return mnWidth; }
     117          18 :     sal_Int32 GetHeight() const { return mnHeight; }
     118          18 :     view::PaperOrientation GetOrientation() const { return meOrientation; }
     119             : };
     120             : 
     121          24 : ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo::ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo(
     122             :     const SdXMLExport& rExp,
     123             :     const Reference<XDrawPage>& xPage)
     124             : :   mnBorderBottom(0),
     125             :     mnBorderLeft(0),
     126             :     mnBorderRight(0),
     127             :     mnBorderTop(0),
     128             :     mnWidth(0),
     129             :     mnHeight(0),
     130          24 :     meOrientation(rExp.IsDraw() ? view::PaperOrientation_PORTRAIT : view::PaperOrientation_LANDSCAPE)
     131             : {
     132          24 :     Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet(xPage, UNO_QUERY);
     133          24 :     if(
     134             :     {
     135          24 :         Any aAny;
     136             : 
     137          48 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xPropsInfo( xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo() );
     138          24 :         if( && xPropsInfo->hasPropertyByName("BorderBottom"))
     139             :         {
     140          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("BorderBottom");
     141          24 :             aAny >>= mnBorderBottom;
     142             : 
     143          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("BorderLeft");
     144          24 :             aAny >>= mnBorderLeft;
     145             : 
     146          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("BorderRight");
     147          24 :             aAny >>= mnBorderRight;
     148             : 
     149          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("BorderTop");
     150          24 :             aAny >>= mnBorderTop;
     151             :         }
     152             : 
     153          24 :         if( && xPropsInfo->hasPropertyByName("Width"))
     154             :         {
     155          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Width");
     156          24 :             aAny >>= mnWidth;
     157             : 
     158          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Height");
     159          24 :             aAny >>= mnHeight;
     160             :         }
     161             : 
     162          24 :         if( && xPropsInfo->hasPropertyByName("Orientation"))
     163             :         {
     164          24 :             aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Orientation");
     165          24 :             aAny >>= meOrientation;
     166          24 :         }
     167             :     }
     168             : 
     169          48 :     Reference <container::XNamed> xMasterNamed(xPage, UNO_QUERY);
     170          24 :     if(
     171             :     {
     172          24 :         msMasterPageName = xMasterNamed->getName();
     173          24 :     }
     174          24 : }
     175             : 
     176          14 : bool ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo::operator==(const ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo& rInfo) const
     177             : {
     178          14 :     return ((mnBorderBottom == rInfo.mnBorderBottom)
     179          14 :         && (mnBorderLeft == rInfo.mnBorderLeft)
     180          14 :         && (mnBorderRight == rInfo.mnBorderRight)
     181          14 :         && (mnBorderTop == rInfo.mnBorderTop)
     182          14 :         && (mnWidth == rInfo.mnWidth)
     183           8 :         && (mnHeight == rInfo.mnHeight)
     184          22 :         && (meOrientation == rInfo.meOrientation));
     185             : }
     186             : 
     187          18 : void ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo::SetName(const OUString& rStr)
     188             : {
     189          18 :     msName = rStr;
     190          18 : }
     191             : 
     192             : #define IMP_AUTOLAYOUT_INFO_MAX         (35L)
     193             : 
     194          12 : class ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo
     195             : {
     196             :     sal_uInt16                  mnType;
     197             :     ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo*    mpPageMasterInfo;
     198             :     OUString                    msLayoutName;
     199             :     Rectangle                   maTitleRect;
     200             :     Rectangle                   maPresRect;
     201             :     sal_Int32                   mnGapX;
     202             :     sal_Int32                   mnGapY;
     203             : 
     204             : public:
     205             :     ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo(sal_uInt16 nTyp, ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInf);
     206             : 
     207             :     bool operator==(const ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo& rInfo) const;
     208             : 
     209          18 :     sal_uInt16 GetLayoutType() const { return mnType; }
     210           6 :     sal_Int32 GetGapX() const { return mnGapX; }
     211           6 :     sal_Int32 GetGapY() const { return mnGapY; }
     212             : 
     213          24 :     const OUString& GetLayoutName() const { return msLayoutName; }
     214          12 :     void SetLayoutName(const OUString& rNew) { msLayoutName = rNew; }
     215             : 
     216          18 :     const Rectangle& GetTitleRectangle() const { return maTitleRect; }
     217           6 :     const Rectangle& GetPresRectangle() const { return maPresRect; }
     218             : 
     219             :     static bool IsCreateNecessary(sal_uInt16 nTyp);
     220             : };
     221             : 
     222          12 : bool ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo::IsCreateNecessary(sal_uInt16 nTyp)
     223             : {
     224          12 :     if(nTyp == 5 /* AUTOLAYOUT_ORG */
     225          12 :         || nTyp == 20 /* AUTOLAYOUT_NONE */
     226          12 :         || nTyp >= IMP_AUTOLAYOUT_INFO_MAX)
     227           0 :         return false;
     228          12 :     return true;
     229             : }
     230             : 
     231           6 : bool ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo::operator==(const ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo& rInfo) const
     232             : {
     233           6 :     return ((mnType == rInfo.mnType
     234           6 :         && mpPageMasterInfo == rInfo.mpPageMasterInfo));
     235             : }
     236             : 
     237          12 : ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo::ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo(sal_uInt16 nTyp, ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInf)
     238             :     : mnType(nTyp)
     239             :     , mpPageMasterInfo(pInf)
     240             :     , mnGapX(0)
     241          12 :     , mnGapY(0)
     242             : {
     243             :     // create full info (initialze with typical values)
     244          12 :     Point aPagePos(0,0);
     245          12 :     Size aPageSize(28000, 21000);
     246          12 :     Size aPageInnerSize(28000, 21000);
     247             : 
     248          12 :     if(mpPageMasterInfo)
     249             :     {
     250           0 :         aPagePos = Point(mpPageMasterInfo->GetBorderLeft(), mpPageMasterInfo->GetBorderTop());
     251           0 :         aPageSize = Size(mpPageMasterInfo->GetWidth(), mpPageMasterInfo->GetHeight());
     252           0 :         aPageInnerSize = aPageSize;
     253           0 :         aPageInnerSize.Width() -= mpPageMasterInfo->GetBorderLeft() + mpPageMasterInfo->GetBorderRight();
     254           0 :         aPageInnerSize.Height() -= mpPageMasterInfo->GetBorderTop() + mpPageMasterInfo->GetBorderBottom();
     255             :     }
     256             : 
     257             :     // title rectangle aligning
     258          12 :     Point aTitlePos(aPagePos);
     259          12 :     Size aTitleSize(aPageInnerSize);
     260             : 
     261          12 :     if(mnType == 21 /* AUTOLAYOUT_NOTES */)
     262             :     {
     263           0 :         aTitleSize.Height() = (long) (aTitleSize.Height() / 2.5);
     264           0 :         Point aPos = aTitlePos;
     265           0 :         aPos.Y() += long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.083 );
     266           0 :         Size aPartArea = aTitleSize;
     267           0 :         Size aSize;
     268             : 
     269             :         // scale handout rectangle using actual page size
     270           0 :         double fH = (double) aPartArea.Width()  / aPageSize.Width();
     271           0 :         double fV = (double) aPartArea.Height() / aPageSize.Height();
     272             : 
     273           0 :         if ( fH > fV )
     274           0 :             fH = fV;
     275           0 :         aSize.Width()  = (long) (fH * aPageSize.Width());
     276           0 :         aSize.Height() = (long) (fH * aPageSize.Height());
     277             : 
     278           0 :         aPos.X() += (aPartArea.Width() - aSize.Width()) / 2;
     279           0 :         aPos.Y() += (aPartArea.Height()- aSize.Height())/ 2;
     280             : 
     281           0 :         aTitlePos = aPos;
     282           0 :         aTitleSize = aSize;
     283             :     }
     284          12 :     else if(mnType == 27 || mnType == 28)
     285             :     {
     286             :         // AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_TEXT_CHART or
     287             :         // AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE
     288             :         Point aClassicTPos(
     289           0 :             aTitlePos.X() + long( aTitleSize.Width() * 0.0735 ),
     290           0 :             aTitlePos.Y() + long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.083 ));
     291             :         Size aClassicTSize(
     292           0 :             long( aTitleSize.Width() * 0.854 ),
     293           0 :             long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.167 ));
     294           0 :         Point aLPos(aPagePos);
     295           0 :         Size aLSize(aPageInnerSize);
     296             :         Point aClassicLPos(
     297           0 :             aLPos.X() + long( aLSize.Width() * 0.0735 ),
     298           0 :             aLPos.Y() + long( aLSize.Height() * 0.472 ));
     299             :         Size aClassicLSize(
     300           0 :             long( aLSize.Width() * 0.854 ),
     301           0 :             long( aLSize.Height() * 0.444 ));
     302             : 
     303           0 :         aTitlePos.X() = (aClassicTPos.X() + aClassicTSize.Width()) - aClassicTSize.Height();
     304           0 :         aTitlePos.Y() = aClassicTPos.Y();
     305           0 :         aTitleSize.Width() = aClassicTSize.Height();
     306           0 :         aTitleSize.Height() = (aClassicLPos.Y() + aClassicLSize.Height()) - aClassicTPos.Y();
     307             :     }
     308             :     else
     309             :     {
     310          12 :         aTitlePos.X() += long( aTitleSize.Width() * 0.0735 );
     311          12 :         aTitlePos.Y() += long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.083 );
     312          12 :         aTitleSize.Width() = long( aTitleSize.Width() * 0.854 );
     313          12 :         aTitleSize.Height() = long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.167 );
     314             :     }
     315             : 
     316          12 :     maTitleRect.SetPos(aTitlePos);
     317          12 :     maTitleRect.SetSize(aTitleSize);
     318             : 
     319             :     // layout rectangle aligning
     320          12 :     Point aLayoutPos(aPagePos);
     321          12 :     Size aLayoutSize(aPageInnerSize);
     322             : 
     323          12 :     if(mnType == 21 /* AUTOLAYOUT_NOTES */)
     324             :     {
     325           0 :         aLayoutPos.X() += long( aLayoutSize.Width() * 0.0735 );
     326           0 :         aLayoutPos.Y() += long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.472 );
     327           0 :         aLayoutSize.Width() = long( aLayoutSize.Width() * 0.854 );
     328           0 :         aLayoutSize.Height() = long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.444 );
     329             :     }
     330          12 :     else if((mnType >= 22 && mnType <= 26) || (mnType == 31)) // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT
     331             :     {
     332             :         // keep info for inner area in maPresRect, put info for gap size
     333             :         // to maTitleRect position
     334           6 :         mnGapX = (aPageSize.Width() - aPageInnerSize.Width()) / 2;
     335           6 :         mnGapY = (aPageSize.Height() - aPageInnerSize.Height()) / 2;
     336             : 
     337           6 :         if(!mnGapX)
     338           6 :             mnGapX = aPageSize.Width() / 10;
     339             : 
     340           6 :         if(!mnGapY)
     341           6 :             mnGapY = aPageSize.Height() / 10;
     342             : 
     343           6 :         if(mnGapX < aPageInnerSize.Width() / 10)
     344           0 :             mnGapX = aPageInnerSize.Width() / 10;
     345             : 
     346          12 :         if(mnGapY < aPageInnerSize.Height() / 10)
     347           0 :             mnGapY = aPageInnerSize.Height() / 10;
     348             :     }
     349           6 :     else if(mnType == 27 || mnType == 28)
     350             :     {
     351             :         // AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_TEXT_CHART or
     352             :         // AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE
     353             :         Point aClassicTPos(
     354           0 :             aTitlePos.X() + long( aTitleSize.Width() * 0.0735 ),
     355           0 :             aTitlePos.Y() + long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.083 ));
     356             :         Size aClassicTSize(
     357           0 :             long( aTitleSize.Width() * 0.854 ),
     358           0 :             long( aTitleSize.Height() * 0.167 ));
     359             :         Point aClassicLPos(
     360           0 :             aLayoutPos.X() + long( aLayoutSize.Width() * 0.0735 ),
     361           0 :             aLayoutPos.Y() + long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.472 ));
     362             :         Size aClassicLSize(
     363           0 :             long( aLayoutSize.Width() * 0.854 ),
     364           0 :             long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.444 ));
     365             : 
     366           0 :         aLayoutPos.X() = aClassicLPos.X();
     367           0 :         aLayoutPos.Y() = aClassicTPos.Y();
     368           0 :         aLayoutSize.Width() = (aClassicLPos.X() + aClassicLSize.Width())
     369           0 :             - (aClassicTSize.Height() + (aClassicLPos.Y() - (aClassicTPos.Y() + aClassicTSize.Height())));
     370           0 :         aLayoutSize.Height() = (aClassicLPos.Y() + aClassicLSize.Height()) - aClassicTPos.Y();
     371             :     }
     372           6 :     else if( mnType == 32 )
     373             :     {
     374             :         // AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TEXT
     375           0 :         aLayoutPos = aTitlePos;
     376           0 :         aLayoutSize.Width() = aTitleSize.Width();
     377           0 :         aLayoutSize.Height() = long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.825 );
     378             :     }
     379             :     else
     380             :     {
     381           6 :         aLayoutPos.X() += long( aLayoutSize.Width() * 0.0735 );
     382           6 :         aLayoutPos.Y() += long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.278 );
     383           6 :         aLayoutSize.Width() = long( aLayoutSize.Width() * 0.854 );
     384           6 :         aLayoutSize.Height() = long( aLayoutSize.Height() * 0.630 );
     385             :     }
     386             : 
     387          12 :     maPresRect.SetPos(aLayoutPos);
     388          12 :     maPresRect.SetSize(aLayoutSize);
     389          12 : }
     390             : 
     391             : // #110680#
     392          74 : SdXMLExport::SdXMLExport(
     393             :     const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext,
     394             :     OUString const & implementationName,
     395             :     bool bIsDraw, sal_uInt16 nExportFlags )
     396             : :   SvXMLExport( util::MeasureUnit::CM, xContext, implementationName,
     397             :         (bIsDraw) ? XML_GRAPHICS : XML_PRESENTATION, nExportFlags ),
     398             :     mnDocMasterPageCount(0L),
     399             :     mnDocDrawPageCount(0L),
     400             :     mnShapeStyleInfoIndex(0L),
     401             :     mnObjectCount(0L),
     402             :     mpPageMasterInfoList(new ImpXMLEXPPageMasterList()),
     403             :     mpPageMasterUsageList(new ImpXMLEXPPageMasterList()),
     404             :     mpNotesPageMasterUsageList(new ImpXMLEXPPageMasterList()),
     405             :     mpHandoutPageMaster(NULL),
     406             :     mpAutoLayoutInfoList(new ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfoList()),
     407             :     mpSdPropHdlFactory(0L),
     408             :     mpPropertySetMapper(0L),
     409             :     mpPresPagePropsMapper(0L),
     410             :     mbIsDraw(bIsDraw),
     411             :     mbFamilyGraphicUsed(false),
     412             :     mbFamilyPresentationUsed(false),
     413          74 :     msZIndex( GetXMLToken(XML_ZINDEX) ),
     414             :     msEmptyPres( "IsEmptyPresentationObject" ),
     415             :     msModel( "Model" ),
     416             :     msStartShape( "StartShape" ),
     417             :     msEndShape( "EndShape" ),
     418         148 :     msPageLayoutNames( "PageLayoutNames" )
     419             : {
     420             : 
     421          74 : }
     422             : 
     423             : // XExporter
     424          84 : void SAL_CALL SdXMLExport::setSourceDocument( const Reference< lang::XComponent >& xDoc )
     425             :     throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
     426             : {
     427          84 :     SvXMLExport::setSourceDocument( xDoc );
     428             : 
     429          84 :     const OUString aEmpty;
     430             : 
     431             :     // prepare factory parts
     432          84 :     mpSdPropHdlFactory = new XMLSdPropHdlFactory( GetModel(), *this );
     433          84 :     if(mpSdPropHdlFactory)
     434             :     {
     435             :         // set lock to avoid deletion
     436          84 :         mpSdPropHdlFactory->acquire();
     437             : 
     438             :         // build one ref
     439          84 :         const rtl::Reference< XMLPropertyHandlerFactory > aFactoryRef = mpSdPropHdlFactory;
     440             : 
     441             :         // construct PropertySetMapper
     442         168 :         rtl::Reference < XMLPropertySetMapper > xMapper = new XMLShapePropertySetMapper( aFactoryRef, true);
     443             : 
     444             :         // get or create text paragraph export
     445          84 :         GetTextParagraphExport();
     446          84 :         mpPropertySetMapper = new XMLShapeExportPropertyMapper( xMapper, *this );
     447             :         // set lock to avoid deletion
     448          84 :         mpPropertySetMapper->acquire();
     449             : 
     450             :         // chain text attributes
     451          84 :         mpPropertySetMapper->ChainExportMapper(XMLTextParagraphExport::CreateParaExtPropMapper(*this));
     452             : 
     453             :         // construct PresPagePropsMapper
     454          84 :         xMapper = new XMLPropertySetMapper((XMLPropertyMapEntry*)aXMLSDPresPageProps, aFactoryRef, true);
     455             : 
     456          84 :         mpPresPagePropsMapper = new XMLPageExportPropertyMapper( xMapper, *this  );
     457             :         // set lock to avoid deletion
     458         168 :         mpPresPagePropsMapper->acquire();
     459             :     }
     460             : 
     461             :     // add family name
     462             :       GetAutoStylePool()->AddFamily(
     463             :         XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_GRAPHICS_ID,
     464             :         OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_GRAPHICS_NAME),
     465          84 :           GetPropertySetMapper(),
     466         168 :           OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_GRAPHICS_PREFIX));
     467             :     GetAutoStylePool()->AddFamily(
     468             :         XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_PRESENTATION_ID,
     469             :         OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_PRESENTATION_NAME),
     470          84 :           GetPropertySetMapper(),
     471         168 :           OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_PRESENTATION_PREFIX));
     472             :     GetAutoStylePool()->AddFamily(
     473             :         XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID,
     474             :         OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_NAME),
     475          84 :           GetPresPagePropsMapper(),
     476         168 :           OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_PREFIX));
     477             :     // prepare access to styles
     478         168 :     Reference< style::XStyleFamiliesSupplier > xFamSup( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
     479          84 :     if(
     480             :     {
     481          84 :         mxDocStyleFamilies = xFamSup->getStyleFamilies();
     482             :     }
     483             : 
     484             :     // prepare access to master pages
     485         168 :     Reference < drawing::XMasterPagesSupplier > xMasterPagesSupplier(GetModel(), UNO_QUERY);
     486          84 :     if(
     487             :     {
     488          84 :         mxDocMasterPages.set(xMasterPagesSupplier->getMasterPages(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
     489          84 :         if(
     490             :         {
     491          84 :             mnDocMasterPageCount = mxDocMasterPages->getCount();
     492          84 :             maMasterPagesStyleNames.insert( maMasterPagesStyleNames.begin(), mnDocMasterPageCount, aEmpty );
     493             :         }
     494             :     }
     495             : 
     496             :     // prepare access to draw pages
     497         168 :     Reference <XDrawPagesSupplier> xDrawPagesSupplier(GetModel(), UNO_QUERY);
     498          84 :     if(
     499             :     {
     500          84 :         mxDocDrawPages.set(xDrawPagesSupplier->getDrawPages(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
     501          84 :         if(
     502             :         {
     503          84 :             mnDocDrawPageCount = mxDocDrawPages->getCount();
     504          84 :             maDrawPagesStyleNames.insert( maDrawPagesStyleNames.begin(), mnDocDrawPageCount, aEmpty );
     505          84 :             maDrawNotesPagesStyleNames.insert( maDrawNotesPagesStyleNames.begin(), mnDocDrawPageCount, aEmpty );
     506          84 :             if( !mbIsDraw )
     507          26 :                 maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames.realloc( mnDocDrawPageCount + 1 );
     508             : 
     509          84 :             HeaderFooterPageSettingsImpl aEmptySettings;
     510          84 :             maDrawPagesHeaderFooterSettings.insert( maDrawPagesHeaderFooterSettings.begin(), mnDocDrawPageCount, aEmptySettings );
     511          84 :             maDrawNotesPagesHeaderFooterSettings.insert( maDrawNotesPagesHeaderFooterSettings.begin(), mnDocDrawPageCount, aEmptySettings );
     512             :         }
     513             :     }
     514             : 
     515             :     // #82003# count all draw objects for use with progress bar.
     516             :     // #88245# init mnObjectCount once, use counter itself as flag. It
     517             :     // is initialized to 0.
     518          84 :     if(!mnObjectCount)
     519             :     {
     520          82 :         if( IsImpress() )
     521             :         {
     522             :              // #91587# add handout master count
     523          24 :             Reference<presentation::XHandoutMasterSupplier> xHandoutSupp(GetModel(), UNO_QUERY);
     524          24 :             if(
     525             :             {
     526          24 :                 Reference<XDrawPage> xHandoutPage(xHandoutSupp->getHandoutMasterPage());
     527          24 :                 if(
     528             :                 {
     529          24 :                     Reference<drawing::XShapes> xShapes(xHandoutPage, UNO_QUERY);
     530          24 :                     if( && xShapes->getCount())
     531             :                     {
     532          24 :                         mnObjectCount += ImpRecursiveObjectCount(xShapes);
     533          24 :                     }
     534          24 :                 }
     535          24 :             }
     536             :         }
     537             : 
     538          82 :         if(
     539             :         {
     540         154 :             for(sal_Int32 a(0); a < mnDocMasterPageCount; a++)
     541             :             {
     542          72 :                 Any aAny(mxDocMasterPages->getByIndex(a));
     543         144 :                 Reference< drawing::XShapes > xMasterPage;
     544             : 
     545          72 :                 if((aAny >>= xMasterPage) &&
     546             :                 {
     547          72 :                     mnObjectCount += ImpRecursiveObjectCount(xMasterPage);
     548             :                 }
     549             : 
     550          72 :                 if( IsImpress() )
     551             :                 {
     552             :                     // #91587# take notes pages from master pages into account
     553          24 :                     Reference<presentation::XPresentationPage> xPresPage;
     554          24 :                     if((aAny >>= xPresPage) &&
     555             :                     {
     556          24 :                         Reference<XDrawPage> xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
     557          24 :                         if(
     558             :                         {
     559          24 :                             Reference<drawing::XShapes> xShapes(xNotesPage, UNO_QUERY);
     560          24 :                             if( && xShapes->getCount())
     561             :                             {
     562          24 :                                 mnObjectCount += ImpRecursiveObjectCount(xShapes);
     563          24 :                             }
     564          24 :                         }
     565          24 :                     }
     566             :                 }
     567          72 :             }
     568             :         }
     569             : 
     570          82 :         if(
     571             :         {
     572         178 :             for(sal_Int32 a(0); a < mnDocDrawPageCount; a++)
     573             :             {
     574          96 :                 Any aAny(mxDocDrawPages->getByIndex(a));
     575         192 :                 Reference< drawing::XShapes > xPage;
     576             : 
     577          96 :                 if((aAny >>= xPage) &&
     578             :                 {
     579          96 :                     mnObjectCount += ImpRecursiveObjectCount(xPage);
     580             :                 }
     581             : 
     582          96 :                 if( IsImpress() )
     583             :                 {
     584             :                     // #91587# take notes pages from draw pages into account
     585          24 :                     Reference<presentation::XPresentationPage> xPresPage;
     586          24 :                     if((aAny >>= xPresPage) &&
     587             :                     {
     588          24 :                         Reference<XDrawPage> xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
     589          24 :                         if(
     590             :                         {
     591          24 :                             Reference<drawing::XShapes> xShapes(xNotesPage, UNO_QUERY);
     592          24 :                             if( && xShapes->getCount())
     593             :                             {
     594          24 :                                 mnObjectCount += ImpRecursiveObjectCount(xShapes);
     595          24 :                             }
     596          24 :                         }
     597          24 :                     }
     598             :                 }
     599          96 :             }
     600             :         }
     601             : 
     602             :         // #82003# init progress bar
     603          82 :         GetProgressBarHelper()->SetReference(mnObjectCount);
     604             :     }
     605             : 
     606             :     // add namespaces
     607          84 :     _GetNamespaceMap().Add(
     608          84 :         GetXMLToken(XML_NP_PRESENTATION),
     609          84 :         GetXMLToken(XML_N_PRESENTATION),
     610          84 :         XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION);
     611             : 
     612          84 :     _GetNamespaceMap().Add(
     613          84 :         GetXMLToken(XML_NP_SMIL),
     614          84 :         GetXMLToken(XML_N_SMIL_COMPAT),
     615          84 :         XML_NAMESPACE_SMIL);
     616             : 
     617          84 :     _GetNamespaceMap().Add(
     618          84 :         GetXMLToken(XML_NP_ANIMATION),
     619          84 :         GetXMLToken(XML_N_ANIMATION),
     620          84 :         XML_NAMESPACE_ANIMATION);
     621             : 
     622          84 :     if( getDefaultVersion() > SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_012 )
     623             :     {
     624          84 :         _GetNamespaceMap().Add(
     625          84 :             GetXMLToken(XML_NP_OFFICE_EXT),
     626          84 :             GetXMLToken(XML_N_OFFICE_EXT),
     627          84 :             XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE_EXT);
     628             :     }
     629             : 
     630          84 :     GetShapeExport()->enableLayerExport();
     631             : 
     632             :     // #88546# enable progress bar increments
     633         168 :     GetShapeExport()->enableHandleProgressBar();
     634          84 : }
     635             : 
     636             : // #82003# helper function for recursive object count
     637         240 : sal_uInt32 SdXMLExport::ImpRecursiveObjectCount(Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes)
     638             : {
     639         240 :     sal_uInt32 nRetval(0L);
     640             : 
     641         240 :     if(
     642             :     {
     643         240 :         sal_Int32 nCount = xShapes->getCount();
     644             : 
     645         840 :         for(sal_Int32 a(0L); a < nCount; a++)
     646             :         {
     647         600 :             Any aAny(xShapes->getByIndex(a));
     648        1200 :             Reference< drawing::XShapes > xGroup;
     649             : 
     650         600 :             if((aAny >>= xGroup) &&
     651             :             {
     652             :                 // #93180# count group objects, too.
     653           0 :                 nRetval += 1 + ImpRecursiveObjectCount(xGroup);
     654             :             }
     655             :             else
     656             :             {
     657         600 :                 nRetval++;
     658             :             }
     659         600 :         }
     660             :     }
     661             : 
     662         240 :     return nRetval;
     663             : }
     664             : 
     665         222 : SdXMLExport::~SdXMLExport()
     666             : {
     667             :     // cleanup factory, decrease refcount. Should lead to destruction.
     668          74 :     if(mpSdPropHdlFactory)
     669             :     {
     670          74 :         mpSdPropHdlFactory->release();
     671          74 :         mpSdPropHdlFactory = 0L;
     672             :     }
     673             : 
     674             :     // cleanup mapper, decrease refcount. Should lead to destruction.
     675          74 :     if(mpPropertySetMapper)
     676             :     {
     677          74 :         mpPropertySetMapper->release();
     678          74 :         mpPropertySetMapper = 0L;
     679             :     }
     680             : 
     681             :     // cleanup presPage mapper, decrease refcount. Should lead to destruction.
     682          74 :     if(mpPresPagePropsMapper)
     683             :     {
     684          74 :         mpPresPagePropsMapper->release();
     685          74 :         mpPresPagePropsMapper = 0L;
     686             :     }
     687             : 
     688             :     // clear evtl. temporary page master infos
     689          74 :     if(mpPageMasterUsageList)
     690             :     {
     691             :         // note: all items in this list are also in mpPageMasterInfoList
     692          74 :         delete mpPageMasterUsageList;
     693          74 :         mpPageMasterUsageList = 0L;
     694             :     }
     695             : 
     696          74 :     if(mpNotesPageMasterUsageList)
     697             :     {
     698             :         // note: all items in this list are also in mpPageMasterInfoList
     699          74 :         delete mpNotesPageMasterUsageList;
     700          74 :         mpNotesPageMasterUsageList = 0L;
     701             :     }
     702             : 
     703          74 :     if(mpPageMasterInfoList)
     704             :     {
     705          90 :         for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpPageMasterInfoList->size(); i < n; ++i )
     706          16 :             delete mpPageMasterInfoList->at( i );
     707          74 :         mpPageMasterInfoList->clear();
     708          74 :         delete mpPageMasterInfoList;
     709          74 :         mpPageMasterInfoList = 0L;
     710             :     }
     711             : 
     712             :     // clear auto-layout infos
     713          74 :     if(mpAutoLayoutInfoList)
     714             :     {
     715          86 :         for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpAutoLayoutInfoList->size(); i < n; ++i )
     716          12 :             delete mpAutoLayoutInfoList->at( i );
     717          74 :         mpAutoLayoutInfoList->clear();
     718          74 :         delete mpAutoLayoutInfoList;
     719          74 :         mpAutoLayoutInfoList = 0L;
     720             :     }
     721         148 : }
     722             : 
     723          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpPrepAutoLayoutInfos()
     724             : {
     725          22 :     if(IsImpress())
     726             :     {
     727           6 :         OUString aStr;
     728             : 
     729          12 :         Reference< presentation::XHandoutMasterSupplier > xHandoutSupp( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
     730           6 :         if( )
     731             :         {
     732           6 :             Reference< XDrawPage > xHandoutPage( xHandoutSupp->getHandoutMasterPage() );
     733           6 :             if( )
     734             :             {
     735           6 :                 if(ImpPrepAutoLayoutInfo(xHandoutPage, aStr))
     736           6 :                     maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames[0] = aStr;
     737           6 :             }
     738             :         }
     739             : 
     740             :         // prepare name creation
     741          12 :         for (sal_Int32 nCnt = 0; nCnt < mnDocDrawPageCount; nCnt++)
     742             :         {
     743           6 :             Any aAny(mxDocDrawPages->getByIndex(nCnt));
     744          12 :             Reference<XDrawPage> xDrawPage;
     745             : 
     746           6 :             if((aAny >>= xDrawPage) &&
     747             :             {
     748           6 :                 if(ImpPrepAutoLayoutInfo(xDrawPage, aStr))
     749           6 :                     maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames[nCnt+1] = aStr;
     750             :             }
     751          12 :         }
     752             :     }
     753          22 : }
     754             : 
     755          12 : bool SdXMLExport::ImpPrepAutoLayoutInfo(const Reference<XDrawPage>& xPage, OUString& rName)
     756             : {
     757          12 :     rName = "";
     758          12 :     bool bRetval(false);
     759             : 
     760          12 :     Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet(xPage, UNO_QUERY);
     761          12 :     if(
     762             :     {
     763          12 :         sal_uInt16 nType = sal_uInt16();
     764          12 :         Any aAny;
     765             : 
     766          12 :         aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Layout");
     767          12 :         if(aAny >>= nType)
     768             :         {
     769          12 :             if(ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo::IsCreateNecessary(nType))
     770             :             {
     771          12 :                 ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInfo = 0L;
     772             : 
     773             :                 // get master-page info
     774          12 :                 Reference < drawing::XMasterPageTarget > xMasterPageInt(xPage, UNO_QUERY);
     775          12 :                 if(
     776             :                 {
     777           6 :                     Reference<XDrawPage> xUsedMasterPage(xMasterPageInt->getMasterPage());
     778           6 :                     if(
     779             :                     {
     780           6 :                         Reference < container::XNamed > xMasterNamed(xUsedMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
     781           6 :                         if(
     782             :                         {
     783           6 :                             OUString sMasterPageName = xMasterNamed->getName();
     784           6 :                             pInfo = ImpGetPageMasterInfoByName(sMasterPageName);
     785           6 :                         }
     786           6 :                     }
     787             :                 }
     788             : 
     789             :                 // create entry and look for existence
     790          12 :                 ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo* pNew = new ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo(nType, pInfo);
     791          12 :                 bool bDidExist(false);
     792             : 
     793          18 :                 for( size_t nCnt = 0; !bDidExist && nCnt < mpAutoLayoutInfoList->size(); nCnt++)
     794             :                 {
     795           6 :                     if( *mpAutoLayoutInfoList->at( nCnt ) == *pNew)
     796             :                     {
     797           0 :                         delete pNew;
     798           0 :                         pNew = mpAutoLayoutInfoList->at( nCnt );
     799           0 :                         bDidExist = true;
     800             :                     }
     801             :                 }
     802             : 
     803          12 :                 if(!bDidExist)
     804             :                 {
     805          12 :                     mpAutoLayoutInfoList->push_back( pNew );
     806          12 :                     OUString sNewName = "AL";
     807          12 :                     sNewName += OUString::number(mpAutoLayoutInfoList->size() - 1);
     808          12 :                     sNewName += "T";
     809          12 :                     sNewName += OUString::number(nType);
     810          12 :                     pNew->SetLayoutName(sNewName);
     811             :                 }
     812             : 
     813          12 :                 rName = pNew->GetLayoutName();
     814          12 :                 bRetval = true;
     815             :             }
     816          12 :         }
     817             :     }
     818             : 
     819          12 :     return bRetval;
     820             : }
     821             : 
     822          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpWriteAutoLayoutInfos()
     823             : {
     824          22 :     if( !mpAutoLayoutInfoList->empty() )
     825             :     {
     826          18 :         for(size_t nCnt = 0; nCnt < mpAutoLayoutInfoList->size(); nCnt++)
     827             :         {
     828          12 :             ImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo* pInfo = mpAutoLayoutInfoList->at( nCnt );
     829          12 :             if(pInfo)
     830             :             {
     831             :                 // prepare presentation-page layout attributes, style-name
     832          12 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NAME, pInfo->GetLayoutName());
     833             : 
     834             :                 // write draw-style attributes
     835          12 :                 SvXMLElementExport aDSE(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PRESENTATION_PAGE_LAYOUT, true, true);
     836             : 
     837             :                 // write presentation placeholders
     838          12 :                 switch(pInfo->GetLayoutType())
     839             :                 {
     840             :                     case 0 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE
     841             :                     {
     842           6 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     843           6 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderSubtitle, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     844           6 :                         break;
     845             :                     }
     846             :                     case 1 : // AUTOLAYOUT_ENUM
     847             :                     {
     848           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     849           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     850           0 :                         break;
     851             :                     }
     852             :                     case 2 : // AUTOLAYOUT_CHART
     853             :                     {
     854           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     855           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderChart, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     856           0 :                         break;
     857             :                     }
     858             :                     case 3 : // AUTOLAYOUT_2TEXT
     859             :                     {
     860           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     861           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     862           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     863           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     864             : 
     865           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     866           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aLeft);
     867           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aRight);
     868           0 :                         break;
     869             :                     }
     870             :                     case 4 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCHART
     871             :                     {
     872           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     873           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     874           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     875           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     876             : 
     877           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     878           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aLeft);
     879           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderChart, aRight);
     880           0 :                         break;
     881             :                     }
     882             :                     case 6 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCLIP
     883             :                     {
     884           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     885           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     886           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     887           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     888             : 
     889           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     890           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aLeft);
     891           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aRight);
     892           0 :                         break;
     893             :                     }
     894             :                     case 7 : // AUTOLAYOUT_CHARTTEXT
     895             :                     {
     896           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     897           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     898           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     899           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     900             : 
     901           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     902           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderChart, aLeft);
     903           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aRight);
     904           0 :                         break;
     905             :                     }
     906             :                     case 8 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TAB
     907             :                     {
     908           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     909           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTable, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     910           0 :                         break;
     911             :                     }
     912             :                     case 9 : // AUTOLAYOUT_CLIPTEXT
     913             :                     {
     914           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     915           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     916           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     917           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     918             : 
     919           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     920           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aLeft);
     921           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aRight);
     922           0 :                         break;
     923             :                     }
     924             :                     case 10 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOBJ
     925             :                     {
     926           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     927           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     928           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     929           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     930             : 
     931           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     932           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aLeft);
     933           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aRight);
     934           0 :                         break;
     935             :                     }
     936             :                     case 11 : // AUTOLAYOUT_OBJ
     937             :                     {
     938           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     939           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     940           0 :                         break;
     941             :                     }
     942             :                     case 12 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TEXT2OBJ
     943             :                     {
     944           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     945           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     946           0 :                         Rectangle aRightTop(aLeft);
     947           0 :                         aRightTop.Left() = long(aRightTop.Left() + aRightTop.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     948           0 :                         aRightTop.setHeight(long(aRightTop.GetHeight() * 0.477));
     949           0 :                         Rectangle aRightBottom(aRightTop);
     950           0 :                         aRightBottom.Top() = long(aRightBottom.Top() + aRightBottom.GetHeight() * 1.095);
     951             : 
     952           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     953           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aLeft);
     954           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aRightTop);
     955           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aRightBottom);
     956           0 :                         break;
     957             :                     }
     958             :                     case 13 : // AUTOLAYOUT_OBJTEXT
     959             :                     {
     960           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     961           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     962           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
     963           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     964             : 
     965           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     966           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aLeft);
     967           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aRight);
     968           0 :                         break;
     969             :                     }
     970             :                     case 14 : // AUTOLAYOUT_OBJOVERTEXT
     971             :                     {
     972           0 :                         Rectangle aTop(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     973           0 :                         aTop.setHeight(long(aTop.GetHeight() * 0.477));
     974           0 :                         Rectangle aBottom(aTop);
     975           0 :                         aBottom.Top() = long(aBottom.Top() + aBottom.GetHeight() * 1.095);
     976             : 
     977           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     978           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aTop);
     979           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aBottom);
     980           0 :                         break;
     981             :                     }
     982             :                     case 15 : // AUTOLAYOUT_2OBJTEXT
     983             :                     {
     984           0 :                         Rectangle aLeftTop(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
     985           0 :                         aLeftTop.setWidth(long(aLeftTop.GetWidth() * 0.488));
     986           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeftTop);
     987           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
     988           0 :                         aLeftTop.setHeight(long(aLeftTop.GetHeight() * 0.477));
     989           0 :                         Rectangle aLeftBottom(aLeftTop);
     990           0 :                         aLeftBottom.Top() = long(aLeftBottom.Top() + aLeftBottom.GetHeight() * 1.095);
     991             : 
     992           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
     993           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aLeftTop);
     994           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aLeftBottom);
     995           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aRight);
     996           0 :                         break;
     997             :                     }
     998             :                     case 16 : // AUTOLAYOUT_2OBJOVERTEXT
     999             :                     {
    1000           0 :                         Rectangle aTopLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1001           0 :                         aTopLeft.setHeight(long(aTopLeft.GetHeight() * 0.477));
    1002           0 :                         Rectangle aBottom(aTopLeft);
    1003           0 :                         aBottom.Top() = long(aBottom.Top() + aBottom.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1004           0 :                         aTopLeft.setWidth(long(aTopLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
    1005           0 :                         Rectangle aTopRight(aTopLeft);
    1006           0 :                         aTopRight.Left() = long(aTopRight.Left() + aTopRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
    1007             : 
    1008           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1009           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aTopLeft);
    1010           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aTopRight);
    1011           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aBottom);
    1012           0 :                         break;
    1013             :                     }
    1014             :                     case 17 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOVEROBJ
    1015             :                     {
    1016           0 :                         Rectangle aTop(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1017           0 :                         aTop.setHeight(long(aTop.GetHeight() * 0.477));
    1018           0 :                         Rectangle aBottom(aTop);
    1019           0 :                         aBottom.Top() = long(aBottom.Top() + aBottom.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1020             : 
    1021           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1022           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderOutline, aTop);
    1023           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aBottom);
    1024           0 :                         break;
    1025             :                     }
    1026             :                     case 18 : // AUTOLAYOUT_4OBJ
    1027             :                     {
    1028           0 :                         Rectangle aTopLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1029           0 :                         aTopLeft.setHeight(long(aTopLeft.GetHeight() * 0.477));
    1030           0 :                         aTopLeft.setWidth(long(aTopLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
    1031           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomLeft(aTopLeft);
    1032           0 :                         aBottomLeft.Top() = long(aBottomLeft.Top() + aBottomLeft.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1033           0 :                         Rectangle aTopRight(aTopLeft);
    1034           0 :                         aTopRight.Left() = long(aTopRight.Left() + aTopRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
    1035           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomRight(aTopRight);
    1036           0 :                         aBottomRight.Top() = long(aBottomRight.Top() + aBottomRight.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1037             : 
    1038           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1039           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aTopLeft);
    1040           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aTopRight);
    1041           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aBottomLeft);
    1042           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderObject, aBottomRight);
    1043           0 :                         break;
    1044             :                     }
    1045             :                     case 19 : // AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TITLE
    1046             :                     {
    1047           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1048           0 :                         break;
    1049             :                     }
    1050             :                     case 21 : // AUTOLAYOUT_NOTES
    1051             :                     {
    1052           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderPage, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1053           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderNotes, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1054           0 :                         break;
    1055             :                     }
    1056             :                     case 22 : // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT1
    1057             :                     case 23 : // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT2
    1058             :                     case 24 : // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT3
    1059             :                     case 25 : // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT4
    1060             :                     case 26 : // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT6
    1061             :                     case 31 : // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT9
    1062             :                     {
    1063             :                         sal_Int32 nColCnt, nRowCnt;
    1064           6 :                         sal_Int32 nGapX = pInfo->GetGapX();
    1065           6 :                         sal_Int32 nGapY = pInfo->GetGapY();
    1066             : 
    1067           6 :                         switch(pInfo->GetLayoutType())
    1068             :                         {
    1069           0 :                             case 22 : nColCnt = 1; nRowCnt = 1; break;
    1070           0 :                             case 23 : nColCnt = 1; nRowCnt = 2; break;
    1071           0 :                             case 24 : nColCnt = 1; nRowCnt = 3; break;
    1072           0 :                             case 25 : nColCnt = 2; nRowCnt = 2; break;
    1073           6 :                             case 26 : nColCnt = 3; nRowCnt = 2; break;
    1074           0 :                             case 31 : nColCnt = 3; nRowCnt = 3; break;
    1075           0 :                             default:  nColCnt = 0; nRowCnt = 0; break;  // FIXME - What is correct values?
    1076             :                         }
    1077             : 
    1078           6 :                         Size aPartSize(pInfo->GetTitleRectangle().GetSize());
    1079           6 :                         Point aPartPos(pInfo->GetTitleRectangle().TopLeft());
    1080             : 
    1081           6 :                         if(aPartSize.Width() > aPartSize.Height())
    1082             :                         {
    1083           6 :                             sal_Int32 nZwi(nColCnt);
    1084           6 :                             nColCnt = nRowCnt;
    1085           6 :                             nRowCnt = nZwi;
    1086             :                         }
    1087             : 
    1088           6 :                         if (nColCnt == 0 || nRowCnt == 0)
    1089             :                             break;
    1090             : 
    1091           6 :                         aPartSize.Width() = (aPartSize.Width() - ((nColCnt - 1) * nGapX)) / nColCnt;
    1092           6 :                         aPartSize.Height() = (aPartSize.Height() - ((nRowCnt - 1) * nGapY)) / nRowCnt;
    1093             : 
    1094           6 :                         Point aTmpPos(aPartPos);
    1095             : 
    1096          24 :                         for (sal_Int32 a = 0; a < nRowCnt; a++)
    1097             :                         {
    1098          18 :                             aTmpPos.X() = aPartPos.X();
    1099             : 
    1100          54 :                             for (sal_Int32 b = 0; b < nColCnt; b++)
    1101             :                             {
    1102          36 :                                 Rectangle aTmpRect(aTmpPos, aPartSize);
    1103             : 
    1104          36 :                                 ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderHandout, aTmpRect);
    1105          36 :                                 aTmpPos.X() += aPartSize.Width() + nGapX;
    1106             :                             }
    1107             : 
    1108          18 :                             aTmpPos.Y() += aPartSize.Height() + nGapY;
    1109             :                         }
    1110           6 :                         break;
    1111             :                     }
    1112             :                     case 27 : // AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_TEXT_CHART
    1113             :                     {
    1114           0 :                         Rectangle aTop(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1115           0 :                         aTop.setHeight(long(aTop.GetHeight() * 0.488));
    1116           0 :                         Rectangle aBottom(aTop);
    1117           0 :                         aBottom.Top() = long(aBottom.Top() + aBottom.GetHeight() * 1.05);
    1118             : 
    1119           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderVerticalTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1120           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderVerticalOutline, aTop);
    1121           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderChart, aBottom);
    1122           0 :                         break;
    1123             :                     }
    1124             :                     case 28 : // AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE
    1125             :                     {
    1126           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderVerticalTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1127           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderVerticalOutline, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1128           0 :                         break;
    1129             :                     }
    1130             :                     case 29 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE
    1131             :                     {
    1132           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1133           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderVerticalOutline, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1134           0 :                         break;
    1135             :                     }
    1136             :                     case 30 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE_CLIPART
    1137             :                     {
    1138           0 :                         Rectangle aLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1139           0 :                         aLeft.setWidth(long(aLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
    1140           0 :                         Rectangle aRight(aLeft);
    1141           0 :                         aRight.Left() = long(aRight.Left() + aRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
    1142             : 
    1143           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1144           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aLeft);
    1145           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderVerticalOutline, aRight);
    1146           0 :                         break;
    1147             :                     }
    1148             :                     case 32 : // AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE
    1149             :                     {
    1150           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderSubtitle, pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1151           0 :                         break;
    1152             :                     }
    1153             : 
    1154             :                     case 33 : // AUTOLAYOUT_4CLIPART
    1155             :                     {
    1156           0 :                         Rectangle aTopLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1157           0 :                         aTopLeft.setHeight(long(aTopLeft.GetHeight() * 0.477));
    1158           0 :                         aTopLeft.setWidth(long(aTopLeft.GetWidth() * 0.488));
    1159           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomLeft(aTopLeft);
    1160           0 :                         aBottomLeft.Top() = long(aBottomLeft.Top() + aBottomLeft.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1161           0 :                         Rectangle aTopRight(aTopLeft);
    1162           0 :                         aTopRight.Left() = long(aTopRight.Left() + aTopRight.GetWidth() * 1.05);
    1163           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomRight(aTopRight);
    1164           0 :                         aBottomRight.Top() = long(aBottomRight.Top() + aBottomRight.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1165             : 
    1166           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1167           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aTopLeft);
    1168           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aTopRight);
    1169           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aBottomLeft);
    1170           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aBottomRight);
    1171           0 :                         break;
    1172             :                     }
    1173             : 
    1174             :                     case 34 : // AUTOLAYOUT_6CLIPART
    1175             :                     {
    1176           0 :                         Rectangle aTopLeft(pInfo->GetPresRectangle());
    1177           0 :                         aTopLeft.setHeight(long(aTopLeft.GetHeight() * 0.477));
    1178           0 :                         aTopLeft.setWidth(long(aTopLeft.GetWidth() * 0.322));
    1179           0 :                         Rectangle aTopCenter(aTopLeft);
    1180           0 :                         aTopCenter.Left() = long(aTopCenter.Left() + aTopCenter.GetWidth() * 1.05);
    1181           0 :                         Rectangle aTopRight(aTopLeft);
    1182           0 :                         aTopRight.Left() = long(aTopRight.Left() + aTopRight.GetWidth() * 2 * 1.05);
    1183             : 
    1184           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomLeft(aTopLeft);
    1185           0 :                         aBottomLeft.Top() = long(aBottomLeft.Top() + aBottomLeft.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1186           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomCenter(aTopCenter);
    1187           0 :                         aBottomCenter.Top() = long(aBottomCenter.Top() + aBottomCenter.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1188           0 :                         Rectangle aBottomRight(aTopRight);
    1189           0 :                         aBottomRight.Top() = long(aBottomRight.Top() + aBottomRight.GetHeight() * 1.095);
    1190             : 
    1191           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderTitle, pInfo->GetTitleRectangle());
    1192           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aTopLeft);
    1193           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aTopCenter);
    1194           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aTopRight);
    1195           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aBottomLeft);
    1196           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aBottomCenter);
    1197           0 :                         ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholderGraphic, aBottomRight);
    1198           0 :                         break;
    1199             :                     }
    1200             :                     default:
    1201             :                     {
    1202             :                         OSL_FAIL("XMLEXP: unknown autolayout export");
    1203           0 :                         break;
    1204             :                     }
    1205          12 :                 }
    1206             :             }
    1207             :         }
    1208             :     }
    1209          22 : }
    1210             : 
    1211          48 : void SdXMLExport::ImpWriteAutoLayoutPlaceholder(XmlPlaceholder ePl, const Rectangle& rRect)
    1212             : {
    1213          48 :     OUString aStr;
    1214          96 :     OUStringBuffer sStringBuffer;
    1215             : 
    1216             :     // prepare presentation-placeholder attributes, presentation:object
    1217          48 :     switch(ePl)
    1218             :     {
    1219           6 :         case XmlPlaceholderTitle: aStr = "title"; break;
    1220           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderOutline: aStr = "outline"; break;
    1221           6 :         case XmlPlaceholderSubtitle: aStr = "subtitle"; break;
    1222           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderText: aStr = "text"; break;
    1223           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderGraphic: aStr = "graphic"; break;
    1224           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderObject: aStr = "object"; break;
    1225           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderChart: aStr = "chart"; break;
    1226           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderOrgchart: aStr = "orgchart"; break;
    1227           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderTable: aStr = "table"; break;
    1228           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderPage: aStr = "page"; break;
    1229           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderNotes: aStr = "notes"; break;
    1230          36 :         case XmlPlaceholderHandout: aStr = "handout"; break;
    1231           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderVerticalTitle: aStr = "vertical_title"; break;
    1232           0 :         case XmlPlaceholderVerticalOutline: aStr = "vertical_outline"; break;
    1233             :     }
    1234             : 
    1235          48 :     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_OBJECT, aStr);
    1236             : 
    1237             :     // svg:x,y,width,height
    1238          48 :     GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer, rRect.Left());
    1239          48 :     aStr = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1240          48 :     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_X, aStr);
    1241             : 
    1242          48 :     GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer, rRect.Top());
    1243          48 :     aStr = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1244          48 :     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_Y, aStr);
    1245             : 
    1246          48 :     GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1247          96 :             rRect.GetWidth());
    1248          48 :     aStr = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1249          48 :     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_WIDTH, aStr);
    1250             : 
    1251          48 :     GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1252          96 :             rRect.GetHeight());
    1253          48 :     aStr = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1254          48 :     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_HEIGHT, aStr);
    1255             : 
    1256             :     // write presentation-placeholder
    1257          96 :     SvXMLElementExport aPPL(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_PLACEHOLDER, true, true);
    1258          48 : }
    1259             : 
    1260          24 : ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* SdXMLExport::ImpGetOrCreatePageMasterInfo( Reference< XDrawPage > xMasterPage )
    1261             : {
    1262          24 :     bool bDoesExist = false;
    1263             : 
    1264          24 :     ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pNewInfo = new ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo(*this, xMasterPage);
    1265             : 
    1266             :     // compare with prev page-master infos
    1267          38 :     for( size_t a = 0; !bDoesExist && a < mpPageMasterInfoList->size(); a++)
    1268             :     {
    1269          28 :         if (   mpPageMasterInfoList->at(a)
    1270          14 :            && *mpPageMasterInfoList->at(a) == *pNewInfo
    1271             :            )
    1272             :         {
    1273           8 :             delete pNewInfo;
    1274           8 :             pNewInfo = mpPageMasterInfoList->at(a);
    1275           8 :             bDoesExist = true;
    1276             :         }
    1277             :     }
    1278             :     // add entry when not found same page-master infos
    1279          24 :     if(!bDoesExist)
    1280          16 :         mpPageMasterInfoList->push_back( pNewInfo );
    1281             : 
    1282          24 :     return pNewInfo;
    1283             : }
    1284             : 
    1285          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpPrepPageMasterInfos()
    1286             : {
    1287          22 :     if( IsImpress() )
    1288             :     {
    1289             :         // create page master info for handout master page
    1290             : 
    1291           6 :         Reference< XHandoutMasterSupplier > xHMS( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    1292           6 :         if( )
    1293             :         {
    1294           6 :             Reference< XDrawPage > xMasterPage( xHMS->getHandoutMasterPage() );
    1295           6 :             if( )
    1296           6 :                 mpHandoutPageMaster = ImpGetOrCreatePageMasterInfo(xMasterPage);
    1297           6 :         }
    1298             :     }
    1299             : 
    1300             :     // create page master infos for master pages
    1301          22 :     if(mnDocMasterPageCount)
    1302             :     {
    1303             :         // look for needed page-masters, create these
    1304          24 :         for (sal_Int32 nMPageId = 0; nMPageId < mnDocMasterPageCount; nMPageId++)
    1305             :         {
    1306          12 :             Reference< XDrawPage > xMasterPage( mxDocMasterPages->getByIndex(nMPageId), UNO_QUERY );
    1307          12 :             ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pNewInfo = 0L;
    1308             : 
    1309          12 :             if(
    1310          12 :                 pNewInfo = ImpGetOrCreatePageMasterInfo(xMasterPage);
    1311             : 
    1312          12 :             mpPageMasterUsageList->push_back( pNewInfo );
    1313             : 
    1314             :             // look for page master of handout page
    1315          12 :             if(IsImpress())
    1316             :             {
    1317           6 :                 pNewInfo = NULL;
    1318           6 :                 Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1319           6 :                 if(
    1320             :                 {
    1321           6 :                     Reference< XDrawPage > xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
    1322           6 :                     if(
    1323             :                     {
    1324           6 :                         pNewInfo = ImpGetOrCreatePageMasterInfo(xNotesPage);
    1325           6 :                     }
    1326             :                 }
    1327           6 :                 mpNotesPageMasterUsageList->push_back( pNewInfo );
    1328             :             }
    1329          12 :         }
    1330             :     }
    1331          22 : }
    1332             : 
    1333          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpWritePageMasterInfos()
    1334             : {
    1335             :     // write created page-masters, create names for these
    1336          40 :     for( size_t nCnt = 0; nCnt < mpPageMasterInfoList->size(); nCnt++)
    1337             :     {
    1338          18 :         ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInfo = mpPageMasterInfoList->at(nCnt);
    1339          18 :         if(pInfo)
    1340             :         {
    1341             :             // create name
    1342          18 :             OUString sNewName("PM");
    1343             : 
    1344          18 :             sNewName += OUString::number(nCnt);
    1345          18 :             pInfo->SetName(sNewName);
    1346             : 
    1347             :             // prepare page-master attributes
    1348          36 :             OUString sString;
    1349          36 :             OUStringBuffer sStringBuffer;
    1350             : 
    1351          18 :             sString = sNewName;
    1352          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NAME, sString);
    1353             : 
    1354             :             // write page-layout
    1355          36 :             SvXMLElementExport aPME(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT, true, true);
    1356             : 
    1357             :             // prepare style:properties inside page-master
    1358          18 :             GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1359          36 :                     pInfo->GetBorderTop());
    1360          18 :             sString = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1361          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_MARGIN_TOP, sString);
    1362             : 
    1363          18 :             GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1364          36 :                     pInfo->GetBorderBottom());
    1365          18 :             sString = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1366          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_MARGIN_BOTTOM, sString);
    1367             : 
    1368          18 :             GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1369          36 :                     pInfo->GetBorderLeft());
    1370          18 :             sString = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1371          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_MARGIN_LEFT, sString);
    1372             : 
    1373          18 :             GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1374          36 :                     pInfo->GetBorderRight());
    1375          18 :             sString = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1376          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_MARGIN_RIGHT, sString);
    1377             : 
    1378          18 :             GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1379          36 :                     pInfo->GetWidth());
    1380          18 :             sString = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1381          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_PAGE_WIDTH, sString);
    1382             : 
    1383          18 :             GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    1384          36 :                     pInfo->GetHeight());
    1385          18 :             sString = sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
    1386          18 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_PAGE_HEIGHT, sString);
    1387             : 
    1388          18 :             if(pInfo->GetOrientation() == view::PaperOrientation_PORTRAIT)
    1389          12 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PRINT_ORIENTATION, XML_PORTRAIT);
    1390             :             else
    1391           6 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PRINT_ORIENTATION, XML_LANDSCAPE);
    1392             : 
    1393             :             // write style:properties
    1394          36 :             SvXMLElementExport aPMF(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT_PROPERTIES, true, true);
    1395             :         }
    1396             :     }
    1397          22 : }
    1398             : 
    1399           6 : ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* SdXMLExport::ImpGetPageMasterInfoByName(const OUString& rName)
    1400             : {
    1401           6 :     if(!rName.isEmpty() && !mpPageMasterInfoList->empty())
    1402             :     {
    1403           0 :         for( size_t nCnt = 0; nCnt < mpPageMasterInfoList->size(); nCnt++)
    1404             :         {
    1405           0 :             ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInfo = mpPageMasterInfoList->at(nCnt);
    1406           0 :             if(pInfo)
    1407             :             {
    1408           0 :                 if(!pInfo->GetMasterPageName().isEmpty() && rName.equals(pInfo->GetMasterPageName()))
    1409             :                 {
    1410           0 :                     return pInfo;
    1411             :                 }
    1412             :             }
    1413             :         }
    1414             :     }
    1415           6 :     return 0L;
    1416             : }
    1417             : 
    1418          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpPrepDrawPageInfos()
    1419             : {
    1420             :     // create draw:style-name entries for page export
    1421             :     // containing presentation page attributes AND background attributes
    1422             :     // fixed family for page-styles is "drawing-page" (XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_NAME)
    1423             : 
    1424             :     sal_Int32 nCnt;
    1425          48 :     for(nCnt = 0; nCnt < mnDocDrawPageCount; nCnt++)
    1426             :     {
    1427          26 :         Reference<XDrawPage> xDrawPage;
    1428          26 :         mxDocDrawPages->getByIndex(nCnt) >>= xDrawPage;
    1429          26 :         maDrawPagesStyleNames[nCnt] = ImpCreatePresPageStyleName( xDrawPage );
    1430             : 
    1431          52 :         Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1432          26 :         if(
    1433             :         {
    1434           6 :             maDrawNotesPagesStyleNames[nCnt] = ImpCreatePresPageStyleName( xPresPage->getNotesPage(), false );
    1435             : 
    1436           6 :             maDrawPagesHeaderFooterSettings[nCnt] = ImpPrepDrawPageHeaderFooterDecls( xDrawPage );
    1437           6 :             maDrawNotesPagesHeaderFooterSettings[nCnt] = ImpPrepDrawPageHeaderFooterDecls( xPresPage->getNotesPage() );
    1438             :         }
    1439          26 :     }
    1440          22 : }
    1441             : 
    1442           0 : static OUString findOrAppendImpl( std::vector< OUString >& rVector, const OUString& rText, const sal_Char* pPrefix )
    1443             : {
    1444             :     // search rVector if there is already a string that equals rText
    1445           0 :     std::vector< OUString >::iterator aIter;
    1446             :     sal_Int32 nIndex;
    1447           0 :     for( nIndex = 1, aIter = rVector.begin(); aIter != rVector.end(); ++aIter, ++nIndex )
    1448             :     {
    1449           0 :         if( (*aIter) == rText )
    1450           0 :             break;
    1451             :     }
    1452             : 
    1453             :     // if nothing is found, append the string at the end of rVector
    1454           0 :     if( aIter == rVector.end() )
    1455           0 :         rVector.push_back( rText );
    1456             : 
    1457             :     // create a reference string with pPrefix and the index of the
    1458             :     // found or created rText
    1459           0 :     OUString aStr( OUString::createFromAscii( pPrefix ) );
    1460           0 :     aStr += OUString::number( nIndex );
    1461           0 :     return aStr;
    1462             : }
    1463             : 
    1464           0 : static OUString findOrAppendImpl( std::vector< DateTimeDeclImpl >& rVector, const OUString& rText, bool bFixed, sal_Int32 nFormat, const sal_Char* pPrefix )
    1465             : {
    1466             :     // search rVector if there is already a DateTimeDeclImpl with rText,bFixed and nFormat
    1467           0 :     std::vector< DateTimeDeclImpl >::iterator aIter;
    1468             :     sal_Int32 nIndex;
    1469           0 :     for( nIndex = 1, aIter = rVector.begin(); aIter != rVector.end(); ++aIter, ++nIndex )
    1470             :     {
    1471           0 :         const DateTimeDeclImpl& rDecl = (*aIter);
    1472           0 :         if( (rDecl.mbFixed == bFixed ) &&
    1473           0 :             (!bFixed || rDecl.maStrText == rText) &&
    1474           0 :             (bFixed || (rDecl.mnFormat == nFormat) ) )
    1475           0 :             break;
    1476             :     }
    1477             : 
    1478             :     // if nothing is found, append a new DateTimeDeclImpl
    1479           0 :     if( aIter == rVector.end() )
    1480             :     {
    1481           0 :         DateTimeDeclImpl aDecl;
    1482           0 :         aDecl.maStrText = rText;
    1483           0 :         aDecl.mbFixed = bFixed;
    1484           0 :         aDecl.mnFormat = nFormat;
    1485           0 :         rVector.push_back( aDecl );
    1486             :     }
    1487             : 
    1488             :     // create a reference string with pPrefix and the index of the
    1489             :     // found or created DateTimeDeclImpl
    1490           0 :     OUString aStr( OUString::createFromAscii( pPrefix ) );
    1491           0 :     aStr += OUString::number( nIndex );
    1492           0 :     return aStr;
    1493             : 
    1494             : }
    1495             : 
    1496             : static const sal_Char* gpStrHeaderTextPrefix = "hdr";
    1497             : static const sal_Char* gpStrFooterTextPrefix = "ftr";
    1498             : static const sal_Char* gpStrDateTimeTextPrefix = "dtd";
    1499             : 
    1500          18 : HeaderFooterPageSettingsImpl SdXMLExport::ImpPrepDrawPageHeaderFooterDecls( const Reference<XDrawPage>& xDrawPage )
    1501             : {
    1502          18 :     HeaderFooterPageSettingsImpl aSettings;
    1503             : 
    1504          18 :     if( ) try
    1505             :     {
    1506          18 :         Reference< XPropertySet > xSet( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    1507          36 :         Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xInfo( xSet->getPropertySetInfo() );
    1508             : 
    1509          36 :         OUString aStrText;
    1510             : 
    1511          36 :         const OUString aStrHeaderTextProp( "HeaderText" );
    1512          18 :         if( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( aStrHeaderTextProp ) )
    1513             :         {
    1514          12 :             xSet->getPropertyValue( aStrHeaderTextProp  ) >>= aStrText;
    1515          12 :             if( !aStrText.isEmpty() )
    1516           0 :                 aSettings.maStrHeaderDeclName = findOrAppendImpl( maHeaderDeclsVector, aStrText, gpStrHeaderTextPrefix );
    1517             :         }
    1518             : 
    1519          36 :         const OUString aStrFooterTextProp( "FooterText" );
    1520          18 :         if( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( aStrFooterTextProp ) )
    1521             :         {
    1522          18 :             xSet->getPropertyValue( aStrFooterTextProp ) >>= aStrText;
    1523          18 :             if( !aStrText.isEmpty() )
    1524           0 :                 aSettings.maStrFooterDeclName = findOrAppendImpl( maFooterDeclsVector, aStrText, gpStrFooterTextPrefix );
    1525             :         }
    1526             : 
    1527          36 :         const OUString aStrDateTimeTextProp( "DateTimeText" );
    1528          18 :         if( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( aStrDateTimeTextProp ) )
    1529             :         {
    1530          18 :             bool bFixed = false;
    1531          18 :             sal_Int32 nFormat = 0;
    1532          18 :             xSet->getPropertyValue( aStrDateTimeTextProp ) >>= aStrText;
    1533          18 :             xSet->getPropertyValue("IsDateTimeFixed") >>= bFixed;
    1534          18 :             xSet->getPropertyValue("DateTimeFormat") >>= nFormat;
    1535             : 
    1536          18 :             if( !bFixed || !aStrText.isEmpty() )
    1537             :             {
    1538           0 :                 aSettings.maStrDateTimeDeclName = findOrAppendImpl( maDateTimeDeclsVector, aStrText, bFixed, nFormat, gpStrDateTimeTextPrefix );
    1539           0 :                 if( !bFixed )
    1540           0 :                     addDataStyle( nFormat );
    1541             :             }
    1542          18 :         }
    1543             :     }
    1544           0 :     catch(const Exception&)
    1545             :     {
    1546             :         OSL_FAIL( "SdXMLExport::ImpPrepDrawPageHeaderFooterDecls(), unexpected exception caught!" );
    1547             :     }
    1548             : 
    1549          18 :     return aSettings;
    1550             : }
    1551             : 
    1552          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpWriteHeaderFooterDecls()
    1553             : {
    1554          22 :     OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
    1555             : 
    1556          22 :     if( !maHeaderDeclsVector.empty() )
    1557             :     {
    1558             :         // export header decls
    1559           0 :         const OUString aPrefix( OUString::createFromAscii( gpStrHeaderTextPrefix ) );
    1560           0 :         std::vector< OUString >::iterator aIter;
    1561             :         sal_Int32 nIndex;
    1562           0 :         for( nIndex = 1, aIter = maHeaderDeclsVector.begin(); aIter != maHeaderDeclsVector.end(); ++aIter, ++nIndex )
    1563             :         {
    1564           0 :             sBuffer.append( aPrefix );
    1565           0 :             sBuffer.append( nIndex );
    1566           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_NAME, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    1567             : 
    1568           0 :             SvXMLElementExport aElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_HEADER_DECL, true, true);
    1569           0 :             Characters((*aIter));
    1570           0 :         }
    1571             :     }
    1572             : 
    1573          22 :     if( !maFooterDeclsVector.empty() )
    1574             :     {
    1575             :         // export footer decls
    1576           0 :         const OUString aPrefix( OUString::createFromAscii( gpStrFooterTextPrefix ) );
    1577           0 :         std::vector< OUString >::iterator aIter;
    1578             :         sal_Int32 nIndex;
    1579           0 :         for( nIndex = 1, aIter = maFooterDeclsVector.begin(); aIter != maFooterDeclsVector.end(); ++aIter, ++nIndex )
    1580             :         {
    1581           0 :             sBuffer.append( aPrefix );
    1582           0 :             sBuffer.append( nIndex );
    1583           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_NAME, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    1584             : 
    1585           0 :             SvXMLElementExport aElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_FOOTER_DECL, false, false);
    1586           0 :             Characters((*aIter));
    1587           0 :         }
    1588             :     }
    1589             : 
    1590          22 :     if( !maDateTimeDeclsVector.empty() )
    1591             :     {
    1592             :         // export footer decls
    1593           0 :         const OUString aPrefix( OUString::createFromAscii( gpStrDateTimeTextPrefix ) );
    1594           0 :         std::vector< DateTimeDeclImpl >::iterator aIter;
    1595             :         sal_Int32 nIndex;
    1596           0 :         for( nIndex = 1, aIter = maDateTimeDeclsVector.begin(); aIter != maDateTimeDeclsVector.end(); ++aIter, ++nIndex )
    1597             :         {
    1598           0 :             const DateTimeDeclImpl& rDecl = (*aIter);
    1599             : 
    1600           0 :             sBuffer.append( aPrefix );
    1601           0 :             sBuffer.append( nIndex );
    1602           0 :             AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_NAME, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    1603             : 
    1604           0 :             AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_SOURCE, rDecl.mbFixed ? XML_FIXED : XML_CURRENT_DATE );
    1605             : 
    1606           0 :             if( !rDecl.mbFixed )
    1607           0 :                 AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_DATA_STYLE_NAME, getDataStyleName( rDecl.mnFormat ) );
    1608             : 
    1609           0 :             SvXMLElementExport aElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_DATE_TIME_DECL, false, false);
    1610           0 :             if( rDecl.mbFixed )
    1611           0 :                 Characters(rDecl.maStrText);
    1612           0 :         }
    1613          22 :     }
    1614          22 : }
    1615             : 
    1616          18 : void SdXMLExport::ImplExportHeaderFooterDeclAttributes( const HeaderFooterPageSettingsImpl& aSettings )
    1617             : {
    1618          18 :     if( !aSettings.maStrHeaderDeclName.isEmpty() )
    1619           0 :         AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_USE_HEADER_NAME, aSettings.maStrHeaderDeclName );
    1620             : 
    1621          18 :     if( !aSettings.maStrFooterDeclName.isEmpty() )
    1622           0 :         AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_USE_FOOTER_NAME, aSettings.maStrFooterDeclName );
    1623             : 
    1624          18 :     if( !aSettings.maStrDateTimeDeclName.isEmpty() )
    1625           0 :         AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_USE_DATE_TIME_NAME, aSettings.maStrDateTimeDeclName );
    1626          18 : }
    1627             : 
    1628          50 : OUString SdXMLExport::ImpCreatePresPageStyleName( Reference<XDrawPage> xDrawPage, bool bExportBackground /* = true */ )
    1629             : {
    1630             :     // create name
    1631          50 :     OUString sStyleName;
    1632             : 
    1633             :     // create style for this page and add to auto style pool
    1634             : 
    1635         100 :     Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet1(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1636          50 :     if(
    1637             :     {
    1638          50 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet;
    1639             : 
    1640          50 :         if( bExportBackground )
    1641             :         {
    1642             :             // since the background items are in a different propertyset
    1643             :             // which itself is a property of the pages property set
    1644             :             // we now merge these two propertysets if possible to simulate
    1645             :             // a single propertyset with all draw page properties
    1646          38 :             const OUString aBackground("Background");
    1647          76 :             Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet2;
    1648          76 :             Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo( xPropSet1->getPropertySetInfo() );
    1649          38 :             if( && xInfo->hasPropertyByName( aBackground ) )
    1650             :             {
    1651          38 :                 Any aAny( xPropSet1->getPropertyValue( aBackground ) );
    1652          38 :                 aAny >>= xPropSet2;
    1653             :             }
    1654             : 
    1655          38 :             if( )
    1656          14 :                 xPropSet = PropertySetMerger_CreateInstance( xPropSet1, xPropSet2 );
    1657             :             else
    1658          62 :                 xPropSet = xPropSet1;
    1659             :         }
    1660             :         else
    1661             :         {
    1662          12 :             xPropSet = xPropSet1;
    1663             :         }
    1664             : 
    1665         100 :         const rtl::Reference< SvXMLExportPropertyMapper > aMapperRef( GetPresPagePropsMapper() );
    1666             : 
    1667         100 :         std::vector< XMLPropertyState > xPropStates( aMapperRef->Filter( xPropSet ) );
    1668             : 
    1669          50 :         if( !xPropStates.empty() )
    1670             :         {
    1671             :             // there are filtered properties -> hard attributes
    1672             :             // try to find this style in AutoStylePool
    1673          50 :             sStyleName = GetAutoStylePool()->Find(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID, sStyleName, xPropStates);
    1674             : 
    1675          50 :             if(sStyleName.isEmpty())
    1676             :             {
    1677             :                 // Style did not exist, add it to AutoStalePool
    1678          42 :                 sStyleName = GetAutoStylePool()->Add(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID, sStyleName, xPropStates);
    1679             :             }
    1680          50 :         }
    1681             :     }
    1682             : 
    1683         100 :     return sStyleName;
    1684             : }
    1685             : 
    1686          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpPrepMasterPageInfos()
    1687             : {
    1688             :     // create draw:style-name entries for master page export
    1689             :     // containing only background attributes
    1690             :     // fixed family for page-styles is "drawing-page" (XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_NAME)
    1691             : 
    1692             :     sal_Int32 nCnt;
    1693          34 :     for( nCnt = 0; nCnt < mnDocMasterPageCount; nCnt++)
    1694             :     {
    1695          12 :         Reference<XDrawPage> xDrawPage;
    1696          12 :         mxDocMasterPages->getByIndex(nCnt) >>= xDrawPage;
    1697          12 :         maMasterPagesStyleNames[nCnt] = ImpCreatePresPageStyleName( xDrawPage );
    1698          12 :     }
    1699             : 
    1700          22 :     if( IsImpress() )
    1701             :     {
    1702           6 :         Reference< presentation::XHandoutMasterSupplier > xHandoutSupp( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    1703           6 :         if( )
    1704             :         {
    1705           6 :             Reference< XDrawPage > xHandoutPage( xHandoutSupp->getHandoutMasterPage() );
    1706           6 :             if( )
    1707             :             {
    1708           6 :                 maHandoutPageHeaderFooterSettings = ImpPrepDrawPageHeaderFooterDecls( xHandoutPage );
    1709           6 :                 maHandoutMasterStyleName = ImpCreatePresPageStyleName( xHandoutPage, false );
    1710           6 :             }
    1711           6 :         }
    1712             :     }
    1713          22 : }
    1714             : 
    1715          22 : void SdXMLExport::ImpWritePresentationStyles()
    1716             : {
    1717          22 :     if(IsImpress())
    1718             :     {
    1719          12 :         for (sal_Int32 nCnt = 0; nCnt < mnDocMasterPageCount; nCnt++)
    1720             :         {
    1721           6 :             Any aAny(mxDocMasterPages->getByIndex(nCnt));
    1722          12 :             Reference<container::XNamed> xNamed;
    1723             : 
    1724           6 :             if(aAny >>= xNamed)
    1725             :             {
    1726             :                 // write presentation styles (ONLY if presentation)
    1727           6 :                 if(IsImpress() && &&
    1728             :                 {
    1729           6 :                     XMLStyleExport aStEx(*this, OUString(), GetAutoStylePool().get());
    1730          12 :                     const rtl::Reference< SvXMLExportPropertyMapper > aMapperRef( GetPropertySetMapper() );
    1731             : 
    1732          12 :                     OUString aPrefix( xNamed->getName() );
    1733             : 
    1734           6 :                     aPrefix += "-";
    1735           6 :                     aStEx.exportStyleFamily(xNamed->getName(),
    1736             :                         OUString(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_PRESENTATION_NAME),
    1737             :                         aMapperRef, false,
    1738          18 :                         XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_PRESENTATION_ID, &aPrefix);
    1739             :                 }
    1740             :             }
    1741           6 :         }
    1742             :     }
    1743          22 : }
    1744             : 
    1745          26 : void SdXMLExport::SetProgress(sal_Int32 nProg)
    1746             : {
    1747             :     // set progress view
    1748          26 :     if(GetStatusIndicator().is())
    1749           0 :         GetStatusIndicator()->setValue(nProg);
    1750          26 : }
    1751             : 
    1752             : // #82003#
    1753             : 
    1754           8 : void SdXMLExport::_ExportMeta()
    1755             : {
    1756           8 :     uno::Sequence<beans::NamedValue> stats(1);
    1757          16 :     stats[0] = beans::NamedValue(OUString( "ObjectCount" ),
    1758           8 :                 uno::makeAny(mnObjectCount));
    1759             : 
    1760             :     // update document statistics at the model
    1761           8 :     uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xPropSup(GetModel(),
    1762          16 :         uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    1763             :     uno::Reference<document::XDocumentProperties> xDocProps(
    1764          16 :         xPropSup->getDocumentProperties());
    1765           8 :     if ( {
    1766           8 :         xDocProps->setDocumentStatistics(stats);
    1767             :     }
    1768             : 
    1769             :     // call parent
    1770          16 :     SvXMLExport::_ExportMeta();
    1771           8 : }
    1772             : 
    1773          40 : void SdXMLExport::_ExportFontDecls()
    1774             : {
    1775          40 :     GetFontAutoStylePool(); // make sure the pool is created
    1776          40 :     SvXMLExport::_ExportFontDecls();
    1777          40 : }
    1778             : 
    1779          22 : void SdXMLExport::_ExportContent()
    1780             : {
    1781             :     // export <pres:header-decl>, <pres:footer-decl> and <pres:date-time-decl> elements
    1782          22 :     ImpWriteHeaderFooterDecls();
    1783             : 
    1784             :     // page export
    1785          48 :     for(sal_Int32 nPageInd(0); nPageInd < mnDocDrawPageCount; nPageInd++)
    1786             :     {
    1787          26 :         uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> xDrawPage( mxDocDrawPages->getByIndex(nPageInd), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    1788             : 
    1789          26 :         SetProgress(((nPageInd + 1) * 100) / mnDocDrawPageCount);
    1790             : 
    1791          26 :         if(
    1792             :         {
    1793             :             // prepare page attributes, name of page
    1794          26 :             Reference < container::XNamed > xNamed(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1795          26 :             if(
    1796          26 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_NAME, xNamed->getName());
    1797             : 
    1798             :             // draw:style-name (presentation page attributes AND background attributes)
    1799          26 :             if( !maDrawPagesStyleNames[nPageInd].isEmpty() )
    1800             :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_STYLE_NAME,
    1801          26 :                         maDrawPagesStyleNames[nPageInd]);
    1802             : 
    1803             :             // draw:master-page-name
    1804          52 :             Reference < drawing::XMasterPageTarget > xMasterPageInt(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1805          26 :             if(
    1806             :             {
    1807          26 :                 Reference<XDrawPage> xUsedMasterPage(xMasterPageInt->getMasterPage());
    1808          26 :                 if(
    1809             :                 {
    1810          26 :                     Reference < container::XNamed > xMasterNamed(xUsedMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1811          26 :                     if(
    1812             :                     {
    1813             :                         AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_MASTER_PAGE_NAME,
    1814          26 :                             EncodeStyleName( xMasterNamed->getName()) );
    1815          26 :                     }
    1816          26 :                 }
    1817             :             }
    1818             : 
    1819             :             // presentation:page-layout-name
    1820          26 :             if( IsImpress() && !maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames[nPageInd+1].isEmpty())
    1821             :             {
    1822           6 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_PRESENTATION_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME, maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames[nPageInd+1] );
    1823             :             }
    1824             : 
    1825          52 :             Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    1826          26 :             if( )
    1827             :             {
    1828             :                 try
    1829             :                 {
    1830          26 :                     OUString aBookmarkURL;
    1831          26 :                     xProps->getPropertyValue("BookmarkURL") >>= aBookmarkURL;
    1832             : 
    1833          26 :                     if( !aBookmarkURL.isEmpty() )
    1834             :                     {
    1835           0 :                         sal_Int32 nIndex = aBookmarkURL.lastIndexOf( '#' );
    1836           0 :                         if( nIndex != -1 )
    1837             :                         {
    1838           0 :                             OUString aFileName( aBookmarkURL.copy( 0, nIndex ) );
    1839           0 :                             OUString aBookmarkName( aBookmarkURL.copy( nIndex+1 ) );
    1840             : 
    1841           0 :                             aBookmarkURL = GetRelativeReference( aFileName ) + "#" + aBookmarkName;
    1842             :                         }
    1843             : 
    1844           0 :                         AddAttribute ( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_HREF, aBookmarkURL);
    1845           0 :                         AddAttribute ( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_TYPE, XML_SIMPLE );
    1846           0 :                         AddAttribute ( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_SHOW, XML_REPLACE );
    1847           0 :                         AddAttribute ( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_ACTUATE, XML_ONREQUEST );
    1848          26 :                     }
    1849             :                 }
    1850           0 :                 catch(const Exception&)
    1851             :                 {
    1852             :                     OSL_FAIL(" no \"BookmarkURL\" property at page?" );
    1853             :                 }
    1854             :             }
    1855             : 
    1856          26 :             if( IsImpress() )
    1857           6 :                 ImplExportHeaderFooterDeclAttributes( maDrawPagesHeaderFooterSettings[nPageInd] );
    1858             : 
    1859          52 :             OUString sNavigationOrder( getNavigationOrder( xDrawPage ) );
    1860          26 :             if( !sNavigationOrder.isEmpty() )
    1861           0 :                 AddAttribute ( XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_NAV_ORDER, sNavigationOrder );
    1862             : 
    1863          52 :             rtl::Reference< xmloff::AnimationsExporter >  xAnimationsExporter;
    1864          52 :             uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNodeSupplier > xAnimNodeSupplier;
    1865             : 
    1866             :             // prepare animation export
    1867          26 :             if(IsImpress())
    1868             :             {
    1869           6 :                 if( getExportFlags() & EXPORT_OASIS )
    1870             :                 {
    1871             :                     // export new animations for oasis format
    1872           6 :                     xAnimNodeSupplier.set( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    1873             : 
    1874             :                     // prepare animations exporter if impress
    1875           6 :                     if(
    1876             :                     {
    1877           6 :                         xAnimationsExporter = new xmloff::AnimationsExporter( *this, xProps );
    1878           6 :                         xAnimationsExporter->prepare( xAnimNodeSupplier->getAnimationNode() );
    1879             :                     }
    1880             :                 }
    1881             :                 else
    1882             :                 {
    1883             :                     // export old animations for ooo format
    1884           0 :                     rtl::Reference< XMLAnimationsExporter > xAnimExport = new XMLAnimationsExporter( GetShapeExport().get() );
    1885           0 :                     GetShapeExport()->setAnimationsExporter( xAnimExport );
    1886             :                 }
    1887             :             }
    1888             : 
    1889             :             // write draw:id
    1890          52 :             const OUString aPageId = getInterfaceToIdentifierMapper().getIdentifier( xDrawPage );
    1891          26 :             if( !aPageId.isEmpty() )
    1892             :             {
    1893           0 :                 AddAttributeIdLegacy(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, aPageId);
    1894             :             }
    1895             : 
    1896             :             // write page
    1897          52 :             SvXMLElementExport aDPG(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_PAGE, true, true);
    1898             : 
    1899             :             // write optional office:forms
    1900          26 :             exportFormsElement( xDrawPage );
    1901             : 
    1902             :             // write graphic objects on this page (if any)
    1903          52 :             Reference< drawing::XShapes > xExportShapes(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1904          26 :             if( && xExportShapes->getCount())
    1905           4 :                 GetShapeExport()->exportShapes( xExportShapes );
    1906             : 
    1907             :             // write animations and presentation notes (ONLY if presentation)
    1908          26 :             if(IsImpress())
    1909             :             {
    1910           6 :                 if(
    1911             :                 {
    1912           6 :                     xAnimationsExporter->exportAnimations( xAnimNodeSupplier->getAnimationNode() );
    1913             :                 }
    1914             :                 else
    1915             :                 {
    1916             :                     // animations
    1917           0 :                     rtl::Reference< XMLAnimationsExporter > xAnimExport( GetShapeExport()->getAnimationsExporter() );
    1918           0 :                     if( )
    1919           0 :                         xAnimExport->exportAnimations( *this );
    1920             : 
    1921           0 :                     xAnimExport = NULL;
    1922           0 :                     GetShapeExport()->setAnimationsExporter( xAnimExport );
    1923             :                 }
    1924             : 
    1925             :                 // presentations
    1926           6 :                 Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1927           6 :                 if(
    1928             :                 {
    1929           6 :                     Reference< XDrawPage > xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
    1930           6 :                     if(
    1931             :                     {
    1932           6 :                         Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xNotesPage, UNO_QUERY);
    1933           6 :                         if(
    1934             :                         {
    1935           6 :                             if( !maDrawNotesPagesStyleNames[nPageInd].isEmpty() )
    1936           6 :                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_STYLE_NAME, maDrawNotesPagesStyleNames[nPageInd]);
    1937             : 
    1938           6 :                             ImplExportHeaderFooterDeclAttributes( maDrawNotesPagesHeaderFooterSettings[nPageInd] );
    1939             : 
    1940             :                             // write presentation notes
    1941           6 :                             SvXMLElementExport aPSY(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_NOTES, true, true);
    1942             : 
    1943             :                             // write optional office:forms
    1944           6 :                             exportFormsElement( xNotesPage );
    1945             : 
    1946             :                             // write shapes per se
    1947           6 :                             GetShapeExport()->exportShapes( xShapes );
    1948           6 :                         }
    1949           6 :                     }
    1950           6 :                 }
    1951             :             }
    1952             : 
    1953          52 :             exportAnnotations( xDrawPage );
    1954             :         }
    1955          26 :     }
    1956             : 
    1957          22 :     if( IsImpress() )
    1958           6 :         exportPresentationSettings();
    1959          22 : }
    1960             : 
    1961           6 : void SdXMLExport::exportPresentationSettings()
    1962             : {
    1963             :     try
    1964             :     {
    1965           6 :         Reference< XPresentationSupplier > xPresSupplier( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    1966           6 :         if( ! )
    1967           0 :             return;
    1968             : 
    1969           6 :         Reference< XPropertySet > xPresProps( xPresSupplier->getPresentation(), UNO_QUERY );
    1970           6 :         if( ! )
    1971           0 :             return;
    1972             : 
    1973           6 :         bool bHasAttr = false;
    1974             : 
    1975           6 :         bool bTemp = false;
    1976             : 
    1977             :         // export range
    1978           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsShowAll") >>= bTemp;
    1979           6 :         if( !bTemp )
    1980             :         {
    1981           0 :             OUString aFirstPage;
    1982           0 :             xPresProps->getPropertyValue("FirstPage") >>= aFirstPage;
    1983           0 :             if( !aFirstPage.isEmpty() )
    1984             :             {
    1985           0 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_START_PAGE, aFirstPage );
    1986           0 :                 bHasAttr = true;
    1987             :             }
    1988             :             else
    1989             :             {
    1990           0 :                 OUString aCustomShow;
    1991           0 :                 xPresProps->getPropertyValue("CustomShow") >>= aCustomShow;
    1992           0 :                 if( !aCustomShow.isEmpty() )
    1993             :                 {
    1994           0 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_SHOW, aCustomShow );
    1995           0 :                     bHasAttr = true;
    1996           0 :                 }
    1997           0 :             }
    1998             :         }
    1999             : 
    2000           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsEndless") >>= bTemp;
    2001           6 :         if( bTemp )
    2002             :         {
    2003           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_ENDLESS, XML_TRUE );
    2004           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2005             : 
    2006           0 :             sal_Int32 nPause = 0;
    2007           0 :             xPresProps->getPropertyValue("Pause") >>= nPause;
    2008             : 
    2009           0 :             util::Duration aDuration;
    2010           0 :             aDuration.Seconds = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPause);
    2011             : 
    2012           0 :             OUStringBuffer aOut;
    2013           0 :             ::sax::Converter::convertDuration(aOut, aDuration);
    2014           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_PAUSE, aOut.makeStringAndClear() );
    2015             :         }
    2016             : 
    2017           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("AllowAnimations") >>= bTemp;
    2018           6 :         if( !bTemp )
    2019             :         {
    2020           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_ANIMATIONS, XML_DISABLED );
    2021           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2022             :         }
    2023             : 
    2024           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsAlwaysOnTop") >>= bTemp;
    2025           6 :         if( bTemp )
    2026             :         {
    2027           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_STAY_ON_TOP, XML_TRUE );
    2028           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2029             :         }
    2030             : 
    2031           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsAutomatic") >>= bTemp;
    2032           6 :         if( bTemp )
    2033             :         {
    2034           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_FORCE_MANUAL, XML_TRUE );
    2035           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2036             :         }
    2037             : 
    2038           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsFullScreen") >>= bTemp;
    2039           6 :         if( !bTemp )
    2040             :         {
    2041           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_FULL_SCREEN, XML_FALSE );
    2042           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2043             :         }
    2044             : 
    2045           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsMouseVisible") >>= bTemp;
    2046           6 :         if( !bTemp )
    2047             :         {
    2048           6 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_MOUSE_VISIBLE, XML_FALSE );
    2049           6 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2050             :         }
    2051             : 
    2052           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("StartWithNavigator") >>= bTemp;
    2053           6 :         if( bTemp )
    2054             :         {
    2055           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_START_WITH_NAVIGATOR, XML_TRUE );
    2056           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2057             :         }
    2058             : 
    2059           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("UsePen") >>= bTemp;
    2060           6 :         if( bTemp )
    2061             :         {
    2062           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_MOUSE_AS_PEN, XML_TRUE );
    2063           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2064             :         }
    2065             : 
    2066           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsTransitionOnClick") >>= bTemp;
    2067           6 :         if( !bTemp )
    2068             :         {
    2069           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_TRANSITION_ON_CLICK, XML_DISABLED );
    2070           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2071             :         }
    2072             : 
    2073           6 :         xPresProps->getPropertyValue("IsShowLogo") >>= bTemp;
    2074           6 :         if( bTemp )
    2075             :         {
    2076           0 :             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_SHOW_LOGO, XML_TRUE );
    2077           0 :             bHasAttr = true;
    2078             :         }
    2079             : 
    2080           6 :         Reference< container::XNameContainer > xShows;
    2081           6 :         Sequence< OUString > aShowNames;
    2082           6 :         const OUString* pShowNames = NULL;
    2083           6 :         sal_Int32 nShowCount = 0;
    2084             : 
    2085           6 :         Reference< XCustomPresentationSupplier > xSup( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2086           6 :         if( )
    2087             :         {
    2088           6 :             xShows = xSup->getCustomPresentations();
    2089           6 :             if( )
    2090             :             {
    2091           6 :                 aShowNames = xShows->getElementNames();
    2092           6 :                 pShowNames = aShowNames.getArray();
    2093           6 :                 nShowCount = aShowNames.getLength();
    2094             :             }
    2095             :         }
    2096             : 
    2097           6 :         if( bHasAttr || nShowCount != 0 )
    2098             :         {
    2099           6 :             SvXMLElementExport aSettings(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_SETTINGS, true, true);
    2100             : 
    2101           6 :             if( nShowCount == 0 )
    2102           6 :                 return;
    2103             : 
    2104           0 :             Reference< XIndexContainer > xShow;
    2105           0 :             Reference< XNamed > xPageName;
    2106             : 
    2107           0 :             OUStringBuffer sTmp;
    2108             : 
    2109           0 :             for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nShowCount; nIndex++, pShowNames++ )
    2110             :             {
    2111           0 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_NAME, *pShowNames );
    2112             : 
    2113           0 :                 xShows->getByName( *pShowNames ) >>= xShow;
    2114             :                 DBG_ASSERT(, "invalid custom show!" );
    2115           0 :                 if( ! )
    2116           0 :                     continue;
    2117             : 
    2118           0 :                 const sal_Int32 nPageCount = xShow->getCount();
    2119           0 :                 for( sal_Int32 nPage = 0; nPage < nPageCount; nPage++ )
    2120             :                 {
    2121           0 :                     xShow->getByIndex( nPage ) >>= xPageName;
    2122             : 
    2123           0 :                     if( ! )
    2124           0 :                         continue;
    2125             : 
    2126           0 :                     if( !sTmp.isEmpty() )
    2127           0 :                         sTmp.append(  ',' );
    2128           0 :                     sTmp.append( xPageName->getName() );
    2129             : 
    2130             :                 }
    2131             : 
    2132           0 :                 if( !sTmp.isEmpty() )
    2133           0 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_PAGES, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() );
    2134             : 
    2135           0 :                 SvXMLElementExport aShows(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_SHOW, true, true);
    2136           0 :             }
    2137           0 :         }
    2138             :     }
    2139           0 :     catch(const uno::Exception&)
    2140             :     {
    2141             :         OSL_FAIL( "uno::Exception while exporting <presentation:settings>" );
    2142             :     }
    2143             : }
    2144             : 
    2145          22 : void SdXMLExport::_ExportStyles(bool bUsed)
    2146             : {
    2147          22 :     GetPropertySetMapper()->SetAutoStyles( false );
    2148             : 
    2149             :     // export fill styles
    2150          22 :     SvXMLExport::_ExportStyles( bUsed );
    2151             : 
    2152             :     // write draw:style-name for object graphic-styles
    2153          22 :     GetShapeExport()->ExportGraphicDefaults();
    2154             : 
    2155             :     // do not export in ODF 1.1 or older
    2156          22 :     if( getDefaultVersion() >= SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_012 )
    2157          22 :         GetShapeExport()->GetShapeTableExport()->exportTableStyles();
    2158             : 
    2159             :     // write presentation styles
    2160          22 :     ImpWritePresentationStyles();
    2161             : 
    2162             :     // prepare draw:auto-layout-name for page export
    2163          22 :     ImpPrepAutoLayoutInfos();
    2164             : 
    2165             :     // write draw:auto-layout-name for page export
    2166          22 :     ImpWriteAutoLayoutInfos();
    2167             : 
    2168          22 :     Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xInfoSet( getExportInfo() );
    2169          22 :     if( )
    2170             :     {
    2171          18 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfoSetInfo( xInfoSet->getPropertySetInfo() );
    2172             : 
    2173          36 :         Any aAny;
    2174             : 
    2175          18 :         if( xInfoSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( msPageLayoutNames ) )
    2176             :         {
    2177          18 :             aAny <<= maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames;
    2178          18 :             xInfoSet->setPropertyValue( msPageLayoutNames, aAny );
    2179          18 :         }
    2180          22 :     }
    2181          22 : }
    2182             : 
    2183          40 : void SdXMLExport::_ExportAutoStyles()
    2184             : {
    2185          40 :     Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xInfoSet( getExportInfo() );
    2186          40 :     if( )
    2187             :     {
    2188          36 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfoSetInfo( xInfoSet->getPropertySetInfo() );
    2189             : 
    2190          36 :         if( xInfoSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( msPageLayoutNames ) )
    2191             :         {
    2192          36 :             xInfoSet->getPropertyValue( msPageLayoutNames ) >>= maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames;
    2193          36 :         }
    2194             :     }
    2195             : 
    2196          40 :     GetPropertySetMapper()->SetAutoStyles( true );
    2197             : 
    2198          40 :     if( getExportFlags() & EXPORT_STYLES )
    2199             :     {
    2200             :         // #80012# PageMaster export moved from _ExportStyles
    2201             :         // prepare page-master infos
    2202          22 :         ImpPrepPageMasterInfos();
    2203             : 
    2204             :         // write page-master infos
    2205          22 :         ImpWritePageMasterInfos();
    2206             : 
    2207             :         // prepare draw:style-name for master page export
    2208          22 :         ImpPrepMasterPageInfos();
    2209             :     }
    2210             : 
    2211          40 :     if( getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT )
    2212             :     {
    2213             :         // prepare draw:style-name for page export
    2214          22 :         ImpPrepDrawPageInfos();
    2215             :     }
    2216             : 
    2217             :     // export draw-page styles
    2218             :     GetAutoStylePool()->exportXML(
    2219             :         XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID
    2220          40 :         , GetDocHandler(),
    2221          40 :         GetMM100UnitConverter(),
    2222          40 :         GetNamespaceMap()
    2223          40 :         );
    2224             : 
    2225          40 :     if( getExportFlags() & EXPORT_STYLES )
    2226             :     {
    2227             :         // create auto style infos for shapes on master handout page
    2228          22 :         if( IsImpress() )
    2229             :         {
    2230           6 :             Reference< presentation::XHandoutMasterSupplier > xHandoutSupp( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2231           6 :             if( )
    2232             :             {
    2233           6 :                 Reference< XDrawPage > xHandoutPage( xHandoutSupp->getHandoutMasterPage() );
    2234           6 :                 if( )
    2235             :                 {
    2236           6 :                     Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xHandoutPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2237           6 :                     if( && xShapes->getCount())
    2238           6 :                         GetShapeExport()->collectShapesAutoStyles( xShapes );
    2239           6 :                 }
    2240           6 :             }
    2241             :         }
    2242             : 
    2243             :         // create auto style infos for objects on master pages
    2244          34 :         for(sal_Int32 nMPageId(0L); nMPageId < mnDocMasterPageCount; nMPageId++)
    2245             :         {
    2246          12 :             Reference< XDrawPage > xMasterPage(mxDocMasterPages->getByIndex(nMPageId), UNO_QUERY );
    2247             : 
    2248          12 :             if( )
    2249             :             {
    2250             :                 // collect layer information
    2251          12 :                 GetFormExport()->examineForms( xMasterPage );
    2252             : 
    2253             :                 // get MasterPage Name
    2254          12 :                 OUString aMasterPageNamePrefix;
    2255          24 :                 Reference < container::XNamed > xNamed(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2256          12 :                 if(
    2257             :                 {
    2258          12 :                     aMasterPageNamePrefix = xNamed->getName();
    2259             :                 }
    2260          12 :                 if(!aMasterPageNamePrefix.isEmpty())
    2261             :                 {
    2262          12 :                     aMasterPageNamePrefix += "-";
    2263             :                 }
    2264          12 :                 GetShapeExport()->setPresentationStylePrefix( aMasterPageNamePrefix );
    2265             : 
    2266          24 :                 Reference< drawing::XShapes > xMasterShapes(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2267          12 :                 if( && xMasterShapes->getCount())
    2268           6 :                     GetShapeExport()->collectShapesAutoStyles( xMasterShapes );
    2269             : 
    2270          12 :                 if(IsImpress())
    2271             :                 {
    2272           6 :                     Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2273           6 :                     if(
    2274             :                     {
    2275           6 :                         Reference< XDrawPage > xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
    2276           6 :                         if(
    2277             :                         {
    2278             :                             // collect layer information
    2279           6 :                             GetFormExport()->examineForms( xNotesPage );
    2280             : 
    2281           6 :                             Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xNotesPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2282           6 :                             if( && xShapes->getCount())
    2283           6 :                                 GetShapeExport()->collectShapesAutoStyles( xShapes );
    2284           6 :                         }
    2285           6 :                     }
    2286             :                 }
    2287          24 :                 collectAnnotationAutoStyles(xMasterPage);
    2288             :             }
    2289          12 :         }
    2290             :     }
    2291             : 
    2292          40 :     if( getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT )
    2293             :     {
    2294             :         // prepare animations exporter if impress
    2295          22 :         if(IsImpress() && ((getExportFlags() & EXPORT_OASIS) == 0) )
    2296             :         {
    2297           0 :             rtl::Reference< XMLAnimationsExporter > xAnimExport = new XMLAnimationsExporter( GetShapeExport().get() );
    2298           0 :             GetShapeExport()->setAnimationsExporter( xAnimExport );
    2299             :         }
    2300             : 
    2301             :         // create auto style infos for objects on pages
    2302          48 :         for(sal_Int32 nPageInd(0); nPageInd < mnDocDrawPageCount; nPageInd++)
    2303             :         {
    2304          26 :             Reference<XDrawPage> xDrawPage( mxDocDrawPages->getByIndex(nPageInd), UNO_QUERY );
    2305          26 :             if( )
    2306             :             {
    2307             :                 // collect layer information
    2308          26 :                 GetFormExport()->examineForms( xDrawPage );
    2309             : 
    2310             :                 // get MasterPage Name
    2311          26 :                 OUString aMasterPageNamePrefix;
    2312          52 :                 Reference < drawing::XMasterPageTarget > xMasterPageInt(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2313          26 :                 if(
    2314             :                 {
    2315          26 :                     Reference<XDrawPage> xUsedMasterPage(xMasterPageInt->getMasterPage());
    2316          26 :                     if(
    2317             :                     {
    2318          26 :                         Reference < container::XNamed > xMasterNamed(xUsedMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2319          26 :                         if(
    2320             :                         {
    2321          26 :                             aMasterPageNamePrefix = xMasterNamed->getName();
    2322          26 :                         }
    2323          26 :                     }
    2324             :                 }
    2325          26 :                 if(!aMasterPageNamePrefix.isEmpty())
    2326             :                 {
    2327          26 :                     aMasterPageNamePrefix += "-";
    2328             :                 }
    2329             : 
    2330          26 :                 GetShapeExport()->setPresentationStylePrefix( aMasterPageNamePrefix );
    2331             : 
    2332             :                 // prepare object infos
    2333          52 :                 Reference< drawing::XShapes > xDrawShapes(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2334          26 :                 if( && xDrawShapes->getCount())
    2335           4 :                     GetShapeExport()->collectShapesAutoStyles( xDrawShapes );
    2336             : 
    2337             :                 // prepare presentation notes page object infos (ONLY if presentation)
    2338          26 :                 if(IsImpress())
    2339             :                 {
    2340           6 :                     Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2341           6 :                     if(
    2342             :                     {
    2343           6 :                         Reference< XDrawPage > xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
    2344           6 :                         if(
    2345             :                         {
    2346             :                             // collect layer information
    2347           6 :                             GetFormExport()->examineForms( xNotesPage );
    2348             : 
    2349           6 :                             Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xNotesPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2350           6 :                             if( && xShapes->getCount())
    2351           6 :                                 GetShapeExport()->collectShapesAutoStyles( xShapes );
    2352           6 :                         }
    2353           6 :                     }
    2354             :                 }
    2355             : 
    2356          52 :                 collectAnnotationAutoStyles( xDrawPage );
    2357             :             }
    2358          26 :         }
    2359          22 :         if(IsImpress())
    2360             :         {
    2361           6 :             rtl::Reference< XMLAnimationsExporter > xAnimExport;
    2362           6 :             GetShapeExport()->setAnimationsExporter( xAnimExport );
    2363             :         }
    2364             :     }
    2365             : 
    2366          40 :     exportAutoDataStyles();
    2367             : 
    2368          40 :     GetShapeExport()->exportAutoStyles();
    2369             : 
    2370          40 :     sal_uInt16 nContentAutostyles = EXPORT_CONTENT | EXPORT_AUTOSTYLES;
    2371          40 :     if ( ( getExportFlags() & nContentAutostyles ) == nContentAutostyles )
    2372          22 :         GetFormExport()->exportAutoStyles( );
    2373             : 
    2374             :     // ...for text
    2375          40 :     GetTextParagraphExport()->exportTextAutoStyles();
    2376          40 : }
    2377             : 
    2378          22 : void SdXMLExport::_ExportMasterStyles()
    2379             : {
    2380             :     // export layer
    2381          22 :     SdXMLayerExporter::exportLayer( *this );
    2382             : 
    2383             :     // export handout master page if impress
    2384          22 :     if( IsImpress() )
    2385             :     {
    2386           6 :         Reference< presentation::XHandoutMasterSupplier > xHandoutSupp( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2387           6 :         if( )
    2388             :         {
    2389           6 :             Reference< XDrawPage > xHandoutPage( xHandoutSupp->getHandoutMasterPage() );
    2390           6 :             if( )
    2391             :             {
    2392             :                 // presentation:page-layout-name
    2393           6 :                 if( IsImpress() && !maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames[0].isEmpty())
    2394             :                 {
    2395           6 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_PRESENTATION_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME, EncodeStyleName( maDrawPagesAutoLayoutNames[0] ));
    2396             :                 }
    2397             : 
    2398           6 :                 ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInfo = mpHandoutPageMaster;
    2399           6 :                 if(pInfo)
    2400             :                 {
    2401           6 :                     OUString sString = pInfo->GetName();
    2402           6 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME, sString );
    2403             :                 }
    2404             : 
    2405             :                 // draw:style-name
    2406           6 :                 if( !maHandoutMasterStyleName.isEmpty() )
    2407           6 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_STYLE_NAME, maHandoutMasterStyleName);
    2408             : 
    2409           6 :                 ImplExportHeaderFooterDeclAttributes( maHandoutPageHeaderFooterSettings );
    2410             : 
    2411             :                 // write masterpage
    2412           6 :                 SvXMLElementExport aMPG(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_HANDOUT_MASTER, true, true);
    2413             : 
    2414             :                 // write graphic objects on this master page (if any)
    2415          12 :                 Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xHandoutPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2416           6 :                 if( && xShapes->getCount())
    2417          12 :                     GetShapeExport()->exportShapes( xShapes );
    2418           6 :             }
    2419           6 :         }
    2420             :     }
    2421             : 
    2422             :     // export MasterPages in master-styles section
    2423          34 :     for (sal_Int32 nMPageId = 0; nMPageId < mnDocMasterPageCount; nMPageId++)
    2424             :     {
    2425          12 :         Reference< XDrawPage > xMasterPage( mxDocMasterPages->getByIndex(nMPageId), UNO_QUERY );
    2426          12 :         if(
    2427             :         {
    2428             :             // prepare masterpage attributes
    2429          12 :             OUString sMasterPageName;
    2430          24 :             Reference < container::XNamed > xNamed(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2431          12 :             if(
    2432             :             {
    2433          12 :                 bool bEncoded = false;
    2434          12 :                 sMasterPageName = xNamed->getName();
    2435             :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NAME,
    2436          12 :                     EncodeStyleName( sMasterPageName, &bEncoded ));
    2437          12 :                 if( bEncoded )
    2438             :                     AddAttribute(
    2439             :                         XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_DISPLAY_NAME,
    2440           2 :                         sMasterPageName );
    2441             :             }
    2442             : 
    2443          12 :             ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pInfo = mpPageMasterUsageList->at( nMPageId );
    2444          12 :             if(pInfo)
    2445             :             {
    2446          12 :                 OUString sString = pInfo->GetName();
    2447          12 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME, sString );
    2448             :             }
    2449             : 
    2450             :             // draw:style-name (background attributes)
    2451          12 :             if( !maMasterPagesStyleNames[nMPageId].isEmpty() )
    2452             :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_STYLE_NAME,
    2453          12 :                         maMasterPagesStyleNames[nMPageId]);
    2454             : 
    2455             :             // write masterpage
    2456          24 :             SvXMLElementExport aMPG(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_MASTER_PAGE, true, true);
    2457             : 
    2458             :             // write optional office:forms
    2459          12 :             exportFormsElement( xMasterPage );
    2460             : 
    2461             :             // write graphic objects on this master page (if any)
    2462          24 :             Reference< drawing::XShapes > xMasterShapes(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2463          12 :             if( && xMasterShapes->getCount())
    2464           6 :                 GetShapeExport()->exportShapes( xMasterShapes );
    2465             : 
    2466             :             // write presentation notes (ONLY if presentation)
    2467          12 :             if(IsImpress())
    2468             :             {
    2469           6 :                 Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(xMasterPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2470           6 :                 if(
    2471             :                 {
    2472           6 :                     Reference< XDrawPage > xNotesPage(xPresPage->getNotesPage());
    2473           6 :                     if(
    2474             :                     {
    2475           6 :                         Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xNotesPage, UNO_QUERY);
    2476           6 :                         if(
    2477             :                         {
    2478           6 :                             ImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo* pMasterInfo = mpNotesPageMasterUsageList->at( nMPageId );
    2479           6 :                             if(pMasterInfo)
    2480             :                             {
    2481           6 :                                 OUString sString = pMasterInfo->GetName();
    2482           6 :                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME, sString);
    2483             :                             }
    2484             : 
    2485             :                             // write presentation notes
    2486           6 :                             SvXMLElementExport aPSY(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_PRESENTATION, XML_NOTES, true, true);
    2487             : 
    2488             :                             // write optional office:forms
    2489           6 :                             exportFormsElement( xNotesPage );
    2490             : 
    2491             :                             // write shapes per se
    2492           6 :                             GetShapeExport()->exportShapes( xShapes );
    2493           6 :                         }
    2494           6 :                     }
    2495           6 :                 }
    2496             :             }
    2497          24 :             exportAnnotations( xMasterPage );
    2498             :         }
    2499          12 :     }
    2500          22 : }
    2501             : 
    2502          50 : void SdXMLExport::exportFormsElement( Reference< XDrawPage > xDrawPage )
    2503             : {
    2504          50 :     if( )
    2505             :     {
    2506          50 :         Reference< form::XFormsSupplier2 > xFormsSupplier( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    2507          50 :         if ( && xFormsSupplier->hasForms() )
    2508             :         {
    2509             :             // write masterpage
    2510           0 :             ::xmloff::OOfficeFormsExport aForms(*this);
    2511           0 :             GetFormExport()->exportForms( xDrawPage );
    2512             :         }
    2513             : 
    2514          50 :         if(! GetFormExport()->seekPage( xDrawPage ) )
    2515             :         {
    2516             :             OSL_FAIL( "OFormLayerXMLExport::seekPage failed!" );
    2517          50 :         }
    2518             :     }
    2519          50 : }
    2520             : 
    2521          22 : void SdXMLExport::GetViewSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& rProps)
    2522             : {
    2523          22 :     rProps.realloc(4);
    2524          22 :     beans::PropertyValue* pProps = rProps.getArray();
    2525          22 :     if(pProps)
    2526             :     {
    2527          22 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2528          22 :         if( ! )
    2529          22 :             return;
    2530             : 
    2531          22 :         awt::Rectangle aVisArea;
    2532          22 :         xPropSet->getPropertyValue("VisibleArea") >>= aVisArea;
    2533             : 
    2534          22 :         sal_uInt16 i = 0;
    2535          22 :         pProps[i].Name = "VisibleAreaTop";
    2536          22 :         pProps[i++].Value <<= aVisArea.Y;
    2537          22 :         pProps[i].Name = "VisibleAreaLeft";
    2538          22 :         pProps[i++].Value <<= aVisArea.X;
    2539          22 :         pProps[i].Name = "VisibleAreaWidth";
    2540          22 :         pProps[i++].Value <<= aVisArea.Width;
    2541          22 :         pProps[i].Name = "VisibleAreaHeight";
    2542          22 :         pProps[i++].Value <<= aVisArea.Height;
    2543             :     }
    2544             : }
    2545             : 
    2546          22 : void SdXMLExport::GetConfigurationSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& rProps)
    2547             : {
    2548          22 :     Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFac( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2549          22 :     if( )
    2550             :     {
    2551          22 :         Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( xFac->createInstance(""), UNO_QUERY );
    2552          22 :         if( )
    2553          22 :             SvXMLUnitConverter::convertPropertySet( rProps, xProps );
    2554             :         DocumentSettingsSerializer *pFilter;
    2555          22 :         pFilter = dynamic_cast<DocumentSettingsSerializer *>(xProps.get());
    2556          22 :         if( pFilter )
    2557          22 :             rProps = pFilter->filterStreamsToStorage( GetTargetStorage(), rProps );
    2558          22 :     }
    2559          22 : }
    2560             : 
    2561           2 : void SdXMLExport::addDataStyle(const sal_Int32 nNumberFormat, bool bTimeFormat )
    2562             : {
    2563           2 :     sal_Int32 nFormat = nNumberFormat;
    2564           2 :     if( (nNumberFormat > 1) && (nNumberFormat <= 0x0f) )
    2565           2 :         nFormat -= 2;
    2566             : 
    2567           2 :     if( bTimeFormat )
    2568             :     {
    2569           0 :         if( maUsedTimeStyles.count( nFormat ) == 0 )
    2570           0 :             maUsedTimeStyles.insert( nFormat );
    2571             :     }
    2572             :     else
    2573             :     {
    2574           2 :         if( maUsedDateStyles.count( nFormat ) == 0 )
    2575           2 :             maUsedDateStyles.insert( nFormat );
    2576             :     }
    2577           2 : }
    2578             : 
    2579           0 : void SdXMLExport::exportDataStyles()
    2580             : {
    2581             :     // there are no data styles to export in draw/impress yet
    2582           0 : }
    2583             : 
    2584          40 : void SdXMLExport::exportAutoDataStyles()
    2585             : {
    2586          40 :     SdXMLFormatMap::iterator aIter( maUsedDateStyles.begin() );
    2587          40 :     SdXMLFormatMap::iterator aEnd( maUsedDateStyles.end() );
    2588             : 
    2589          82 :     while( aIter != aEnd )
    2590           2 :         SdXMLNumberStylesExporter::exportDateStyle( *this, (*aIter++) );
    2591             : 
    2592          40 :     aIter = maUsedTimeStyles.begin();
    2593          40 :     aEnd = maUsedTimeStyles.end();
    2594          80 :     while( aIter != aEnd )
    2595           0 :         SdXMLNumberStylesExporter::exportTimeStyle( *this, (*aIter++) );
    2596             : 
    2597          40 :     if(HasFormExport())
    2598          30 :         GetFormExport()->exportAutoControlNumberStyles();
    2599          40 : }
    2600             : 
    2601           2 : OUString SdXMLExport::getDataStyleName(const sal_Int32 nNumberFormat, bool bTimeFormat ) const
    2602             : {
    2603           2 :     if( bTimeFormat )
    2604             :     {
    2605           0 :         return SdXMLNumberStylesExporter::getTimeStyleName( nNumberFormat );
    2606             :     }
    2607             :     else
    2608             :     {
    2609           2 :         return SdXMLNumberStylesExporter::getDateStyleName( nNumberFormat );
    2610             :     }
    2611             : }
    2612             : 
    2613          26 : OUString SdXMLExport::getNavigationOrder( const Reference< XDrawPage >& xDrawPage )
    2614             : {
    2615          26 :     OUStringBuffer sNavOrder;
    2616             :     try
    2617             :     {
    2618          26 :         Reference< XPropertySet > xSet( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    2619          52 :         Reference< XIndexAccess > xNavOrder( xSet->getPropertyValue("NavigationOrder"), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    2620             : 
    2621          52 :         Reference< XIndexAccess > xZOrderAccess( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    2622             : 
    2623             :         // only export navigation order if it is different from the z-order
    2624          26 :         if( (xNavOrder.get() != xZOrderAccess.get()) && (xNavOrder->getCount() == xDrawPage->getCount())  )
    2625             :         {
    2626             :             sal_Int32 nIndex;
    2627           0 :             const sal_Int32 nCount = xNavOrder->getCount();
    2628           0 :             for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex )
    2629             :             {
    2630           0 :                 OUString sId( getInterfaceToIdentifierMapper().registerReference( Reference< XInterface >( xNavOrder->getByIndex( nIndex ), UNO_QUERY ) ) );
    2631           0 :                 if( !sId.isEmpty() )
    2632             :                 {
    2633           0 :                     if( !sNavOrder.isEmpty() )
    2634           0 :                         sNavOrder.append( ' ' );
    2635           0 :                     sNavOrder.append( sId );
    2636             :                 }
    2637           0 :             }
    2638          26 :         }
    2639             :     }
    2640           0 :     catch(const Exception&)
    2641             :     {
    2642             :     }
    2643          26 :     return sNavOrder.makeStringAndClear();
    2644             : }
    2645             : 
    2646          38 : void SdXMLExport::collectAnnotationAutoStyles( const Reference<XDrawPage>& xDrawPage )
    2647             : {
    2648          38 :     Reference< XAnnotationAccess > xAnnotationAccess( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    2649          38 :     if( ) try
    2650             :     {
    2651          38 :         Reference< XAnnotationEnumeration > xAnnotationEnumeration( xAnnotationAccess->createAnnotationEnumeration() );
    2652          38 :         if( )
    2653             :         {
    2654          76 :             while( xAnnotationEnumeration->hasMoreElements() )
    2655             :             {
    2656           0 :                 Reference< XAnnotation > xAnnotation( xAnnotationEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    2657           0 :                 Reference< XText > xText( xAnnotation->getTextRange() );
    2658           0 :                 if( && !xText->getString().isEmpty())
    2659           0 :                     GetTextParagraphExport()->collectTextAutoStyles( xText );
    2660           0 :             }
    2661          38 :         }
    2662             :     }
    2663           0 :     catch(const Exception&)
    2664             :     {
    2665             :         OSL_FAIL("SdXMLExport::collectAnnotationAutoStyles(), exception caught during export of annotation auto styles");
    2666          38 :     }
    2667          38 : }
    2668             : 
    2669          38 : void SdXMLExport::exportAnnotations( const Reference<XDrawPage>& xDrawPage )
    2670             : {
    2671             :     // do not export in ODF 1.2 or older
    2672          38 :     if( getDefaultVersion() <= SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_012 )
    2673          38 :         return;
    2674             : 
    2675          38 :     Reference< XAnnotationAccess > xAnnotationAccess( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    2676          38 :     if( ) try
    2677             :     {
    2678          38 :         Reference< XAnnotationEnumeration > xAnnotationEnumeration( xAnnotationAccess->createAnnotationEnumeration() );
    2679          38 :         if( && xAnnotationEnumeration->hasMoreElements() )
    2680             :         {
    2681           0 :             OUStringBuffer sStringBuffer;
    2682           0 :             do
    2683             :             {
    2684           0 :                 Reference< XAnnotation > xAnnotation( xAnnotationEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    2685             : 
    2686           0 :                 RealPoint2D aPosition( xAnnotation->getPosition() );
    2687             : 
    2688           0 :                 GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    2689           0 :                         static_cast<sal_Int32>( aPosition.X * 100 ) );
    2690           0 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_X, sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    2691             : 
    2692           0 :                 GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    2693           0 :                         static_cast<sal_Int32>( aPosition.Y * 100 ) );
    2694           0 :                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_Y, sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    2695             : 
    2696           0 :                 RealSize2D aSize( xAnnotation->getSize() );
    2697             : 
    2698           0 :                 if( aSize.Width || aSize.Height )
    2699             :                 {
    2700           0 :                     GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    2701           0 :                             static_cast<sal_Int32>( aSize.Width * 100 ) );
    2702           0 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_WIDTH, sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    2703           0 :                     GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML(sStringBuffer,
    2704           0 :                             static_cast<sal_Int32>( aSize.Height * 100 ) );
    2705           0 :                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_HEIGHT, sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    2706             :                 }
    2707             : 
    2708             :                 // annotation element + content
    2709           0 :                 SvXMLElementExport aElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE_EXT, XML_ANNOTATION, false, true);
    2710             : 
    2711             :                 // author
    2712           0 :                 OUString aAuthor( xAnnotation->getAuthor() );
    2713           0 :                 if( !aAuthor.isEmpty() )
    2714             :                 {
    2715           0 :                     SvXMLElementExport aCreatorElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_DC, XML_CREATOR, true, false );
    2716           0 :                     this->Characters(aAuthor);
    2717             :                 }
    2718             : 
    2719             :                 {
    2720             :                     // date time
    2721           0 :                     com::sun::star::util::DateTime aDate( xAnnotation->getDateTime() );
    2722           0 :                     ::sax::Converter::convertDateTime(sStringBuffer, aDate, 0, true);
    2723           0 :                     SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_DC, XML_DATE, true, false );
    2724           0 :                     Characters(sStringBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
    2725             :                 }
    2726             : 
    2727           0 :                 com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::text::XText > xText( xAnnotation->getTextRange() );
    2728           0 :                 if( )
    2729           0 :                     this->GetTextParagraphExport()->exportText( xText );
    2730             :             }
    2731           0 :             while( xAnnotationEnumeration->hasMoreElements() );
    2732          38 :         }
    2733             :     }
    2734           0 :     catch(const Exception&)
    2735             :     {
    2736             :         OSL_FAIL("SdXMLExport::exportAnnotations(), exception caught during export of annotations");
    2737          38 :     }
    2738             : }
    2739             : 
    2740             : #define SERVICE( classname, servicename, implementationname, draw, flags )\
    2741             : uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL classname##_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()\
    2742             : {\
    2743             :     const OUString aServiceName( servicename );\
    2744             :     const uno::Sequence< OUString > aSeq( &aServiceName, 1 );\
    2745             :     return aSeq;\
    2746             : }\
    2747             : OUString SAL_CALL classname##_getImplementationName() throw()\
    2748             : {\
    2749             :     return OUString( implementationname );\
    2750             : }\
    2751             : uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL classname##_createInstance(const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr) throw( uno::Exception )\
    2752             : {\
    2753             :     return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new SdXMLExport( comphelper::getComponentContext(rSMgr), implementationname, draw, flags ); \
    2754             : }
    2755             : 
    2757         174 : SERVICE( XMLImpressStylesExportOasis, "", "XMLImpressStylesExportOasis", false, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_STYLES|EXPORT_MASTERSTYLES|EXPORT_AUTOSTYLES|EXPORT_FONTDECLS );
    2758         170 : SERVICE( XMLImpressContentExportOasis, "", "XMLImpressContentExportOasis", false, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_AUTOSTYLES|EXPORT_CONTENT|EXPORT_SCRIPTS|EXPORT_FONTDECLS );
    2759         158 : SERVICE( XMLImpressMetaExportOasis, "", "XMLImpressMetaExportOasis", false, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_META );
    2760         164 : SERVICE( XMLImpressSettingsExportOasis, "", "XMLImpressSettingsExportOasis", false, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_SETTINGS );
    2761             : 
    2764         142 : SERVICE( XMLImpressContentExportOOO, "", "XMLImpressContentExportOOO", false, EXPORT_AUTOSTYLES|EXPORT_CONTENT|EXPORT_SCRIPTS|EXPORT_FONTDECLS );
    2765         150 : SERVICE( XMLImpressMetaExportOOO, "", "XMLImpressMetaExportOOO", false, EXPORT_META );
    2766         140 : SERVICE( XMLImpressSettingsExportOOO, "", "XMLImpressSettingsExportOOO", false, EXPORT_SETTINGS );
    2767             : 
    2770         150 : SERVICE( XMLDrawContentExportOasis, "", "XMLDrawContentExportOasis", true, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_AUTOSTYLES|EXPORT_CONTENT|EXPORT_SCRIPTS|EXPORT_FONTDECLS );
    2771         132 : SERVICE( XMLDrawMetaExportOasis, "", "XMLDrawMetaExportOasis", true, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_META );
    2772         144 : SERVICE( XMLDrawSettingsExportOasis, "", "XMLDrawSettingsExportOasis", true, EXPORT_OASIS|EXPORT_SETTINGS );
    2773             : 
    2777         124 : SERVICE( XMLDrawMetaExportOOO, "", "XMLDrawMetaExportOOO", true, EXPORT_META );
    2778         114 : SERVICE( XMLDrawSettingsExportOOO, "", "XMLDrawSettingsExportOOO", true, EXPORT_SETTINGS );
    2779             : 
    2782             : 
    2783          38 : XMLFontAutoStylePool* SdXMLExport::CreateFontAutoStylePool()
    2784             : {
    2785          38 :     bool bEmbedFonts = false;
    2786          38 :     if (getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT)
    2787             :     {
    2788          20 :         Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFac( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2789          20 :         if( )
    2790             :         {
    2791             :             try
    2792             :             {
    2793          20 :                 Reference<beans::XPropertySet> const xProps( xFac->createInstance(
    2794          20 :                              ""), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    2795          20 :                 xProps->getPropertyValue("EmbedFonts") >>= bEmbedFonts;
    2796             :             }
    2797           0 :             catch (...)
    2798             :             {
    2799             :                 // clipboard document doesn't have shell so throws from getPropertyValue
    2800             :                 // gallery elements may not support so throws from createInstance
    2801             :             }
    2802          20 :         }
    2803             :     }
    2804             : 
    2805          38 :     XMLFontAutoStylePool *pPool = new XMLFontAutoStylePool( *this, bEmbedFonts );
    2806             : 
    2807          38 :     Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( GetModel(), UNO_QUERY );
    2808          38 :     if ( ) {
    2809          38 :         Sequence<Any> aAnySeq;
    2810          38 :         if( xProps->getPropertyValue("Fonts") >>= aAnySeq )
    2811             :         {
    2812          38 :             if( aAnySeq.getLength() % 5 == 0 )
    2813             :             {
    2814          38 :                 int nLen = aAnySeq.getLength() / 5;
    2815          38 :                 int nSeqIndex = 0;
    2816         302 :                 for( int i = 0; i < nLen; i++ )
    2817             :                 {
    2818         528 :                     OUString sFamilyName, sStyleName;
    2819         264 :                     sal_Int16 eFamily(FAMILY_DONTKNOW),
    2820         264 :                         ePitch(PITCH_DONTKNOW),
    2821         264 :                         eCharSet(RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW);
    2822             : 
    2823         264 :                     aAnySeq[nSeqIndex++] >>= sFamilyName;
    2824         264 :                     aAnySeq[nSeqIndex++] >>= sStyleName;
    2825         264 :                     aAnySeq[nSeqIndex++] >>= eFamily;
    2826         264 :                     aAnySeq[nSeqIndex++] >>= ePitch;
    2827         264 :                     aAnySeq[nSeqIndex++] >>= eCharSet;
    2828             : 
    2829         264 :                     pPool->Add( sFamilyName, sStyleName, FontFamily( eFamily ), FontPitch( ePitch ), rtl_TextEncoding( eCharSet ) );
    2830         264 :                 }
    2831             :             }
    2832          38 :         }
    2833             :     }
    2834             : 
    2835          38 :     return pPool;
    2836             : }
    2837             : 
    2838             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10