/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <o3tl/cow_wrapper.hxx>
#include <vector>
struct S1 {
OUString mv1;
OUString const & get() const { return mv1; }
OUString const & get2(bool) const { return mv1; }
struct S2 {
OUString mv1;
OUString mv2;
OUString mv3[2];
S1 child;
static OUString gs1;
o3tl::cow_wrapper<S1> mxCow;
// make sure we ignore cases where the passed in parameter is std::move'd
S2(OUString v1, OUString v2)
: mv1(std::move(v1)), mv2((std::move(v2))) {}
OUString get1() { return mv1; } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get1' is never used.
OUString get2(bool b) { return b ? mv1 : mv2; } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}
OUString get3() { return child.mv1; } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get3' is never used.
OUString get4() { return mv3[0]; } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get4' is never used.
OUString get5() { return gs1; } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get5' is never used.
OUString const & get6() { return gs1; }
OUString get7() { return get6(); } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get7' is never used.
OUString & get8() { return gs1; }
OUString get9() { return get8(); } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get9' is never used.
OUString get10() { return OUString(*&get6()); } // todoexpected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get10' is never used.
OUString get11() const { return mxCow->get(); } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get11' is never used.
OUString get12() { return child.get2(false); } // expected-error {{rather return class rtl::OUString by const& than by value, to avoid unnecessary copying [loplugin:passstuffbyref]}}<--- The function 'get12' is never used.
// no warning expected
OUString set1() { return OUString("xxx"); }<--- The function 'set1' is never used.
OUString set2() { OUString v1("xxx"); return v1; }
OUString set3() { S1 v1; return v1.get(); }<--- The function 'set3' is never used.
OUString set4() { OUString v1[1]; return v1[0]; }<--- The function 'set4' is never used.
OUString set5(OUString const & s) { return s; }<--- The function 'set5' is never used.
OUString set6() { std::vector<OUString> v1(1); return v1[0]; }<--- The function 'set6' is never used.
OUString set7(S1 const & s) { return s.get(); }<--- The function 'set7' is never used.
OUString set8() { OUString * p = nullptr; return *p; }<--- Null pointer dereference<--- Assignment 'p=nullptr', assigned value is 0<--- The function 'set8' is never used.
// no warning expected
// Don't flag stuff where the local var is hidden behind a self-returning operation like -=:
S2 &operator -= ( S2 &t1, const S2 &t2 );
S2 operator-( const S2 &t1, const S2 &t2 )
S2 t0 = t1;
return t0 -= t2;
void f()
S2* s;
OUString v1, v2;
s = new S2(v1, v2);<--- Variable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
struct S3 { S3(int); };<--- Struct 'S3' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [+]Struct 'S3' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. Such constructors should in general be explicit for type safety reasons. Using the explicit keyword in the constructor means some mistakes when using the class can be avoided.
S3 f2() {
static int n;
return n;
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